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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


  1. sableye
[[ quick morning post to address Free: thought I mentioned this in my large clarification lost but. The visible mark my ability leaves is specifically mentioned in my role pm. I knew everyone would see it when I cast it. ]]


  1. sableye
[[ oh wait Free was asking why it leaves a visible mark.

Curing a status isn’t the only thing it can do. I’m not sure, based on its other effects are, why it matters that it’s visible, though. The pm doesn’t tell me why. I could guess but. Like I could explain the rest of it but it hasn’t been relevant to the Ajia discussion and nothing about the remaining abilities suggest a reason that I could tell, so revealing the rest of the ability feels. Unwise. ]]


Ace Trainer
[[I may be asleep before EOD, so I'm going to lock in a protective vote now just in case I'm not here!]]

vote: Nanu/Blossomleaf

[[I like Nanu's solvyness and the questions he's been asking, feels pro-town to me so far. ^^ Good vibes!]]

[[If Puck's legendary is Dialga, then that means Seren may be the person with the patron legendary that my ability won't have any affect on. @Seren , would you happen to have a patron of Necrozma, by any chance? Regardless, I do know mechanically that Necrozma exists in this game.]]
[["Ohh shit. Okay okay. Keeping this here for my own reference. Since I'm about to head out and miss EoD as well dammit >___<

"But okay! Given all the info pano / Sidney and Bluwii / Sam's provided about the "cult thing" along with everyone else. I'm Def inclined to believe it as well. And I'm sorry I don't have to time to compile my thoughts like I'd hope. But Nanu is going to lock in our vote. Given all this new Intel. And we'll go back and reread all. This during N2.

So best of luck everyone! And here's to hoping D2 is going to end well. "]]

Or as well as it can end anyway." Nanu shrugged before selecting their vote. Since there's little else they can do until the new day cycle.

Vote: No Elimination] ]


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Ajia had been rereading her notes when something suddenly jumped out at her that made her fur stand on end. "Wait... you healed Dave? Shouldn't you have 3 dread right now?"
Sidney froze, then quickly began counting his needles again.

"Holy shit. She’s right. But, shit, the Froslass is gone for the rest of the day. Fuck, if she’s lying… Fuck, what do we do?”

[[I’m typing this on someone else’s phone, I don’t have service and probably won’t again before EOD. I have no idea who to vote right now. I want to vote Shini because something doesn’t add up but they’re not here to defend themselves…]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"This is correct, yes. I didn't think it likely anyone would try to kill Ajia/Chibi given their history and likeliness to be protected somehow on night one, but it would still be possible for something like dread to bypass a doctor/protection role, outside of a swap, which I know for a fact did not occur. So I made a blind educated guess, and attempted to shield Ajia from one of the things I can actually protect people from.

As far as whether or not someone else is infected and doesn't know/hasn't come forward... well, possibly. We don't know this yet for a fact. I vaguely recall (I think) Torchic saying they didn't use their ability last night, but that's hardly proof that they're the one I'm able to counter. There could be a hundred reasons why they didn't."
"Sweet, sweet clarification in this tunnel of confusing bullshit."

And this time Kimiko smiled, although mostly because once she saw Odette in a rage, she decided the jellicent had enough anger for the both of them right now. She reached out a vine and pat the giant squid on the top of the head lightly. She prayed it would be taken as comforting.
Odette nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt something tap the top of her head. Her hands shot upward to grab whatever had been touching her. She was somewhat startled to find a vine, but that quickly faded when she found it led back to the Snivy. She exhaled sharply and let the vine go, allowing her head to hang again. She wasn't one for being touched, but the vine on her head vaguely reminded her of when Clovis would run his hands through her hair when she was on the verge of losing it, and well...that was very much needed right now.


Also, I keep wanting to reply to a ton of things but there literally isn't enough time in my day and I keep wanting to go back to sleep BUT if Shini is telling the truth, doesn't that suggest the doc (and I'm assuming there must be one) should just keep targeting Shini to make them function as a second doc...? I am. So sick of being confused all the time. But that sounds pretty wild.]]
[[Honestly I would think the doc would also want to target Shini because Shini has literally outed themselves as JOAT and that's a role scum's gonna want dead lolol]]

"It really fucking sucks that they outed themselves for a swap that didn't even happen."

[[Simmer down, tiger. We need to get some water into your system.]]

"Hm, wow. Didn't think of that," Odette hissed, lifting her head slightly. "Though it's almost like this wouldn't be a thing if you didn't make me like this."


Leaping to her feet, she jaunted over to Odette.

"Hey! Feels good, doesn't it, to get out all of that anger? It's soooo freeing and relieving! Good on you for letting it all out. I think you would make a GREAT Team Magma grunt! You wanna join? I think you and I would make great friends!"
Odette groaned when she heard somebody else bounding over to her, and looked up to meet the gaze of the Ninetails.

"'Freeing' and 'relieving' are not the words I'd use," she drawled. "But thanks for the encouragement."

Her ears--what was left of them--perked at the mention of Team Magma. She instantaneously felt even more tired than she already was to begin with. She'd had enough of these damn Teams.

"As flattered as I am about the offer, I'm already the apple of another cult's eye. I don't need another 'Team' pinging on my radar."

[[That has nothing to do with the game, by the way, her father's literally the genocidal leader of another Team.]]

"Yes, thank you for that, by the fucking way." She didn't sound thankful whatsoever.

Like I said before, I knew that A). something was done to me in the night, and B). there might have been a swap. So what was done to me might have been meant for Chibi, and vice versa. But neither Yellow nor Seren actually said what they targeted us with, and I didn't want to make people reveal their roles yet.
[[Okay Jackie confirms they knew something happened to them. Regarding Yellow's sus, I can parse Jackie not saying anything in all that confusion because 1.) Neither Yellow or Seren indicated what their moves did, 2.) I guess not wanting to out either one of them for a potential good power, and 3.) BEEG. OL. CONFUSION.]]

lso, if Torchic is telling the truth, that implies there are means for them to regain their Deflector charge, which... if I'm understanding everything right, requires there to also be a second swapper, at minimum.]]
[[So Torchic is saying:

- They know there's a Deflector
- It could be me, rather than the 18 other candidates
- If something targeting me hit Chibi, I might have done it
- If I did that, it implies I might be scum
[[you mean Shini right?]]

"when i vote for someone, i can prevent them from being marked for the next night," he said. nodding slowly. "i do have a theory about what a mark means, but i'm getting to that. there is an interesting snippet, however: my power doesn't work on a certain patron legendary. i'm assuming right now that that's whatever puck's patron is. this is why i had some theories about the 'diamond of light', since that would tie in pretty well to the other legendary that i know exists via mechanical confirmation."

"now. i kind of have a wild crack theory, if you'll hear me out," said sans, clearing his throat. "i think that this game revolves around several cult leaders, and how many members they manage to 'recruit'. we had the strings, the diamond thing, and now whatever puck does. i am saying this now because i don't have anything to lose, if i'm already on the chopping block. so, make of that what you will."

"anyway. hope this helps." sans shrugged, smiling weakly.
[[Wait why would you assume it's Puck's patron legendary if you didn't target them lol???? I mean I guess you have mech confirmation that we don't have sooooooo idk.

Multiple cults does seem plausible I guess? But I'm having a hard time following how the diamond and whatever Puck does automatically leads to many cults, because from my understanding they're supposedly helpful to town (if they're not lying that is). The only thing seeming cult-y to me is strings.]]

"You three have been making several observations that I either like or come off as having the town's best interest in mind. I will consider these three Town for the time being."
Odette sent a polite yet heavy nod toward the Yveltal. "I appreciate it."

and I'm.. Unfortunately leery of Yellow /Puck because whether they meant well or not.. The entire seren / kimiko and chibi /ajia debacle was a huge misdirect that wasted a good portion of D2 talking. In addition to Shinigojira / Fray tossing out a random accusation at Jackie /Laura without any proof that resulted in him revealing his ability unnecessary.
[[Yeah I kind of have to agree with the Yellow thoughts here. Like, on one hand I can completely understand the blunder but it led us on a HUGE goat rodeo that ended in nothing--and now we're like 2-ish hours from EOD and no closer to voting somebody.]]

[[". . Also while we're on the subject of Tetra and her hardly posting... Have we heard or read a single post from the fennekin Tricky/ @SparklingEspeon ?? Cause I can't recall if they have posed? Or when they last posted? And if that's the case then why stay quite this entire time? Since this has been bugging me for a while as well? "] [
[[Yeah, Espy is another one I'm eager to hear from, but I'm p sure this is typical tbh. Last games I've played with them they were mostly absent.

As for Tetra I am starting to see where Yellow and Jackie are coming from. They don't have a lot of posts out, but the posts that ARE out do not carry the same level of aggression that she normally carries. Granted, I can parse not having enough time to MAKE a long winded aggressive post, so i am really really not eager to jump on that wagon until she gives us some insight]]

"Oh yeah, that's it. Binary. It's not "town" and "Mafia" but "factions". All these marks flying around, and people claiming to protect or cure them. And only one kill a night. I think the game involves tagging people and making them part of your team, and then at some point, one team gets big enough and wins. And all these teams don't know how many other teams they're competing against."
This made Odette quirk her brow. "So basically, based off the wording of your card, you believe there are several groups at play here?" she asked. A yawn escaped her, and she rubbed her eye tiredly. "Mm, that's a little spooky then."

[[Well. scratch what I said about being iffy about multiple cults at play, huh. I mean, my paranoid ass could call that another attempt at misdirecting, especially because I'm sort of null on Pano rn, but other factions could fuck up scum too, so........haha role madness hahaha :') ]]

What's weird is... That means town and Mafia have equal reason to want to eliminate people now. Before either group becomes the minority and loses. That's why Mafia can only kill once per night. If too many people die too quickly, there's not enough people to mark and become part of these other factions."
[[YEah this is actually a fantastic point LOL. This is a massive game, it makes sense that scum would only have 1 kill a night to BALANCE the fact that there are other factions at play. Yikes bro LOL.]]

[[Yeah, uh, I'm starting to regret even speculating about that a bit. It's a day action, I figured there was some reason it was taken just then and not at some other point, I thought of the patron name thing because I once did something similar in a game I GMed. Please, please don't waste time speculating about exactly how the patron name thing activates or possible conditions on it or whatever. There is no evidence there is actually any kind of patron name thing, at all.]]
[[I guess so, yeah, I'm not really stuck on that anymore, but I do want to exhaust all my options because PARANOIA, AH.]]

"Just... fucking chill about this,
Odette stiffened with a start. Her eyes went ablaze again, even though the corners of her vision blurred with her onslaught exhaustion.

"Tell me to 'fucking chill' one more goddamn time and I'm gonna haul off and wrap one of these fucking tentacles around your neck. Just try me," she threatened. There was a darkness to her tone that wasn't present during her rant.

[[Odette, please, no death threats in a game that is already a collective death threat.]]

"You too, dickass."

[[Well, I never--]]

Can someone please tell me what the heck DADT and DADV mean?? I’m so lost lol.
[[Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's the idea that mafia takes advantage of dead air to coast by without getting sussed or votekilled???]]

I’m still not sure if I want to reveal what my action does, but I will if I need to. That said, I’m going to reveal my patron for a few reasons: 1) so you can understand why the diamond tripped me up so much, 2) so we can test the patron/string theory, and 3) so that I can hopefully regain your trust.

My patron is Dialga. My abilities are all time related.

It looks like my action did go through to Jackie last night and was not swapped. Please not that I cannot be blocked or suppressed, but there’s nothing in my PM that says my target can’t be swapped or that my action can’t be redirected. And yeah, I know there’s irony in me saying that after the whole diamond marking fiasco—suffice me to say I’ve been religiously rereading my role PM since all of that.

I don’t know how else to say how sorry I am. I want to assure you all that I am town. and I know that everyone in this game is going to claim that, lol. But I promise you I’m telling the truth here.]]

Okay, hm. Now I can parse why Yellow figured the diamond might have something to do with her role, though I know she got confused because she didn't read her card right (I think, I am so tired).

Feeling a little less bad about Yellow now, but now I'm frustrated because WHO TO VOTE NOW FFS.]]

Ajia had been rereading her notes when something suddenly jumped out at her that made her fur stand on end. "Wait... you healed Dave? Shouldn't you have 3 dread right now?"
[[Oh shit, what????? Wait, somebody remind me, they would get ANOTHER stack of dread by interacting with him again even though they'd been targeted???]]

[[If Puck's legendary is Dialga, then that means Seren may be the person with the patron legendary that my ability won't have any affect on. @Seren , would you happen to have a patron of Necrozma, by any chance? Regardless, I do know mechanically that Necrozma exists in this game.]]
[[Wait, what is the logic here, how is Seren the one you wouldn't have effect on? Is this more of the mech confirmed things you only know about?]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[In the car. Hope to scrape a half hour before EOD. Where the fuck is Tetra?]]
[[Yeah this is a HUGE red flag for me. Tetra has never done this. But Bluwii also isn’t defending himself at all. Between the two of them, I’m confident on voting for either one.

But the fact that tetra isn’t even trying to show up and defend herself is alarming me, too. Is there a role that can end the game if they’re eliminated??]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Mademoiselle shook her head at the call to abstain. "As unproductive as this day was, abstaining at this point of the game is foolish. All it will do is give the Mafia the advantage. Even if our judgement is misplaced, we still get some valuable information from it. It is a risk we will just have to take."

She glared at the slakoth. "I still do not trust him. I don't understand why it took him so long to clarify anything about his role... Wait." Mademoiselle looked at the snivy, then back at the slakoth. "If he knows about the presence of a Necrozma card, then that means he has its counterpart. Wouldn't that mean that the snivy is the one capable of curing whatever the slakoth inflicts on others?"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
But the fact that tetra isn’t even trying to show up and defend herself is alarming me, too. Is there a role that can end the game if they’re eliminated??]]
[[Wasn't there a game where a wagon formed on Tetra while she wasn't around and she frantically showed back up to be like DON'T VOTE FOR ME or am I completely imagining that/confusing her with somebody else?]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Ajia bit her lip. "The big thing that worries me about voting for the Linoone is that we don't even know what his power is. If he gets eliminated, then we'll never know, and it could be something critical. At least if sans gets eliminated, we'll know what we've lost."

"And we can't abstain. It's bad for our side. We'll never come out ahead if we don't vote."

This was bad. Two hours left. And she couldn't stop thinking about the fact that either the Froslass had lied, or somehow mixed up the numbers two and three. What? How? Neither a roleblock or a rolestop would explain 2 dread instead of 3.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Vote: No Elimination] ]
[[Bruh. Abstaining is the worst possible decision imo and this makes me a bit suspicious of you. We can’t afford to keep sitting here doing nothing and there are at least a good number of people who are fishy or inactive.

Speaking of inactives, I REALLY would like to hear from @SparklingEspeon . There’s a whole lot of inactives (or barely active players) this game and it’s really starting to grind my gears. I’m so tired of playing mafia with inactive players, y’all. I know it’s a scum strat, but a lot of the time the inactives are town.

If you don’t have time to participate, at least say so in the thread. Skim the page at some point and give general thoughts or try to find summary posts like Sind’s. Something to be helpful.]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"Alright, Linoone, it's time for you to speak up, now. We'r running out of time. I'm voting for you now to put the pressure on you, talk or it's staying!"

[[Vote: Tetra]]


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Can someone please tell me what the heck DADT and DADV mean?? I’m so lost lol.
[[Dead Air Dead Town/Villager, I think. It's the idea that mafia defend each other, so if someone is totally alone with no allies, some of the people pushing the vote might be scum. Obviously scum also know this idea and can Wine In Front Of Me it!]]
[[you mean Shini right?]]
[[Yes, fuck, goddamnit, this is why I made the player table and it's still not enough. 20 people is a lot.]]
[[Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's the idea that mafia takes advantage of dead air to coast by without getting sussed or votekilled???]]
[[See above]]
Is there a role that can end the game if they’re eliminated?
[[No, as per Namo's OP.]]
Wouldn't that mean that the snivy is the one capable of curing whatever the slakoth inflicts on others?"
[[Okay, shit. I'm not sure, cause I'm tired, but... That sounds right. Is Bluwii a cult leader? If so, we might literally never know, depending on how cult mechanics work. Fucking hell.]]
[[Wasn't there a game where a wagon formed on Tetra while she wasn't around and she frantically showed back up to be like DON'T VOTE FOR ME or am I completely imagining that/confusing her with somebody else?]]
[[Yes, but she'd been posting before then in her usual style. This game is weird for her.]]
Ajia bit her lip. "The big thing that worries me about voting for the Linoone is that we don't even know what his power is. If he gets eliminated, then we'll never know, and it could be something critical. At least if sans gets eliminated, we'll know what we've lost."

"And we can't abstain. It's bad for our side. We'll never come out ahead if we don't vote."

This was bad. Two hours left. And she couldn't stop thinking about the fact that either the Froslass had lied, or somehow mixed up the numbers two and three. What? How? Neither a roleblock or a rolestop would explain 2 dread instead of 3.
[[Okay, I'm very strongly townreading Chibi, and they're Smart, and this is good reasoning. It's making me feel better about the sans vote, regardless of this TP cult idea, and worse about the Tetra wagon.

The 3 dread thing is deeply fucking alarming and I don't know what to make of it. I can't remember exactly how things went. How suspicious is this, exactly?]]


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
"I... have to be honest, there's something specific that's making me hesitate to vote for the slakoth. But it's little more than a hunch related to my own powers. I don't have time to go into it tonight, but I can revisit it early tomorrow. I'll return with my vote shortly but... Now I'm starting to get nervous about the linoone vote. There's more pushback against it than there was the sans vote but..."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
And Odette"—she smiled at the Jellicent—"your distrust of me is perfectly understandable, but know that I trust you, and I thank you for sorting through the chaos of the first day."
She groaned. “You’re welcome, I guess,” she said stiffly. “Just…work on how you play this from now on, and we shouldn’t have problems. My guardian’s the one wary because I guess they do this shit a lot.”

The exchange between the Swellow—Winona—and her guardian was an interesting one to say the least. It made her feel some type of way, truthfully. Clovis and Guzma must be worried fucking sick—she was surely in for a tongue lashing when she got back.

If she got back, that is.

“What, you have multiple lovers too?” she asked half-jokingly.

[[I’m fucking stuck here because I am absolutely going to miss EoD and I don’t know who to fucking vote for. Bluwii explained themselves but I still feel some type of way about their explanations and the more I look into Tetra’s posts and the fact she has done NOTHING to defend herself has me feeling really weird too. I don’t want to abstain either because holy fuck that’s gonna fuck us too. I am so torn but I NEED to nap.]{


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[Oh not to mention SHINI PROBABLY LIED about their Dread stack??????? Like??!! Fuck me, man.

I’m running on like 2 hours of sleep, I’m gonna nap then be back with my vote, hopefully my brain will reform itself after I sleep a little more, ugh.]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Vote: sans (Bluwiikoon)

No matter which way you slice it, he's our safest vote for the day. While Tetra's silence is concerning, what cinches it for me is that Bluwii's card is supposedly a counterpart to Seren's, meaning that we don't just get info from Bluwii with that flip, but also Seren.]]
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