Odette's Chickenscratch (D3 SO FAR)
Laura has been eliminated. She was Mafia.
[[Vig or Bus Driver swapped Mafia NK back onto them, les goooooooo]]
Inke makes speculation.
"And now with this recent development. I feel like I'm going to have to take a wayyyy more proactive approach and throw caution into the wind because we have some....minor problems. where amatuer me feels like I'm in over my head? and I'm not sure whether keeping this intel to myself is a good idea or not anymore. Because I'm at the point where I'm at a loss for what to do? and the last thing I want is to be detrimental to town if we still have mafia players and 3rd party active" :((((( "]]
Blossom has intel they're unsure of revealing.
[[Alright, so, due to my ability, I became invincible and unblockable. My goal yesterday was to paint as big of a target on my back as possible, so that the mafia would waste their kill on me. That was why I was drawing so much attention to the fact that I had information, to get the mafia to gun for me.]]
Bench reveals their ability made them invincible and unblockable and that they baited a mafia shot.
[[Is everything okay? If you feel comfortable sharing your intel, go ahead.]]
Starlight pushes Blossom to reveal her intel.
Also realized overnight that there’s a small chance Dave could be the one casting dread, allowing him to know about it day 1. Or something. Idk. Anyway I’d still check him if you were cop.
I guess my suspicions fall on Starlight for saying a lot of words with little content, but it’s a very soft suspicion.]]
Perse sussing Starlight a lil.
oh and after Laura flipping scum, I’m feeling a bit better about Tetra (Cosmo) and Shini (Fray).
VOTE: Bluwii
Yellow makes a post calling out inactive and her other sussy bakas, votes Bluwii.
[[Bench didn't say anything about killing Laura I don't think?????. However, Bench, your unblockable bit kinda made it seem like you had something to do with it, ngl.
I point out Bench never said they killed Jackie, as people were starting to speculate that.
[[I didn't do anything! I'm just as confused as you are!]]
Shini testifies that they didn't shoot Jackie.
[[If you'd like, I can say what my complete powers are.]]
Bench offers to reveal powers.
[[Plenty of explanations. If it was a Vig/Townie Driver, let's keep it down as I don't want them to out themselves.]]
Inke calls for vig/driver to stay hidden.
Players capable of "marking":
1) Seren / Kimiko: can leave marks to cure status ailements?
2) Bluwii / Sans: can leave marks that prevent other marks on players via voting them
3) Yellow / Puck: can leave unknown marks
4) Dragonfree / Dave: can leave dread marks
**Unknown player**: can leave "strings"
Players "marked" by the ones mentioned above:
1) Myself (Nanu) and Bench (Arctozolt) - Marked by Sans
2) Shinigojira (Fray) - Marked by Dragonfree / Dave
3) Jackie (Laura) - Marked by Yellow
4) Chibi (Ajia) - Marked by Seren]]
Blossom compiles list of confirmed abilities and where they have been used.
[[ jackie’s interactions with blu do not feel partnered to me -q ]]
Bruh makes speculation on Jackie/Bluwii pair.
[[ I just got hit by the stringer and now have strings attached. This very well could have been from me revealing my patron yesterday, but I’m not sure. Either way, I’m pretty sure this must be a day action.]]
Yellow confirms they were stringed.
and while I agree that we can't waste anymore time, I'm going to ping and ask you to kindly explain what exactly you marked and targeted jackie with? because unfortunately given that your target died you are sadly on my sus list. and I think this is important to note because of the fact that you did target jackie and now they're dead. :( "
Blossom susses Yellow because of Jackie's death....why
[[The root of my ability is semi-vanilla, and does not leave any impact on the people I target.]]
Bench reveals some things about their role
[[anyways now that the initial shock has died off and sleeping on things, I have good reason to believe that bluwii has been lying about their role and is the best vote for today. Will delve into it later.
Vote: sans/Bluwii]]
Wind votes Bluwii.
[[ don’t understand this assertion at all -q ]]
Bruh questions Blossom.
[[Gonna stand with my vote from yesterday unless more information comes out.]]
vote: sans/Bluwii
Torchic votes Bluwii.
I question Blossom.
[[I am certain it has nothing to do with patrons and from something else, its a day action I think]]
Tetra not sure the strings have to do with revealing a patron.
Might as well. I don’t have much left to lose at this point.
My role is a blocking power—with the caveat that the next night, the target can use their action twice. Tbh this role kinda sucks because I can block scum, but then they can shoot twice the next night. I can give a townie to use their action twice, but I have to block them first.
I initially chose Laura to block purely as a wild guess. Wanted to see how she’d react. To be honest, the fact that there was only one death on N1 with so many players did have me wondering if that was due to my block, but I didn’t want to say too much too soon. Boy am I VERY GLAD that Laura was taken out before she could shoot twice.]]
Yellow reveals her powers.
She felt as if there were something akin to strings in her head.
Shini gets stringed.
[[Bench, a question for you: were you informed if you were actually shot in the night? Like are you notified if someone takes a shot at you and you're protected, a la OSBP when they're informed their protection has been popped?]]
Pano asks Bench for clarification.
I fail to see how this incriminates Yellow? The only way that makes sense is if you're saying Yellow boosted Jackie because they're both mafia, but then I ask what other supporting evidence exists for that. It's a correlation, but not proof.
Espy questions Blosson's speculation.
[[aight what is going on? Two strings in one day?? Yellow, are you sure Jackie got your power? Maybe the stringer got your power instead and kept quiet?? Though what if mafia *did* have two shots last night but their second shot got redirected onto them instead??]]
Pano asks questions.
[[Should I say who I targeted with my ability last night?]]
Bench once again asks if they should reveal.
[[Well it’s possible Jackie got swapped on the night I targeted them…they never did explicitly state what happened. The fact that there was only one death on N1 does make me thing my block went through to them, though.]]
Yellow makes speculation on possible Jackie swap.
[[ ? it’s not about your role; if the mafia member with the shooting power dies, it gets transferred to the next surviving wolf. if mafia would shoot twice tonight had jackie lived, i suspect they still will -q ]]
Bruh makes speculation.
[[talking about the patron doesn't make sense to me bc that didn't happen, idk it seems more likely that revealing your role get's you stringed? or they can do it to anyone.
Also how can their be two string in one day? Yellow can you explain exctly again how your powers work? Whatever you are able, that is]]
Tetra still not convinced strings has to do with patrons.
[[Actually, now that I think about it:
Nobody got strings on D2, right? And now on D3 two people got stringed. What if Laura was the stringer??]]
Yellow theorizes Jackie was stringer.
[[Well the thing is Free also revealed their legendary and power and got stringed. Coincidentally the two people who revealed both their legendaries and powers also got stringed. Seren also revealed their role but did NOT mention who their legendary was in a post (instead saying it was already mentioned) and I would actually like to hear if they were stringed @Seren]]
I clarify the string/patron thing for Tetra.
"Hey, um... can we talk about how Laura's guardian was super hesitant to vote Fray and basically convinced me not to? That seems like a red flag to me."
[[Yes, Dragonfree also convinced me not to, but I feel infinitely better about her train of thought there.]]
Ajia looked alarmed. "Hang on... your block couldn't possibly have been related to there only being one kill night one! If Laura was the killer, and got two actions night 2, then they still would have gone through. The rules say that all kills resolve at the exact same time."
Chibi makes speculation on Jackie hesitation to vote Shini.
[[So, to me, that means your N1 target was swapped off of Jackie, and onto whoever is the Stringer. Strings has to be a day action, we got strings on D1 without a prior night phase. Then there were no strings on D2, which aligns with your blocking power. Then, today, we have two strings in one day, which aligns with your x2 power after a one-day block. So. If we find the swapper, and we find who they swapped you to, Yellow, we find the Stringer, and my guess is a cult leader of some kind.]]
Pano makes speculation about possible Jackie swap.
I should clarify that this string stuff technically happened after the thread opened. I only open the thread after all night actions have resolved.
So yeah, stringer is a day action, don’t mind my stupid theories and don’t waste time on them lol.]]
Yellow clarifies how they were stringed.
[[ also in reply to @Sinderella
as far as I can tell on mobile, no, I was not notified of being stringed myself. Will confirm tonight. ]]
Seren confirms they weren;t stringed.
-Seren can give people diamonds of light
-Yellow can Block people, but those blocked can act twice the next night
-Shini is a JOAT that can restore their Powers if targeted by a like power
-Free is a Miller
Day 1:
Free reveals miller immediately
Free is stringed
Night 1:
-Seren marked Aija Night1
-Yellow blocked Jackie Night 1
-Bart was killed
Day 2:
-Aija has a diamond mark
-Jackie is a bit cagey on details
-Shini reveals they are JOAT
-Yellow alludes to their Dialga powers
-Bench talks about their big plan <3
-No elimination
Night 2:
No deaths
Day 3:
-Bench is marked
-Yellow is stringed
-Shini is stringed
Tetra breakdown.
[[ i would prefer not to go shini v blu again today. i can’t help but feel like those wagons were v/v. -q ]]
Bruh hesitating on Shini v Blu
[[I won't go into specifics without Yellow present, but I believe I have decent reason to trust her.]]
Bench thinks they can trust Yellow, won't say why
"Either way, the fact Laura was mafia immediately suggests two things. One, she really wanted us not to go for Fray. My guardian already dug through what Fray was saying yesterday and then was talked into second-guessing it by someone we now know was in the mafia. Worth a good fucking side-eye if you ask me. Two, Laura and that Quagsire over there were practically in lockstep for a while, and Laura went out of her way to tell us she was pretty sure Puck's power was town. Maybe too obvious, but even then, I'd be giving Puck a lot of scrutiny right now. Going to look into him today.
Free side-eyeing Fray and Yellow for how Jackie interacted with them.
[[ okay sorry yellow didn’t see where you posted your powers. That’s what I needed to know.
Vote: sans/bluwiikoon
Seren votes Bluwii
[[ i assume from yellow's description of her power that whatever the power is that gets blocked is the one that gets doubled, which could potentially include the kill. i do figure that "use the mafia kill" probably is a nightly action for at least one of them though, probably the godfather if there is one. i'm not sure how else it would work, unless we're thinking that all the mafia have unique nightly actions PLUS a factional nightkill, but based on nothing at all i kind of doubt it. -q ]]
Bruh makes some speculation on Yellow's power
[[Probably going to change my vote from Blu. Considering all of the bandwagons from yesterday, though, there's just a lot of chaos.
[[From what I remember, Jackie was the one to suggest the Doctor heal Shini so Shini could use the protect ability on someone else, which is highly suspicious given that Jackie was Mafia.]]
Torchic might change vote.
anyway, here's a bit of science.
- Ajia (Delcatty) [Chibi Pika] - meh
- Arctozolt (Arctozolt) [Bench] - probably town for last night
- Cosmo (Linoone) [Flyg0n] - meh
- Courtney (Ninetales) [Starlight Aurate] - meh
- Dave (Mightyena) [Dragonfree] - definitely town
- Fray (Froslass) [ShinjiGojira] - not voting here today
- Kekoa (Skitty) [Persephone] - i like her posting for now
- Kimiko (Snivy) [Seren] - meh
- Mademoiselle (Yveltal) [Inkedust] - probably spewed town
- Nanu (Alolan Meowth) [Blossomleaf] - meh
- Odette Cinq-Mars (Jellicent) [Sinderella] - would rather not vote here for now
- Princess (Skiddo) [bruh moment] - town queen
- Puck (Quagsure) [HelloYellow17] - probably not going here today
- sans (Slakoth) [Bluwiikoon] - tabling this one
- Shimmer (Kirlia) [Windskull] - meh
- Sidney (Cacturne) [Panoramic_Vacuum] - meh
- Tricky (Fennekin) [SparklingEspeon] - probs town for inactivity imo
- Winona (Swellow) [Just a Torchic] - i just get towny vibes here
probably roughly four mafia remaining by my estimation. narrowed the pool down to 7—hey, that's over half odds. science. let's see if this is spicy.
vote: Seren ]]
Bruh makes readlist then votes Seren.
[[Screw it.]]
vote: unovte
vote: Fray/Shini
[[Between Jackie and Shini devising the plan to use the Doctor's protection on Shini, Shini lying about Dread count, and the bandwagoning scandal of '77, I'm very skeptical.]]
[[Blu and Shini I am so sorry do not take this personally I still love you with all of my platonic love]]
[[Watch my vote change when the eleventh hour circus comes to town.]]
Torchic unvotes Bluwii and votes Shini.
Absolutely town: Me
For now, definitely town:
-Free - Miller
Probably Town?
Mild sus?
-Q/Bruh moment
Bartholomew (Rotom) [Equitial]- Innocent
Laura (Alolan Meowth) [unrepentantAuthor]-Mafia
Tetra readlist.
[[Been rereading the thread and I have to say, I'm not entirely certain that Jackie's hesitancy to vote out Shini is necessarily an indictment on him. Something I notice about scum a lot is that they're very hesitant towards going all out for a mislynch, there's always some caveat to it like "oh I'm not so sure about this". Mislynching makes players look bad by default, so trying to play up at least some degree of uncertainty is how scum try to make themselves look better when the target inevitably flips innocent. I think that's what's happening here.]]
Inke speculates Jackie's hesitation to vote SHini.
[[Further review....
I trust Shini a lot more.
They were the first to sus Jackie slightly. And they actually picked up something with Seren which feels decently pro town.
Tetra trusts Shini more.
[[Now that things have died down a bit, should I reveal what my ability is?]]
BEnch yet again wants to reveal.
[[I'm going back and forth on whether Bench should reveal tbh. My inclination is that it wouldn't hurt to reveal but that he should keep his patron private. It might help us confirm whether string theory relates to patrons or something else. However, revealing might help killing roles narrow down who to go after.]]
Torchic says yes if safe, Wind unsure.
I am 100% Mikeposting because I'm frazzled but Torchic is still ruffling my feathers (ha). But so far your movements and voting and sussing patterns ring as "newbie mafia trying really hard to make their own deductions but jumping on bandwagons and trying to sus around based what other people are saying." Going from "Kinda sussing uA for swap" to "oh yeah called it was kinda sussing for the bandwagon" is just FIRING synapses. I cannot shake this feeling. I still really really really want to give you benefit of the doubt but it's getting kinda hard.]]
I'm still sussing Torchic.
[[No, imo.
I believe ur town and right now I don't think there's much to gain. Better for scum to be left wondering]]
Tetra tells Bench not to reveal.
[[Gonna make a quick, off-the-cuff readlist so I can get my bearings straight and who to look out for:
- Town: Chibi, Free, Bench, Yellow, Tetra, Seren, Shini, Sind.
- Null: Pano, Starlight, Espy, Blossom, Bruh, Pers, Wind.
- Sus: Bluwii, Torchic.
I'm feeling pretty good about my town-reads rn, so I'm going to take a gander at my null pile to see if anyone else sticks out as anti-town. Curious to see what Wind has to say about Blwuii.]]
Quick inke readlist.
[[I honestly am torn on if Q is scum or not. Their play is a lot like last scum play, but not just in memeing (although I do think 'What I'm never allowed to meme again bc when I did I was scum' is ... odd?
But the reason I'm a little sus has more to do with weird vibes.... i can't pin it down. I don't want to say unhelpful, because thats not a fully accurate word.
Something. For now I remain uncvinced of their innocence? I'll try to nail something concrete]]
Tetra unsure what to think of Q
[[I get the suspicion. That makes me sound more suspicious, but I promise that I understand your suspicion. I haven't really been playing my cards right in this game. On the "kind of sussing for uA for swap" thing, I looked through and found these two posts:
Torchic responds to my sus of them.
[[I got a little too enthusiastic once and got bandwagoned and killed in the last fifteen minutes.]]
“And you probably deserved it.”
[[Yup. Oh, @IFBench do not reveal. If you’re one shot bulletproof or pure bulletproof or something else it’s best if the mafia doesn’t know. That way if you are only OSBP the mafia will still be wary to strike you again.]]
Perse tells Bench to not reveal.
[[I'll try to type up a better explanation later when I can compose thoughts in a reasonable way but fwiw, I know ur miffed, but I still feel like everything is gameplay but the reason I have a very mild sus of you isn't because you're making jokes tbh. Making jokes isn't really what I scum read people for precisely, the reasons why I sometimes have susses of people come down to ~vibes~ that are often much harder for me to put into words. Its cues and things I am not always great a verbalizing.
But thisisn't about jokes specifically, rest assured.
Also this isn't a 'I am ready to vote for you this instant' sus its more like a 'hmmm I am not certain I trust this person' ]]
Tetra explains her Q sus.
Ajia (Delcatty) [Chibi Pika] (Likely town)
Arctozolt (Arctozolt) [Bench] (Likely town)
Cosmo (Linoone) [Flyg0n] (Maybe town)
Courtney (Ninetales) [Starlight Aurate] (Maybe town)
Dave (Mightyena) [Dragonfree] (Likely town)
Fray (Froslass) [ShinjiGojira] (Sus)
Kekoa (Skitty) [Persephone] (Neutral, kind of sus)
Kimiko (Snivy) [Seren] (Maybe town)
Mademoiselle (Yveltal) [Inkedust] (Maybe town)
Nanu (Alolan Meowth) [Blossomleaf] (Neutral)
Odette Cinq-Mars (Jellicent) [Sinderella] (Likely town)
Princess (Skiddo) [bruh moment] (Likely town)
Puck (Quagsure) [HelloYellow17] (Neutral)
sans (Slakoth) [Bluwiikoon] (Sus)
Shimmer (Kirlia) [Windskull] (Neutral)
Sidney (Cacturne) [Panoramic_Vacuum] (Neutral, kind of sus)
Tricky (Fennekin) [SparklingEspeon] (Neutral)
Torchic readlist.
[[Very curious about your reasonings behind these some of these reads. Some make perfect sense (like less active players being on the null pile) but I think a few others require a bit of justification. Just some food for thought.
Inke asks for clarification on Torchic readlist.
[[My suspicion of Pano ties in a bit with my suspicion of Blu. Their strong defense of him comes off as either a strong defense from a Cult Follower or a strong defense of some other faction follower. Idk, it just comes off as off.]]
[[Persephone's vibe came off as off to me, for some reason. Maybe I was just looking too much into RP stuff, but I don't know.]]
[[Inke and Sind's suspicions are honestly making me trust them more! Idk, that perceptiveness (?) is good vibe. Then again, they could be Mafia trying to form a bandwagon. Idk, I'm scared of bandwagons now despite going on several. Whatever, I trust them.]]
[[The swapping left a bad taste in my mouth on some players, but I'm inclined to at least sort of trust Yellow for the time.]]
Torchic clarifies
[[Jackieposts of note: (this is me going through their entire post history in the thread and quoting/linking anything gameplay-relevant with some minimal commentary)
Free summarizes notable Jackie posts (BLESS)
All in all, my main takeaways:
- I think it's basically impossible Jackie and Bluwii were scum partners (though this of course does not mean Bluwii couldn't be another anti-town faction). First Jackie led trying to start a bandwagon on him when a lot of people were suspecting him, then hastily walked it back on others' cue, then kept on sort of trying to find permission to vote Bluwii again throughout the day but still didn't actually wind up voting him. That's not bussing behaviour, it's scum hoping to manage to get a train on a townie off the ground.
- Shini defense feels, to me, like it's just a bit more determined than your standard mafia "can we really be sure about this". It doesn't make it a sure thing or anything, Jackie can act, but I was kind of expecting after Inke's post that I'd likewise conclude Jackie's Shini defense was innocuous but after my own reading I've kind of gone the other way?
- Yellow interactions also feel suspect to me. Jackie maintained that the power Yellow targeted them with made them confident she was town, yet didn't actually act from there like they were really confident she was town on a mechanical basis. That's besides me not feeling like the power Yellow has claimed should actually prompt that kind of certainty she must be town in the first place. There was an instance where Yellow expressed suspicion of Jackie because of the swap thing, but nothing really came of it and all in all I think this could easily have been deliberate distancing.
I think I'mmm just going to go ahead and be spicy and vote: HelloYellow17]]
Free's takeaways, votes Yellow.
[[ Hello yes, I’m not sure if I’m prepared to be actively sus of q/bruh moment yet, but here’s why I’ve been side eying them:
They’ve been very active this game! But so far, it feels less like they’re actually scum hunting and mostly just…throwing mild sus in every direction. Like when something happens, they lean in to say, “hmm, why is that? Kind of odd.” But I don’t see them prodding the inactives or less actives, I don’t really see them getting behind any specific voting train, they’re just…floating around in this weird neutral space while casting vaguely doubtful vibes over every theory that’s brought up. I hope I’m explaining this well.
Anyways, this hasn’t sat right with me. I’m not sure if it’s just because I’m not super used to q’s playstyle? And the fact that it’s a hybrid account could be a factor in the weird vibes perhaps? I’m not sure. But it is enough for me to side-eye a bit, and also the vote on Jackie last night didn’t scream “town” to me, it was straight up weird and out of nowhere.
Felt less like a town move to me and a lot more like scum just trying to add confusion/possibly distract from Bluwii/possibly trying to build more town cred.
(Also idk what’s going on, XF keeps italicizing everything so if these last few paragraphs are italicized, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that lol.) ]]
Yellow explains their feelings on Q.
Ajia blanched. "I wasn't suspicious because of the jokes. I was suspicious for other reasons, and then the jokes just... made me scared. Because I knew it was going to be that much harder to tell if you were lying.]]
[[The jokes aren't a scumtell, they're a "lol idk" tell. I gave my reasons--the sans train seemed prepared in advance, and set up in a way that was hoping for someone else to make the first move
Voting for Jackie is a thing I guess, but it was a last-minute vote with no reason given and no effort to convince anyone to get on board? Very safe. Also, voting for Jackie was basically choosing to let no-lynch win, which is extremely weird and not like q's usual townplay at all. Usually she's the first one to clang pots over a D1 skip being bad, let alone D2.
The main thing giving me pause is that I didn't sense that Jackie was working with Bluwii, which would mean that q isn't working with Bluwii, in which case, why wouldn't a mafia!q just let the sans vote go through. This is a big flaw, and the main reason I don't feel comfortable voting q anymore.]]
Chibi explains how they feel about Q
[[For what it's worth I'm pretty convinced bruh is town? The way she jumped on Jackie and Yellow's move off sans is not something I can really see as bussing. I think she just legit thought the wagons seemed town/town and voted her conscience i.e. someone else entirely, who had pinged her before. Every non-joke reads very sincere to me. I don't know, if she is scum she is very ballsy and successfully bamboozled me.]]
Free explains how they feel about Q
[[ i think i could potentially be convinced of a yellow wagon today... maybe... i feel like her play is more active and considerably more probing than it was when we wolfed together last game, but maybe she just learned a lot? i'm not sure i can fully wrap my head around your posting about jackie's weird interactions with her power and its AI-ness, i'll need to look at it later. for yellow's sake i kind of hope she didn't roll wolf two times in a row, that would be rough. last game was Stress 100% -q ]]
Q kind of on board with Yellow wagon, maybe.
[[Jackie was extremely tired and sick. The vote situation was a mess. I was very insistent on voting Shini, and Dragonfree was side-eyeing him too. It would have been so, so easy for Jackie to just go "I trust them, listen to them" like Jackie has done every time they were town and also townreading me. One time, they were so tired they tried to convince the GM to let me cast their vote. It would be the easiest thing in the world to just go "sure I trust Chibi" and then whoops! Got a townie killed. It wouldn't have looked bad on them in the slightest. But no. Jackie was so hesitant they got me and Dragonfree to re-evaluate. I don't like it.]]
vote: Fray [Shini]
Chibi votes Fray after explanation of Jackie's possible train of thought.
[[The whole bit about its alignment-indicativeness is kind of besides the point; mostly it's just something in Jackie's posts that makes me huh. The important bit is Jackie claimed twice that Yellow's power that they were targeted with made them confident she was town, yet both times went on to not actually act like they considered Yellow hardtown - first by immediately walking it back after a Sindpost, then after the second time they claimed it with a readlist that merely had Yellow as soft town. To me, it reads like Jackie wanted to assert they had mechanical evidence for Yellow being town, but also didn't want to seem too sure about it. As genuine town who genuinely posts that they're pretty fucking sure Yellow's power is town and that she's provisional hardtown, would they really not post anything about why they're reevaluating that evidence when they go on to walk it back?]]
Free makes speculation about Jackie and Yellow relations.
Has it ever occurred to you that Jackie did all of this to gain town cred and to get me, a townie, to get behind them and rally for them? Because they absolutely convinced me that they were town. And now I realize everything I’ve said looks bad, not because of anything I’ve said or done, but because Jackie was shadowing me from behind all along. So, cool, I guess.
If Jackie and I really were scum buddies (which we aren’t, but I don’t expect anybody to believe me anyway at this point,) then why would I come forward about having targeted Jackie in the first place. Why would I have revealed my entire ability and patron and risk getting stringed (which I did) if I were scum?
And yet nobody is acknowledging the fact that Bluwii hasn’t said or done anything to defend himself. Yet somehow I’m more sus. Lol shucks, wish I knew sooner that I could win the game by just not saying anything!
If Bluwii isn’t scum then he’s at the very least a TP and I’m frankly really irritated that people are just…ignoring such blatantly sus play.]]
Yellow retaliates against sus of her in regards to how she played alongside Jackie.
[[What are the chances Jackie didn't actually get Yellow's power and was bluffing? Jackie never gave any indication of what the power was, how it manifested, etc.
I'm still hung up on the fact that the person who is the one giving out Strings' behavior fits the bill of how Yellow's power is described to work. But, with Strings being a day mechanic, and Jackie being eliminated before today, when we had two strings happen, means that Jackie was not the Stringer and therefore might not have gotten Yellow's power.
The fact that if Shini is not lying about the JOAT powers, there is a deflection power in play. Meaning there's definitely some kind of redirection at play here, and could it be related to the general confusion surrounding Yellow's N1 target?]]
Pano speculates Jackie was bluffing.
[[Part of me doesn't want to address this because it makes me look scum. Part of me wants to because not addressing it makes me look scum. Anyway, I have absolutely no idea why Jackie said my name in the middle of talking about Shini. Based on writing/quoting/pronoun consistency, I'm inclined to believe that they messed up the names, either accidentally or purposefully. AFAIK, I didn't mention anything about the deflector/JOAT skills apart from maybe one post several pages after.]]
@Just a Torchic This was a typo and I already had called them out for it.
[[eh? Can you elaborate on this a little more? I’m mostly confused because yesterday I got the impression that Jackie and Shini were kind of going at each other all day, which is why I was feeling better about Shini today. But you’re right that Jackie was suuuuper hesitant to vote Shini…hmm. I really ought to reread the thread but I am tired and don’t really have it in me right now…]]
Yellow wants elaboration on Jackie theory.
Ajia furrowed her brow. "You've said this a lot. What kind of defense do you want to hear from him? He already explained his role, and his thoughts behind what it means. What else is there? We can either believe it, or not."
She glanced at Dave's Guardian stone. "And after all of that, I really don't think Laura was working with sans."
Chibi wonders what else we need from Bluwii after Yellow calls out nobody is pointing sus at him anymore.
[[At this point I'm inclined to give Blu the benefit of the doubt for being forthcoming about his power (whether it's entirely truthful is another matter), and also posing the possibility of a cult/TP faction in play. I'm still baffled as to why people would suspect him to be a cult leader when he's the first person to suggest that cults even exist in the first place?? I'm not saying this removes him of all suspicion, because let's be real it's a game of Mafia everyone's a least a little sus. At this point, both Bench and Blossom have gotten Blu's vote power, and nothing bad has happened to them yet?? That and a bit of meta but there are other players here who have contributed less mechanical gameplay info and have gotten way less sus because of that? That doesn't sit right with me. Today I want to take a longer look at those who have contributed less (mechanically), like Windskull, Persephone, SparklingEspeon, and Starlight, and maybe a bit at Blossom, q/mew, Sind, Torchic, and Tetra? It's a big game, and those are the folks I'm probably most null on in terms of getting a handle on what they can do and where they stand in terms of alignment. Some of that list I have an idea of which way they lean, but with how many powers are bouncing around at any given time, it's hard to say with any kind of certainty.]]
Pano makes speculation about Bluwii.
Going in to today, I felt pretty okay and ready to at least
softclaim what my role does. However, regarding the recent updates that I've read, from Bluwii claiming cult, to 7 confirmed antitowns, to the speculation that Pano and Bluwii might be in kahoots (granted I have only skimmed and don't really know how deep that goes, bear with me), seeing the bold italicized sentence from them is a little hmmm; might wanna bait more people to come forward. However comma, I still feel okay(ish) to
softclaim, as at this point it COULD be helpful to town going in to the next phases.
[[That's a very good point, actually, and something I didn't even consider when backreading. I suppose scum!JOAT (assuming Shini is being honest about his role) is just a completely foreign concept to me, which is why it's tripping me up. Jackie could've also have just done this for town-cred but scum buddies trying to protect each other is a very possible explanation here, so I'm giving Shini a mild side-eye now. I'm still curious about Yellow though, since her play has been striking me as pretty towny and is coming off as more as a victim of circumstance as opposed to actually Mafia. Also I wouldn't put it past Jackie to consider Yellow's ability to be towny since Yellow is essentially a Motivator with an extra caveat of blocking the player on the night they're targeted.
I'm still overall concerned about Bluwii but Jackie flipping Mafia throws a wrench into things and I want to hear what Wind has to say (since apparently, Wind has a strong feeling that Bluwii is lying about his role and will explain why later--gives me strong "I found the SK in vanilla mafia" vibes.]]
Inke speculation.
[[I'm not entirely sure what to think about Tetra. I can sort of see a world in which the Tetra push was bussing the totally inactive scum in the hope of getting mad towncred out of it; I did notice an RP(?) post Jackie made, I think around when the Tetra train was happening but I didn't check, about how wouldn't it be nice if they just stumbled into eliminating scum. And then once Tetra did actually arrive on the scene they'd walk it back. But I think it's likelier Tetra is just town.]]
Free thoughts on Tetra.
[[Sigh. Fair enough. Fwiw, the fact that Jackie appeared to try to push a vote train on Tetra yesterday after I placed a pressure vote does make me less suspicious of her for now. But I’d still like to hear more from all of these people. Blossom and Torchic seem town leaning…I think? Ugh idk anymore. Need to read through the thread and I really don’t have the energy for it right now.
Unvote: Bluwiikoon]]
Yellow votes Bluwii, more thoughts on Jackie.
[[But neither Bench nor Blossom claimed to receive any boons or benefits, which is the thing that makes me :thonk: the most. From what I've gathered, each ability that affects a player mechanically in some way has a clear tell to it (Dread notification, diamond mark, whatever those Strings are), so I find it odd that this one apparently doesn't. I'll wait on more info to crop up before I harp on this again, however. I think we should make like Chibi and decide who Jackie's scum buddies might be based on how D2 played out.]]
Inke speculation on Bench and Blossom gaining abilities, maybe. Wants to scumhunt.
[[ this does make sense to me, but i don't know if i'm convinced enough of it being the only (or most obvious) explanation to fully commit to it myself. i don't know how to articulate my hangup here. i feel like that discussion was a place jackie didn't want to be in, and they may have just thrown out some read that they felt logically followed from analysis of the night actions in the world that they're town, then walked it back when it wasn't pressing anymore. TMI type stuff; yeah, they wouldn't make those posts if they were genuine town, but we know they weren't. i have a harder time drawing a line from that to w!yellow. i need to look back over this when i'm less sleepy, perhaps, but i feel like carelessness on jackie's part there might adequately explain the situation. even as i say all this i'm intrigued by this wagon, think there could be something here, and want to see where it goes. i may end up moving here depending on how the rest of the day proceeds and what impressions i get from revisiting these posts.
re: yellow's blu push—i'm a bit confused by the urgency here. i feel like blu actually addressed the suspicions on him a lot better than tetra did. (i still find it weird that there was so much squinting at tetra that a simple "oh i was just playing video games" post that i predicted hours in advance was sufficient to dispel.) not that i'm actually suspicious of tetra, mind, but the difference in the way the two are being treated feels potentially agendaed to me. as for why i'm not voting on or suspicious of blu—dragonfree laid it out better than i could, but
i've been thinking since SoD that it just doesn't make a lot of sense for him to be partnered with jackie, and besides that his play since suspicion started landing on him is pretty different from what i'd expect from him if he's actually mafia. -q ]]
Q speculation.
[[I agree, it is odd. I'm still trying to wrap my head around Blu's power not being able to prevent Seren's power's mark when they both seem beneficial to a player? Why would a protective power be formulated specifically to oppose another protective power? Then again, if it's truly a latent negative power, why call attention to the existence of a negative faction that uses stealthy marks in the first place? Or even offer up their power so readily and almost unprompted? I'd agree if Blu isn't town, then TP for sure. I'm not sure how they can be scum at this point.
Pano speculation on Bluwii.
Shini was actually the first to sus Jackie I believe, and continued to mention their sus of Jackie, and their behaviour feels weird for being scum.
unless this was preplanned that Shini could sus Jackie if things go cagey?
But it seems odd overall.
Other than that I still dont have anything to add.
I don't think Yellow is scum. Maybe im wrong ofc.
Tetra speculation on Yellow and Shini
Shimmer was not feeling good about her plays. What kind of leader just sat back and let others do the work for them. Perhaps this was her chance to step up, though. "Okay, listen up everyone! I am an oracle. Each night, Darkwhite allows me to ask her a question about the game's setup. On the first night, I asked how many mafia and hostile third party roles were in the game, combined. Darkwhite told me there was seven, and specified that hostile, in this case, means that they win if town loses."
Wind claims Oracle, states there is 7 anti-town players, including mafia and TP.
Confirmed Town by death flip
Bartholomew (Rotom) [Equitial]
Strong Town
Dave (Mightyena) [Dragonfree]
Mademoiselle (Yveltal) [Inkedust]
Soft Town
Ajia (Delcatty) [Chibi Pika]
Odette Cinq-Mars (Jellicent) [Sinderella]
Kimiko (Snivy) [Seren]
Princess (Skiddo) [bruh moment]
Puck (Quagsure) [HelloYellow17]
Arctozolt (Arctozolt) [Bench]
Cosmo (Linoone) [Flyg0n]
Courtney (Ninetales) [Starlight Aurate]
Nanu (Alolan Meowth) [Blossomleaf]
Tricky (Fennekin) [SparklingEspeon]
Winona (Swellow) [Just a Torchic]
Mild Sus
Fray (Froslass) [ShinjiGojira]
Kekoa (Skitty) [Persephone]
Sidney (Cacturne) [Panoramic_Vacuum]
Major Sus
sans (Slakoth) [Bluwiikoon]
Confirmed Mafia
Laura (Alolan Meowth) [unrepentantAuthor]
Wind readlist.
Ajia shook her head. "That would have been an incredibly dangerous bluff. What if Puck had asked Laura to describe the power, to confirm it? The lie would have fallen through instantly. I think, if Puck is town, then Laura really did receive the power. Of course, if they were both mafia, then the whole thing would have been for show."
Chibi refutes claim Jackie lied about not getting swapped
[[I am really suspicious about Blu being a Cult Leader and Pano being a Cult follower. Something about Pano's vehement defense of Blu is making me suspicious.]]
Torchic sus of Bluwii being cult
"...but at the same time we're in windskull's position where we don't have much else to work with. So with that said...what I can reveal is that I have an investigative role that only works during the night phases. As of right now I investigated most of the inactive players thinking i'd get a good hunch until it resulted in a pointless search of nothing. After I looked into Persephone(she/her): Kekoa / Skitty (CLEAR) Kyeugh and Mewtini(She/her): Princess / Skiddo (CLEAR) Sparkling Espeon(she/her): Tricky / Fennekin (CLEAR)
Blossom seems to claim an info role???
[[ are you claiming cop with town results on persephone, me, and espy? ]]
Q asks for clarification.
[[Got distracted and didn't have as much time to review thread. Going to share as much of my thoughts as I can.]]
Wind elaborates on her readlist.
The snivy nodded as she addressed the gathered. “Sans/Bluwii is not a cult leader. He's an arsonist." She held out her leafy hands in front of her to stop anyone from interrupting. "I know, I know. My guardian fucked this up HARD in a previous game [[second anniversary]], but hear us out, alright? Arsonist!sans would explain why mafia tried to set him up as a red herring, and yet no one came to his defense – he’s not actually mafia, so they had no reason to defend him, and he already had people side-eyeing him, so he was an easy target. Being third party is also why he had no one else coming to his defense either, and yet the linoone did. Most everyone else was already busy questioning his lack of clarity at this point, and it was because of that lack of clarity that he hadn’t made any friends to that point.”
She held up a leafy hand, sticking up a finger. “First of all, what got us started on this line of thinking was that I suspected Puck/ Yellow might have been an arsonist. My role makes it pretty clear that we do have one somewhere, as I'm pretty sure cultist stings are not something I can cure, although... I'll ask about this one later. Puck/Yellow claims to have targeted Laura/Jackie. She also claims to be unblockable, but that her target can (possibly) be swapped/redirected, based on the fact that it wasn’t addressed in her role PM; this tracks with an arsonist. Laura/Jackie later confirms that she was targeted by something. I can see the misplay/misdirection of Puck/Yellow thinking their prime might have been swapped, and for whatever reason, left a visible mark on the person it got swapped to (Ajia/Chibi).”
LOOOOONG post from Seren about their thoughts, observations.
"a certain amount of people have been invited into my special super sans gamer club," he said, winking and grinning. "i've also been able to send out invitations during the night. so, i would like to suggest that y'all play very carefully if you don't want to bring down half the playerbase, if you catch my drift."
"club closes at night, though. so, feel free to shoot me down after hours, if you want to free everybody from the horrors of being in the super sans gamer club." He closed his eyes. "i'm willing to take one for the team. not like i've been much help otherwise, right?"
"full disclosure i'm mostly here because the big guy-" he gestures to an unseen force, somewhere beyond where Darkwhite is hovering. "really needed folks to fill up seats, so to speak. hopefully my presence has been at least a little entertaining. didn't mean to cause so much trouble, but i guess that's how it be sometimes."
BLuwii admits to being a cult leader.
[[If Bluwii is, in fact, a Cult Leader then that means that the players he recruits change alignment to TP. This also includes their wincon.]]
Inke speculates about players the cult leader recruits.
[[And... well... so... was I accidentally correct about her being a Self Deflector? I mean if no one wants to say who they swapped Jackie with (if there is a swapper, of course... which there should be because of me!.. that and because it's a large game), it could be that she was a Self Deflector.]]
Nothing was confirmed about JAckie being swapped, it's just speculation.
[[I second this. Pano has been defending Bluwii every time, even though there is plenty of reason to be suspicious of Bluwii. I'm guessing they're in the same cult, especially with Pano constantly saying, "why would Bluwii bring up cults if he's in a cult?"
Bluwii: how do you know there are cults, if you're not in one? You don't seem to have some sort of inforole that I know of.
I'm also feeling iffy on Persephone, but it's based on bias/previous mafia experience lol. In the First Anniversary mafia, she was trying to jail me because my posts didn't have much content to them, and she turned out to be mafia. I know other players here largely agree, that my posts lack content/coherent thought. I'm trying, and I put effort into my posts; I'm just not a good scumhunter.]]
[[Bolded because I think it's a good point that uA and Bluwii are probably not scumbuddies, but with all the possibility of there being a third party, Bluwii is probably involved in that/some sort of cult faction.
As far as uA defending Shini, it does make me feel more like Shini is scumbuddy with uA. That, and the fact that Shini "lost count" or lied about the number of dread that he got from Free makes me feel more suspicious. His gameplay and wording are overall confusing, but that might just be a certain playstyle.
I'm not sure how I feel about Yellow. She could be town, playing her cards a certain way and made honest mistakes. But since uA never said anything about what Yellow's power actually did, it's hard to know. uA was positive that Yellow's power went through, but Yellow's power was just blocking. How could uA be so sure of a block, unless the recipient of a block is notified? Why didn't uA or Yellow say anything about that if they're on different sides? This makes me feel slightly more suspicious of Yellow.
As far as voting.... I'm still really suspicious of Bluwiikoon. I think a Third Party is as dangerous as scum. So vote: Bluwiikoon.
LOOOONG post from Starlight about their susses, votes Bluwiikoon.
[[I have to wonder. Bluwii says that lynching him will get every member of his cult killed as well but claims that a NK will leave the other players alone, but that begs the question: What if Bluwii is a combination of a Flagbearing Cult Leader (all members die upon elimination) and a regular cult (where a follower becomes the leader and continues where Bluwii left off). This is me just going full galaxy-brain so take this with a grain of salt, but this sort of thing makes me lean towards getting rid of them during the day. Risk I'm willing to take and all that.]]
Inke speculates possible cult mechanics.
And then this random vote thrown at me with no explanation... why? Pressure voting? It's not like I've been inactive. Could this be another random voting power at work? Sind, please do compile some posts of bruh's when you get a chance, since you're so good at that. If she's gonna start tagging me, I might as well start investigating her, too.]]
Hopefully this helps!
@AbraPunk shall be subbing in for @HelloYellow17! They should be treated as the exact same player, mechanically speaking. Thanks for playing, Yellow; take it easy!
Abra subbing for Yellow now.
[[Well, you could just vote me out and see how silly you are.
Like I get that Jackie's defenses on me were sus as hell and I don't really have much to say other than I'm not scum.
You can have Free vote for me so I'll be sealed (I'd be deadweight for both scum and town if you seal me, but at least town will have the number advantage if I'm sealed). I'm perfectly fine being sealed or voted out as long as I get to say 'I told ya so!' on Discord!]]
Shini offers to be sealed by dread.
The slakoth's a liar," Mademoiselle interjected. "He may have made up the part about his ability being the counterpart to yours."
[[I also Do Not buy the whole "I'm a Cult Leader but players don't know they're a part of my cult!" Alignment changes are huge and something the affected player should be able to know about, otherwise I'm wallpapering Namo's house with frowny-faces. Knowledge of this change would also explain some of the weird plays I've seen—like Pano being hyper-defensive of Bluwii or Blossom's absolute refusal to get rid of a hostile TP.]]
Inke skeptical of Sans claim.
I think that Bluwii, Pano, and Blossomleaf are together in some sort of third party. Maybe it started out as Bluwii and Pano; Blossomleaf was then recruited by Bluwii voting for her. If so, that'd make total of 4 scum and 3 third-party (well, 3 scum now). Or 4 scum and 4 third-party, if there's another member who started in the cult and Blossomleaf was a recruit. If Bluwii voting for someone recruits them, then Seren's marking freeing them would make sense (assuming Bench is clear and has not changed alignment).]]
Starlight speculates that Bluwii, Pano, and Blossom are in kahoots.
[[Kinda forgot to do this earlier so here's my vote on Sans.
Vote: Bluwiikoon]]
Shini votes Bluwii.
- The usual way cults work (which is how they’re described on the wiki) is not that a cultist becomes leader if the leader dies, but rather that once the cult leader dies either all the cultists die or the cultists live but can no longer recruit, and their only way to win is just to survive until they form a majority. The version where a cultist becomes leader and continues to recruit exists but the wiki describes it as near-impossible to balance. Namo could have gone for that but especially if there are multiple, I kind of doubt it?
- That said, I wouldn’t be so sure these are entirely standard cults? At least with the stringing, there’s no alignment change - it says whatever it is is not in control yet but will take control if it gets enough people. Hence why I immediately told everyone that it happened. That at least suggests there exists at least one win condition where someone can ‘recruit’ people and try to work towards making them a majority without those players themselves actually working towards that win condition? Presumably those players still count as townies for the purposes of the town win condition?
- This makes me not entirely sure sans is lying about having recruited people who don’t know they’ve been recruited? The stringer’s marks are told something, which does give me pause, but ‘recruitment’ without the target actually changing alignment legit seems to be a thing?
- Given this, sans’s “If you kill me during the day my recruits all die, but if you kill me during the night they live” sure is a piece of WIFOM aaagh]]
Free speculation on Cults.
[[also @Blossomleaf please clarify what you were talking about both with regards to somehow inspecting three people in two nights and believing you’ll die if sans does? Were you actually told this (or anything at all about being recruited besides sans’s public vote) or are you just speculating?]]
Free wants clarification from Blossom
[["For context (and to answer bruh moments question) I want to clarify that I'm not clearing anyone as being town or mafia. Because all my investigations were meant to do were to glean for information from inactive players in hopes of finding something.. . Useful. However the ability to investigate does not tell me anything regarding alignment. So it's why I said I hit nothing the two nights I investigated because it feels like I wasted time targeting ppl for no reason.
Additionally starlight is asking why I don't want 3rd party eliminated and that's furthest from the truth because I do want it gone. But paranoia has me concerned for self-preservation at this point (like why sans / bluwii targeted me with something unknown) . Which is more detrimental than useful to town so I'll let it go. Because that train of though is going nowhere tbh.
And (while I can't quote for shit on mobile) I know that there are some other things seren asked me? But at this point... I don't have enough Intel to work with so I think I'm better off keeping my mouth shut.
But from my understanding: both yellow (now Abra) and Shini are both claiming to be "stringed" correct? Alongside Dave? So we have 3 players who are stringed atm.
[[Speculation with misinformation and assumptions. Because I didnt know how the cult theory /role works. So that's my bad for not knowing] ]
Blossom gives somewhat of an explanation, even after saying she cleared people???? I'm confused lol.
[[Okay let's try to cover some things. @Seren Regarding why I don't believe patron legendaries trigger a string:
Yellow claimed her legend as Dialga already, a full day before she got stringed! Obviously saying a legendary doesn't trigger a string, as Shini also mentioned they were Mew. Way before they got stringed.
Now maybe one's legendary has to be said before they can be stringed, or its all one big coincidence but the facts clearly show that saying your legend doesn't directly trigger a string.
Next, @Blossomleaf that doesn't really clarify because first you basically talked as if you can investigate like 1-2 people a night somehow.
You can't make claims of being to investigate people, clear threee entire people and not explain yourself. We need information if you're town]]
Tetra answers some questions about why she doesn't believe patron reveal and strings go together. Wants explanation from Blossom
[[Alright, I'm here to answer some questions. Still need to read through some stuff, though.]]
[[First off, I never got any notifications about my alignment changing.]]
[[Second, I did not get any notifications that I was hit.]]
Bench answers questions
[[I expect regardless of anything, stringing is a day action someone takes, not something that happens automatically triggered by whatever. So if the player was absent, or wanted to wait for something, they wouldn’t necessarily do it immediately when they’re able to. There may also be limitations on when and how often they can do it.
The fact the three people targeted so far are people who named their patron is pretty interesting - I’m wary of assuming with total confidence that my theory was right given it could be the stringer just wants us to think that’s what it’s about, but I don’t think it should be discounted as irrelevant because it didn’t happen right away.]]
Free speculation on strings.
"That lines up with what happened to us as well." Nanu chimed in agreement.
"Well, with a game this big is it really so hard to accept that there can be multiple investigations per night? Especially if we have more threats at play than mafia. And according to Windskull seven hostile that can potentially win if we're not careful?" Nanu pointed out.
Blossom dodging question.
[[You're still not answering the question. You already outed that you can investigate at night. If you can provide additional information on what precisely you looked for and what you got, you ought to share!
If you have more information you should say it. Given you already said you're an investigator.
What exactly did you try to investigate for?
What exact response did you get?
Namo says in his signup post that wording is very important.
Withholding information after already outing yourself as an investigator is not very helpful to town. Please, if you know something speak up.
And I'm not saying to claim a patron legend or the full extent of your powers but you need to elaborate on the investigation thing you claimed.]]
Tetra wants explanation on role from Blossom
"Hm. Well it's more like at this point I'm putting a target on myself to be taken out possibly in N3 at this point." Nanu replied uncomfortably. "But at the same time if I'm not able to investigate or find town or mafia. Then the answer is already in what I said. Because I'm trying to find one other party in this game. And if Sans is 3rd party then it's clear Chatot botched for voting no elimination. Because at this point it would have been better to have ppl taken out statistically. Then keeping more ppl alive and making night time actions more problematic."
Blossom still giving confusing explanation on her role.
[[ i literally do not understand what blossomleaf is saying at all right now and it kind of feels like cap. ]]
[[ re the bluwii situation:
vote: bluwiikoon
Q votes Bluwii, skeptical of blossom
[[Equitial/Bartholomew's patron legendary is Latias.]]
Bench knew Equi's patron.
[[ @Bluwiikoon
I don't suppose we can persuade you to tell us who is in your gamer club, or to elaborate on your powers more >:} ?
But even though my sus of Q isn't gone, I agree that Bluwii may be our best bet...]]
Tetra pings Bluwii for cult elaboration
I'm... I fucked up. I trusted someone I shouldn't have. Not the first time I've been wrong. Damn sure it won't be the last, either."
"But I'm not some fucking cultist though! I ain't about that shit! I learned my lesson a long time ago." He jabbed a spine the Slakoth's way. "I'm not on that asshole's team. I'm not on any fuckin' kooky sicko's team!"
"I fucked up. But I'm gonna make this right. Somehow. I just don't know how. Yet."
Uh oh from Pano
Anyways, I'm about to head to work but a couple of stray thoughts;
-putting blossomleaf back in my null pile because I... Honestly cannot work out what role she's trying to claim. And it didn't click when I was sleepy last night, but yeah, claiming to have checked three people is kind of odd. Unless her oneshot was an extra inspection but that sounds... Kind of weak?
-nervous about voting sans if it really is going to kill people but also like. Feels like if that were the case they'd at least be aware they're part of a cult you know? Unless the afflicted cult members are just lying. Also leaving him alive and hoping that a vig or the mafia can kill him off just sounds like a bad idea.]]
Wind null of Blossom now, unsure what she's claiming. Nervous about sans vote.
"ok so here's the deal:
- nobody gets notified whether they are part of the club. this has been confirmed with both nanu [[blossomleaf]] and arctozolt [[bench]].
- you can be a part of the super sans gamer club without knowing, because i can send out invitations at night.
- i don't know whether [[seren]]'s power deletes my membership passes or not. alls i know is that necrozma can't join my super sans gamer club. i simply can't recruit them.
- my one-shot let me invite two players into the super sans gamer club. this means that, depending on whether [[seren]]'s power deleted arctozolt [[bench]]'s gamer pass, you are currently risking the lives of 4-5 people by eliminating me during the day. or, 5-6, if i figure out who to vote for today, heh.
Bluwii gives further elaboration on Cult, says people will be eliminated if he's voted.
Unless something else insane happens. More will be at risk the longer bluwii is around
With that done, I turn my attention back to Blossom and await a real explanation.]]
Tetra votes Bluwii, wants more from Blossom.
[[ it feels absolutely wack to me that we must kill bluwii to win but also doing so kills a bunch of probably-townies. for that reason alone i suspect the thing about the members not dying if he’s nk’d may be true. either way this role still feels wacky and i suspect he’s lying somewhere. -q ]]
Q feels some type of way about killing Bluwii if it possibly kills cult followers.
[[in the theoretical worst-case scenario that bluwii is recruiting both during the day and at night he really is up to six, if he's not taken out today or tonight, I think he wins? If he recruits 2 more members without losing any, he'll have 9 including himself]]
Wind does some math about cult recruiting.
[[Bluwii also said himself that if we wait he can try for 5-6 people. We might as well get rid off him :/]]
Tetra makes Bluwii/cult speculation
[[ ok then. 101% chance bluwii gets voted out today, it seems, but that would only be one of our problems gone. There'd still be the actual mafia and possibly another cult leader to deal with. ]]
[[ Vote: Bluwii ]]
Abra votes Bluwii
[[Sorry, Bluwii. But it's been fun!]]
[[Vote: sans]]
Bench votes Bluwii
[[I am rather concerned that Blossom only supposedly acts at night, yet has three checks on folks

But, I also hope Blossom knows I'm proud of them for trying a new thing and doing their best! ^^ Mafia games can be stressful and upsetting at times, since it's all based around social deduction and deception.]]
[[I feel like Jackie is experienced enough at these games to keep a safe distance from anyone who may be a Scum Buddy, so I would analyse people who they may have either voted for or not interacted with in any significant way. Even with the uhhhh mono illness, I judge their skills quite highly! ^^ Love that mf Jackie]]
Bluwii makes some speculation.
Ajia sighed. "Laura can't have been a Self-Deflector--otherwise how would that kill have landed on her last night? Also, what do you mean by 'if there is a swapper, of course... which there should be because of me!'? Bus Driver wasn't listed as one of your Jack powers."
"I agree with Kimiko, and from everything we've learned, I don't see any reason to suspect that Sidney was somehow in the gamer club from the very beginning. It just doesn't make any sense. Especially since we're pretty sure that people keep their powers if sans votes for them."
"I agree with Dave's guardian here. It's plausible that people might not know they got recruited, if they're not actively working toward any sort of agenda or anything. It really could just be sans by himself, trying to get half of us secretly into the club, and then he wins."
"I mean... I wouldn't put it past him to have lied. He wasn't even the first person to mention it, so it was probably easy to just go 'i dunno maybe it'll happen, who knows.'"
[[I waaaaaant to just say that the "people might die if you vote me" is just trolling, but I don't knooowwwww.]]
I want to say that Shini was saying "swapper" in regards to her Self Deflector power among her JOAT abilities but...idk. General Chibi speculation follows.