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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Well the thing is Free also revealed their legendary and power and got stringed. Coincidentally the two people who revealed both their legendaries and powers also got stringed. Seren also revealed their role but did NOT mention who their legendary was in a post (instead saying it was already mentioned) and I would actually like to hear if they were stringed @Seren]]
[[Thats a fair point, yes, but the timing seems off. I really feel like there's more at play here and it feels dangerous to assume thats definitely the case.

Hecc, I am almost tempted to test it but eh]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
"Hey, um... can we talk about how Laura's guardian was super hesitant to vote Fray and basically convinced me not to? That seems like a red flag to me."

[[Yes, Dragonfree also convinced me not to, but I feel infinitely better about her train of thought there.]]

I initially chose Laura to block purely as a wild guess. Wanted to see how she’d react. To be honest, the fact that there was only one death on N1 with so many players did have me wondering if that was due to my block, but I didn’t want to say too much too soon. Boy am I VERY GLAD that Laura was taken out before she could shoot twice.]]
Ajia looked alarmed. "Hang on... your block couldn't possibly have been related to there only being one kill night one! If Laura was the killer, and got two actions night 2, then they still would have gone through. The rules say that all kills resolve at the exact same time."


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Because there's a nicer way to say something without coming off as slightly rude jerk yellow. Like for one thing maybe I am a new player but at the same time it's uncalled for to like freaking call me out on my choices when I did FUCKING ABSTAIN right after Dragonfree did. After I realized I was running out of time and couldn't get online fast enough to change my vote for EoD. because I WAS BUSY WITH RL STUFF. like MY WEDDING AND MY SCHEDULING MY DOG'S VET APPOINTMENT.

And if self-preservation and logic (like feeling like voting bluwii is a bad call because of how he's being set up as a fall guy) is something that's going to make me sus then that's going to irk me to all hell and back because I'm trying to work in town's favor and it's been frustrating on my side of things investigating people who aren't playing mafia, who are inactive, who aren't participating, and who are forcing me to shoot blindly in the dark because I can't GET ANY CONCRETE ANSWERS.

and I get that you're salty about the abstain and no elimination vote alongside everyone else but at the same time bluntly saying that I'm detrimental to town is just rude ngl. and it's completely uncalled for when the new players are trying to figure out how the game works and have little to no context for anything going on.]]
[[I…wow, okay. I’m literally just trying to explain why No Elimination is not a good move vs abstain. I genuinely did not mean to come off as aggressive and I’m sorry for that. But I feel like your lashing out was uncalled for here. I’m saying these things to help the new players and the fact that you’re assuming bad faith and malicious intent on my end is honestly really upsetting for me.

And with that, I’m stepping out for a bit because I’m really not keen on investing in a game when a large portion of the players are barely active, nor am I super jazzed about getting my head bitten off for trying to help. Please ping me if you have specific questions for me and I’ll try to address them later.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[yeah you’re right actually, it has to be a day action lol. Pardon my brain fart]]
[[So, to me, that means your N1 target was swapped off of Jackie, and onto whoever is the Stringer. Strings has to be a day action, we got strings on D1 without a prior night phase. Then there were no strings on D2, which aligns with your blocking power. Then, today, we have two strings in one day, which aligns with your x2 power after a one-day block. So. If we find the swapper, and we find who they swapped you to, Yellow, we find the Stringer, and my guess is a cult leader of some kind.]]

neutral smile_front.png"Hell yeah, Boss. That sounds like it makes sense to me."


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[Before I go, one last thing, I’ve been given permission from Namo to share this clarification:

I should clarify that this string stuff technically happened after the thread opened. I only open the thread after all night actions have resolved.

So yeah, stringer is a day action, don’t mind my stupid theories and don’t waste time on them lol.]]


  1. sableye
[[ hey I agree with yellow largely however I have some very questionable doubts about her still as blossom points out, yellow was the one to target Jackie. I really want to know what yellows powers do especially now if she’s already got stringed.

so if anyone has any good reasons for her to keep her ability hidden please say so because I really feel we need to know

anyways I spent literally all of Saturday night coming up with a relatively
theory and accidentally was up until 7 am trying to make sure it made sense so I’ll post that when I get home. Like I’m so serious about it that I considered coming in to work late so I could post it immediately. Alas, didn’t happen that way.

To catch up… bench attempted to lure the mafia into targeting him and wasting their night kill. He’s not taking credit for also taking out Laura. My first thought was maybe she was a mafia who couldn’t communicate with the others but I vaguely recall hearing that the mafia would still know she’s one of them even if they can’t talk so that doesn’t make sense.

I have thoughts but as usual I’ll catch up after work properly. For now, we need to get to scum hubting. ]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Guys, let's not bite each others heads off here. Arguing Townies does not make for a fun game for anyone, speaking from experience here. I'm not sure what to say about the Strings since its still mostly WMG at this point and I feel that panicking about it is only going to derail things. Too many unknowns. We need a bit more information before we can definitively say how it works and how to prevent more players from getting Stringed.]]


  1. sableye
[[ also in reply to @Sinderella

as far as I can tell on mobile, no, I was not notified of being stringed myself. Will confirm tonight. ]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Taking a deep breath, Cosmo steeled himself, then made a flurry of marks in the dirt.

[[So let me try to review: (quick and dirty, y'all so fast jeez, lol <3)

Keep in mind what I say below is not indicative of guilty/not guilty or truth/lies or alignment, but rather simply aquick bullet point of what was said

-Seren can give people diamonds of light
-Yellow can Block people, but those blocked can act twice the next night
-Shini is a JOAT that can restore their Powers if targeted by a like power
-Free is a Miller

Day 1:
Free reveals miller immediately
Free is stringed

Night 1:
-Seren marked Aija Night1
-Yellow blocked Jackie Night 1
-Bart was killed

Day 2:
-Aija has a diamond mark
-Jackie is a bit cagey on details
-Shini reveals they are JOAT
-Yellow alludes to their Dialga powers
-Bench talks about their big plan <3
-No elimination

Night 2:
No deaths

Day 3:

-Bench is marked
-Yellow is stringed
-Shini is stringed


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Might as well. I don’t have much left to lose at this point.

My role is a blocking power—with the caveat that the next night, the target can use their action twice. Tbh this role kinda sucks because I can block scum, but then they can shoot twice the next night. I can give a townie to use their action twice, but I have to block them first.

I initially chose Laura to block purely as a wild guess. Wanted to see how she’d react. To be honest, the fact that there was only one death on N1 with so many players did have me wondering if that was due to my block, but I didn’t want to say too much too soon. Boy am I VERY GLAD that Laura was taken out before she could shoot twice.]]
[[Yall, I already revealed my ability and my reasoning for targeting Laura here! I don’t really have much else to say, honestly. Sus me all you want for the association with Laura, but it was literally a shot in the dark because I had no information to go off of after D1.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
"Hey, um... can we talk about how Laura's guardian was super hesitant to vote Fray and basically convinced me not to? That seems like a red flag to me."

[[Yes, Dragonfree also convinced me not to, but I feel infinitely better about her train of thought there.]]

Ajia looked alarmed. "Hang on... your block couldn't possibly have been related to there only being one kill night one! If Laura was the killer, and got two actions night 2, then they still would have gone through. The rules say that all kills resolve at the exact same time."
[[Let's not forget this...

Its.... its possible this is either a misdirect or Scum trying not to lose a JOAT power....]]

Cosmo nodded thoughtfully


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[I won't go into specifics without Yellow present, but I believe I have decent reason to trust her.]]


  1. sableye
[[ Also @blossom please chill, you hang inactive, you’ve been doing fine. That wasn’t intended for you. ]]


  1. sableye
[[ ugh haven’t been inactive*
Mobile typing sucks ]]


Ace Trainer
[[I…wow, okay. I’m literally just trying to explain why No Elimination is not a good move vs abstain. I genuinely did not mean to come off as aggressive and I’m sorry for that. But I feel like your lashing out was uncalled for here. I’m saying these things to help the new players and the fact that you’re assuming bad faith and malicious intent on my end is honestly really upsetting for me.

And with that, I’m stepping out for a bit because I’m really not keen on investing in a game when a large portion of the players are barely active, nor am I super jazzed about getting my head bitten off for trying to help. Please ping me if you have specific questions for me and I’ll try to address them later.]]
[[Okay that's fair and I apologize as well for lashing out as well yellow. even if I stand by that saying this: then you’re either anti-town or an unhelpful townie—and frankly, I’m not going to want you in the game either way. Sus me for it all you want, but I am perfectly happy to lynch an inactive if only to narrow down suspicions and to get rid of dead weight." Is going to come off as mildly rude regardless of what your intentions are."]]

[[Because calling new players dead weight is just uncalled for. But like Namo said, I don't wan to bring the game down. Nor do I want to ruin the fun for everyone else. despite how this comment just plain hurt.

So, with that said. I think at this point I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place where I need to share something with town. And whether it's a good call or not is up in the air. because like I said. I'm at a dead end where nothing I'm doing on my end feels right because of how much time I wasted investigating pointless leads that went no where.]]

[[ Also @blossom please chill, you hang inactive, you’ve been doing fine. That wasn’t intended for you. ]]
[[so like I said. sorry about losing my cool. and Im sorry to yellow for snapping. since i'll take a step back and reassess as to what I want to do later then. and get back to this. in hopes I can be helpful. even if it feels like I'm not at this point :((("]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"Fucking told you," Dave spat at his badge as he looked at the petrified Meowth statue.

He sighed at the clamor. "Just to get that out of the way, I targeted the Fennekin last night. Mainly for somebody who'd be unlikely to be swapped." He looked at Arctozolt. "Good show. I figured you were trying to bait the kill when you said you had a plan. Hence the effort to shut up everyone who kept yammering on about it after that.

"Either way, the fact Laura was mafia immediately suggests two things. One, she really wanted us not to go for Fray. My guardian already dug through what Fray was saying yesterday and then was talked into second-guessing it by someone we now know was in the mafia. Worth a good fucking side-eye if you ask me. Two, Laura and that Quagsire over there were practically in lockstep for a while, and Laura went out of her way to tell us she was pretty sure Puck's power was town. Maybe too obvious, but even then, I'd be giving Puck a lot of scrutiny right now. Going to look into him today.

"Also, it occurred to me maybe there's a power that causes any shot directed towards somebody to be reflected back where it came from. Would make sense if somebody used it on Arctozolt after the whole spiel yesterday, right?"

[[also I'm making a note here about how seren's mark is now on bench apparently:
On Arctozolt’s (IFBench) chest is a diamond of light. Notably, Ajia’s mark had disappeared.

Because I want to keep track of the players who are able to mark other player rn.

okay new thing to note:

Players capable of "marking":
1) Seren / Kimiko: can leave marks to cure status ailements?
2) Bluwii / Sans: can leave marks that prevent other marks on players via voting them
3) Yellow / Puck: can leave unknown marks
4) Dragonfree / Dave: can leave dread marks
**Unknown player**: can leave "strings"

Players "marked" by the ones mentioned above:
1) Myself (Nanu) and Bench (Arctozolt) - Marked by Sans
2) Shinigojira (Fray) - Marked by Dragonfree / Dave
3) Jackie (Laura) - Marked by Yellow
4) Chibi (Ajia) - Marked by Seren]]
"Look, I'd really like to try to not just lump everything together as being a "mark". I know my card doesn't say anything about Dread being a "mark". sans didn't claim to leave a mark at all; he claimed his power prevents marks. In general, not convinced that a mark is the same thing as a status ailment. It could be, I don't know, but we don't know that and shouldn't silently assume it."

[[anyways now that the initial shock has died off and sleeping on things, I have good reason to believe that bluwii has been lying about their role and is the best vote for today. Will delve into it later.

Vote: sans/Bluwii]]
Dave stopped. "Huh. Okay, do tell. It sure didn't seem like sans and Laura were on the same team, but maybe he could be some kind of third party?"

[[ ? it’s not about your role; if the mafia member with the shooting power dies, it gets transferred to the next surviving wolf. if mafia would shoot twice tonight had jackie lived, i suspect they still will -q ]]
"I would've assumed if a mafia member gets hit by a thing that lets them use their action twice, it'd probably be their own personal action, not the mafia kill. At any rate I'm assuming the mafia members' powers aren't just 'use the mafia kill'. Isn't every card supposed to have its own set of three powers?"

[[Actually yeah, thinking about it, I’m thinking that the string action is actually a night action that takes effect the next day. Because I got the message right after the thread opened. And if that’s the case, then Laura’s night action would have still gone through even if she was shot in the night.]]
"We've established this by now, but just to be clear, I didn't get stringed until partway through the day yesterday."


  1. sableye
[[ okay sorry yellow didn’t see where you posted your powers. That’s what I needed to know.

Vote: sans/bluwiikoon

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