[[Some quick notes before rereading time proper. First, @Bluwiikoon, I believe you missed where I asked you a couple questions about your power?]]
Yellow's claim is strongly backed up by Jackie, so Yellow more or less can't be scum unless Jackie is, unless Jackie's mistaken about the power being Yellow's/being town, which I don't think is likely; Jackie has a good sense of these things.]]
If you think this is a multiple cults sort of deal, though, why'd you say you didn't know if it was positive or negative? Isn't cult recruitment pretty fucking negative, and doesn't the fact you thought your power was good mean you figured marks were bad? Or what, did you think maybe the marks of the patron you couldn't protect from were good? Like, a 'town cult'?"
He paused. "Also, does it say they're protected from being marked for the night, or the next day too? Because the strings thing happened during the day, so if your thing supposedly only applies for the night, then that's another likely cult thing that you apparently can't protect from."
[[Hahahhaha apparently I caught Negrek disease. What I meant to type here was first Jackie voted for Bluwii, with several counts of reasoning for doing so; then, after the DADV concern, Jackie claimed on unvoting that actually they were just trying to bait other people into voting Bluwii to see who'd jump on and if there was a defense. It's not totally unreasonable, I guess, but it felt pretty weird to me.Laura [unrepentantAuthor] - [[I feel really weird about their progression on the Bluwii thing? First the vote, which is justified by pointing out they were reluctant to vote out Bluwii previously when he was scum,
Yellow's claim is strongly backed up by Jackie, so Yellow more or less can't be scum unless Jackie is, unless Jackie's mistaken about the power being Yellow's/being town, which I don't think is likely; Jackie has a good sense of these things.]]
"I mean, it's not exactly the same thing. My main power isn't being activated when I vote for people, it's sort of a side-effect, right? But fair point that it's a weird setup with weird vote-activated shit in it, I guess. Not really so much a thing to suspect him for.""And I'm not sure why the Slakoth's power being vote activated is so weird when you yourself have a vote activated power. That's just one aspect of the Slakoth's power, just like yours. I believe them unless the Arcotzolt comes forward with something bad that happened to them. I'm won't be voting for the Slakoth."![]()
[[Dead Air, Dead Villager, or Dead Air, Dead Townie. It means if someone's about to be voted out and there's no resistance to it, that person is probably a townie, because scum would usually try to make some attempt not to get their own voted out. It doesn't necessarily mean it's being pushed by scum - often villagers start trains on townies and the scum sit back and enjoy the show and go along with it.]]Can someone please tell me what the heck DADT and DADV mean?? I’m so lost lol.
[[The mafia don't want to get recruited into anything... but also, would a mafia member with the power to prevent cult recruitment have that power activated by voting for the target? I gueeeess if it was meant to be a nerf on it, but that seems kind of extreme for preventing recruitment, which isn't really a power that needs a nerf?]]sans (Slakoth) [Bluwiikoon] - I believe that his role prevents marks, but also that power could be any alignment lol. The mafia don't want to get recruited into anything either.
[[Hmm, yeah, I'd forgotten about the bit about thinking the diamond was sans. I didn't think it was some major insistence on it or anything, but I think you kind of have a point about it sort of serving mostly to keep suspicion on sans?]]Princess (Skiddo) [bruh moment] - Okay, I've been waffling on these two for the whole game. I don't like how they started out theorizing that sans put the diamond on me when there were multiple reasons why that was unlikely. It's a weird thing to chase after, didn't go anywhere, and basically only served to make the later sans train feel less out-of-nowhere. Also, I'm very surprised that she wasn't the first one to actually vote sans. Trying to bait someone else into doing it? I don't want to fixate on this too hard, though, because I know that q does play town aggressively, and I fell into a pit of Duck Confusion in the 1st anni game because of it.
[[...Huh. Yeah. I just went back to check and he specifically said "I got two dread on me rn" and not something more ambiguous like "Yeah, I got the two dread I should have gotten from Dave targeting me" or whatever. That does seem pretty funny when he was supposedly actually at three? Was he lying about healing me, and then why? Hrmmmm. (Unless he just got blocked or something? But then shouldn't he have expected to get three, and been surprised by it...?)]]Ajia had been rereading her notes when something suddenly jumped out at her that made her fur stand on end. "Wait... you healed Dave? Shouldn't you have 3 dread right now?"
Dave's ears pinned back. "Jesus Christ. We're playing a fucking game.""Tell me to 'fucking chill' one more goddamn time and I'm gonna haul off and wrap one of these fucking tentacles around your neck. Just try me," she threatened. There was a darkness to her tone that wasn't present during her rant.