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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Huhuhu... there's nothing against summarizing things for people not paying attention!" Darkwhite flipped upside-down, but continued talking. "Of course, there's also nothing against the rules for lying in your summary. And also nothing against the rules for people saying you got the summary wrong! Uhuhu..."


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
[[I got caught up in LA and totally forgot to post. Not that I have much to say that hasn't already been said.]]

"That's right. I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't feel comfortable voting for everyone when we have basically no information. It would be one thing if we were making any form of informed decision, but..."

[[Basically, if we had started with a night phase, I would be a bit more open to voting someone out. But as it is, with even less info to go off of than usual, I'm hesitant to vote someone out. If I have any additional thoughts before eod, I'll try to bring it up.]]

Vote: No Elimination.


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
"i have a proposition for you all," began sans, scratching the tuft of fur on his head.

"so. seems like most folks don't want to vote for anybody today, right? because, as of now, there isn't a whole lot to go off except for what he's saying." He gestures to Dave the Mightyena, nodding slightly.

"i'd like to volunteer to be a guinea pig. or, a guinea sloth, i guess," he said, chuckling and shrugging. "i can vote for dave and we can all see if his ability activates. but the rest of y'all better also vote for the no elimination, too. i sincerely do not want him to be our first elimination, i just want to confirm that his ability works the way he says it should. ideally, too, nobody else should vote for him, since he says it will debuff them in the future."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"There's too much back-and-forth here. I need to keep my thoughts straight," Odette huffed. A pen and paper appeared in her hands as she spoke, and she frowned again.

[[I'll help! Please cut me some slack though :D]]

She sighed. With that, she sat down and began to write.

"Hmmm... yes! You do! But if you lose..." She gestured to the Charmander stature. "I take your soul and your body turns to stone... Then I'm going to punish you for five." She held up a paw and two fingers with the other.

Then, she disappeared, reappearing behind the petrified Charmander. "But if you win, you don't have to worry! Here!" She flicked her wrist, and rulebooks fell from the sky. Along with that, she tossed the bag in the center of the crowd. "And take one of these, too. Inside, there are little badges that can tune to a world beyond... Did you know that every single one of you have guardians floating just over your shoulder? Their voices are strange... but they can help you survive this game. As long as you hold one, everyone will be able to hear what your guardian so desperately wants to say!" She giggled. Still, that deck of cards was still in her possession.

"Let me know if you have any questions~"
She giggled. "Oh, that's right. I guess it's about time that I gave you your powers, right? Once this rainbow light fades... you'll turn to stone! Unless, of course, you hold one of these." Darkwhite held out one of the blank cards. "Each card has the image of a powerful entity, usually a Legendary Pokemon. As long as you're holding that card, you won't turn to stone. Don't lose it! That one refused to play my game at all... and look what happened to him! Uhuhu... huhu..." She pointed at the Charmander, who looked like he had been about to fight. Then, pouting, she pointed at Dave accusingly. "And don't bother telling Shield or Diyem about this, either! Or I'll get MAD!"
The prismatic lights started to fade, and once it was certain that everyone had their cards in hand, Darkwhite lowered her arms. There was a popping noise, and the light washed away--into a tall, tall hill overlooking a great open field. Far away, there were Pokemon milling about in a natural-looking town, yet as if they were an illusion, none of them noticed or even acknowledged the arrivals on the top of the hill. It was like Darkwhite's captives were already ghosts.

"All riiiiiight," Darkwhite said. "You won't be able to see what everyone else has... and you're FORBIDDEN from reading it out EXACTLY, either! Oh, but it's totally okay for you to lie and stuff. That's part of the game, after all!" She giggled again, and then dove underground. With one final message, she seemed to be gone for the time being.

"The the sun sets, that's when the real fun begins..."

And that sun felt like it was moving very quickly...

Slowly, everyone's cards became readable to them and them alone.
[[A lot of setup.

Dave picked up the card again and waved it in the air, not that it'd mean anything. "So apparently I'm what's called a 'miller', which means anyone who investigates me is going to be told I'm with the mafia even though I'm fucking not. So don't waste your time checking."

Everyone here really was a Pokémon. People talking about really being human. Like Cibus crossed with the previous mafia games. Fantastic. The one way to improve on the fucking board game dimension.

"Patron legendary's Darkrai. Main thing I do is every night I have to pick someone and increase their 'Dread count' by two. Whoever I've voted for at the end of the day has the dread count go up by one, and anyone who targets me in the night has the dread count go up by one. Anyone with a dread count of four can't use their action until it's 'cured', whatever that means. Anyone with a dread count of six gets eliminated. All in all, I can target somebody and they can confirm, assuming I don't get blocked or whatever. I can't just not target anyone."

He dropped the card again with an exasperated sigh. "I've got something else too that I can't say, but why the fuck would you even believe me? Even if we verify the whole dread thing, it's not exactly proof I'm not in the mafia. So this is all basically unfalsifiable bullshit. I'm saying it now because otherwise one of you fuckers is going to try to investigate me and it'll all sound like a hastily assembled excuse and we're all going to waste a fuckload of time."
Free hardclaims Miller.

[[....You know people can lie, right? We can't just trust that Mightyena! He could be making everything up so we don't investigate him.]]

Letting out another long yawn, Cosmo shot the Mightyena a thoughtful glance. "Why lie? About being good guy that looks bad?"

[[Okay fair. He doesn't stand to gain much if he's a bad guy doing this I guess.

For now I think Free might be telling the truth. At least in that I think their statement of role is more helpful to town than scum, for the moment.]]
Flyg0n tentatively believes claim.

[[I could possibly take a Dread shot to confirm your claim of your ability for the night, seeing as I'm not very sure this–]] The hologram gestured to the Pokémon next to him. [[–kid has anything going for her.]]
Shini offers to take a Dread shot to confirm Free's claim.

He consulted the rulebook in his hands, ignoring the holes in every page he leaned through. After a minute, Sidney snapped the book shut. He was quiet, head bowed in concentration. "Interesting," he said, gaze sliding over to the Mightyena, "that you have a claim that can't be checked by another's night action without a dread count being placed on their head."

Then he tossed the rulebook over his shoulder with a casual flick. "But if what you said is true, there's no way to avoid these dread counters in the first place so why bother."
"You have to give someone two each night. Then you can give one out by voting at the end of the day. *And* anyone who checks on you in the night gets one, too? So essentially someone can end up with *four* all in one day, and if you've got a beef with anyone here, you can eliminate them in three nights, just like that?"
Sidney scowled. "If you really are town, might be worth trying to find that cure of yours, unless you've got a better way to not accidentally start killing off your buddies."
Pano skeptical, asks for clarification.

Arctozolt narrowed their eyes. "That sounds like a bit like an excuse..."

Do you really have to be hostile right off the bat?!

"Shut up! Anyways, I'm suspicious, but I'll believe you for now."
Bench tentatively believes claim.

-- oh yeah!!
-- I think... I think...........
-- I think Dave is probably friendly actually!! Because of his roleclaim!!!!
-- its pretty a lot for a scum to do right off the bat, and his whole dread thingie would be kindof wierd if he was a baddie
-- wierd if he was a scum and lying OR a scum and not!!
Equi tentaively believes claim.

"I don't...really know what to do with that," Odette said. "Like on one hand, I get the play. Might as well whistleblow now instead of possibly when somebody else calls them out. And that whole...ability thing seems too thought out for an on-the-spot claim. But part of me also thinks it's...convenient in a way? Though, I agree, that is a lot for scum to do to start."
I very tentatively believe claim.

Because it's still too early to decide on anything right now.
Blossom iffy.

[[Thanks, Shimmer. Here's the thing: free is very commonly either eliminated early in the game or investigated early in the game by the cop, due to being good at passing as town when on the mafia side. One of the recommendations on the mafia Wiki for playing a miller is to either claim immediately or else try to lay low and not do anything to get investigated. Which is... Kind of difficult when people just naturally want to investigate you! I definitely think caution is warranted, as it's a easy fake claim for mafia, but I also think this a logical town play. Especially for Free]]
Wind makes a point about Free's claim.

[[If someone investigates it will read that he wants to kill you, but he actually doesn’t.]]

That sounds suspicious. Saying up front ‘hey I know I look like I’m stabbing you, but, trust me, I’m not.’

“Yeah, I don’t like that at all. Weird thing to say unprompted.”

[[It’s a valid strategy if they aren’t lying.]]

Persephone iffy on what to believe.

"Alright, so..."--Ajia took a deep breath--"we have to start this day with no night info. That's different from the other games, but not the worst situation. It'll be really hard to catch any mafia today, but we can still use this day to get a feel for everyone's playstyle. The big thing that jumps out at me is that this does mean that the mafia's first kill won't be totally blind, like it normally would be? So I think we should be really, really careful about giving anything away about what we can do. Even more than usual." The last thing anyone needed was for an investigator to get killed without even being able to watch a single person.
His card explanation seemed legit. The level of complexity was similar to Ajia's own card. Revealing it now was an equally good move, regardless of whose side he was on. Although it did mean that not only would no one be investigating him, anyone with any sort of watch power would also be staying away. Hm.

Ajia decided to consider it neutral for now.
Chibi makes point about mafia's first kill not being totally blind; warns everyone be careful about reveals, take today to study play-styles. Willing to believe Free on idea that card explanation complexity matches their own, but also seems iffy. Neutral.

Windskull expresses basically the same thoughts I had about DF's roleclaim. People who have played previous games with DF knows that she's a target for info-roles. Instant roleclaim is pretty much the only valid move for miller!Dragonfree.

Now, for the Dread thing, I may be interpreting things wrong, but I read it as Dreaded people will know they've been Dreaded? Obviously the whole concept of someone just randomly being informed They Have Dread is.. somewhat ominous. As a result, suspicious. I wouldn't expect her to have roleclaimed without being Miller, but being Miller is going to be sus so yeahhh makes sense for her to also get that out of the way.
Equi agrees with Wind's explanation, poses question about Dread ability.

[[I think Dave is bad. The other voices would be suspicious of him. He got out ahead so it would be less bad if he were targeted. He might be innocent, but there are no better leads now.]]
Persephone suspicious of Free.

Dave scowled at the voice of the guardian. Blessingly his hadn't shown up yet, but knowing these games was only a matter of time. "Well, that'd be a pretty counterproductive fucking lie, wouldn't it? Don't want you to investigate me so I tell you upfront that you'd get a guilty result? If I were mafia I'd be fucking thrilled if you wasted your investigations on the guy you already know is going to come up guilty, but I'm not, so don't."
"I mean, if someone's got the ability to cure it I'd say they shouldn't go revealing who they are. For all I know it's a red herring she put in there for shits and giggles, but if not, keep it on the down low and don't get targeted."
"I mean, you only get plus one for targeting me. Theoretically safe if you have to, unless the mafia's got more dread to spread out. Believe me, if you've got a power that could actually verify that I'm not a ridiculously fucking brazen mafioso trying to coast the game in plain sight, I'd be thrilled. I'm not actually sure yet if the miller thing extends to shit other than the standard investigation deal, or if Darkwhite'll even let me know that, but my guess is no. But of course you've got no reason to trust me on that either."
"According to the card, people are told about their dread count at the end of the phase, but not about me or where it came from. So yeah, you'll know if you're at dread count three or whatever. And yeah, obviously I'm not voting for someone who says they're at dread three. If I do, you just fucking kill me."
Free defends self, makes points against being possible mafia and why they claimed, more possible explanation on Dread ability.

[[Part of me wants to lynch on the first night. Part of me wants to wait and see more stuff happen. Also leaning towards town!DF. I don't know, something about the "causing Dread by interacting" thing seems like it would be thrown onto a town as a red herring.]]
Torchic iffy on abstaining or sacc'ing first night, wants to see more happen. Leaning toward believing Free's claim, feels Dread is a possible red herring.

"And nah, I agree on your second point." Sidney shook his head, his cacturne grimace curving into a grin. It still looked terrifying. "Since we know what you can do, and we're told when you give somebody dread, we don't have to out a cure. Better keep that under wraps just in case."

"Gonna be real, I'm kinda glad you came forward with some kinda information, though.
Pano agrees we should keep cure role under wraps.

[[I've been informed by PM that something has attached mental strings to Dave, and while it's not yet in control, it'll become overwhelming and someone else will gain control and win if too many others are affected by it. Seems like a day action someone took, and that probably if they can do it to so-and-so many players they'll get a third-party victory? Something like that.

I have a wild speculative theory that this might have happened because of my claim, one way or another - be careful. Could be something entirely different, but as a GM I've previously had a third party that could kill people based on guessing their roles, and have talked about it with Namo present - maybe this thing can get you if you reveal your associated legendary, for instance? Pure speculation, and we should focus on rooting out the actual mafia, but either way this sounds like Nothing Good. There also could be a downside to revealing your status as having been targeted by this, so prooobably cautioning against that for now unless you have a very good reason to, but at least now we know it's a thing.

Or, I mean, theoretically maybe there's just a role that can just send arbitrary messages to other players and it's hoping I'll blab about it and make everyone go nuts over a possible third party victory that doesn't actually exist, that'd also be hilarious.]]
Free now mentions that they received a PM that strings have been attached to character, and somebody else will win if others are affected by it. Possible third party? Theorizes that it might be because they claimed, or if you reveal associated Legendary--caution against revealing unless reason to do so. Maybe role that sends messages to freak everyone out?

[[Yep. Anyway, what I wanted to say is: Darkrai as a sinister-looking, but not actually malicious character seems like a pretty Namocore thing to do. I was undecided about about how much to read into that, but I figured it was worth mentioning, all things considered.]]
Chibi thinks Darkrai ability is Namocore (lolololol)

Oh thank Arceus, a lead. Mademoiselle carefully considered his words before speaking up. "On the one hand, it can be seen as an easy claim for scum to make to divert attention elsewhere but on the other--" she flipped through the guidebook to read over the events of a previous game "--it reminds me of the game where someone immediately claimed to be a Firefighter in a game with an Arsonist. It's a bold move, which is perhaps why it comes off more as a town play than a scum one." She lowered her head in thought. "His willingness to be read by any confirming role is far too risky a play for scum to make, so for the time being, I will tentatively trust him."
"Indeed," Mademoiselle spat back at the rock. "As for the topic of elimination, I can't say whether or not lynching today is a good idea or not. Normally, I am one to take that risk as there might be some information gained during the opening night but in a game where we do not have such a luxury, it feels reckless unless a major revelation decides to make itself known."
Inke makes points about Free's claim--thinks it's more townplay than scumplay. Unsure of whether or not voting today is a good idea, unless something else comes to light. Though I don't know what you mean by "his willingness to be read by any confirming role" because Free said to not investigate them.

Despite there being not enough info to randomly vote someone potentially innocent out--

Then the best option might be to abstain for the 1st day. Until at least most of them survived the night so that they'd have something more to work with.

...Provided that Nanu's "guardian" would agree to this assessment. Once he reluctantly un-muted the device so that the friendly voice could speak up again.

As Nanu rubbed the back of his neck and fidgeted uncomfortably at the awkward silence. "...Hey, Chatot? So...I'm thinking that we might have gotten on the wrong foot here--"

[["Gee, ya think you fucking asshat?" The friendly voice flatly stated, sounding as peeved as Nanu suspected. Before the voice sighed and Nanu could picture her glimpsing over at Dave the Mightyena. "...But given how dire the situation is right now, I think we can afford to let bygones be bygones. So, we can check and see if Dave's going to be okay. From whatever unknown power has latched onto him." The voice replied worriedly.]]
[[As he listened to the device blip a few times before the voice spoke up again with a similar contemplative tone. "Aye. That's true since I suspect we have a 3rd party win that is involved in this game. In addition to the normal rules surrounding mafia and town's win conditions. However 3rd party also means that this individual is a threat to mafia as well? So, with that in mind I agree with your assessments about abstaining the vote for today. Until we get more information during Night 1 and part of Day 2"]]
Blossom thinks there isn't enough info to vote yet. Bolded because unsure if that's RP flavor or something else. Leaning toward abstaining.

Midday votes:

Current votes:
Abstain (20)
Nobody has voted by midday lololol

[[The Strings deal seems too easily double-checked by others to be fake. I don’t see why Mafia would need strings, though. They have their own win con.]]

You have no idea what half of that means. As for killing anyone, well, you aren’t a killer. Yet. You might be if it gets you out of this stupid cute body.

[[Plus there should be enough info roles to give us a good idea of where we stand tonight.]]

Yeah, sure, why not?

“I don’t want to kill anyone today. See if the psycho cat is lying or not before we start killing each other on his word.”
Persephone skeptical of strings claim, though unsure how it would help Mafia.

[[With how the last game played out, this tracks to me lol. I'm cautiously willing to believe it.]]
Massaging her gelatinous temple, she sighed to herself. "Considering our only claim so far is somebody we probably don't want to turn our sights onto right off the bat, I'm hesitant to commit to voting today. But we might be putting ourselves at a disadvantage if we don't." She paused. "But we might be shooting ourselves in the foot if we do without more information. I'm in a grey area at this moment."
I agree with Wind's explanation of Free's claim. Unsure of whether or not voting or abstaining is a good idea.

"O-oh," Ajia said. That... that wasn't good. "To be honest, it does seem pretty plausible that it could be because you said your patron's name. Well... all the more reason to not saying anything about our roles, I suppose." But what about in the future, if they needed to, in order to clear up some mystery?

"'If too many others are affected'..." Ajia mused, pacing back and forth. "I feel like there'd have to be some limits to that, otherwise it'd be super easy for them to win in the late game?" Maybe they could only do it so often. And if anyone with mental strings died, they'd probably stop counting. Still dangerous, though...
Chibi agrees strings might have been attached because Darkrai was mentioned; further implicates nobody else should say much more about their roles. Theorizes there might be limits to the power.

[[Well, I don't doubt that there might be a 3rd party involved since this is a pretty big lobby but I highly doubt their win condition is this specific, it's more likely that they'll have to put these 'strings' on a certain amount of people, like say half of the people present maybe? Either that or just a quarter. Hm... if we're going with the half of people present thing, I think it might lean towards the current max players alive count. We also have to take in consideration that there might be more than one 3rd party active as this is a 20 player lobby.]]
[[Anyway, coming back to the idea of voting. I think it's probably a good idea to abstain seeing as there really isn't much we currently have right now, other than Df's claims of being Miller and being 'Stringed'. I'm inclined to belive Free's claim since well, *cough* considering what happened in the last game... This is a logical move by Free if she's town and hopefully, she doesn't get killed on the first night, that ability sounds really damn useful if utilized properly.]]
Shini doesn't think Strings are attached to third party. Shini brings up last game, and leans toward believing Free.

[[A third party? Don't third parties usually want to kill everyone? And with all the Darkrai/Cresselia stuff, who could possibly be the third party?]]
Torchic asks about third parties but mentions Cresselia???? Nobody has mentioned Cresselia???? (I ctrl + F'd to try to find it and couldn't find anybody mentioning Cresselia, so please enlighten me if I missed something??? If I didn't, this is really really weird).

[Vote : No elimination]
Blossom is first to vote No Elimination.

Okay, so I think to sum up this whole situation: if DF were innocent, roleclaiming at the start would be the most effective, town-aligned thing she could have done. If DF were scum, this would be a whole huge play to cement herself as innocent.

To me, very confident rating DF innocent. Big plays at the start of the game aren't something scum tend to do. They more often lay low, attempting typical town. Also, a risk with a scum!DF attempting this gambit would be an actual Miller in the game, who would counterclaim. I know we've been talking not claiming, but if you're a Miller probably speak up? I don't think anyone would ever believe you if you don't come out now.
Concerning this newer topic of debate, I'd like to remind people to not cling to assumptions or get too paranoid. For instance, Dragonfree's role-guessing TP theory. It's not farfetched or anything, but it just (as DF herself said) a conjecture. We have no proof so far revealing roles/Legendaries could make someone vulnerable to this. No reason not to be careful, but yknow. I have a feeling that a TP Namo made has a bunch of mechanics too it, which we aren't likely to exactly guess.

To end off, uh, that's all I guess?? We appear to be erring on the side of saying nothing and voting no one. I don't disagree, but idk it's a bit boring lol. ehhh, I'm just gonna throw in the first vote for no lynch.

vote: No Elimination
Equi makes some further theories about Free's claim, votes No Elimination.

"But it sounds like there is no way to clear him! He'll read as a mafia member no matter what. What's the point? With that claim, it seems there's no point in anyone targeting him--not inforoles, not a killer, or anyone else. He's just there."

Courtney looked around at the others. "Anyone else got anything useful for today? I, for one, am all for causing chaos!" She giggled. "A bit of extra bloodshed, see what happens--that'll at least reveal one member's alignment!"

[[I'm not sure that's a good idea.]]
[[No. I'm something very different--but don't worry about it. I'm not going to hurt you. Anyway, I just want to point out that everyone has multiple attributes--an 'ability' and a 'move.' I don't know whether I say I fully believe Free, but as it stands, I feel we have literally no other information to go off of. So the town just needs to decide whether it's riskier to abstain from voting and wait until night to get more information, or take a shot in the dark now.]]
"Oh? And how do you suggest we find out? Are you volunteering?"
Starlight indicates there might be no way to clear Free, because they'll read Mafia. Points out everyone has multiple attributes; cannotsay whether or not they believe Free yet. Claims town needs to decide whether to abstain or vote. Also pokes Persephone for their skepticism toward the Strings.

[[Abstaining seems like the smarter choice for now since if we vote someone out, let's say there's a 3-scum-mafia and one 3rd party, that gives us roughly a 20% chance of getting someone that's scum and an 80% chance of killing an innocent.

And let's say that the scum team can only kill one time a night and we DON'T have another 3rd party that can kill. It would mean we'll only have one death every night (Not counting if Free wants to kill someone or not) and that seems a bit safer than voting for someone right now since there'd be only 1 death if we don't vote.

Of course, this is all speculation and I'm 90% sure that something will go horribly wrong and make this assessment look silly.

So yeah... I stick by my vote of not killing someone... unless of course, someone else would like to speak up?]]

Vote: [No elimination]
Shini agrees with abstaining; hypothesizes about scumteam. Don't know what they meant about the bolded part, though. Votes No Elimination.

[[With no night actions going through, our only real lead is Free's role-claim and the subsequent claim of Dave getting some kind of strings attached to him. We've seemed to reach a general consensus with the role-claim (that being that it's probably legit based on flavouring and that such a claim is good info for Town to have) but I feel that we're not getting anywhere productive rambling on about TPs or how the Strings work since most of it is purely conjecture. Continuing to follow the Is-Free-Honest? train/Strings feels like a dead end at this point. For now, we should focus our energy on scum-hunting.

All that really leaves is gauging reads off of the subsequent reactions to this info. To me, a lot of it is vibes (so nothing solid/definitive), but I have gotten a couple towny ones from them. Namely: Shini's willingness to guinea pig to confirm Dave's role feels very pro-town; Chibi's been bringing up a ton of great points in regards to the info we do/don't have with the lack of a N0; and Equi who has been trying to get reads as opposed to just following the lead/banging on about TPs. I'll also throw Pers on that pile, as her skepticism feels very natural and is just trying to follow the only real lead we currently have.

The others feel a bit too neutral/milquetoast to get anything more than a neutral reading, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I'll hold off from voting until we get a bit closer to EoD to see if any new leads/info pops up, but for now it looks like the safest option will be to abstain--which is what I'll do if no such information pops up.]]
Inke gives some vibe checks on Shini (willingness to take a Dread hit to prove Free's cliam), Chibi (bringing up good points), and Equi (trying to get reads). Holding off voting until closer to EoD for now, but leaning toward abstaining.

[[Equi’s points make a lot of sense. If Free were mafia or TP, what would she have to gain by revealing this? I suppose maybe she could be saying this to aid her scumteam since there’s no mafia day chat, but idk, it doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense. This feels like a strong town move to me.

Also, just to be clear, I want to quickly summarize what I’ve read to make sure I’m up to date. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong: Free hard claimed Miller, which is basically something that marks anyone who targets her? I’m gonna have to look up the role on the wiki to get a better understanding. 4 marks blocks a person’s role, and 6 kills them?
I’m really lost on the string thing though. Is this a form of arsonist? What does this mean? If someone can explain this to me, I’d greatly appreciate it, heh.

Anyways, I’m not plugging free as hard town yet, but I definitely don’t feel suspicious of her enough to vote her.]]
VOTE: No elimination
Yellow agrees with Equi's explanations, asks for clarification on Strings. Not going with Free as hard town yet, but not sus enough to vote them. Votes No Elimination.

[[Part of me wants to vote someone off to stay on the safe side, but part of me also doesn't want to do anything too impulsive. It's better to try and maybe get a Mafia than not try at all. I don't have any good leads, so I vote...]]

VOTE: No elimination
Torchic votes No Elimination.

“We just wait to see if anyone else reports strings on them. Duh.”
Persephone responds to Starlight's poke.

[[Basically, if we had started with a night phase, I would be a bit more open to voting someone out. But as it is, with even less info to go off of than usual, I'm hesitant to vote someone out. If I have any additional thoughts before eod, I'll try to bring it up.]]

Vote: No Elimination.
Wind votes No Elimination.]]

[[Basically after all of that, I really want to poke @Torchic and ask what they meant by "Darkrai/Cresselia" because again...nobody has mentioned Cresselia, so I really want to know how that came up for you. Also want to poke @ShiniGojira for clarification on what they meant by "(Not counting if Free wants to kill someone or not)"...was that just implying if Free were scum or are you getting at something else? Also just want some clarification from @Inkedust's "His willingness to be read by any confirming role is far too risky a play for scum to make" because unless I sickbrain sped-read it, Free was saying to not waste an investigation them. But like I said, I could have easily skimmed over them saying something else like that so, yes, clarification!

Keep in mind this is all very skimmed and spedread summary, ya gurl is ill :') ]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Also just want some clarification from @Inkedust's "His willingness to be read by any confirming role is far too risky a play for scum to make" because unless I sickbrain sped-read it, Free was saying to not waste an investigation them. But like I said, I could have easily skimmed over them saying something else like that so, yes, clarification!
Free carified:


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[With all the talk of Dread and cures and stuff, my guess is the counter to Dread/Darkrai is Cure/Cresselia. Seems Namocore or at least "this Mafia" core.]]
[[Hmmm, alright. Seemed weird to just casually toss in there but I’ll take that for the time being.

Aaaaaaaand I read that and completely glazed over that, thank you kindly!]]


  1. sableye
Lots of talking occurred while Kimiko observed, waiting for an opportunity to speak. It seemed, however, that a few select others were already saying the things she'd been planning to say, so she felt confident enough remaining silent. Then her little round device vibrated in her... hand? She held it up to stare at it as a voice drifted from it. She listened intently, then nodded when the voice went silent again. She wasn't sure whether or not to trust this "guardian" - no one else here was trustworthy, so why would this be? - but on the other hand... she would need allies if she was going to get through this, and supposedly everyone had their own unique guardian, so... well, she might as well take the leap of faith this time.

Alright, she had an idea of what she wanted to say! The kirlia clapped her hands together in hopes of grabbing the attention of those around her. "Hi, hello everyone. My name's Shimmer. It's a pleasure to meet all of you and I'm sure you're charmed to meet me." She took a small bow.

"As for the mightyena's claim, I'm inclined to believe it for the moment. For one thing, if his ability does truly make him appear as guilty, then it makes sense that he'd want to reveal that as soon as possible. Allow my guardian to elaborate."

[[Thanks, Shimmer. Here's the thing: free is very commonly either eliminated early in the game or investigated early in the game by the cop, due to being good at passing as town when on the mafia side. One of the recommendations on the mafia Wiki for playing a miller is to either claim immediately or else try to lay low and not do anything to get investigated. Which is... Kind of difficult when people just naturally want to investigate you! I definitely think caution is warranted, as it's a easy fake claim for mafia, but I also think this a logical town play. Especially for Free]]

"My, uh, guardian would like to note that he agrees with the kirlia's guardian." Her attention drifted over towards Dave as she continued. "Apparently, Dave's guardian has a reputation in these sorts of games for being a frequent target; last game they played, they had been targeted by four players on the first night alone. He... I... that is, we believe them. If they were actually guilty, it's definitely an easy way to throw off the first night's inspections, but at the same time... if Dave really is innocent, and his guardian knew he'd likely be inspected early... well, suffice to say that I feel like Dave was kind of backed into a corner here and didn't really have any choice but to come out with this. So, suffice to say... I don't think it's something we can just confirm as truth and forget about, but. I believe him, for now. I'd probably have done the same thing."

His card explanation seemed legit. The level of complexity was similar to Ajia's own card. Revealing it now was an equally good move, regardless of whose side he was on. Although it did mean that not only would no one be investigating him, anyone with any sort of watch power would also be staying away. Hm.

"Our card was equally complex, though with this sort of game, I think it's safe to say that everyone's is."

"I mean, you only get plus one for targeting me. Theoretically safe if you have to, unless the mafia's got more dread to spread out.

"I don't know if there's more dread to be spread around - although I wouldn't doubt that, either - however that's not the only thing we have to worry about. I know that there are other..." she paused, trying to find some word to describe the dread that Dave was referring to without giving too much away, then; "...other status effects at play here."

[[Yep. Anyway, what I wanted to say is: Darkrai as a sinister-looking, but not actually malicious character seems like a pretty Namocore thing to do. I was undecided about about how much to read into that, but I figured it was worth mentioning, all things considered.]]

"Any outside knowledge..." Again, not the right word. "Well, educated guesses, into how this game was set up may be potentially useful. Thanks for mentioning this. Consider, also, that assuming this may be worth remembering, then the reverse may be possible, too."

Oh thank Arceus, a lead. Mademoiselle carefully considered his words before speaking up. "On the one hand, it can be seen as an easy claim for scum to make to divert attention elsewhere but on the other--" she flipped through the guidebook to read over the events of a previous game "--it reminds me of the game where someone immediately claimed to be a Firefighter in a game with an Arsonist. It's a bold move, which is perhaps why it comes off more as a town play than a scum one." She lowered her head in thought. "His willingness to be read by any confirming role is far too risky a play for scum to make, so for the time being, I will tentatively trust him."

"Circling back around to my agreement with the kirlia... and this. Still, though, I think it was less of a bold move, and more that Dave was backed into a corner, and revealing early was the only way to get out of potentially being outed as mafia early, regardless of whether he's a lying mafia or an honest miller."

"'If too many others are affected'..." Ajia mused, pacing back and forth. "I feel like there'd have to be some limits to that, otherwise it'd be super easy for them to win in the late game?" Maybe they could only do it so often. And if anyone with mental strings died, they'd probably stop counting. Still dangerous, though...

Kimiko stared at Ajia for a moment. "Makes sense that there would be limits, and/or possibly someone has the ability to remove the strings, too? Arsonist marks can be removed, provided the firefighter knows who to target. I wonder, though... if the person with the strings knows they're there immediately, what's to stop them from doing exactly what Dave did; reveal it and allow someone who can cleanse them to do so? Kind of seems like a useless power if it can be removed so easily... unless combined with something like Dave's dread effect, where cleansing it would in turn cause a different effect on the cleanser." Gods, this was complicated. Maybe she was just reading too much into it. Throwing the idea out there was better than letting it bubble away inside her, though. Maybe someone with a clearer head could make something of it. Ajia already seemed to be well on her way.

Namely: Shini's willingness to guinea pig to confirm Dave's role feels very pro-town;

[[Sorry, I totally don't know what happened to the quote on the above post, however it was from Inke.]]

More static from her Guardian Alert. "My guardian would like to point out that he's more inclined to read Fray [[Shini]] as town purely based on the difference in activity from their previous experience. Says he's much more active and talkative and making an effort to contribute. Says it just feels more like town-play, since last game they were mafia and far more hesitant to give themselves away. Personally, though, I'm not willing to go with that just yet myself... while my guardian may have a hunch, there's still no proof."

Free hard claimed Miller, which is basically something that marks anyone who targets her

[[No, free claimed miller which always reads her as mafia. Her legendary ability is what gives marks to anyone who targets her. The way I see it, it's not really a form of arsonist and more a way to cripple Free as a player, and anyone who interacts with her.]]

"i'd like to volunteer to be a guinea pig. or, a guinea sloth, i guess," he said, chuckling and shrugging. "i can vote for dave and we can all see if his ability activates. but the rest of y'all better also vote for the no elimination, too. i sincerely do not want him to be our first elimination, i just want to confirm that his ability works the way he says it should. ideally, too, nobody else should vote for him, since he says it will debuff them in the future."

She turned to the slakoth. "But... who said anything about Dave's dread ability triggering on votes? I thought it was only if he was targeted/interacted with. Where did you get that impression? Did you misunderstand how his dread thing works? Did I miss something? I'd like some clarification, if you please."

Torchic asks about third parties but mentions Cresselia???? Nobody has mentioned Cresselia???? (I ctrl + F'd to try to find it and couldn't find anybody mentioning Cresselia, so please enlighten me if I missed something??? If I didn't, this is really really weird).

"Another good point," she continued, this time addressing the... what the hell was that, anyway? A dried-out jellicent? "I don't recall hearing anyone mention any other legendary by name other than... Dave's patron." She hesitated to use the name itself. The speculation was that the strings were related to speaking your patron legendary by name... but assuming the process was accurate, was it limited to only speaking your own, or could speaking any of them make you susceptible?

Whew... that was a lot of talking for not a lot of progress. And already people were talking about votes! Had it really been that long already?

"I... I guess I'm on board with not eliminating anyone just yet. The chances we'd guess wrong are just too high and the information we have now isn't enough to even speculate on. So... yeah. Unless anyone has anything further...?"

[[Well, I doubt I'll be able to properly catch up/post before end of day, so might as well jump on this now. Can possibly change it before end of day if something comes up to convince me/others, however I won't be able to offer a long-winded explanation until the next day phase. So with that said...

Vote: No elimination.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Shini doesn't think Strings are attached to third party.
[[I didn't say that Strings aren't attached to third party. I was saying that their win condition in having to String people who revealed roles or legendaries is a bit too specific and it doesn't really make sense unless they can String more than one revealer per day.]]
Shini agrees with abstaining; hypothesizes about scumteam. Don't know what they meant about the bolded part, though
[[That was me not including the calculation in Free's dread count. She says she needs to use it on someone every night, and by the 3rd night, she can kill someone if she marks them for all the 3 nights. I was saying that each night, assuming the scum team only have 1 killing role and we don't have another 3rd party that can kill, we'd only have 1 death every night.]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
She turned to the slakoth. "But... who said anything about Dave's dread ability triggering on votes? I thought it was only if he was targeted/interacted with. Where did you get that impression? Did you misunderstand how his dread thing works? Did I miss something? I'd like some clarification, if you please."
[[Free said if she votes someone she can put 1 on their dread counter. Here's the quote below.]]

Whoever I've voted for at the end of the day has the dread count go up by one, and anyone who targets me in the night has the dread count go up by one.


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
She turned to the slakoth. "But... who said anything about Dave's dread ability triggering on votes? I thought it was only if he was targeted/interacted with. Where did you get that impression? Did you misunderstand how his dread thing works? Did I miss something? I'd like some clarification, if you please."
"oh dang, my b. i totally misheard this part:"
Whoever I've voted for at the end of the day has the dread count go up by one, and anyone who targets me in the night has the dread count go up by one.
"think my brain jumbled up that one and thought voting for him would increase my 'dread' count. heh, it's been a long day."

sans scratches his chin, in thought. "you know, from what i'm currently seeing... what with the weird strings and dave's dread thing... i have a gut feeling that there's a bunch of status effect mechanics going on, or something like that."


  1. sableye
[[Actually, one more post regarding the last topic in my previous post.]]

[[With all the talk of Dread and cures and stuff, my guess is the counter to Dread/Darkrai is Cure/Cresselia. Seems Namocore or at least "this Mafia" core.]]

"This would have been worth mentioning in your original statement," Kimiko said with a sigh. It could have slipped their mind, she supposed; keeping her own thoughts straight was already difficult, and they were only halfway through the first day! And if she were being honest with herself, it would make sense, lore-wise, from what she knew of those legendaries. Still... "This is purely speculation, all of it. No one had said there was a cure, only that it was possible. I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a cure though, especially assuming this is a Town power - assuming Dave is Town. The whole point seems to be to add another wrinkle to everyone's abilities and how they interact... if he could just tell everyone who he's interacted with, and the people who interact with him by choice know they're gaining counters... what point would there be if they could just be cleared? I'm not saying it's not possible, just... I feel like it's less probable for Dave's dread ability in particular to have a cure."


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
[[I didn't say that Strings aren't attached to third party. I was saying that their win condition in having to String people who revealed roles or legendaries is a bit too specific and it doesn't really make sense unless they can String more than one revealer per day.]]
"if we assume legendaries are connected to powers, is there some kind of insect one that can do the string thing? gotta say, pokemon aren't exactly my forte."

[[Help I can't think of any Bug legendaries LOL]]

[[Though, as flavorspec, I guess we can assume this isn't important]]


  1. sableye
[[I didn't say that Strings aren't attached to third party. I was saying that their win condition in having to String people who revealed roles or legendaries is a bit too specific and it doesn't really make sense unless they can String more than one revealer per day.]]

"I agree that having a third party win-con being tied to people revealing their legendary/role might be a little too specific and difficult to achieve. Again, I hesitate to discard any possibilities at this point, but this one does feel like a stretch to me."

Then, addressing the slakoth again, "Ah, okay. Easy enough to misunderstand, I suppose. Thanks for clarifying. Both of you," she added, turning again towards Fray.

[[Help I can't think of any Bug legendaries LOL]]

[[If we assume UBs are fair game, buzzwole and pheromosa. There's also genesect, if we count that as legendary. I think that's all?]]

[[Okay need to go to bed now for reals.]]


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
[[Rest well, Seren! Thank you for your insight and questions! ^^]]


  1. sableye
[[However if the strings are in people's brains, it's less likely to be a bug type and more likely a psychic. Normally I'd consider that moot since Dave is a dark-type, but mafia rules override pokemon type-immunities, so that's not outside the realm of possibility.]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
No one had said there was a cure, only that it was possible.
“To be clear, my card specifically said anyone with dread four can’t use their action unless cured. That’s where the whole cure bit comes from. If there’s no curing it, then it’s an active red herring.” Dave paused, squinting at the card again. “Although, hang on, it could be what it means by that is that it also says all dread disappears if I’m eliminated. Great.”


Ace Trainer
Blossom thinks there isn't enough info to vote yet. Bolded because unsure if that's RP flavor or something else. Leaning toward abstaining.
With how much the guardian device is pinging, Nanu figured that his "Chatot" wanted to join in on the conversations with the other guardians. As he opted to un-mute it and let the friendly voice "chatter".

To both see what she had to say and also determine what information he could glean from the Guardian talk that was... Interesting to listen to so far

[["Okay! So to clarify what Sind is saying here, the comments towards Dragonfree / Dave in my RP are both flavor and my honest thoughts about the situation (with Dave free claiming Miller and revealing the Dread thing) in general because I figured that I'd do a mix of both as my playstyle? Unless someone directly pings or asks me to clarify what I meant in one of the RP posts. If that makes sense, " ] ]

[["Additionally I'm also inclined to agree with Bluwii / Sans here: ] ]

sans scratches his chin, in thought. "you know, from what i'm currently seeing... what with the weird strings and dave's dread thing... i have a gut feeling that there's a bunch of status effect mechanics going on, or something like that."
[[ "Because of how detailed the cards are in general that I can see the possibility of some of the moves and abilities leaning into status like conditions. That serve as a similar effect to Pokémon battling. Where moves can either 1) do damage overtime 2) leave a status condition etc. And maybe Dave dread and the "strings" are an example of that?

[[ "But anyway! Going back to the RP flavor vs thoughts, the RP matches my genuine opinions towards the game so far and also towards Dragonfree's role claim. In that we just don't have enough information because there's so many roles and abilities being distributed that anyone can have anything we can't current account for as of yet?

"And it's also why I voted no elimination. Because as risky as it is, I want to see how N1 plays out first. So we can gather more Intel in the aftermath and make hopefully better informed decisions based on ppls N1 and D2 actions.

But yeah that's my honest take on the game so far. And I know it's only reinforcing what everyone else is saying atm? But like I said if you ever do need me to clarify just ping and I'll drop the RP flavor to chat more directly. Even if the RP is alot of fun and I'm having a blast chatting and reading everyone's post :) "]]


Ace Trainer
[["Also! If @ShiniGojira and @Bluwiikoon are volunteering to verify Dragonfree / Dave claim then that also is possibly a solid plan. Because at this point we're stuck in a rock and a hard place because we can only take Dragonfree / Dave's word that what is on their card is true?

AND tbh I was on the fence about tentatively offering to verify this claim myself--"]]

Wait you were volunteering us to do what now?! " Nanu blurted out baffled and midly alarmed by this news his guardian most certainly did not share with him.

[[" But at the same time.. I felt like it might be a waste to purposefully trigger the dread count if it is true. And also it sounded like a punishment that isn't pleasant to take. If someone did try and call Dragonfree / Dave's bluff. So I'm fine with believing Dragonfree claim for now. Since I know from spectating the last game, that what everyone is saying about Dragonfree getting investigated or eliminated early is true. And that there's no harm in leaving Dragonfree alone for now. Until we progress further in the game and potentially see what everyone else's role / ability might be. "]]

"... Which is the smartest thing you said so far, kid. Cause let's make it clear that you're not going to volunteer us for shit. If it means I'll suffer the consequences for it or get a damn target on my back." Nanu angrily muted the device.

Since that reveal only served to sour his mood even further. And damn this game for being so fucking complicated. Now that all these guardians were" chattering" and only adding onto his headache. For being unable to fully figure out what the fuck is going on.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[Last post for the day since I'll be asleep during EoD.]]

But at the same time.. I felt like it might be a waste to purposefully trigger the dread count if it is true. And also it sounded like a punishment that isn't pleasant to take. If someone did try and call Dragonfree / Dave's bluff.
[[While it is true that it sounds like a waste to trigger the Dread count but Free already stated that she has to choose someone to Dread and I think the best way to confirm it would be having her vote for someone and choosing someone else for the night. This way, we'll have 2 players that can confirm her Dread ability and while this doesn't explicitly clear her of not being Mafia. It gives the marked players a chance to say that their roles have been blocked if she targets the same person in N2 and this might give us a hint on her true alignment. For example, if she's town and she chooses me for N1 to mark for 2 points then she most likely won't choose me again unless she's Mafia.]]
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