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[Town victory] Vanilla Mafia!


House of Two Midnights
screenshots taken 10 seconds before disaster



Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"How the fuck did I make it this far?" Clovis wondered. Nonetheless, he was thrilled with the win.

"Shoutout to all my...what's the word..." he pressed his forehead into the palm of his left hand, as he snapped incessantly with his right, trying to find the right Galarian word. Started with an H...

He shot his head up when it finally came to him. "Haters," he said, relieved. "Shoutout to all my haters who thought I was a fucking mafia lover."

He flipped up both of his middle fingers, flashing them to whoever (present and not) could see it. He let them linger for a beat, before dropping his hands back to his sides. "Nonetheless, I send my 'F's in chat' for the town who died." He did some slow air quotes as he spoke, before said hands made their way back into his expensive pockets.

"Okay, can I go home now? I need to try my hand at flirting again; I got some great advice here." He then rubbed his stomach. "And I'm in dire fucking need of a glazed donut."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

I think overall this was a good game! Chaotic at the start, solved and slow near the end, but compared to the usual games here, I think it was much simpler in nature. Unfortunately not a proper newbie game--in the end, I think we have to only allow newbies for a newbie game--but overall, I think it was good!

I don't have a whole lot of retrospective to add here. My only major things are to probably not do Heal Clash in the future (I legitimately didn't know it wasn't vanilla) and look into tiebreaker/early-day-end rules so they can be codified for fairness and QoL.

I think in general trying to balance around 5-7 days is how long mafia games would or should last? I'm not really sure. It's tricky for large games because that means you have to increase the number of deaths per night. Unnnofrtunately, SK got found early due to bad luck and other factors.



  1. nidoqueen
[[I wrote a big long thank-you post yesterday, but after Phan accused me of distracting from the core issue, I deleted it. But yeah, this game was a... thing. I'm really confused that I somehow turned out to be helpful, and tbh I spent the majority of the last two weeks disgusted at myself and trying really hard to do better and be more useful. But you all were very forgiving and great sports. I'm glad that you all were able to "Mistakes into Miracles" the insanity that was D1!

I wrote a death flavor post:
Mike looked to the portal, and the chains snaking out from it, and realized exactly what this meant.

As the rest of his mind scrambled for clarity, for survival, his feet moved of their own accord. His mouth began to run, as it always had, almost on autopilot.

“I kept trying to think of something good to say,” he spoke, to everyone and to no one. His body lurched with an awkward, unbalanced sigh. “I came up short, so I, like, turned to pop culture. Because why the hell not, right?” He threw his hands up, and chains snapped to meet them. They bound his wrists tight, but they didn’t pull. Mike knew exactly why. The others weren’t ready.

“Like...” his crazed smile softened into a genuine one. “Oh, have you guys played—” He turned, the chains on his wrists wrapping around him. He remembered his company, and rolled his eyes, but not unkindly. He stumbled a bit as he shuffled backward.

“Of course, I mean, some of you are from my pop culture. So I guess not.” The clangor of evermore numerous literal coils rung in his head worse than the anxious metaphorical ones.

Some of Robin’s last words to him flickered into his mind. He stopped in his tracks.

The chains tightened.

‘No one has given up.’

His heart finally broke. It joined the crumpled, ruin heap where his will and his sanity lay.

Robin was wrong.

One had given up.

The chains slackened once more.

“‘Guess my summer vacation is,’” Mike croaked out. He felt his heels against the edge of nothingness. He tried to steady himself.

A chain snapped up, around his face, and over his mouth as it opened to finish the quote. It pulled taught. The links snapped hard against his teeth with a sickening crack. His eyes were wild as he tumbled backward from the force. His large figure, bound and gagged, vanished into the void.

And it was really fun to RP with you all! And really nice to, like, write. Even if it was the exact literary equivalent of shitposting at times.]]


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
[[ Anyway, everyone! Time for some night actions and revelations!

First, the setup...

PNS-NT [Porygon-Z] (Bench)VillagerThere are two doctors
Altair [Galarian Yamask] (Inkedust)Bulletproof Serial Killer
Astrid [Alolan Ninetales] (TheGOAT)VillagerThere is an even number of vanilla town and vanilla mafia total
Steven Stone [Steven Stone] (Panoramic_Vacuum)VillagerThere is an even number of mafia
Porygon [Porygon?] (Bluwiikoon)GoonThere is a serial killer
Hazel [Type: Null] (Shiny Phantump)GoonThere are two "bulletproof"-having players.
Pixie [Alolan Vulpix] (Persephone)Lover B2-
Clovis LeClair [Human] (Sinderella)Lover B1-
Jean Ambrose [Vulpix Pokemorph] (Dragonfree)Mafia Juggernaut-
Sparkleglimmer [Sylveon] (SparklingEspeon)Mafia Role Cop-
Anti-Bravoman "Anti" xxDarklord99xx [Human?] (Windskull)Cop-
Ebony [Houndoom] (Chibi Pika)Town Role Cop-
Kent [Dracomon] (AbraPunk)Lover A1-
Salem Weir [Purrloin-human morph] (unrepentantAuthor)Doctor-
Reme [Gardevoir] (Fusion)VillagerThere is an odd number of town
Hana [Human] (Flyg0n)Lover A2-
Bartholomew [Rotom in a yellow 3DS] (Equitial)Doctor-
Wesley Lycas [Human] (HelloYellow17)VillagerThere are two role cops
Ferry [Lucario] (kyeugh)VillagerThere are two pairs of Lovers

Next, everyone's actions!

NameRoleNight 0Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6
Altair [Galarian Yamask] (Inkedust)Bulletproof Serial KillerKill PNS-NTKill Pano[Dead]----
Hazel [Type: Null] (Shiny Phantump)Goon-Kill Altair (Bulletproof expended)---Kill EbonyKill Wes
Jean Ambrose [Vulpix Pokemorph] (Dragonfree)Mafia Juggernaut--Strongman Kill WindskullKill uA[Dead]--
Sparkleglimmer [Sylveon] (SparklingEspeon)Mafia Role CopInvestigate Chibi (Role Cop)Investigate Anti-Bravoman (Cop)Invesitgate goat (Vanilla)[No action]Kill Hana-[Dead]
Anti-Bravoman "Anti" xxDarklord99xx [Human?] (Windskull)CopInvestigate Fusion (Innocent)Investigate Inkedust (Not Innocent)Investigate Equitial (Innocent)[Dead]---
Ebony [Houndoom] (Chibi Pika)Town Role CopInvestigate Ferry (Vanilla)Investigate Bartholomew (Doctor)Investigate Wind (Cop)Investigate Jean (Juggernaut)Investigate Sparkleglimmer (Role Cop)Inspect: Hazel (vanilla)[Dead]
Salem Weir [Purrloin-human morph] (unrepentantAuthor)DoctorHeal ChibiHeal ChibiHeal ChibiHeal Chibi[Dead]--
Bartholomew [Rotom in a yellow 3DS] (Equitial)DoctorHeal SalemHeal HanaHeal Free[Dead]---

Porygon [Porygon?] (Bluwiikoon)
GoonKill Ferry[Dead]-----

Very eventful near the beginning! I think you'll see some fun little coincidences...



Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
“‘Guess my summer vacation is,’” Mike croaked out. He felt his heels against the edge of nothingness. He tried to steady himself.
[[I know you might not know but I fockin' adore Roxas and this was a gut punch I was not expecting and now I'm sahd]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[YES! Roxas is really great! I absolutely adore that opening section to Kingdom Hearts 2!]]


  1. nidoqueen
[[I haven't played KH3 (No PS4/PS5)(or Re: Coded but I don't think that one is super important) and even though I heard it was 7.8/10 too much zippers my little heart is sad to this day that it's missing that CONCLUSION (pls no spoilers I've actually done a really good job not spoiling it).]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
From the direction of the victors' cheers came the sound of wingbeats. Out from the distant void came the creature-who-had-been-Altair, standing tall above the survivors...well...such a designation was a bit of a mouthful, he was still Altair underneath it all.

"What a show from you lot!" he laughed. "Shame I wasn't allowed to have any fun myself." Altair's voice lowered to a growl on the last couple words as he shot a glare into the distance, intended for the dark, metallic man. He yawned, stretching his wings wide. "But with this little voyage said and done, I think I'm going to have a talk with that oversized talonflame before taking a well deserved nap!"

And without another word Altair took off, leaving the remaining group behind, expectantly waiting to be returned to Yveltal as he flew.

Congrats to Town for pulling through with a the close victory and kudos to the Mafia for putting up a good fight! Both sides played extremely well, making the game a joy to spectate from the Bone Zone. As always, there are a few things I want to share with you:
  • First up, my game notes, which contains all my speculation, thoughts and screaming throughout the game (including my overall thoughts on the game and its setup at the very end).
  • Second is a highlight reel of the deadchat at a whooping 217 screencaps! (there was a Lot to go through, okay.) Obviously, I can't share them all here, so the link will take you to a shared Google Drive folder.
Finally, I want to make mention of something that was mentioned a few times throughout D1 and has been actively bothering me since D2:
I wanted to make mention of people playing me up as being good at hiding as scum from their experience in the second anni game, leading to people being cautious of me throughout D1; neutering any potential strategies and one of the main reasons Wind decided to read me N1.

While flattering, it’s just not true. I made a ton of blatant errors (Checker, lol) and was one of the most sussed players in that game. The only reason I managed to fly under the radar was through a combination of luck, the Mafia-weighted setup and all the strong players dying before they had the chance to turn all their suspicions on me. Yes, I probably wouldn’t have been so easily caught this game had I not been vibe-checked by the Cop N1 but that’s just because I wasn’t informed about anything. I just played that first day the exact same way that I would’ve as Town, which can be applied to any Third-party player—not just me.

It’s actually a bit upsetting that this was essentially the reason why I was not allowed to play, which sucks. I was really excited to play as Third-party, only to be denied the chance N1 because "well Inke’s good at hiding as scum, sooooo…"

Obviously, there are no hard feelings here—Mafia is just Like That sometimes, but this assumption is something I want to avoid in future games. I don't want to become the "not allowed to play" for anti-town purely based on meta (and frankly, inaccurate) reasons because it's not fun, especially when it was a role/alignment I was really looking forward to playing.

I also want to give shoutouts to Tetra, Jackie, Phan, Yellow, and yes, even Homestar. The Town players here played very well and the game wouldn't have been anywhere near as entertaining without you lot. Aside from that, I want to thank Namo for hosting! It was a total blast, even if I didn't get to play for long!

But fr, can I please be SK again in the next game so I can have fun with it instead of dying so early on? Please and thank you.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
[[ GG everyone!! This game turned out to be... something. Sorry for dropping out again. Swear I won't do that next game. 🤘

No notes to share, unfortunately, but here! Have one last fun (now magically resurrected!) Kent post. ]]

A bit far away from the survivors was a certain gremlin, looking a bit worse for wear.

"Ugh... fuck this shit. I hope I never see any of you fuckers ever again. Do you know how boring it was to not be able to kill any of you?! Damn!"

He then evolved into something completely different. "Bye, fuckfaces! I'm off to go be a proper villain!" He cackled maniacally as he teleported away.
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