A cat that writes stories.
[[00:23am. Too riredn. No closer fo seeing a clear vite. Gonna crashm sorry.]]
[[There was quite a lot of discussion about how it was inadvisable to target me, and what I said about alignment reads was that any inforole that's not an alignment read would work.[[Well, yes. It wasn't relevant at the start of the day and I thought Free's dread thing only works on Inforole since I remember her saying that only alignment reads would increase the dread.
You could imagine the panic I was in when I saw I had 3 dread.]]
[[I have three. Yes, I lied but I didn't want people to know I've done something to you, of course with how this day's gone, everyone already knows I've done something to you.
Why did I heal you? Honestly, I've no clue, it just came to my mind suddenly when I was reading through the sign-ups and rereading D1. I quite literally tossed a die and let it pick between Free, Chibi and Equital. (AKA the ones that I saw as most-likely-to-be town)
So... yeah, sorry about the lies. I probably should've put some vague or subtle hints in my posts but hindsight is 20/20.]]
[[No, Miller makes any inforole that checks her will read her as 'Scum' even if she's not. It's her legendary that puts the dread count on people.]]
[[Yes, I understand the Miller affecting inforole thing and Dread being a seperated thing. But this post here–There was quite a lot of discussion about how it was inadvisable to target me, and what I said about alignment reads was that any inforole that's not an alignment read would work.
It's entirely possible to misremember/misunderstand, of course, but also in this post from day one, after that, you do seem to understand that it's the miller part that affects inforoles and the dread thing is separate...? Am I grasping at straws here?]]
–Confused me when you said anything that's not an alignment reading would work on you. It sounded like you're trying to say anything that's not an inforole wouldn't be dreaded.]]"Okay, confirmation that other investigative roles, anything that's not an alignment reading, should work fine on me. So please try that to your heart's content." He paused. "What? The fuck are you talking about? What fucking strings?"
"...It looks like the current vote is tied between ShiniGojira / Fray and Sans / Bluwii. And since my Chatot is like falling asleep at the computer screen...I guess right now I'd like to hear from the others about what they thoughts are about the vote? Since we only have 3 hours left until the extending deadline is over?"[[
Twilight checkin 1:
Current players: 19
No Elimination (0)
Cosmo (0)
sans (3) (first to tie)
Courtney (Ninetales) [Starlight Aurate]
Winona (Swellow) [Just a Torchic]
Mademoiselle (Yveltal) [Inkedust]
Nanu (1)
sans (Slakoth) [Bluwiikoon]
Fray (3)
Ajia (Delcatty) [Chibi Pika]
Dave (Mightyena) [Dragonfree]
Shimmer (Kirlia) [Windskull]
Abstain (12)
Cosmo (Linoone) [Flyg0n]
Fray (Froslass) [ShinjiGojira]
Kekoa (Skitty) [Persephone]
Nanu (Alolan Meowth) [Blossomleaf]
Odette Cinq-Mars (Jellicent) [Sinderella]
Princess (Skiddo) [bruh moment]
Tricky (Fennekin) [SparklingEspeon]
Laura (Alolan Meowth) [unrepentantAuthor]
Arctozolt (Arctozolt) [Bench]
Sidney (Cacturne) [Panoramic_Vacuum]
Kimiko (Snivy) [Seren]
Puck (Quagsure) [HelloYellow17]
"...Right. Well looking over the current vote tally so far..." Nanu scrolled through the voting post:
"...It looks like the current vote is tied between ShiniGojira / Fray and Sans / Bluwii. And since my Chatot is like falling asleep at the computer screen...I guess right now I'd like to hear from the others about what they thoughts are about the vote? Since we only have 3 hours left until the extending deadline is over?"
"...Yeah. I see we have the same line of thought regarding how this whole 'cult and marking business" has turned into a number's game at this point." Nanu contemplated thoughtfully. "And the fact that we're still scrambling to vote even with the extension is...troublesome. Since I know on my end my Chatot is aggravated over how exhausted she is. After she's been trying to get her brain back online long enough to cast in our vote this time cause well..."View attachment 2297"Shit, man, I just don't know what to do. I don't like that the Froslass lied. I don't like the way the Slakoth and the Snivy are both protectors but are related to each other in some way. And I don't like all the confusion around the Quagsire's power. It still feels unresolved to me, we don't know what it does! What's a power related to time? I can't think of anything that fits the bill."
Sidney held up the tattered remains of his rulebook to emphasize the point.
"I believe Dave, he's been the most honest one of the bunch. And the Delcatty, probably. They've been working hard to keep everyone in line. Same with the Yveltal."
View attachment 2298"The rest, though? Fuck, I dunno. We gotta pick someone. Maybe if the Linoone doesn't want to be here, we can just... Help them leave? They said they're town, but if there's cults goin' around marking people, I'd they're not helping with their power, the Linoone is just a liability. Same with the Fennekin. I hate picking on those who aren't here but if cults are a thing, which I think they are, it's a numbers game now. Numbers and time."
"Unless someone has a better idea?"
[[I don't know. I'm pretty tired and my head hurts. I still don't reeeeally like offing Bluwii now when his claim seems to check out and would be useful if we've got cults going on as we seem to, he's barely been around to talk about it since, and he's almost definitely going to be asleep for the whole extension given he's UK-based. I'm seeing a lot of circumstantial things that make me continue to side-eye Shini but also I can believe it's just townie making questionable choices and misunderstanding things I guess? I've been rereading back through Pano's posts, which make me feel better about Sidney, but that's not helping much.
Uuugh. I don't know. Really Jackie is the person who's been actually pinging me most, but they've been very sick so some amount of erraticness is understandable, and I haven't done that reread and don't really have the energy to and would feel really bad about throwing that vote on now when they are also in bed and not going to be around and also my vote inflicts status. Other most inclined vote would be Persephone who is also not around. I would just stick with Shini but my particular vote would be weightier than I would like there since he supposedly has three Dread already if town. If I'm just tunneling I don't want to oops perma-disable a townie because of it.
Vote: Abstain]]
[[It's pure speculation, based along the theory of third-party cultist and how he can protect someone by voting for them.]][[Wait, do you have an actual reason to believe that?]
:([[I am so tired my eyes hurt. I need to sleep, I cannot decide who to vote for. If someone makes a convincing argument for/against Cult Leader Bluwii I'll at least be able to make a decision about whether he's a sensible vote. I don't like the Tetra wagon anymore, I legit believe she was swallowed by L'Arceus. And I never liked the Shini wagon. I'll keep checking in but I'm gonna go get ready for bed. I already posted like a million tmes more than I intended to today, and it made me very rude to my hosts who were trying to spend time with me. 🙃 ]]
[[Yep, that's just a theory I have, considering the voting powers happening in this game. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for voting Bluwii out. It's just that, considering vote powers are at play (if Bluwii is honest about his vote power), I'm scared of what voting for him could do if he's not taken out.]][[ah, my bad, it was Starlight who said this:]]
[[If I read the rules correctly, tie votes will eliminate whoever reached the highest number first. So, in this case, Bluwii would go out. Is that correct, @Namohysip ?]]Also there's a tie, and part of me wants/needs to break that tie.
[[If I read the rules correctly, tie votes will eliminate whoever reached the highest number first. So, in this case, Bluwii would go out. Is that correct, @Namohysip ?]]
Tetra, continuing where sind's last summar
"Woah! Hold the phone pal, I don't think anyone here is giving the Linoone Cosmo (tetra) a pass for their inactivity. Especially when I agree voting off Sans / Bluwii is a bad idea. But what reason do you have for trying to lynch ShiniGojira, Sidney? If we know the kid is good and he revealed how his power is beneficial to town." Nanu challenged Sidney warily.View attachment 2300"Fuck! Fuck this! I don't want to vote off the Slakoth. You all are giving the Linoone a pass because they're distracted, but not the Slakoth? That's bullshit! The Slakoth might be helpful with his supposed protection powers, but what does the Linoone do? We don't know!"
"I'm voting the Froslass, but fuck! Dave took back his vote. What the fuck, man? We can't abstain today. If we lose the Froslass we all least know what we're losing. Maybe it's a stupid idea but fuck I got nothing else."
Vote: ShiniGojira
"Woah! Hold the phone pal, I don't think anyone here is giving the Linoone Cosmo (tetra) a pass for their inactivity. Especially when I agree voting off Sans / Bluwii is a bad idea. But what reason do you have for trying to lynch ShiniGojira, Sidney? If we know the kid is good and he revealed how his power is beneficial to town." Nanu challenged Sidney warily.
Especially when he didn't like how rash or quick Sidney was to break the tie and vote Gojira out to ensure his demise by EoD.
[[Alrighty then. My Legendary's Mew with the ability Synchronize and the one-shot move Metronome.The vote might be swinging your way but in the spirit of fairness can you elaborate on your legendary and other powers?]]