"seems the jig is up. well, here goes nothing." sans cleared his throat, pensively, before his tone shifted to a lighter one.
"a certain amount of people have been invited into my special super sans gamer club," he said, winking and grinning. "i've also been able to send out invitations during the night. so, i would like to suggest that y'all play very carefully if you don't want to bring down half the playerbase, if you catch my drift."
"club closes at night, though. so, feel free to shoot me down after hours, if you want to free everybody from the horrors of being in the super sans gamer club." He closed his eyes. "i'm willing to take one for the team. not like i've been much help otherwise, right?"
"full disclosure i'm mostly here because the big guy-" he gestures to an unseen force, somewhere beyond where Darkwhite is hovering. "really needed folks to fill up seats, so to speak. hopefully my presence has been at least a little entertaining. didn't mean to cause so

"I. Fucking,
what?! You're fucking
"see, the reason i was so sure about multiple cults, is that the string thing sure as hell seems like a cult thing to me," said sans. "and i would know, since i'm the chairman of the super sans gamer club."
"nightkilling me should be safe," he replied. "gm made some modifications to the secret club thing, including the fact that having a membership pass won't override your other powers."
"I fucking
believed you! That you knew about cults because you could
stop them, not be the fucking chairman or whatever the fuck you called it. And you were all to happy to let me hang myself because of it.
Fuck, man.
Sidney began to pace back and forth, hands pinned against the top of his hat, a look of distant terror crossing flashed in his eyes.
"Not again, I swore this wouldn't happen again," he muttered, still pacing.
He finally stopped, standing stock still. His back turned to the group. The faint sound of his guardian's voice could be heard over the desert wind.
"No, it's... fuck, no it
is my fault! I fucked up, Boss,
I fucked up!"
Sidney was screaming now, his voice echoing across the sands. He quieted suddenly, but his shoulders still shook, and needles jutted out from every surface of his body.
"Fuck, no." Sidney's tone was calmer now, but the quiver of emotion was there. The needles began to retract back into his skin. "You're right. That's... I'm not that kind of person anymore."
Slowly, he turned back toward the group.

"I'm... I fucked up. I trusted someone I shouldn't have. Not the first time I've been wrong. Damn sure it won't be the last, either."

"But I'm not some fucking cultist though! I ain't about that shit! I learned my lesson a long time ago." He jabbed a spine the Slakoth's way. "I'm not on that asshole's team. I'm not on any fuckin' kooky sicko's team!"
"I fucked up. But I'm gonna make this right. Somehow. I just don't know how. Yet."