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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[["Also I did some rereading on my card and first off: I am right. the beast can 100% kill me without question as I can kill the beast 100% back as well. Meaning if the beast does target me during N4 I will be dead no questions asked. 2nd I technically have the ability to either kill or investigate during the night. however if I pick the wrong target then my killing power will not work on any other player who isn't the 3rd party beast.

So I guess my question is: if i feel like N4 is the last night I'll have to act /live, should I "risk the biscuit" and take a shot in the dark as to who i think the beast is? or should tentatively assume i might live N4 and try to complete one last investigation to provide town with more answers? Is what I'm going to ask everyone right now given the new information that has come to light in that the beast is active and can kill me no questions asked if I'm targeted by it tonight"]]
"Well, what's 100% killing you without question mean exactly? Does it mean piercing doctor protection, or does it mean they also can't be swapped or blocked or whatever?"


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[I need to be working on a review and also got way too little sleep for the second day in a row so I may not do a lot of mafia today (as in real-life today); we'll see. Probably keeping up with the thread, though.]]


Ace Trainer
She opened one eye and waved a vine vaguely in the direction of Nanu. "Could you us a favor and list out exactly who all you've covered so far? If we can narrow down who is or isn't this, uh... "beast", and only your power can actually kill them... I imagine we could still vote them out if we can figure out who it is by deduction?

"So here you've got... Courtney, Sidney, and... Arctozolt, who you actually have no read on since it seems your last scan was swapped to yourself? I think I also vaguely recall you mentioning checking in Princess and Kekoa..."

"I don't see why not, however... I wouldn't expect the beast to only be able to target you. It wouldn't make sense for you two to only be able to target each other, unless this beast had to only survive until D4 and eliminate you and only you in order to win? But wouldn't that count as a "role that ends the game early", which were stated to not be in this game?

"I think it's less likely that the beast has some kind of strongman ability (although I have no idea how it works so I guess it's possible?) and more likely that maybe it gets multiple kills in a night, perhaps to make up for the delay in being able to take action? It just seems a little overpowered to me for someone to be able to strongman kill every night." [[ Or were you implying that he simply has a one-use strongman alongside his usual kill? ]]
"Well, what's 100% killing you without question mean exactly? Does it mean piercing doctor protection, or does it mean they also can't be swapped or blocked or whatever?"

[["Implying one-shot strongman because I have bullet-proof to ensure I can live one night but not if the Beast has a way bypass it entirely. and also it's how namo worded my card is important. because he said that I can pierce through whatever protection the beast has but that the beast can do the same to me as well. and that my kill shot can't be redirected from the beast which sounds like the same applies to it as well.

So hence why I'm asking town if they'd rather I just take a wild shot tonight before I possibly die in hopes that I pick the right target? Since if I pick the wrong person my kill shot won't work on anyone else / any other player who isn't the beast. or if I should try and assume i'll live and investigate 4 more ppl N4 in hopes that I can relay this info back to everyone on D5?"

Since during the night I have the option to either investigate or kill and Namo said: "If your kill action doesn't strike the beast, it will fail." and that "Every night you choose X players to search, or one target to kill."]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"If nothing can stop the Beast killing you in the night including swapping etc., and the Beast knows exactly who you are, they'd have to be insane not to go for it. So yeah, you should assume you're probably dead tonight and take the shot. Better think pretty hard about who the Beast's likely to be first, though. Don't just shoot at random into the crowd you haven't inspected."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[Okay, starting with a breakdown of some notable posts from Starlight, because idk what to do with her right now.

"Seems to me like most of us are in favor of abstaining and waiting until tomorrow for the sake of collecting more info. We're taking a big risk whether we wait or whether we kill now. If we wait, it's highly likely someone--most certainly innocent--will die during the night. And if we vote now, then we have a chance of killing off one of the innocents as well, but without gaining any information other than their alignment."

"But it sounds like there is no way to clear him! He'll read as a mafia member no matter what. What's the point? With that claim, it seems there's no point in anyone targeting him--not inforoles, not a killer, or anyone else. He's just there."

Courtney looked around at the others. "Anyone else got anything useful for today? I, for one, am all for causing chaos!" She giggled. "A bit of extra bloodshed, see what happens--that'll at least reveal one member's alignment!"

[[I'm not sure that's a good idea.]]

Courtney's eyes bulged as a voice echoed through her head. Could that... could it really be--

[[I'm not Jirachi or anyone from your past. I'm... I'm not really sure how to explain it, but I watch over you and guide you.]]

Courtney's eyes narrowed. "What? Are you saying you're one of those 'guardian angels,' or sappy things that people make up to feel better about themselves?

[[No. I'm something very different--but don't worry about it. I'm not going to hurt you. Anyway, I just want to point out that everyone has multiple attributes--an 'ability' and a 'move.' I don't know whether I say I fully believe Free, but as it stands, I feel we have literally no other information to go off of. So the town just needs to decide whether it's riskier to abstain from voting and wait until night to get more information, or take a shot in the dark now.]]
Very smoke-blowy post about whether or not town should abstain or vote, never really comes to a conclusion either.

Abstain (7)
Ajia (Delcatty) [Chibi Pika]
Arctozolt (Arctozolt) [Bench]
Cosmo (Linoone) [Flyg0n]
Courtney (Ninetales) [Starlight Aurate]
Kekoa (Skitty) [Persephone]
Princess (Skiddo) [bruh moment]
Tricky (Fennekin) [SparklingEspeon]

That being said, after going through the thread during the first day phase, I have some thoughts I’d like to bring up. First, regarding the “strings” that Free/Dave mentioned. Torchic later brought up Cresselia possibly being a cure. If speaking the name of your legendary causes strings, either:
  • Torchic’s legendary is NOT Cresselia
  • Torchic has strings and didn’t say it, or
  • Speaking the legendary name doesn’t cause strings
Poses some initial questions about strings, I found these thoughts valid actually.

[[Could he possibly have both? If everyone has an active ability, a passive ability, and a one-shot move, who's to say Bluwii can't have both a day ability and a night one?]]
[[Wait, where did you get the two dread from?]]

"Perhaps," Courtney mused as she circled the Slakoth, flames dancing around her mouth. "Even if he's not lying, he's certainly not telling us the whole truth."
Throwing initial sus at Sans.

[[So you were night-targeted by Free then, correct? Because she said she needs to target someone to give 2 dread each night and you volunteered as a guinea pig for that. Did anything else happen, or just the dread count?]]
"Fair," Courtney said with a shrug. "If it's a beneficial ability, whoever placed it may be laying low, if they have a particularly strong power and don't want to be targeted by scum. I think, unless the one who knows what this does speaks up, we've said all there is to say about it for the time being."
[[But would his ability grant a passive via a vote be considered an active or passive ability?]]
[[I don't think Bench confirmed he wasn't the recipient of Bluwii's power; Shini actually pointed out that Bluwii's recipient doesn't get any notification as to what the ability is or does. I think Bench just said he didn't receive a notification that anything was different.]]
More speculation about Bench getting Sans' vote power, among other things like Shini getting dread.

[[Ignore Courtney's bitterness. I just want to hop on board that it looks like Pano expected multiple people to be taken out at night. This could be an innocent concern, considering how many players are in this game and the amount of power roles involved. I DO, however, think this further hints at a third (or more) party in play, as well as multiple roles that can kill players. At the very least, we know there aren't any actions that only work on odd/even numbered nights, so I *hope* we don't have much further to fear tonight.]]

"Oh, you're surprised, too? I'm curious as to why you all think multiple people would pass away each night. Not that I'm complaining--but I want to know the reasoning behind the claims."

[[I have reasons to believe this, too, for a few reasons I already mentioned. I *think* it's safe to discuss legendaries as far as strings are concerned. It just depends how much info you're willing to give out.]]

"Who's to say you can commit arson AND be in a cult?" Courtney said with a dry chuckle.

[[I agree with Chibi here--and I think this further points to the presence of a third party. I wonder: are all players with strings attached notified? Could it be possible for strings to be attached unknowingly, the way some other abilities are passed on unknowingly?]]

[[Interesting that you think giving out more information is beneficial, whereas Chibi thinks that keeping information hidden to maximize the amount of uncertainty is beneficial. I lean more towards Chibi's playstyle. While I agree that giving out information is helpful--and the main way the town can advance--I still think there are reasons to keep quiet, especially for stronger roles like watchers and doctors.]]

[[I haven't played a mafia game in a while. I notice that bruh/q's playstyle seems a bit combative, but iirc, that was also shown back in the First Anniversary Mafia.]]

[[My opinions on this align with Chibi's; I think the strings definitely point to a third party that probably function like a cult trying to recruit players and win by gaining others through control, as opposed to the mafia winning by eliminating other parties.]]
[[Interesting! I hadn't thought of that, but it makes sense, especially with functions like the dread counter.]]

"Oh, that'll be so much fun!"

[[Courtney, more kills are NOT good!]]

"Then why did you create a world where ancient artifacts are powered by the souls of sacrificed prisoners?!"

[[And you're doing a lovely job! Grateful to have input from you, especially as busy as you are!]]

Courtney gazed at the phantasms passing through the various carnival stalls. "Well, we've got a lot to think on. The buildup of Dread, the strings and potential cult powers, Bluwii's power that he keeps quiet about, Chibi's mark, and the presence of a swapper." She exhaled deeply, a few stray embers floating through the air. She turned to Sans. "We all know you're hiding some information. What, exactly, is that ability you passed on to that--" she gestured to Arctozolt--"one? Your only action so far has been to deny any involvement with Ajia's diamond, which we pretty much figured out ourselves." The scarlet faded from Courtney's eyes as they glowed with a ghastly blue hue. "Want to share information? Or should I force it out of you? I've done it quite a lot with Team Magma's prisoners. People always try to resist, but I get what I want, eventually."

[[Courtney, you can't torture the other players! You need them!]]

She huffed a few flames, and her eyes turned red once more. "Fine," she spat as she sauntered towards the stalls. "I'll find other ways to entertain myself, then."

[[So we know there's a swapper in play; some people think it's most likely a mafia member, though TR has hosted bus drivers in mafia and innocent factions in the past. I wonder if someone was swapped last night? Either way, Yellow giving this bit of information makes me think she's most likely innocent {just look at that Quag!). I think maybe Chibi's diamond mark is related to Dialga, and Chibi has some sort of time-affected status. Pure speculation, but thought I'd bring it up. But as Free said, we should focus more on the things we know for sure.]]
Kind of a big post, a lot happening here--I think this is the first time she mentions that there could be a TP, but I don't understand her logic coming to it, as it might pertain to Pano--this is a massive lobby, it's not that far off to assume there should be multiple deaths. One death a night would have this game going on for several weeks.

[[So do you think it's riskier to vote and eliminate with the limited information we have, or to abstain if we have so little info due to the risk of hitting an innocent?]]

[[lol at the account mixup]]

[[I'm definitely suspicious of Bluwiikoon, to say the least. He said he gives an ability that does something, but other than claiming to have nothing to do with Chibi's mark, has offered no other information. Unless he wants to step forward and clear his name, I think he's a fair target.]]

[[On the topic of town swapper, I think it's definitely a possibility. I don't think we're any closer to figuring out whether the swapper from last night was town or mafia. Seren claims the diamond was NOT affected by the swap. ]]

[[So, what I'm getting from this is that you tried to do something went to uA, but instead, Chibi received your action. But your action is unrelated to the diamond. So Chibi was targeted by two different players last night.]]
More on voting Sans, onboard with swapper theory, needs clarification.

[[I honestly don't have much info to give; there wasn't anything I gleaned from last night that would help us at all in hunting scum. I'm just supporting theories that I think are strongest (particularly in favor of third party cult-strings theory) I'm glad that Chibi thinks I'm innocent (if because I'm just asking questions lol) but I do see why you think my high activity and lack of information is suspicious.]]
Defends why they've been posting a lot and not offering too much new.

[[Hmmm... or maybe even a third party Chibi?]]

[[My thoughts: we ought to hear from both Yellow and Seren on WHAT they did, since it sounds like they're both claiming the mark OR both watching Chibi/uA. We should also give Bluwii a chance to defend himself, but even if Wind is confident he's not mafia, I'm not ruling out a third party at play.

Also--has anyone else felt strings? I haven't, and I wonder if they're something that can be placed without the targeted player knowing.

As it is, I'm all for targeting Bluwiikoon until we get more information directly from him.

Vote: Bluwiikoon]]
Hypothesis on TP Chibi, wants to prod Yellow and Seren for diamond ability switcheroo thing, more about strings, votes Bluwii.

[[Okay, so do we even KNOW that swapping happened at all?!? Right now, both Yellow and Seren claim to have made the mark. Yellow targeted uA. Seren targeted Chibi. So:
- uA has some sort of mark from Yellow (if no swap)
- Chibi has Seren's mark AND Yellow's mark

[[Hold up, I do not like this AT ALL. You're unvoting bluwii because no one is defending Bluwii. So you're voting for Tetra because... no one is defending Tetra either?! Bluwii at least claimed an action and is refusing to talk about it. Tetra has been contributing at least a little and to vote her PURELY based off inactivity--while claiming to defend Bluwii due to his inactivity--does not feel safe for me in the slightest.]]

[[I am confident in my vote in Bluwii, for reasons previously stated. I also encourage Bench to speak up! I know he has a plan and is concerned about giving information too soon, but I think it's causing more confusion for the town.]]

[[I'm not about to change my vote, but this playstyle makes me a bit suspicious of Yellow. I'm not so sure there's a swapper anymore. I'll wait for Seren to have time to contribute to investigate this further.]]
More hypothesis on the diamond mark. Throws sus for people hopping off Bluwii wagon and onto Tetra wagon (think it was Yellow and uA). Wants Bench to say more about what they're planning due to confusion. Unsure about swapper now.

[[You're leaving the Bluwii bandwagon to hop on another bandwagon for a character who has also been inactive?

[[I'm suspicious of uA and Yellow. They started and joined a bandwagon on Bluwii, who rightfully has people on his back. Yellow is claiming to have tried to target uA but it was switched to Chibi--which maybe didn't even happen, I don't know. And now they're changing the bandwagon to a totally different player who isn't currently active... because the first bandwagon was on someone inactive. I do not like this at ALL.]]

[[So you think uA has an ability that permits reusing an action if one with a matching action targets them? Do you think uA targeted you? I'm a bit confused about this ability, but it supports that uA did something last night that and keeping quiet about it.]]
(ye was right) Throwing sus at Yellow and uA for moving onto Tetra bandwagon. Questions about what uA might have done.

[[These are all fair points. Again, do we KNOW that a swap happened? Yellow could have targeted uA with something and uA is keeping quiet (and being kicked by glandular fever, so I'm very sympathetic to that).]]
[[This is another reason why I think there's a third party here; I don't think uA and Yellow are partners with Bluwii, but used him as an easy, early target and then hopped to another inactive together.]]
Questioning swap, more thoughts on TP.

[[And so if Seren is responsible, then should we ditch the swap theory? Guess we'll have to wait for his input to find out more about this. As of now, they're both claiming it. Could both be town, mistaken about their powers, or someone trying to cause confusion?]]
[[Good point--Bluwii could've lied about his powers, and didn't give a power to Bench at all. I don't know what the point of that lie would be, but it leaves us with no way to tell otherwise.]]
More speculation, not adding too much to this whole fiasco.

Courtney stopped, staring straight at the Swellow with a gleam in her ruby eyes. "Following every hypothesis and claiming to not use your powers. How much of a leader are you, really? The Hoenn League has turned out to be even less competent than I imagined..." She switched her gaze to Sidney. "You, admittedly, have been quite helpful. I still think we should hang out sometime! What do you say?"
Not sure if this was flavor, it's hard to tell--seemed to agree with my outburst on Torchic's susness, and thinks Pano has been helpful so far

"I'm a bit suspicious of this, too," Courtney mused. "Laura both seems to know and not know what happened to her. When everyone suspected she had been swapped with Ajia, and whatever was meant for her landed on Ajia, she went along with it. But now that we know a swap happened, she's convinced that she knows The Quag's power and that he's innocent. So, Laura? Do you know what happened to you from the Quagsire, or not?"

[[I know Jack is sick and I feel bad for putting Laura on the spot, I just want to give my two cents here.]]
Prods Jackie for an inconsistency

- Chibi Pika
- Dragonfree
- Inkedust
- Seren
Soft Town:
- unrepentantAuthor
- ShiniGojira (I know he's confusing, but the roleclaim stuff makes sense to me. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me lol)
- Sinderella (pretty much agreed with her angry outburst)
- bruh moment (playstyle similar to First Anniversary Mafia; had valid feelings about others' actions, especially regarding voting)
- Windskull
- Bench (not much has come from him, and I feel suspicious about his plan, but Chibi said that the last time Bench caved to pressure, it ended badly)
- Flyg0n (really hasn't said much; others say that's not typical of her, but I've never seen her play so I don't know or have anything to go off of)
- Persephone (has been busy and not said much; nothing I find suspicious, though)
- Panoramic_Vaccuum
- Blossomleaf
- SparklingEspeon
- Just a Torchic
Mafia/Third Party:
- HelloYellow17 (the mass confusion surrounding her power; could all be innocent, but as more info comes to light, I feel less confident with her)
- Bluwiikoon (was oddly silent about his ability on Day 1, started Day 2 off claiming innocence as far as the mark goes, only gave any input about his power after being pressured the majority of Day 2)

I know Chibi is confident that Yellow is not mafia, but I'm not so sure. These are my thoughts, 'tis late and I may not make it on before end of day.]]
Readlist, I think this is the only one they've made so far

About the whole multifaction cult thing: I strongly support this theory. I think Bluwii is one of a cult, though whether he's leader or recruiting, I don't know. I'm wary about voting for him without taking him out. If his vote on someone leaves protection, I feel like whoever votes for him at the end of day will have Something Bad happen to them. I may retract my vote if he's not in the majority.
More on supporting TP's

[[What makes you say that?]]
Honestly forgot why I marked this, I think this was just more prodding about something Free said.

[[It's pure speculation, based along the theory of third-party cultist and how he can protect someone by voting for them.]]
Responding to questions about being asked about her thoughts in regard to TP theory

[Wh--are you just trying to create another bandwagon for the sake of it? It's the middle of the night (3 AM) for Europeans, uA won't be on before end of Day]]
Questions Q's vote for uA

"If this is a game with multiple factions," Courtney stated, "wouldn't it be beneficial to make others aware of them? You should know--the Pokemon League is a cult, and you're trying to get all of Hoenn to eradicate Team Magma and Team Aqua. And we want to get rid of you and Team Aqua. If anything, I think it makes sense that the Slakoth, as a cultist, would bring up the other factions."
Thinks Sans bringing up other factions would be helpful if he were cultist

[[Yessss Inke you're on fire, thank you for providing logic.]]

[[My last time playing with q, there was so much chaos and aggression, people were going back-and-forth on whether it was mafia play or just an aggressive townie. Turned out to be an aggressive townie lol]]
Thanking Inke for logical posts, I guess, speculation on Q

[[So YOU are the vigilante that killed uA? And you were bulletproof? How did you deduce that uA was mafia?]]

[[Is everything okay? If you feel comfortable sharing your intel, go ahead.]]
Suggestes that Blossom share her intel if she's ready.

[[Also let me get this straight (and someone correct me if I'm wrong):

- Bench was (possibly one-shot) bulletproof, so he couldn't be killed last night
- The protective mark is now on Bench

Ugh, I want to be involved but my work day literally JUST started. I'll get back on here later with more thoughts.

Anyone glean useful info from their night actions?]]
[[Wait wait wait what]]

[[Then was it a bus driver? Town/third party vigilante?]]
Asks for some info on night actions, needs clarification on what happened to Bench

[[I second this. Pano has been defending Bluwii every time, even though there is plenty of reason to be suspicious of Bluwii. I'm guessing they're in the same cult, especially with Pano constantly saying, "why would Bluwii bring up cults if he's in a cult?"

Bluwii: how do you know there are cults, if you're not in one? You don't seem to have some sort of inforole that I know of.

I'm also feeling iffy on Persephone, but it's based on bias/previous mafia experience lol. In the First Anniversary mafia, she was trying to jail me because my posts didn't have much content to them, and she turned out to be mafia. I know other players here largely agree, that my posts lack content/coherent thought. I'm trying, and I put effort into my posts; I'm just not a good scumhunter.]]
[[Bolded because I think it's a good point that uA and Bluwii are probably not scumbuddies, but with all the possibility of there being a third party, Bluwii is probably involved in that/some sort of cult faction.

As far as uA defending Shini, it does make me feel more like Shini is scumbuddy with uA. That, and the fact that Shini "lost count" or lied about the number of dread that he got from Free makes me feel more suspicious. His gameplay and wording are overall confusing, but that might just be a certain playstyle.

I'm not sure how I feel about Yellow. She could be town, playing her cards a certain way and made honest mistakes. But since uA never said anything about what Yellow's power actually did, it's hard to know. uA was positive that Yellow's power went through, but Yellow's power was just blocking. How could uA be so sure of a block, unless the recipient of a block is notified? Why didn't uA or Yellow say anything about that if they're on different sides? This makes me feel slightly more suspicious of Yellow.

As far as voting.... I'm still really suspicious of Bluwiikoon. I think a Third Party is as dangerous as scum. So vote: Bluwiikoon.
Now throwing sus on Pano for defending Bluwii. Iffy on Persephone due to previous experience. Thinks Shini and uA might have been in kahoots, Bluwii and uA maybe not. Unsure of Yellow. Votes Bluwii.

[[I agree about Torchic. Blossomleaf, though, I don't really follow her logic on.]]
Now thinks Torchic is town-y-ish

And yes, I don't think uA and Bluwii were working together. Whether or not uA and q were working together, I can't tell, as they didn't really interact in their posts. q brought up the Bluwii train and uA went for it after quickly backpedaling. I would think that mafia-q might have gone for someone apart from Bluwii because we know Bluwii isn't an inforole and not as much of a threat to mafia as someone who's potentially an inforole is.]]
I think Free pointed this out already but I'm pretty sure they did actually interact

[[Seconding this because it's huge. It looks like she's claiming a change in alignment AND that she has some sort of inforole at night that she can check players with. But she doesn't specify how she checks them (clear of statuses? or marks? or does it have to do with alignment?) and she doesn't say how many per night (she claims to have checked THREE players in TWO nights).
[[So you do not have anything to do with strings, but that is either a mafia/game maker/other cult thing?]]
[[I'd buy it, honestly. I'm positive we have at least two third-party players. Whether they're in the same "third party" or different ones, I don't know.]]
[[Agreed. I don't think strings are related to Bluwii anymore, based on what he previously said. Since Bluwii has pretty much admitted to being a cultist, I think getting rid of him is a plan to go for now.]]
[[If the "no hidden abilities" thing applies here, I don't believe Namo would change a player's alignment without telling that person. I'm certain the player knows.

I think that Bluwii, Pano, and Blossomleaf are together in some sort of third party. Maybe it started out as Bluwii and Pano; Blossomleaf was then recruited by Bluwii voting for her. If so, that'd make total of 4 scum and 3 third-party (well, 3 scum now). Or 4 scum and 4 third-party, if there's another member who started in the cult and Blossomleaf was a recruit. If Bluwii voting for someone recruits them, then Seren's marking freeing them would make sense (assuming Bench is clear and has not changed alignment).]]
Throwing sus at Blossom's claim I think, more speculation on strings and cults/TP, hypothesizes who could be in the TP.

[[How can this be possible?? Namo said in the rules that there are no "odd night only" or "even night only" powers.]]
Makes point about rules.

[[Okay, I've been overall suspicious of you. You're been vehemently defending Bluwii and then you brought up the possibility of a D4 serial killer BEFORE Blossomleaf did, and she later confirmed it. Even if you're not in the same faction as Bluwiikoon, you're reading as potentially third party, and I'm worried that if you live until D4, you might also get a kill on someone.]]
More sus on Pano

[[I would *think* it might be more helpful than not, at this point. Most of Yellow's powers were out in the open, and keeping most of your abilities under wraps can make you look more suspicious. I think it'd be fine to reveal them. What do others think?]]
Thinks it's fine that Abra reveal.


[[Also you were itching to tell us that, weren't you haha.]]

[[Okay, I'm firmly in the "Abra/Yellow is town" group now.]]
Now not sus of Abra/Yellow because of reveal.

[[Hang on, how do you know this?]]
[[I think that's a good discussion point. To be clear about Blossomleaf's power: she says "the beast" will be "active" on Day 4. So does this person have a day power? And would skipping the night benefit it? And would it be a day kill, or something else? Skipping the night does have the burden of people with nightpowers/investigative powers not being able to use them. I'm willing to sacrifice mine for a night, if we think it would help everyone else. Thoughts?]]
[[That's fair. I know I haven't contributed much to discussion; my role has a nightpower, and as I've said, it's been 100% useless in hunting mafia members up to this point ._. I hope I can still help!]]
Speculation on Blossom's claim. Seems to softclaim their power(ish), and is okay with skipping the night phase.

Courtney circled about the other players, soaking in the bright desert sun. "Any other thoughts on skipping the night? Yes, inforoles will be lost. But it may be worth it if it means preventing mafia and third party kills. I am positive that Cacturne is up to no good. He was vehemently defending the Slakoth, whom we're now confidently disposing of. And after he realized he was wrong, he claims to be afraid of the 'beast' and is begging for a 1/4 chance of Nanu catching it. Nevermind the fact that, even if Nanu identifies it, it will be too late for her to do anything. Who's to say that she won't fall victim during the night? Then we'll have even fewer people to watch out for mafia and third party players for."

Courtney stood tall, the sunlight gleaming off her creamy fur. With every exhale, flames leapt from her mouth and nostrils, creating dancing sparks in the air. "I, for one, think we should skip the night phase. I am VERY suspicious of that Cacturne. We can press him harder in tomorrow's day phase, and I don't think he'd make a bad target for voting out. He's offered little in the way of help and his actions have been unhelpful, to say the least."
Wants to skip the night phase, thinks losing info roles is worth it if it means preventing other kills (???????). Tunneling Pano hard, logic on Blossom's power doesn't make sense either because didn't Blossom say she was the only one who could kill the Beast, or did I imagine that???? I think somebody (Chibi maybe) pointed that out right after this post.

"Yeah, she can INSPECT three players, but what can she do about it? 'Hey guys, I found out who's that third party beast! But I can't kill them because it's day four and they're running around killing people. Sorry about that!' What good does that do? And that's if she successfully finds the beast. Out of the 15 players left, she has a one-in-four chance of getting someone. Not great odds."
See above.

She looked at the Alolan Meowth. "And you! Let's hear from you! Any luck in catching that 'beast' last night? Don't worry--I fully believe you're innocent. I'll stand by you and help you eliminate whoever you've got! I think that crotchety old Mightyena is right: the number of deaths will increase as the game goes on. So let's find this beast and take him out!"
Okay but the day before you were convinced there was something off about her role, right????

Courtney / Starlight (Clear)
I guess Starlight isn't the Beast

[[Well, there goes my theory lol. Pano, I am 50% sorry for assuming you were the beast. I still, however, think you're up to no good, so that 50% is unapologetic.

Sounds like we should hear from Bench now.]]
Pano cleared by Blossom's power, still sussing Pano.

[[Thanks for speaking up! Can you please elaborate a bit more here? Do you mean you can see if she only interacts with you, or who she interacts with in total? Because if so, then yours and Blossom's claims don't match up, as she said she inspected three of us and you say she only inspected you.]]
Asks for more clarification from Bench's tracker claim.

I also don't feel great about Sinderella. She's made big posts about summaries and reads and has offered a softclaim, but I don't think she's done much for scumhunting/TP-hunting. I'll take you up on your offer to softclaim, Sind, if it will help--unless others think that's a bad idea?
Agreeing with the idea that I should softclaim (too little too late).

I also have no idea what you mean about doing little to scumhunt--I think after every summary post I make I give a breakdown of my thoughts about my findings in the summaries (because truthfully, I make them to help town but it also keeps me caught up, especially because I've been somewhat inactive in the recent phases for this game) and I ask overall questions, and poke who I want to hear from if my findings made me sus of them--have done that for Torchic because they're highest on my sus list, for Blossom as well when they were being weird about revealing their role, and I think (I'd have to go look again because I truthfully don't remember) I also went at Shini for their confusing ass reveal.

[[About the mass role claim: I think it is a very, very bad idea, for reasons Persephone listed. I know this isn't the same as vanilla mafia, and there's a lot to be gleaned from people roleclaiming, but I still think we should do reveals slowly. I know the number of nightkills is expected to go up. But we've already lost an oracle. Bench just claimed tracker. If the rest of the night inforoles come out, then the Mafia/TP know exactly who to go for. I'm all for working with what we've got and figuring stuff out there. I think the night-skip would be useful EVENTUALLY, but I'm not sure that a sudden mass roleclaim D3 + nightskip N4 + coordinate over the two days is a great idea.
Okay this is odd to me because you've gone this whole game "yes yes if you have a role/info to reveal you should reveal it maybe possibly yes" but now that somebody is offering the idea that everyone roleclaim, that's where you draw the line. I know you said in a previous post:

[[Interesting that you think giving out more information is beneficial, whereas Chibi thinks that keeping information hidden to maximize the amount of uncertainty is beneficial. I lean more towards Chibi's playstyle. While I agree that giving out information is helpful--and the main way the town can advance--I still think there are reasons to keep quiet, especially for stronger roles like watchers and doctors.]]

From what I've seen your play hasn't really reflected that, UNTIL somebody said everyone claim? Every time somebody has offered to reveal, or hinted at revealing, from what I've read and compiled her, you've p much said "You should do it, maybe!" If there WAS any hesitation (i.e. "if you feel comfortable", "what does everyone else think?", "do you think it will be beneficial?"), it felt extremely "i'm going through the motions of cautiously pushing people to claim so I have more information WITHOUT outwardly asking them to claim so it still looks like I'm playing safe and have town's best interest in mind" and not like you were actually hesitant whatsoever on them revealing. That's really feelsbad to me now that I've viewed all of your posts together.

[[Last quick note: I'm also not 100% sure that Blossom is town. I lean Town on her for now, especially considering her helpfulness. But hunting an exclusively TP member feels like it also leaves room for scum.
Didn't you say in THIS PHASE that you fully believe Blossom was innocent??????? Was that RP flavor??????

So after all of this I'm no longer null of Starlight and feeling very very very suspicious of her now. If she's not scum, I feel like the way she's latched onto the TP thing makes me galaxybrain that she might be a TP and is tunneling the other potential TP's so her faction comes out on top??? Lightly prodding people who offer to claim to actually claim so she has more info for herself, while trying to seem Town in doing so???? Am I reading into all of this too hard? Probably. Nonetheless, I don't feel good about it at all.]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
Though I'm still sus of Pano, I think there's PLENTY for Town to look at and scrutinize without defaulting to everyone claiming everything they've done right out the gate.
[[ what are these things you think we have to look at and scrutinize? you say this, yet your self-admitted mess of a readlist consists purely of vibes that we have no way to resolve one way in the other in thread. none of your lines of questioning are leading us any closer to landing on scum. and i’m not blaming you or scolding you, i’m pointing it out because it’s precisely my point. if you actually believe we have plenty to discuss and that our scumhunting ability is perfectly fine as it is then our play needs to reflect that, which currently it doesn’t, or this argument holds no water. -q ]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[ btw, i’m probably gonna be dead for the rest of the (real-world) day. if you really need me for something ping me bc i suspect i’m going to skim whatever posts i miss including quotes unless something happens which feels unlikely. -q ]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[["Implying one-shot strongman because I have bullet-proof to ensure I can live one night but not if the Beast has a way bypass it entirely. and also it's how namo worded my card is important. because he said that I can pierce through whatever protection the beast has but that the beast can do the same to me as well. and that my kill shot can't be redirected from the beast which sounds like the same applies to it as well.
pissed_front.png"Well that woulda been fuckin' nice to know ahead of time. You're bulletproof now too, and unblockable, and the beast is too? How many powers do you fuckin' have?"

My passive ability is that I can see how many people interact with me at night.
neutral frown_front.png"Huh, now what kind of a power is that? What would be the benefit of knowing how many people visited you each night? Do you have anything else to report from any of the other nights? Or were you left alone for the most part? Kinda wild that you only get a count. I wonder how that's helpful? For busting claims?"

heh_front.png"I do want to ask one question to the Froslass, though. Hey @ShiniGojira, can you give us a rundown of how you used your powers each night? I think it's pretty clear you haven't used your vigilante kill yet since we've only had one death each night. You say you healed the Mightyena on N1, what'd you do N2 and N3, then? Who'd you block and who'd you deflect to? I'm still hung up on the Stringer's actions behaving like they got the Kadabra's powers on N1, but that's not possible because the Kadabra said they targeted that scummy Meowth."

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
"I don't see why not, however... I wouldn't expect the beast to only be able to target you. It wouldn't make sense for you two to only be able to target each other, unless this beast had to only survive until D4 and eliminate you and only you in order to win? But wouldn't that count as a "role that ends the game early", which were stated to not be in this game?
Ajia flipped through the rulebook she'd been given. "It says here that 'roles that end the game early if the player is eliminated' won't be in the game. So, there's no one trying to get shot or voted out, but other early game-enders are possible. That said, I find it kind of unlikely that the beast would just instantly win the game by killing Nanu? Especially if they have a strongman shot. I mean, how could we possibly stop them?"

[[I would have some serious questions for Namo if a single unavoidable kill would make us lose instantly.]]

N1: uA shoots Equitial
Equitial dies!
Ajia shook her head. "There's no way that Laura was the killer since Puck blocked her on night 1. Plus, she would have been hastened on night 2, and then we would have had two deaths because all kills happen at the same time, even if one of the killers dies. I suppose the second kill could have been healed, or have hit a bulletproof... But still--the night 1 block is a pretty big problem with that."

And when Blossom came out about the Beast, I was convinced that Pano was probably the beast because I felt like her play was not very towny. And a busdriver could be someone from any faction--even if she's third party, she can just be causing extra chaos. I feel like, by offering that night info, she wasn't putting herself in a position of danger. I'm grateful she offered it, but I don't think it necessarily clears her name at all.]]
"A bus driver could be scum, but not third party. Bus drivers cause chaos that can help their side and hinder the other side. Or the opposite. But they wouldn't really be able to do anything on their own. I mean, what would the win condition be...? Since we have strong evidence against Sidney being scum, I believe he's innocent."

So hence why I'm asking town if they'd rather I just take a wild shot tonight before I possibly die in hopes that I pick the right target? Since if I pick the wrong person my kill shot won't work on anyone else / any other player who isn't the beast. or if I should try and assume i'll live and investigate 4 more ppl N4 in hopes that I can relay this info back to everyone on D5?"
Ajia gave Nanu a serious look. "If you're sure we can't protect you, then... you should definitely go for it. There's no reason not to, if your shot won't hurt the rest of us."

From what I've seen your play hasn't really reflected that, UNTIL somebody said everyone claim? Every time somebody has offered to reveal, or hinted at revealing, from what I've read and compiled her, you've p much said "You should do it, maybe!" If there WAS any hesitation (i.e. "if you feel comfortable", "what does everyone else think?", "do you think it will be beneficial?"), it felt extremely "i'm going through the motions of cautiously pushing people to claim so I have more information WITHOUT outwardly asking them to claim so it still looks like I'm playing safe and have town's best interest in mind" and not like you were actually hesitant whatsoever on them revealing. That's really feelsbad to me now that I've viewed all of your posts together.
Ajia read through all of Odette's notes, humming to herself. "I think you're right. There's a lot of trying to bait claims from people while also trying not to look like it. By contrast, Princess's Guardian did suggest that it could be helpful for us to all claim, but she wasn't cagey about it at all--she just outright said it. Courtney seems to be really concerned with not looking like she's actually doing that."

"Also, I feel pretty good about Winona now. Her claim mostly just feels like a well-intentioned newbie. For a while, I was thinking Cresselia might have a 'godfather' ability, to contrast Darkrai's miller. But that doesn't work--if godfather were the passive ability, then the dread-clearing (which we know has to be real) would need to be the active power, otherwise there wouldn't be enough room on the card. And I find it really unlikely that a mafia would just have dread-clearing as their active power."


Ace Trainer
View attachment 2388"Well that woulda been fuckin' nice to know ahead of time. You're bulletproof now too, and unblockable, and the beast is too? How many powers do you fuckin' have?"
Ajia flipped through the rulebook she'd been given. "It says here that 'roles that end the game early if the player is eliminated' won't be in the game. So, there's no one trying to get shot or voted out, but other early game-enders are possible. That said, I find it kind of unlikely that the beast would just instantly win the game by killing Nanu? Especially if they have a strongman shot. I mean, how could we possibly stop them?"

Ajia gave Nanu a serious look. "If you're sure we can't protect you, then... you should definitely go for it. There's no reason not to, if your shot won't hurt the rest of us."
"Only powers I have are the ones that I fessed up to. But given how quiet Chatot's been. I think she's trying to strategize who we should target tonight." Nanu surmised thoughtfully. "So. Guess we'll go ahead and see what happens. But I guess the question now is are we planning to vote anyone out? or are we abstaining from voting entirely for right now?"


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
I feel a bit suspicious of her wanting to go along with a mass role reveal, coordinate plans, and then skip the night.
[[Not quite. Q was never pressing the idea hard, I was only voicing that its one of many possibilities. I never 'went along' as if was something to be done for real.

I specifically said I wasn't promoting the idea, I was just throwing the thought out.
I'm not hard suggesting we do this btw it was just the thought that ran through my mind]]
As you can see I never pushed for it or demanded it. I wasn't hard driving for it, it was a vague thought at best.

- bruh moment: the mass roleclaim. I just... I really don't feel good about it. At all. Though they started a bandwagon on uA on D2. Chibi and Tetra had voted for them earlier based on instinct/'vibes.'
I don't believe I ever voted for Q? I definitely sussed them. That's extremely different than a vote, imo.

Anyways on a broader note, I'll try to make a full readlist later. Right now I feel a bit at a loss. For the time being, all I have is admittedly vibes on people. My best sus was briefly early, when my misunderstanding of how swap order works led me to believe Blossom lied. That doesn't seem like the case at all, now that confusion is cleared up.
To reiterate my earlier statement, Blossom really doesn't seem like she's lying. Its too messy, too complex, to lie about. It feels like a beginner trying their best (which, is basically me when you get down to it too, so no ill will.)
Blossom is basically town in my book, for now.
But even last game, when I thought free was sus but never elaborated, or found q vaguely sus in that other the game, or any of the few other times I ended up being sort of right, it wasn't something I could explain :/
Which doesn't help us/town, I know.

Honestly Starlight is pinging me, for her behaviour, some of which was highlighted in sinds earlier post. WHile I sympathize and have definitelygone back and forth on my own suspicions and thoughts as the day goes on, her behaviour feels a little off. The only way I can describe it is 'agenda driven' and like they have something to hide, but not in the way a town person hides their power role. More like someone who isn't worried about being nightkilled, but is worried about a TP kill. Like mafia trying to eliminate real threats.

And I apologize in advance to anyreal town players because I can't figure out a better, more concrete way to explain my thought process here.

but I am going to say something maybe controversial now, that based on who has been 'checked' by blossom, who has revealed, and what powers we've seen, and who I believe about powers: I feel like Sind is a candidate for being the beast, aka a TP. Slipping under the radar in a way that is neither town, nor scum trying to be helpful. Yet still genuinely trying to be helpful and offer insight since that still helps them. I am sorry Sind (to your irl, ur great) but something about them feels weird.

I know they offered to softclaim and made readlists, and that is helpful to town and what someone who wanted to look town-y would do. Which is good because its what a TP would maybe do to appear town to scum, and town to town, while mantaining cover to stay alive until a day upon which they act properly.

But this still a theory I'm not sure about, and I have always historially hated being wrong/killing the wrong folks.

Lastly, quick reads of people I think are safe:

Chibi, torchic, Pano, Blossom, Free,

Maybe Fray

Also I do agree with a point chibimade: At the very least, Q was very forthright about their plan to mass claim, and very much notcagey or hiding thoughts about mass roleclaim. They seem consistent, and while they're not hard town in my book yet I can say they seem a little more realiable than my initial analysis in earlier days]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
do want to ask one question to the Froslass, though. Hey @ShiniGojira, can you give us a rundown of how you used your powers each night? I think it's pretty clear you haven't used your vigilante kill yet since we've only had one death each night. You say you healed the Mightyena on N1, what'd you do N2 and N3, then? Who'd you block and who'd you deflect to? I'm still hung up on the Stringer's actions behaving like they got the Kadabra's powers on N1, but that's not possible because the Kadabra said they targeted that scummy Meowth."
[[N1 healed Free/Dave.
N2 did nothing.
N3 did nothing.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[I think it’s a really, really, really bad idea to abstain/vote for no elimination. My first choice for voting would be Courtney/Starlight.]]
mad_front.png"Oh we're definitely not abstaining today, that's for damn sure. That Ninetales may not be the Beast, but I'm willing to bet she's a beast, or at least scum."

"You said you have night powers, but all you've got to go on is vibes. So what have you been doing for three nights now? You can't be a cop otherwise you'd have already inspected me, rather than play "pin-the-blame-on-Sidney". And I doubt you're a roleblocker because, again, why wouldn't you try to sabotage me in the night if I'm so shady?"

sicko mode_front.png"'Course, if you were scum you could just off me in the night, but where's the fun in that when half the town was ready to hang me without you lifting a finger?"

"She's got a million and one reasons to sus everyone else, so let's see what she's got to prove we shouldn't sus her."

Vote: Courtney/Starlight

Sidney shrugged. "Not like I haven't already made my stance known yesterday."


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[Does Beast = source of dread or something else TP? I’m so confused.]]
[[Dread comes from Free, patron Darkrai... We've been over this a billion times. We actually have no information about the beast other than from Blossom's role, which said it was "active" as of today.]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
but I am going to say something maybe controversial now, that based on who has been 'checked' by blossom, who has revealed, and what powers we've seen, and who I believe about powers: I feel like Sind is a candidate for being the beast, aka a TP. Slipping under the radar in a way that is neither town, nor scum trying to be helpful. Yet still genuinely trying to be helpful and offer insight since that still helps them. I am sorry Sind (to your irl, ur great) but something about them feels weird.
[[Fam I pretty much offered myself up to be targeted by info roles and other town powers and whatever the fuck because of my role, why would I do that if I were the Beast???? From what I can tell, Blossom has a whole damn roster of people to check, so if I were actually the Beast, I wouldn't say a goddamn word and hold my breath and hope she left me alone, not BLAST myself as somebody who should be targeted by a role like that.

You haven't really answered the questions I'd given you in my readlist either. What specifically makes you go HMMMMMMM about me??? I slipped under the radar because I wasn't being as active as I should be, but again I go back to the point I defended myself on with Starlight--I have at least TRIED to pose questions on the people I've found suspicious to me. For example, I stuck my neck out on Torchic pretty much from the beginning because I was SO SURE they were acting sus. Even if my questions and observations were wrong, I have still tried to be helpful to town, hence why I also offered to softclaim, because it seems everyone has been playing cards to chest and felt like some info extra was better than none, knowing I've been kinda down and out--which again, you gave absolutely no response to. Tbh I don't think you've said much of ANYTHING about me, aside from maybe a readlist where you dubbed me null, until today. Everything about this is giving me really really bad vibes from you.]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Been generally a bit busy, but I have caught up with the thread and have a few thoughts to share:

I do think that Starlight is our safest vote for today. I was waffling quite a bit with my read on her on prior days and I do think that my read on her was influenced by my general disbelief of Blossom's claim (something I'm willing to believe for now thanks to Pano's claim and further clarification). Yes, it could just be some misguided townies going hard at each other, but Starlight raises too many red flags to ignore. These flags were already brought up by other players, so I don't see the need to repeat myself here, but looking back at lot of her posts feel agenda driven. For example: skipping the night phase would be great to suppress info roles. Getting other players to claim would be great for any hostile anti-town player to figure out who's the most dangerous but don't mass-claim because then they might get caught (for the record, I don't think mass-claiming at this point in the game is a good idea, since all it does is give Mafia/the Beast a convenient hit-list and this will hurt town more than help for the time being).

I also had a small theory pop up in my mind as I was rereading. This is entirely speculative and we won't know anything until the night phase--so take it with a grain of salt and don't let it derail the convo--but I thought it was worth sharing for now:

What if Bluwii was the Third-party Blossom is looking for? Yes, he claimed Cult Leader and all that, but something doesn't add up here. By the looks of things, it appears that any role/ability that impacts the player in a mechanical way is clearly telegraphed. Players are notified about dread, the strings, they get a visual indicator when targeted by Seren's role--so why would this be any different? No players died when Bluwii was eliminated, like he claimed was what would happen, nor did they receive any notifications about being in his cult--which seems like a pretty major thing to notify players about. Additionally, Bluwii was trying to play up the idea that if we voted him out, his cult would go down with him (trying to discourage use from voting him out) but shooting him at night would be totally okay--this aligns with Blossom's claim that the supposed "Beast" is Bulletproof and can only be taken out by Blossom: He was trying to buy time by baiting any nightkills so he would make it to Day 4, where his powers would activate.

Also, also, while this could be entirely flavour, this post stuck out to me and got me brain a-thonking:
"dude my patron isn't even a legendary," commented sans, shaking his head. "kind of fucked up if you ask me."

Again, this is just me going into full conspiracy theorist mode, so please take it with a grain of salt.]]


  1. sableye
[[ figured I'd use it on someone whose powers I'm actually sure about, rather than just picking someone I don't know shit about ]]
[[ I also wanted to say that I planned to keep this a secret for as long as possible, just on the off chance that the mafia/third party didn't figure out who would be hasted this incoming night phase. As far as I know, no players really mentioned it when this day phase began. ])

"Ah, okay, well... that was just about the reason I was figuring, too. Safe pick, I guess. Well, at least it might let me experiment with countering the strings, I guess.

"Oh, and uh... sorry to blow your cover, then," Kimiko added with an apologetic smile. "I was just... really confused why you'd want to power up the one person whose power is least likely to be helpful at this stage."

"Great! So did you not mark anyone last night? Nobody's got a diamond on them today. And a bit convenient that you have a power that was protective against someone who's third party, don't ya think? Convenient that we can't confirm it?"

[[I'm not saying that having something protect against TP is necessarily not-town, but I think it leaves wiggle room for potential for being Mafia. Overall, though, I'm getting a town-lean read on Seren.]]
"Didja miss the part where the Kadabra said they targeted the Snivy with their blocking power last night? We weren't informed about a diamond mark this morning like every other morning, so yeah they were blocked."

"Yeah, Sidney's got it. No mark this morning because I was blocked last night, and was informed that I'll be able to act twice tomorrow, so. Like I said, I figure I'll just mark a couple people who have strings and see what happens.

"I'm not sure what you mean by 'convenient', really. I took the leap to reveal my power out in the open early on and have backed it up to the best of my ability, even to the point in admitting that now I question what use I can be mechanically anymore. Of course we can't confirm it if everyone votes out the person we suspected to be my opposite. Please tell me you're not now suspicious of me for helping to eliminate a third party."

[[ To be fair, yeah, in a setup like this, I also would not be surprised too much if it was a mafia with a curing power, just to screw with town and having to weigh the benefits of keeping a known mafia alive to help keep a TP in line or just eliminating the known mafia. That said, if I were mafia, I wouldn't be this transparent about my powers. I've already said that I'd be willing to reveal the rest of mine if necessary. ]]

**Considering redoing Bench / Arc due to the swap fiasco
*Cosmo / Tetra
*Winona / Torchic
*Fray / Shinigojira
*Kimiko / Seren
*Ajia / Chibi
*Mademoiselle / InkeDust
*Dave / Dragonfree
*Aster / Abra
*Odette / Sind

"Okay, based on this list... we know Dave's, Aster's, and my own roles. We have claims from Winona and Fray that are currently still in question. Honestly... I'm really scared at the very notion of Ajia or Mademoiselle being this 'beast', or just a third party in general. I don't really buy it, but hot damn, that's a terrifying concept. That leaves... Odette and Cosmo.

Hm... Odette's been very helpful in summarizing and note-taking, but if she really is a third party, then it's still beneficial for her to help in whatever ways she can to eliminate as many people as possible, so while I don't think I'd buy mafia!Odette, I can see a case for TP!Odette, I guess. That said, she did also say that her role is a boon to town if people interact with her, which is honestly just asking for a cop to check her, so... gives me a good feeling from that, at least?

Cosmo is still kind of an unknown really, but... something about their play so far just has felt off to me, even since coming back from the precipice of inactivity. I can't pinpoint exactly why, but it gives me more scummy vibes than third party vibes.

"At this point, if you're going to pick a target at random to try to shoot, I'd probably say Cosmo or Odette is the best random chance out of this list, but that's my feelings on it."

[["Also I did some rereading on my card and first off: I am right. the beast can 100% kill me without question as I can kill the beast 100% back as well. Meaning if the beast does target me during N4 I will be dead no questions asked. 2nd I technically have the ability to either kill or investigate during the night. however if I pick the wrong target then my killing power will not work on any other player who isn't the 3rd party beast.

So I guess my question is: if i feel like N4 is the last night I'll have to act /live, should I "risk the biscuit" and take a shot in the dark as to who i think the beast is? or should tentatively assume i might live N4 and try to complete one last investigation to provide town with more answers? Is what I'm going to ask everyone right now given the new information that has come to light in that the beast is active and can kill me no questions asked if I'm targeted by it tonight"]]

"The chances of you making it out of tonight alive are... not looking good, I'm sorry to say, so... if you honestly can't harm anyone but the beat with your killing ability, I don't see the harm in shooting blind. Just... try to pick someone logical."

Ajia flipped through the rulebook she'd been given. "It says here that 'roles that end the game early if the player is eliminated' won't be in the game. So, there's no one trying to get shot or voted out, but other early game-enders are possible. That said, I find it kind of unlikely that the beast would just instantly win the game by killing Nanu? Especially if they have a strongman shot. I mean, how could we possibly stop them?"

[[I would have some serious questions for Namo if a single unavoidable kill would make us lose instantly.]]

She nodded at Ajia. "Okay, so voting the beast out isn't going to end the game.

"In regards to the strongman shot, though. That that single unavoidable kill would have to be aimed perfectly for the game to end just like that. If Nanu had been able to keep quiet about his ability and just hunt the beast without anyone else knowing, that makes it much harder for the beast to complete his win condition. A solo player taking on 19 others to win, while somehow not being offed themselves by mafia, town, OR their own prey? That seems unfair, especially with being delayed to act until N4. I could see a universe in which the exchange for all of that is that the beast can insta-win by taking out their counter-player. So like... yeah, with the beast's main fear being exposed like she was, that paints the situation in an entirely different light, I think.

"I guess my question then is, how likely is that scenario? This is a more chaotic game than average... so maybe by that virtue alone, this type of insta-lose role wouldn't be included? I guess my inexperience is showing..." She shook her head. She felt like she was beginning to talk in circles.

[[ I do find it hard to believe that only one player being able to deal with this beast sounds harsh, too, though... But then, there are other ways to potentially neuter the beast though, too, right? For example, wouldn't Dave's dread block anything the beast can do outright? So even if we lost the beast's hunter, we'd still be able to hold 'em off, at least. And if there's more ways to stop this beast rather than just killing it before it can act, I don't see why it couldn't also have a game-ending kill ability, even if we haven't met the alternate conditions to hinder it yet, which would suck for us.]]

[[I think it’s a really, really, really bad idea to abstain/vote for no elimination. My first choice for voting would be Courtney/Starlight.]]

"Yeah, no, definitely not abstaining anymore."

I feel like Sind is a candidate for being the beast, aka a TP. Slipping under the radar in a way that is neither town, nor scum trying to be helpful. Yet still genuinely trying to be helpful and offer insight since that still helps them. I am sorry Sind (to your irl, ur great) but something about them feels weird.

"Honestly though, I feel the same can be said for you," she said, eyeing the linoone. "And Odette's at least been making attempts... I feel like you've mostly just been echoing others' thoughts."

Again, this is just me going into full conspiracy theorist mode, so please take it with a grain of salt.]]

"This... actually does make a lot of sense, honestly? Sans did also vote for Nanu to "confer his protective mark" so maybe he had been actually planning to eliminate her? I don't recall if she had revealed what she does yet by that stage, but it's possible he'd already figured it out? Will go back to re-read.

"The only real hole I see with this is that, technically, my patron isn't a legendary either. It's an ultra beast, and sans claimed to have mechanical proof that it existed in the game... which maybe he had just guessed from my hints?

"That said... now I'm really paranoid that I've been wasting my nights so far and really I do counter the strings. It kind of makes sense that the person getting them wouldn't be told how or what they're called, nor that the person giving them would just come out and confirm the name when I've so openly admitted to being able to cure something.


  1. sableye
No players died when Bluwii was eliminated, like he claimed was what would happen, nor did they receive any notifications about being in his cult--which seems like a pretty major thing to notify players about.

"One further thought did come to me after I replied [[ because of course it did ]] - what if the players affected were notified? If they had become TP rather than town/mafia, would they really admit to being converted openly? If their alignment changed, so would their win condition, so it wouldn't make sense any longer to admit to being converted to a cult after it happened."


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[I initially considered this on D3, but it was thrown all out the window by two things: 1) Bluwii voted for me on D3, which would've, according to him, made me part of his cult. I received no notification regarding any alignment/win-con shifts. He also claimed that nobody would be notified. 2) He lied about the players he marked going down with him likely as a means to buy time.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[Been generally a bit busy, but I have caught up with the thread and have a few thoughts to share:

I do think that Starlight is our safest vote for today. I was waffling quite a bit with my read on her on prior days and I do think that my read on her was influenced by my general disbelief of Blossom's claim (something I'm willing to believe for now thanks to Pano's claim and further clarification). Yes, it could just be some misguided townies going hard at each other, but Starlight raises too many red flags to ignore. These flags were already brought up by other players, so I don't see the need to repeat myself here, but looking back at lot of her posts feel agenda driven. For example: skipping the night phase would be great to suppress info roles. Getting other players to claim would be great for any hostile anti-town player to figure out who's the most dangerous but don't mass-claim because then they might get caught (for the record, I don't think mass-claiming at this point in the game is a good idea, since all it does is give Mafia/the Beast a convenient hit-list and this will hurt town more than help for the time being).

I also had a small theory pop up in my mind as I was rereading. This is entirely speculative and we won't know anything until the night phase--so take it with a grain of salt and don't let it derail the convo--but I thought it was worth sharing for now:

What if Bluwii was the Third-party Blossom is looking for? Yes, he claimed Cult Leader and all that, but something doesn't add up here. By the looks of things, it appears that any role/ability that impacts the player in a mechanical way is clearly telegraphed. Players are notified about dread, the strings, they get a visual indicator when targeted by Seren's role--so why would this be any different? No players died when Bluwii was eliminated, like he claimed was what would happen, nor did they receive any notifications about being in his cult--which seems like a pretty major thing to notify players about. Additionally, Bluwii was trying to play up the idea that if we voted him out, his cult would go down with him (trying to discourage use from voting him out) but shooting him at night would be totally okay--this aligns with Blossom's claim that the supposed "Beast" is Bulletproof and can only be taken out by Blossom: He was trying to buy time by baiting any nightkills so he would make it to Day 4, where his powers would activate.

Also, also, while this could be entirely flavour, this post stuck out to me and got me brain a-thonking:

Again, this is just me going into full conspiracy theorist mode, so please take it with a grain of salt.]]
thinking_front.png"Y'know, that's not the craziest thing I've ever heard..."

neutral smile_front.png"But it's still pretty crazy. I like it. At this point until we see what the Beast can do, if they're even still around, we shouldn't waste any more time trying to find it. That's Nanu's job. We still gotta find the other bad guys. By my count, if that Slakoth was a hostile TP, that leaves us with five hostiles left. My guess is either just one TP and four scum, or two hostile TPs and three scum."
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