"Alright, the Boss helped me put together some notes about what we know so far."
[[As it stands right now, the 100% unknowns in terms of patron or power are (in no particular order):
- Inke
- Persephone
- Tetra
- Sind
- bruh (Q/Mewtini)
- SparklingEspeon
Others who are unknown but with soft claims are:
- Chibi
- Starlight
- Sind (I know she's on here in two separate categories but she did offer up to soft claim but no one followed up on that offer)
Unconfirmed/unsubstantiated claims are:
- Shini
- Torchic
More substantiated claims but no 100% alignment confirmation:
- Free
- Bench
- Yellow/Abra
- Seren
- Blossom
- and myself
(also if I missed anyone or miscategorized in terms of people who have claimed/softclaimed and I missed them, let me know)
And my thoughts on all this:
Of the first group, I'm leaning more towny play with bruh (Q/mewtini) and Tetra, at the moment. Inke was a strong town read for me at the start, but I'm side eyeing their push to skip last night's night phase. I'm pretty null on Persephone, Sind, and Sparkling Espeon based on not a lot of gameplay to go on. Sind is more town leaning to me of the last bunch b/c of the recap posts they've done before, and also the fact that they were willing to softclaim without much pressure being put on them.
Of the second group, these are all soft claims (or in Sind's case willingness to softclaim unprompted), with me leaning Chibi town and Starlight scum (based on night skipping and willingness to sacrifice info roles).
Of the third group, Torchic I feel like is being truthful to the point that on D1 they claimed to "plead the fifth" when they mentioned Cresselia in response to Free's Darkrai/Dread claim. I had been guessing they might have been some kind of doctor since then. Shini's claim makes sense on some level, but was kind of confusing on others. I honestly have no idea on their alignment.
Of the last group, almost all of these are very substantial claims backed up by gameplay results. I'm inclined to believe all of these are pro-town players, with maybe the only exception maybe being Seren since both Mafia and Town would benefit from being able to shield from status/marking powers, but that seems like a stretch given their town-helpful play thus far.
TL;DR: current sus list (in no particular order) is:
- Starlight
- Inke
- Persephone
- Sparkling Espeon
- maybe Shini
- maybe Sind
- maybe Tetra
Given a total of seven hostiles, and assuming Blu was considered a hostile, we're down to five remaining suspects, of which three or four are scum, and one or two are TP (which probably includes the Beast and/or the Stringer).]]