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[Town victory] Vanilla Mafia!


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[And yes. I am voting Homestar. I encourage everyone to try to make a good choice today on Day 1!]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[lol just ignore Hana accidentally calling Mike Homestar]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
by the way, since it could technically be a thing I suppose, Bartholomew doesn't have some kind of role-trading power. Or at least isn't claiming one right now. The above post and this post could be some kind of galaxy-brain play I suppose

All ne is concretely implying right now is that ne thinks nir role isn't very exciting.
[[Are you saying Kent's role isn't exciting? Why vote for him if you don't think they're serial killer?]]


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
[[Are you saying Kent's role isn't exciting? Why vote for him if you don't think they're serial killer?]]
No, Bartholomew doesn't think her own role is as exciting as Serial Killer.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[Ohhhh gotcha. Was confused.]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[I would further argue the Homestar mislynched or tried to go for one after Phans post and was then instructed to play it off oof conveniently and run with that one whereas we won't extend the same grace to abrapunk?

I for one don't want to mislynch day 1. A sus number of people seeded suspicion on abrapunk to so I'm also thinking we should be wary? Dunno. ]]


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
OOC post incoming:

Hi my brain is fried by moving stuff IRL and I was asleep for half of this mess. As I understand it Homestar accused Abrapunk of being serial killer. Then people turned on Homestar for reasons I can't quite understand. Is there something more concrete? Please explain to me like I've been sleep deprived and working through customer service hotlines for the last few hours.

People are saying it could be a mafia mistake but the mafia can talk to each other? Unless they're all new (which is possible) that seems like a weird thing to do. Essentially trading off one for one, getting a random townie killed for one of their (fewer) members). Or Abra is the serial killer and Homestar is mafia. Which is possible tbh. Anyway, we don't have great leads at the moment so for now I'm inclined to go for Abrapunk for the chance of reducing night deaths and slowing the pace of the game so we have more time to get information.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[ ok long post Im so sorry, this will try to summarize all my thoughts. Skip straight to bottom for why Homestar seems sus
Reme shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure how this game works, but I can at least assure you I'm not lying. I don't have any "powers" to prove myself, so all you have is my word. Unless other people have powers that could confirm my lack of them, in which case, I am fully willing to let anyone do as such."
Fuse first says he has no powers.

Clovis sighed deeply and crossed his arms. “As much as I’d like to contribute something useful, I’m acting dead weight right now.”
Sind also claims the same.

Wes frowned. “So are you saying you’re also ‘vanilla’ or whatever without any powers?”
“I did indeed say that, yes.”
Wes clarifies this as well, so we have confirmed that
Sind and Fuze are claiming pure vanilla.

"From my understanding, informed wasn't one of the powers our... malevolent benefactor (that sounds cool doesn't it?) mentioned. It's not an outlandish claim but... You, uhhh..."
We have no confirmation 'informed' might be in play but we don't know it isn't. Wes/Yellow has no really reason to say there's two rolecops in play if Mafia, as well as no reason to latter beg the other rolecop to stay silent!

[[To be clear, I'm asking @Fusion if he happened to get any information with his role, since he's already claiming.
Wind asks Fuze to say if he go any 'additional' information with his role. Hm. Odd to ask if he got 'info' if he already said he was vanilla.

"Yes, actually. I was told there was an odd number of town. At first I thought that odd, but with so many of us starting to claim vanilla or cops, that might actually be of use." Reme nodded. "And, please, don't just call me Gardevoir. It's Reme." She was starting to feel like a broken record...
Fuse replies with the unsubstantiated claim he too has been informed of a clue - There's an odd number of town.

The question is, why not offer this innocuous detail earlier? It's not a particularly crazy piece of info that could get anyone targeted. And you could argue it seemed too trivial to bring up by why only bring up when conveniently prompted? Worth thinking about, but not doing any strong suspicions.

Role Cop (At night, select a player to see what role they have, if any.)
-Assuming correct information we have two of these in this setup. Returns "Vanilla" for powerless characters if they are goons or villagers, so less reliable than a Cop in town hands but very frighting in Mafia hands because they can oust the Cop or whatnot in scumchat and we would never even know to protect them. It is a likely assumption that one is Town and the other is Mafia. With two town Rolecops the only notable roles to find would be Juggernaut or Serial Killer so I think that's unlikely. If you are a Town Rolecop and you find another Rolecop please please please report them because they are Mafia and also way more powerful than you are because of that.]
Phan here begs the rolecop town to oust themselves. This is odd to say if one was town because the goal is actually to KEEP our powers unknown from Mafia! They could very well recommend to just cast suspicion but we don't want to oust our rolecop so early, right?
Again, not gurantee sus but this is a tad odd.

-In this game all vanillas, regardless of alignment, were given a hint in some capacity. If your hint sounds like something a mafia player might contradict in a lie, keep it secret so we can use it to oust them. If it's only helpful to us than let us know.
At what point was this ever specified?

This is a huge assumption/call to say and I demand some backing for this. This could very easily cause a round of false suspicion cast all around the town if we think all our vanilla members are hiding something!

To be clear I'm not currently suspicious, just wondering where this came from!

HOWEVER phan does suggest keeping secrets safe to oust mafia so that is a point in favor. Could be a galaxy mafia ploy to knock defenses down. Could be a vanillaMafia feature to make the game easier too. No sus yet.

"Yeah, fuck this," Mike decided aloud, watching the acrobatic chaos. He pushed his hand into his back pocket and produced his letter.

"I checked the bastard last night," Mike announced, pointing at the strange wolfish digivolved thing. "That's our Serial Killer right there. Check my slip if you want, I don't give a damn."

He flipped his letter open, revealing what was written within:
[Ah yes, first claim of the day. Yet the letter is blank, he can provide no backing, and he only said this AFTER Phan's post.

There's TWO options: Homestar is lying, or telling the truth. When prodded, his weak excuse for not saying something earlier is "Too involved in RP" but the FIRST THING that happened is Abra stomping Mike's foot. EVEN IN RP there's absolutely no reason to drag out the ankle injury and stuff and not Accuse Abra MUCH MUCH earlier unless Homestar was emboldened by Phan's post and slipped up, trying to make a gamble to get a rolecop revealed/eliminate someone who might actually be really valuable to town. If Abra was truly SK Homestar OR MIKE would've said something way earlier since he was constantly antagonized.

All I'm saying is there's a lot more holes in Homestars narrative than abrapunk and while we don't want to not lynch the alarming number bandwagoning for Abra says something. Consider this.

What's the best way to guarantee everyone would want to kill someone valuable to town? Accuse them of being a serial killer.

FIRST Phan heavily implies/says that getting rid of SK is super important no matter what.

Then and ONLY then did Homestar make his accusation.

We may be about to lynch our doctor or cop for all we know. Someone so valuable it's well worth the risk of being caught ooorrrrr. Homestar jumped the gun but it doesn't matter because we might be about to kill doctor or cop anyway, plus it could force the real cop to try to counterclaim.
Just saying.

Sind, Yellow, Fuze claim pure Vanilla.
Homestar claims TOWNIE Rolecop (only after reading phans explantion post) I sus him as Mafia Rolecop]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
unless Homestar was emboldened by Phan's post and slipped up, trying to make a gamble to get a rolecop revealed/eliminate someone who might actually be really valuable to town. If Abra was truly SK Homestar OR MIKE would've said something
[[ Wanted to add to this!

Last night, I had a few thoughts (most of which I've forgotten, but...)

The "goon" role is just Vanilla Mafia, right? Well...

What if some of the people claiming to just be "Vanilla" are actually "Vanilla Mafia"?

Also yeah it was super weird that Homestar only did this whole spiel after Phantump's post. ]]


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
All I'm saying is there's a lot more holes in Homestars narrative than abrapunk

The Nintendo puttered along thoughtfully, tapping its stylus against its screen.

--tubby human has more holes than Gemlin Lad? i cant say anything about that bc I'm not willing to get so personal to check >.>
--gremlin lad
--he has no story, and that is why he is grumpy presumably
--i played pokemanz and so I wasn't bored last night!!!
--but he's a Digimon, so he can't have fun
--wait, what was I talking about again??

The Nintendo paused in midair for a moment. Its stylus drew up a game of Hangman. It had almost lost and then--

--or maybe I don't
--because then maybe Mafia will use uhhh that Juggernaut thing next night
--and then I would be ded
--so nah I'll just let him be juggernauted if he doesn't get lynched today
--but if Gremlin's Lad not a serial killer then that's boring and he should be funner he wants to live so
--(and real serial killer let's get in touch and talk wink wink winkkkkk)


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
The question is, why not offer this innocuous detail earlier? It's not a particularly crazy piece of info that could get anyone targeted. And you could argue it seemed too trivial to bring up by why only bring up when conveniently prompted? Worth thinking about, but not doing any strong suspicions.

[[I was thinking that it'd be better to hold onto that bit of knowledge until more people roleclaimed. Then, if we had an "even" number of town claims, we'd know that for a fact that someone is lying and would potentially have something to go off of. I only spilled it when prompted because a fair bit of people already claimed, and I felt that holding it much longer than that wouldn't really matter.]]

[[I guess I should also get to voting, but there was 4 bonus pages of shtuff so I'll skim that all over before slapping a vote]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[I was thinking that it'd be better to hold onto that bit of knowledge until more people roleclaimed. Then, if we had an "even" number of town claims, we'd know that for a fact that someone is lying and would potentially have something to go off of. I only spilled it when prompted because a fair bit of people already claimed, and I felt that holding it much longer than that wouldn't really matter.]]

[[I guess I should also get to voting, but there was 4 bonus pages of shtuff so I'll skim that all over before slapping a vote]]
[[Got it, this seems fair, thanks for clarifying!]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
In this game all vanillas, regardless of alignment, were given a hint in some capacity. If your hint sounds like something a mafia player might contradict in a lie, keep it secret so we can use it to oust them. If it's only helpful to us than let us know.

[[Gonna OOC post for this, because I was also thrown off by that claim--I might just have sick brain but I don't remember that being a rule, and unless I missed something, I'm immediately sus of Phan for trying to toss that in there--maybe indeed some galaxy brain, but I feel some type of way about this.

50/50 on my vote between Kent/Abra and Mike/Homestar, only because if we lynch Kent/Abra based on Mike/Homestar's claim, and the claim turns out to be false, then we just turn for Mike/Homestar, but in that case we're down an innocent. On the other hand, if the claim turns out to be true, we down the SK. I need some more defense from Kent/Abra because I haven't seen enough.]]


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
[[OOC post for now.
Phan here begs the rolecop town to oust themselves. This is odd to say if one was town because the goal is actually to KEEP our powers unknown from Mafia! They could very well recommend to just cast suspicion but we don't want to oust our rolecop so early, right?
To be fair to Phant, she's specifically asking the townie rolecop to speak up if they come across the other rolecop, or something equally as serious. Not just to say, "hey guys I'm the rolecop"

We may be about to lynch our doctor or cop for all we know. Someone so valuable it's well worth the risk of being caught ooorrrrr. Homestar jumped the gun but it doesn't matter because we might be about to kill doctor or cop anyway, plus it could force the real cop to try to counterclaim.
This is a fair concern and I'll admit I hadn't really considered it. However, Abra's recent claim doesn't exactly give me confidence.

[[ But if you're waiting for a roleclaim, sorry, not gonna happen. Not directly, anyways. Not trying to give too much away, you see? All I can say is this: I'm basically Vanilla without actually being so, and I am Town. ]]
Basically Vanilla. Unless you're claiming you have info like everyone else, I find that had to believe. I can think of a couple of possibilities, one of which at least one of which a mafia rolecop might take advantage of, but if it is what I think it is, and Homestar is a mafia role cop, then at this point you might as well might as well speak up because the mafia already know.]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Basically Vanilla. Unless you're claiming you have info like everyone else, I find that had to believe. I can think of a couple of possibilities, one of which at least one of which a mafia rolecop might take advantage of, but if it is what I think it is, and Homestar is a mafia role cop, then at this point you might as well might as well speak up because the mafia already know.]]
[[ no info. And I'm not the SK. The only thing outright preventing me from saying what I actually am is that it would give the Mafia a free kill. ]]


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Hearing everything over, Reme rolled her neck and opened her eyes. "For the sake of removing the most problematic member in this ordeal, which nearly everyone seems on board with, I will put my vote on Kent[[Abrapunk]] for the time being. The less of a headache we have to deal with, the better."

Unfortunately, that grogginess from waking up to screaming and gunshots crept back up on her. "Mmmm... I need more rest..."

[[I'm not super free today, but I will be checking in every now and then.]]

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Even so this is also a beginners game so I wouldn't be surprised if someone claimed too quick HMMMMM :superthink:
[Oh no doubt about that. Almost gave me a heart attack with a day 1 "cop" claim in a game with Juggernaut.

Homestar claimed AFTER this which is supciious as heck! They could be the serial killer!
Okay, to clarify, that was a complete joke on my behalf. I meant that there's a strategy where the SK role claims as SK and plays as a Vigilante, which is not true but it would've been hilarious (but, yes, unlikely) if a SK believed it and just claimed SK and gave us a free lynch on them. It's the SK help text equivalent of that PvZ note. Claiming an inforole as SK will get you into deep shit when you can't produce any info whatsoever afterwards.

Thus, a Mafia Goon or a Serial Killer should give the same result as a Vanilla Townie (unless they have extra abilities)
Ooh, I thought they showed up as a killing power like a Vigilante, but yeah, wiki corroborates that b/c the kill is supposedly "factional." That... sure is a wrench in all this...

Bartholomew doesn't have some kind of role-trading power.
We know this because this setup has a complete list of the roles that can be in play.]

We have no confirmation 'informed' might be in play but we don't know it isn't. Wes/Yellow has no really reason to say there's two rolecops in play if Mafia, as well as no reason to latter beg the other rolecop to stay silent!
Fuse replies with the unsubstantiated claim he too has been informed of a clue - There's an odd number of town.
I also received information! The information is that there's a serial killer.

So, there is super DEFINITELY a serial killer, who exists! Sorry it's not very helpful...
At what point was this ever specified?

This is a huge assumption/call to say and I demand some backing for this. This could very easily cause a round of false suspicion cast all around the town if we think all our vanilla members are hiding something!
For the answer to the below, see above. Everyone is claiming the exact same thing. Not a single vanilla has stepped up to say they did not get a hint of their own.

So, I'm going to have to claim here: I am also Vanilla and have been told this in my role dm.

Phan here begs the rolecop town to oust themselves. This is odd to say if one was town because the goal is actually to KEEP our powers unknown from Mafia! They could very well recommend to just cast suspicion but we don't want to oust our rolecop so early, right?
Again, not gurantee sus but this is a tad odd.
If you can catch scum you should tell people. Don't claim for no reason. Do take down mafia members.

Please explain to me like I've been sleep deprived and working through customer service hotlines for the last few hours.
I just learned today: The only thing a SK has is a factional kill, so for the same reason a Mafia Goon with only their factional kill comes up as "vanilla," so does a Serial Killer come up as "Vanilla." Serial Killer is an alignment not a power and Rolecops cannot detect it. I had thought it did.

In that light of having learned that myself, I am going to Unvote: Kent (Abrapunk)


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
[[ no info. And I'm not the SK. The only thing outright preventing me from saying what I actually am is that it would give the Mafia a free kill. ]]

--wait, aren't the mafia trying to kill you anyway???
--or was that the real serial killer?
--who's side is everyone on again??????


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
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