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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Fam I pretty much offered myself up to be targeted by info roles and other town powers and whatever the fuck because of my role, why would I do that if I were the Beast???? From what I can tell, Blossom has a whole damn roster of people to check, so if I were actually the Beast, I wouldn't say a goddamn word and hold my breath and hope she left me alone, not BLAST myself as somebody who should be targeted by a role like that.

You haven't really answered the questions I'd given you in my readlist either. What specifically makes you go HMMMMMMM about me??? I slipped under the radar because I wasn't being as active as I should be, but again I go back to the point I defended myself on with Starlight--I have at least TRIED to pose questions on the people I've found suspicious to me. For example, I stuck my neck out on Torchic pretty much from the beginning because I was SO SURE they were acting sus. Even if my questions and observations were wrong, I have still tried to be helpful to town, hence why I also offered to softclaim, because it seems everyone has been playing cards to chest and felt like some info extra was better than none, knowing I've been kinda down and out--which again, you gave absolutely no response to. Tbh I don't think you've said much of ANYTHING about me, aside from maybe a readlist where you dubbed me null, until today. Everything about this is giving me really really bad vibes from you.]]
[[Honestly, I now regret saying anything. I posed the theory to get it out in the open, but maybe I should just... keep it to myself next time, until I have more info or a better way to say things :/

I don't want to be unfair/hypocritical and sus you for inactivity. That's not it. Its... you know, like I said, every time I have a sus of someone its never something I can actually pin down. Maybe I can go back and try to review. But its literally ~vibes~ which like I said in my post, is horrible for town.
I'm not voting you yet though! I felt the need to air the theory, in case I die today. Idk I guess I got a nervous and had a thought and wanted to put it out.

It's not something I feel like dogged pursuing. You make a fair arguement here too, in that offering yourself up would be risky. But my paranoia also says "Thats the easiest way to make yourself look town/trustworthy'.

But again its more like a theory I wanted to drop and less of a 'I am ready to vote this person out', which I'm not.

This is also why, as Seren later says:
"Honestly though, I feel the same can be said for you," she said, eyeing the linoone. "And Odette's at least been making attempts... I feel like you've mostly just been echoing others' thoughts."
Yeah, thats sort of true. I have tried to posit some theories and poke but I mostly always feel lost, confused and torn in mafia games. I never understand what it means to look for information because everyone could be lying and I never have more than ~vibes~ anyways. I have nothing concrete other than saying whatever everyone would "I'm town" and then kind of muddle around, and hope I can poke a decent in hole in something. Put out theories are try to discuss with other players who feel towny :/

I do want to help town but its hard for me to (and I admit this is bad/my fault, since I am honestly still learning to play well.) I try to defer to people I trust to have adecent judgement, like chibi/free, who feel towny atm. Unless Free is a Galaxy brained beast or smth (i am kidding about that)).

ANyways ramble aside.

I have good reason to believe Bluwii did not grant powers or win con changes with his strange power, whatever it is.

And lastly I agree that Starlight is looking like a potentially safe vote.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Anyways I'm putting that train to the side for the moment in favor of hearing more about other things - first being Starlight, second being... is @SparklingEspeon Espy around?

I know they're super busy irl so I am not sussing I just.... wanna know if... idk, not a role reveal if thats risky but... something]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
I have good reason to believe Bluwii did not grant powers or win con changes with his strange power, whatever it is.
pissed_front.png"Why the hell didn't you speak up sooner then?! We're already past what the Slakoth did, of course your... what was it... yeah, hindsight, of course it sounds good to say it now, when it already happened."

Sidney's guardian charm piped up, and he paused listening, the snarl on his face sliding into a scowl.

Yeah, thats sort of true. I have tried to posit some theories and poke but I mostly always feel lost, confused and torn in mafia games. I never understand what it means to look for information because everyone could be lying and I never have more than ~vibes~ anyways. I have nothing concrete other than saying whatever everyone would "I'm town" and then kind of muddle around, and hope I can poke a decent in hole in something. Put out theories are try to discuss with other players who feel towny :/

I do want to help town but its hard for me to (and I admit this is bad/my fault, since I am honestly still learning to play well.) I try to defer to people I trust to have adecent judgement, like chibi/free, who feel towny atm.
neutral frown_front.png"Y'know, the Boss has a good point. You made a nice speech, but I dunno if I buy it. At least not from what he told me about the other games. You were a bold player, aggressive, passionate. He admired that about you. Here, though. You've been passive, saying you defer to what other players say, that you're unsure. You've had the same four days and three nights to put together information about what happened, and I still don't know a damn thing about you. You were trusted by the Quagsire, but they also trusted that Meowth that turned out to be one of the scum... What'd you do with that extra power you got? How did you end up with nothing to show for it? Not even a hint at a potential suspect or what you bring to the effort? C'mon, man."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
"Why the hell didn't you speak up sooner then?! We're already past what the Slakoth did, of course your... what was it... yeah, hindsight, of course it sounds good to say it now, when it already happened."

Sidney's guardian charm piped up, and he paused listening, the snarl on his face sliding into a scowl.
[[I only just discovered I have reason to believe this ://
"Y'know, the Boss has a good point. You made a nice speech, but I dunno if I buy it. At least not from what he told me about the other games. You were a bold player, aggressive, passionate. He admired that about you. Here, though. You've been passive, saying you defer to what other players say, that you're unsure. You've had the same four days and three nights to put together information about what happened, and I still don't know a damn thing about you. You were trusted by the Quagsire, but they also trusted that Meowth that turned out to be one of the scum... What'd you do with that extra power you got? How did you end up with nothing to show for it? Not even a hint at a potential suspect or what you bring to the effort? C'mon, man."
[[I'm... I'm not that aggro.

The times I got aggro was when Mike said something mechanically impossible and I went for his throat, the time I thought Sind did the same by claiming lovers.

I'm historically less aggro then people think, although I understand the misconception behind this label. I actually only get aggro when I start to have a real scent I pick up on but I have been accused of tunneling before and stuff which made me sway back to the side of being overly cautious in these games. Actually, if you analyze my playstyle, I am not uh. I'm not a scumhunter and I've done that in one game and got stuck with the label.

I just want to not die and ruin things for town.

But at this point I'll probably just say my role later, Idk, I don't find it overly useful atm.

Also uh. Jackie never trusted me, and Yellow didn't either. Yellow tried to block me, so yellow clearly didn't trust me at the time.]]


  1. sableye
I don't want to be unfair/hypocritical and sus you for inactivity. That's not it. Its... you know, like I said, every time I have a sus of someone its never something I can actually pin down. Maybe I can go back and try to review. But its literally ~vibes~ which like I said in my post, is horrible for town.
I'm not voting you yet though! I felt the need to air the theory, in case I die today. Idk I guess I got a nervous and had a thought and wanted to put it out.
I do want to help town but its hard for me to (and I admit this is bad/my fault, since I am honestly still learning to play well.) I try to defer to people I trust to have adecent judgement, like chibi/free, who feel towny atm. Unless Free is a Galaxy brained beast or smth (i am kidding about that)).

"I can understand where you're coming from, in that I too am pretty new to this still and tend to look to others' who I know are more experienced than myself... that said, you have to be aware that doing this can also lead to being misdirected. In this particular case, I do trust Ajia and Dave, but there's always that nagging part in the back of my brain saying 'but what if they're playing you?' That's why I'm still trying to come up with my own conclusions and reasons to believe what they say rather than simply "yeah they know what they're talking about, I'll agree with them!" Maybe you could try doing that, too, like Odette. If you're questioning someone, go back through all of their posts and try to find things that stuck out or rub you the wrong way and point out why."

Then she watched as Sidney tore into the linoone. "We're going to agree with this as well. The only issue I have with it is that I know Cosmo kind of got a slow start to this game and have been struggling to try to keep up, and I can understand why it would feel like a slog to sit down and try to play aggressively when there's this much backlog to comb through; it's way too easy to miss things that have already been covered and make bad reads because of that."

[[Anyways I'm putting that train to the side for the moment in favor of hearing more about other things - first being Starlight, second being... is @SparklingEspeon Espy around?

I know they're super busy irl so I am not sussing I just.... wanna know if... idk, not a role reveal if thats risky but... something]]

[[ Honestly, Namo announced that we need another substitute, and I don't think anyone's stepped up yet. Therefore it wasn't announced who/why, but I suspect it was possibly Espy, probably due to their inability to keep up? This is 1000% speculation though and has nothing to do with the actual gameplay. ]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Yellow tried to block me, so yellow clearly didn't trust me at the time.]]
[[Yellow's/Abra's power leaves them no choice, they have to block someone in order to give them the boon of the x2 haste the next day.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Yellow's/Abra's power leaves them no choice, they have to block someone in order to give them the boon of the x2 haste the next day.]]
[[I think the reverse is true too- They can block someone, but only at the risk of hasting them

In this case, the only reasonable conclusion is its a holdback as much as it could be a boon.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
That's why I'm still trying to come up with my own conclusions and reasons to believe what they say rather than simply "yeah they know what they're talking about, I'll agree with them!"
[[To be clearer, I am not blindly agreeing with them (just in case I gave this impression), I just usually see where their train of thought is and agree with that. Usually.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
"I can understand where you're coming from, in that I too am pretty new to this still and tend to look to others' who I know are more experienced than myself... that said, you have to be aware that doing this can also lead to being misdirected. In this particular case, I do trust Ajia and Dave, but there's always that nagging part in the back of my brain saying 'but what if they're playing you?' That's why I'm still trying to come up with my own conclusions and reasons to believe what they say rather than simply "yeah they know what they're talking about, I'll agree with them!" Maybe you could try doing that, too, like Odette. If you're questioning someone, go back through all of their posts and try to find things that stuck out or rub you the wrong way and point out why."

Then she watched as Sidney tore into the linoone. "We're going to agree with this as well. The only issue I have with it is that I know Cosmo kind of got a slow start to this game and have been struggling to try to keep up, and I can understand why it would feel like a slog to sit down and try to play aggressively when there's this much backlog to comb through; it's way too easy to miss things that have already been covered and make bad reads because of that."

[[ Honestly, Namo announced that we need another substitute, and I don't think anyone's stepped up yet. Therefore it wasn't announced who/why, but I suspect it was possibly Espy, probably due to their inability to keep up? This is 1000% speculation though and has nothing to do with the actual gameplay. ]]
heh_front.png"Heh, yeah, you're a bit more diplomatic about this than me. Well said."

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
"Huh, now what kind of a power is that? What would be the benefit of knowing how many people visited you each night? Do you have anything else to report from any of the other nights? Or were you left alone for the most part? Kinda wild that you only get a count. I wonder how that's helpful? For busting claims?"
[[Nobody interacted with me on N1 or N2. I just mentioned it since it goes along with Blossom's claim to have inspected me and Free's claim to put Dread on me (which I also received a Dread count of 2). It doesn't confirm that Blossom is the one who interacted with me, but since she stated so beforehand, I thought that backed it up.]]

Ajia shook her head. "There's no way that Laura was the killer since Puck blocked her on night 1. Plus, she would have been hastened on night 2, and then we would have had two deaths because all kills happen at the same time, even if one of the killers dies. I suppose the second kill could have been healed, or have hit a bulletproof... But still--the night 1 block is a pretty big problem with that."
[[So how does this line up? If Laura didn't kill Equitial, but killed herself from trying to kill Inke, how would that work? Are there two mafia killers? Or am I totally blind to something else happening?]]
"A bus driver could be scum, but not third party. Bus drivers cause chaos that can help their side and hinder the other side. Or the opposite. But they wouldn't really be able to do anything on their own. I mean, what would the win condition be...? Since we have strong evidence against Sidney being scum, I believe he's innocent."
[[Okay. Iiii think I'm going to wind up divulging more info than maybe I should, but something funky is going on. I feel like, if Sidney IS a busdriver (and so far his claims line up with the other actions), then there's probably another busdriver here.]]

[[Sorry, I'm not responding to Sind's megapost or bruh's sus post of me. You both have plenty of reason to suspect me; I'm very bad at this game lol. I'm at work so I can't respond thoroughly.]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
[[ @Blossomleaf , do you know if you'd be alerted if 'the beast' was killed? Is anyone else hoping it was Bluwii and we don't actually need to worry?]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[So how does this line up? If Laura didn't kill Equitial, but killed herself from trying to kill Inke, how would that work? Are there two mafia killers? Or am I totally blind to something else happening?]]
[[afaik there's a format that allows the mafia to choose their shooter each night, it's not automatically the same person each night (if someone else can fact check that for me that'd be appreciated) so, again, afaik there's not guarantee Laura was ever a shooter, either the first night or the second. I just happened to redirect the mafia's shot back at one of their own members. It doesn't mean Laura was the actual shooter at Inke.]]

[[Okay. Iiii think I'm going to wind up divulging more info than maybe I should, but something funky is going on. I feel like, if Sidney IS a busdriver (and so far his claims line up with the other actions), then there's probably another busdriver here.]]
[[sdlkfsjdk okay game aside that reaction image has me dying :ROFLMAO: back to being serious though, I'm inclined to believe there are other redirection roles in play, whether it's another driver or the self-deflector Shini's claimed to have in the game (via his re-use ability), my role PM mentions that my ability "can be redirected" which would seem kind of silly to tell a redirecting role that their own role can also be redirected if there wasn't another power out there that could also redirect. I deliberately withheld my power on N1 to see if we could find a swap that wasn't mine. That's why I was so keen on Yellow's claim with the whole diamond mark fiasco, which, whoops turned out to just be a mix up.]]

[[I'm gonna go ahead and say if you have any info that can point to finding this other redirect role, that'd be pretty huge for helping town and also clearing your name.] So, what's "funky"? Inquiring minds want to know.]


Ace Trainer
[[ @Blossomleaf , do you know if you'd be alerted if 'the beast' was killed? Is anyone else hoping it was Bluwii and we don't actually need to worry?]]
"Hm yeah sorry, kid cause Unfortunately if and when the beast is killed in game is when we get notified about its death. Which is why I don't think Bluwii is the beast and why I'm highly suspicious of anyone who has tried to visit or interact me during the night like Bench. since...do we have a counterclaim to Bench's tracker role claim? or are we buying that there are two town members with bulletproof / invulnerability against mafia kills? which I think the beast could be using to gain town's trust?"


Ace Trainer
"Since I'm having a hard time recalling if Bench' plan even worked or panned out as intended? when bench offered themselves to be mafia bait and it instead got redirected cause Laura wound up dying due to bus driver redirection / swap?"

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
[[You know, what, eff it. I have too many targets on my back. I think I'm getting voted out today. I'm roleclaiming.

By doing so, I'm 100% guaranteed to be killed tonight.

I know the Town will be upset at me for this. But at this point, I'm not sure what to do, haha. Most people think I'm scummy, which is fair. I'm really not good at this game and I don't know how else to clear myself. I was kinda hoping that, by being very not-good, the Mafia might let me live since I'm near-useless lol. Might as well let out the info I have while I'm alive, especially if we expect the number of nightkills to increase as the game goes on.

I am the cop. I inspect players' alignments each night.

N1: inspect Bluwiikoon. See Third Party.
N2: inspect Panoramic_Vacuum. See Third Party.
N3: inspect Blossomleaf. See Town *.
* This was swapped with Bench, so I really saw that BENCH was Town, not Blossom.

That's why I was so hung up on finding Third Party. I believed I had found them and was excited about taking them out.

But now, it looks like Pano is Town, based on her actions. Which is why I now believe she was swapped on N2. (ngl, I'm still suspicious of her, but what else can I say).

Yes, I realize people might think I'm a lying Mafia member and vote me out anyway. But! This is what I have. If I don't die today, I certainly die tonight. Good game, everyone! In all honesty, I had so much fun playing. I know people get stressed about Mafia, but this was very, very good for my mental health. It forced me to concentrate my energy and focus on something that I had so much fun doing. I really had a great time! And I'm excited to watch the rest of this unfold and see how everything else happens! Good luck, my fellow townies! And I'll probably write some flavor for Courtney before the Night Phase comes.]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
[[So how does this line up? If Laura didn't kill Equitial, but killed herself from trying to kill Inke, how would that work? Are there two mafia killers? Or am I totally blind to something else happening?]]
"Wha...? Sidney was the one who swapped the Mademoiselle with Laura--he said so himself, not too long ago. She was in the kill position--there's no rule that she had to be the one performing the kill...?"

[[Okay. Iiii think I'm going to wind up divulging more info than maybe I should, but something funky is going on. I feel like, if Sidney IS a busdriver (and so far his claims line up with the other actions), then there's probably another busdriver here.]]
Ajia blinked at Courtney. "I mean... I've been assuming multiple swaps/redirects/whatever the entire time. But what on earth does that have to do with Sidney swapping the kill onto Laura?"

[[Also, I don't want to get too distracted that we forget about it entirely--what are we going to do with Abra's nightskip? I'm worried that if we wait too long, we could run the risk of losing Abra, since both mafia and third-parties might try to get rid of a power like that. (We still don't know if the beast takes action during the day or at night, but I feel like it has to be night? Otherwise, how would Blossom still be here?)]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
what_front.png"...What the fuck? Fuckin' again?! That's it, I'm fuckin' done trying to sus people."

"Fuckin' hell, I suck at this game, what the fuck."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[…well FUCK me, alright. That’s a rip. 🥲]]
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