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Official Actions

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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Battle-Style Messages, Turn 2

Flame’s Shield IV protected Brisa!
Ashwood’s Ward III protected Cabot!

Saltriv's Umbral Urging boosted Vix’s Magic by +6!
Saltriv rallied Starr, Koa, and Astrid, boosting their stats! Their pure words reached them!
Saltriv used Brilliant Autumn, granting +2 Protect to themself, Mellow, Koa, and Icetales! Their corruption was reduced!
Koa cried thunder to Brisa, boosting evasion! His pure words reached her!
Koa, Dave and Icetales used Koa’s Conduit! Koa took on their Radiance!
Dave used Shining Burden on Brisa, giving +2 Protect to them both and +1 Def/Res to Brisa!
Icetales’s Rejuvenating Heal Bell healed Shiron, Starr, and Cynthian by 25%!
Icetales’s Brilliant Inspirit boosted Cabot, Starr, and Astrid!
Icetales’ Mist protected the team and spread Diamond Dust, Misty Terrain, and Revontulet! The team was healed for 540 total HP!
Brisa showed her heart with Shining Whiplash and called out to Diyem!
Mellow’s Brilliant Summershine created a Summershine Veil for the team, reducing damage taken by 25%!
Mellow’s Shining Teatime let Brisa, Astrid and Icetales use items!
Nip’s Revitalizing Moonlight healed Brisa, Icetales and Starr by 75% and restored their stamina!
Nip was Shiron’s and Cabot’s chauffeur!
Shiron was Nip’s and Astrid’s chauffeur!
Shiron used Void Surge to guard Astrid from harm!
Cabot called out to Diyem!
Celeste was Starr’s chauffeur!
Kate was Nip’s chauffeur!
Vix’s Umbral Ire burned away Starr’s, Cynthian’s and Brisa’s wax and boosted their next attacks!
Vix called out to Astrid, Celeste and Brisa!
Vix’s Justice drained 60 Radiance from Astrid!

Koa’s Boon Rising Voltage dealt X damage to the Tree of Life’s wall!
Koa’s Pressurized Void Thundercall dealt X damage to Diyem, and dealt -525 Speed!
Brisa’s Triple Thunder Wave paralysed Diyem!
Brisa’s Shining Whiplash dealt X damage to Diyem! It’s Ultra Effective!
Cabot’s Annihilation Head Smash dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Nutmeg! It’s Ultra Effective!
Kate’s Shining Snatch dealt -1500 to Nutmeg’s defense!
Starr’s Insolent Power Trip dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Pita! It’s Ultra Effective!
Starr’s Insolent Flare Blitz dealt X damage to Pita! It’s Super Effective!
Starr’s Insolent Leech Life dealt X damage to Pita! It’s Super Effective!
Starr’s Insolent Basic Attack dealt X damage to Pita! It’s Super Effective!
Starr’s Insolent Power Trip dealt X damage to Pita! It’s Super Effective!
Astrid was Inspired by Starr and Cabot! Astrid’s double Inspired Sweeper Flails dealt X damage to Pita and X damage to Nutmeg! It’s Ultra Effective!
Cynthian’s Snapdragon Leafstorm dealt X damage, 150 Freeze and 50 Confusion to Diyem!
Cynthian’s Sludge Bomb dealt X damage and 150 Poison to Diyem!


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Turn 3:

Foes have fallen, but more foes appeared! Is it time to press onward?

The Zygarde horde has broken free from the weakest wall! It looks like they'll spread into adjacent zones each turn...


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Boss 12 Turn 3 Actions


Miles: Shield V on Kate (170 HP, +2 Protect upon breaking) [+5]
Tricky: Energize II on Starr (+112 stamina) [+20]
Fay: Haste II on Vix [+5]

Support Burst: 115/100 😎

Icetales [3]
[Leave Lithe Stance]
Action 1: Walk to 3A
Action 2: Brilliant Inspirit @ Brisa, Starr, Cabot
Action 3: Teatime Vix [Max Elixir]
Net stamina: -86
Net corruption: +20 rad
Stat changes: +108 hp [ddust]

Nip [3]
[Enter Void Stance]
Action 1: Moonlight at Self, Starr, Cabot, and Kate
Action 2: Moonlight at Self, Celeste, Cabot, and Kate
Action 3: Teleport with Kate to 2B
Net stamina: -47
Net corruption: +40 SHD
Stat changes: +150% hp, void stance
Notes: Ends turn in 2B, Gains Sunny from Starr

Saltriv [3]
[receive koa thundercall, +spd]
Action 1: Walk to 3A
Action 2: Call Cabot, Maple, Starr (+1 Def and +1 Res)
Action 3: Focus
Net stamina: +81 [partial rest]
Net corruption: -40 shd
Stat changes: +3 spd


Vix [4]

[Receive Haste II, Teatime]
Teatime: Max Elixir
Action 1: Walk to 3A
Action 2: Ally Switch herself with Astrid in 3B]
Action 3: Radiant Wax Owen
Action 4: Ire on Cabot, Owen
Net stamina: +172 (Max Elixir fully restores, then -84)
Net corruption: + 17 Rad and +34 Shadow
Stat changes: End in 3B, +2 Speed (Aether)

Cabot [3]
(2x revitalizing sunny moonlight, Inspirit, Aether, Pure Words Call)
[+11 Attack, STAB, Crit, HH, Support Burst]
Action 1: Double Dip Max Elixir and Escape Orb to 3B
Action 2: Rockfall (Super Effective)
[Receive Ire]
Action 3: Meteor (Ultra Effective, Sheer Force)
Net stamina: +111 (Moonlight and Max Elixir fully restore, then -108)
Net corruption: 0 Rad, +20 Shadow
Stat changes: + 611 HP, +2 Speed, Sandstorm

Kate [3]
(Shield V, 2x revitalizing sunny moonlight, teleported into 2B)
[+8 Attack, STAB, Ultra Effective, Crit, Spreader Horde bonus, Support Burst]
Action 1: Void Überwältigung
Action 2: Glacial Lance on Bean Hoard
Action 3: Barrage Glacial Lance on Bean Hoard
Net stamina: -284
Net corruption: 0 Rad, +40 shd
Stat changes: +406 HP

Koa [3] - Fus ro DAH
(+8, Minus, STAB, Terrain, Charge, HH, Support Burst)
Action 1: Radiant Battlecry (+Call @ Saltriv, +spd)
Action 2: Travel to 1A
Action 3: Pressurized Electric Hyper Voice @ WALL 1a->1b, burst through wall
Net stamina: -36
Net corruption: +44 Rad +9 Shd
Stat changes: +1 Resistance, end turn in 1B

Brisa gives Koa 9 Shd and 30 rad

Brisa [3]
[Receive Terrain from Koa via Conduit, B. Inspirit, have Ire held over from Turn 2]
[Switch from Void to Brilliant Stance]
(+10, Guts, STAB, HH, Terrain, Charge, Burst)
Action 1: Walk to 3A
Action 2: Arcstrike @ Nutmeg [UE, Crit]
Action 3: Thunder Fang @ Nutmeg
[Second Wind activates]
Net stamina: -77 [Waiving B. Stance reduction… >:C]
Net corruption: +10 rad, +47 shd
Stat changes: -2 charge, BStance
Notes: On T4, is in 3A and still in BStance with discount


Starr [4]

(+11, STAB, Blaze, Sun, Support Burst, LB 10%)
[Receive Energize, Revitalizing Moonlight, Inspirit, Call]
Action 1: Umbral Insolence
Action 2: Brilliant Flarestrike @ Nutmeg [Reckless, Crit, UE inherit from Arc]
Action 3: DD Cautious Seed + Escape Orb to 3B
[Get Teleported to 1B]
Action 4: Power Trip @ Wall to 1C [43 stages]
[Burst through to 1C]
Net stamina: Tireless again
Net corruption: +14 Shd, +48 Rad
Stat changes: +4 Def, +4 Res,
HP: Recoil down to 1, regain 720 through Insolence
Notes: Receive Voidbound crit for next turn, end turn in 1C

Celeste [3]
[Receive Revitalizing moonlight]
[Wait for Astrid to become Inspired]
Action 1: Teleport with Astrid to 3B
[Wait for Starr to follow to 3B]
Action 2: Teleport with Starr to 1B
Action 3: Shining Shield Koa
Net stamina: -66
Net corruption: +20 Rad
Stat changes: None

Astrid [5]
(UE, STAB, Support Burst, LB 10%)
[Brilliant Stance]
[Lithe Stance]
{Recurve: Inspiration @ Brisa’s Arcstrike
Action 1: Inspiration @ Starr’s Flarestrike
[Get Teleported to 3B]
Action 2: Null Sweeper Flail @ Mew, wall to 3C (+9, Guts, Terrain)
Action 3: Null Sweeper Flail @ three randoms in 3C (+11, Blaze, Sun)
Action 4: Voidbound Sweeper Stored Power @ Eien’s Chamber wall, two randoms in 3C (+11, Blaze, Sun, crit)
Action 5: [Wind Up]
Net stamina: -164 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Net corruption: +28 Rad, +56 Shd ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Stat changes: +1 Sure Crit, +1 action, +2 Speed (Aether)

Owen [3] ENTRY
Action 1: DD Cautious and Quick Seeds
Action 2: Storage Overheat
Action 3: Storage Overheat
Net: defer to below

Owen [3]
(+11, Demon, Blaze, Stab, Sunny, SE (Ire))
Action 1: DD Weather Orb + Max Elixir
Action 2: Brilliant Aether [+2 Speed Cabot, Astrid, Vix]
Action 3: Void Demon Mew (fixed 666 damage, 4x Overheat)
Net stamina: -163
Net corruption: 60 Shadow, 40 Radiance
Stat changes: +3 Defense, +6 Resistance, +6 Speed;
+Aether (561 HP), Owen’s HP = 1
Start and end in 3B
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Battle Messages, Turn 3

Miles’ Shield V protected Kate!
Tricky’s Energize II restored Starr’s stamina!
Fay’s Haste II gave Vix another action!

Icetales’ Brilliant Inspirit boosted Cabot, Starr, and Brisa!
Icetales’ Teatime let Vix use a Max Elixir!
Nip’s double Revitalizing Moonlights healed himself, Starr, Cabot, Kate and Celeste and restored their stamina!
Nip was Kate’s chauffeur!
Saltriv’s Rallying Cry pumped up Cabot, Starr, and Maple! Their pure words reached them!
Vix switched with Astrid!
Vix’s Radiant Wax boosted Owen’s Defense and Resistance by +1!
Vix’s Umbral Ire burned away Cabot’s and Owen’s wax and boosted their next attacks!
Koa called out to Saltriv! His pure words reached them!
Koa and Brisa used Koa’s Conduit! Koa took on her corruption! Brisa used his Electric Terrain!
Celeste was Astrid’s and Starr’s chauffeur!
Celeste’s Shining Shield protected Koa!
Owen’s Brilliant Aether boosted Cabot’s, Astrid’s, and Vix’s speed by +2!

Cabot’s Shining Rockfall dealt X damage to Mew! It’s Super Effective!
Cabot’s Void Meteor dealt X damage to Mew! It’s Ultra Effective!
Kate’s Überwältigung Glacial Lances dealt X damage to the Zygarde Horde! It’s Ultra Effective!
Koa’s Pressurized Electric Hyper Voice dealt X damage to the Tree’s wall!
Brisa’s and Starr’s Fusion Arcflare dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Nutmeg! It’s Ultra Effective!
Brisa’s Thunder Fang dealt X damage to Nutmeg! It’s Super Effective!
Starr’s Insolent Power Trip dealt X damage to the Tree’s wall!
Astrid was Inspired by Brisa’s and Starr’s Fusion Arcflare!
Astrid’s Null Sweeper Flails dealt X damage to Mew, the Tree’s wall, and some unknown targets! It’s Ultra Effective!
Astrid’s Voidbound Sweeper Stored Power dealt X damage to the wall of Eien’s chamber and some unknown targets! It’s Ultra Effective!
Owen’s Overheated Void Demon dealt X damage to Mew! It’s Super Effective!
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PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Boss 12 Turn 4 Actions


Curio: Energize III on Kate [+15]
Kindle: Soothe III on Brisa [+15]

Support Burst: 45/100

Cabot [3]
[Receive 2x revitalizing Moonlight, Brilliant Autumn, and get teleported to 2B]
Action 1: Travel to 3A
Action 2: Focus
Action 3: Call Diyem
Net stamina: +107 (Partial Rest and 2x revitalizing Moonlight)
Net corruption: 0 Rad, -40 Shadow
Stat changes: +611 HP, +2 Protect, End in 2B

[Kate-Saltriv-Nip Alliance]

Kate [3]

[Receive Energize III and Brilliant Autumn]
Action 1: Teleport with Nip to 3A
[Wait for Nip and Saltriv to perform actions.]
Action 2: Teleport with Cabot to 2B
Action 3: Double Dip Max Elixir and Cautious Seed
Net stamina: +346
Net corruption: -20 Rad, -20 Shad
Stat changes: +3 Def, +3 Res, +2 Protect. End in Zone 2B

Saltriv [3]
Action 1: Brilliant Autumn at Brisa, Cabot, and Kate
[Receive 2x Revitalizing Moonlight]
Action 2: Revitalizing Heal Pulse @ Nip
Action 3: Mimic Teleport from Kate and Teleport self to 2B
Net stamina: -104
Net corruption: +40 Rad, 0 Shadow
Stat changes: +721 HP, +2 Protect, end in 2B

Nip [3]
[Void Stance]
[Get teleported into 3A by Kate]
Action 1: Moonlight at Brisa, Cabot, and Saltriv
Action 2: Moonlight at Cabot, Icetales, Saltriv
[Get Revitalizing Heal Pulse from Saltriv]
Action 3: Teleport to 1C with Icetales
Net stamina: -5
Net corruption: +40 shd
Stat changes: End in 1C

[Vix-Brisa-Celeste Alliance]

Vix [3]

Action 1: Ally Swap self with Celeste [Arrive in 1B]
[Wait for Celeste to teleport with Brisa to 1C]
Action 2: Ally Swap Astrid with Celeste [45 stm]
Action 3: Spirit Bomb on Bone
Net stamina: -82 stamina
Net corruption: N/A
Stat changes: End turn in 1B

Celeste [3]
[Receiving: Maybe Diamond Dust? Maybe also Heal Bell?]
[Wait until swapped with Vix]
Action 1: Teleport with Brisa to 1C
[Wait for Brisa to walk to 3B]
Action 2: Teleport self to 2C
Action 3: Nom Oran Berry
Net stamina: -50
Net corruption: No Change
Stat changes: +100 HP

Brisa [3]
[Mults: +10, SE, Stab, Guts]
[Persistent States: Brilliant Stance]
[Receiving Soothe III -60 shd, B. Autumn, Revitalizing Moonlight]
Action 1: Whiplash vs Diyem
Action 2: Walk to 3B
[Wait for Celeste to teleport to 1C]
Action 3: Overcharged Fusion Arcstrike vs Buffet (150bp, crit, charge)
Net stamina: -4 [B. Stance, R. Moonlight]
Net corruption: +48 RAD, +4 SHD
Net stat changes: +500 HP, +2 Protect, -1 Charge

Icetales [3]
[Exit Lithe Stance]
[Dispel Shining Revontulet]
[Receive Autumn]
[Get Teleported to 1C]
Action 1: Heal Bell @ Koa, Starr (+Call Starr), Astrid
Action 2: Inspirit Koa, Starr, Astrid
Action 3: skip
Net stamina: -76
Net corruption: +20 rad, -20 Shd
HP: +271 Bell, +108 DD

Koa [3]
(+8, STAB, HH, Crit)
[Receiving Heal Bell, Inspirit]
Action 1: Walk to 1C
Action 2: Max Elixir
Action 3: Pressurized Umbral Outcry @ Buffet (+call Starr)
Net stamina: Elixir +200 -> Outcry -43
Net corruption: +28 SHD
HP: +133 Bell, +72 DD

Starr [4]
(+11, Blaze, Sun, STAB, SE, HH, Reckless)
[Receive Inspirit, Call x2,
Action 1: DD Elixir + Max Elixir
Action 2: Umbral Insolence
Action 3: Flarestrike @ Buffet [150bp, Voidbound Crit]
Action 4: [Wind up]
Net stamina: +300, -103
Net corruption: (Calls: -30 Rad, -30 Shd, Moves: +68 Rad, +34 Shd)
HP: Heal Bell to 864, Recoil down to 1, Insolence restores 720
Notes: Inspirit’s crit is saved for next turn

Astrid [5]
[Void Stance]
[Lithe Stance]
[Get teleported to 1C]
Action 1: Leap Ahead
Action 2: Inspiration @ Starr
Action 3: Inspiration @ Brisa
Action 4: Null Sweeper Stored Power @ Buffet, Nugget, Nanab (35 stages; +11, Sun, Blaze, HH, crit)
Action 5: Null Sweeper Flail @ Buffet, Nugget, Nanab (+10, Guts, crit)
Net stamina: -266
Net corruption: +40 Shd, +56 Rad
Stat changes: N/A
Notes: Conditional AI should dictate that Astrid’s Sweeper blows get redirected to first Bone and then Pine in case her specified targets are downed early
Receiving: Inspirit crit

Owen [3]
Action 1: Focus to move to 2B
Action 2: Double Dip Max Elixir and Protect Orb
Action 3: Umbral Storage (2x Overheat)
Net stamina: +84
Net corruption: 0 Rad, 0 Shadow
Stat changes: +1 Protect, 2 stored Overheats
Aether (364 HP), Owen’s HP = 1
Notes: End in 2B
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Battle Messages, Turn 4

Curio’s Energize III revitalized Kate!
Kindle’s Soothe III calmed Brisa’s spirit!

Cabot called out to Diyem!
Kate was Nip’s chauffeur!
Kate was Cabot’s chauffeur!
Saltriv’s Brilliant Autumn at Brisa, Cabot, and Kate
Saltriv’s Brilliant Autumn granted +2 Protect to themself, Brisa, Cabot, and Kate, and calmed their spirits!
Saltriv’s Revitalizing Heal Pulse healed Nip!
Nip’s double Revitalizing Moonlights healed himself, Brisa, Cabot, Saltriv, Icetales and Celeste!
Nip was Icetales’s chauffeur!
Vix switched with Celeste, and switched Celeste with Astrid!
Celeste was Brisa’s chauffeur!
Icetales’ Rejuvenating Heal Bell healed Koa and Starr!
Icetales called out to Starr!
Icetales’ Brilliant Inspirit boosted Koa, Starr, and Astrid!
Koa called out to Starr! His pure words reached her!
Brisa showed her heart with Shining Whiplash and called out to Diyem!

Vix’s Brilliant Spirit Bomb dealt X damage to Bone! It’s Super Effective!
Brisa’s Shining Whiplash dealt X damage to Diyem! It’s Super Effective!
Brisa’s and Starr’s Overcharged Fusion Arcflare dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Buffet! It’s Super Effective!
Koa’s Pressurized Umbral Outcry dealt X damage to Buffet! It’s Super Effective!
Astrid was Inspired by Starr & Brisa!
Astrid’s Inspired Null Sweeper Stored Power dealt X damage to Buffet, Nugget, and Nanab!
Astrid’s Inspired Null Sweeper Flail dealt X damage to Buffet, Nugget, and Nanab!


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Boss 12 Turn 5 Actions


Seyka: Haste II @ Astrid [+5]
Kindle: Soothe III on Koa [-60 Rad] [+15]

Support Burst: 65/100

[Pretty please Diyem go to 2B and used Void Acceptance]

Icetales [3]

[Exit Lithe Stance]
[Receive Void Acceptance from Diyem]
Action 1: Teatime [ @ Astrid [Max Elixir]
Action 2: Teatime @ Koa [Max Elixir]
Action 3: Inspirit @ Astrid, Brisa, Starr
[Get Teleported to 2A]
[Receive Mellow Call]
Net stamina: -225
Net corruption: +20 Rad
Stat changes: Acceptance +2. End at 2A

Saltriv [3]
Action 1: Teleport to 1C
Action 2: Void Acceptance @ Starr, Astrid, Brisa
Action 3: Teleport Icetales to 2A
Net stamina: -149
Net corruption: +40 shd
Stat changes:

Brisa [3]
(STAB, HH, +10)
[Receive Inspirit, Acceptance]
Action 1: Arcstrike @ Buffet (150bp, Charge, Crit, SE)
Action 2: BL Facade @ Buffet (140bp, UE)
Action 3: BL Z-Burst @ Buffet (191bp, UE)
Net stamina: haha z-burst go brrr
Net corruption: haha z-burst go brrr
Stat changes:

Koa [3] ;.; sorry Maple
(-2, Minus, HH, Crit?)
[Receive Acceptance, Soothe]
Action 1: Brilliant Conduit
Action 2: Uncompressed Hyper Voice @ Buffet, Lure, and Nanab (+ Call Starr)
[Wait for Starr and Astrid to use the Conduit]
Action 3: Escape Orb to 1A
Net stamina: Max-170 (Teatime, then costs)
Net corruption: -30 Shd, -60 Rad, +76 Rad

Conduit [Koa | Astrid | Starr]
  • Koa gives 30 Shd to Astrid
  • Astrid gives 19 Rad to Koa
  • Starr gives 11 Rad to Koa

Starr [5]
(+11, STAB, Blaze, Sun, HH, LB 30%)
[Receive Inspirit, Koa Call, Acceptance]
[Lithe Stance]
Action 1: Umbral Insolence
Action 2: Flare Blitz @ Nanab [Reckless, Crit from last turn]
Action 3: Leech Life @ Nanab [Inspirit Crit]
Action 4: Basic Attack @ Nanab
Action 5: Brilliant Flarestrike @ Buffet [150bp, Reckless]
Net stamina: hello jail my old friend
Net corruption: -31 rad, -20 shd, +34 Rad, +17 Shd
HP: Recoil down to 1, Insolence restores 552
Notes: Voidbound crit for next turn (pls tell me I don’t need it)

Astrid [5]
[Brilliant Stance]
[Lithe Stance]
Action 1: Inspiration @ Starr
Action 2: Inspiration @ Brisa
Action 3: Null Sweeper Stored Power [35 stages] @ Buffet, Nanab, Bone (+11, Blaze, Sun, crit)
Action 4: Sweeper Flail @ Buffet, Nanab, Nugget ()
Action 5: Sweeper Voidbound Z-Burst [Magic; 203 base power] @ Buffet, Nanab, Bone (+11, Blaze, Sun, crit)
Net stamina: Who cares
Net corruption: Who cares
Stat changes: Who cares
Notes: If someone Astrid is attacking dies prematurely, target Pine instead
Receiving: Haste, Inspirit crit, Teatime’d Max Elixir, Conduit help

Celeste [3]
Action 1: Teleport to 1C
Action 2: Teleport Starr to 2A
Net stamina: -70
Net corruption: 0
Stat changes: End at 2A

Mellow [3]
[Advance to 2B while in Reserves]
Action 1: Mimic Teleport to 1C (Kate used it last)
Action 2: Teleport to 2A with Brisa
Action 3: Call @ Xerneas, Icetales, Saltriv
Net stamina: -129
Net corruption: -
Stat changes: End at 2A

Nip [3]
Action 1: Focus to exit stance
Action 2: Teleport to 2B
Action 3: Revitalizing Moonlight Kate?
Net stamina: -18 (-82 + 64 revitalize)
Net corruption: -20 both
Stat changes: -
Receiving: Ending at 2A (Owen)

Cabot [3]
Action 1: Move to 2A
Action 2: Leave the tree
Action 3: Leave the tree
Net stamina:
Net corruption:
Stat changes:
Receiving: Exiting Battle

Kate [3]
Action 1: Move to 2A
Action 2: Leave the tree
Action 3: Leave the tree
Net stamina: -
Net corruption:-
Stat changes: -
Notes: -
Receiving: Exiting Battle

Owen [3]
[Lithe Stance]
Action 1: Dispel Tree
Action 2: Mimic Teleport off Nip and Teleport himself and Nip to 2A
Action 3: Move to 1A
Action 4: Teleport Koa to 2A
Net stamina: -110
Net corruption: -20 both
Stat changes: -
Notes: -
Receiving: Dispel Aether, end at 2A


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Boss 12 Turn 5 Battle Messages

Seyka's Haste II gave Astrid an extra action!
Kindle's Soothe III calmed Koa's spirit!

Diyem siphoned Icetales' Radiance with Void Acceptance!
Icetales' Teatimes let Astrid and Koa drink elixirs!
Icetales’ Brilliant Inspirit boosted Brisa, Starr, and Astrid!
Saltriv’s Void Acceptance soothed Brisa, Starr, and Astrid, reducing their corruption gains!
Saltriv was Icetales' chauffeur!
Koa created a Brilliant Conduit and used it with Astrid and Starr! They shared each other's corruption!
Koa called out to Starr! His pure words reached her!
Celeste was Starr's chauffeur!
Mellow was Brisa's chauffeur!
Mellow called out to Xerneas, Icetales and Saltriv! Her pure words reached them!
Nip’s Revitalizing Moonlight healed himself and Kate!
Owen was Nip's chauffeur!
Owen was Koa's chauffeur!

Brisa's Blacklight Facade dealt X damage to Buffet! It's Ultra Effective!
Brisa's Blacklight Z-Burst dealt X damage to Buffet! It's Ultra Effective!
Koa's Hyper Voice dealt X damage to Buffet and Nanab, and powered up Soda's Lure!
Starr's Flare Blitz dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Nanab! It's Super Effective!
Starr's Fiery Leech Life dealt X damage to Nanab! It's Super Effective!
Starr's Fiery Strike dealt X damage to Nanab! It's Super Effective!
Brisa's and Starr's Fusion Arcflare dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Buffet! It's Super Effective!
Astrid was Inspired by Brisa and Starr! Astrid’s Inspired Sweeper Blacklight Z-Detonation dealt a CRITICAL x damage to Buffet, Nanab, Bone, Nugget and Pine!

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Logging 2 hours writing during the boss and publishing 2800 words via Dark-Clothed Small Human.

Also... apparently I only logged 7 hours writing last around? (plus a catnip review for 2 challenge waves.) If that's the case I need to log more diligently, but at least my contest oneshot qualifies me for a S-tier to fix it.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
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