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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[Just so you all know, in about a half hour, I'll have to go to host an exquisite corpse reading.]]

"Wha-HEY! You can't just leave us! And what the heck is an exquisite corp-..."

Arctozolt trailed off, staring in horror at the petrified device.

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
Courtney looked at the fading light from the device and shredded card. She twitched her nose. That was unfortunate. The Rotom had been extremely helpful in providing logic and reasoning to what was otherwise a chaotic mess. Granted, Courtney liked the chaos. But she still didn't want to fall victim to it.

She glanced at the Delcatty with light emanating from her chest. "What's that supposed to be?" It looked uncomfortably like Courtney's own scars--which itched and tingled as fear bounced in her heart.

She switched her gaze to the Acrtozolt. "And you! You said you took that one's--" she gestured to Sans--"passive ability. Feel any difference?"

[[The bit about Courtney's scars is flavor text about her backstory. Also, I know we’ve talked about levels of activity/inactivity before; I just want to point out that, for me, the phases end at 8 AM, so I will likely be inactive for several hours leading up to the end of each phase.

That being said, after going through the thread during the first day phase, I have some thoughts I’d like to bring up. First, regarding the “strings” that Free/Dave mentioned. Torchic later brought up Cresselia possibly being a cure. If speaking the name of your legendary causes strings, either:
  • Torchic’s legendary is NOT Cresselia
  • Torchic has strings and didn’t say it, or
  • Speaking the legendary name doesn’t cause strings
Also, put me firmly in the category of “trusts Free/Dave;” her playstyle here feels very different from the Christmas mafia last year (which was the last one I was active in).

RIP Equi ;_; ]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
Princess had a good sleep. She looks around at the other pokémon who had been summoned back to the no-grass land. Was everyone here? There was one, two... Uh... She can't go any higher than that. It looks like probably everyone's here, so she lets out a bleat of joy.

[[ @Chibi Pika obv question first, do you know anything about the diamond thing on your chest? / does anyone want to claim it?

equi kill is unexpected. will have to re-read all his posts when i have the time. -q ]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Wait, where did I say this?

[[IIIIIII completely misread Free's point there and did not realise this until after the thread closed. Wanted to clarify immediately because I had to live with my dumbassery (what no talking game outside the game thread does to a mf) for 48 hours and don't want to potentially derail anything because I am fucking illiterate.]]

[[....There are no Jesters in this game, right?]]
[[No. It was made clear in the signup thread:]]
-Roles that end the game early if the player is eliminated


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[Okay, the dread thing works. I got two dread on me rn.]]

Uhhh?? Why would we need two players to confirm? Why risk getting two dread marks on town players?? This is a weird strategy and it’s slightly sus to me.
[[Okay, before I talk about the death. I kinda wanna clarify why I was talking about having two people with dread.

Bluwii wanted to volunteer to be the 2nd person to be Dreaded so I thought that was the plan we were going for which was why I thought it'd be a decent plan to have 2 players be Dreaded.

Pano already told me it was a bad plan and I agreed, I get that my last post sounded like I was insisting on 2 players being dreaded, but I wasn't. I still thought Bluwii wanted to be the 2nd dreaded and I tried to see the bright side of having 2 being dreaded.]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"No, we don't feel any different," Arctozolt said, turning towards Courtney, though they kept glancing back at the remains of Bartholomew.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"No, we don't feel any different," Arctozolt said, turning towards Courtney, though they kept glancing back at the remains of Bartholomew.
"Then perhaps the slakoth was lying then," Mademoiselle posited. "If these other roles show a clear effect on those who interact with them, such as the Strings, the mightyena's dread, and whatever is on the delcatty's chest, then why should this one be any different?"

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Ajia stared at the broken game console, a chill running down her spine. Almost immediately she found herself wishing she'd done something, anything, to prevent it, but what? What could she do here? All her usual tricks back home wouldn't work here. Her team wasn't here. She was alone. All she could do now was try to figure out who was responsible.

Ajia closed her eyes and took a careful breath. She'd figure this out. She had to.

"I don't know what this is," she said, frowning at the diamond-shaped mark on her chest. "It's not anything related to my patron." She went over the list of legends that she knew of--which was a fair bit more than most people, admittedly--and couldn't think of anything.

[[Yeah, the diamond's not part of my role, so it must have come from someone else. I didn't get a DM about it, so I have no idea if it's good or bad. If it's good thing... maybe the person responsible shouldn't come forward just yet? Unless it's like... something I need to know how to use? Any thoughts from others?]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Fray glanced at the petrified device and torn card. She tilted her head, a bit confused. The stone's been stoned?

There was one less Pokémon with them, that weird talking device with the funny voice was gone.

She felt a strange sense of dread in her. She didn't know what it was but she assumed it was the dread thing her guardian talked about.

[[ i wonder if someone redirected from bench onto chibi. ]]
[[Can you even redirect an ability that's from a vote?]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[ i wonder if someone redirected from bench onto chibi. ]]
[[But that would imply that Bluwii's role is a night action, not a day one. Wouldn't an ability that is activated upon voting for someone activate the moment when that player is voted, not at night?

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Ajia tilted her head at the Skiddo's Guardian stone. "Well, I thought about that, but could someone really have the power to redirect during the day? Then again, I guess there's no harm in asking sans if his power has a diamond theme, since he's already revealed it anyway."

[[Yes, I know, it's a namo game, day actions aren't that weird, but a daytime redirector would be a little surprising.]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[Can you even redirect an ability that's from a vote?]]
[[I don't see why not, especially in a Namo game with purpotedly extremely powerful roles]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[ the power doesn’t actually activate until the day ends, so i don’t know that it’s necessarily a day action. was just an idea though. ]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"You mean we got robbed of whatever we were supposed to get?!"


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[A bit of an answer for Bench.]]

"if i vote for somebody and they don't get eliminated, they receive a passive ability. it doesn't hinder their current abilities in any way, but it could be useful for them later on. however, they don't get informed about the passive or what it does, is what my role card is telling me."
[[Bluwii said the target won't be informed and it'll only activate later on.]]


Ace Trainer
Well....this didn't turn out as well as Nanu had hoped. The Island Kahuna thought miserably. After he noticed the fair they were transported in and the remains of Bartholomew (Rotom) [Equitial]. That stood out as much as the strange mark Aija had on her body. Which would be a pain in the ass to keep track of--

Since today was apparently the one day cycle he was going to be by himself for most of it. As Nanu glimpsed down at his guardian device. To stare at the message the Chatot left which hasn't changed like he had hoped.

Before Nanu reluctantly cleared his throat to grab the others attention. "Hey. So um. There's something my Guardian wanted you guys to know? And I'm just going to play the message and find a place to nap for today. Since it doesn't look like we're going to be of much help figuring...all this out unfortunately." Nanu grimaced while gesturing to Bartholemew's frozen self.

Right as he tapped the voice recording left on his guardian device. [["Hi everyone! So um. Much as I'd love for Nanu and I to help figure stuff out, there's a slight issue where D2 is occurring on the two days where I unfortunately have a lot of RL stuff going on."]]

"...of fucking course you do." Nanu scoffed irritably beneath his breath.

[["So, what that means is that I'll basically be online tonight and possibly tomorrow morning to make a few posts? Before I'm offline entirely unless something important crops up. Like how we should maybe figure out what happened with San's "voting power" on Arctozolt / Bench? And also what's currently going on with Ajia / Chibi. Since I'll be around to read the posts for D2! But just unable to reply is all. And I'm sorry for the inconvenience it'll cause for the other players ahead of time." The Chatot apologized at the end of the message.]]

Which was Nanu cue to turn it off. Now that he had more important things to figure out. As he glimpsed over at Princess and what her guardian said about the bench situation.

[[ i wonder if someone redirected from bench onto chibi. ]]

"...Possibly. Since Sans did announce who his intended target was with enough time for someone to redirect it." Nanu muttered quietly, looking around at the fair with a hint of skepticism and doubt. "...But given that we have this...new event going on. I'm more inclined to ask our "host" what all this is about?" Nanu turned to darkwhite @Namohysip with a raised eyebrow.

In hopes of getting some enlightenment as to what was involved with the mysterious "fair event" that's been set up.

It was the dawn of a new day. It appeared that most of the players had survived the ordeal that was the night. But it seemed that, today, they were in the middle of some kind of... fair. There were stalls set up with games and challenges to toss rings or shoot balloons. Plush toys were at the back of some of the stalls as some of the overpriced prizes. Everything seemed to be functioning as expected... except for the fact that invisible phantoms were apparently the ones manning the stalls.
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