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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
[[Gonna try to throw thoughts from today here. It's getting late at night for me and I am very scatterbrained and keep forgetting stuff I want to write down lolllll]]

"Who are you?" Courtney exhaled, her eyes bulging and tails swishing.

[[It's like I said, I'm not trying to hurt you! I'm on your side and I'm trying to help you survive!]]

Courtney's eyes narrowed. "You turned me into a Pokemon, put me in a world with 19--now 18--other people as confused as I am, and stranded me in a carnival full of ghosts. You KNOW how much I hate ghosts!"

[[Yes, I did. I thought you'd enjoy Mafia. You love chaos and deception, and you're really good at it!]]

She smiled. "That, I am!"

[[And I did NOT strand you in a carnival of ghosts. SHE--(Darkwhite)--and the guy in charge of all this did!]]

"Would that have changed your decision on whether or not to put me here?"

[[... Well, at least I made you a Ninetales, right?]]

Courtney looked at Sans and Odette. "I won't argue with that."

[[So if we stop arguing about how evil each other is, let's try to work through this together!]]

[[Anyway, looks like most people here agree that Bluwii's power is unrelated to Chibi's diamond. Especially, as uA mentioned, in a game with a large amount of power roles in play, something is bound to happen.]]

[[Yeah so. I don’t want to say too much but I’m pretty sure Bluwii’s power is not involved with Chibi’s condition. I can elaborate if needed, but just know I have good reason to believe this.]]
[[I know I just agreed, but I am a bit curious as to what your elaboration in this is.]]

Only one elimination last night? In a group of almost twenty? My guardian's makin' a lot of noise about this. They're nervous about some kind of mass elimination event or ability? With at least three people claiming to be able to give some kind of ability or effect to others, not to mention the whole Strings thing... Like, I know we shouldn't panic, but... should we be more nervous about these kinds of things?"
"As disappointed as I am about only one person dying, too... Why are you so concerned if you're one of those heroic, Pokemon League members? Shouldn't you be happy about fewer lives being lost, even if it's people who deserve to be killed?"

[[Ignore Courtney's bitterness. I just want to hop on board that it looks like Pano expected multiple people to be taken out at night. This could be an innocent concern, considering how many players are in this game and the amount of power roles involved. I DO, however, think this further hints at a third (or more) party in play, as well as multiple roles that can kill players. At the very least, we know there aren't any actions that only work on odd/even numbered nights, so I *hope* we don't have much further to fear tonight.]]

"I'll be honest... I was surprised, too. And my guardian..."--Ajia cast an uncertain glance at the stone--"my guardian was very convinced that this game would have multiple deaths per night. I don't know if we got lucky last night, or..." She trailed off.
"Oh, you're surprised, too? I'm curious as to why you all think multiple people would pass away each night. Not that I'm complaining--but I want to know the reasoning behind the claims."

[[I'm starting to think that the strings might be a third party, similar to an arsonist but an arsonist who can act in the day. Is that the technical term? Oh well. Either way, I'm expecting Strings to attach to players randomly with no connection to their Legendaries.]]
[[I have reasons to believe this, too, for a few reasons I already mentioned. I *think* it's safe to discuss legendaries as far as strings are concerned. It just depends how much info you're willing to give out.]]

Ajia shook her head. "Guys, I really don't think we should be thinking of the strings as being similar to an arsonist, because from Dave's description, it sounds way closer to a cult leader. Their goal seems to be taking control of people, not eliminating them."
"Who's to say you can commit arson AND be in a cult?" Courtney said with a dry chuckle.

[[I agree with Chibi here--and I think this further points to the presence of a third party. I wonder: are all players with strings attached notified? Could it be possible for strings to be attached unknowingly, the way some other abilities are passed on unknowingly?]]

going to bed in a minute, but i want to say while i’m thinking about it: i think role madness requires kind of a different approach from vanilla-ish mafia, and my play this game is going to reflect that. in vanilla mafia you shut up about what happened at night 90% of the time and try to sus out the sussy bakas based on posts made in the day. in a role madness game, though, what happens at night is much more important. imo, town’s best tool for rooting out scum is figuring out the events of the night and tracing discrepancies, and i think a high thread information state favors town. that’s not to say everyone should claim right away (although i feel like i read somewhere that that’s technically optimal? seems really boring though), but it does mean that i think the usual impulse to hold one’s cards close to their chest has less utility in s setup like this.
[[Interesting that you think giving out more information is beneficial, whereas Chibi thinks that keeping information hidden to maximize the amount of uncertainty is beneficial. I lean more towards Chibi's playstyle. While I agree that giving out information is helpful--and the main way the town can advance--I still think there are reasons to keep quiet, especially for stronger roles like watchers and doctors.]]

[[I haven't played a mafia game in a while. I notice that bruh/q's playstyle seems a bit combative, but iirc, that was also shown back in the First Anniversary Mafia.]]

"Like a few others, I was very much *also* expecting more than one loss last night, though I also missed mafia not having a day chat. Anyway I have some mild concern that these strings are more worrysome than we thought. Imagine: someone taking control of Dave, a player we know is able to inflict some damage on other players, intentionally or not (he did specify he couldn't choose not to use his ability and hand out dread... if someone gains control of him, they could stack dread on someone else very quickly.) I also suspect there's more of these types of effects in play; Whether or not they belong to a third party (or multiple third parties) or not, remains to be seen.
[[My opinions on this align with Chibi's; I think the strings definitely point to a third party that probably function like a cult trying to recruit players and win by gaining others through control, as opposed to the mafia winning by eliminating other parties.]]
"My point is, though... I suspect we only saw one death because the likelihood of multiple kills in the night will go up the longer we let this continue."
[[Interesting! I hadn't thought of that, but it makes sense, especially with functions like the dread counter.]]

"Oh, that'll be so much fun!"

[[Courtney, more kills are NOT good!]]

"Then why did you create a world where ancient artifacts are powered by the souls of sacrificed prisoners?!"

[[ Just putting another reminder out there for anyone unfamiliar with me that I am often inactive/late due to working 40 hours a week, and end of day happens at 2 in the afternoon. I can only really post either on my days off (normally Sunday/Wednesday), or very late after I get home/before bed while only being able to skim the thread rather than read every single post in detail.

This naturally leads to me only being able to quote/agree with people who have had 15 hours between me going to bed and and then getting home from work the next day to post all the points I was going to make, if any. I try to remedy my lateness by offering my thoughts on anything I was going to say ANYWAY, just to emphasize that yes, I am late and people have already said the things I was going to say, but I am doing my best here. ]]
[[And you're doing a lovely job! Grateful to have input from you, especially as busy as you are!]]
[[Also took no actions last night. Not sure if I should roleclaim yet. Would write more, but I need to sleep.]]

Courtney gazed at the phantasms passing through the various carnival stalls. "Well, we've got a lot to think on. The buildup of Dread, the strings and potential cult powers, Bluwii's power that he keeps quiet about, Chibi's mark, and the presence of a swapper." She exhaled deeply, a few stray embers floating through the air. She turned to Sans. "We all know you're hiding some information. What, exactly, is that ability you passed on to that--" she gestured to Arctozolt--"one? Your only action so far has been to deny any involvement with Ajia's diamond, which we pretty much figured out ourselves." The scarlet faded from Courtney's eyes as they glowed with a ghastly blue hue. "Want to share information? Or should I force it out of you? I've done it quite a lot with Team Magma's prisoners. People always try to resist, but I get what I want, eventually."

[[Courtney, you can't torture the other players! You need them!]]

She huffed a few flames, and her eyes turned red once more. "Fine," she spat as she sauntered towards the stalls. "I'll find other ways to entertain myself, then."

[[So we know there's a swapper in play; some people think it's most likely a mafia member, though TR has hosted bus drivers in mafia and innocent factions in the past. I wonder if someone was swapped last night? Either way, Yellow giving this bit of information makes me think she's most likely innocent {just look at that Quag!). I think maybe Chibi's diamond mark is related to Dialga, and Chibi has some sort of time-affected status. Pure speculation, but thought I'd bring it up. But as Free said, we should focus more on the things we know for sure.]]

[[We can basically test that theory, though - both Torchic and Sinderella mentioned Cresselia yesterday. Did either of them get strings?]]
[[Torchic said she was witholding information until more came forward, and Sind, at least, didn't mention anything about strings. So I *want* to say that's a no. Again, I think strings point to a third party cult faction, especially considering Free's well-known proficiency in this game.]]

[[Anyway, that's all I've got for now. I'm heading to bed. If I wake up and Courtney has torched the carnival to the ground, apologies.]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"Should I say—"

[[No. Not yet.]]


Ace Trainer
After several of hours of the Guardian Device being silent, it finally pinged and Nanu never thought he'd feel relieved that Chatot actually wanted to talk.

Considering how Nanu himself wasn't sure what to contribute in the ongoing discussiom that felt out like he was A Magikarp out of water.

[[ "Hmm. Okay well first morning everyone! And second there's seems to be quite the discussion last night that gave me a lot of food for thought. Primarily because I noticed there's some folks who are either leaning into either sharing more Intel (like Bruh Moment) vs keeping the Intel to ourselves (like Torchic, Chibi, and Bench).

"And while Yellow has come forth with some info as a good middle ground...I honestly don't know what is the right call here? Because I feel like revealing anything makes ppl potential targets.

" But at the same time if we are going to vote someone out by EoD then aren't we also shooting blind like D1? Where we have info but hardly anything concrete? Outside of speculations which no one can really get solid reads on?

" Also mobile sucks for quoting after I accidentally hit the wrong button twice just now. But what I wanted to say is that I agree with some other people as to how Dragonfree / Dave is reading more as town. Given the aftermath of N1 and the fact N1 panned out how Dragonfree said it would action wise for her.

"And I think that rn the idea of a mafia role swapped sounds legit. Since there's so many abilities that anything is possible. And ppl make a good point about how multiple kills can be a possibility as the game goes into the later day and nigh cycles.

"So that's all I got right now. And I feel like it just reiterates what everyone else is saying. Which apologies about. Since I don't know a lot about the roles and lack of knowledge for mafia is showing with how little I can contribute :(" ] ]

"... Which is code for the kid isn't alone in that department, " Nanu agreed with his Guardian. Once the device pinged off again and he was left by himself.


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
"As disappointed as I am about only one person dying, too... Why are you so concerned if you're one of those heroic, Pokemon League members? Shouldn't you be happy about fewer lives being lost, even if it's people who deserve to be killed?"
mad_front.png"Ha!" Sidney gave a dry laugh. "I'm no fuckin' hero, lady, not even close. Besides, that's not in the job description. Sorry I'm not some high and mighty idealist. You can't save everyone, even if the Boss seems to think so."

"Sorry, Boss," he muttered under his breath.

[[Ignore Courtney's bitterness. I just want to hop on board that it looks like Pano expected multiple people to be taken out at night. This could be an innocent concern, considering how many players are in this game and the amount of power roles involved. I DO, however, think this further hints at a third (or more) party in play, as well as multiple roles that can kill players. At the very least, we know there aren't any actions that only work on odd/even numbered nights, so I *hope* we don't have much further to fear tonight.]]
neutral frown_front.png"My guardian voice seemed real freaked out considering they've been through games with third party killers and games with a scum team that could shoot twice every night."

"With the strings, the Dread, the slakoth's mystery power, and the glowy diamond, I'm wonderin' how many more status powers there are, and how many can end up with you being dead? My guardian says this is a big game, so it'd take a long time to finish if people only died one at a time..."

"Unless you all like being stuck here like this." He gestured first at himself, and then at the jaunty festival that surrounded them.

[[My opinions on this align with Chibi's; I think the strings definitely point to a third party that probably function like a cult trying to recruit players and win by gaining others through control, as opposed to the mafia winning by eliminating other parties.]]
[[I'll also add that Blu mentioned the possibility of a cult as well when the strings first came up... Perhaps even before Chibi?]]

thinking nervous_front.png"But yeah, with the, uh, arcto-whatever and the quag, it sounds like we all have something we're keeping secret in order to keep ourselves safe. Which, I don't blame them. No one's gonna look after you but yourself."

"But that puts us in a tough spot. My guardian is saying it's dangerous to go another day without a vote elimination, but we've got nothing else to go on."

heh_front.png"Hey, Quagsire! Got any more info on that swapper lead? Do you have a suspect in mind? If you can name names without puttin' yourself in danger, you should. We gotta start putting the screws to someone, otherwise we'll get stuck talking about nothing for another day."


Ace Trainer
[["Also before I go to work I'll share the really rough recap notes for what I have regarding D2's progress so far. Aka. I hope they're accurate and can provide some help for anyone who wants to read them:

People speculating the "strings" are 3rd party (cult leader?)
Yellow /Puck suggests there's a "role swapper" but won't clarify any further
Bruh Moment / Princess thinks we should reveal what we know
Chibi / Ajia, Torchic / Winona, Bench / Arctozolt, Dragonfree / Dave disagree on this

We don't know what the "light diamond mark" is on Chibi / Ajia
Shinigojira / Fray
confirmed they got struck by dave / dragonfree's dread
We're unsure what happened with Sans / Bluwii's voting power & target

We suspect there's 4-5 mafia players and 3rd party
We're trying to figure out what legendary is associated with the "diamond mark"
Seren / Kimiko & Pano / Sidney are concerned about multiple kills being a possibility as the game goes on. Some people share the surprise that only one player is dead for N1

Current status: D2 is full of speculations but nothing concrete. If we vote we're shooting someone blind and that is concerning. Because I don't know if at this point we should vote someone out or abstain from voting like we did for D1 :/"]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[I guess it's a little strange that there was only one death. A mass elimination ability sounds terrifying as hell but wouldn't Stringer be this game's version of Arsonist? Are you trying to say the Stringer's not an Arsonist? 'cause from what I read about Arsonist, this String thing sounds similar to Arsonist.]]

[[Three people? Who's the third? I only remember Free's and Bluwii's. Are you saying the third one's the Stringer or something?]]

[[A Swapper does seem like something this game would have but how do you know that? Is your ability a role checker or something?]]
[[Not certain if the strings are mass elimination tactic or not. We already know of one mass elimination tactic: Dread. But! It's not an unknown thanks to Free's play. We're able to anticipate how it might work now that we have the rules for how it behaves.

The other two conditions are Blu's mystery power, and the unknown diamond effect. Those combined with the Dread and strings give me a count of four status type effects that have popped up. Who knows if there are others, since we have a precedent with Blu's power of something being given out without any kind of notice to those who may be affected.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[been trying to catch up... I am horribly behind.

On the diamond debacle: The best bet is necrozma. As for what that means, no idea. could be power stealing, if its loosely lore based?

As for strings... no idea, but being stringed sounds bad. Sounds a bit like 'pulling strings' and cult stuff which... idk could it be Arceus or something? Deoxys? I don't think speculating here too hard will reap answers, yet at least.

As for yellow/Q and the swapper thing... Well I understand Q's line of thought entirely but after seeing the following posts I guess I see a counterpoint. I still think thats one of our best leads, but I hope to reread everything later and try to make something resembling a read.]]


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
[[For what it's worth, the string thing sounds like a TP resembling either a cult leader or an oddly flavoured arsonist. Presumably a psychic type each way. And the diamond could be anything, but Namo's a conservation of detail guy. So I'm liking Necrozma or Dialga. But it doesn't help us understand the mechanic! I haven't the faintest idea what's happening to Chibi/Ajia and that's more important than the species on the power card causing it.]]


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Laura rubbed sleep from her eyes with a miserable groan. Sleep had hardly helped at all. Was she sick with something, on top on being turned into a meowth? Or maybe she just needed a lot more sleep, because she was a meowth? There'd been another one of her somewhere, right?

"Uh, Nanu, was it? Do you know any more about the, uh, kind of meowth that we are...?"

He was human, she was pretty sure. Gods knew how embarrassing it'd be to ask a born meowth a question like that. The only meowth she knew were Galarish little shits with fur like steel wool and tempers like devils. She was short- and silky-furred, slender, sleek. And she felt like shit. It was hard to keep track of everyone...

"Gonna put a chart together," she grumbled to herself.


Ace Trainer
"Uh, Nanu, was it? Do you know any more about the, uh, kind of meowth that we are...?"
Oh. Someone was talking to him? Nanu looked over at Laura mildly surprised. With the Island Kahuna taking note of how tired Laura seemed. Since he recalled her guardian mentioned something about being sick?

As Nanu offered Laura a tentative but friendly smile. To convey sympathy towards her tired and unwell state. "Ah. Yeah so you and I are Alolan Meowth that are native varient to the Alolan Region. We're dark types that are rumored to have been a gift to royalty? Until the monarchy fell and they're now just a common breed of Pokémon in the Aloln Region," Nanu explained with some added tidbits he recalled Acerola telling him about.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
in vanilla mafia you shut up about what happened at night 90% of the time and try to sus out the sussy bakas based on posts made in the day. in a role madness game, though, what happens at night is much more important. imo, town’s best tool for rooting out scum is figuring out the events of the night and tracing discrepancies, and i think a high thread information state favors town. that’s not to say everyone should claim right away (although i feel like i read somewhere that that’s technically optimal? seems really boring though), but it does mean that i think the usual impulse to hold one’s cards close to their chest has less utility in s setup like this.
Ajia mulled this over for a long while. "I think I can see where you're coming from. I know I was super paranoid yesterday, but that was because I was afraid that our most valuable allies could get picked off before they even used their power once. Now we've all gotten to use our powers once, so it's not quite as dire. But... I still think that the most critical powers should be kept secret, which does mean that everyone else can't go revealing what they can do, because that just does the process of elimination for the mafia. That said--"

“Personally,” Dave said, “for the moment I’m less interested in exactly how he knows there’s a swapper and more in what certain player he thinks it implicates. If you’re pretty sure someone’s not a good guy, better spill it.”
"--I agree with Dave. We do need to know if this will give us a suspect."

[[In general, be wary of treating speculated mechanics as actual mechanics - town can easily get super misled by assuming mechanics that someone just sort of made up are real. It’s good to keep possibilities in mind, but also we have to keep straight what’s stuff we actually know and have reason to believe and what’s just someone’s wild theory!]]
Ajia nodded toward Dave's Guardian stone. "Right. I really don't think we're going to get very far with theorizing about the strings until someone else gets them besides Dave. Avoiding your patron's name is a very simple thing that takes zero effort, so even if we're wrong about that, there's no time wasted. Anything beyond that feels like we'll be going in circles."

[[I really wouldn't be surprised if Namo put the strings in as insurance against wild mass claiming? That said, I really don't want to spend more time theorizing about the strings until we get more actual info about them. It won't help us with the vote.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Puck sat deep in thought. He had hoped his information would prove more helpful than it has been. Was it worth the risk?

[[I think we can go for it. It’s risky, but we might be able to gain some information based on what happens after this.]]

Hmm. Well…okay, then.

[[You’re so brave, Puck! I’m proud of you. 💛]]

Puck began.

“Personally,” Dave said, “for the moment I’m less interested in exactly how he knows there’s a swapper and more in what certain player he thinks it implicates. If you’re pretty sure someone’s not a good guy, better spill it.”

[[Maybe that’s not what you meant by that? It looks like you’re saying someone in particular looks suspect because of it.]]
He didn’t have a *specific* suspect in mind. A lot of it depended on whether the swapper was a good guy or bad guy. But, perhaps he can share more to help narrow it down.
[[Hi, instead of sleeping I played L'Arceus. Oops.

Anyway, I'm interested in this potential lead. How sure are we that a scum swapper might exist? Town bus drivers aren't unheard of on TR but they're usually negative utility for town. They can, of course, be used to protect high profile players, but early game bus driver casts are... often unhelpful. I would hesitate to assume that a bus driver is scum, but it's traditionally a scum role (especially on TR) and I consider it far more likely than town bus. In any case, whatever the means by which Yellow/Puck are aware of a swapper, I think the odds are moderately in favour of that person being scum. Maybe two in three?]]
Hmm. Yes, it seems the swapper may be a bad guy. It’s hard to know for sure.
"Hey, Quagsire! Got any more info on that swapper lead? Do you have a suspect in mind? If you can name names without puttin' yourself in danger, you should. We gotta start putting the screws to someone, otherwise we'll get stuck talking about nothing for another day."
[[Here goes!]]

Puck nonchalantly gestures to the female Meowth with his flipper. She had been his target last night, but it appears his action went to the Delcatty instead. Which means…

If the swapper is a bad guy, they may have switched Delcatty and Meowth to try to make Delcatty look bad to an alignment checker. This theory makes Meowth look very suspicious. But!

If the swapper is a good guy, perhaps they worried about Delcatty’s safety and swapped her with Meowth to protect her. Or to protect Meowth! Though Puck feels much better about the Delcatty than he does about the Meowth so far.

If the swapper is a neutral guy, then they are just trying to cause confusion and chaos. Since we did not know much after the first day, they may have just chosen their targets randomly to see what happens.

As always, this was all stated with a single word.



[[TLDR: I targeted Jackie last night. I am very certain my action went to Chibi. I will not elaborate on what my action was, but if Chibi is town, then this is a good thing. If Chibi is Mafia, this could be very bad.

I understand that by doing this, I make myself vulnerable to getting a string attached to me. However, I don’t consider my power to be the most crucial thing compared to what could be out there, so I’m willing to take that risk. If I get a string attached to me, then this will confirm the “if your patron is guessed, you get a string attached” theory.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[ughhhhh mobile ate an entire sentence.
If the swapper is a bad guy, they may have switched Delcatty and Meowth to try to make Delcatty look bad to an alignment checker. This theory makes Meowth look very suspicious. But!

I meant to add here that it’s possible Mafia just targeted two innocents (or, well, two not scum players) just to see what would happen. So this doesn’t automatically mean Jackie is scum.]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
[[swapper confirmed as persephone. that's just something she'd do.]]

Ajia blinked at the stone. "Um...?"

[[That was... a joke.]]

Ajia let out a sigh. "Right. So, from what I've read, it seems that in every game that has a swapper, my guardian gets targeted on the first night. Regardless of what side the swapper is on. One time it was a town swapper trying to save them, but failing. One time it was a town swapper trying to kill them... and succeeding. One time a mafia swapper tried to kill them but a town swapper negated it."

[[This happens a lot...]]


Ace Trainer
Puck sat deep in thought. He had hoped his information would prove more helpful than it has been. Was it worth the risk?

[[I think we can go for it. It’s risky, but we might be able to gain some information based on what happens after this.]]

Hmm. Well…okay, then.

[[You’re so brave, Puck! I’m proud of you. 💛]]

View attachment 2189
Puck began.

He didn’t have a *specific* suspect in mind. A lot of it depended on whether the swapper was a good guy or bad guy. But, perhaps he can share more to help narrow it down.

Hmm. Yes, it seems the swapper may be a bad guy. It’s hard to know for sure.

[[Here goes!]]

Puck nonchalantly gestures to the female Meowth with his flipper. She had been his target last night, but it appears his action went to the Delcatty instead. Which means…

If the swapper is a bad guy, they may have switched Delcatty and Meowth to try to make Delcatty look bad to an alignment checker. This theory makes Meowth look very suspicious. But!

If the swapper is a good guy, perhaps they worried about Delcatty’s safety and swapped her with Meowth to protect her. Or to protect Meowth! Though Puck feels much better about the Delcatty than he does about the Meowth so far.

If the swapper is a neutral guy, then they are just trying to cause confusion and chaos. Since we did not know much after the first day, they may have just chosen their targets randomly to see what happens.

As always, this was all stated with a single word.

View attachment 2190


[[TLDR: I targeted Jackie last night. I am very certain my action went to Chibi. I will not elaborate on what my action was, but if Chibi is town, then this is a good thing. If Chibi is Mafia, this could be very bad.

I understand that by doing this, I make myself vulnerable to getting a string attached to me. However, I don’t consider my power to be the most crucial thing compared to what could be out there, so I’m willing to take that risk. If I get a string attached to me, then this will confirm the “if your patron is guessed, you get a string attached” theory.]]
Okay. So that...was definitely new intel which could prove very beneficial to narrowing down potential suspects. Nanu thought pensively.

[[While his guardian pinged with an incoming message. "Ah! Okay so now we at least know yellows reasoning for why she suspected there's a swapper or redirector! And now we know who targeted Ajia (Chibi) as an added bonus!~" ] ]

"...okay sure? But what does it all mean?" Nanu tried prodding his Guardian for clarification.

[[As the Guardian Device went abruptly silent. " ... Unsure at this time. Since I need to reread my notes and think about it. But seeing as we're running out of time. .. "] ]

"... You have to go and you'll leave me to continue observing and vote at EoD?" Nanu surmised the rest.

Figuring that was the answer when the device chimed in confirmation. As Nanu reluctantly turned it off and started massaging his incoming headache. In light of this most recent development and news from Puck / yellow.


  1. sableye
Kimiko sighed at this turn of events. She really didn’t want to do this, but the thought of spending an entire day catching up on I correct information was exhausting. “Okay, I tired to be subtle about this, but I don’t like the path it’s heading down so I’m just going to try to cut it off here. I have a vague idea of what Ajia’s mark is. Its fine, and it wasn’t swapped there.”

She turned to the quagsire. “This doesn’t mean that a swapper doesn’t exist - I’d honestly be very surprised with this large of a game if there wasn’t at least one. I’m kind of curious now to know what you can do that you think it would be related?”

[[ Hi yeah quick post before work, I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful but I really don’t want everyone doing down this dead end all while I’m not able to stop it so. I think I do know what’s up with the mark and was trying to subtly hint about it earlier. Please do not assume swapper here, unless Yellow has any other evidence of why she thinks her ability may have caused a glowy light mark. ]]


  1. sableye
[[ ugh mobile whyyyyy

that should say “catching up on incorrect information” in that post. ]]]


Ace Trainer
Kimiko sighed at this turn of events. She really didn’t want to do this, but the thought of spending an entire day catching up on I correct information was exhausting. “Okay, I tired to be subtle about this, but I don’t like the path it’s heading down so I’m just going to try to cut it off here. I have a vague idea of what Ajia’s mark is. Its fine, and it wasn’t swapped there.”

She turned to the quagsire. “This doesn’t mean that a swapper doesn’t exist - I’d honestly be very surprised with this large of a game if there wasn’t at least one. I’m kind of curious now to know what you can do that you think it would be related?”

[[ Hi yeah quick post before work, I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful but I really don’t want everyone doing down this dead end all while I’m not able to stop it so. I think I do know what’s up with the mark and was trying to subtly hint about it earlier. Please do not assume swapper here, unless Yellow has any other evidence of why she thinks her ability may have caused a glowy light mark. ]]
[["Wait what? Seren...i went back just now and reread your posts and all you mentioned was that you thought Ajia mark was possibly connected to a light legendary based on what Namo suggested???

SO maybe I'm misreading what you wrote but I don't see any reason why you think pursuing Yellows train of thought is a deadend??

Unless someone else here wants to clarify what seren is talking about??]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
"So when Puck read Aija as Mafia, it wasn't because of a swapper?"
Hmm? Puck tilted his head slightly. He never meant to say the Delcatty—Aija?— was bad, but that maybe someone swapped with her to try to make her look bad to an investigator.
She turned to the quagsire. “This doesn’t mean that a swapper doesn’t exist - I’d honestly be very surprised with this large of a game if there wasn’t at least one. I’m kind of curious now to know what you can do that you think it would be related?”
Hmm. Puck didn’t want to reveal his patron if he didn’t have to. But he was fairly certain that Aija’s mark was a result of his action taking effect…

There is one way to confirm this. Did Aija notice anything in the night? @Chibi Pika
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