The morning brought with it new sights and sounds, festive colors and fluttering banners, booths with games and prizes, the smell of food cooking on grill tops and fryers wafting over the air. Sidney sauntered out from between two brightly colored stalls and made his way over to the group. He stretched his arms over his head, folding them atop the back of his pointed hat, and scowled at a particular spot on the ground. The cold gray of the Rotom's petrified device stuck out like a sore thumb; mockingly lifeless against the vibrant energy of the fair. He exhaled heavily, letting his arms swing heavily back to his sides.

"Fuck, man."
He looked like he was going to say more, but nothing else came out, he simply shook his head. He'd taken a liking to the, what was it? A DS or something like that? The little guy was hilarious, and smart, too. Maybe that's why they'd targeted him? Still, though, the DS wasn't the only person talking sense yesterday, so why them?
Sidney shook his head again, this time more at himself than anything else. I just sucked that there wasn't anything he could have done, not that he could have known in the first place. This was starting to feel more and more like playing hold 'em, and the house took more than just your money when you lost...
They had to find a way to game the system, and fast. Otherwise, the house was gonna win. They always did.
"Okay, so. Yes, I targeted the Froslass, like I said I would yesterday. I don't know how 'Okay, the dread thing works. I've got dread on me rn' could be interpreted other than it did go through."
He squinted at the Delcatty, then the Slakoth. "Well, what he said yesterday was the recipient of the vote power thing wouldn't know anything about it, so I definitely took it they wouldn't get a glowing fucking diamond on their chest. That's besides the whole redirecting daytime actions thing. So unless he's got something to say that makes that sound even remotely likely, I'm guessing this was somebody else. Fucking everybody has a bunch of powers in this thing; why wouldn't there be another person who can put diamonds on people? We just plain don't have the information right now to guess what's up with it, but at any rate it doesn't look harmful, so I think we're fine to ignore it for now. Person who did it probably shouldn't speak up about it."

"Heh, I like you, Dave. And not just 'cause you're a Mightyena either. You're makin' an awful lot of sense. Can we forget what I said yesterday 'bout doubting your powers? Everything played out like you said it would, so I don't see any reason to keep being so skeptical. Can't be too careful, especially since who knows what the fuck else we have to contend with. At least you were up front and honest about yours, so you're all right by me. From one dark-type to another, are we cool?"
[[It’s okay, Puck! You can do it!]]
Hmm. He liked his Rock Friend.
He waddled over to the group and began.
He does not wish to say too much, but currently, he has reason to believe there is a swapper among the group somewhere. And he suspects that the mark on the Delcatty is not related to the Slakoth.
And somehow, inexplicably, he managed to say all of this with a single “Quag.”

"Wait, what?" Sidney wasn't sure if he was more surprised that he got all that from a single "
quag", or at the information itself. The voice from his guardian badge had suspected that something like that was possible, both the swapping and that the diamond wasn't actually part of the slakoth's powers, but the Quagsire being so sure about it. This meant something. Or at least, it sounded like it did.
Thing is, there had to be like, a hundred different ways the Quagsire could be so sure. Did they know something about the diamond? Or about the recipient? Or maybe they saw something or
someone moving about at night? Or did they try to do something last night and it didn't end up where they thought?

"Ugh, there's too many powers in play right now. The Quagsire's onto something though. Can we quit arguing about whether the diamond is related to the Slakoth's powers now? It seemed pretty obvious that it wouldn't
be obvious. Or at least not some glowy diamond mark saying "hey look at this cool new power" or some shit. Hell, the Skitty had some good ideas. Maybe it's related to someone's patron because of how it looks?"