bruh moment
mewtini + kyeugh
- Location
- Bruh City, USA
- Pronouns
- she/her (both)
[[ to me the night skip seems best reserved for a situation where we think town will probably lose or enter mylo if kills are carried out in the night. -q ]]
[["Aka. If there's a specific person town would like to suggest for who should be investigated. Ping and let me know otherwise if we survive then I'll continue on track with what I'm doing and report back the results on D4" ] ]
"Do Cacturnes have ears? Because you seem to have completely ignored what everyone has said about delayed massive kills.
"... Right so given that we're about to hit EoD. Should I survive the whole voting fiasco, the Chatot and I figured now would be a good time to ask town's thoughts about who I should investigate? Minus some individuals we already have in mind to check out?" Nanu asked curiously.
While keeping an eye on the countdown that would decide his fate. Now that EoD was approaching in less than 4hrs"
- Sidney (Panoramic_Vacuum) - Very iffy about her play. Don't like the blatant defense of suspicious players. Perhaps not scum but possibly a hostile TP.
[[...which, to be fair, I am reading as somewhat towny. Bringing up Jackie not revealing something as their partner, even in this very soft way, is calling attention to something she just didn't have to do at all, and as distancing goes, she had already cast mild suspicion on Jackie, so for mafia!Yellow she probably would've considered herself to have checked that box, and it seems less likely she'd deliberately go bring up another reason to be suspicious of them.With all that said…I can’t help but side-eye Jackie just a tad, because I can’t think of a good reason why they wouldn’t speak up about it as a townie. They could have very easily said something without giving away any vital information about their own role. I know they’ve been struggling to keep up because of illness and irl stuff so I’ll cut them a little slack, but even still, they didn’t need to be caught up on the thread to say something. Idk I just find it a little odd, but it’s very possible it just…didn’t occur to them to say something I guess.
"Is there a universe here in which Sidney is the other cult leader, the one responsible for the strings? I'd have to go back and comb through their interactions regarding sans, but they've been talking about the multiple cult theory very early on..."
[[That's called a stump, and namo confirmed there will be none of those in this game.]][[Is there a role/ability where a player can speak from beyond the grave?]]
[[The thing that gives me pause is not the claim itself, but a combination of it, how it was claimed and Blossom's generally wafflely/unhelpful play. It raises just a few flags for me.]]The one thing giving me pause is the strong negative reaction to Nanu’s claim, which feels odd to me.
[[Reaction to my miller claim, immediately offering self up as a guinea pig.]][[A Miller, you say? Now, that's gonna be annoying for the cops. Regardless, that's one scan out of the way, if you really are Town then your Dread count thing could definitely be a useful ability if you play your cards right.]]
"Oh! I get it! Cards like the ones we have!"
[[I could possibly take a Dread shot to confirm your claim of your ability for the night, seeing as I'm not very sure this–]] The hologram gestured to the Pokémon next to him. [[–kid has anything going for her.]]
[[Trusts me, is pretty preoccupied with third parties.]][[Well, I don't doubt that there might be a 3rd party involved since this is a pretty big lobby but I highly doubt their win condition is this specific, it's more likely that they'll have to put these 'strings' on a certain amount of people, like say half of the people present maybe? Either that or just a quarter. Hm... if we're going with the half of people present thing, I think it might lean towards the current max players alive count. We also have to take in consideration that there might be more than one 3rd party active as this is a 20 player lobby.]]
"You sound like you know a lot, Mr. Guardian," Fray said, flying over to the hologram.
[Of course I do, I'm practically a pro in these games.]] A barely visible cocky grin appeared on the hologram.
"Really? How many did you win?"
The grin on the hologram fell and he shakily reply, [[Well, none so far. In fact, this is only my second game but I'm determined to win it all.]]
Fray gave the hologram a once-over. "You know, you sound awfully lot like my tra–"
[[And I'm stopping that fourth wall break from happening.]] The hologram interrupted with a jab of a finger. [[Why don't you just go make your statue of whatever you're wishing to bring home while I see what I can do about the potential murders that'll be happening.]]
[[Anyway, coming back to the idea of voting. I think it's probably a good idea to abstain seeing as there really isn't much we currently have right now, other than Df's claims of being Miller and being 'Stringed'. I'm inclined to belive Free's claim since well, *cough* considering what happened in the last game... This is a logical move by Free if she's town and hopefully, she doesn't get killed on the first night, that ability sounds really damn useful if utilized properly.]]
[[Randomly proposes three mafia and one third party, which is kind of ludicrous but neither here nor there. Mafia would probably not name the correct number either way, and would benefit by lowballing it. Assumes mafia can only kill once per night, but that's probably a reasonable assumption from someone new to the game regardless of alignment.]][[Abstaining seems like the smarter choice for now since if we vote someone out, let's say there's a 3-scum-mafia and one 3rd party, that gives us roughly a 20% chance of getting someone that's scum and an 80% chance of killing an innocent.
And let's say that the scum team can only kill one time a night and we DON'T have another 3rd party that can kill. It would mean we'll only have one death every night (Not counting if Free wants to kill someone or not) and that seems a bit safer than voting for someone right now since there'd be only 1 death if we don't vote.
Of course, this is all speculation and I'm 90% sure that something will go horribly wrong and make this assessment look silly.
So yeah... I stick by my vote of not killing someone... unless of course, someone else would like to speak up?]]
Vote: [No elimination]
[[Responding to a couple of things, Shini explains that Miller will cause any inforole to see me as scum, and that my legendary puts the dread count on people. This is after I learn and clarify that actually any inforole that's not an alignment cop should still get an accurate result, but that's a perfectly innocent mistake/hasty generalization, in itself.]][[Ah, gotcha. Sorry about that.]]
[[No, Miller makes any inforole that checks her will read her as 'Scum' even if she's not. It's her legendary that puts the dread count on people.]]
[[Kinda. From how I see it. Abstain means 'You're not voting' while No Elimination means 'You're voting for no one'.]]
[[Clarification about the earlier "Not counting if Free wants to kill someone or not" comment and his theories on strings.]][[I didn't say that Strings aren't attached to third party. I was saying that their win condition in having to String people who revealed roles or legendaries is a bit too specific and it doesn't really make sense unless they can String more than one revealer per day.]]
[[That was me not including the calculation in Free's dread count. She says she needs to use it on someone every night, and by the 3rd night, she can kill someone if she marks them for all the 3 nights. I was saying that each night, assuming the scum team only have 1 killing role and we don't have another 3rd party that can kill, we'd only have 1 death every night.]]
[[A post where Shini is responding to Seren saying he thought dread was only added if I was targeted/interacted with, and then himself quotes the post where I state clearly that the person I've voted for at the end of the day and whoever targets me in the night has it go up by one. According to Shini's story, he'd just kind of read my comment that non-cop inforoles would work on me as meaning nobody that's not a cop would trigger it, but still didn't feel the need to correct that apparent misunderstanding?]][[Free said if she votes someone she can put 1 on their dread counter. Here's the quote below.]]
[[Shini suggests I target one person and vote for another so that two people can confirm the Dread ability. Don't think it's alignment-indicative.[[Last post for the day since I'll be asleep during EoD.]]
[[While it is true that it sounds like a waste to trigger the Dread count but Free already stated that she has to choose someone to Dread and I think the best way to confirm it would be having her vote for someone and choosing someone else for the night. This way, we'll have 2 players that can confirm her Dread ability and while this doesn't explicitly clear her of not being Mafia. It gives the marked players a chance to say that their roles have been blocked if she targets the same person in N2 and this might give us a hint on her true alignment. For example, if she's town and she chooses me for N1 to mark for 2 points then she most likely won't choose me again unless she's Mafia.]]
[[Tangent thinking my target might be chosen randomly, don't think any of this means anything either.]][[I know I said that was my last post for the day but seeing as I'm not asleep yet...]]
[[Oh yeah, I know it wasn't the best plan and that there's definitely a lot of things we don't know. We won't know for certain if Free even has the Dread ability, complex as she made it seem, as we'd only know at the end of a phase. I admit, I haven't considered the idea that she can't choose a target. That does change things a bit if it's randomized. Who's to say the randomized target won't be a Mafia and said scum wouldn't call themselves out to make Free's ability claim seem like a lie. Yeah, yeah, I get that it's a low chance that the randomized target could be a Mafia but...]]
[[Less dread is defnitely a good play but you have to consider the sheer number of the lobby. It's a 20 (18 if you're not including Free and if someone dies this night) player lobby and if she doesn't straight-up target someone, it'll be at most 37 nights before she kills one player and 19 nights before an ability gets sealed if she distributes them evenly, and 2-3 nights if she targets someone. Of course, this isn't considering the likehood of her ability targeting randomly 'cause that calculation will be all over the place if I try to calculate it rn.]]
[[Shini claims to have two Dread, and clarifies earlier suggestion of two people getting Dread.]][[Okay, the dread thing works. I got two dread on me rn.]]
[[Okay, before I talk about the death. I kinda wanna clarify why I was talking about having two people with dread.
Bluwii wanted to volunteer to be the 2nd person to be Dreaded so I thought that was the plan we were going for which was why I thought it'd be a decent plan to have 2 players be Dreaded.
Pano already told me it was a bad plan and I agreed, I get that my last post sounded like I was insisting on 2 players being dreaded, but I wasn't. I still thought Bluwii wanted to be the 2nd dreaded and I tried to see the bright side of having 2 being dreaded.]]
[[Questions the ability to redirect an ability triggered by a vote.]][[Can you even redirect an ability that's from a vote?]]
[[Clarifies Bluwii's claim for Bench.]][[A bit of an answer for Bench.]]
[[Bluwii said the target won't be informed and it'll only activate later on.]]
[[Shini reiterates, twice in one post, that he has two dread, while reminding us that I give one to whoever votes or whoever targets me. By Shini's story, presumably he would've picked up he'd been mistaken about it not affecting heals by now, but didn't want to reveal he'd targeted me, so fair enough, I guess.]]"What? Fire is so icky and weird! Why would you want to burn this awesome place down!"
[[Yes, I have dread. 2 dread in fact. I volunteered for the Dread count, remember? The 2 dread came from Free picking a target. She gives 1 to whoever she votes or whoever targets her. And whoever she targets gets 2 instead.]]
[[Yet another "only the dread count happened", which I suppose is true, even if the dread count was actually three and not two.]][[Yes I was and only the dread count happened, nothing else.]]
[[Questioning Yellow's swapper theory, as well as postulating the stringer is an arsonist. Says "a swapper does seem like something this game would have" which I guess is kind of funny when Shini goes on to think the only way there could be a swap is if it was actually a deflector, buuut it may just mean that it seems like the kind of thing that would be in the game but would be surprised if there were given his knowledge of a likely self-targeting deflector.]][[I guess it's a little strange that there was only one death. A mass elimination ability sounds terrifying as hell but wouldn't Stringer be this game's version of Arsonist? Are you trying to say the Stringer's not an Arsonist? 'cause from what I read about Arsonist, this String thing sounds similar to Arsonist.]]
[[Three people? Who's the third? I only remember Free's and Bluwii's. Are you saying the third one's the Stringer or something?]]
[[A Swapper does seem like something this game would have but how do you know that? Is your ability a role checker or something?]]
[[More clarity on dread, suggests Necrozma as the source of the diamond because of Seren's hint.]][[I don't think it's a build up. It says it does not have any impact on me at the moment. I mean, Namo did say that their posts can be interpreted in different ways so I'm not sure if the 'At the moment' means that it'll gradually increase or if it's referring to the fact that Free can increase my dread by targeting me again.]]
Fray giggled. "It tickles."
[[A Legendary that comes to my mind would be Necrozma... but it's usually depicted as a monstrous being so...]]
[[Thinks Chibi is a likely target for both town and scum.]][[Well, it's not as if we know whether the mark on Aija/Chibi is good or not. I mean with how everyone's been talking about Chibi's experience and skill. If it's a good ability then it makes sense to choose them but if it's a bad ability, it also makes sense if a scum picked them.]]
[[More clarity on Seren, first proposal of more info on swapper and Jackie suspicion.]][[Rereading D2 a bit and I think I noticed what Seren was trying to say.]]
[[I think this was what Seren meant when they were talking about the diamond not being Yellow's doing. Seren tried to suggest that the diamond was their doing and that it might be a good one, this lead me to believe that Seren might be a townie.
I also have some info regarding the swapper thing but I'm not sure if saying it would be a good idea since I'm pretty sure this might paint a target on my back but this info does make me a bit sus of Jackie.]]
[[Readlist suspecting Tetra, Jackie and Bluwii, strongly townreading me, Torchic, Chibi, Yellow and Seren. Torchic read strikes me as sort of funny and out of line with everyone else, buuut that's not a crime.]][[Anyway, read list of everyone present.]]
A chalkboard appeared in front of Fray. She stared at it with curious eyes as it read out...
[Read list -
(Very likely to be town) : DragonFree/Dave, Torchic/Winona, Chibi/Aija, Yellow/Puck, Seren/Kimiko
(Maybe town?) :
Inkedust/Mademoiselle, Panoramic/Sidney, Windskull/Shimmer, Blossomleaf/Nanu
(Neutral) :
Tricky/Espy, Persephone/Kekeo, Bench/Arctozolt, Starlight/Courtney, Sind/Odette, Bruh/Princess
(Maybe scum?) :
Tetra/Cosmo, Jackie/Laura, Bluwii/Sans]]
[[Presumably what he means is if he uses the deflector power and is targeted by scum someone else will get shot? But it's not like they even have to use the deflector power? Kind of confused by this but not sure it's alignment-indicative either. Mafia!Shini could just be trying to play up being very concerned about being shot by scum.]][[I'm not quite worried if saying it would get me killed this night, but I'm terrified of the off chance that someone might die from my actions if scum targets me.]]
[[I guess revealing self-targeting deflector and roleblocker but not heal/kill is just like... figuring he'd be less of a target that way...? Makes him look more suspicious. Sort of not-so-mafia, although I can see inexperienced mafia with no daytalk doing it anyway?]][[Okay, okay. So my Legendary has an ability that let's me reuse an action if someone with a matching action targets me. One of said action is a Self-Targeting Deflector and another is a Roleblocker. The reason why I'm sus of Jackie is that I think Jackie might be a Self-Targeting Deflector.]]
[[This theory is such a convoluted reach, though. Genuinely a weird thing to come up with to distance, and there's no way mafia!Shini just actually thought this if that wasn't actually Jackie's role, and it also seems very weird he'd just openly postulate it if it was actually Jackie's role? I guess it'd make sense Jackie seemed so annoyed about it if that was the case, and Shini is inexperienced, but it'd be a pretty weird play. I do think it's a kind of theory I might come up with as scum, but not sure about someone with very little experience, unless he's just really a natural at roleplaying his town self?[[No. I'm not saying that she targeted me. I'm saying that my patron let's me reuse an action if they target me.
Because of that, I think there's a Self-Targeting Deflector in this game and the fact that Jackie was swapped Chibi, I have reasons to suspect that Jackie deflected to Chibi.
Then I thought to myself. Why would Jackie deflect to Chibi if Chibi's known to be a good scum hunter?]]
[[So why's he only saying he's sure there's a roleblocker and not a healer/vigilante? Part of me is like, maybe the reason he only named roleblocker and deflector at first was he needed more time to make up plausible town JOAT powers for the other two?]][[I am so sorry for how confusing my posts had been and I'm sure there's a Self Deflector because I have that power and I need someone to use it on me to regain that power if I use it.
Same for why I think there's a Roleblocker somewhere.]]