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[Town victory] Vanilla Mafia!


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
then we're probably playing Rockets. Which means some of us are Team Rocket, and some of us are normies.
"...Is that supposed to be a euphemism for something, hm?" Kent remarked snidely.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Reme, again, shrugged. "That's possibly the only reference I don't get." She then shook her head and glared at Kent, quickly remembering what that munchkin did. "At the absolute least, I think you should apologize for harming Mike's foot."


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"At the absolute least, I think you should apologize for harming Mike's foot."
"Pff. Like hell I'm gonna do that."

Then, he summoned a pair of brass knuckles, and turned to face Reme, grinning wildly. "Make me apologize, why don't you?"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[While I realize everyone is insisting lots of vanilla is normal and I understand this I'd like to point out how easy it could be for scum to act like vanilla town too so I will not blindly accept innocence either, heh ^^]

Hana frowned. "So there's two cops, supposedly. That's helpful. However, neither cop has spoken up yet either, but I have no reason to doubt you," she said to the strange silver haired trainer. "Can't blame the cops I guess, its for the best if they don't reveal their identities."


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
“That makes two of us, then,” Wes said. “I don‘t have any special abilities or anything, but...” he paused, unsure of how to phrase his next statement or if anyone would believe him. “I was given some information. I was told that there are two role cops in this game. I don’t know what side they’re on.”
Anti brought a hand up to cover his mouth, eyes narrowed in thought. "If there really are two, it's likely that one of them is a Mafia member. After all, who would get more use out of that information, the town, or the Mafia? I would think the Mafia, who would want to get rid of any boons the town has. Still..." He paused, eying Wes over before turning his attention ro Reme. "From my understanding, informed wasn't one of the powers our... malevolent benefactor (that sounds cool doesn't it?) mentioned. It's not an outlandish claim but... You, uhhh..."


"Gardevoir, just for the sake of clarity. You weren't given any other information, were you?"

As he spoke, he caught sight of the other, non-pokemon creature getting read to fight the very person he was trying to interrogate (it sounded cooler than question, ok?). "Hey, stop that! I'm trying to talk here!"

[[To be clear, I'm asking @Fusion if he happened to get any information with his role, since he's already claiming.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Then, he summoned a pair of brass knuckles, and turned to face Reme, grinning wildly. "Make me apologize, why don't you?"
The corners of Clovis’s lips flexed into a snarl. Some of the characters here were questionable, but this guy…

“If anybody needs to be sucked into the void, it’s that one, for the love of fuck.”


  1. nidoqueen
"...Is that supposed to be a euphemism for something, hm?" Kent remarked snidely.

Mike felt coils squeeze at his chest, and he avoided eye contact. He didn't want to take the bait. When it came to raw strength, Mike very well might be the weakest one in this room, There were various outfits, airs, swaggers, blatant indications of power in most of the other humans. And then there were the Pokemon, or blends, or the wide array of other beings that made him look like a paper doll.

The digimon in question could summon a gun, and used it to deafen him and attempt to break his foot for sport.

Then, he summoned a pair of brass knuckles, and turned to face Reme, grinning wildly. "Make me apologize, why don't you?"

That was true. If the thing wanted to, Mike would be dead in moments. He felt like the air was being pushed from his lungs.

"I think," Mike forced out, his voice breaking, "for my safety and everyone else's, regardless of their role, our little Palmon here needs to go this round."


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Altair paced around for a bit before shrugging. "Lad, I only did the things I did there because I had to. Nothing more than marks in the sand at this point." He trailed off into thought. "If there are two Role-Cops here, that means—with our numbers—that they're either one for each side or both are Innocent as it'd be unbalanced for both to be scum. I find the former more likely as Role-Cop is a very common Mafia role."


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
"...Is that supposed to be a euphemism for something, hm?" Kent remarked snidely.
Wes rolled his eyes at Kent but chose not to comment. Instead, he stooped down and propped the still laughing Porygon upright again.
"Pff. Like hell I'm gonna do that."

Then, he summoned a pair of brass knuckles, and turned to face Reme, grinning wildly. "Make me apologize, why don't you?"
“Gods-dammit, Kent, knock it off!” He shouted. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re mafia and just trying to distract us from the real problem!”

Anti brought a hand up to cover his mouth, eyes narrowed in thought. "If there really are two, it's likely that one of them is a Mafia member. After all, who would get more use out of that information, the town, or the Mafia? I would think the Mafia, who would want to get rid of any boons the town has. Still..." He paused, eying Wes over before turning his attention ro Reme. "From my understanding, informed wasn't one of the powers our... malevolent benefactor (that sounds cool doesn't it?) mentioned. It's not an outlandish claim but... You, uhhh..."

Wes sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I know it might sound outlandish, but you have to trust me on this. Besides, what do I have to gain by giving this information? All it does is draw unnecessary attention to myself. If I was mafia, that would be the last thing I’d want.” He shrugged. “And it’s the only useful thing I have to give.”


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Altair paced around for a bit before shrugging. "Lad, I only did the things I did there because I had to. Nothing more than marks in the sand at this point." He trailed off into thought. "If there are two Role-Cops here, that means—with our numbers—that they're either one for each side or both are Innocent as it'd be unbalanced for both to be scum. I find the former more likely as Role-Cop is a very common Mafia role."
Much as he didn’t want to, Wes gave a curt nod and muttered, “Yeah. I agree.”


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
A somber, quiet atmosphere filled the air this time around. The group emerged not in a field this time, but instead a great cave complex after the night had fallen into complete and utter darkness. When light finally returned, streaming weakly through holes in the rocky ceilings, they counted eighteen strong. Two had been eliminated.

After they all entered the central cavern, Diyem tossed two letters on the ground for them all to see.
PNS-NT was eliminated. They were innocent.
Ferry was eliminated. He was innocent.

Night 1 will begin in 48 hours.
Diyem stood by, sitting in the corner of the caverns to watch with an impassive stare. "Perhaps now," he said, "you will see that this ritual is not merely a game. No matter where you look and how thoroughly you search, you will not find them. They have been claimed."
Steven awoke to a familiar darkness. It was odd, because it wasn't like waking up from sleep. He couldn't even remember dozing off, but he wasn't tired either. The darkness, though, was surprising. He was back in a cave, right back where he started before this whole insane ritual happened. But... No, he wasn't back home. The stalactites, they were all wrong, and the color of the rock didn't match, too striated to be the igneous formation he'd been exploring...

Shouting and a loud CRACK broke him from his musing, and he winced at the sharp echoes off the rocky walls. No, this was definitely still happening, and he was still surrounded by...

The letters. Two of them. The color drained from Steven's face as he slowly looked around the assembled group. The porygon-Z, the small, frightened digital bird, they were gone. Gone. They were taken in the night, alone and afraid. And another he hadn't even gotten to meet. Gone. Just like that. Helpless to defend themselves against the rules of this twisted game.

A simmering anger grew from within, and he spotted the Charizard mastermind lounging amongst the stalagmites. It was their fault the group had been driven to kill one of their own. But what could he do? There was no way to fight such a beast empty-handed as he was. Steven's jaw clenched, and he stared hard at the floor of the cavern.

On any other day, the rock formations would be fascinating. He'd happily chip away at the walls, collecting samples... But today, today he felt sick. Two innocents had vanished somewhere beneath the bedrock. The cave carried a cold, unwelcoming chill, and Steven suppressed a shiver.

The group was already fighting amongst themselves, people were getting hurt. He watched Diyem's bored expression as the group flailed. This was probably exactly what the beast wanted. He looked down at his own upturned palms, open, empty, useless. He hadn't had the power to save that porygon-Z.

Somber, he made his way toward the main group and quietly took a seat on a nearby boulder. The original letter burned a hole in his jacket pocket. "How to Play". The words taunted him. The only thing he could do was watch and wait, and pray that he would figure this out before too many more innocents were lost.


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
Wes rolled his eyes at Kent but chose not to comment. Instead, he stooped down and propped the still laughing Porygon upright again.

Thank you, mister! You are so cool and nice...!!! So cool....!!!!!!

[Watch out! You are receiving a look of absolute adoration from the friend.]


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Then, he summoned a pair of brass knuckles, and turned to face Reme, grinning wildly. "Make me apologize, why don't you?"

Reme sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Brass knuckles? With your stubby little arms? If I felt the need to inflate or walk over the ego of a brat with powers to summon weaponry, I'd win outright in terms of reach."

Although no aura came of her body, there was a serious to Reme most were bound to notice. She seemed far colder in demeanor than normal. "Besides, I'm not asking you to apologize for his sake, I'm more so doing it for yours. Keeping turning people against you, and I wouldn't be surprised when you're the next victim in this game. Beaten to a bloody pulp, perhaps not even in a state that anyone with the misfortune of being close to you would recognize."

Reme cleared her throat, shutting her eyes. "But, apologies, I digress. If you still intend to fight, then be my guest and take the first swing."

As he spoke, he caught sight of the other, non-pokemon creature getting read to fight the very person he was trying to interrogate (it sounded cooler than question, ok?). "Hey, stop that! I'm trying to talk here!"

[[To be clear, I'm asking @Fusion if he happened to get any information with his role, since he's already claiming.

"Yes, actually. I was told there was an odd number of town. At first I thought that odd, but with so many of us starting to claim vanilla or cops, that might actually be of use." Reme nodded. "And, please, don't just call me Gardevoir. It's Reme." She was starting to feel like a broken record...


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
[[Dealing with stuff at home so rp post later.

If Fuse's info can be believed, that suggests to me that there's either 4 or 6 mafia. When you add SK, that's 5/7 anti-town players, which would give us a total town count of either 13 or 15, now down to 11 or 13 with our two lost today.]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Keeping turning people against you, and I wouldn't be surprised when you're the next victim in this game. Beaten to a bloody pulp, perhaps not even in a state that anyone with the misfortune of being close to you would recognize."

Kent snorted. "Me? Dying? Hell no. If I had my full power, why, I'd be able to kill all of you in a heartbeat. But I won't, because I'm not one of them, and besides I'm just trying to go back home, same as any of you."

He then giggled. "Heheh... but since you're so adamant on letting me get the first hit..." His giggles turned to full-on maniacal laughter, as a bright light enveloped his form, and he changed...

"Let's fight, then." He charged at Reme.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
[Okay I'm going to make some real quick oops not so short ooc notes on the roles in this setup for the uninitiated:

Goon (Considered vanilla; no particular role; at night, choose a person to kill if nobody else in the mafia chooses to do the same)
Villager (Considered vanilla; No particular powers or abilities; use your power of deduction to sniff out the mafia!)
-At 20 people expect a number of these. Also, lovers should probably pretend to be them so, add 2 or maybe 4 more fake ones who are on our side and we shouldn't kill them.
-Which goon does the kill is unlikely to matter in this setup
-In this game all vanillas, regardless of alignment, were given a hint in some capacity. If your hint sounds like something a mafia player might contradict in a lie, keep it secret so we can use it to oust them. If it's only helpful to us than let us know.

Cop (At night, check someone if they're Mafia or not)
-The most powerful role here, I will literally eat a hat if there are two. Mafia Enemy Number One and likely Juggernaut target.

Doctor (At night, pick someone to protect from being killed)
-Again, probably not 2 because then they can both protect each other and if the Juggernaut is used they become immortal. Not a juggernaut target despite their power because they can't protect themselves. If you are a doctor please act from the shadows without letting the Mafia know who you are.

Lovers (A pair; if one dies, so does the other)
-Will always appear in multiples of 2 for logical reasons, and 4 seems like a lot. Would guess 2. Anti-utility since they die together and have no other ability, if you have this please pretend to be a villager because otherwise the scum will come after you for what is basically a free bonus kill.

Bulletproof (Once, when you are targeted for a kill, you don't die)
-Mostly a Townie role, but could also be one on the scum team for Serial Killer insurance. Of minor notability, but you can pretend to be a power role like doctor to waste Mafia time. No reason for there to only be one, so don't be surprised by two.

Juggernaut (Only once the whole game; at night if you kill, you can activate this power. The kill pierces doctor and bulletproof powers)
-Very likely to have one to prevent "follow the cop" where the doctor protects the cop every night while keeping their identity secret it's super duper powerful without something like this to nope the cop. If you are the cop STFU about it until it's really important, this guy will 100% kill you if at all possible. If the Mafia have two of these I will also eat a hat because they are too good at killing power roles to be here in plural.

Serial Killer (Performs a kill each night; wins if they're the very last one standing)
-With two night kills tonight and no other killing roles (other than the Mafia's one shared factional kill) it can be said with 100% certainty that there IS one of these buggers about. Chaos role that will probably struggle to win but is scary. They're scary to the Mafia, too, because in this setup they're the only way Mafia can get nightkilled. Tbh they might be more scary to Mafia than us because, with smaller numbers, if one of them gets randomly stabbed that's really bad for them. That doesn't make them an ally, though, because they also hate our best power roles as much as the mafia and will also kill them on sight.
-There is a Serial Killer strategy where you claim, seeking the town's protection from Mafia in exchange for the use of their power as basically-a-vigilante. Hopefully our serial killer does this.

Role Cop (At night, select a player to see what role they have, if any.)
-Assuming correct information we have two of these in this setup. Returns "Vanilla" for powerless characters if they are goons or villagers, so less reliable than a Cop in town hands but very frighting in Mafia hands because they can oust the Cop or whatnot in scumchat and we would never even know to protect them. It is a likely assumption that one is Town and the other is Mafia. With two town Rolecops the only notable roles to find would be Juggernaut or Serial Killer so I think that's unlikely. If you are a Town Rolecop and you find another Rolecop please please please report them because they are Mafia and also way more powerful than you are because of that.]


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Me? Dying? Hell no. If I had my full power, why, I'd be able to kill all of you in a heartbeat.
"Heheh... but since you're so adamant on letting me get the first hit..." His giggles turned to full-on maniacal laughter, as a bright light enveloped his form, and he changed...

At first, Reme tried to take the little guy seriously, but what he was saying was just... God, she could slice through metal with dialogue as edgy as that. It was enough to get her to snort and giggle... up until the part he started change. Evolve? And then what he looked like after?

Just then was the hardest Reme ever had to hold back laughter.

"Let's fight, then." He charged at Reme.

Oh shit.

Almost as if she followed a routine, Reme reached into her bag, pulling out a tiny metal rod. She pressed a button on the side of it, and it suddenly extended downward, with enough force to send Reme skyward over Kent. She landed on her feet, pointing one end of her staff at Kent. "I really shouldn't be cocky--" For the love of god she knew she shouldn't, karma was always a bitch, "--so I'll go ahead and retract my previous statement. The last thing we need now is a fight. And I would hate to tire myself putting you down."


  1. nidoqueen
He then giggled. "Heheh... but since you're so adamant on letting me get the first hit..." His giggles turned to full-on maniacal laughter, as a bright light enveloped his form, and he changed...

"Let's fight, then." He charged at Reme.

Almost as if she followed a routine, Reme reached into her bag, pulling out a tiny metal rod. She pressed a button on the side of it, and it suddenly extended downward, with enough force to send Reme skyward over Kent. She landed on her feet, pointing one end of her staff at Kent. "I really shouldn't be cocky--" For the love of god she knew she shouldn't, karma was always a bitch, "--so I'll go ahead and retract my previous statement. The last thing we need now is a fight. And I would hate to tire myself putting you down."

"Yeah, fuck this," Mike decided aloud, watching the acrobatic chaos. He pushed his hand into his back pocket and produced his letter.

"I checked the bastard last night," Mike announced, pointing at the strange wolfish digivolved thing. "That's our Serial Killer right there. Check my slip if you want, I don't give a damn."

He flipped his letter open, revealing what was written within:
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