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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora

[[Thank you so much omg!]]

[[So, what I'm getting from this is that you tried to do something went to uA, but instead, Chibi received your action. But your action is unrelated to the diamond. So Chibi was targeted by two different players last night.]]

[[Okay, so, thanks folks for explaining Yellow's take to me somewhat. Buses are bilateral, though, so in the event that scum had tried the 'swap one scum with one town' trick, that would indicate that one of either me/Laura or Chibi/Ajia was scum and the other was town or TP. I'm pretty sure Chibi is town, though. They've never been scum before and I like to think I could spot their playstyle changing, but it's perfectly consistent with their townplay and very very pro-town. But it sure sounds like Yellow is completely certain we were swapped! So that makes me think one of two things is true:
1. There's a townie or TP with a swapping power who decided to target us, for some reason. Possibly to increase entropy and make solving the game harder for scum, possibly to redirect a scum kill from whoever they read as town to someone else?​
2. We were targeted by scum, but in order to mix up the effects of townie actions and cause confusion/speculation about it. IIRC, Free dropped a theory that Equi was involved in a swap because of the high value of other, juicier targets, but maybe it's just totally irrelevant and playing against expectations...?​
Meanwhile: @HelloYellow17 I wanna further clear up your actual argument. You used some kind of beneficial power you don't wish to elaborate on, and targeted me, and you're hoping that Chibi is town so that your power went to a townie?

Puck nonchalantly gestures to the female Meowth with his flipper. She had been his target last night, but it appears his action went to the Delcatty instead. Which means…

If the swapper is a bad guy, they may have switched Delcatty and Meowth to try to make Delcatty look bad to an alignment checker. This theory makes Meowth look very suspicious. But!

If the swapper is a good guy, perhaps they worried about Delcatty’s safety and swapped her with Meowth to protect her. Or to protect Meowth! Though Puck feels much better about the Delcatty than he does about the Meowth so far.

If the swapper is a neutral guy, then they are just trying to cause confusion and chaos. Since we did not know much after the first day, they may have just chosen their targets randomly to see what happens.

Also: I still don't understand why this text assumes that if Chibi and I were swapped, it makes me look suspicious? Is your read on Chibi just so much more strongly town than your read on me that you're not equally considering the possibility that we were swapped to make me look bad to an alignment checker? What am I missing, here, besides the above?

[[I'm definitely suspicious of Bluwiikoon, to say the least. He said he gives an ability that does something, but other than claiming to have nothing to do with Chibi's mark, has offered no other information. Unless he wants to step forward and clear his name, I think he's a fair target.]]

First up, abstentions past the first day are, I'm told, likely to benefit scum more than town. Successful sacrifices are how you win, and unsuccessful sacrifices are a means of gaining info from how the wagon formed. A wagon... seems to be forming on Bluwii, but nobody's actually voted for the guy yet. People are just... saying it's a good idea and then not actually doing it. Why is that?

Anyway. I was very cautious about sacrificing Bluwii in Vanilla Mafia because I didn't yet read rp-heavy posting light on actual claims and hunting as an indicator of antitown alignment, and Porygon flipping scum was a bit of a wakeup call for me. Looking back at his posts this game, they don't sit right with me in much the same way as those Poryposts do in retrospect. Also, I've now several times put my foot in my mouth by arguing against sacrificing slightly-sus players because I can still imagine them as town (most notably Shini in the last game), and I want to avoid that this game. I'm willing to be persuaded to get on a different wagon, but it looks like there's support for this one, so let's see how this goes. Namo/Darkwhite is pushing us to put our votes where our mouths are, so here I go:]]

vote: sans


  1. sableye
[["Seconding Bruh Moment here as well. Because my main concern is that there's hardly any solid intel to work with since we started D2, we have even more speculations than answers between yellow and seren's claims regarding Ajia / Chibi's light diamond mark. And...I really dislike the idea of shooting wildly in the dark in hopes that we potentially vote out mafia? But at the same time, I'll reserve my opinions and judgment until we get more information. Because ngl this D2 is TOUGH. And I'm drawing a blank as to who is right between yellow and seren atm.

"Until we hopefully hear from Seren later? As to why he thinks Ajia / Chibi was not affected by yellow via a redirection / swap play?"]]

[[ hgggn I don’t have time to explain atm so good thing end of day is still 12 hours away, will post a proper explanation tonight I promise

Just wanted to clarify the last paragraph of this post tho; I know the mark wasn’t a swap. Does that mean chibi was not swapped at all? Probably, because wouldn’t the mark have landed on a different target? People are thinking it was aimed at Jackie and redirected but it was not.

as an aside, im curious why @Dragonfree says chibi wouldn’t be an obvious investigation target? He’s already been stated to be a well-known scum hunter, surely they’d want to know what he can do early on if they wouldn’t just try to kill him outright.

okay I promise I’ll explain. More tonight when I get home just. Yellow is very sus to me if she’s claiming she’s sure she knows where the mark came from or what it is and I really hope this is some sort of misunderstanding ]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[Hey Puck, let’s talk about who we’re suspicious of.]]

…Oh? He blinked at his Rock Friend.

[[We can work out Aija’s situation later, but for now we’re at a stalemate. Let’s try to do some digging in other places!]]

Huh. Okay.

He looked around at all the other players. So far…

He felt good about the grumpy Mightyena [[Free]], Aija the Delcatty [[Chibi]], and the grouchy Meowth [[Blossom]]. He tentatively liked the other Meowth too [[Jackie]], but was less sure about her. Same with the Swellow [[Torchic]]. All of them seemed helpful and genuine in their discussions.

He felt wary of others, though. This included the Ninetales [[Starlight]], the Slakoth [[Bluwii]] and the Linoone [[Tetra]].


Phew. He was tired of talking. It took a lot of effort to say so much in a single word. He sat down on the ground and let his Rock Friend take over.

[[My reasonings for suspecting the following are listed below: @Bluwiikoon @Flyg0n @Starlight Aurate

Starlight: hasn’t really appeared to have helped with speculating? She’s been active, but it’s mostly RP and prodding people, but not really coming up with her own theories. Feels like she’s posting a lot without saying much.

Bluwii: pretty much echoing the sentiments everyone else has shared. He’s been very low-key and has only been offering the most minimal stuff, which is exactly how he played in Vanilla maf. I want to put pressure on him today to tell us more about his power.

Tetra: in every game I’ve played, Tetra has been town. Thus, in every game, she’s been very eager and aggressively digging for info right out the gate. The fact that she has only managed a couple posts so far is…odd! It’s very unlike her usual play. Now, I know that life can get busy and that she’s been swept up in LA—but even if we disregard her low activity, her posts haven’t been very aggressive, either. There’s not too much digging that I’ve seen, mostly just observing from afar. So I’m definitely side-eying her a bit.

If any of you would like to prove me wrong or speak up, by all means, please do! We need more people chatting tbh. I feel like there’s only been a handful of us actively engaging so far.

I also want to prod @Panoramic_Vacuum a little bit here—I have a solid neutral reading on her for now but I’d like to hear more of her thoughts. And of course Seren as well, but I’ve already pinged him. ]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Also: I still don't understand why this text assumes that if Chibi and I were swapped, it makes me look suspicious? Is your read on Chibi just so much more strongly town than your read on me that you're not equally considering the possibility that we were swapped to make me look bad to an alignment checker? What am I missing, here, besides the above?
[[So yes, I’m hoping my action went to a townie. As for this, I explained poorly at first, so let me rephrase:

I was speculating possible conclusions based on what the swapper’s alignment would be. One of the possible scenarios was a scum!swapper switching with Chibi to give them a guilty reading to a cop. If this is the case, then you would be suspect.

That’s not me saying you are suspect, because it’s very much a “what-if” scenario. It was all hypothetically speaking. I hope that clears things up!]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Ajia exhaled slowly. "Right, so... I'm the one with the diamond, and I'm okay with not knowing what it does for now. I don't have enough information to know if it interfered with me last night. For now, I don't want to risk putting someone in danger if it turns out to be a good thing."
[[!!! So I’ve been rereading the thread, and this stood out to me. Are you saying you were interfered with last night, but that you don’t think the marking has anything to do with it? Or was this just pure speculation and I’m reading too much into it?]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Just wanted to clarify the last paragraph of this post tho; I know the mark wasn’t a swap. Does that mean chibi was not swapped at all? Probably, because wouldn’t the mark have landed on a different target? People are thinking it was aimed at Jackie and redirected but it was not.

as an aside, im curious why @Dragonfree says chibi wouldn’t be an obvious investigation target? He’s already been stated to be a well-known scum hunter, surely they’d want to know what he can do early on if they wouldn’t just try to kill him outright.
Ajia frowned at the Snivy. "I'm not really following any of this. Puck never claimed the mark was a swap--he said that he tried to put the mark on Laura, so if it landed on me, something must have happened. But it sounds like you're pretty certain you put the mark on me?"

"Also, Dave's guardian was talking about cop investigations. Not the mafia rolecopping us. That seems like a weird jump to make, since it's not like their own swapper would interfere with that?"

[[!!! So I’ve been rereading the thread, and this stood out to me. Are you saying you were interfered with last night, but that you don’t think the marking has anything to do with it? Or was this just pure speculation and I’m reading too much into it?]]
"Ahh, sorry, but no. I just don't have enough information to know if I was interfered with in general."


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
First up, abstentions past the first day are, I'm told, likely to benefit scum more than town. Successful sacrifices are how you win, and unsuccessful sacrifices are a means of gaining info from how the wagon formed. A wagon... seems to be forming on Bluwii, but nobody's actually voted for the guy yet. People are just... saying it's a good idea and then not actually doing it. Why is that?
Puck nodded along with Laura’s Rock Friend. This made good sense. It was time to take some action.

Vote: Bluwiikoon


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[Obligatory apology for low activity today, I had a HUGE errand backlog today and am gonna be at the gym for a little bit—planning to sit down tonight and get some of my thoughts in.]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Ajia's tail flicked. "I'm a bit skeptical that sans would have come forward and explained his power to us so early if he was mafia, since it would obviously look suspicious. Especially since we don't even get informed about the effect his power gives us. Why call attention to himself so unnecessarily? And wouldn't he have come up with a better-sounding lie than that?" Something felt off about this. Either way, she definitely wanted to hear more from him.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[Going to be busy again for a while. I'll try to check in on the thread every now and then, but I don't think I'll be able to make many posts.]]

"Again?! Seriously?! And what do you mean 'the thread'?!"

[[Don't worry about it.]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
Ajia's tail flicked. "I'm a bit skeptical that sans would have come forward and explained his power to us so early if he was mafia, since it would obviously look suspicious. Especially since we don't even get informed about the effect his power gives us. Why call attention to himself so unnecessarily? And wouldn't he have come up with a better-sounding lie than that?" Something felt off about this. Either way, she definitely wanted to hear more from him.
Princess's eyes were fixed on the meowth's tail. Back and forth, back and forth. She noticed her own tail was flicking too. They were the same!

[[ dragonfree had straight up claimed to be a red check just a few pages before and it basically worked out for her. i don't think it's a big stretch that blu might have been encouraged enough by those results to do the same thing himself—lampshading his behavior in the hopes that it would make it less suspicious. like, you have to consider the alternative—if he hadn't done this, he would be required to justify weird votes for the rest of the game. not the best place to be in, as town certainly but especially for mafia. to me this move entirely makes sense from mafia!blu. it doesn't not make sense from town!blu, but it is a bit stranger imo. -q ]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
A wagon... seems to be forming on Bluwii, but nobody's actually voted for the guy yet. People are just... saying it's a good idea and then not actually doing it. Why is that?
[[ couple reasons from me: a) the poor guy has barely logged on toDay, and b) i think it's interesting to see who makes the first move and how people treat the wagon before it takes off.


i'm liking yellow's posting, probably +v. i don't know that mafia necessarily wants to be the one to draw attention to themselves by being the first person to throw shade at someone others have overlooked, like tetra.

i'm trying to be careful about chibi. i want to TL them for tone and that's probably not wise, because tone isn't AI and also they could definitely fake it. there's actually not a whole lot in their post history that jumps out at me as solvey. not throwing shade, just noting that i want to be mindful there. chibi strikes me as a player who could fly under people's radar for the whole game on account of tone. -q ]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[Alright, I'm back!]]


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
[[Several points confusing the hell outta me now and I'm too tired and anxious and shit to sort through it. Did Chibi and I get swapped or not? I thought someone said Puck's diamond was aimed at me but turned up on Chibi and that's why we think it's a swap? But didn't Yellow say the diamond is nothing to do with Puck? What is going on??]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[Rereading D2 a bit and I think I noticed what Seren was trying to say.]]

"If we're looking for origins, maybe it's less about the shape? Are there any light legendaries?" There were a couple she thought might be related, but hesitated to speak them. She still had doubts that it was connected to speaking your own patron or if it could be more random than that, but she wasn't about to take any chances. Let the others think of them for themselves, and share names if they so chose.
"This was one I had in mind as well," Kimiko said, nodding. "Also was thinking along those lines, but my answer to your second point would be: if we're considering the possibility that Dave's patron being Good Actually is Namocore, then why wouldn't this possibly also apply to this one as well?"
[[I think this was what Seren meant when they were talking about the diamond not being Yellow's doing. Seren tried to suggest that the diamond was their doing and that it might be a good one, this lead me to believe that Seren might be a townie.

I also have some info regarding the swapper thing but I'm not sure if saying it would be a good idea since I'm pretty sure this might paint a target on my back but this info does make me a bit sus of Jackie.]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[Several points confusing the hell outta me now and I'm too tired and anxious and shit to sort through it. Did Chibi and I get swapped or not? I thought someone said Puck's diamond was aimed at me but turned up on Chibi and that's why we think it's a swap? But didn't Yellow say the diamond is nothing to do with Puck? What is going on??]]
[[Yellow claims the mark is an action she took, which was targeted at you but landed on Chibi; Seren claims no, he knows the mark was not swapped, presumably because he is claiming he made the mark himself (or, I guess, saw it being targeted at Chibi in some other way). That's why I've been trying to ask them to reveal why they're sure the mark is them - whether their card explicitly talks about a mark like this or whether they're inferring from something else.

Going to get to work on that rereading, but echoing everyone that I would really like to hear from Bluwii as soon as possible. What exactly is your voting power? Is it that important we don't know what it is? Nothing bad seems to have happened to Arctozolt, which I guess is nice, but it's still hard to trust it when it's so vague and invisible could be anything.]]


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Shimmer's eyes glimmered with excitement. The sights, the sounds, the smells... she couldn't remember the last time she'd been around a big, crowded town. Let alone a festival like this! It was too bad she couldn't join in on the fun; she had more important things to discuss.

Raising a hand and waving it for attention, she began to voice her thoughts. "So, um, I'm not so certain about Sans being mafia. A third-party, maybe, but not mafia. The fact that no one has come to his defense yet rubs me the wrong way. That said, I think he needs to speak up more."

[[I will probably forever be scarred by that time we lynched the cop d1 in Starlight's game, in part due to their refusal to explain things. I won't deny that I find Bluwii's explanation sketchy, but I'm hesitant to hop on a train for him. At least, not without more to go off of.]]

"As for other's that I'm suspicious of... Well first, there's the fenekin that hasn't said anything. I wouldn't want to vote her out at this time, but I definitely want to hear more from her."

[[In other words, @SparklingEspeon is there anything you can speak out about? I know you're likely busy, but it's hard to get a read on you - good or bad- if you don't say anything]]

"I also have to agree that the Linoone has been a bit quiet and feels a bit off. My guardian says they're going to try and go back and look at their guardian's older plays and see if it leads to any insight. Other players I feel null on include that... thing." She gestured to Arctozolt, unable to come up with a way to describe it. "He offered to take whatever it was that Sans did, but otherwise hasn't said much. I feel like if Sans is a mafia member, then he's not, but Sans being innocent would neither confirm nor deny his innocence."

[[Bench and Tetra are both people I'd like to hear more from.]]

"I'm also concerned that there are some.... enemies among the more active members. Right now, I consider the mighteyna the most trustworthy. The delcatty, quagsire, and - oh, you're a yveltal, right? Nip's talked so much about you. Well, you all go in my good pile as of right now. The froslass and snivy both feel helpful, but I don't feel as strong of a read on them.

SHe looked over the remaining pokemon. "I'll be honest, I feel like I need to go back and review everything the cacturn has said before I make a judgement on him. Same with you." She gestured to Nanu. "Everyone else I feel pretty null on. Either because I want to hear more from them, or because they feel helpful, but something about their actions rubs me the wrong way. Notably..."

Clasping her hands behind her back, she turned to look at Odette. "Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but the way you went after the swellow yesterday just for bringing up cressellia rubbed me the wrong way."

[[ @Sinderella I may have missed it, but could you expand on your reasoning or else point me back to your reasoning regarding this? I admittedly may be overscrutinizing a minor detail but it would help put my mind at ease.]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
as an aside, im curious why @Dragonfree says chibi wouldn’t be an obvious investigation target? He’s already been stated to be a well-known scum hunter, surely they’d want to know what he can do early on if they wouldn’t just try to kill him outright.
[[I think she means Chibi wouldn't be an investigation target for the towncop. For checking roles/powers, then Chibi would be a likely target--I just don't think the alignment is doubted much.]]

Starlight: hasn’t really appeared to have helped with speculating? She’s been active, but it’s mostly RP and prodding people, but not really coming up with her own theories. Feels like she’s posting a lot without saying much.
[[I honestly don't have much info to give; there wasn't anything I gleaned from last night that would help us at all in hunting scum. I'm just supporting theories that I think are strongest (particularly in favor of third party cult-strings theory) I'm glad that Chibi thinks I'm innocent (if because I'm just asking questions lol) but I do see why you think my high activity and lack of information is suspicious.]]

[[Several points confusing the hell outta me now and I'm too tired and anxious and shit to sort through it. Did Chibi and I get swapped or not? I thought someone said Puck's diamond was aimed at me but turned up on Chibi and that's why we think it's a swap? But didn't Yellow say the diamond is nothing to do with Puck? What is going on??]]
[[So yes, I’m hoping my action went to a townie. As for this, I explained poorly at first, so let me rephrase:

I was speculating possible conclusions based on what the swapper’s alignment would be. One of the possible scenarios was a scum!swapper switching with Chibi to give them a guilty reading to a cop. If this is the case, then you would be suspect.

That’s not me saying you are suspect, because it’s very much a “what-if” scenario. It was all hypothetically speaking. I hope that clears things up!]]
[[I think we can put this theory to rest for now, as it seems like consensus is that a town cop (assuming this game has one) would go after Chibi. It was a fair hypothesis! But probably just mafia/third party swapping others to cause confusion. Granted, assuming there's a third party in play and the swapper was NOT innocent, we still can't solidify either uA's or Chibi's alignments. If swapper was third party, then Chibi and uA are either scum/innocent. If swapper was mafia, then uA and Chibi are third party/innocent. If it's a townie swapper, then their alignments are up in the air.]]

[[Oh I just saw Dragonfree's post lol]]

[[On the topic of this (and to provide a more neutral approach compared to my birb friend), I'm not too familiar with Starlight's play style, so this could just be a case of inexperience with Mafia and RPing in character. Then again, maybe Starlight has played Mafia before and this is unusual behaviour.]]
[[I've played mafia before. I'm very bad at it lol. In my first game, I announced on Day One that I was the cop and promptly got myself killed. I haven't played with a number of the people here and my roleplaying style was quite different.]]

Ajia frowned at the Snivy. "I'm not really following any of this. Puck never claimed the mark was a swap--he said that he tried to put the mark on Laura, so if it landed on me, something must have happened. But it sounds like you're pretty certain you put the mark on me?"
[[Wait wait wait, maybe I've been misreading. PUCK put the swap? I had the impression that Seren did, and Yellow just saw Chibi and uA being switched.]]

i'm trying to be careful about chibi. i want to TL them for tone and that's probably not wise, because tone isn't AI and also they could definitely fake it. there's actually not a whole lot in their post history that jumps out at me as solvey. not throwing shade, just noting that i want to be mindful there. chibi strikes me as a player who could fly under people's radar for the whole game on account of tone. -q ]]
[[Hmmm... or maybe even a third party Chibi?]]

[[My thoughts: we ought to hear from both Yellow and Seren on WHAT they did, since it sounds like they're both claiming the mark OR both watching Chibi/uA. We should also give Bluwii a chance to defend himself, but even if Wind is confident he's not mafia, I'm not ruling out a third party at play.

Also--has anyone else felt strings? I haven't, and I wonder if they're something that can be placed without the targeted player knowing.

As it is, I'm all for targeting Bluwiikoon until we get more information directly from him.

Vote: Bluwiikoon]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
I also have some info regarding the swapper thing but I'm not sure if saying it would be a good idea since I'm pretty sure this might paint a target on my back but this info does make me a bit sus of Jackie.]]
[[Hmmmm. Well, by saying you have information that would paint a target on your back in the first place, you kind of already paint a target on your back a bit. I'm inclined to say do tell, but do use your best judgement.]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[Anyway, read list of everyone present.]]

A chalkboard appeared in front of Fray. She stared at it with curious eyes as it read out...

[Read list -

(Very likely to be town) : DragonFree/Dave, Torchic/Winona, Chibi/Aija, Yellow/Puck, Seren/Kimiko

(Maybe town?) :
Inkedust/Mademoiselle, Panoramic/Sidney, Windskull/Shimmer, Blossomleaf/Nanu

(Neutral) :
Tricky/Espy, Persephone/Kekeo, Bench/Arctozolt, Starlight/Courtney, Sind/Odette, Bruh/Princess

(Maybe scum?) :
Tetra/Cosmo, Jackie/Laura, Bluwii/Sans]]
Top Bottom