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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
[[". . Also while we're on the subject of Tetra and her hardly posting... Have we heard or read a single post from the fennekin Tricky/ @SparklingEspeon ?? Cause I can't recall if they have posed? Or when they last posted? And if that's the case then why stay quite this entire time? Since this has been bugging me for a while as well? "] [
[[Espy posted once, I think, to comment on how she's not been posting. This is... consistent with Espy's usual play, sadly. She signs up, doesn't have the time and energy to keep up, gets sussed for absenteeism, and flips town.

The one game she actually posted in much was Vanilla Mafia. She was scum. That's what having buddies does for you, I guess.

For this reason, while I technically have a null read because she hasn't posted, I consider her void of posts to be consistent with her town games and inconsistent with scumplay. Sadly.]]


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
[[Right, back to the irl stuff in a sec, but:

- we've seen Bench pull this kind of thing a couple times. Last time it paid off, I seem to recall. I don't love it, but I'm willing to let it play out.

- really good feelings about Inke. Top three townreads, I think.

- I... am willing to believe this is a cults game. Can someone check if alignment swaps were mentioned in Namo's OP? Still find Bluwii's play weird.

Back to the irl stuff.]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Each card will have three attributes to it: a species, ability, and move.

The species is going to depict the general ability that someone is capable of during the day or night. Many of these are classic abilities such as Cop, Watcher, or Doctor. You can consider this your "main" power. Most cards will have an active power, though for some, the species is a passive attribute.

The card's "ability" is a passive ability or attribute that is always active and doesn't necessarily require any control on your part. Classic examples of this include Lovers, Miller, and Masons, and Bomb. In general, these are "passive" things that you do not have to act out at night or day, and simply happen automatically.

And finally, the "move" cards are all one-shot abilities that you can use once the entire game. These are typically extra-powerful versions of your species card, but they may be something entirely different, depending on the card set. Classic examples of these are powers such as Juggernaut and other "Strong" modifier roles.

Generally speaking, pretty much anything goes for what powers can be and so on. However, I will at least set down some ground rules for what will NOT be present, so there is at least some structure to the game. The following things WILL NOT be present:
-Roles that only have a % chance of working
-Roles that end the game early if the player is eliminated
-Roles that only work on "odd" or "even" nights/days.
-Heal Clash
-Roles where the player is still able to post in the chat after being eliminated
-The GM lying to you
-"Hidden" attributes to what you are capable of (i.e. you will know the full effects of what you are capable of; there is nothing you don't know about your own power. However, you may not know about other powers that may interfere with yours, etc.
A note on that final one: While any information I give you is intended to be the absolute truth, the way it is phrased may not mean exactly what you think. For example, if you are this game's "Cop" and you inspect someone, you will receive "You see: Innocent" or something like that. Note, it does not specify WHO was analyzed, and therefore could have been redirected to someone else. It is, technically, the truth--you saw innocent. But it did not say "[Player] is innocent." Therefore, read the information you get very carefully.
And lastly, because of the nature of Role Overdrive, try not to take things too seriously! This game is going to be quite swingy, possibly unbalanced due to how dynamic it all is, but in the end is meant to be fun above all else. Perhaps if I run something like this again, it will be more refined and more balanced. But for now? Just enjoy the chaos!

[[Nothing here says it couldn't be a cult game. So that can still be in the realm of possibilities.

Also the person I've shielded was decided with a dice roll between three players that I thought was town: Chibi, Free and Equital.

It landed on Free... so yeah, that was fun... uh, sorry luck wasn't on your side, Equital.]]


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
[[Short break. Gonna use it for mafia.

So, I notice alignment changes are not off the table. Multifaction cult game? Sounds likely.

Meanwhile, odd/even night stuff is not in this game. So no ONSK, but that still leaves room for an SK that got unlucky and targeted Free. Just musing about why only one scum kill per night. That... surprised me. After getting used to scum having two shots in Humble Vale and the heal clash thing in a couple previous games, I'm just like. Where do the deaths come from then.]]


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
[[Oh, hang on. Delayed activation roles aren't in the list of nopes. That was a big feature of Second Anni. Could be the deaths will escalate?]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Sidney listened to the weird Slakoth explain their theoryn of the game set up, then he listened to the Alolan Meowth. Slowly he withdrew his card and began to read carefully, just like the Yveltal said to do. His eyes squinted in concentration.

what_front.png"Um, guys? I think the Slakoth is being truthful. I don't want to vote for him. Because I think he's right, about the cults I mean. And yeah, that's plural for a reason."

"The way my card is worded, in one of my abilities it uses the term "factions". That's... What's the word? I dunno, the Boss is the big word using guy."

He paused, listening to the guardian voice.

smirk_front.png"Oh yeah, that's it. Binary. It's not "town" and "Mafia" but "factions". All these marks flying around, and people claiming to protect or cure them. And only one kill a night. I think the game involves tagging people and making them part of your team, and then at some point, one team gets big enough and wins. And all these teams don't know how many other teams they're competing against."

thinking nervous_front.png"What's weird is... That means town and Mafia have equal reason to want to eliminate people now. Before either group becomes the minority and loses. That's why Mafia can only kill once per night. If too many people die too quickly, there's not enough people to mark and become part of these other factions."

Sidney pulls the rulebook back out, poking through the shredded pages.

neutral smile_front.png"Says here that each cult has one leader, typically. If you find the leader and take them out, the cult might just fade away. Too many kills at night means the leaders might die too quickly to make things... Interesting." He side eyed the shadowy Mew floating over their heads.

neutral frown_front.png"So, if I were anyone interested in not becoming part of some kooky cult, I'd take back that vote on the Slakoth's head if I were you. Unless you think he's still lyin'."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Dave paced. "Oh my God. I'd be tearing my fucking hair out if I wasn't a fucking dog right now.

"Let me just go over the fucking diamond thing once and for all.

- Puck the Quagsire claims he can inflict some kind of status effect, and tried to use it on Laura the Meowth last night. He also can't be blocked. There was no indication his status effect would show up in any visible way; he just kind of assumed that because a diamond showed up, it must've been because of him and his diamond-themed legendary, and therefore since it showed up on Ajia the Delcatty it must have been swapped around somehow. This bullshit was where the entire swap theory came from. There is actually zero evidence any swap happened.
- The Snivy said she inflicted the diamond on Ajia, and what the diamond is is it means she's been cured of a certain status effect, and I guess protected against it for the night too. The fact there'd be a mark was explicitly mentioned on her card, and her guardian chose the diamond shape because of some fucking nonsense about the 'last game'.
- Fray the Froslass's guardian claims to be a jack of all trades, who can replenish their actions if they're targeted with the same one. They figured this implied that all the actions they have available are also abilities other people have, which is reasonable. Then, because of the baseless fucking swap theory, they were convinced a swap had happened, and because one of the abilities they knew existed causes one-way swap (the self-targeting deflector), they figured if there was a swap it must've been that, so the person with that ability must've been the person who was supposedly originally targeted, Laura. The way they explained it was a confusing mess, and it was all premised on the idea that the swap was a thing even though I kept trying to clarify we didn't actually know that was a thing, and that there couldn't be any other power in play that causes a swap, but given those premises it was basically a chain of thought that hung together.
- After all this Puck was surprised Laura hadn't said anything about being targeted by his power, implying the target should be told they received his status effect. Actually Laura had been told she received a status effect, and is pretty sure it means Puck is innocent, unless it happens that some other unrelated swap happened and the thing Laura got isn't actually what Puck used.

"So what we get out of this whole clusterfuck is there's not actually any evidence of any swapping happening, besides Fray's ability indicating that a self-targeting deflector exists but there's no evidence to suggest that had anything to do with any of what went on. There are no mysteries left with any of this whole cluster of actions."

He took a deep breath. "Okay, next. Tackling some of the shit people have been saying, that's not about this whole tangle of bullshit."

"As far as the other two... just because they mentioned it doesn't mean it's their own, which is what we were basing this off of, right?"
"This was about your theory that just saying the name of any legendary gets you stringed. Since they didn't, clearly not. That should be the end of that."

Starlight makes some points--can at least partially confirm that speaking a legendary name doesn't cause strings because I also mentioned Cresselia and never got stringed. If on the other hand strings only attaches when you speak your OWN legendary name, then Torchic either isn't Cresselia, or got Stringed and didn't say anything (or is the cause of the Strings? Huhuhuhuhuhu). Or maybe it only happens when you reveal your role AND say your patron?
"Again, please fucking remember that my idiot guardian made that shit up out of whole cloth. There's zero actual evidence it's about saying the name of your patron. It was a wild theory, feel free to avoid saying it because that costs you nothing but speculating about the exact circumstances of this completely fucking made-up mechanic taking effect is a waste of time."

[[Yeah, uh, I'm starting to regret even speculating about that a bit. It's a day action, I figured there was some reason it was taken just then and not at some other point, I thought of the patron name thing because I once did something similar in a game I GMed. Please, please don't waste time speculating about exactly how the patron name thing activates or possible conditions on it or whatever. There is no evidence there is actually any kind of patron name thing, at all.]]

Chibi prods Seren for more info on the diamond, and mentions that Puck never said it was a swap (???????? tbh I thought it was implied??? And Yellow never said what her power did so??? Confusion).
Dave sighed. "Okay, just touching on this one because it's a misunderstanding of a different thing than what everyone else was misunderstanding. What Ajia was saying there was that Puck wasn't suggesting the mark itself was created by a swap. Puck did suggest a swap happened."

"I do not fucking understand why you would indicate that you know something then NOT share it. At that point, you're better off keeping any indication that you know something to yourself and then revealing it when you can, instead of painting a target on your back like you just did. It's putting up a massive flag for me. You say "trust you" but that feels in the same vein as that fucking Slakoth's "I have a power that I can give somebody but that person won't know that they got it so it can't really be fact checked so you kind of have to wait and see what happens." Why should we trust you when you haven't offered anything substantial to back that up?"
"Just... fucking chill about this, I can think of a few reasons they could be doing this. I can believe they think they'll have something useful to reveal tomorrow, and that hinting at it right now without revealing it could be neutral or positive. Not something we should be going after right now."

Also, I keep wanting to reply to a ton of things but there literally isn't enough time in my day and I keep wanting to go back to sleep BUT if Shini is telling the truth, doesn't that suggest the doc (and I'm assuming there must be one) should just keep targeting Shini to make them function as a second doc...? I am. So sick of being confused all the time. But that sounds pretty wild.]]
"Well, presumably Froslass wouldn't get the ability back until the night after they get targeted, so it'd be at most every other night, and that'd require the other doctors to be on a schedule healing the same person, which'd be pretty fucking convenient for the mafia. I don't think that sounds like some implausibly broken sort of deal."

And similarly, why does Bluwii not know what power he gives people by voting for them?
"He didn't say he didn't know, he said he couldn't say, which I assumed just meant he didn't want to reveal the nature of it."

Does this mean the mafia can only take out ONE player per night, and the third party probably takes out another?]]
"What's all this about the third party? There's no reason there couldn't be multiple third parties, or technically none for that matter if that's not what the strings are. I assume it's just referring to the mafia's factional kill, at any rate. Maybe they've got additional powers that can kill on their cards but the kill the mafia can do because it's the mafia is just one, which makes sense to me."

"when i vote for someone, i can prevent them from being marked for the next night," he said. nodding slowly. "i do have a theory about what a mark means, but i'm getting to that. there is an interesting snippet, however: my power doesn't work on a certain patron legendary. i'm assuming right now that that's whatever puck's patron is. this is why i had some theories about the 'diamond of light', since that would tie in pretty well to the other legendary that i know exists via mechanical confirmation."

"now. i kind of have a wild crack theory, if you'll hear me out," said sans, clearing his throat. "i think that this game revolves around several cult leaders, and how many members they manage to 'recruit'. we had the strings, the diamond thing, and now whatever puck does. i am saying this now because i don't have anything to lose, if i'm already on the chopping block. so, make of that what you will."
"Okay. So what you're saying is you were told your power prevents a player being 'marked', and when you saw the diamond you figured that's what's meant by a mark. And since you were told there's one patron whose 'marks' your power doesn't protect from, and that patron seemed diamond-related, you figured that's what the diamond was? Someone getting 'marked' by that one legendary you knew about?" Dave frowned, thinking. "I guess that checks out. Explains the vote role being protective, and making a connection with the diamond and patrons even before Puck started talking about the diamond having to do with his patron. If you think this is a multiple cults sort of deal, though, why'd you say you didn't know if it was positive or negative? Isn't cult recruitment pretty fucking negative, and doesn't the fact you thought your power was good mean you figured marks were bad? Or what, did you think maybe the marks of the patron you couldn't protect from were good? Like, a 'town cult'?"

He paused. "Also, does it say they're protected from being marked for the night, or the next day too? Because the strings thing happened during the day, so if your thing supposedly only applies for the night, then that's another likely cult thing that you apparently can't protect from."

Dave paced a rough, agitated circle on the ground. "Okay. This actually kind of ties into something else I was wondering about, which is why would an ability that cures something leave a mark? Something visible during the next day? Snivy even clarified that it doesn't apply some permanent protection that lasts until the next night or anything. So why would that even be a thing? The mark being 'recruitment' into some kind of faction would explain that, I guess." He looked at Snivy. "Have you got any insight on why your power would leave a visible mark? It sure doesn't seem like anyone else's power has been doing that so far."

He exhaled slowly. "That's all I've got for now. Still going to look better into some of the people I didn't manage to last night before the end of the day, but here's an updated temperature check on the living players."

Strong townlean
Mademoiselle [Inkedust] - [[Probably my strongest town vibes right now? Always makes good points and analysis and clear thinking about situations and what's a distraction and what isn't.]]

Moderately town
Kimiko [Seren] - [[I definitely think he's telling the truth about the whole diamond mark thing - only thing that gives me pause is the possibility that the diamond mark is possibly also some form of cult recruitment (but then again, maybe it's the town cult, for perma-townies, or something).]]
Ajia [Chibi Pika] - [[I had a bout of paranoia about them yesterday but have been generally feeling good about them today, though rereading should probably clarify my thoughts better.]]
Princess [bruh moment] - [[Their thought process on the Bluwii thing and the weird backtracking on it feels pretty towny to me, though it's possible it's kind of aggressive mafia play making use of legitimate avenues of suspicion and I wouldn't put that past kyeugh.]]
Shimmer [Windskull] - [[Felt pretty good about her posts; was the first to call DADV on Bluwii, but that didn't really ping me the way Jackie and Yellow's scrambling afterward did.]]

Odette [Cinderella] - [[Her reactions feel authentic and I like her; largely just vibes, but.]]
Fray [ShiniGojira] - [[Has been all over the place with weird reasoning but I think the claim is for real; the reasoning he came up with for it is way too elaborate to be made up, I think. That said, a mafia JOAT doesn't seem impossible?]]

Slightly town
Arctozolt [Bench] - [[This gambit thing feels consistent with previous townplay? But that's about all I can say about it for now. Extremely little to go on.]]
Cosmo [Flyg0n] - [[I still feel good about the fact she was the first person to react to my Miller claim and came down on the side of thinking I was town, but it is true her play's been scarce and soft. Then again I assumed she was mafia for that last game and look what happened? I think she's the first person I want to reread, since not that many posts anyway, and will probably be able to develop thoughts further then.]]

Ehh (waffling)
Puck [HelloYellow17] - [[Vague circumstantial sus from yesterday: first person to bring up no mafia daytalk and waffly on me. Dislike today: the hasty vote and unvote for Bluwiikoon and subsequent defensiveness thereof. On the other hand: the whole confusion about causing the diamond mark feels very genuine and definitely not faked. Doesn't mean she's not mafia, but. Also, Jackie seems to believe the power they were hit with seemed town.]]
Laura [unrepentantAuthor] - [[I feel really weird about their progression on the Bluwii thing? First the vote, which is justified by pointing out they were reluctant to vote out Bluwii previously when he was scum,
sans [Bluwiikoon] - [[The claim basically seems to check out? Like, what he claims now does seem to align with the specifics of what he posted at the beginning of the day. And nothing bad seems to have happened to Arctozolt, and so far it sounds like actual status effects are generally something the target is told about, so protection from cult recruitment lines up as something the target wouldn't get told about better than if it's secretly inflicting something that doesn't cause any immediate ill effects but will be bad in the future...? On the other hand the power being activated by votes is still kind of weird, and I still have some questions about it.]]

Not much of an opinion
Tricky [SparklingEspeon] - [[Still nonexistent.]]
Winona [Torchic] - [[Seems mostly pretty confused about a lot of things. I would need a reread to check if I'd agree it's the kind of confusion I'd read as unlikely from mafia, as Chibi postulated.]]
Nanu [Blossomleaf] - [[Nothing's stood out particularly to me, would need to reread.]]
Courtney [Starlight Aurate] - [[Again nothing's stood out particularly one way or the other for me.]]

Kekoa [Persephone] - [[Very little to go on but I still find her effort to get me eliminated to be something mafia would be motivated to do, and generally isn't contributing very much; wouldn't want to vote today without more posting, but bad vibes generally. I keep thinking of that one time I got bad vibes off her determination to vote somebody off in one of the previous mafias, voted her on that hunch, and was right.]]
Sidney [Panoramic_Vacuum] - [[This is still mostly just the circumstantial sus from yesterday, to be honest. Should reread.]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[Incidentally, I have not yet started the Animorphs book we're reading for tonight so I'm going to attempt to get that done now before I get to the rereading, or at least enough of it to be confident I can do the rest after the end of the day. Aaagh too many things.]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[Won't be around for EoD since it'll end at 6 AM for me.

"Well, presumably Froslass wouldn't get the ability back until the night after they get targeted, so it'd be at most every other night, and that'd require the other doctors to be on a schedule healing the same person, which'd be pretty fucking convenient for the mafia. I don't think that sounds like some implausibly broken sort of deal."
I can get the ability back if I use it at the same night someone targets me.

For example, I use Heal for the night, another person Heal me on the same night, I get my ability restored and can use it again on the next night.

But since I've already used Heal it'll only be restored at the end of this night (not the beginning) if someone Heals me.

God, with all this talk of cults and stuff, I'm not sure who we should even vote for anymore. I'm tempted to just throw a die and let it pick for me. But I think I'm just gonna abstain because I'm not sure of anything anymore.

So yeah, good night y'all. Have fun.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
sans [Bluwiikoon] - [[The claim basically seems to check out? Like, what he claims now does seem to align with the specifics of what he posted at the beginning of the day. And nothing bad seems to have happened to Arctozolt, and so far it sounds like actual status effects are generally something the target is told about, so protection from cult recruitment lines up as something the target wouldn't get told about better than if it's secretly inflicting something that doesn't cause any immediate ill effects but will be bad in the future...? On the other hand the power being activated by votes is still kind of weird, and I still have some questions about it.]]
mad_front.png"So far that makes sense, at least for any sort of affliction status. Dread, Strings, and whatever the Alolan Meowth got from the Quagsire last night. They were all announced to the player.

On the other hand, protection seems to be more obscure. The diamond being the biggest source of confusion. Sure it became an actual mark, but Delcatty wasn't informed about what it was even called, unlike the other statuses. And then the Slakoth's power, again is more stealthy, probably to prevent those who can protect from being targeted themselves."

heh_front.png "And I'm not sure why the Slakoth's power being vote activated is so weird when you yourself have a vote activated power. That's just one aspect of the Slakoth's power, just like yours. I believe them unless the Arcotzolt comes forward with something bad that happened to them. I'm won't be voting for the Slakoth."


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[quick note that I will be away for most of the day today. I am hoping to be back before EoD though.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Do you have an ability that pertains to hinting you know things? This screams like Bluwii claiming they have a useful ability that cannot be fact checked.
[[Just gonna agree here, though for now it’s probably best we just stop prodding Bench.
uA defends Flygon vote. They were also trying to bait DADT.
Can someone please tell me what the heck DADT and DADV mean?? I’m so lost lol.
Odette's shoulders stiffened, and she seemed to come out of her anger haze for a moment. "What naughty tax does he have to pay?"

[[That's not important right now, please carry on.]]
[[And yeah, something happened to me but I've been waiting until the discussion is actually clarified bc I was busy wasting my time and energy wondering what it meant that what I got hit with might have been meant for Chibi and whether it said anything about their alignment.]]
Aight, thank you for clarifying. At this rate I might just need to role claim completely since there’s a good amount of sus on me. *Sigh*
[[Again, I have a plan. If I give this information at just the right time, it could be REALLY good.]]

Bench, I’m willing to trust you, but the more you emphasize how REALLY GOOD your plan is, the bigger the target on your back becomes. Frankly, I’m not sure why you brought it up at all if you weren’t going to reveal everything. Now you have the mafia’s attention, and you haven’t actually provided any helpful info for town in exchange for that.

I’m not going to prod you to say more about your plan. But if you’re really town, please stop drawing attention to yourself.]]

Puck flinched under all the angry voices flying at him. He didn’t like it when people yelled. Back in his cage, with all the white-clothes humans and white walls, it only meant painful things would happen next.

[[I’m so sorry, Puck. You don’t deserve this. This is my fault, okay? Let me take the blame.]]

Oh. That helped him feel a little better, at least. Puck shied away from the angry cloud and allowed his Rock Friend to drift in front of him to do the talking.

[[All right. I just want to say that I’m so so sorry for all the confusion. Truly. I jumped to conclusions that I shouldn’t have, and it’s largely because of the diamond-shaped marking. I’m an idiot who made assumptions and didn’t stick to my role PM religiously—in Mafia, I tend to assume that there are hidden mechanics that aren’t explicitly stated, so I jumped the gun. I guess I’m extremely paranoid after Humble Vale, when the whole setup was a big mystery and I was constantly finding out new mechanics that threw me for a massive loop, heh. But it was really stupid of me to assume there would be hidden mechanics in this game. I’m sorry for wasting everyone’s time. Truly.

I’m still not sure if I want to reveal what my action does, but I will if I need to. That said, I’m going to reveal my patron for a few reasons: 1) so you can understand why the diamond tripped me up so much, 2) so we can test the patron/string theory, and 3) so that I can hopefully regain your trust.

My patron is Dialga. My abilities are all time related.

It looks like my action did go through to Jackie last night and was not swapped. Please not that I cannot be blocked or suppressed, but there’s nothing in my PM that says my target can’t be swapped or that my action can’t be redirected. And yeah, I know there’s irony in me saying that after the whole diamond marking fiasco—suffice me to say I’ve been religiously rereading my role PM since all of that.

I don’t know how else to say how sorry I am. I want to assure you all that I am town. and I know that everyone in this game is going to claim that, lol. But I promise you I’m telling the truth here.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[Now that all of that is out of the way, I really want to move on to more helpful topics. You can sus me all you want for my mistake, but the actual truth of it is just that I messed up and made some really stupid calls, and that’s it. Nothing more. There’s no big-brained agenda here, lol—quite the opposite.

Good lord if I made money for every time I made an idiotic mistake and everyone sussed me for being galaxy-brained mafia. I’d be rich.

I’m gonna go over posts again to look at things, but I’m still highly suspicious of Bluwii and Tetra. More so of Tetra than Blu, largely because there was a lot of push-back when I voted for her and literally none when I voted for Blu. Though it’s possible Blu is TP and doesn’t have any scum buddies that would come to his defense? Hmmm. I’m gonna have to scan through the thread again to get my head on straight.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[Also Just a heads up, I may not be around for EOD. Heading out of town and will be traveling right at that time.]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
So the diamond was just one type of mark. The longer the game went one, the more marks would show up. The Slakoth's power prevented marks. Ajia's own diamond prevented a certain kind of mark, but only for a short while. What did it all mean? Some people had mentioned cult recruitment. Multiple cults all trying to gather members, and outgrow the others? Oh, gods. And most of them would probably be working alone, right? No way to sense a hidden agenda. This was going to be a lot harder than Ajia thought.

[[third-parties galore and no mafia daytalk, all my scumhunting tools are gone ahahaha ogod]]

'I'm not giving up. I don't want to get too defeatist about this.'

[[I know. It's who you are.]]

Ajia steeled herself and returned to the others.

"There's one thing I wanted to clear up--the rules said the mafia only gets one factional kill. But that doesn't say anything about individual members having additional kill powers or one-shots, and my guardian says there have been games here with that."

Next, she turned to the Snivy, Kimiko. "Thanks for clearing all that stuff up. I'm sorry that we made such a mess of things while you were gone." She bowed her head.

Not much time left before the vote. Had to make it count. The last thing she wanted was a last-minute scramble.

"I feel good about Dave, Laura, and Mademoiselle. They're the ones that have doing the most work to clear up misunderstandings and keep people from getting distracted."

"I'm pretty sure Kimiko isn't mafia. Everything she said about wanting to protect me makes sense, and the diamond doesn't seem harmful. I guess we can't rule out that this diamond could be some kind of recruitment, but worrying about that won't help us catch the mafia right now."

Soft town:
Nanu (Alolan Meowth) [Blossomleaf] - "I like the questions he's been asking. And he hasn't been getting stuck in the distraction loops that a lot of the others have."
Fray (Froslass) [ShinjiGojira] - "So... the Froslass never actually had evidence that Laura was a deflector. She just knew that (a) there is one in the game, and (b) Laura being one was a possible explanation for Puck's effect landing on me." Ajia exhaled slowly. "But possible doesn't mean probable. And now we know that a swap never even happened. Fray's role got revealed for nothing. But... it does mean that I don't suspect her anymore, so there's that."
Odette Cinq-Mars (Jellicent) [Sinderella] - "Her summary of events was really helpful, and I like the questions she's been asking."
Shimmer (Kirlia) [Windskull] - "Some good points overall, but my Guardian is still cautious, aha."
Courtney (Ninetales) [Starlight Aurate] - "My guardian explained earlier, but the first things she said today don't feel like someone who was able to talk with allies last night. It's not a lot, but it's something."
Puck (Quagsire) [HelloYellow17] - "I started out today pretty convinced he was innocent. Then a couple other people started to suspect him, and now I'm not sure what to believe. I think that a mafia wouldn't have been willing to take credit for the diamond so quickly, though? Opening himself up to being counterclaimed would be dangerous... and it's exactly what happened, too. I guess I can't rule out that he tried to recruit Laura into something, though..."

"I'll let my Guardian take it from here for the rest of them."

[[Hey there. I'm good at spotting hidden agendas. Unfortunately, I'm starting to suspect that most of the antitown in this game will have no visible agenda at all. I'll do my best.]]

(Cacturne) [Panoramic_Vacuum] - He's made a couple good points, but nothing that's really jumped out at me as being clutch? Hmm. I don't want to fall into the trap of "well-known smart player must be galaxy-brained forever" though, because it's not fun.
sans (Slakoth) [Bluwiikoon] - I believe that his role prevents marks, but also that power could be any alignment lol. The mafia don't want to get recruited into anything either.
Cosmo (Linoone) [Flyg0n] - I get the points about playstyle change, but people said the same thing in the last game, right? And then she game back hyper aggro-town for the rest of the game. Hmm. Pls post, @Flyg0n
Princess (Skiddo) [bruh moment] - Okay, I've been waffling on these two for the whole game. I don't like how they started out theorizing that sans put the diamond on me when there were multiple reasons why that was unlikely. It's a weird thing to chase after, didn't go anywhere, and basically only served to make the later sans train feel less out-of-nowhere. Also, I'm very surprised that she wasn't the first one to actually vote sans. Trying to bait someone else into doing it? I don't want to fixate on this too hard, though, because I know that q does play town aggressively, and I fell into a pit of Duck Confusion in the 1st anni game because of it.

(Arctozolt) [Bench] - Nothing to go off yet. I’m willing to wait a day to find out what the thing is. Please don’t badger them, I don’t want a repeat of 2nd anni lol.
Winona (Swellow) [Just a Torchic] - Again, her play reads as towny to me only for being confused a lot, but the lack of daytalk means I can’t read much into that.
Kekoa (Skitty) [Persephone] - Not much, will be away today.
Tricky (Fennekin) [SparklingEspeon] - does tricky exist


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
[[Still busy, but I'm reading this thread whenever I hot the bathroom. Still liking Chibi. Was waffling on Yellow's vibes, but... I'm now more sure than I was what her power is and I struggle to imagine that a scum would cast it on me. So... provisional hard town. Need to read the summaries again. Last time I made a working theory that the four towniest people I liked were all safe, half of them were scum. Gotta check for coordination. And drop a readlist. With about an hour tops of actual availability before EOD. Fuck.]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[I've been unsure about Yellow since all this confusion started, but with their most recent post, especially with their promise, they're hard town for me now.]]

"You know people can lie about promises, right?"

[[I know, but I really don't think Yellow would do that.]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[ dragonfree locktown forever

i don’t know if i’m going to be here for eod, unfortunately weekends are my only days to do errands but i will try to see if mewt can monitor

i’m vaguely satisfied with bluwii’s post for now. i was getting increasingly suspicious of him because i think it’s like him to sort of go silent and flail a bit when he’s mafia and being pushed. his last post felt earnest to me so i’m going to back off for now.


the bad news is that i don’t really know who to go for instead. i don’t buy the tetra thing yet but could be convinced maybe. persephone is… maybe? she mostly just feels disengaged to me in a way she often does and i know she’s been busy. i don’t know about yellow. i kind of want to go there because her posting has been pinging me but i don’t actually know why and am not sure i could justify the vote. i don’t think i understand the pano sus at all, can someone explain that to me? -q ]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Also the person I've shielded was decided with a dice roll between three players that I thought was town: Chibi, Free and Equital.

It landed on Free... so yeah, that was fun... uh, sorry luck wasn't on your side, Equital.]]

Ajia had been rereading her notes when something suddenly jumped out at her that made her fur stand on end. "Wait... you healed Dave? Shouldn't you have 3 dread right now?"


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
[[I may be asleep before EOD, so I'm going to lock in a protective vote now just in case I'm not here!]]

vote: Nanu/Blossomleaf

[[I like Nanu's solvyness and the questions he's been asking, feels pro-town to me so far. ^^ Good vibes!]]

[[If Puck's legendary is Dialga, then that means Seren may be the person with the patron legendary that my ability won't have any affect on. @Seren , would you happen to have a patron of Necrozma, by any chance? Regardless, I do know mechanically that Necrozma exists in this game.]]
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