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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[I even said in my read-list that despite liking her points (regarding other players), I was overall null since there were a few things that were cause for concern and required a closer look.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[I was referring to her points regarding Blossom/Bluwii, not skipping the night phase. The second point you brought up was just RP flavour.]]
[[ah, v good, thank you for the clarification!]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[I mean if it's not obvious there's no way you're scum, given they targeted you N1, but we do have TPs and it seems from at least the Strings power and the Beast's D4 activation, there's motivation for a TP to want to skip a night phase. Anything that seemed like wanting to skip last night just stood out to me, even if it was a misunderstanding]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Oh yeah, I get that. I just didn't comment on it since several other people already explained why skipping the phase was a bad idea and I'd just be preaching to the choir.]]


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
[[I've been side-eying Bench for a while for their soft bulletproof claim. I can't negate the possibility of two different town flavors of bulletproof, especially with different ults / side powers, and it's possible they aren't actually dedicated bulletproof, just have a one off that makes them invulnerable. Still curious why they were so psyched out about allegedly taking a hit on a night where someone (admittedly scum) died. Did a third party make an attempted kill that night? Jackie is confirmed scum and now we know how that hit looped back around. If there is a third party making kills, why hasn't it happened any other night?]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[I don't think Bench claimed to have evidence for having actually taken a hit; rather, he assumed he'd successfully baited the kill because no townie died?]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
Sind is more town leaning to me of the last bunch b/c of the recap posts they've done before
[[ i honestly don’t see this as towny at all. these kinds of posts where you just restate stuff other people said are actually great for scum because they allow you to project helpfulness and engagement without having to stick your neck out at all. that’s not to say i’m scumreading her for it necessarily but it definitely isn’t putting her in my good books either. -q ]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[Heyyyyy all, a big obligatory SORRY from my lack of contribution for the last two Days. Sind's goin' through it irl and very low on spoons. However, comma, I'll be around for the remainder of this day to answer more questions after what I'm about to let loose here. Basically, I haven't been supplying a lot because my sights were dead set on a few people, and all except 1, possibly 2, have been at least moderately cleared--but because I was tunnel reading certain people, I neglected others, all while others just came off as town to me so I didn't bother too hard on reading too deeply into their posts.

Chibi, Inke, Seren - Inke has been actively trying to keep everyone on track, which automatically pegged them as town for me because mafia would be all for the townies running around in fucking smoke and would just let them. Chibi has been trying really hard to put things together, and their posts, especially as they tried to theorize around Jackie's scum flip in regards to Fray, just screams town-y to me. Granted, it could be some galaxy brained maneuver to get some more sus on Fray but I also get a vibe that they're trying to keep everyone focused, so. Seren came out with their full hard claim, a lot of LOOOOONG posts about their observations, huge difference from their overall scum play in Banquet, I just feel good about them at the moment. Town vibes from this trio.

Abra/Yellow - I felt some type of way about Yellow after the little power confusion faux pas--like I could definitely believe the confusion but it felt bad idk. So much time lost, for naught. However, Abra swapping in and immediately revealing their fuckin' Ult kinda has them clear in my head--why the fuck would mafia have an ability to skip night phase? Press F to doubt. Unless there's some crazy other TP charging rn that can act during the day???? Who the fuck knows. The ability alone just feels on towns side.

Bench - Nothing to go off besides their bait, which I guess didn't actually happen because of Pano's swap if I understand correctly? Said they weren't notified if they were hit or not, which is innocent enough, AND came out as Tracker. Feels trustworthy.

Pano - Admittedly had been skimming their posts up until the whole Sans circus (kekw) because a lot of what they were saying just seemed to be reiterating other points or wasn't really providing anything helpful. BUT now that they've outed themselves as the serial swapper, and the reason for Blossom's faulty read, I'm far more inclined to vibe with them now.

Blossom - Whew girl you were making my fucking synapses fire last phase with your confusing ass claim, but now that I actually went back and reread your claim of apparently being the Beast hunter, and how your power actually works, and provided how this day has started, I feel moderately better about you rn.

Free - Free made a pretty town-y play to start, claiming Miller right off the bat and calling attention to their (seemingly) unhelpful ability, so I've kinda let them wander off my radar. But now in light of Torchic's Cresselia claim, I'm Mikeposting back to my theory that with a Cresselia/Darkrai pair, one could be scum/I guess hostile TP and the other could be town. Eyes somewhat narrowed for the moment.

Starlight, Bruh Moment - Starlight is somebody else I was hard skimming for the fact that they weren't really offering anything of substance, or things that hadn't already been said. I admittedly really need to go back and re-read their posts because I don't know where to stand with them at the moment. As for Bruh Moment, I reeeeaaaaalllyyyyyy have to realign myself with how I feel about them because I was basing a lot of my thoughts on how hard they were meming and comparing it to Humble Vale and their scum flip there and that's a little unfair, so they're somebody else I need to go back and really reread. Pretty null.

Persephone, SparklingEspeon - Have said little to absolutely nothing, completely and totally null.

Fray - I still feel some type of way about their claim, and how generally confusing it was. I also (think) I've noticed they've kind of fallen a little more under the radar since there was an almost vote train on them. MASSIVE side-eye right now.

Tetra - Got more active as the game went on, and seems to be playing more to character, but I really don't appreciate their random name-dropping of me as a potential sus target. I offered to softclaim my role in attempt to further assist town, they said nothing to that (not that that really MEANS much but still), but they're inclined to just throw me out as a potential sus party? I would like to know what exactly I have done to make them say "HMMMM" besides be somewhat inactive the past two Days. It feels weird to me especially because it seems they've been waffling around everyone's null/sus lists the whole game, and it feels very grasping-at-straws-y to me. Also massive side eyes.

Torchic - I've been on your ass this whole game and I still don't feel much different??? You're super super waffley, super follow-the-crowd, super can't keep things straight. Very n00b behavior but also n00b scum behavior, I don't know. Claiming doctor VERY unwise, I could believe it being an unwise call from a new player, but it could very well be a last ditch effort to evade vote one more time. Also coming out as Cresselia, AGAIN, makes me want to penguin waddle back to my overthinking thought "IF THERE IS A DARKRAI/CRESSELIA PAIR, ONE COULD BE SCUM/HOSTILE TP AND ONE COULD BE TOWN."

Sinderella - she needs some milk.

So now that's out of the way, since nobody ever followed up on my offer to softclaim, I'm just going to do it. Take it away, maestro.]]

Odette rubbed rubbed her forehead tiredly.

"Without saying too much," she said, shifting her gaze off to the side in apparent thought. "This is going to sound really fucking bad after the whole ordeal with the damn Slakoth," she added in a huff. With a deep breath, she rolled her shoulders and continued.

"I don't really know how else to word this in order to vaguely get the point across, but here it goes anyway...my role is very useful if I'm targeted by other town roles," she announced.

Her tentacle moved down to scratch her cheek. "That being said, if you have a more important, perhaps more useful target in mind, I still advise you to use it on them instead. However, if you're unsure of what to do, maybe, it would be very beneficial to us if I were the target of your ability."

She exhaled sharply, the tenseness deflating from her shoulders. "I'll try my best to answer whatever questions you might have now. Go off."

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
[[Had intended to sleep since I was on a 10 hour hike yesterday but I can't stop thinking about this lol. It looks like I'm on a chopping block (fair lol I'm not good at this game). I'll give a bit of night info that I have.

My passive ability is that I can see how many people interact with me at night. Last night, I was told that two people interacted with me. Two people here have claimed to do so (Blossom and Free). That checks out. It doesn't verify whether both are town, but I feel confident that they are, and it at least lines up with both of their claims.

I'm a little confused as to why 'the beast' is active on D4, according to Blossom, as opposed to N4. Can we expect people to start being killed today?

Roleclaims so far:
- Dragonfree: gives dread to whoever interacts with her/whoever she chooses
- Persephone: Bulletproof
- Bench: Bulletproof/ability to tell patron of certain players (if what he says about Equitial is true)
- Pano: Busdriver
- Torchic: Doctor/heals dread
- ShiniGojira: Jack of all Trades (roleblocker/deflector/healer)
- AbraPunk: roleblocker/hastener/skip the night phase
- Seren: 'mark' on chosen player
- Blossomleaf: find and kill 'the beast'

Dead claims:
- Windskull: oracle (Town)
- Bluwiikoon: cult leader? unknown (third party)
- unrepentantAuthor: killer (if Pano is correct) (mafia)
- Equitial

No claims:
- Flyg0n (only says she does something, but hasn't said what)
- Sinderella
- Inkedust
- Chibi Pika
- Sparkling Espeon
- bruh moment
- Starlight Aurate

Did Seren ever confirm what his mark does? He says it's 'protective,' but did he specify from what?

Realizing that Yellow claims to have blocked uA N1 and that Pano swapped uA with Inke on N2... wow. Town was super lucky. Otherwise, uA would've gotten two kills that night. Or should there have been two kills anyway, and someone was blocked/uA hit a bulletproof? I am confused. Tetra confirms she was blocked N2 but then got hasted last night, so we don't know what she *does*, but that whatever she can do, she did twice last night. I'm not feeling particularly suspicious of her, but I don't have a strong townread on her either.

And I'm still confused as to how Bench knows/confirms that Equitial's patron was Latias.

I'm feeling uncertain about Shini, partly due to his lack of an investigative ability, getting his dread count wrong, and how uA brought up that a doctor could try to heal him. I know the Shini bandwagon has been tried, and I don't feel *that* suspicious of him, but I'm not feeling super confident, either.

The two bulletproof claims are a bit weird (I feel like it's a super safe claim to make; you aren't an inforole, therefore not a prime target. Also, if people can't kill you at night, they're less likely to try), but not implausible, and I think it lends credence to the theory that the number of kills will go up as the game prolongs.

bruh, I'm also a little suspicious of. I'm not familiar with mewtini's playstyle, but I feel like q's was more aggressive in previous games than this one. I was annoyed that they started the Bluwii bandwagon and then hopped off it quickly on D2, but then they tried to start a bandwagon on uA, who was confirmed Mafia. And Tetra ended up voting bruh later in the day. At least, per Blossom's investigation, bruh isn't 'the beast,' but could still be a mafia or another third party.

Inkedust hasn't claimed anything, but (if Pano is being truthful), she was the target for Mafia N1. I think she's been good with reasoning and analyzing people, so she would make a prime target for the mafia. I feel good about her.

Chibi Pika/Ajia also hasn't claimed anything but, like Inke, has been good at analyzing people and their abilities. Bringing up peoples' powers, like Abra's nightskipping ability, and Shini's lack of an investigative role as JOAT, is helpful for deducing what their alignments likely are. As was bringing up the fact that, if we didn't take anyone out D2, we'd have to do it all over again the next day and voted Bluwii to try and not prolong it (to be fair, that could be a mafia OR towny play). I feel like a number of people trust Chibi for being a reputable player, and I try not to follow the (because 'X' is good at this game, I will trust that person), but Chibi's playstyle has largely felt towny for me so far.

I feel like, if Sparkling Espeon was mafia, she'd probably be a bit more involved. But I have nothing else to go off of there lol.

I know I was going after Blossomleaf before, but in light of things today/last night, I feel better about her claims. Sorry for suggesting we skip the night phase!

I also don't feel great about Sinderella. She's made big posts about summaries and reads and has offered a softclaim, but I don't think she's done much for scumhunting/TP-hunting. I'll take you up on your offer to softclaim, Sind, if it will help--unless others think that's a bad idea?

I got protective/helpful vibes from Seren, but I'm still not sure what he *does*. The dude was considering calling into work late to work on this though, lol. Which might not say anything. I feel like he's been helpful and offering information, though he's mostly just refuted Yellow's (honest mistake) previous incorrect statement about the mark and claimed that he's protecting players. A protective role overall feels like a towny play to me but I don't feel totally clear of him, especially if he's protecting from some TP or if he's TP and protecting from Mafia.

I feel good about AbraPunk/Yellow for their nightskip phase and offering info.

I also feel like Torchic's doctor claim checks out. She's a new player and so bandwagoning on what others say seems logical; she comes across as more naive to me than anything.

I have nothing to go off of for Persephone, though she mentions she's been very busy in real life. As stated, I do think it's a bit odd that she and Bench both claim town Bulletproof. I wonder what their one-shot abilities are?

I don't feel that suspicious of Dragonfree. She claims to be a miller, so even if she were investigated, there'd be no way to check if she's lying or not. And her dread thing checks out. She's overall been helpful of town and analytical in her posts in reading peoples' behaviours.

I admit that I've had tunnelvision on Pano, primarily for her standing up so much for Bluwii earlier in the game. I was convinced that Bluwii was a cult leader and Pano was involved with him. And when Blossom came out about the Beast, I was convinced that Pano was probably the beast because I felt like her play was not very towny. And a busdriver could be someone from any faction--even if she's third party, she can just be causing extra chaos. I feel like, by offering that night info, she wasn't putting herself in a position of danger. I'm grateful she offered it, but I don't think it necessarily clears her name at all.]]

"So now that shit's all out in the open, can we get back to the issue and talk about the sketchy Ninetales?"
"By ALL means, investigate me all you want!"
Others who are unknown but with soft claims are:
- Chibi
- Starlight
[[Wait, when did I make a softclaim? And what did Chibi claim?]]
TL;DR: current sus list (in no particular order) is:
- Starlight
"Yay, I'm at the top of a scumlist!"
"I don't really know how else to word this in order to vaguely get the point across, but here it goes anyway...my role is very useful if I'm targeted by other town roles," she announced.
[[So, are you inviting people like the doctor/cop/tracker to heal/investigate you? Will that be beneficial for them?]]

[[I'm hoping that Bluwii was 'the beast' and that's something we won't have to worry about. But that's just wishful thinking]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[So, are you inviting people like the doctor/cop/tracker to heal/investigate you? Will that be beneficial for them?]]
[[It’s not going to do anything specifically to whoever uses their abilities on me, if that’s what you’re asking. I guess I should specify it would be helpful to town as a whole, not just the person or people who uses their abilities on me]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[ i wonder if we should just all claim at this point… i will need to think more thoroughly about it before i start actually pushing for it, but my gut says that whatever advantage scum gains from all the cards being laid out on the table would be more then made up for by the ability of town to fully coordinate the night and compare claims to actual events. what do y’all think -q ]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
i wonder if we should just all claim at this point… i will need to think more thoroughly about it before i start actually pushing for it, but my gut says that whatever advantage scum gains from all the cards being laid out on the table would be more then made up for by the ability of town to fully coordinate the night and compare claims to actual events. what do y’all think -q ]
[[ uhhhhh no.

1. making everything visible means people will have time to fabricate lies
2. galaxy brained people can use this to their ulterior advantage
3. mafia/possible remaining cult would immediately go to eliminate/recruit what they see as the most powerful roles
4. idk generally not a good idea personally ]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[ i can’t really SR torchic for their claim considering there’s been no cc. i feel like the only possibilities for scum there are that they’re pulling some weird gambit to draw out the town doctor like free suggested, or equi was doc and they somehow knew it. seems more likely to me that they’re just town. -q ]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[ uhhhhh no.

1. making everything visible means people will have time to fabricate lies
2. galaxy brained people can use this to their ulterior advantage
3. mafia/possible remaining cult would immediately go to eliminate/recruit what they see as the most powerful roles
4. idk generally not a good idea personally ]]
[[ it is confusing to me that you believe this and also laid out your complete role pm unprompted as soon as you subbed in. -q ]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[ i wonder if we should just all claim at this point… i will need to think more thoroughly about it before i start actually pushing for it, but my gut says that whatever advantage scum gains from all the cards being laid out on the table would be more then made up for by the ability of town to fully coordinate the night and compare claims to actual events. what do y’all think -q ]]
[[Idk man I feel like that just gives scum a chance to see everything might give them a chance to coordinate something in the coming days—I guess no daytalk might make that a little harder but I feel wary. Same with potential hostile TP’s, if anybody is holding out some massive kill power they could easily down all our strong roles. Also, isn’t this like the second time you’ve thrown out the idea of everyone coming out and claiming or am I confusing you with somebody else?]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
it is confusing to me that you believe this and also laid out your complete role pm unprompted as soon as you subbed in.
[[ true but that was at a time where it seemed likely that I would have been voted out due to multiple sus. It was necessary.

Revealing literally everything about everyone is not. Under no feasible circumstance would it be beneficial to paint massive targets on ourselves to set ourselves up for a loss. ]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Idk man I feel like that just gives scum a chance to see everything might give them a chance to coordinate something in the coming days—I guess no daytalk might make that a little harder but I feel wary.
[[ this. Good point (although, hm. Wording makes me squint)]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
??? What about my wording is making you squint????]
[[ vague vibes of "haha I'm mafia but I'm pretending to be on town's side look guys I'm only directly mentioning scum once and being vague every other time. I'm totally town!!!!" ]]

[[ idk though. not very good at this whole deduction thing so dont really put weight on shit I say that doesnt have to do with my role/actions ]]
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