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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
One-Shot (Roar of Time): PM Namo to skip a night phase.
[[Yeaaaaah. I cannot see this on any scum player b/c of no Daytalk. I never understood the initial sus on Yellow to begin with? Her ability seems pretty damn towny to me and I could see the genuine error behind the D2 shenanigans. Definitely Town-reading.]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Ajia gaped at the Kadabra. "Holy crap... there is no way that's a mafia power. And... since you literally just appeared, if you were mafia, you wouldn't have even gotten to talk to your partners yet. No advice, no strategies, no recommended lies, nothing..."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[yo WHAT]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
One-Shot (Roar of Time): PM Namo to skip a night phase.

[[Also you were itching to tell us that, weren't you haha.]]

[[Okay, I'm firmly in the "Abra/Yellow is town" group now.]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
"Of course, you should know, a career criminal yourself. Don't think I've forgotten. I may be a fuck up, but I don't beat people within an inch of their life and enjoy it."

"Though for you, maybe I'll make an exception."
"Again, all words and no action," Courtney said with a smile. "Do you think a Grass-type like yourself can take me on? This desert heat amplifies my fire power. But if you want to try, go ahead!"
Sidney paused, his eyes darting up to the guardian stone sitting on his hat.

"Fine," he spat. "Looks like I'm not being helpful again. So what else is fuckin' new, apparently. Guess I'll just keep my shitty guesses to myself from now on since all they're doin' is getting me the fuckin' side eye anyway. My bad for tryin' to make heads or tails of what that twitchy fuckin' Meowth was sayin'."
"That's okay, I'm sure we'll forgive it. Since that one"--she flicked a tail at the Kadabra--"has been cleared, I'm still keeping my suspicions on you. Got any more 'great guesses' for the rest of us?"
"Mafia win by have a majority vote, which means they need to comprise at least half of us. They'd also want to kill third parties, yeah, which is why doing it out in the open would draw attention to them. The mafia can't do trades--with Laura down, they need to keep all their members alive, or they're in big trouble."

"There's something else I've been wondering about," Ajia said, flicking her tail. "If both Shimmer and Nanu are legit, then that means that this game only had four mafia? Now only three. That seems... like it would be almost impossible for them to get a majority unless they have some really dangerous tricks up their sleeve. Maybe some one-shots they haven't used yet?"

[[I've been pretty convinced that a chaos game of this size would have multiple deaths a night, and now we learn that the only killing TP apparently doesn't act until Day 4? Either this game is really skewed against the mafia, or they're sitting on some extra kills.]]
"I think extra kills are a possibility, especially if there's an equivalent of an arsonist or cultist in their ranks," Courtney mused. "Why rush everything? Take time, prepare your targets, and then take out as many as you can at once. It's a perfect plan!"


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
[[MMM I think we need to have a discussion over whether or not Abra should use their oneshot to skip this coming night phase? On the positive side, it would throw a wrench into mafia plans. On the other, if blossomleaf is being honest (and right now I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, though I said something similar about bluwii so take my judgement with a grain of salt-) then it would be good if she got to inspect this night phase. But if Mafia has multikilling power then that's just opening us up to trouble mmmm

I don't think I'm going to have time before EoD but I really want to do a thorough reading of Pano and Starlight first, followed by other players that have appeared townie thus far. I suspect there's prooobably at least two hostile players among those I put in my null/suspicious list, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if someone - whether one of the scum or a tp - is passing as townie. TP especially.]]


  1. sableye
[[ lol? bad post, stopped reading ]]

[[Okay, I'm going to address this once, and only once, because we've had enough animosity in this game already.

If my posts towards you came off as aggressive, then I'm sorry. I was not intending to attack you, simply to try to explain why people were reading you the way they were, and your rude dismissal of my posts doesn't do you any favors. Now, if you have a problem with the content or the tone of my posts, then please just say so. This comment is like leaving a review on a fic that says "lol this fic sucks". There is absolutely nothing constructive about this line. It contributes nothing to the game, and comes off as rude and condescending. And frankly, it's killed any interest I had in getting caught up in this thread tonight. Why should I bother putting any effort into it if I'm just going to be dismissed with such a derogatory attitude?

@ everyone else, I apologize for this intrusion. If I'm needed in relation to the game, ping me on discord. I'm done here for tonight. ]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
[[Equitial/Bartholomew's patron legendary is Latias.]]
[[Hang on, how do you know this?]]
[[MMM I think we need to have a discussion over whether or not Abra should use their oneshot to skip this coming night phase? On the positive side, it would throw a wrench into mafia plans. On the other, if blossomleaf is being honest (and right now I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, though I said something similar about bluwii so take my judgement with a grain of salt-) then it would be good if she got to inspect this night phase. But if Mafia has multikilling power then that's just opening us up to trouble mmmm
[[I think that's a good discussion point. To be clear about Blossomleaf's power: she says "the beast" will be "active" on Day 4. So does this person have a day power? And would skipping the night benefit it? And would it be a day kill, or something else? Skipping the night does have the burden of people with nightpowers/investigative powers not being able to use them. I'm willing to sacrifice mine for a night, if we think it would help everyone else. Thoughts?]]
I don't think I'm going to have time before EoD but I really want to do a thorough reading of Pano and Starlight first, followed by other players that have appeared townie thus far. I suspect there's prooobably at least two hostile players among those I put in my null/suspicious list, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if someone - whether one of the scum or a tp - is passing as townie. TP especially.]]
[[That's fair. I know I haven't contributed much to discussion; my role has a nightpower, and as I've said, it's been 100% useless in hunting mafia members up to this point ._. I hope I can still help!]]


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
"aight so. i was gonna leave my vote until the end of the day, but i don't want the rug pulled out from under me if folks decide to end the day early."

vote: Inkedust

"welcome to the super sans gamer club," said sans, winking. "we have fun and games."


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
One-Shot (Roar of Time): PM Namo to skip a night phase.
[[Ooh, that sounds super useful.]]

[I think that's a good discussion point. To be clear about Blossomleaf's power: she says "the beast" will be "active" on Day 4. So does this person have a day power? And would skipping the night benefit it? And would it be a day kill, or something else? Skipping the night does have the burden of people with nightpowers/investigative powers not being able to use them. I'm willing to sacrifice mine for a night, if we think it would help everyone else. Thoughts?]]
[[I'm willing to skip a night phase since I can't really do much without accidentally killing or blocking a potential townie.

If this 'beast' gets their action activated during the day (I suspect they might have more than one kill available since waiting for 4 days seems a bit too much if you only get one kill) then I don't think having Blossom investigate during the night would be all that useful? Then comes the possibility of Mafia having multi-kill abilities or not though so hm...

I think it might be better if we skip the night if only because of the chance that Blossom might fail in her inspections (she inspected 3 players so there's 15 players left and if she inspects 3 of those players, there's a rough 20-30% chance of her finding the 'beast'). So if we skip the night, we'd only have the 'beast' to deal with.

If we don't skip the night phase, Mafia could use the night to get a kill or more if they have multi-kill capabilities and then we'll also have another problem with this 'beast' having its abilities activated on the next day.

Tl;dr, if we skip the night, Mafia wouldn't get to kill, and this 'beast' will be activated.

If we don't skip the night, Mafia would get to kill and this 'beast' will still be activated regardless... unless Blossom inspects the correct player (But that's risking a 70%-80% fail rate AKA a 3/14 chance not including the ones she inspected)

We have around 12 town and 6 hostiles, not including alignment changes.

If we don't skip the night. Mafia could kill a town or a TP (but it's more likely they'd kill a town if you look at the numbers) and Blossom could increase her inspection success rate into 4/10 (not including the six players she'd inspected) the next night.

If we do skip, then Blossom would have a 4/14 chance on n4 to find the 'beast'. We won't get a death on n3... but we also have the 'beast' to deal with if they activate on the day phase.

If this doesn't seem clear, tell me so I can clarify or make a summarised post.

I'm more inclined on the idea of skipping the night if only to lower our death toll on the next day.]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[Crap, I meant 12 town and 5 hostiles not 6 hostiles since Sans would be dead today.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[Ooh, that sounds super useful.]]

[[I'm willing to skip a night phase since I can't really do much without accidentally killing or blocking a potential townie.

If this 'beast' gets their action activated during the day (I suspect they might have more than one kill available since waiting for 4 days seems a bit too much if you only get one kill) then I don't think having Blossom investigate during the night would be all that useful? Then comes the possibility of Mafia having multi-kill abilities or not though so hm...

I think it might be better if we skip the night if only because of the chance that Blossom might fail in her inspections (she inspected 3 players so there's 15 players left and if she inspects 3 of those players, there's a rough 20-30% chance of her finding the 'beast'). So if we skip the night, we'd only have the 'beast' to deal with.

If we don't skip the night phase, Mafia could use the night to get a kill or more if they have multi-kill capabilities and then we'll also have another problem with this 'beast' having its abilities activated on the next day.

Tl;dr, if we skip the night, Mafia wouldn't get to kill, and this 'beast' will be activated.

If we don't skip the night, Mafia would get to kill and this 'beast' will still be activated regardless... unless Blossom inspects the correct player (But that's risking a 70%-80% fail rate AKA a 3/14 chance not including the ones she inspected)

We have around 12 town and 6 hostiles, not including alignment changes.

If we don't skip the night. Mafia could kill a town or a TP (but it's more likely they'd kill a town if you look at the numbers) and Blossom could increase her inspection success rate into 4/10 (not including the six players she'd inspected) the next night.

If we do skip, then Blossom would have a 4/14 chance on n4 to find the 'beast'. We won't get a death on n3... but we also have the 'beast' to deal with if they activate on the day phase.

If this doesn't seem clear, tell me so I can clarify or make a summarised post.

I'm more inclined on the idea of skipping the night if only to lower our death toll on the next day.]]
bruh_front.png"You're kiddin' me, right? That's a joke, right? That Meowth can inspect three players tonight! Three! To clear them of being the hostile third party that could kill us the very next day. That's huge!"

neutral frown_front.png"Yeah sure he could fail but if you take away the night, it's a guaranteed fail because he doesn't get to try at all! We've only had one death each night so far. I could understand caution if we were losin' two, three players a night but we're not."

thinking nervous_front.png"I know I said I'd keep my mouth shut, but this just sounds crazy. Someone else tell me this sounds crazy. It's crazy to skip tonight, right?"


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
View attachment 2340"You're kiddin' me, right? That's a joke, right? That Meowth can inspect three players tonight! Three! To clear them of being the hostile third party that could kill us the very next day. That's huge!"

View attachment 2341"Yeah sure he could fail but if you take away the night, it's a guaranteed fail because he doesn't get to try at all! We've only had one death each night so far. I could understand caution if we were losin' two, three players a night but we're not."

View attachment 2342"I know I said I'd keep my mouth shut, but this just sounds crazy. Someone else tell me this sounds crazy. It's crazy to skip tonight, right?"
Fray giggled. Crazy? Of course she was! One didn't spend hundreds of years in complete isolation without going a little bananas, added the fact that the only company she had in literal centuries were the frozen corpses of any unlucky passerbys, one could say she's a complete kook!

[[Well yeah, I guess you're correct in Blossom not inspecting anyone if we skip. But I'm worried the longer we wait, the stronger the Mafia can get.

With how people have been speculating about Mafia potentially becoming stronger with each night passing, I think it's logical that I'd want to skip a night if only to prevent any deaths that'd occur tonight.]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
“Okay, so the bad guys get stronger, but they’re pretty weak now. Why not wait to skip a night when they’re already stronger instead of wasting an early weak turn?”

[[I would also want to give another night for info roles to help put everything together.]]
[[I mean, it all comes down to whether Abra wants to skip it or not.

I'm just putting in my two cents to the discussion since I won't be around for EoD.]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
"You're kiddin' me, right? That's a joke, right? That Meowth can inspect three players tonight! Three! To clear them of being the hostile third party that could kill us the very next day. That's huge!"
"Yeah, she can INSPECT three players, but what can she do about it? 'Hey guys, I found out who's that third party beast! But I can't kill them because it's day four and they're running around killing people. Sorry about that!' What good does that do? And that's if she successfully finds the beast. Out of the 15 players left, she has a one-in-four chance of getting someone. Not great odds."
"Yeah sure he could fail but if you take away the night, it's a guaranteed fail because he doesn't get to try at all! We've only had one death each night so far. I could understand caution if we were losin' two, three players a night but we're not."
"Do Cacturnes have ears? Because you seem to have completely ignored what everyone has said about delayed massive kills. We know that strings, cultists, and dread all have factors in this game. Most of the town is fairly positive that there WILL be more kills as the game goes on. Just because we don't have tons of kills NOW doesn't mean we won't have them soon! Honestly, it's like you've never worked in any sort of illegal organization before. If you really were in a gang, you definitely weren't good at it!" She shook her head. "No WONDER you joined the Pokemon League! You're as blind and clueless as the rest of them."
"I know I said I'd keep my mouth shut, but this just sounds crazy. Someone else tell me this sounds crazy. It's crazy to skip tonight, right?"
Courtney smiled and swished her tails. "Oh, Sidney, if only you had something more than desperate straws to grasp at in defense of yourself. Of all the reasons you could choose for desperately keeping the night phase, and you're just going with the fact that you're afraid of the beast--as if you aren't one yourself."

Courtney circled about the other players, soaking in the bright desert sun. "Any other thoughts on skipping the night? Yes, inforoles will be lost. But it may be worth it if it means preventing mafia and third party kills. I am positive that Cacturne is up to no good. He was vehemently defending the Slakoth, whom we're now confidently disposing of. And after he realized he was wrong, he claims to be afraid of the 'beast' and is begging for a 1/4 chance of Nanu catching it. Nevermind the fact that, even if Nanu identifies it, it will be too late for her to do anything. Who's to say that she won't fall victim during the night? Then we'll have even fewer people to watch out for mafia and third party players for."

Courtney stood tall, the sunlight gleaming off her creamy fur. With every exhale, flames leapt from her mouth and nostrils, creating dancing sparks in the air. "I, for one, think we should skip the night phase. I am VERY suspicious of that Cacturne. We can press him harder in tomorrow's day phase, and I don't think he'd make a bad target for voting out. He's offered little in the way of help and his actions have been unhelpful, to say the least."

[[I will be unavailable until the next day phase, so this is my last post for D3. In short: I vote Bluwiikoon, I recommend AbraPunk skip this night phase, and we grill Pano/Sidney harder in the next day phase.]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"Shut UP! Neither the Pokemon League nor your 'gangs' do any good! All most trainers do is mistreat Pokemon! Whether you're part of the League, Team Yell, or whoever, it doesn't change that fact!" the chimera screeched, glaring at Courtney and Sidney. Their tail lashed wildly, before smacking their own head.

YOU shut up! I know my fellow Yell members, and we'd never DREAM about abusing our Pokemon!


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[I don't think we should skip night phase to be honest?

I mean unless Blossom can extrapolate any more info from her role about what this beast can do it seems like Mafia would have just as much interest in killing this beast. And if blossom can find the beast....

Idk it just doesn't seem like a good play. Obv its up to Abra actually but imo it doesn't sound like a good idea since we don't know for sure the beast does?]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[Agreed, though I am worried about Abra being killed tonight, since this is REALLY useful for town.]]
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