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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
Heh. At least Dave hates his new body. Even if he hates yours worse. Which, fair. Yours is worse. You can like him for that.

[[The Strings deal seems too easily double-checked by others to be fake. I don’t see why Mafia would need strings, though. They have their own win con.]]

You have no idea what half of that means. As for killing anyone, well, you aren’t a killer. Yet. You might be if it gets you out of this stupid cute body.

[[Plus there should be enough info roles to give us a good idea of where we stand tonight.]]

Yeah, sure, why not?

“I don’t want to kill anyone today. See if the psycho cat is lying or not before we start killing each other on his word.”


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[Thanks, Shimmer. Here's the thing: free is very commonly either eliminated early in the game or investigated early in the game by the cop, due to being good at passing as town when on the mafia side. One of the recommendations on the mafia Wiki for playing a miller is to either claim immediately or else try to lay low and not do anything to get investigated. Which is... Kind of difficult when people just naturally want to investigate you! I definitely think caution is warranted, as it's a easy fake claim for mafia, but I also think this a logical town play. Especially for Free]]
[[With how the last game played out, this tracks to me lol. I'm cautiously willing to believe it.]]

Her eyes snapped attentively on the Jellicent at the first few syllables of that supposed yveltal's name, which quickly turned towards confusion. "...Isn't Altaria a dragon-type--"
Ignoring her voice, Odette waved her hand dismissviely toward the Yveltal. "Yeah, yeah, it is," she huffed. "That wasn't it, but it sounded close. Alt-something, I said. Alt...er. Alt...air...ia...no. Altair? Altair." She scrunched up her face. "Alt-something. But that sounds right, I think." She shook her head. "This is doing nothing to solve the problem at hand, so ignore me."

Massaging her gelatinous temple, she sighed to herself. "Considering our only claim so far is somebody we probably don't want to turn our sights onto right off the bat, I'm hesitant to commit to voting today. But we might be putting ourselves at a disadvantage if we don't." She paused. "But we might be shooting ourselves in the foot if we do without more information. I'm in a grey area at this moment."

[[You're Switzerland!]]

"What the fuck is Switzerland?"

[[I know it's usually a bad idea but at this moment I'm not opposed to abstaining. However, we're only half way through the day so it's hard to say right now.]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
[[I've been informed by PM that something has attached mental strings to Dave, and while it's not yet in control, it'll become overwhelming and someone else will gain control and win if too many others are affected by it. Seems like a day action someone took, and that probably if they can do it to so-and-so many players they'll get a third-party victory? Something like that.

I have a wild speculative theory that this might have happened because of my claim, one way or another - be careful. Could be something entirely different, but as a GM I've previously had a third party that could kill people based on guessing their roles, and have talked about it with Namo present - maybe this thing can get you if you reveal your associated legendary, for instance? Pure speculation, and we should focus on rooting out the actual mafia, but either way this sounds like Nothing Good. There also could be a downside to revealing your status as having been targeted by this, so prooobably cautioning against that for now unless you have a very good reason to, but at least now we know it's a thing.
"O-oh," Ajia said. That... that wasn't good. "To be honest, it does seem pretty plausible that it could be because you said your patron's name. Well... all the more reason to not saying anything about our roles, I suppose." But what about in the future, if they needed to, in order to clear up some mystery?

"'If too many others are affected'..." Ajia mused, pacing back and forth. "I feel like there'd have to be some limits to that, otherwise it'd be super easy for them to win in the late game?" Maybe they could only do it so often. And if anyone with mental strings died, they'd probably stop counting. Still dangerous, though...

Ajia sighed, shaking her head. "Something to worry about later, I guess. It doesn't change a whole lot right now, since we already had a reason not to reveal too much. At least we know."


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
But now that he paid attention he could feel it, like a gentle pull on a cobweb attached to his brain. "Shit. What." His heartbeat quickened sickeningly. "Something's in my fucking head. Anyone else feel that?"

[[I've been informed by PM that something has attached mental strings to Dave, and while it's not yet in control, it'll become overwhelming and someone else will gain control and win if too many others are affected by it. Seems like a day action someone took, and that probably if they can do it to so-and-so many players they'll get a third-party victory? Something like that.

I have a wild speculative theory that this might have happened because of my claim, one way or another - be careful. Could be something entirely different, but as a GM I've previously had a third party that could kill people based on guessing their roles, and have talked about it with Namo present - maybe this thing can get you if you reveal your associated legendary, for instance? Pure speculation, and we should focus on rooting out the actual mafia, but either way this sounds like Nothing Good. There also could be a downside to revealing your status as having been targeted by this, so prooobably cautioning against that for now unless you have a very good reason to, but at least now we know it's a thing.

Or, I mean, theoretically maybe there's just a role that can just send arbitrary messages to other players and it's hoping I'll blab about it and make everyone go nuts over a possible third party victory that doesn't actually exist, that'd also be hilarious.]]
[[Well, I don't doubt that there might be a 3rd party involved since this is a pretty big lobby but I highly doubt their win condition is this specific, it's more likely that they'll have to put these 'strings' on a certain amount of people, like say half of the people present maybe? Either that or just a quarter. Hm... if we're going with the half of people present thing, I think it might lean towards the current max players alive count. We also have to take in consideration that there might be more than one 3rd party active as this is a 20 player lobby.]]

"You sound like you know a lot, Mr. Guardian," Fray said, flying over to the hologram.

[Of course I do, I'm practically a pro in these games.]] A barely visible cocky grin appeared on the hologram.

"Really? How many did you win?"

The grin on the hologram fell and he shakily reply, [[Well, none so far. In fact, this is only my second game but I'm determined to win it all.]]

Fray gave the hologram a once-over. "You know, you sound awfully lot like my tra–"

[[And I'm stopping that fourth wall break from happening.]] The hologram interrupted with a jab of a finger. [[Why don't you just go make your statue of whatever you're wishing to bring home while I see what I can do about the potential murders that'll be happening.]]


[[Anyway, coming back to the idea of voting. I think it's probably a good idea to abstain seeing as there really isn't much we currently have right now, other than Df's claims of being Miller and being 'Stringed'. I'm inclined to belive Free's claim since well, *cough* considering what happened in the last game... This is a logical move by Free if she's town and hopefully, she doesn't get killed on the first night, that ability sounds really damn useful if utilized properly.]]


Ace Trainer
[[A third party? Don't third parties usually want to kill everyone? And with all the Darkrai/Cresselia stuff, who could possibly be the third party?]]
[[ "Not necessarily since 3rd party (by my understanding) is an independent person who has a separate win condition they have to fulfill outside town and mafia win cons. That doesn't necessarily involve killing everyone. Since not all 3rd party members are serial killers. Or have the ability to kill if that makes sense." The friendly voice explained to Winona's Guardian] ]

While Nanu raised a curious but slightly impressed eyebrow at the informative answer his guardian provided. " Damn. You really did your research there huh, kid. And that's not a bad answer for this being your first time playing." The Island Kahuna complimented the voice.

[[As he easily envisioned his guardian smiling brightly at Nanu's remark. "Aye! Well seeing as I want to do my best to NOT get early eliminated or killed, I did as much research as I could to ensure we'd have a better chance at surviving the game. " ] ]

"... Survive and not win?" Nanu asked skeptically.

[[Which caused the friendly voice to falter and wince nervously. " ...Well I um would like to win. If I didn't think the odds of survival in general were pretty low. Due to my inexperience and first time playing with everyone..." ] ]

"... Meaning that you're optimistic but a realist. And you know... That's something I can respect since it's a fair enough answer." Nanu reluctantly admitted, before muting the device again.

So he could take the time to select the option this evil mew said earlier. As he inputted their vote for the day. And decided to call it at this point.

Since it's unlikely he'd change his answer anyway.

[Vote : No elimination]


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
Dave scowled at the voice of the guardian. Blessingly his hadn't shown up yet, but knowing these games was only a matter of time. "Well, that'd be a pretty counterproductive fucking lie, wouldn't it? Don't want you to investigate me so I tell you upfront that you'd get a guilty result? If I were mafia I'd be fucking thrilled if you wasted your investigations on the guy you already know is going to come up guilty, but I'm not, so don't."

-- but Linoone's friend already figured that out!!
-- after talking to Linoone. see, here:

[[....You know people can lie, right? We can't just trust that Mightyena! He could be making everything up so we don't investigate him.]]

Letting out another long yawn, Cosmo shot the Mightyena a thoughtful glance. "Why lie? About being good guy that looks bad?"

[[Okay fair. He doesn't stand to gain much if he's a bad guy doing this I guess.

For now I think Free might be telling the truth. At least in that I think their statement of role is more helpful to town than scum, for the moment.]]

"Good. Now if that's it..." Cosmo's voice trailed off as he trotted in a circle and curled up.

whatever the floating yellow PokeNav lookin thing is

-- hi, im bartholomew. i'm a rotom now :-)

[[Yep. Anyway, what I wanted to say is: Darkrai as a sinister-looking, but not actually malicious character seems like a pretty Namocore thing to do. I was undecided about about how much to read into that, but I figured it was worth mentioning, all things considered.]]

The DS's top half bobbed, as if it were nodding sagely.

-- darkrai was a good guy in that movie too
-- i liked that movie. you all should watch it if you havent

The DS flew off randomly, perhaps to look for said movie, but the stylus remained at the hologram, writing:

"I'm telling you all how that bit works because I don't want to inadvertently cripple or kill half the town because they're trying to heal me or whatever the fuck. Take it or leave it."

Okay, so I think to sum up this whole situation: if DF were innocent, roleclaiming at the start would be the most effective, town-aligned thing she could have done. If DF were scum, this would be a whole huge play to cement herself as innocent.

To me, very confident rating DF innocent. Big plays at the start of the game aren't something scum tend to do. They more often lay low, attempting typical town. Also, a risk with a scum!DF attempting this gambit would be an actual Miller in the game, who would counterclaim. I know we've been talking not claiming, but if you're a Miller probably speak up? I don't think anyone would ever believe you if you don't come out now.

I have a wild speculative theory that this might have happened because of my claim, one way or another - be careful. Could be something entirely different, but as a GM I've previously had a third party that could kill people based on guessing their roles, and have talked about it with Namo present - maybe this thing can get you if you reveal your associated legendary, for instance? Pure speculation, and we should focus on rooting out the actual mafia, but either way this sounds like Nothing Good. There also could be a downside to revealing your status as having been targeted by this, so prooobably cautioning against that for now unless you have a very good reason to, but at least now we know it's a thing.
"'If too many others are affected'..." Ajia mused, pacing back and forth. "I feel like there'd have to be some limits to that, otherwise it'd be super easy for them to win in the late game?" Maybe they could only do it so often. And if anyone with mental strings died, they'd probably stop counting. Still dangerous, though...

Concerning this newer topic of debate, I'd like to remind people to not cling to assumptions or get too paranoid. For instance, Dragonfree's role-guessing TP theory. It's not farfetched or anything, but it just (as DF herself said) a conjecture. We have no proof so far revealing roles/Legendaries could make someone vulnerable to this. No reason not to be careful, but yknow. I have a feeling that a TP Namo made has a bunch of mechanics too it, which we aren't likely to exactly guess.

To end off, uh, that's all I guess?? We appear to be erring on the side of saying nothing and voting no one. I don't disagree, but idk it's a bit boring lol. ehhh, I'm just gonna throw in the first vote for no lynch.

vote: No Elimination


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
Correction: I'll be the second to go no-lynch, because Blossom ninja'ed me xD

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
Courtney thoughtfully placed a paw to her chin. The Mightyena's claim was bold--quite bold.

"Seems to me like most of us are in favor of abstaining and waiting until tomorrow for the sake of collecting more info. We're taking a big risk whether we wait or whether we kill now. If we wait, it's highly likely someone--most certainly innocent--will die during the night. And if we vote now, then we have a chance of killing off one of the innocents as well, but without gaining any information other than their alignment."

"Even if he were mafia, he wouldn't really need to lie about who he targets, now that he's told us how the power works. Unless someone has a good idea on how to clear him, I think we ought to stay away. I guess that means we can't heal him, but..." But if the mafia targeted him, that meant they weren't targeting the super-important inforoles. Seemed a bit mean to just say that, though.
"But it sounds like there is no way to clear him! He'll read as a mafia member no matter what. What's the point? With that claim, it seems there's no point in anyone targeting him--not inforoles, not a killer, or anyone else. He's just there."

Courtney looked around at the others. "Anyone else got anything useful for today? I, for one, am all for causing chaos!" She giggled. "A bit of extra bloodshed, see what happens--that'll at least reveal one member's alignment!"

[[I'm not sure that's a good idea.]]

Courtney's eyes bulged as a voice echoed through her head. Could that... could it really be--

[[I'm not Jirachi or anyone from your past. I'm... I'm not really sure how to explain it, but I watch over you and guide you.]]

Courtney's eyes narrowed. "What? Are you saying you're one of those 'guardian angels,' or sappy things that people make up to feel better about themselves?

[[No. I'm something very different--but don't worry about it. I'm not going to hurt you. Anyway, I just want to point out that everyone has multiple attributes--an 'ability' and a 'move.' I don't know whether I say I fully believe Free, but as it stands, I feel we have literally no other information to go off of. So the town just needs to decide whether it's riskier to abstain from voting and wait until night to get more information, or take a shot in the dark now.]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
[[The Strings deal seems too easily double-checked by others to be fake. I don’t see why Mafia would need strings, though. They have their own win con.]]
"Oh? And how do you suggest we find out? Are you volunteering?"


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
So the town just needs to decide whether it's riskier to abstain from voting and wait until night to get more information, or take a shot in the dark now.
[[Abstaining seems like the smarter choice for now since if we vote someone out, let's say there's a 3-scum-mafia and one 3rd party, that gives us roughly a 20% chance of getting someone that's scum and an 80% chance of killing an innocent.

And let's say that the scum team can only kill one time a night and we DON'T have another 3rd party that can kill. It would mean we'll only have one death every night (Not counting if Free wants to kill someone or not) and that seems a bit safer than voting for someone right now since there'd be only 1 death if we don't vote.

Of course, this is all speculation and I'm 90% sure that something will go horribly wrong and make this assessment look silly.

So yeah... I stick by my vote of not killing someone... unless of course, someone else would like to speak up?]]

Vote: [No elimination]


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

To be clear, try to bold your vote claims next time so it's easier for me to see, in case I miss it when tallying up.



Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Mademoiselle looked down to the rock by her talons which buzzed with energy. It seemed like whoever was on the other end had something to say.

[[With no night actions going through, our only real lead is Free's role-claim and the subsequent claim of Dave getting some kind of strings attached to him. We've seemed to reach a general consensus with the role-claim (that being that it's probably legit based on flavouring and that such a claim is good info for Town to have) but I feel that we're not getting anywhere productive rambling on about TPs or how the Strings work since most of it is purely conjecture. Continuing to follow the Is-Free-Honest? train/Strings feels like a dead end at this point. For now, we should focus our energy on scum-hunting.

All that really leaves is gauging reads off of the subsequent reactions to this info. To me, a lot of it is vibes (so nothing solid/definitive), but I have gotten a couple towny ones from them. Namely: Shini's willingness to guinea pig to confirm Dave's role feels very pro-town; Chibi's been bringing up a ton of great points in regards to the info we do/don't have with the lack of a N0; and Equi who has been trying to get reads as opposed to just following the lead/banging on about TPs. I'll also throw Pers on that pile, as her skepticism feels very natural and is just trying to follow the only real lead we currently have.

The others feel a bit too neutral/milquetoast to get anything more than a neutral reading, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I'll hold off from voting until we get a bit closer to EoD to see if any new leads/info pops up, but for now it looks like the safest option will be to abstain--which is what I'll do if no such information pops up.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Puck blinked slowly. Then he blinked again. And again.

This…was not where he’d fallen asleep. Nor did he recognize all the mons around him.



[[Hi, Puck! Don’t be alarmed—I’m your guardian and I’m here to help you through this game!]]

Puck slowly looked at the stone that he held in his flipper—when had he picked that up?—and stared at it.

“Guardian…? Game?”

[[Yes! This is a game of mystery and deception—but don’t be afraid! I have your back and I will guide you through it. For now, we need to try to gather information. Nobody is safe to trust just yet. But you can still be friendly, of course.]]

Trust. Hmm. He didn’t usually trust in those around him anyway. The Pokémon in the lab always eventually disappeared and never came back. It was better to remain distant. And humans…

Well. He liked his fellow Pokémon a lot better than the humans he’d met.

He turned back to the group and listened quietly as they spoke. A Mightyena spoke up about several odd things. He watched a few others argue back and forth. With some nudging from his guardian, he came to a conclusion.

Okay, so I think to sum up this whole situation: if DF were innocent, roleclaiming at the start would be the most effective, town-aligned thing she could have done. If DF were scum, this would be a whole huge play to cement herself as innocent.

[[Equi’s points make a lot of sense. If Free were mafia or TP, what would she have to gain by revealing this? I suppose maybe she could be saying this to aid her scumteam since there’s no mafia day chat, but idk, it doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense. This feels like a strong town move to me.

Also, just to be clear, I want to quickly summarize what I’ve read to make sure I’m up to date. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong: Free hard claimed Miller, which is basically something that marks anyone who targets her? I’m gonna have to look up the role on the wiki to get a better understanding. 4 marks blocks a person’s role, and 6 kills them?
I’m really lost on the string thing though. Is this a form of arsonist? What does this mean? If someone can explain this to me, I’d greatly appreciate it, heh.

Anyways, I’m not plugging free as hard town yet, but I definitely don’t feel suspicious of her enough to vote her.]]

Puck allowed his Rock Friend to do all the talking. Then he slowly nodded with a smile.



VOTE: No elimination

[[is this basically the same thing as an Abstain vote? The different wording is throwing me off a little.]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
To be clear, try to bold your vote claims next time so it's easier for me to see, in case I miss it when tallying up.
[[Ah, gotcha. Sorry about that.]]

Free hard claimed Miller, which is basically something that marks anyone who targets her?
[[No, Miller makes any inforole that checks her will read her as 'Scum' even if she's not. It's her legendary that puts the dread count on people.]]

is this basically the same thing as an Abstain vote? The different wording is throwing me off a little.
[[Kinda. From how I see it. Abstain means 'You're not voting' while No Elimination means 'You're voting for no one'.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[No, Miller makes any inforole that checks her will read her as 'Scum' even if she's not. It's her legendary that puts the dread count on people.]]
[[ohhhh I see! Thanks for clearing that up.]]


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

Abstain means you aren't casting a vote at all. Even if 19 people vote Abstain and one person votes to eliminate someone, the one person who voted will win. It's the same as recusing yourself from the day's vote entirely, even for voting no-lynch, and the default for someone who just never submitted a vote.



Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui

Abstain means you aren't casting a vote at all. Even if 19 people vote Abstain and one person votes to eliminate someone, the one person who voted will win. It's the same as recusing yourself from the day's vote entirely, even for voting no-lynch, and the default for someone who just never submitted a vote.

[[ I see. So if 19 people voted No Elimination and one person voted for someone else, nobody would be eliminated because the majority actually cast votes for NE?]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[Also, while I’m not really in the best place to do so right now because I’m still catching up on the thread in more detail, I’m happy to provide TL;DRs for people in the future! Since I know the thread can get crazy very quickly with this many people in it, and life gets busy sometimes.

(unless this isn’t allowed, though I just kinda…assumed it would be fine as long as I only post the summaries here, in the thread. If I’m wrong though, then just let me know.)]]
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