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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


  1. sableye
[[ Alright, now I have 10 pages of actual content to get to, so... it's gonna be a long night. ]]

[["And second. I'm going to echo yellow's sentiments about how we need other players to start being more active. cause real talk: I get that everyone's been busy for various reasons but I'm a bit frustrated about how much time I've been wasting investigating all the inactive players?

"And now with this recent development. I feel like I'm going to have to take a wayyyy more proactive approach and throw caution into the wind because we have some....minor problems. where amatuer me feels like I'm in over my head? and I'm not sure whether keeping this intel to myself is a good idea or not anymore. Because I'm at the point where I'm at a loss for what to do? and the last thing I want is to be detrimental to town if we still have mafia players and 3rd party active" :((((( "]]

Kimiko stared at the commotion Nanu's stone was causing - quite a lot for a talking rock. "We just took out a mafia, and you're saying we have minor problems...? If you have something to say, I'd say please do so, so long as it isn't going to give away your role or require you to name your patron. Do you have some idea how Laura was taken out?"

[[Alright, so, due to my ability, I became invincible and unblockable. My goal yesterday was to paint as big of a target on my back as possible, so that the mafia would waste their kill on me. That was why I was drawing so much attention to the fact that I had information, to get the mafia to gun for me.]]
[[And given that no innocents died last night, I think it's safe to say that Arctozolt was the one targeted last night, just as I hoped.]]


"Huge props to you guys. That said, I'd like to know just how you know it worked. Invincible is one thing (bulletproof perhaps?) but why mention unblockable? That implies that you actively did something in the night, not just making a big commotion during the day and hoping they'd waste a shot on you. You also implied (admittedly a few posts later after this) that you were not the one to eliminate Laura? Hm.

You know what? It's probably best that you answer this after the game, because I'm inclined to believe you and I don't want you giving anything more away. But damn, do I look forward to hearing just what you did."

Also realized overnight that there’s a small chance Dave could be the one casting dread, allowing him to know about it day 1. Or something. Idk. Anyway I’d still check him if you were cop.
"I mean... Dave flat out said this super early. He also claimed he's a miller, so any cop would read him as guilty regardless of his true alignment. Just means we've been more attentive to his thoughts."

I still stand by my no elimination vote because of how it's now a potential risk to ME if Bluwii is eliminated and he gave me his damn mark that I have jack shit for what it does or spell for Bench and myself if let's say Bluwii dies and now bench and I also suffer for this in return.

"Hey, I stand by my no elimination vote too, honestly. I... also regret not seeing my arsonist!sans theory sooner, I really do. If only I had, I'd have been able to push it yesterday, rather than... well, all I can do now is push it now."

"With that said, I'm not following the rest of this message? Why would it harm you or Arctozolt if sans dies? You wouldn't be affected by his mark unless..." And then her eyes went wide as a disturbing thought struck her. "...Unless you're saying sans really is a cult leader and you've been faction swapped? Is that the 'minor problem' you were alluding to earlier?"

Kimiko looked down, pacing again, her voice low as though speaking to herself. "No, that can't be right... he's an arsonist, not a cult leader... right?"

[[OMG Blossom, please tell me you're not telling me you got faction swapped ]]

[[I am certain it has nothing to do with patrons and from something else, its a day action I think]]

"Clarification please? Why are you so sure? All evidence so far points to patrons, unless you can see some other connection between everyone claiming to have strings?"

[[Bench, a question for you: were you informed if you were actually shot in the night? Like are you notified if someone takes a shot at you and you're protected, a la OSBP when they're informed their protection has been popped?]]

"This is a reasonable middle ground to my question above, I think... are you absolutely certain your plan worked or are you assuming it did based on the fact that no town died last night?"

[[ ? it’s not about your role; if the mafia member with the shooting power dies, it gets transferred to the next surviving wolf. if mafia would shoot twice tonight had jackie lived, i suspect they still will -q ]]

"I'm... not sure I'm following this? Laura/Jackie was the one targeted with Puck/Yellow's supposed half-blocking/half-motivator power. If Jackie was their factional kill, why would the ability to shoot twice have transferred to a different player? Abilities target players, not other abilities."

[[talking about the patron doesn't make sense to me bc that didn't happen, idk it seems more likely that revealing your role get's you stringed? or they can do it to anyone.

"This... what?" Kimiko stared, confused. "What are you talking about? What do you mean it "didn't happen"? That's... exactly what happened. People who named their own patron have gotten strings. Now, admittedly it's not... proof that saying the patron is the trigger, but that's definitely one thing it could be and I'm... really not sure where you're getting this idea that it's not? And also where you get the idea that the trigger is the role? I've discussed my role a dozen times so far and I've got nothing to show for it (in terms of strings). I've yet to personally mention my patron by name. Unless someone gets strings who has not revealed a patron, I don't see reason to discredit it as a possibility. Unless you're the one doing the stringing and trying to coax more people into thinking it's safe to keep doing so?"

Nobody got strings on D2, right? And now on D3 two people got stringed. What if Laura was the stringer??]]

"I'm not sure where you're getting this idea either. Laura/Jackie flipped mafia, not third party. ...........Is mafia recruitment a thing?"

[[Well the thing is Free also revealed their legendary and power and got stringed. Coincidentally the two people who revealed both their legendaries and powers also got stringed. Seren also revealed their role but did NOT mention who their legendary was in a post (instead saying it was already mentioned) and I would actually like to hear if they were stringed @Seren]]

"Replied to this already but just to be clear, this is exactly what I'm getting at. No strings on me, no patron mentioned yet."

[[oh my god all of this is still just getting caught up on the parts I've already seen jfc ]]

[[Thats a fair point, yes, but the timing seems off. I really feel like there's more at play here and it feels dangerous to assume thats definitely the case.

Hecc, I am almost tempted to test it but eh]]

"No one's assuming it's confirmed, I just... think we all agree it's the most likely possibility at this point. I don't think its necessary to test it any further, unless someone who hasn't named their patron gets strung.

[[Part 1 of ?? I still have like 5 pages to go but it looks like conversation is shifting to Shini/Laura so I'm gonna cut this one off here. ]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[Gonna have to catch up on... seven pages, oh my...]]

Which reminds me, those of you with strings, how were you informed? Was in more like "you have strings in your head"? Or was it more like "you're inflicted with X, which is..." ?
[[It says along the lines of 'I feel mental strings attaching onto me like a puppet. They're loose, for now, and I'm in control but if too many players get stringed, its force will become too much and someone will take control and seize victory.']]
Does this string effect have a name, that you know of? Because if anyone can tell me the name of the strings' affliction and it matches the one I can cure, then I can start doing that.
[[It doesn't have a name as far as I know. It only says mental strings and 'someone else'.]]
the jig is up. well, here goes nothing." sans cleared his throat, pensively, before his tone shifted to a lighter one.

"a certain amount of people have been invited into my special super sans gamer club," he said, winking and grinning. "i've also been able to send out invitations during the night. so, i would like to suggest that y'all play very carefully if you don't want to bring down half the playerbase, if you catch my drift."

"club closes at night, though. so, feel free to shoot me down after hours, if you want to free everybody from the horrors of being in the super sans gamer club." He closed his eyes. "i'm willing to take one for the team. not like i've been much help otherwise, right?"
[[Oh dear... does this mean voting him out will kill his marked guys... or can I just shoot him at night to remove him?

Need to reread and catch up some more. So see ya in a bit]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[If Bluwii is, in fact, a Cult Leader then that means that the players he recruits change alignment to TP. This also includes their wincon.]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Maybe Wind can clarify this, but Oracles only get to learn about the initial setup, not any changes made during the game, so she wouldn't hear about the cult recruits.]]


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
"see, the reason i was so sure about multiple cults, is that the string thing sure as hell seems like a cult thing to me," said sans. "and i would know, since i'm the chairman of the super sans gamer club."

[[Oh dear... does this mean voting him out will kill his marked guys... or can I just shoot him at night to remove him?
"nightkilling me should be safe," he replied. "gm made some modifications to the secret club thing, including the fact that having a membership pass won't override your other powers."


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
My role is a blocking power—with the caveat that the next night, the target can use their action twice. Tbh this role kinda sucks because I can block scum, but then they can shoot twice the next night. I can give a townie to use their action twice, but I have to block them first.
[[A roleblocker with a nasty side effect if used on a scum.

[[aight what is going on? Two strings in one day?? Yellow, are you sure Jackie got your power? Maybe the stringer got your power instead and kept quiet?? Though what if mafia *did* have two shots last night but their second shot got redirected onto them instead??]]
[[If that did happen then where's the 2nd death? I don't think Jackie was their killing role since Yellow said it'd block their action if she uses it on someone.

And there was a death on D2... so unless they have 2 killing roles, I think Yellow's power being swapped to the stringer is a more plausible idea.]]

[[ or, wait, when did you target jackie? maybe i’m mixed up. was it last night or n1? ]]
[[N1 since Yellow talked about how she targeted Jackie on D2.]]

[[So, to me, that means your N1 target was swapped off of Jackie, and onto whoever is the Stringer. Strings has to be a day action, we got strings on D1 without a prior night phase. Then there were no strings on D2, which aligns with your blocking power. Then, today, we have two strings in one day, which aligns with your x2 power after a one-day block. So. If we find the swapper, and we find who they swapped you to, Yellow, we find the Stringer, and my guess is a cult leader of some kind.]]
[[And... well... so... was I accidentally correct about her being a Self Deflector? I mean if no one wants to say who they swapped Jackie with (if there is a swapper, of course... which there should be because of me!.. that and because it's a large game), it could be that she was a Self Deflector.]]


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
"A gamer club? That sounds like fun!"

[[Winona, it's a cult.]]

"sans said it's a club, though."
"i mean. i'm still accepting applications, if you want to share your resumé," replied sans, winking. "could always use more gamers."

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
[[I got a little too enthusiastic once and got bandwagoned and killed in the last fifteen minutes.]]
[[Ahahaha I remember that, good times. And thus, sans circus was born.]]
[[My suspicion of Pano ties in a bit with my suspicion of Blu. Their strong defense of him comes off as either a strong defense from a Cult Follower or a strong defense of some other faction follower. Idk, it just comes off as off.]]

[[Persephone's vibe came off as off to me, for some reason. Maybe I was just looking too much into RP stuff, but I don't know.]]
[[I second this. Pano has been defending Bluwii every time, even though there is plenty of reason to be suspicious of Bluwii. I'm guessing they're in the same cult, especially with Pano constantly saying, "why would Bluwii bring up cults if he's in a cult?"

Bluwii: how do you know there are cults, if you're not in one? You don't seem to have some sort of inforole that I know of.

I'm also feeling iffy on Persephone, but it's based on bias/previous mafia experience lol. In the First Anniversary mafia, she was trying to jail me because my posts didn't have much content to them, and she turned out to be mafia. I know other players here largely agree, that my posts lack content/coherent thought. I'm trying, and I put effort into my posts; I'm just not a good scumhunter.]]
All in all, my main takeaways:
- I think it's basically impossible Jackie and Bluwii were scum partners (though this of course does not mean Bluwii couldn't be another anti-town faction). First Jackie led trying to start a bandwagon on him when a lot of people were suspecting him, then hastily walked it back on others' cue, then kept on sort of trying to find permission to vote Bluwii again throughout the day but still didn't actually wind up voting him. That's not bussing behaviour, it's scum hoping to manage to get a train on a townie off the ground.
- Shini defense feels, to me, like it's just a bit more determined than your standard mafia "can we really be sure about this". It doesn't make it a sure thing or anything, Jackie can act, but I was kind of expecting after Inke's post that I'd likewise conclude Jackie's Shini defense was innocuous but after my own reading I've kind of gone the other way?
- Yellow interactions also feel suspect to me. Jackie maintained that the power Yellow targeted them with made them confident she was town, yet didn't actually act from there like they were really confident she was town on a mechanical basis. That's besides me not feeling like the power Yellow has claimed should actually prompt that kind of certainty she must be town in the first place. There was an instance where Yellow expressed suspicion of Jackie because of the swap thing, but nothing really came of it and all in all I think this could easily have been deliberate distancing.

I think I'mmm just going to go ahead and be spicy and vote: HelloYellow17]]
[[Bolded because I think it's a good point that uA and Bluwii are probably not scumbuddies, but with all the possibility of there being a third party, Bluwii is probably involved in that/some sort of cult faction.

As far as uA defending Shini, it does make me feel more like Shini is scumbuddy with uA. That, and the fact that Shini "lost count" or lied about the number of dread that he got from Free makes me feel more suspicious. His gameplay and wording are overall confusing, but that might just be a certain playstyle.

I'm not sure how I feel about Yellow. She could be town, playing her cards a certain way and made honest mistakes. But since uA never said anything about what Yellow's power actually did, it's hard to know. uA was positive that Yellow's power went through, but Yellow's power was just blocking. How could uA be so sure of a block, unless the recipient of a block is notified? Why didn't uA or Yellow say anything about that if they're on different sides? This makes me feel slightly more suspicious of Yellow.

As far as voting.... I'm still really suspicious of Bluwiikoon. I think a Third Party is as dangerous as scum. So vote: Bluwiikoon.
[[The jokes aren't a scumtell, they're a "lol idk" tell. I gave my reasons--the sans train seemed prepared in advance, and set up in a way that was hoping for someone else to make the first move

Voting for Jackie is a thing I guess, but it was a last-minute vote with no reason given and no effort to convince anyone to get on board? Very safe. Also, voting for Jackie was basically choosing to let no-lynch win, which is extremely weird and not like q's usual townplay at all. Usually she's the first one to clang pots over a D1 skip being bad, let alone D2.

The main thing giving me pause is that I didn't sense that Jackie was working with Bluwii, which would mean that q isn't working with Bluwii, in which case, why wouldn't a mafia!q just let the sans vote go through. This is a big flaw, and the main reason I don't feel comfortable voting q anymore.]]
[[This is what's also making me wary about bruh; in First Anniversary mafia, the playstyle was very much going for the lynch and came across as aggressive (to the point where two of us inspected q on N1 and was surprised to get a town result lol). Choosing No Elimination on Day 2 seems... atypical, in my experience.

And yes, I don't think uA and Bluwii were working together. Whether or not uA and q were working together, I can't tell, as they didn't really interact in their posts. q brought up the Bluwii train and uA went for it after quickly backpedaling. I would think that mafia-q might have gone for someone apart from Bluwii because we know Bluwii isn't an inforole and not as much of a threat to mafia as someone who's potentially an inforole is.]]
[[That's a very good point, actually, and something I didn't even consider when backreading. I suppose scum!JOAT (assuming Shini is being honest about his role) is just a completely foreign concept to me, which is why it's tripping me up. Jackie could've also have just done this for town-cred but scum buddies trying to protect each other is a very possible explanation here, so I'm giving Shini a mild side-eye now. I'm still curious about Yellow though, since her play has been striking me as pretty towny and is coming off as more as a victim of circumstance as opposed to actually Mafia. Also I wouldn't put it past Jackie to consider Yellow's ability to be towny since Yellow is essentially a Motivator with an extra caveat of blocking the player on the night they're targeted.

I'm still overall concerned about Bluwii but Jackie flipping Mafia throws a wrench into things and I want to hear what Wind has to say (since apparently, Wind has a strong feeling that Bluwii is lying about his role and will explain why later--gives me strong "I found the SK in vanilla mafia" vibes.]]
[[I don't know Yellow's play well, and I'm still undecided on her. Given this past day's events, I want to say that she's coming across as more towny and that she's been making mistakes (as we all do).

While uA being Mafia is definitely something town wants to focus efforts on, I still don't think it's any reason to be less concerned about Bluwii. It seems like most people agree that there's a third party here, and since Bluwii confirmed that there are multiple factions and cults, I think it's likely that he's a third party member and just as worth paying attention to. For all we know, he (or another third party member) could be the one who took out uA.]]
[[Sigh. Fair enough. Fwiw, the fact that Jackie appeared to try to push a vote train on Tetra yesterday after I placed a pressure vote does make me less suspicious of her for now. But I’d still like to hear more from all of these people. Blossom and Torchic seem town leaning…I think? Ugh idk anymore. Need to read through the thread and I really don’t have the energy for it right now.

Unvote: Bluwiikoon]]
[[I agree about Torchic. Blossomleaf, though, I don't really follow her logic on.]]
[[But neither Bench nor Blossom claimed to receive any boons or benefits, which is the thing that makes me :thonk: the most. From what I've gathered, each ability that affects a player mechanically in some way has a clear tell to it (Dread notification, diamond mark, whatever those Strings are), so I find it odd that this one apparently doesn't. I'll wait on more info to crop up before I harp on this again, however. I think we should make like Chibi and decide who Jackie's scum buddies might be based on how D2 played out.]]
[[I wonder if this goes in with "hidden abilities," that Namo pointed out in the rules? I know he said there are no abilities that the user wouldn't know about fully; for the recipient to not be noted is weird. People with dread or strings are notified; why not the one with Bluwii's vote?]]
[[ fwiw, i do think this is fairly likely, but my focus is and will remain on hunting scum. -q ]]
[[Does hunting scum vs. hunting 3rd party really matter, though? Doesn't the town need to have the majority to live?]]
[[ for me, the biggest mark (heh) against blu so far is that i don't think his power really makes sense as town? that doesn't carry enough weight for a vote, imo, but it is weird. the marks seem probably advantageous to town so far, right? i guess it's hard to call before we know more about them generally, but removing marks seems like something that would help scum more than town, and maybe that's why he didn't just come forward and fully divulge his power... but², at the same time, no one knew wtf marks were at the time. idk. -q ]]
[[This is more why I think Bluwii is a third party; he doesn't seem to have any association with uA. And there's no way for us to check his power, unless someone has a sort of investigative role that can check others' powers. He really doesn't read town to me, and I'm still confused about his whole "marking" power.]]
[[I agree, it is odd. I'm still trying to wrap my head around Blu's power not being able to prevent Seren's power's mark when they both seem beneficial to a player? Why would a protective power be formulated specifically to oppose another protective power? Then again, if it's truly a latent negative power, why call attention to the existence of a negative faction that uses stealthy marks in the first place? Or even offer up their power so readily and almost unprompted? I'd agree if Blu isn't town, then TP for sure. I'm not sure how they can be scum at this point.

I'm actually inclined to keep an eye out on players' reactions to Jackie's elimination. There's no way the scum team could anticipate losing their own member overnight. That would probably throw whatever plan they might have discussed out the window.]]
[[I agree with your points here; I think it's fair that uA and Bluwii don't seem to be in cahoots, and Bluwii doesn't look like a mafia member. But you've been aggressively defending Bluwii throughout the game; you pushed back against yesterday's bandwagon on him without saying a word about the bandwagon on Tetra.

If Bluwii isn't town, it definitely looks like he's third party and is working together with Pano somehow.]]
[[I am really suspicious about Blu being a Cult Leader and Pano being a Cult follower. Something about Pano's vehement defense of Blu is making me suspicious.]]
[[Agree that Pano has been aggressively defending Bluwii.]]
"...but at the same time we're in windskull's position where we don't have much else to work with. So with that said...what I can reveal is that I have an investigative role that only works during the night phases. As of right now I investigated most of the inactive players thinking i'd get a good hunch until it resulted in a pointless search of nothing. After I looked into Persephone(she/her): Kekoa / Skitty (CLEAR) Kyeugh and Mewtini(She/her): Princess / Skiddo (CLEAR) Sparkling Espeon(she/her): Tricky / Fennekin (CLEAR)
[[2 questions:
1. How do you know you weren't blocked/redirected?
2. How have you investigated 3 people in only 2 nights?]]
Which I'm NOT looking to have happen respectfully. so hence why I want bluwii to live? but at the same time if this is the sword I'm going to die on then so be it. because having a mafia bluwii sounds terrible ngl.. so that's about it and that's the info I'm willing to share. cause it's all i got rn.
[[If you're town, why don't you want to eliminate the cult/third party?]]

Finally; I am 100% willing to put sans/Bluwii on the back burner if we agree that someone is very likely scum before end of day. It's pretty obvious that, whatever sans/Bluwii is up to with their power, that I can counter it, so I can keep them in check while we take down other actual scum, who are probably higher priority right now. That said, if we don't have any better options, I'm gunning for sans/Bluwii, and until/unless that changes, my vote will remain on them.

So… that’s it, I guess. Thoughts?
[[I'm happy to take Bluwii down now.]]
"in the interests of saving everyone a large headache," he began, eyes still closed. "-especially considering, uh. whatever the hell happened yesterday. i'm willing to come clean."

"seems the jig is up. well, here goes nothing." sans cleared his throat, pensively, before his tone shifted to a lighter one.

"a certain amount of people have been invited into my special super sans gamer club," he said, winking and grinning. "i've also been able to send out invitations during the night. so, i would like to suggest that y'all play very carefully if you don't want to bring down half the playerbase, if you catch my drift."

"club closes at night, though. so, feel free to shoot me down after hours, if you want to free everybody from the horrors of being in the super sans gamer club." He closed his eyes. "i'm willing to take one for the team. not like i've been much help otherwise, right?"

"full disclosure i'm mostly here because the big guy-" he gestures to an unseen force, somewhere beyond where Darkwhite is hovering. "really needed folks to fill up seats, so to speak. hopefully my presence has been at least a little entertaining. didn't mean to cause so much trouble, but i guess that's how it be sometimes."
[[So you ARE a cult leader trying to recruit other players into your cult. And if you giving "membership passes" to others lets them keep their abilities, are the people you vote for automatically recruited into your third party?]]
[[If Bluwii is, in fact, a Cult Leader then that means that the players he recruits change alignment to TP. This also includes their wincon.]]
[[Okay so can we take him and Pano out now???]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Okay so can we take him and Pano out now???]]
[[I have to wonder. Bluwii says that lynching him will get every member of his cult killed as well but claims that a NK will leave the other players alone, but that begs the question: What if Bluwii is a combination of a Flagbearing Cult Leader (all members die upon elimination) and a regular cult (where a follower becomes the leader and continues where Bluwii left off). This is me just going full galaxy-brain so take this with a grain of salt, but this sort of thing makes me lean towards getting rid of them during the day. Risk I'm willing to take and all that.]]


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
"Well, I don't have much experience with video games. Brawly and Flannery have shown me a few before, and I'm pretty good at some of the racing games."

[[Winona? Wi-NO-na.]]
"a true gamer need not be good at games, but to merely enjoy the act of gaming," said sans, nodding sagely.

"thank you for your application, ma'am. i'll get back to you once an administrative decision is made," he said, offering a handshake to the bird. "as i'm sure you understand, we must consider each applicant carefully."


  1. sableye
-Seren can give people diamonds of light
"Just want to clarify a minor detail here; my marks can take whatever shape I want. I chose to make the second one a diamond for consistency's sake. I feel it's pretty safe to say that if you see one in a different shape, it's probably still mine.

[[I won't go into specifics without Yellow present, but I believe I have decent reason to trust her.]]

"Just wanted to draw attention to this for Arctozolt to clarify later."

in hopes I can be helpful. even if it feels like I'm not at this point :((("]]

Kimiko frowned at Nanu's stone. "For what it's worth, you've been very helpful. Or at least... attempting to be."

[[ Scum or not, you've been quite active and doing very well for your first game, Blossom. I just hope you know that nothing harmful was intentionally directed at you and I hope you can still enjoy the game. It's been fun having you! ]]

there have been inactive players in nearly every single mafia game I have played and it has VERY much had a negative impact on my experience each time.

[[[ I... don't really want to drudge this entire debate up again, however I do agree with this specific poin and I feel like possibly for future games we should impliment some form of discouragement for inactive players? Like being barred from participating in a following game or something? Idk, the specifics could be worked out later, but it's honestly a bit frustrating and I can see where this came from. I don't see how it's that difficult to at least post something like Tetra did, something like a "whoops I got distracted and forgot this even existed" or something.]]

Ajia blinked at everyone. "Why are we immediately going back to sans? We have a lot more information now that we know Laura was mafia!

"I mean, at this point I've written a book on the subject," Kimiko said, sheepishly. "By all means, though, I'm all for looking into other avenues too. We've got time."

[[ Also here's a post I forgot to add to my previous one, while I'm on a reply to Ajia; couldn't resist the RP with my favorite LC character. ]]

Next, she turned to the Snivy, Kimiko. "Thanks for clearing all that stuff up. I'm sorry that we made such a mess of things while you were gone." She bowed her head.
"You had absolutely no reason to be sorry! In a way, I kind of caused that mess myself in my attempt to avoid a different sort of mess. I don't think we need to feel like anyone's at fault here. We're all in this together to figure it out, yeah?"

[[Okay I don't remember where Seren made the diamond post but did he ever explain what it does? Is it possible that the diamond means something was reflected in the night?
"I... you mean, me? No. I've given the details about my role, for the most part. It does have a secondary function, but it's related to the light aspect. I can't redirect anything."

vote: Seren

"....Care to elaborate on this?"

[[Further review....

I trust Shini a lot more.

They were the first to sus Jackie slightly. And they actually picked up something with Seren which feels decently pro town.

Their behaviour lines up closer with newbie trying to do their best, not hiding something. Shini seems on the up and up tbh]]

[[ Agreeing with this, and also reiterating that Fray/Shini was, in general, much less active in the previous game where we were scumbuddies. He seemed quite nervous about performing well secretly, and this is a drastic change in his demeanor if he's scum again this game. I'm not willing to rule it out, either, but I want people to consider the possibility that he's only appearing guilty by association. ]]

I'm pretty stuck on the point drunk me made where I mentioned Q memed to shit and flipped scum in Humble Vale, and their posts seem reminiscent of that

[[ I see q kind of flipped out at this, and while I do get it, I... kind of agree, to a point? q's posts have been largely meming here, and the ones that she has actually attempted to contribute in feel really... what's the word? Not combative, but like... just not really useful?

And then this random vote thrown at me with no explanation... why? Pressure voting? It's not like I've been inactive. Could this be another random voting power at work? Sind, please do compile some posts of bruh's when you get a chance, since you're so good at that. If she's gonna start tagging me, I might as well start investigating her, too.]]

i can count on one hand the number of people in this game who have offered any kind of opinion on me that isn't just "uhhh she joked in the last game and was mafia."
[[Okay, I hope this doesn't come off as mean or aggressive, but I think this could be countered by saying that you haven't really offered much up to this point for anyone to be forming opinions about, and I don't really think it's fair to get angry at people comparing your current play to past experience when you're offering nothing else to go on. Granted, no, it's not alignment indicative, but the fact that you haven't really offered a lot of help to town by this post isn't really helping you look better, either. (Fair point, you may have after this, I'm still three pages behind so idk, but that's the vibe I've gotten from you so far; you're meming and having a good time, but it makes it largely impossible to get a read on you, which honestly makes me sus you a bit because I have nothing else to go on, and I'd think a townie would want to actually appear townie. You can still meme and do that.) The fact that others see this and also have a previous game with you as a reference point is fair game for an opinion to be based on, I think. Hell, I do that all the time, it's where basically all my feelings about Chibi and Free come from. ]]

Yellow interactions also feel suspect to me. Jackie maintained that the power Yellow targeted them with made them confident she was town, yet didn't actually act from there like they were really confident she was town on a mechanical basis. That's besides me not feeling like the power Yellow has claimed should actually prompt that kind of certainty she must be town in the first place.

"Seconding Dave's guardian on this. I... don't know if it's me looking too hard for a reason to be going after Puck/Yellow after they basically forced me to claim my role and the subsequent delay that caused us, though, so I'm hesitant to actually change my vote based off this alone."

They’ve been very active this game! But so far, it feels less like they’re actually scum hunting and mostly just…throwing mild sus in every direction. Like when something happens, they lean in to say, “hmm, why is that? Kind of odd.” But I don’t see them prodding the inactives or less actives, I don’t really see them getting behind any specific voting train, they’re just…floating around in this weird neutral space while casting vaguely doubtful vibes over every theory that’s brought up. I hope I’m explaining this well.

Anyways, this hasn’t sat right with me. I’m not sure if it’s just because I’m not super used to q’s playstyle? And the fact that it’s a hybrid account could be a factor in the weird vibes perhaps? I’m not sure. But it is enough for me to side-eye a bit, and also the vote on Jackie last night didn’t scream “town” to me, it was straight up weird and out of nowhere.
Ajia blanched. "I wasn't suspicious because of the jokes. I was suspicious for other reasons, and then the jokes just... made me scared. Because I knew it was going to be that much harder to tell if you were lying.]]

[[The jokes aren't a scumtell, they're a "lol idk" tell.

"Yes, this sums up my thoughts on them pretty well, actually! They're at best 'null' in the most 'null' way possible. It's basically impossible to get a solid read on what they're trying to do. Frankly, I feel like their random vote on me today lines up with this, too; voting Jackie yesterday didn't scream town, so... why would voting for me? I don't know how much more town I can "

[[Jackie was extremely tired and sick. The vote situation was a mess. I was very insistent on voting Shini, and Dragonfree was side-eyeing him too. It would have been so, so easy for Jackie to just go "I trust them, listen to them" like Jackie has done every time they were town and also townreading me. One time, they were so tired they tried to convince the GM to let me cast their vote. It would be the easiest thing in the world to just go "sure I trust Chibi" and then whoops! Got a townie killed. It wouldn't have looked bad on them in the slightest. But no. Jackie was so hesitant they got me and Dragonfree to re-evaluate. I don't like it.]]

"This... does make me question Fray/Shini more than anything else so far, actually. ]]

If Bluwii isn’t scum then he’s at the very least a TP and I’m frankly really irritated that people are just…ignoring such blatantly sus play.]]
"I certainly wasn't! I'm sorry I wasn't able to prove it sooner, but I hope the essay I left on the subject is good enough to show that I'd had it in the works for long before you said this."

[[I’m not in a good headspace for this. I’m really sorry for getting snippy. I don’t have the energy to read through the thread and I can’t promise that I will before EOD. All I can say is that I am town, and it looks like Jackie was shadowing behind me to use me as a scapegoat of sorts. Though tbh if y’all want to lynch me I probably wouldn’t complain at this point, because so far all I’ve done is make an idiot out of myself and piss people off in this game. So yeah. I’m very tired and very drained and feeling extremely useless. Don’t have it in me to craft an elaborate defense post. Vote for me if you want I guess.]]
[[I hate that I'm feeling sympathetic for this, but this honestly does kind of make me less sus of Yellow. It reminds me of Abra in second anni, who we voted out because they felt similarly, and they did end up being town. But then, Yellow knows this too and I didn't play the game she was scum in so I can't really compare so aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa]]

One is to see if I get stringed from my role, as opposed to my patron.
[[This legit is starting to remind me of Inke mafia where people wouldn't shut up about a third party when there wasn't one. Seriously, there is 0 evidence that it is tied to roles rather than patrons, can we please stop with this? (Sorry Wind, this is nothing personal directed at you, just... am really tired of this same thing being dragged out of the mud when there is literally no evidence to support it. I've already proven it's not role related a dozen times, unless they've simply chosen not to string me for some reason. ) ]]

Darkwhite told me there was seven, and specified that hostile, in this case, means that they win if town loses."

"Okay, I can believe this in a game this size. Five mafia, one cult leader, one arsonist. Cult leader can recruit others, arsonist doesn't need anyone else. That tracks. Which means we're down to six threats so far.

[[I am really suspicious about Blu being a Cult Leader and Pano being a Cult follower. Something about Pano's vehement defense of Blu is making me suspicious.]]
"Who said anything about a cult follower? So far the working theory is that strings are the work of the cultist, and Sidney/Pano doesn't have those. Nor has sans/Bluwii voted for them for their power. So I'm not sure what you're implying here other than that Sidney/Pano may have been part of the cult from the beginning? When would sans/Bluwii have had time to recruit him?"

After I looked into Persephone(she/her): Kekoa / Skitty (CLEAR) Kyeugh and Mewtini(She/her): Princess / Skiddo (CLEAR) Sparkling Espeon(she/her): Tricky / Fennekin (CLEAR)
"You... you've looked into three players in two night phases? That's.... questionable. And what does "clear" mean? That they're town? Just what are you inspecting for...? Looking for marks?"

[[I must inform you that Cult Leaders are an alignment changing role, any follower loses their current alignment and becomes a hostile TP. Wanting the followers to live is a very bad idea.]]
[[ @Blossomleaf going to reiterate... are you implying that your faction alignment has changed already? ]]

"If we're going off the rulebook, then cultists are also supposed to lose their old powers." She gave Nanu's guardian stone a pointed look. "Wouldn't you have noticed if that had happened?"
"What if it works like an arsonist? He has to string multiple people first, and then trigger them all at once to boost the cult's numbers? That sounds like it makes more sense to me than just recruiting people one night at a time."

[[Catch-up post 2/3, last one is purely cleanup for everything I've missed tonight since my first post. Only one page to go through, yay!]]


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
[[All I know about cult leaders comes from the wiki,]]

“Lucky bastard.”

[[Thanks. It seems like killing the cult leader early is really important? Like, “if not done by night two they win” important. I guess what I’m saying is,

I…worked on this story for a year….and….he just…he tweeted it out.]]


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
"i would suggest that folks consider healing people with the strings on them, if it can be healed. also, doing everything you can to figure out who's giving people the silly string," said sans. "see, if the super sans gamer club can't win the game, i certainly don't want the weird creepy strings club to win instead. that's in everyone's best interests, i'd think."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Riiiing, riiiiing...

"Eh?" Darkwhite floated upward. "What? The hell do you mean? Now? The game already started! ...I dunno, who knows how much longer?! ...Oh, give me a--" Darkwhite grunted, then snapped her fingers and pointed at Puck. "You. Get outta here. Someone needs you for something else. Yeah, yeah, whatever, you get a free pass. I have someone buried in the sand somewhere to sub in for the game anyway."

She then dug through the dirt as Puck walked through the desert, disappearing through the aether. "Where did I put that one... hmm, hmm... Oh! There we go."

She plucked someone out of the ground and stuck Puck's card that he'd left behind in the mound of sand as the newcomer revealed themselves. Along with it were the notes that Puck and his guardian had made.


@AbraPunk shall be subbing in for @HelloYellow17! They should be treated as the exact same player, mechanically speaking. Thanks for playing, Yellow; take it easy!



  1. sableye
[[It doesn't have a name as far as I know. It only says mental strings and 'someone else'.]]
"Hm... okay, thanks for clarifying. That's... odd, because then it's not the thing I can cure, which definitely has a name. Which means there's something else going on here." Fuck, this was bad...

[[Okay, it seems sans/Bluwii just admitted to being the cult leader? So.. have any faction swaps actually happened yet? Who's actually affected, Bench and Blossom, or everyone with strings? What the fuuuuuuuuuck???

I'm legit confused now. It's still not adding up to me. I can specifically cure a mark that has a specific name, but it's unrelated to the strings. We speculate this is whatever Bluwii can do, 1) because whatever he can do is canceled out by my protection, and 2) the strings don't appear to have a status name, so I don't think it's the ailment I have power over. Which means that, if Bluwii recruits by voting, then my mark has freed Bench? Because I put the mark on him the same night the recruitment was supposed to happen? So the only person we'd lose by taking down Bluwii with a vote is Blossom.

Or does the faction change happen immediately? The wiki says it happens during a night phase. So could we lose Bench? Is it pointless for me to target Blossom tonight and cleanse her?

I think I'm having an existential crisis over having spent 9 hours on my arsonist!sans theory only for it to have been turned upside down an hour after it was posted.

aaaaaa guys help plz



  1. sableye
[[Do we actually have two cults here? Really? Really??? ]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Hmm. The fact that folks are so open about getting Stringed makes me think that those aren't alignment changing (also the bit of flavour Shini shared):
[[It says along the lines of 'I feel mental strings attaching onto me like a puppet. They're loose, for now, and I'm in control but if too many players get stringed, its force will become too much and someone will take control and seize victory.']]
Unlike Bluwii's cult who have been very tight-lipped about getting an "invite". The Strings are concerning, but getting rid of Bluwii is the bigger priority for the time being.


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
"i've been sending out invites at night, too," said sans. "you may be a part of the super sans gamer club without realising it."


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
"Aight. I'm really gonna have to ask you guys why we're voting for the Slakoth right out of the gate? He didn't kill anyone last night, and even if he did, he got one of the scum!"
[[What the heck are you talking about? We don't even know if Sans could kill people, how are you sure it'd be him instead of someone else?

And with the new info from the skeleton himself, this just seems a bit weird.]]

[[From what I remember, Jackie was the one to suggest the Doctor heal Shini so Shini could use the protect ability on someone else, which is highly suspicious given that Jackie was Mafia.]]
[[Was she? Wasn't Seren the one that'd talked about how abusable my power was? Or am I going crazy?]]
[[Between Jackie and Shini devising the plan to use the Doctor's protection on Shini, Shini lying about Dread count, and the bandwagoning scandal of '77, I'm very skeptical.]]
[[Devising the Doctor's protection on me? Last I remember, I barely said anything about that. Heck, I barely talked to Jackie except for maybe that flimsy reasoning of her being a Self Deflector, me apologising to her and some clarification.

If we're going by this logic, Seren would be the one that's sus since they're the one that tried to devise a plan to abuse my regen ability. (Uh, not that I think you're sus, Seren. I'm just using you as an example.)]]
[[Now that things have died down a bit, should I reveal what my ability is?]]
[[No, no you shouldn't. No need to give Mafia more info to work with.]]

[[ like i'm trying not to harp on this too much because i know it's not pleasant but i am not sure how to make it clear that a) it is extremely annoying for me, someone who likes to joke around and have a good time, to have to suddenly treat making jokes like it's somehow game relevant just because some people collectively decided it is, and b) that this is not a read. i can count on one hand the number of people in this game who have offered any kind of opinion on me that isn't just "uhhh she joked in the last game and was mafia." the suggestion that that's alignment-indicative in any way is ridiculous and it's really grating on me having to read like five different people leveling this at me all the time like it means anything and then just kind of nodding about it like they've highlighted something wise. please just interact with me like a normal player and stop bringing up this weird useless point. that's all i'll say about it for the rest of the game, but if anyone continues pressing that line of argument against me i'm just straight up scumreading you at this point. that's not playing the game, it's low-hanging fruit. -q ]]
[[I mean, I've been loving the memeness from both of you and aside from putting your meme posts into the 'Eh, maybe they're scum, maybe they're not?' folder, I really enjoyed the things you've been posting even if they've not been super useful.]]

[[Jackie was extremely tired and sick. The vote situation was a mess. I was very insistent on voting Shini, and Dragonfree was side-eyeing him too. It would have been so, so easy for Jackie to just go "I trust them, listen to them" like Jackie has done every time they were town and also townreading me. One time, they were so tired they tried to convince the GM to let me cast their vote. It would be the easiest thing in the world to just go "sure I trust Chibi" and then whoops! Got a townie killed. It wouldn't have looked bad on them in the slightest. But no. Jackie was so hesitant they got me and Dragonfree to re-evaluate. I don't like it.]]
[[Well, you could just vote me out and see how silly you are.

Like I get that Jackie's defenses on me were sus as hell and I don't really have much to say other than I'm not scum.

You can have Free vote for me so I'll be sealed (I'd be deadweight for both scum and town if you seal me, but at least town will have the number advantage if I'm sealed). I'm perfectly fine being sealed or voted out as long as I get to say 'I told ya so!' on Discord!]]
I asked how many mafia and hostile third party roles were in the game, combined. Darkwhite told me there was seven, and specified that hostile, in this case, means that they win if town loses."
[[So, if we're not counting the possible alignment swaps, that'd be 6 hostiles left.]]


  1. sableye
[[Was she? Wasn't Seren the one that'd talked about how abusable my power was? Or am I going crazy?]]

"Yeah, we were, but we weren't the only ones."
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