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Official Actions

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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Sell: Invisify & Protect Orbs

Buy: Pops grand Revival Seed & Shields Aegis Orb & Xernatus Warding

-56 Points (I think)
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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Something like two more hours of writing.

- Restore Seed (+6)
- Quick Seed (+7)

- Chilly Seed x2 (-14)
- Maple's Renewal Seed (-15)
- Zinc's Blessed Elixir (-20)
- Max Elixir (-7)
- Pop's Grand Reviver Seed (-30)
- Xernatus's Warding Orb (-15)
- Escape Orb (-3)
- Diyem's Abyssal Seed (-20)
- Soda's Illusory Seed (-20)

Total: -131 points


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Challenge Logging
Reviewed Black Swan, White Swan
Several hours of drawing/writing.
Hoping to finish up my challenge logging more thoroughly tomorrow, aha.

Loadout Changes:
Swap Thunder Fang for Volt Switch
Sell Grand Reviver and then buy it back with a Voucher
Purchase Medley Seed, Blessed Elixir, Abyssal Seed


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Maximize HP, +5 to attack. Split any remaining between attack and defense.

I'm just going to assume that I have all needed items if not rip me ig


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Okay! Time for some final logs before I forget!

🎨 Art: +4 hours

⚙️ Chip’s Laser [-20]: Reconfigure Void Wraith with the following:

Adds 300 to Freeze against the target, and changes the user's Hail condition to Diamond Dust, which behaves like Hail but heals allies instead. If Diamond Dust is already active, the Freeze debuff is increased to 450.

❄️ Stat Changes:

+3 bonus points
Stamina: +9 bonus points
Defense: +9 bonus points

Replace Dodgey with Feeling Okay. [-10]

🛒 Items:

• Blessed Elixir [-20]
• Max Elixir x2 [-14]
• Abyssal Seed [-20]
• Hyperactive Seed [-20]
• Escape Orb [-3]

Remaining points: 3

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Been doing 2 hours of art every day for the past 2 weeks.


Reviver Seed
Abyssal Seed
Blessed Elixir
Renewal Seed
Escape Orb

Restore Seed
Wormhole Orb


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Just log 10000 hours of drawing for the rest whatever.


House of Two Midnights
Wwwell I won't be able to claim any of my writing/reviews done over the past couple months until like three hours from now, so I guess just put me down for like 15 hours of writing/editing this round.
R16 Boss ~ Miracle Matters


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora

Team Spectrum vs Miracle Matters

Turn 1 Actions


Cuicatl’s Boon V buffed Koa!
Ashwood’s Ward III protected Bahamut!

[Burst: 20/100]

Teamwide Δ Status:
Misty Terrain
Bahamut's Follow Me

Saltriv [3] [North]
[Receiving Brilliant Justice, V. Phantasm]
Action 1: Acceptance Brisa, Bahamut, Mellow
Action 2: Acceptance Brisa, Bahamut, Icetales
Action 3: Call Brisa (+2 Evasion), Dave (+2 Evasion), Bahamut (+2 Speed)
Δ Stats: none
Δ Stamina: -180
Δ Blacklight: +20 Shd
Δ HP: none
Δ Misc: +1 Wax

Dave [3] [North]
[Receiving Call]
Action 1: Brilliant Determination on Koa
Action 2: Psych Up Brisa’s Speed
Action 3: Double Dip Abyssal Seed + Warding Orb
Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +2 Protect, +2 Evasion
Δ Stamina: -144
Δ Blacklight: +68 -20 Rad
Δ HP: none
Δ Misc: +100 status threshold (permanent), +3 crit nullify

Icetales [3] [North]
[Receiving Shining Teatime (Terrain Orb), Brilliant Justice, Void Acceptance]
Action 1: Mist
Action 2: Teatime (Abyssal Seed) @ Bahamut (Cautious Seed)
Action 3: Teatime (Hyperactive Seed) @ Brisa (Buffet Seed)
Δ Stats: +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +6 Speed, +3 immunity to crits, +3 reduced stamina
Δ Stamina: -103
Δ Blacklight: N/A
Δ Misc: Mist and Misty Terrain to Center, +1 Wax, +3 Acceptance

Vix [3] [North]
[Receiving Brilliant Beacon]
Action 1: Eterna Radiant Wax @ Brisa, Starr and Koa
Action 2: Brilliant Justice @ Saltriv, Bahamut and Icetales
Action 3: Cautious Seed
Δ Stats: +5 Def, +5 Res
Δ Stamina: -106
Δ Blacklight: +85 Rad, then -60
Δ HP: none
Δ Misc: +3 Wax, Justice sphere (180 capacity)

Owen [3] [North]
[Receiving n/a]
[North Zone]
Action 1: Storage Overheat
Action 2: Rally Call Starr (+4 Accuracy)
Action 3: DD Abyssal Seed and Hyperactive Seed
Δ Stats: +6 Defense Resistance Speed
Δ Stamina: -144
Δ Blacklight: +20 Shadow
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: +2 Overheat, +3 crit guard, +3 half-off stamina

Brisa [3] [North]
[Receiving Eterna Wax, Catharsis, Acceptance x2, Saltriv Call, Teatime, Teatime]
[Consume Max Elixir and Buffet Seed]
Action 1: Electric Terrain
Action 2: Paragon @Starr
Action 3: Paragon @Starr
Δ Stats: +6 Atk, +6 Spd, +4 Def, +4 Res, +2 Eva
Δ Stamina: -40
Δ Blacklight: +35/+10
Δ HP: 150%
Δ Misc: +2 Wax, +4 Charge, +1 Shield, +Paragon, +Unleash, +4 Acceptance

Koa [3] [North]
[Receiving Brilliant Determination, Eterna Wax, Boon V]
Action 1: Shining Echochamber
Action 2: Brilliant Conduit (Eterna)
Action 3: Electric Terrain
Δ Stats: +6 Mag, +2 Spd, +2 Def, +2 Res
Δ Stamina: -170 [269]
Δ Blacklight: +84 RAD -30 RAD (Conduit), +5 SHD (Conduit)
Δ HP: -50% [365]
Δ Misc: Echochamber, +2 Protect, +2 Wax, +300 dmg next strike

731HP, +1 Endure
Koa > 30 Rad > Starr
Starr > 5 Shd > Koa

Starr [3/4] [North]
[Receiving Eterna Wax, double paragon, teatime, Rally Call +4 Acc]
[Consume Illusion Seed]
Action 1: Catharsis
Action 2: Abyssal Seed
Action 3: Aegis Orb
[Wind Up]
Δ Stats: +4 Atk, +4 Speed, +6 Def, +6 Res, +6 Eva, +4 Acc
Δ Stamina: -90
Δ Blacklight: +5/+41
Δ HP: Set to 100%
Δ Misc: +2 Wax, +3 Protect, +Illusion, +3 Anti Crit, +Aegis, +1 Action

Mellow [3] [North]
[Receiving Void Acceptance]
Action 1: Tailwind
Action 2: Brilliant Summershine
Action 3: Shining Teatime @ Brisa, Icetales, and Starr
Δ Stats: N/A
Δ Stamina: -240
Δ Blacklight: +42 Rad
Δ Misc: Chlorophyll; Summershine Veil to North; +2 Speed to North next turn; +1 Acceptance

Bahamut [2/3] [North]
[Receiving Teatime and Shining Teatime to consume both Cautious Seeds, Brilliant Justice, Saltriv Call, Void Acceptance x2, Ward III]
Action 1: Brilliant Beacon @ Vix
Action 2: Void Phantasm @ Saltriv
[Firm Stance]
Δ Stats: +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +2 Speed
Δ Stamina: -120
Δ Blacklight: +0/+0
Δ Misc: +1 Wax, +4 Acceptance, VP Substitute, Follow Me, Firm, +1500 threshold ward, +100 hp Ashwood barrier





A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora

Team Spectrum vs Miracle Matters

Turn 1 Battle Messages

Cuicatl’s Boon V buffed Koa!
Ashwood’s Ward III protected Bahamut!
Saltriv's Void Acceptance prepared Brisa, Bahamut, Mellow and Icetales to wield the Blacklight!
Saltriv's pure words rallied Brisa, Dave and Bahamut!
Dave's Brilliant Determination protected Koa!
Dave copied Brisa’s Speed!
Icetales' Mist warded the whole team!
Icetales took tea with Brisa and Bahamut!
Vix's Eternal Spirit is burning bright! That's kinda hot!
Vix's Radiant Wax protected and buffed Brisa, Starr and Koa!
Vix's Brilliant Justice protected and drained Saltriv, Bahamut and Icetales!
Owen rallied Starr!
Brisa's Brilliant Paragon pushed herself and Starr to their limits!
Koa's Eternal Spirit is burning bright! He believes in his teammates!
Koa's Brilliant Conduit let him and Starr exchange corruption!
Starr's Void Catharsis soothed and healed herself and Brisa!
Mellow's Tailwind boosted the whole team's Speed!
Mellow's Brilliant Summershine protected the whole team!
Mellow's Shining Teatime let Brisa, Icetales, and Starr set up!
Bahamut's Brilliant Beacon drained Vix and directed all enemies to target Bahamut over the team!
Bahamut's Void Phantasm drained Saltriv!


gib bludoge pls
Miracle Matters
Turn 1 Actions

Middle Zone (all): Mud Sport, Reflect, Tailwind

Danithan [3]
Action 1: Tailwind @ Middle zone
Action 2: Agility
Action 3: Umbral Divide
Δ Corruption: +2 Shd
Δ Stats: +2 Speed
Notes: guarded by Alice, next move is priority +1

[Lucius - Alice]

Lucius [4]

Action 1: After You @ Aria
Action 2: Brilliant Bunker @ self, Mergo, Nero
Action 3: Mud Sport
Action 4: Radiant Shield – Defense
Δ Corruption: +4 Rad
Δ Stats: +2 Speed (Dani)

Alice [3]
[[Super Guardian @ Danithan]]
Action 1: Mimic –> After You @ Aria
Action 2: After You @ Lucius
Action 3: Protect +5
Δ Corruption:
Δ Stats: +2 Speed (Dani)

Sage [3]
Action 1: Void Prism –> Shining Coil x3
(No target)
{Miracle! Cooldowns were reset and Sage gained +2 Radiance and -5 Shade!}
Action 2: Void Prism –> Umbral Plume x3
(No target)
Action 3: Brilliant Voice
Δ Corruption: +4 Shd, +8 Rad
Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +3 Accuracy, +3 Defense, +3 Resistance, +3 Sure Crit, +500 Ward, Endure
Notes: set HP to 1, Endure

[Aria - Nero - Mergo]

Nero [3]
[[Super Guardian @ Aria]]
Action 1: Roar @ Bahamut to West zone
{get carried back to Middle zone}
Action 2: Shining Doppler @ Sage
Action 3: Thunder Wave @ Starr
Δ Corruption: +4 Rad
Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +5 Accuracy, +5 Defense, +5 Resistance
Notes: Bunker

Aria [5]
Action 1: Copycat –> Teleport @ Nero to North
Action 2: Extremespeed x2 @ Starr
Action 3: Copycat –> Roar @ Starr to Middle
Action 4: Copycat –> Teleport @ Nero to Middle
Action 5: Extremespeed x3 @ Starr
Δ Corruption:
Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +5 Accuracy, +5 Defense, +5 Resistance
Notes: guarded by Nero who is in the Bunker

Mergo [3]
Action 1: Void Heir @ Nero, Aria
[+6 Spe, +3 Acc, +3 Def, +3 Res]
Action 2: Teleport @ Aria to North zone
{crip walk to Middle for free}
Action 3: Skill Swap @ Starr
Δ Corruption: +3 Shd
Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +5 Accuracy, +5 Defense, +5 Resistance
Notes: Bunker

Alliance Notes: ESpeeds after Bahamut is Roared. Skill Swap and TWave after Starr is moved to Middle.

Owen [3]
[[Super Guardian @ Chyla]]
Action 1: Protect +5
Action 2: Storage Overheat
Action 3: walk to Middle
Δ Corruption:
Δ Stats: +2 Speed (Dani), +2 Overheat, +5 Protect

Chyla [3]
Action 1: Shining Potency
Action 2: Shining Potency
Action 3: walk to Middle
Δ Corruption: +4 Rad
Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +6 Attack, +2 Accuracy (Dani)
Notes: guarded by Owen

Ben [3]
(UE, STAB, Adaptability)
Action 1: Brilliant Bastion
Action 2: Shining Accelerate @ Starr
Action 3: Shining Accelerate @ Starr
Δ Corruption: +8 Rad
Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +2 Accuracy (Dani)
Notes: Recoil immunity, Endure
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Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Miracle Matters

Turn 1 Battle Messages

Danithan’s Tailwind boosted the whole team’s Speed, and his Rallying Force boosted their stats !
Danithan used Agility!
Danithan used Umbral Divide! His next move will have +1 priority!

Lucius used After You, and Alice Mimic’d it and used it twice! Aria gained two extra actions and Lucius gained one!
Lucius used Brilliant Bunker, harboring himself and making room for Mergo and Nero!
Lucius used Mud Sport! Electric power is weakened in the Middle zone!
Lucius used Radiant Shield – Defense! Reflect was cast in the Middle zone!
Alice used Protect +5!

Sage used Void Prism! It chained into a triple Shining Coil, which he aimed at the air.
Sage used a Miracle — Precision Focus! He took a deep breath and steadied himself…
Sage used Void Prism! It chained into a triple Umbral Plume, which he also aimed at the air…
Sage used Brilliant Voice! With narrowed eyes, he stares them down from afar… He’s challenging Team Spectrum to advance!

Aria, Nero, and Mergo are planning something…
Nero used Shining Doppler on Sage, copying his +6 Speed, +3 Accuracy, +3 Defense, and +3 Resistance!
Mergo used Void Heir on Nero and Aria! Stat boosts they gain will be replicated and shared among them.
Mergo Teleported Nero to the North zone!
Aria walked North!
Nero used Roar on Bahamut, sending him careening towards the West zone!
Aria used Extremespeed (2 hits!) on Starr, depleting her shields!
Aria used Copycat on Nero, chaining into Roar! Starr tumbled into the Middle zone!
Aria used Copycat on Mergo, chaining into Teleport! Nero and Aria whisked back to the Middle zone!
Aria used Extremespeed (3 hits!) on Starr, depleting her Evasion and dealing XXX damage!
Nero used Thunder Wave on Starr!
Mergo used Skill Swap on Starr!

Owen walks to the Middle and casts Umbral Storage, storing two Overheats!
Owen used Protect +5!

Chyla used Shining Potency twice, gaining +6 Attack and Speed!
Chyla walked to the Middle zone!

Ben used Brilliant Bastion! He gained Endure status and immunity to recoil from moves!
Ben used Shining Accelerate twice on Starr, gaining +6 Speed and dealing XXX damage! It’s Ultra Effective!

Alice is guarding Danithan!
Owen is guarding Chyla!
Nero is guarding Aria and hiding in the Bunker!
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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus

Team Spectrum vs Miracle Matters

Turn 2 Actions


Jaro’s Hex on Alice (+800 Taunt)
Mithos’s Hex on Sage (+150 Flinch)
Celeste’s Blink on Mellow
Kate’s Wrath on Aria
Dill’s Aegis on Starr
Flame’s Shield IV on Brisa
Lauchzelot’s Shield IV on Dave
Miles’ Shield V on Mellow
Skara’s Nullify on Starr

[Burst: 100/100]

Teamwide Δ Status:


North Δ Status:
Nebula [Resist Radiant Moves]
Diamond Dust [96 HP to non-QH units / 144 HP to QH units]
Misty Terrain

Astrid [Setup Turn][North]
[Lithe Stance]
Action 1: Psych Up Speed
Action 2: Recurve Inspo
Action 3: Recurve Inspo
Action 4: [Wind Up]
Δ [see main turn for changes]

Nip [Setup] [North]
[Receiving n/a]
Action 1: Psych Up Brisa’s Speed
Action 2: Psych Up Starr’s Evasion
Action 3: [Wind Up]
Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +6 Evasion
Δ Stamina: -46
Δ Blacklight: n/a
Δ HP: n/a
Δ Misc: Wind Up

Owen [3] [North]
[Receiving n/a]
Action 1: Storage Overheat
Action 2: Brilliant Aether (Heal: Owen, Starr, Nip, Dave)
Action 3: Protect+5
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: Tireless lol
Δ Blacklight: 20 shd, 40 rad
Δ HP: 1 (rest to Aether, 150%)
Δ Misc: Protect+5, Overheat+2, Aether, remove stamina discount

Mellow [3] [North->Center] [Interweave with Nip]
[Receiving Teleport North->Center, Miles’ Shield V, Celeste’s Blink]
Action 1: Tailwind @ North zone
[Interweave: Nip’s turn]
Action 2: Shadow Toss @ Lucius (+1 Detect, +1 Speed, move to North)
Action 3: Shadow Toss @ Ben (+1 Detect, +1 Speed, move to North)
Action 4: Shadow Toss @ Nero (+1 Detect, +1 Speed, no move (bounced))
Action 5: Shadow Toss @ Nero (+1 Detect, +1 Speed, move to North)
Δ Stats: +1 Speed
Δ Stamina: -150
Δ Blacklight: +30/+65
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: -1 Acceptance, unleash, +1 Detect

Nip [4] [North->Center] [Interweave with Mellow]
[Receiving n/a]
[Eternal Spirit]
Action 1: Assist -> Teleport Mellow -> Center
Action 2: Triple Axel @ Alice (UE)
Action 3: Triple Axel @ Alice (UE)
Action 4: Triple Axel @ Lucius
Δ Stats: n/a
Δ Stamina: -175
Δ Blacklight: +0/+0
Δ HP: 150% (+50% Owen)
Δ Misc: Eternal spirit

Saltriv [3] [North]
[Receiving n/a]
Action 1: Shining Sunbeams @ Starr, Dave, Brisa
Action 2: Brilliant Autumn @ Dave, Brisa, Icetales
Action 3: Call @ Dave (+2 Eva), Brisa (+2 Eva), Astrid (+2 Acc)
Δ Stats: n/a
Δ Stamina: -135
Δ Blacklight: +90/+30
Δ HP: n/a
Δ Misc: unleash, Sun, +2 Protect

Icetales [4] [North]
[Receive Autumn from Saltriv]
Action 1: Void Wraith @ Nero (+600 freeze)
Action 2: Umbral Nebula
Action 3: Mist
Δ Stats: +2 Eva
Δ Stamina: -82
Δ Blacklight: +10 Shd
Δ HP: —
Δ Misc: -2 Acceptance, -3 stamina discounts, Diamond Dust, Nebula, +2 Protect

Starr [6] [Center -> North]
[Receiving Shining Sunbeams, Aether, Aegis, Nullify] [Eat Renewal Seed]
[STAB, Burst, LB 40]
Action 1: Umbral Insolence [-631 HP]
Action 2: Sweeper U Turn @ Owen, Alice, Aria [TypeEff] [Go to N]
[Interweave with Saltriv/Icetales]
[Starr unleashed her Resolution!]
[Room HH]
Action 3: Sweeper Shadow Flare Blitz @ Ben, Lucius, Nero [+10, UE, HH, Reckless]
Action 4: Sweeper Shadow Leech Life @ Ben, Lucius, Nero [+10, UE, HH]
Action 5: Sweeper Flarestrike @ Ben, Lucius, Nero [+10, 150bp, Sun, UE, HH Reckless]
[Starr’s Resolution let her keep going!]
Action 6: Sweeper Eterna Z-Burst @ Ben, Lucius, Nero [+12, SE, 204bp]
Δ Stats: +2 Valor
Δ Stamina: 50%
Δ Blacklight: 0/0
Δ HP: 50% + 946 [Insolence] -25% [Resolution]
Δ Misc: She has Aegis from orb

Dave [4] [North->Center]
[Receiving Saltriv Call (+2 Eva), Shining Sunbeams, Brilliant Autumn, Shadow Persuasion x2, Lauchs’ Shield IV]
[Unleash, Hexternalize Taunt]
[+6 Atk, STAB, Helping Hand]
[Eterna Intimidate (total -5400 Atk, -1800 Mag @ MM)]
Action 1: Shadow Charge -> Center @ Mergo (NVE, +600 Taunt)
Action 2: Void Desperation @ Sage (SE, +900 Flinch, +600 Taunt)
Action 3: Crunch @ Mergo (-750 Def, +600 Taunt)
Action 4: Crunch @ Mergo (-750 Def, +600 Taunt)
(Persuasion) Action 5: Crunch @ Mergo (-750 Def, +600 Taunt)
(Persuasion) Action 6: Crunch @ Alice (-750 Def, +600 Taunt)
Δ Stats: +2 Eva (Rallying Call), -300 Eva (Desperation)
Δ Stamina: -142 -26 -30 = -198
Δ Blacklight: +10 Rad/+54 Shd
Δ HP: N/A (-50% recoil, +50% Owen)
Δ Misc: +2 Protect, Sun, Void Phantasm Substitute from Bahamut

Brisa [4] [North]
[Receiving Sunbeams, Autumn, Pure Rally +2 Eva, Shield IV]
[4 Acceptance charges, 3 rainbow charges]
[+10, UE, Stab, Guts, Terrain, HH, Charge, Burst, Spreader @ Lucius, Nero, Ben]
Action 1: Arcflare
Action 2: Arcstrike
Action 3: Arcstrike
Action 4: Arcstriike
[Each target receives 825 para]
Δ Stats: +2 Eva
Δ Stamina: -320, then *2
Δ Blacklight: -10/+60
Δ HP: +0
Δ Misc: -acceptance and rainbow charges, net 1 electric Charge, Shield IV, +2 Protect

Bahamut [3] [West -> Center]
[Receiving n/a]
Action 1: Travel to Center
Action 2: Shadow Persuasion @ Dave (pass Phantasm substitute)
Action 3: Shadow Persuasion @ Dave
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -36
Δ Blacklight: +10 Shd
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: Acceptance -2

Astrid [3/4] [North]
[Receiving Pure Call]
[Exit Lithe]
Recurve > Inspo Brisa
Recurve > Inspo Starr [+10, STAB, UE, Sun, HH]
Action 1: Metanoia
Action 2: [Leap Ahead]
Action 3: Null Sweeper Flail @ Ben, Lucius, Nero
Action 4: Null Sweeper Flail @ Ben, Lucius, Nero
Δ Stats: +6 Spd, +2 Acc
Δ Stamina: -262 + 68 (SW)
Δ Blacklight: +8 Shd, 94 Rad
Δ HP: Set to 1
Δ Misc:, Endure+1 If her targets fall, redirect to Aria, Mergo, Alice
Last edited by a moderator:


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus

Team Spectrum vs Miracle Matters

Turn 2 Battle Messages

Kate's Wrath dealt 3150 damage and devastated Aria's Attack and Speed!
Dill's Aegis and Skara's Nullify protected Starr!
Flame's Shield IV protected Brisa!
Lauchzelot's Shield IV protected Dave!
Miles's Shield V protected Mellow!

Owen's Brilliant Aether healed himself, Starr, Nip and Dave!
Mellow's Tailwind is blowing through the North zone!
Nip Teleported himself and Mellow to the Center!
Nip's double Triple Axel depleted Alice's barriers and hit for [X] damage!
Nip's Triple Axel dealt [X] damage to Lucius!
Mellow's Shadow Toss hurled Lucius, Ben and Nero to the North zone!
Starr's Sweeper U-Turn dealt [X] damage to Owen, Alice and Aria!
Saltriv's Shining Sunbeams shone bright, soothing Starr, Dave and Brisa's Shadows!
Saltriv's Brilliant Autumn soothed and protected Dave, Brisa and Icetales!
Saltriv's Pure Rallying Bellow Call soothed and strengthened Dave, Brisa and Astrid!
Icetales' Void Wraith dealt 600 Freeze to Nero!
Icetales' Umbral Nebula strengthened everyone's Shadow moves!
Icetales' Mist warded the North zone!
Starr's Sweeper Shadow Leech Blitz Flarestrike Z-Burst, supported by Icetales, dealt [X] damage to Ben, Lucius and Nero!
Bahamut's double Shadow Persuasion granted Dave a Phantasm Substitute and extra actions...
Dave's Eternal Spirit Intimidate decimated the Miracle Matters' offenses!
Dave charged into the Center zone, Hexternalizing Taunt...
Dave's Void Desperation, supported by Saltriv and Mithos's Hex, dealt [X] damage and Flinched and Taunted Sage!
Dave's Shadow Charge and triple Crunches, supported by Saltriv, dealt [X] damage, Taunted, and lowered Mergo's Defense!
Dave's Crunch, supported by Saltriv and Jaro's Hex, dealt [X] damage and Taunted Alice!
Brisa's Arcflare and triple Arcstrikes dealt [X] damage and 825 paralysis to Ben, Lucius and Nero!
Astrid's double Null Sweeper Flails dealt [X] damage to Ben, Lucius and Nero!
Last edited by a moderator:


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Miracle Matters
Turn 2 Battle Logs

Middle Zone (all except Ben and Lucius):
Mud Sport
Bunker (Lucius, Danithan, Mergo)

Ben [4]
(STAB, Adaptability)
Action 1: Burn Up @ Brisa
Action 2: Void Inferno -> Extremespeed 2x @ Brisa
Action 3: Extremespeed 3x @ Brisa
Action 4: Teleport Lucius @ Center
Δ Corruption:
Δ Stats: +1 Accuracy (Dani)
Notes: The Under :)

Chyla [5]
(-4, SE, STAB, Technician)
Action 1: After You @ Lucius
Action 2: Radiant Infection –> Void Whip (+1 strike) @ Mellow
Action 3: Umbral Barrier
Action 4: Umbral Barrier
Action 5: Protect +5
Δ Corruption: +4 Shd, +1 Rad
Δ Stats: +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +2 Accuracy (Dani), +5 Protect
Notes: turn 0 for that Void Whip, Void Whip deals -75% to Shield supports per strike (lowered to -42.9% by the +3 Miles has in Defense)

Lucius [4]
Action 1: Brilliant Bunker @ Danithan, Alice
Action 2: Heal Bell @ Sage, Alice, Mergo
Action 3: Mud Sport
Action 4: Umbral Bury @ Ben
Δ Corruption: +3 Rad, +1 Shd
Δ Stats: +1 Speed (Dani)
Notes: The Under :)

Alliance: Nero and Mergo

Nero [4]
[[Super Guardian @ Chyla]]
Action 1: Roar @ Brisa into Center
Action 2: Walk into Center
(Heired by Mergo)
Action 3: Scary Face @ Brisa
Action 4: Doppler @ Sage
Δ Corruption: +4 Rad
Δ Stats: +3 Defense, +3 Resistance, +6 Magic, +6 Attack, +3 Accuracy
Notes: overheal +100% (two Life Dews, Nurse)

Mergo [5]
Action 1: Misty Terrain
Action 2: Void Heir @ Owen, Nero
Action 3: Shadow Guardian @ Nero
Action 4: Protect +5
Action 5: Umbral Shift –> Life Dew @ Nero, Aria, Sage
Δ Corruption: +5 Shd
Δ Stats: +6 Magic, +6 Attack, +1 Defense (Dani + Heir), +1 Resistance (Dani + Heir), +1 Accuracy (Dani + Heir), Protect +5
Notes: overheal +100% (two Life Dews, Nurse)

Danithan [4]
Action 1: Priority+1 Agility
Action 2: Tailwind @ Center
Action 3: Helping Hand @ Sage
Action 4: Umbral Divide
Δ Corruption: +2 Shd
Δ Stats: +4 Speed, next attack is priority
Notes: Tailwind

Aria [4]
Action 1: Void Nihil @ Alice
Action 2: Brilliant Hollow @ Alice
Action 3: Copycat (Mergo) -> Life Dew @ Mergo, Nero, Sage
Action 4: Copycat (Chyla) -> Protect +5
Δ Corruption: +4 Shd, +4 Rad
Δ Stats: Protect +5, Metabolism++, +1 Accuracy (Dani)
Notes: overheal +100% (two Life Dews, Nurse)

Alice [4]
Action 1: Shadow Bide
Action 2: Void Aerial [no movement]
Action 3: Shadow Bide
Action 4: Brilliant Nurse @ Mergo, Aria, Nero
Δ Corruption: +1 Shd, -1 Rad
Δ Stats: +6 Attack, +2 Speed, +2 Evasion, +1 Accuracy (Dani)
Notes: receive Aria succ 🤤

Owen [4]
[[Super Guardian @ Aria]]
Action 1: Storage Overheat
Action 2: Sunny Day
Action 3: Focus
Action 4: Storage Overheat
Δ Corruption: +4 Shd
Δ Stats: Overheat +4, +6 Attack, +6 Magic, +4 Defense (Dani + Heir), +4 Resistance (Dani + Heir), +4 Accuracy (Dani + Heir), +6 Speed
Notes: +Sunny

Sage [3]
(+7, STAB, HH, Critical)
Action 1: Void Prism –> Umbral Plume @ Mellow (SE)
Action 2: Brilliant Voice
Action 3: Blacklight Leaf Storm @ Mellow (UE)
Δ Corruption: +7 Shd, +4 Rad
Δ Stats: +3 Defense, +3 Resistance, +2 Sure Crit, +500 Ward
Notes: heal +50% (two Life Dews)

Post turn errata: Sage can’t attack Brisa and Mellow bc Bahamut’s eterna protects Mellow; attack therefore goes to Mellow
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Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Miracle Matters
Turn 2 Battle Messages

Ben used Burn Up on Brisa! Flame took the hit for XXX damage!
Ben used Void Inferno! It chained into a CRITICAL Extremespeed, aiming twice at Brisa! Flame took the hits for XXX damage and left behind a Protect!
Ben used Extremespeed three more times, breaking all of Brisa’s Protects!
Ben used Teleport on Lucius, moving them both back to the Center!

Chyla used After You on Lucius!
Chyla used Radiant Infection, chaining into Void Whip on Mellow (extra strike)! Miles took N blows for XXX damage and PPP% reduced by the debuffs, then two more strikes broke the shields!
Chyla used Umbral Barrier twice!
Chyla used Protect +5!

Lucius used Brilliant Bunker on Danithan and Alice!
Lucius used Heal Bell on Sage, Alice, and Mergo!
Lucius used Mud Sport on the Center zone!
Lucius used Umbral Bury on Ben! …Where’d they go?

Nero used Roar on Brisa!
Nero walked to the Center!
Nero used Scary Face on Brisa!
Nero used Shining Doppler on Sage!

Mergo used Misty Terrain!
Mergo used Void Heir on Owen and Nero!
Mergo used Shadow Guardian on Nero!
Mergo used Umbral Shift, chaining into Life Dew on Nero, Aria, and Sage!
Mergo used Protect +5!

Danithan used Agility twice!
Danithan used Tailwind in the Center!
Danithan used Helping Hand on Sage!
Danithan used Umbral Divide!

Aria used Void Nihil and Brilliant Hollow on Alice, soothing her corruption! She gained Metabolism!
Aria used Copycat to copy Life Dew and heal Mergo, Nero, and Sage!
Aria used Copycat to copy Protect +5!

Alice used Shadow Bide twice!
Alice used Void Aerial!
Alice used Brilliant Nurse on Mergo, Aria, and Nero! Herself and her targets were all overhealed!

Owen used Storage Overheat twice, storing four!
Owen Focused!
Owen used Sunny Day!

Sage used Void Prism, chaining into a triple CRITICAL Umbral Plume on Mellow! It’s Super Effective!
Bahamut’s Eternal Spirit is burning!
The first two dealt XXX damage to Mellow, but the third was nullified! Bahamut healed for XXX damage and XXX stamina!
Sage used Brilliant Voice!
Sage used a CRITICAL Leaf Storm on Mellow! It’s Ultra Effective and dealt XXX damage! KO!

Owen is guarding Aria!
Nero is guarding Chyla!
Seriously where are Lucius and Ben--
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora

Team Spectrum vs Miracle Matters

Turn 3 Actions

Seyka’s Blink @ Koa (+2 Actions, ignore status -Action, first move is 0 stm, one move after jailing)
Cabot’s Ultima @ Alice (Strike with 1715 bp, at 1080 Atk, +4 Atk, Sure Stagger, and pierces defenses vs non-Crit Immune)
Kindle’s Soothe III @ Saltriv (-60 Rad)
Tricky’s Energize II @ Dave (+172 stm, cancel forced rest)

[Burst: 60/100]

Center Δ Status:

Misty Terrain
Diamond Dust

Icetales [4] [North > Center]
Action 1: Move to Center
Action 2: Inspirit @ Brisa, Koa and Nip
Action 3: Mist
Action 4: Teatime @ Owen (Elixir)
Δ Stats: —
Δ Stamina: -168
Δ Blacklight: +50 Rad / +30 Shd
Δ HP: —
Δ Misc: Cosmokinetic Nebula (status resistance)

Owen [3] [North > Center]
[Receiving Teatime Elixir]
Action 1: Focus > move to Center
Action 2: Assist > Water Pledge, pledged to Mellow’s Fire Pledge
Action 3: Water Pledge, pledged to Mellow’s Grass Pledge
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: Tireless
Δ Blacklight: -10/-10
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: Assist -> Water Pledge

[Mellow, Dave and Bahamut alliance]

Mellow [3]

[Receiving Autumn and Call from Saltriv, Shadow Persuasion from Bahamut]
Action 1: Fire Pledge w/Owen’s Water Pledge @ Nero (create rainbow)
[Dave: Mimic Fire Pledge]
[Mellow’s Verdure: shift to Grass-type]
Action 2: Grass Pledge w/Owen’s Water Pledge @ Nero (create swamp)
Action 3: Shadow Toss @ Nero (bounced)
[Shadow Persuasion]
Action 4: Shadow Toss @ Nero->South
Δ Stats: +2 Def, +1 Speed
Δ Stamina: -89 -29 = -118
Δ Blacklight: +30 Rad / +58 Shd
Δ HP: n/a
Δ Misc: +2 Protect, Phantasm

Bahamut [3]
[Receiving n/a]
Action 1: Void Phantasm @ Dave
Action 2: Ally Switch Dave<->Starr
Action 3: Shadow Persuasion @ Mellow (bestows Phantasm)
Δ Stats: n/a
Δ Stamina: -171
Δ Blacklight: +30 Shd
Δ HP: n/a
Δ Misc: - 2 Acceptances

Dave [4] [Center->North->Center]
[Receiving Energize II, Void Phantasm]
Action 1: Mimic @ Mellow -> Fire Pledge @ Mergo (deplete a Protect)
[Rest of Mellow and Bahamut’s turns, Ally Switch with Starr]
Action 2: Shadow Charge @ Alice (+600 poison, +150 with Multiscale/grazing) [North->Center]
Action 3: Crunch @ Alice (+600 poison/-750 Def, +300/-375 with Multiscale)
Action 4: Crunch @ Alice (+600 poison/-750 Def, +300/-375 with Multiscale)
Δ Stats: n/a
Δ Stamina: +69
Δ Blacklight: +30 Rad/-13 Shd
Δ HP: -25%
Δ Misc: Loses Phantom substitute, since another is created and given to Mellow

Nip [3] [Center -> North]
[Receiving Inspirit]
Action 1: Triple Axel @ Chyla (depletes Protects)
Action 2: Triple Axel @ Chyla (-2400 Def)
Action 3: Shadow Spike @ Sage (750 poison, delete ward)
[Move to North as a free action via Parthian]
Δ Stats: n/a
Δ Stamina: -75
Δ Blacklight: +30/+40
Δ HP: n/a
Δ Misc:

[Brisa, Saltriv and Koa alliance]

Saltriv [3] [North > Center]

[Receiving Soothe III, Conduit with Brisa]
Action 1: Walk to Center
[Brisa’s turn]
Action 2: Call @ Brisa (+2 Def), Starr (+2 Acc) and Mellow (+2 Def)
[Koa’s turn]
Action 3: Brilliant Autumn @ Brisa, Koa, Mellow
Δ Stats: n/a
Δ Stamina: 90
Δ Blacklight: +70 Rad, then -60 (Soothe) and -19 (Conduit) / +30 Shd
Δ HP: n/a
Δ Misc: +2 Protect

Brisa [3]
[Receiving Inspirit]
[+10, Status, Stab, Guts, HH, Spreader]
Action 1: Whiplash Shadow Facade @ Alice/Alice/Mergo [SE, +296, +450 Para, Call]
[Conduit: Saltriv -> 19 Rad -> Brisa]
[Conduit: Koa -> 2 Shd -> Brisa]
Action 2: Blacklight Facade @ Alice/Alice/Chyla [UE]
Action 3: Blacklight Facade @ Alice/Chyla/Mergo [UE]
[Receive Call, Autumn]
Δ Stats: +2 Def
Δ Stamina: -72, then *2
Δ Blacklight: set to 70/70
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: +2 Protect,

Koa [3] [Center, Swaps with Astrid]
[Receiving Blink, Inspirit, Brilliant Autumn, Conduit with Brisa]
[+9, STAB, TypEff, Minus, HH, Room]
Action 1: Thundercall @ Alice (-1050 Speed, -525 with Multiscale)
[Call Sage for -1000 Speed]
[Echo: -525 Speed, -267 with Multiscale]
Action 2: Focus Blast @ Chyla (-750 Res)
[Echo: -375 Res]
Action 3: Focus Blast @ Chyla (-750 Res)
[Echo: -375 Res
Action 4: Focus Blast @ Chyla (-750 Res)
[Echo: -375 Res]
Action 5: Focus Blast @ Chyla (-750 Res)
[Echo: -375 Res]
Δ Stats: n/a
Δ Stamina: -195
Δ Blacklight: +30 Rad / +64 Shd
Δ Misc: +2 Protect, +25% HP and +1 Protect to conduit; if Chyla goes down, target Danithan up to twice (regular hit + echo), and redirect any further hits from there to Mergo.

Eterna Conduit [Koa - Brisa - Saltriv]
Saltriv gives 19 Rad to Brisa
Koa gives 2 Shd to Brisa

Starr [4] [North > Center]
[Receiving Empathy Call, Ally Swap]
[+12, STAB, TypEff, Sun, HH]
[Lithe, Unleashed]
Action 1: Umbral Insolence [-801 HP][All attacks become Fire]
Action 2: Sweeper U Turn @ Sage, Danithan, Mergo [No travel]
Action 3: Power Trip @ Danithan [62 stages]
Action 4: Sweeper Power Trip @ Sage, Danithan, Mergo [62 stages]
[Bunker reduces Danithan’s hit]
Δ Stats: +2 Acc
Δ Stamina: Tireless
Δ Blacklight: +10 rad, +38 shd
Δ HP: 150%
Δ Misc: If Koa has attacked Danithan, switch actions 2 and 3

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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora

Team Spectrum vs Miracle Matters

Turn 3 Battle Messages

Seyka’s Blink hastened Koa!
Cabot’s Ultima struck Alice for X damage!
Kindle’s Soothe III drained Saltriv's corruption!
Tricky’s Energize II restored Dave's stamina!

Icetales' Brilliant Inspirit leant a helping hand to Brisa, Koa and Nip!
Icetales' Diamond Mist protected and healed the team!
Icetales' Teatime restored Owen's stamina!
Owen's double Water Pledges empowered Mellow's Fire and Grass Pledges!
Mellow's Fire Pledge struck Nero's Protect and created a Rainbow behind Team Spectrum!
Dave Mimicked Mellow's Fire Pledge and struck Mergo's Protect!
Mellow's Grass Pledge struck Nero's Protect and created a Swamp beneath the Miracle Matters!
Mellow's Shadow Toss bounced off Nero!
Bahamut's Void Phantasm drained Dave's Shadows!
Bahamut's Ally Switch swapped Dave with Starr!
Bahamut's Shadow Persuasion bestowed a Phantasm to Mellow!
Mellow's Shadow Toss hurled Nero away from the battle!
Saltriv's pure words rallied Brisa, Starr and Mellow!
Saltriv's Brilliant Autumn soothed and protected Brisa, Koa, and Mellow!
Koa's Void Thundercall dealt -525 Speed to Alice!
His Conduit echoed him for -267 Speed!
Koa cried thunder to Sage and dealt -1000 Speed!

Dave's Shadow Charge dealt X damage and 150 Poison to Alice!
Dave's double Crunches dealt X damage, 600 Poison and -750 Defense to Alice!
Nip's Double Triple Axel struck all of Chyla's Protects and dealt X damage and -2400 Defense!
Nip's Shadow Spike dealt 750 Poison to Sage!
Brisa's Shining Whiplash Shadow Facade dealt X damage to Alice!
Brisa took on Radiance from Saltriv and Shadows from Koa!
Brisa's double Blacklight Facade dealt Ultra Effective damage!
Brisa struck some of Mergo's Protects!
Koa's Quadruple Focus Blasts dealt X damage and -XXXX Resistance to Chyla!
His Conduit echoed him for X dmg and -XXX Resistance!
Starr's Insolent Sweeper U Turn struck Sage, Danithan, and Mergo!
Starr's Insolent Power Trip dealt X damage to Danithan!
Starr's Insolent Sweeper Power Trip struck Sage, Danithan, and Mergo!


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Miracle Matters
Turn 3 Battle Logs

Middle Zone (all):
Lucius’ Zone of Protection [25% damage reduction]
Tailwind [+2 innate Speed]
Bunker (Lucius, Owen, Danithan)
Wide Guard +5

Lucius [3]
Action 1: Leave the Under w/ Ben
Action 2: After You @ Aria
Action 3: Prepare Void Chains
Miracle — Saving Throw!
Δ Corruption: +3 Shd
Δ Stats: +Endure
Notes: guarded by Nero

Danithan [4]
Action 1: Defog @ Center
Action 2: Tailwind @ Center
Action 3: Void Metamorphosis
Action 4: Helping Hand @ Sage
Δ Corruption: +4 Shd
Δ Stats: +Endure

[Alliance — Nero, Chyla, Alice]

  • Chyla uses Brilliant Dual Strike
  • Nero walks and uses Roar
  • Chyla uses Void Whip
  • Alice’s turn plays out
  • Chyla uses Tail Slap

Nero [4]
[[Super Guardian @ Lucius]]
[change type to Dragon]
Action 1: Walk to Center
Action 2: Roar @ Icetales to South
Action 3: Scary Face @ Dave
Action 4: Scary Face @ Saltriv
Δ Corruption:
Δ Stats:

Alice [3]
(Shield Breaker)
Action 1: Umbral Unveil — Shining Temptress @ Dave (+300 Infatuation)
Action 2: Umbral Unveil — Shining Temptress @ Starr (+300 Infatuation)
Action 3: After You @ Mergo
Δ Corruption: +6 Shd, +6 Rad
Δ Stats: +4 Accuracy

Chyla [4]
(+3, STAB, Technician)
Miracle — DNA Debugging!
DNA Replication — Sure Crit +1
Action 1: Brilliant Dual Strike @ Icetales, Brisa
Action 2: After You @ Ben
Action 3: Radiant Infection —> Void Whip (+1 Strike) @ Starr
Miracle — DNA Expansion!
Action 4: Tail Slap @ Dave, Dave, Nip, Koa, Saltriv
Δ Corruption: +4 Shd, +5 Rad
Δ Stats: +3 Attack (Miracle), +1 Evasion
Notes: *forgot to add +1 Evasion from Infection last turn

Aria [4]
Action 1: Psych Up @ Starr —> +6 Attack
Action 2: Extremespeed 3x @ Dave, Starr, Koa
Action 3: Umbral Rend @ Starr
(STAB, Adaptability, type:Shadow!)
Action 4: Umbral Rend @ Starr
(STAB, Adaptability, type:Shadow!)
(After You)
Action 5: Umbral Rend @ Starr
(STAB, Adaptability, type:Shadow!)
Δ Corruption: +4 Shd, -2 Rad
Δ Stats: set Attack to +6
Notes: If Starr dies early, switch target to Mellow

Mergo [4]
(175 BP | +6, STAB, type:Shadow)
Action 1: Wide Guard +5
Action 2: Void Heir @ Aria, Ben
Action 3: Shadow Stored Power @ Dave
Action 4: Brilliant Decree @ Brisa
Miracle — Royal Composure
Action 5: Brilliant Decree @ Koa, Nip, Owen
Δ Corruption: +6 Shd, +6 Rad
Δ Stats: +2 Attack

[Alliance — Ben, Sage]

Ben [4]
(STAB, Adaptability
Action 1: Radiant Power Swap —> Burn Up @ Dave
Action 2: Radiant Power Swap —> Shining Accelerate @ Mellow
Action 3: 2x Radiant Extremespeed @ Mellow
Action 4: Antifocus —> +2 Shd
(After You)
Action 5: Void Inferno —> 3x Blacklight Extremespeed @ Mellow
Δ Corruption: +10 Rad, +10 Shd
Δ Stats:

Sage [4]
[receive HH]
Action 1: Blacklight Leaf Storm
—(+7, STAB, HH, Crit, type:BL)
Action 2: Brilliant Voice
Action 3: Void Prism –> Blacklight Leaf Storm
—(+7, STAB, HH, Crit, type:BL)
Miracle — Last Whisper
Action 4: Staccato Blacklight Z-Burst (300+150 BP, Magic)
—(+9, STAB, HH, Crit, type:BL)
Hitlist: Dave (first Leaf Storm only) > Starr > Mellow > Saltriv > Koa > Bahamut
Δ Corruption: set to 0
Δ Stats: +2 Valor, +2 sure crit, +Endure…oh nevermind, +Staccato, +Steep Tempo
Notes: If a target has shielding up for some reason, excluding Bahamut’s phantasm, redirect to next target. Sage’s Z-Burst was too violent and ripped his body to shreds! He died instantly…

Owen [4]
Action 1: Call Ben
Action 2: Store Overheat
Action 3: Unleash, Miracle, Bestow (Ben, Sage, Mergo)
Action 4: Call Spectrum Owen
Δ Corruption: +2/+2
Δ Stats: Overheat+2
Notes: Manually do whatever Owen’s about to Bestow those three, Namo
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