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[Town victory] Vanilla Mafia!


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[Hm. Currently sus of Phan and Homestar]]

[[I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on this!

As of right now the only one I’m sus of is Kent/Abra, only because they’ve not been contributing to town convos and because Homestar claiming town role cop is a very bold move to make. He could just as easily be mafia role cop, since mafia would want SK gone just as badly as town, but I don’t know enough info about this to be sus. Not yet. And I don’t see any reason for him to lie about being role cop as that only puts a target on his back.

Phan was very quick to vote for Kent, but also for the reasons above it’s likely Homestar is telling the truth anyway, and both sides benefit from getting rid of SK. Hmm.

No reads on anyone yet. I’m just typing out my thoughts. Also! I believe “Cop” only reveals what a player’s alignment is (Mafia or Town) whereas a Role Cop Doesn’t reveal alignment but does reveal their role.]]

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
You shoot an ice shard at the smelly deer. You are a fox. You hunt deer.

Hazel shut her eyes and leaned into the ice shard, letting it crash futilely against her helmet. As if an attack like that could scratch it. She unceremoniously dropped the Vulpix. "We have a real problem to deal with, lucky for you."

She prepared herself to fight the unknown monster that had just evolved. "If you try to hurt any of my friends, I will crush you."

[[Hm. Currently sus of Phan and Homestar]]
[Nothing I can say for myself with no reasoning, but if Mafia Rolecop claimed Town Rolecop because they caught the SK, that opens them up to a really damaging counterclaim from the actual real Town Rolecop. As much as everybody wants the SK gone, Mafia would protect their own first and foremost. Homestar isn't clear but they're the most solid town chance so far, I think.]

Trying to understand the difference between town role cop and role cop??? Genuinely confused
[Rolecop is a power that can be on either side. Town Rolecop is a rolecop on the town side. Mafia rolecop is on the mafia side. We probably have both here. Both want the SK gone.]

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
[There's literally no reason for a rolecop of any alignment to lie about a SK's identity, it's uber-suicidal as scum, who cannot afford to trade an eye for an eye, and pointless as town because they're going to assume you're scum when you frame innocents. There's no good reason to do that and therefore no reason to doubt the truth of Homestar's SK ousting regardless of alignment.]


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
But there’s someone actually important here. You go to the gorgeous ninetales and hide behind her stand nearby to soak in her cold.
OMG ANOTHER ONE!!!!! You're both so pretty....!!! So cool! So pretty and cool!

[Forgive Pory for not noticing Pixie sooner, they have webcam vision.]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[it certainly is a bold claim but something about the timing and such still feels off, can't place it. For now I'm hhonestly not that worried about you fan because you're either the most helpful mafia ever or town.
[[I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on this!

As of right now the only one I’m sus of is Kent/Abra, only because they’ve not been contributing to town convos and because Homestar claiming town role cop is a very bold move to make. He could just as easily be mafia role cop, since mafia would want SK gone just as badly as town, but I don’t know enough info about this to be sus. Not yet. And I don’t see any reason for him to lie about being role cop as that only puts a target on his back.

Phan was very quick to vote for Kent, but also for the reasons above it’s likely Homestar is telling the truth anyway, and both sides benefit from getting rid of SK. Hmm.

No reads on anyone yet. I’m just typing out my thoughts. Also! I believe “Cop” only reveals what a player’s alignment is (Mafia or Town) whereas a Role Cop Doesn’t reveal alignment but does reveal their role.]]
however Phan being quick to vote Kent does make me curious. Almost as if they might suspect something of Kent. So actually.... I mantain both my current suspicions that Phan and Homestar are suspicious to me. One of them might know something revealing because its very hard to immediately target anyone tbh, despite giving no concrete proof.

If we have our doctor still left and our towncop, or even Vanilla Hints I'm curious if anyone will come forward.

For all we know both Phan and Homestar might be Mafia Cops?


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[There's literally no reason for a rolecop of any alignment to lie about a SK's identity, it's uber-suicidal as scum, who cannot afford to trade an eye for an eye, and pointless as town because they're going to assume you're scum when you frame innocents. There's no good reason to do that and therefore no reason to doubt the truth of Homestar's SK ousting regardless of alignment.]
[Heck I was sniped, whoops. I will take this into consideration....]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[Even so this is also a beginners game so I wouldn't be surprised if someone claimed too quick HMMMMM :superthink: ]]


  1. nidoqueen
[[Trying to understand the difference between town role cop and role cop??? Genuinely confused]

[[I can pull role information; regular cops pull allegiance information only (Mafia or Town).]]

[[This is super late lmao]]

[[Also this is super hard to RP]]

[[Also also Kent is AWOL lmaooooo]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Nothing I can say for myself with no reasoning, but if Mafia Rolecop claimed Town Rolecop because they caught the SK, that opens them up to a really damaging counterclaim from the actual real Town Rolecop. As much as everybody wants the SK gone, Mafia would protect their own first and foremost. Homestar isn't clear but they're the most solid town chance so far, I think.]

[[Well to be fair, if they are Mafia role cop claiming town, the real town role cop risks immediately putting themselves under fire for revealing themselves. So that doesn’t necessarily mean they will come forward. They might decide it’s safest to stay quiet.]]
[There's literally no reason for a rolecop of any alignment to lie about a SK's identity, it's uber-suicidal as scum, who cannot afford to trade an eye for an eye, and pointless as town because they're going to assume you're scum when you frame innocents. There's no good reason to do that and therefore no reason to doubt the truth of Homestar's SK ousting regardless of alignment.]
[[I agree here that regardless of Homestar’s alignment, theres not much reason the doubt the truth of the SK claim. Unless he’s mafia role cop and found out Abra is something else like a doctor—but the play style hasn’t been very town-friendly so far so I’m not sold on that. Will be interesting to see how Abra defends themselves.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Well to be fair, if they are Mafia role cop claiming town, the real town role cop risks immediately putting themselves under fire for revealing themselves. So that doesn’t necessarily mean they will come forward. They might decide it’s safest to stay quiet.]]
[[Exactly. So this could actually be a ploy to do something else. Heck, this could be a play to oust our real cop! I will def say something about this still smells a little fishy]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[Anyways, Guess we'll see! I'll be curious to see if anyone else comes forward with additional hints they received]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[In fact, I’m gonna advise that if Homestar is lying and the real town role cop is out there somewhere…please stay quiet and don’t reveal yourself!]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Will the real slim shady please not stand up lol]]:ROFLMAO:


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Wait, wait, wait. There's something I'm confused about. Homestar, genuine question: if you are the Role-Cop and you found out who the Serial Killer was why didn't you claim immediately? because that sounds like pretty vital information to me.]]


  1. nidoqueen
[[In fact, I’m gonna advise that if Homestar is lying and the real town role cop is out there somewhere…please stay quiet and don’t reveal yourself!]]
[[Yeah, basically trading myself for the SK here to make it an easier game. Also because I like just got a call for a second interview so I might have a job now??????]]

Homestar, genuine question: if you are the Role-Cop and you found out who the Serial Killer was why didn't you claim immediately? because that sounds like pretty vital information to me.]]
[[A: Never played before and got way too sucked into the juicy RP, which lead to B: me not knowing the general vibe. We seemed super high RP so I was slow-rolling it and having fun for a bit, tbh. Will report immediately from now on! WE HERE TO WIN.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[A: Never played before and got way too sucked into the juicy RP, which lead to B: me not knowing the general vibe. We seemed super high RP so I was slow-rolling it and having fun for a bit, tbh. Will report immediately from now on! WE HERE TO WIN.]]
[[tbh I can’t even fault you for that lol. It did take us a while to get to the meat of the game, so.

That said, the timing is kinda weird, but also I don’t blame you for hesitating on revealing that info since you’re a brand new player.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Hmmm. That seems like a good cover story! What is suspicious is homestar only made his real claim after Phan's explanation post! So its as if he wasn't actually sure wether or not to try for the lie!
-With two night kills tonight and no other killing roles (other than the Mafia's one shared factional kill) it can be said with 100% certainty that there IS one of these buggers about. Chaos role that will probably struggle to win but is scary. They're scary to the Mafia, too, because in this setup they're the only way Mafia can get nightkilled. Tbh they might be more scary to Mafia than us because, with smaller numbers, if one of them gets randomly stabbed that's really bad for them. That doesn't make them an ally, though, because they also hate our best power roles as much as the mafia and will also kill them on sight.
-There is a Serial Killer strategy where you claim, seeking the town's protection from Mafia in exchange for the use of their power as basically-a-vigilante. Hopefully our serial killer does this.

Homestar claimed AFTER this which is supciious as heck! They could be the serial killer!]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[The timing is kinda sus?]]


  1. nidoqueen
[[tbh I can’t even fault you for that lol. It did take us a while to get to the meat of the game, so.

That said, the timing is kinda weird, but also I don’t blame you for hesitating on revealing that info since you’re a brand new player.]]
[[Like, I honestly thought this whole-ass game would have to be done in-character, lmao. My bad!]]
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