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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[ true but that was at a time where it seemed likely that I would have been voted out due to multiple sus. It was necessary.

Revealing literally everything about everyone is not. Under no feasible circumstance would it be beneficial to paint massive targets on ourselves to set ourselves up for a loss. ]]
[[Unlesswe could.... skip an entire night phase

I'm not hard suggesting we do this btw it was just the thought that ran through my mind]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[ vague vibes of "haha I'm mafia but I'm pretending to be on town's side look guys I'm only directly mentioning scum once and being vague every other time. I'm totally town!!!!" ]]
[[I absolutely do not follow this logic whatsoever but okay.]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[What I mean by my previous post is.... mass reveal, coordinate, skip night, and then.... idk.

But its hard to say and its a role madness and thats risky still]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[Idk man I feel like that just gives scum a chance to see everything might give them a chance to coordinate something in the coming days—I guess no daytalk might make that a little harder but I feel wary. Same with potential hostile TP’s, if anybody is holding out some massive kill power they could easily down all our strong roles. Also, isn’t this like the second time you’ve thrown out the idea of everyone coming out and claiming or am I confusing you with somebody else?]]
[[ i don’t think i’ve thrown this out seriously, though i mentioned that i think it’s technically optimal if boring.

here’s the thing for me: i don’t believe we’re going to catch scum out based on “vibes” in the thread. i don’t think we’ve come close to doing that and unsure that we will. when we catch scum it’s going to be from stuff that happened in the night, just as it has been so far. the best way we can do that is by maximizing our knowledge of what goes on in the night, coordinating night actions, comparing results, and analyzing who advocates for what. i understand that this night-based approach is unfamiliar to a lot of TR, but i believe it’s the best approach in a role madness game where so much is happening at night. i think it mostly benefits mafia for the day to be muddled and the night uncoordinated.

so i sort of dislike the assertion that my suggestion here is inherently scummy or bad play. i think that misunderstands the balance of a game like this. there are definite benefits to playing this way.

buuut yeah, naturally it isn’t a perfect approach. the main disadvantage that mass claiming presents is that it provides the mafia with a neat hitlist. obviously they’ll know who’s lying and who isn’t. my opinion is that we’re approaching the point in the game where the mafia are pretty close to achieving this anyway. of the players who haven’t claimed yet, probably a few of them are mafia. so they have actually just a handful of players left whose powers they don’t know. that’s making me question how much utility we’re getting out of keeping the curtains drawn anymore. is the secrecy of that handful of players valuable enough that we should preserve it even if it costs us the ability to maximize our solving abilities? well, maybe. it’s impossible to say until they’ve claimed whether there’s a secret ace hanging out. but i feel like as the number of claims increases that answer comes closer and closer to “probably not.” -q ]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[ i could certainly be convinced that we are not at the right time to do this, btw, but i don’t think the classic vanilla-adjacent “but claiming will give the mafia information” line is very persuasive in this situation—the value of role information and the importance of secrecy is vastly different in a game with low power vs one where everyone has crazy shit going on. -q ]]


  1. sableye
Upon waking to a beach, Kimiko found her mood brightening. It wasn't much different than yesterday's desert; the heat, the sand, the same crowd... it really was amazing what water and a slight breeze could do for a setting.

But then she saw the petrified kirlia and the reality of the situation came crashing down on her once again (or at least, whatever passed for reality here). Disappointing that no one was able to protect Shimmer; he really was a tempting target amidst a sea of unknowns, of course he was going to draw mafia eyes with a claim like that.

And so the usual morning chatter began. Kimiko was content, at least for the moment, to close her eyes and relax in the sun for a while as she listened. It seemed obvious enough to her, although she couldn't exactly put a vine on how she knew, that the kirlia was going to be a prime target. [[ This is because I had Oracle in a previous game and, in my research on how to utilize it properly, figured it was a pretty powerful role in the correct hands; namely, not mine, haha. ]]

[[I think the thing about the number of deaths ramping up as the game goes on makes sense.]]

If she still had eyebrows, she might have raised them at Dave. Was anyone still doubting this possibility at this point in the game, with all they'd learned so far? A cultist, possibly even two, a possible third party, normal mafia night kills... all evidence so far was that this was likely. Not that Dave agreeing was questionable, really; it just felt strange for anyone to be doubting it at this point.

He also did have a good point about sans not taking anyone down with him. That left her with the issue of how to utilize her power now, if her most likely opposite had been removed. There had been no further evidence of anything she could have an effect on up to this point, so unless something new came up... maybe she'd make an attempt to cleanse someone's strings instead and see if she could deal with those, too.

Courtney / Starlight (Clear)
Sidney / Pano (Clear)
Arc / Bench... Not the beast... but you had inspected yourself instead?

She opened one eye and waved a vine vaguely in the direction of Nanu. "Could you us a favor and list out exactly who all you've covered so far? If we can narrow down who is or isn't this, uh... "beast", and only your power can actually kill them... I imagine we could still vote them out if we can figure out who it is by deduction?

"So here you've got... Courtney, Sidney, and... Arctozolt, who you actually have no read on since it seems your last scan was swapped to yourself? I think I also vaguely recall you mentioning checking in Princess and Kekoa..."

[[I mean, I feel obligated to note that targeting you doesn't mean Abra is town, just that their block-haste action exists, which I don't think anyone doubted.]]

With a sigh, she turned to stare directly at the kadabra. "Hey, hi, nice to meet you. Listen, would you mind telling me why you targeted me last night?" [[ @AbraPunk tagging you since I didn't directly quote you here. I'm very ??? about your choice. Not suspicious yet, just would like to know what you were thinking...? I could hazard a guess or two but I'd rather hear from you first. ]]

I suspect that while the line about how "only I can kill the beast" is true. I think the opposite is true as well? In that "the beast can maybe easily kill me as well." and this may be speculation on my part?

"I don't see why not, however... I wouldn't expect the beast to only be able to target you. It wouldn't make sense for you two to only be able to target each other, unless this beast had to only survive until D4 and eliminate you and only you in order to win? But wouldn't that count as a "role that ends the game early", which were stated to not be in this game?

"I think it's less likely that the beast has some kind of strongman ability (although I have no idea how it works so I guess it's possible?) and more likely that maybe it gets multiple kills in a night, perhaps to make up for the delay in being able to take action? It just seems a little overpowered to me for someone to be able to strongman kill every night." [[ Or were you implying that he simply has a one-use strongman alongside his usual kill? ]]

[[For what it's worth, we've already had plenty of people say their patron and get strung - more people doing it doesn't tell us anything. Really testing that theory means everyone keeps quiet about their patron from here on and we see if the stringer manages to string anyone else regardless.]]

[[Seconding this; I think it's a reasonably safe bet we have figured out how the strings happen, so unless they happen again under alternate conditions, it might be wise for people to shut up about their patrons for now. In thinking a bit more about it, I could absolutely see this as a way to "curb the enthusiasm" in a way... surely people would be excited to figure out who got what legendary! The strings might be the way Namo balanced the game so as to not allow everyone to just start throwing our their abilities. Pretty sure this was suggested by someone else, too, quite a ways back, but I don't have the energy to go back and look for who said it. ]]

[[Or maybe they gain the ability to nightkill? But that doesn't seem very related to the stringing ability.]]

[[Also seconding this, as that was how I was assuming this beast might function. It tracks with the "multiple deaths as the game progresses" theory, and I wouldn't count this as role that's active/inactive on alternate nights... I suspect it's just a (likely hostile) time-activated kill role, that's all. ]]

maybe the only exception maybe being Seren since both Mafia and Town would benefit from being able to shield from status/marking powers, but that seems like a stretch given their town-helpful play thus far.

"I guess I'll just accept that as some sort of backhanded compliment," said the snivy with a frown and a shrug.

[[ Don't mind her, she's just sore that her main utility isn't likely to be useful anymore. ]]

"...Who asked you?" she said with a glare, burying her guardian stone in the sand beside her.

Seren came out with their full hard claim, a lot of LOOOOONG posts about their observations, huge difference from their overall scum play in Banquet, I just feel good about them at the moment.

"Well, at least there's that going for me, even if my arsonist!sans theory was wrong."

Tetra - Got more active as the game went on, and seems to be playing more to character, but I really don't appreciate their random name-dropping of me as a potential sus target. I offered to softclaim my role in attempt to further assist town, they said nothing to that (not that that really MEANS much but still), but they're inclined to just throw me out as a potential sus party? I would like to know what exactly I have done to make them say "HMMMM" besides be somewhat inactive the past two Days. It feels weird to me especially because it seems they've been waffling around everyone's null/sus lists the whole game, and it feels very grasping-at-straws-y to me. Also massive side eyes.

"Just would like to point out that Bruh did this exact same thing to me and no one questioned it except myself; no follow-up explanation was offered when I prompted, other than the fact that I'm on their "meh" pile. I don't really think this is indicative of either Bruh nor Tetra, but it's god damn infuriatingly unhelpful."

Fray - I still feel some type of way about their claim, and how generally confusing it was. I also (think) I've noticed they've kind of fallen a little more under the radar since there was an almost vote train on them. MASSIVE side-eye right now.

"I agree that Fray's kind of slipped under the radar but I also feel that's more a result of the investigation shifting away from them and onto to other targets. Would be a good one to revisit today."

Sinderella - she needs some milk.

"You and me both, dude. ...Dudette? Er...."

"I don't really know how else to word this in order to vaguely get the point across, but here it goes anyway...my role is very useful if I'm targeted by other town roles," she announced.

"I at least can verify that this is a possibility in this game; my passive ability is much the same."

Did Seren ever confirm what his mark does? He says it's 'protective,' but did he specify from what?
I got protective/helpful vibes from Seren, but I'm still not sure what he *does*. The dude was considering calling into work late to work on this though, lol. Which might not say anything. I feel like he's been helpful and offering information, though he's mostly just refuted Yellow's (honest mistake) previous incorrect statement about the mark and claimed that he's protecting players. A protective role overall feels like a towny play to me but I don't feel totally clear of him, especially if he's protecting from some TP or if he's TP and protecting from Mafia.
"Wh... Have you been paying attention at all? I've lost count of how many times I've told the crowd what I do. Really, I..." She paused, taking a deep breath. No reason to get angry over repeating herself; she'd asked others to repeat themselves in this game, too. She began again, slower, quieter, and hopeful that she sounded calmer. "Akin to firefighter, we believe I can clear sans' cult marks or whatever the hell he claimed to be able to do. Given that we never saw what sans can do, I have no way to prove what my mark does. It cures a very specific "status", according to my legendary card. Because no one has given me the name of that status, and sans is now gone, I can't verify anything any longer."

[[ uhhhhh no.

1. making everything visible means people will have time to fabricate lies
2. galaxy brained people can use this to their ulterior advantage
3. mafia/possible remaining cult would immediately go to eliminate/recruit what they see as the most powerful roles
4. idk generally not a good idea personally ]]

"Gonna be honest, buddy, I... don't understand this at all? Like, I'm also against a mass-claim at this point, but like. Most of your points are really... not good reasons to be against one? Let me try to go through this and see if I can't figure it out...

1. Making everything visible.... means everyone will be able to lie about what they can do? The whole point of a mass-claim is to weed out people who are trying to claim roles they don't really have... So like, what... the liars would just wait to see what's claimed and then claim something not on the table? Is that what you're afraid of here?
2. Ulterior... advantage? I get that some people seem to be better at figuring things out and putting puzzle pieces together than others, but... again, the point of a mass-claim is that those people would hopefully be able to work out who is telling the truth about what they can do.
3. Okay, granted, mafia could start picking off the roles of their choosing, I guess. But right now, beast aside, the other speculated TP is the stringer, who at this point we have no reason to believe can start stringing people at will.

So uh... okay. I get it. I don't like the idea either. But frankly, your reasoning leaves me scratching my head.

That said... I feel like we have other areas to explore right now without having everyone throw their roles on the table. Fray and Courtney, for example. Also there's...definitely just a bad feeling I get from the idea of having every role exposed and still having to guess who is lying about it. This is largely a personal problem, however. I feel I have zero to lose to reveal the rest of my abilities, so if the consensus decides it's worth it, I won't argue against it."

[[ Only one summary post tonight. ]]


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
[[ uhhhhh no.

1. making everything visible means people will have time to fabricate lies
2. galaxy brained people can use this to their ulterior advantage
3. mafia/possible remaining cult would immediately go to eliminate/recruit what they see as the most powerful roles
4. idk generally not a good idea personally ]]
[[There are still a lot of info roles we don't know. Cop chief among them. (I assume we have a cop). Asking them to reveal themselves is a terrible idea. Especially now that our ability to vet fakeclaims and conflicts between them is limited by the lack of an oracle. I wonder if that was the point of the kill, to make future fakeclaiming easier rather than current ones. Because, as noted, there weren't that many claims at start of day. Only notable ones would be asking about the existence of "a beast / hunter" which would be hard to word, miller, and trying to figure out whatever it is that the strings do.

I am inclined to stay back and wait a little while longer for everything to snap together. One info role (tracker) coming out is enough for now.]]
[[ i don’t think i’ve thrown this out seriously, though i mentioned that i think it’s technically optimal if boring.

here’s the thing for me: i don’t believe we’re going to catch scum out based on “vibes” in the thread. i don’t think we’ve come close to doing that and unsure that we will. when we catch scum it’s going to be from stuff that happened in the night, just as it has been so far. the best way we can do that is by maximizing our knowledge of what goes on in the night, coordinating night actions, comparing results, and analyzing who advocates for what. i understand that this night-based approach is unfamiliar to a lot of TR, but i believe it’s the best approach in a role madness game where so much is happening at night. i think it mostly benefits mafia for the day to be muddled and the night uncoordinated.

so i sort of dislike the assertion that my suggestion here is inherently scummy or bad play. i think that misunderstands the balance of a game like this. there are definite benefits to playing this way.

buuut yeah, naturally it isn’t a perfect approach. the main disadvantage that mass claiming presents is that it provides the mafia with a neat hitlist. obviously they’ll know who’s lying and who isn’t. my opinion is that we’re approaching the point in the game where the mafia are pretty close to achieving this anyway. of the players who haven’t claimed yet, probably a few of them are mafia. so they have actually just a handful of players left whose powers they don’t know. that’s making me question how much utility we’re getting out of keeping the curtains drawn anymore. is the secrecy of that handful of players valuable enough that we should preserve it even if it costs us the ability to maximize our solving abilities? well, maybe. it’s impossible to say until they’ve claimed whether there’s a secret ace hanging out. but i feel like as the number of claims increases that answer comes closer and closer to “probably not.” -q ]]
[[Secrecy of the cop is important enough, yes. I'm always mafia so I can tell you I'd go for cop first. Then tracker. Then swapper, because those have historically (and in this game) been a pain for mafia.]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
[[ @AbraPunk tagging you since I didn't directly quote you here. I'm very ??? about your choice. Not suspicious yet, just would like to know what you were thinking...? I could hazard a guess or two but I'd rather hear from you first. ]]

[[ figured I'd use it on someone whose powers I'm actually sure about, rather than just picking someone I don't know shit about ]]

1. Making everything visible.... means everyone will be able to lie about what they can do? The whole point of a mass-claim is to weed out people who are trying to claim roles they don't really have... So like, what... the liars would just wait to see what's claimed and then claim something not on the table? Is that what you're afraid of here?
2. Ulterior... advantage? I get that some people seem to be better at figuring things out and putting puzzle pieces together than others, but... again, the point of a mass-claim is that those people would hopefully be able to work out who is telling the truth about what they can do.
3. Okay, granted, mafia could start picking off the roles of their choosing, I guess. But right now, beast aside, the other speculated TP is the stringer, who at this point we have no reason to believe can start stringing people at will.

So uh... okay. I get it. I don't like the idea either. But frankly, your reasoning leaves me scratching my head.
[[ I admit that I look back at my reasoning now and have no clue what the hell I was trying to say lol. ]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"Hey, hi, nice to meet you. Listen, would you mind telling me why you targeted me last night?" [[ @AbraPunk tagging you since I didn't directly quote you here. I'm very ??? about your choice. Not suspicious yet, just would like to know what you were thinking...? I could hazard a guess or two but I'd rather hear from you first. ]]
[[ I also wanted to say that I planned to keep this a secret for as long as possible, just on the off chance that the mafia/third party didn't figure out who would be hasted this incoming night phase. As far as I know, no players really mentioned it when this day phase began. ])

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
[[About the mass role claim: I think it is a very, very bad idea, for reasons Persephone listed. I know this isn't the same as vanilla mafia, and there's a lot to be gleaned from people roleclaiming, but I still think we should do reveals slowly. I know the number of nightkills is expected to go up. But we've already lost an oracle. Bench just claimed tracker. If the rest of the night inforoles come out, then the Mafia/TP know exactly who to go for. I'm all for working with what we've got and figuring stuff out there. I think the night-skip would be useful EVENTUALLY, but I'm not sure that a sudden mass roleclaim D3 + nightskip N4 + coordinate over the two days is a great idea.

I know I was for skipping N3. I got caught up in thinking Pano was the beast and was hoping she'd be killed. I was wrong. Though I'm still sus of Pano, I think there's PLENTY for Town to look at and scrutinize without defaulting to everyone claiming everything they've done right out the gate.

About 'the beast' thing: why do its powers activate on D4 if killing is a night ability? Is there something else it can do during today?
[[ I also wanted to say that I planned to keep this a secret for as long as possible, just on the off chance that the mafia/third party didn't figure out who would be hasted this incoming night phase. As far as I know, no players really mentioned it when this day phase began. ])
Tetra said she was hastened though, right? She was blocked on N2 and hastened this past night. I wonder what she did.

My most suspicious reads so far are Tetra, bruh, Shini, Sind, and Pano.

- Flyg0n: I haven't gotten a sense she's been super helpful. She chimes in occasionally, says she was blocked and hastened, but hasn't really helped with analyzing others powers/actions. Though, uA DID start a bandwagon on her at one point for her lack of action. I feel a bit suspicious of her wanting to go along with a mass role reveal, coordinate plans, and then skip the night.

- bruh moment: the mass roleclaim. I just... I really don't feel good about it. At all. Though they started a bandwagon on uA on D2. Chibi and Tetra had voted for them earlier based on instinct/'vibes.'

- Shini: that JOAT ability. It has plenty of stuff good for mafia, and I just really don't know. His play has overall come across as confusing.

- Sinderella: claims her ability is very beneficial to town if we use our abilities on her (does this include vigilante shots?). Seren claims the same thing, which is why I'm side-eyeing him a bit, too. But otherwise, I haven't gotten a super strong sense from Sind that's helpful to Town.

- Pano: I feel like she's TP more than anything. Has been helpful with the info she gave out today about swapping Blossom and Bench and swapping uA on N2.

I feel like my reads are a mess, considering a number of these people targeted each other. I'll look at others' read lists and their reasonings at some point tomorrow.
"Wh... Have you been paying attention at all? I've lost count of how many times I've told the crowd what I do. Really, I..." She paused, taking a deep breath. No reason to get angry over repeating herself; she'd asked others to repeat themselves in this game, too. She began again, slower, quieter, and hopeful that she sounded calmer. "Akin to firefighter, we believe I can clear sans' cult marks or whatever the hell he claimed to be able to do. Given that we never saw what sans can do, I have no way to prove what my mark does. It cures a very specific "status", according to my legendary card. Because no one has given me the name of that status, and sans is now gone, I can't verify anything any longer."
"Great! So did you not mark anyone last night? Nobody's got a diamond on them today. And a bit convenient that you have a power that was protective against someone who's third party, don't ya think? Convenient that we can't confirm it?"

[[I'm not saying that having something protect against TP is necessarily not-town, but I think it leaves wiggle room for potential for being Mafia. Overall, though, I'm getting a town-lean read on Seren.]]
[[There are still a lot of info roles we don't know. Cop chief among them. (I assume we have a cop). Asking them to reveal themselves is a terrible idea. Especially now that our ability to vet fakeclaims and conflicts between them is limited by the lack of an oracle. I wonder if that was the point of the kill, to make future fakeclaiming easier rather than current ones. Because, as noted, there weren't that many claims at start of day. Only notable ones would be asking about the existence of "a beast / hunter" which would be hard to word, miller, and trying to figure out whatever it is that the strings do.
[[Second this very strongly.]]
I am inclined to stay back and wait a little while longer for everything to snap together. One info role (tracker) coming out is enough for now.]]

[[Secrecy of the cop is important enough, yes. I'm always mafia so I can tell you I'd go for cop first. Then tracker. Then swapper, because those have historically (and in this game) been a pain for mafia.]]
[[So does this mean Bench is dying tonight?]]

Log of actions taken so far:
D1: no one voted out

N1: uA shoots Equitial
Equitial dies!
Pano swapped no one
Torchic protected no one
Blossom inspected Persephone (clear)
Shini receives 2 dread from Free

D2: no one voted out

N2: Bench tracked Yellow, saw her block Tetra
Yellow blocked Tetra
Pano swaps uA and Inke
uA shoots Inke (swapped)
uA dies!
SparklingEspeon receives 2 dread from Free
Blossomleaf inspected bruh and SparklingEspeon (both clear)

D3: Bluwii voted out (TP)

N3: Pano swapped Bench and Blossom
Blossom inspected Starlight (clear), Pano (clear), and Bench (swapped) (clear)
Bench inspected Blossom (swapped), saw him interact with himself
Starlight receives 2 dread from Free
(unknown) shoots Windskull
Windskull dies!

I know there are plenty of gaps to fill in here; feel free to contribute/point out any errors I've made.

I'm going to bed. Can't wait to see what others come up with tomorrow morning.]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
[[Last quick note: I'm also not 100% sure that Blossom is town. I lean Town on her for now, especially considering her helpfulness. But hunting an exclusively TP member feels like it also leaves room for scum.

Okay, night!]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
"Great! So did you not mark anyone last night? Nobody's got a diamond on them today. And a bit convenient that you have a power that was protective against someone who's third party, don't ya think? Convenient that we can't confirm it?"
bruh_front.png"Didja miss the part where the Kadabra said they targeted the Snivy with their blocking power last night? We weren't informed about a diamond mark this morning like every other morning, so yeah they were blocked."


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
[[If I was mafia I’d want to go for bench if there weren’t town roles who could interfere. Too much risk of having a kill be observed and losing a member. We have a doctor and swapper, tho, and I’d expect at least one on them to mess with that kill. So maybe I wouldn’t go for it. Other targets I’d look at are active / low sus town players like Chibi or Inke. And, of course, our resident doctor and swapper. Just to make future kills easier.]]


Ace Trainer
[["Right. So the ppl I investigated so far:
N1: Princess / bruh moment (Clear - not beast)
N2: Persephone... (Clear - Not the beast)
& Sparkling Espeon... (Clear - Not the beast)
N3: Courtney / Starlight (Clear - Not the Beast), Sidney / Pano (Clear - Not the beast)
* Bench / Arc (inconclusive due to the swap. so never got to investigate)

Remaining people to investigate:
**Considering redoing Bench / Arc due to the swap fiasco
*Cosmo / Tetra
*Winona / Torchic
*Fray / Shinigojira
*Kimiko / Seren
*Ajia / Chibi
*Mademoiselle / InkeDust
*Dave / Dragonfree
*Aster / Abra
*Odette / Sind

And I think that covers everyone who's left to investigate. As well as who I have investigated so far."]]


Ace Trainer
[["Also I did some rereading on my card and first off: I am right. the beast can 100% kill me without question as I can kill the beast 100% back as well. Meaning if the beast does target me during N4 I will be dead no questions asked. 2nd I technically have the ability to either kill or investigate during the night. however if I pick the wrong target then my killing power will not work on any other player who isn't the 3rd party beast.

So I guess my question is: if i feel like N4 is the last night I'll have to act /live, should I "risk the biscuit" and take a shot in the dark as to who i think the beast is? or should tentatively assume i might live N4 and try to complete one last investigation to provide town with more answers? Is what I'm going to ask everyone right now given the new information that has come to light in that the beast is active and can kill me no questions asked if I'm targeted by it tonight"]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
“On the first night, I didn’t use my ability. I thought it was a one time move, and I wanted to save it for later. After the disaster that was the second night, I used my one shot ability to protect myself and Aija. The next night, I protected Aster."
Dave sighed, rubbing his face. "Okay. So you misread your card, and then you fired your single one-shot ability to protect yourself and someone else when there was no immediate reason to think the mafia'd go for anyone in particular and definitely not you?"

[[Well, I mean, that's a perfectly understandable beginner mistake. For future reference, a one-shot ability like that would generally be intended so that you can use it in a particular situation where you have reason to think you're in danger (such as if you've just roleclaimed) - otherwise odds are good you're wasting your single chance to use your one-shot for nothing!]]

"If they're even telling the truth about all this. Why the fuck would they just claim doctor out of nowhere when they're barely even under pressure, and by the way they already used the ability to protect themselves, leaving them wide open? How's that supposed to help town?"

[[Mmm. I thiiink I believe them? I think the claim of Cresselia patron seems very credible after the whole confusion earlier in the game, it just makes sense Cresselia's powers cure Dread, and I'm not sure I buy that Cresselia would be scum because I'm town. I'm spreading Dread unwillingly; I don't feel like someone who heals it is really in opposition to me? Scum having a healer for an accumulating status unwillingly caused by a townie seems... I don't know, I'd be surprised if that's how the setup works. Making this claim now was a mistake, but it feels like a credible newbie mistake. I think. Mafia!Torchic would be trying to coast on doctor cred to be eliminated as a suspect, but they'd be pretty open to a counterclaim (when they could have just claimed to exclusively heal Dread which wouldn't be so counterclaimable), and the whole bit about the one-shot ability healing themselves and another person but having already used it seems pointlessly elaborate, for something concocted by scum.]]

"Well, if they're town, then this claim just makes them huge juicy target for tonight. Good job."

[[Unfortunately, that is true. It seems kind of unlikely we've got another healer out there.]]
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