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Official Actions

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  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
Reviewed two (offsite) chapters of The Legendarian Chronicles here, which I believe is 6 BLECs, and one of Walrein's flash fics here for another 3, hopefully? Man I hate my inability to focus.
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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Beta-read chapter four of Context Switch + hours upon hours of drawing to complete challenges.

Sell Venom Seed x2 in favor of Chilly Seed x2; sell a Sitrus Berry and two Max Elixirs to buy Renewal Seed/Divine Berry/Blessed Elixir.
Disable Umbral Barfight in favor of Shadow Charge.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Rising Voltage -> Volt Switch


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Here are my purchases.

- Add Terrain Orb;
- Change Reflex Seed with a Quick Seed
- Change Slippery with Deep Focus;
- Change Lithe Stance with Revitalize.

Total cost: 41
R13 Boss - Maple


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs Maple
Turn 1 Actions

Skara: Ward III on Cynthian
Ashwood: Ward III on Astrid
Mithos: Ward III on Starr
Cuicatl: Boon V on Astrid [+3 Spe, +1 Acc]
Flame: Shield IV on Koa

[Support Burst: 65/100]

[Left Leg]

Koa [3]
[Shield IV, Acceptance, Urging, Call +2 Spd]
[Mults: +9, Type Effectiveness, HH]
Action 1: Echochamber
Action 2: Electric Terrain
Action 3: Umbral Outcry vs Left Arm, Tail, Wings [3x -400 Res]
[Free Call @ Saltriv]
Net Stamina: -128
Net Corruption: +8 SHD, +8 RAD
Net Stats: +5 Spd, +6 Mag, -25% HP
Notes: Acceptance is getting saved for next turn

Saltriv [3]
[Receive Koa Call]
Action 1: Void Acceptance @ Dave, Brisa, Koa
Action 2: Rally Call @ Starr [+2 Eva], Koa [+2 Spd], Brisa [+2 Spd]
Action 3: Umbral Urging @ Koa
Net stamina: -155
Net corruption: +40 Shd
Net Stats: -25% HP
Notes: Next turn, Sunbeam Starr

Dave [3]
Action 1: Brilliant Determination @ Brisa
Free action: Intimidate @ Maple’s tail (-900 Attack)
Action 2: Psych Up Speed @ Starr
Action 3: Focus
Net stamina: -144
Net corruption: +14 Rad (+34 Determination [Void Acceptance], -20 Focus)
Net stat changes: +6 Speed, +2 Protect, Void Acceptance (2 charges remaining), Determination
Notes: Namo pls remember he has Hex Counter

Brisa [3]
[Receive Determination, Acceptance, Catharsis, Rally Call]
Action 1: Brilliant Paragon @ Starr
Action 2: Brilliant Paragon @ Starr
Action 3: Electric Terrain
[Unleash Tenacity]
Net Stm: -240 Stm
Net Corruption: +35 Rad, +10 Shd
Net Stats: +4 Atk, +6 Spd, 150% hp
Net Misc: +2 Protect, +2 Charge, +Paragon, +1 Acceptance, +1 Action next turn, Unleashed

Starr [4]
[Receive Ward, Call, Paragon x2]
[Lithe Stance]
Action 1: Void Catharsis @ Brisa
Action 2: Reflex Seed
Action 3: Cautious Seed
Action 4: [Wind Up]
Net stamina: -90
Net corruption: +36 Shd
Net stat changes: +6 Atk, +6 Spd, +3 Def, +3 Res, +5 Eva, +1 Action, +1 Protect
Notes: Catharsis sets HP back to full

Astrid [4]
[Receive Boon, +3 Spd, +1 Acc, +300dmg]
Action 1: Psych Up @ Starr Evasion
Action 2: Recurve Inspo
Action 3: Recurve Metanoia
Action 4: [Wind Up]
Net stamina: -171
Net corruption: +84 Rad
Net stat changes: +6 Spe, +5 Eva, +1 Acc

[Tail Zone]

Cynthian [3]
[Receive Teatime Quick Seed, Ward, Call]
Action 1: Void Nightshade [+Teatime Speed Seed]
Action 2: Reflex Seed
Action 3: [Wind Up]
Net stamina: -60
Net corruption: +36 Shd
Net stat changes: Set Hp to 269, +6 Mag & Spe & Eva, Grassy Terrain
Notes: +129 HP, [Grassy Terrain, Veil]

Icetales [3]
[Receive Teatime Quick Seed, Call]
[Snow Warning]
Action 1: Terrain Orb [Misty]
Action 2: Void Wraith [+450 Confus @ Tail]
Action 3: Aurora Veil
Net stamina: -124
Net corruption: +20 Shd
Net stat changes: +5 Spd, +118 hp
Notes: [Misty Terrain, Veil]

Mellow [3]
Action 1: Rally Cry @ Icetales [+2 Spe], Cynthian [+2 Res], Celeste [+2 Acc]
Action 2: Tailwind
Action 3: Shining Teatime @ Cynthian, Icetales, Celeste
Net stamina: -120 Stm
Net corruption: +28 Rad
Net stat changes: +84 hp
Notes: [Misty Terrain, Veil]

Celeste [3]
[Receive Teatime Sharpeye Seed, Call]
Action 1: Void Pact [+6 Evade]
Action 2: PU Cynthian Speed
Action 3: [skip]
Net stamina: -85
Net corruption: +20 Shd
Net stat changes: +6 Eva, +6 Spd, +3 Acc, -6 Def, -6 Res, +84 hp
Notes: +Pact [Misty Terrain, Veil]

[Tree gang]

Owen [3]
Action 1: Shining Bestow Bahamut, +25% HP to self and Bahamut
Action 2: DD Cautious Seed and Quick Seed
Action 3: Move to BL
Net: +152 HP
+20 Radiance
+3 Defense, Resistance, Speed,
-1 Cautious and Quick Seed
End in BL

Bahamut [2]
Firm Stance
Action 1: Call Xernatus
Action 2: Cautious Seed
Net: +161 HP, +11 stamina (Bestow)
Enter Firm Stance
+3 Defense/Resistance,
-1 Cautious Seed
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs Maple
Turn 1 Messages

Skara's Ward III protected Cynthian!
Ashwood's Ward III protected Astrid!
Mithos' Ward III protected Starr!
Cuicatl's Boon V boosted Astrid!
Flame's Shield IV protected Koa!

Koa called out to Saltriv! His pure words reached them!
Saltriv's Void Acceptance soothed Dave, Brisa, and Koa!
Saltriv's pure words rallied Starr, Koa, and Brisa!
Saltriv's Umbral Urging maxed out Koa's Magic!
Dave's Brilliant Determination protected Brisa!
Dave's Intimidate dealt -900 Attack to Maple's Left Arm, Tail and Wings, and 0 to Maple's Soul!
Brisa's Brilliant Paragon boosted and protected Starr and herself!
Starr's Void Catharsis prepared and healed Brisa and herself!

Icetales' Void Wraith inflicted 450 Confusion to Maple's Tail!
Icetales' Misty Aurora Veil protected the team from interference and attacks!
Mellow's pure words rallied Icetales, Cynthian and Celeste!
Mellow's Tailwind hastened the team!
Mellow's Shining Teatime helped Cynthian, Icetales and Celeste set up!

Koa's Umbral Outcry dealt X damage and -400 Resistance to Maple's Left Arm, Tail and Wings, and 0 to Maple's Soul!


House of Two Midnights
Logging a supercharged AoE damage boost and a supercharged AoE hex boost.

200 points from Wildboots:

This boost smells like mulch, but it should get the job done.

200 points from kintsugi:

400 points from Negrek:

The scent of smoke lingers on the air. "Do you have room for another charizard? I wonder what it would be like, living in a world with only pokémon..."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Turn 2:
In place: Firm Stance
Action 1: Ally Switch w/ Owen. Self to BL, Owen to BC.​
Action 2: Void Phantasm on Diyem​
Net: -68 stamina, +1 phantom, +40 shadow
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Team Spectrum vs Maple
Turn 2 Actions


Cabot: Strike V on Maple’s head [20]
Dil: Shield V on Koa [20]

[Burst: 105/100]

[Right Arm]​

Saltriv [3]
[Unleash, Receive Call]
Action 1: Shining Sunbeams Starr, Brisa, and Dave​
Action 2: Rally Call @ Starr [+1 Eva, +1 Acc, HH], Koa [+1 Spe, +1 Def], Astrid [+1 Eva, +1 Acc]​
Action 3: Rally Call @ Brisa [+2 Atk, HH], Dave [+2 Evasion]​
Net stamina: -56
Net corruption: +20 Rad, +10 Shd
Net Stats: Empathy, +3 Spd

Koa [3]
[3 Acceptance charges, Receive Call, Shield V]
[+9, UE, HH, Plus]
Action 1: Brilliant Conduit​
Action 2: Umbral Outcry @ RA, Head [-1600 Res]​
Action 3: Pressurized Void Thundercall @ Head [-2100 Speed]​
[Free Call @ Saltriv for +3 Speed]​
[Conduit: accept 21 Rad from Brisa]​
Net Stamina: -152 (+88 with SW)
Net Corruption: +29 Rad, +22 Shd
Net Stats: +1 Spe, +1 Def
Notes: Conduit gets 25% overheal and +1 Protect

Dave [4]
[Receive Ethereal boost (+100% hex/debuff), Saltriv Call, Shining Sunbeams]
[Conduit: accept 11 Shd from Brisa]​
Action 1: Shadow Charge @ Maple’s head (+1200 poison [Hexternalize]), move to Head zone​
Action 2: Crunch @ Maple’s head (+1200 poison [Hexternalize], -1500 Def)​
Action 3: Crunch @ Maple’s left arm (+1200 poison [Hexternalize], -1500 Def)​
Action 4: Crunch @ Maple’s right arm (+1200 poison [Hexternalize], -1500 Def)​
Net stamina: -78
Net corruption: +20 Shd, +10 Rad (+30/+30 Unleash, +9SHD Shadow Charge, -20/-20 Call, -10SHD Sunbeams, +11SHD Conduit)
Net stat changes: -169 HP (Shadow Charge recoil), -1 Acceptance charge, +2 Evasion (Rallying Call)
Notes: Ends in Head zone; Namo pls remember he has Hex Counter (and this should presumably also be affected by the Ethereal boost?)

[All damage from here on should take poison into acct, if any thresholds are met. Status is not listed as a mult because we don’t know.]

Brisa [4]

[Receiving Saltriv Call, Sunbeams, Determination]
[+10, Ethereal, Burst, Stab, Guts, Terrain, HH, Charge]
Action 1: Move to Chest Zone​
Action 2: Spreader Fusion Arcflare @ LA, Head, Wings [150bp, UE]​
Action 3: Spreader Plasma Fists @ LA, RA, Head​
Action 4: Spreader Facade @ LA, RA, Head​
[Conduit: -11 Shd, -21 Rad]​
Net stamina: -131 (then +4 with SW)
Net corruption: -11 Rad, +9 Shd [+20 Shd, +30/30, -20/20, -10 Shd, Conduit]
Net stat changes: +2 Atk, +45 hp
Notes: If any targets fall early, redirect to wings

Brisa gives 11 Shd to Dave
Brisa gives 21 Rad to Koa

Starr [6]
[Receive Sunbeams, Call]
[Lithe Stance]
[+10, Blaze, Sun, STAB, HH, LB 40%, Burst, Ethereal]
Action 1: Umbral Insolence​
Action 2: U Turn @ RA [+8, Move to Chest]​
Action 3: Sweeper Flare Blitz @ RA, LA, Head [Reckless]​
Action 4: Spreader Leech Life @ RA, LA, Head​
Action 5: Sweeper Power Trip @ RA, LA, Head [37 stages]​
[Resolution lets her keep going]​
Action 6: Sweeper Flarestrike @ LA, Head, Wings [150bp, Reckless, UE inherit from Arcstrike]​
Net stamina: Tireless Resolution
Net corruption: -30 Shd, -20 Rad, +30/30 (Unleash), +28 Shd, +56 Rad [End at 64/66]
Net stat changes: +1 Eva, +1 Acc, Recoil down to 1 HP, +468 (Insolence), -156 (Resolution)
Notes: If any targets fall early, redirect to wings

Astrid [4]
[Receive Pure Rally Call]
[+10, UE, STAB, HH, Burst, Ethereal]
Recurve: receive Inspiration @ Brisa​
Action 1: Inspiration @ Starr​
Action 2: Null Sweeper Flail @ Head, Left Arm, Right Arm [Blaze, Sun]​
Action 3: Null Sweeper Flail @ Head, Left Arm, Right Arm [Guts, Terrain]​
Action 4: Leap Ahead to Chest​
Net stamina: -99
Net corruption: +8 Rad
Net stat changes: +1 Eva, +1 Acc
Notes: +300 fixed damage; Endure status active (no lithe); match Astrid’s conditional AI to that of Starr and Brisa such that the Wings are the next target

[Head Zone]​

Cynthian [3]
[Receive Pledge assist, Helping Hand, Rally Pure Call]
[+12, Stab, Terrain, HH, SE, Psn, Ethereal, Burst]
Action 1: Brilliant Edelweiss​
Action 2: Bullet Seed (+300frz, +100Cfs)​
Action 3: Bullet Seed​
Action 4: Bullet Seed​
Action 5: Hyacinth Bullet Seed (Crit, 10% drain)​
[All attacks @ Right hand]​
Net stamina: Determined Stonks.
Net corruption: +66Rad, +40shd.
Net stat changes: +3def, +1res.
Notes: +123hp, Edelweiss status, +1BB, Aster Centauri.

Icetales [4]
[Receive Pure Speed/Evade Call from Mellow]
Action 1: Teatime [Cautious Seed] @ Celeste [Divine Elixir]​
Action 2: Chain Umbral Nebula with Shining Revontulet​
Action 3: Aurora Veil​
Action 4: Void Wraith @ Edelweiss​
[Degrade Blacklight Quasar into Umbral Nebula]​
Net stamina: -156 (Second Wind)
Net corruption: +30 RAD, +70 SHD
Net stat changes: +1 Spd, +1 Evade, +3 Def, +3 Res, +118 HP, -50% status and debuffs [Cosmokinetic Nebula]
Notes: Aurora Veil || Will need to Deep Focus next turn

Mellow [3]
Action 1: Rally Cry @ Icetales [+1 Spe, +1 Evade], Cynthian [+2 Def], Celeste [+2 Acc]​
Action 2: Helping Hand @ Cynthian​
Action 3: Tailwind​
Net stamina: -78 Stm
Net corruption: None
Net stat changes: +78 hp
Notes: [Misty Terrain, Veil]

Celeste [3]
[Receive Teatime Divine Elixir, Call]
Action 1: Detect x5​
Action 2: Shining Shield @ Cynthian​
Action 3: Perish Song​
Net stamina: -180 + 300 for net 292
Net corruption: +10 Shad, 30 Rad
Net stat changes: +7 Detects, +2 Acc, +78hp (DD)
Notes: [Misty Terrain]

[Head Zone will have: Aurora Veil, Nebula, Aster Centauri, Tailwind]


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs Maple
Turn 2 Messages

Dil's Shield V protected Koa!
Saltriv's Shining Sunbeams soothed Starr, Brisa, and Dave!
Saltriv's Connection Call boosted and soothed Brisa, Starr, Astrid, Dave and Koa!
Koa's Brilliant Conduit let Koa and Dave shoulder Brisa's corruption!
Koa cried thunder to Saltriv!
Cynthian's Brilliant Edelweiss, empowered by Icetales' Wraith, gave her a huge boost and protected the team!
Icetales' Teatime let Celeste restore his stamina!
Icetales' Umbral Nebula, Aurora Veil and Diamond Dust protected the team!
Mellow's pure words rallied Icetales, Cynthian and Celeste!
Mellow's Helping Hand boosted Cynthian!
Mellow's Tailwind hastened the team!
Celeste's Shining Shield protected Cynthian!
(Celeste's Perish Song staggered Maple!)

Cabot's Strike V dealt X damage to Maple’s head!
Koa's Umbral Outcry dealt x damage and -1600 Resistance to Maple's right arm and head!
Koa's Void Thundercall dealt x damage and -2100 Speed to Maple's head!
Dave's Shadow Charge dealt X damage and 1200 Poison to Maple’s head!
Dave's triple Crunches dealt X damage, 1200 Poison and -1500 Defense to Maple’s head and each arm!
Brisa's Spreader Fusion Arcflare dealt X damage and 450 Paralysis to Maple's left arm, head, and wings! It's Ultra Effective!
Brisa's Spreader Plasma Fists dealt X damage and 450 Paralysis to Maple’s head and each arm!
Brisa's Spreader Electric Facade dealt X damage and 450 Paralysis to Maple’s head and each arm! Maple's body parts were paralysed!
Starr's Fiery U-Turn dealt X damage to Maple's right arm!
Starr's Sweeper Flare Blitz dealt X damage to Maple's head and each arm!
Starr's Spreader Leech Life dealt X damage to Maple's head and each arm!
Starr's Sweeper Power Trip dealt X damage to Maple's head and each arm!
Starr's Sweeper Fusion Arcflare dealt X damage to Maple's left arm, head, and wings! It reacted with Brisa's Arcstrike to become Ultra Effective!
Astrid was Inspired by Starr! Astrid's double Null Sweeper Flails dealt X damage to Maple's head and each arm!
Cynthian's Gatling Seed, Empowered by Icetales and Mellow, dealt X, X, X and a CRITICAL X damage to Maple's right arm and inflicted 300 Freeze and 100 Confusion!

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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Turn 3
Exit Firm Stance
Action 1: Ally Switch w/ Owen. Self to BR, Owen to BL.​
Action 2: Move to MR w/ Xernatus.​
Action 3: Eat other Cautious Seed.​
Action 4 (via phantom): Umbral Gambit.​
Net: -11 stamina, +20 shadow, +3 def, +3 res, +2 Wide Guard in MR, -1 phantom.


golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi
Logging a half a double damage boost for Brisa (from myself), the other half of a double damage for Brisa (from Boots), and a team-wide damage reduction (normal) from Pen.

100 points from booper:
booper said:

100 points from WildBoots:
wild boots said:
it is me wild boots i am definitely going to finish continental divides and spring.

200 points from Pen:
absolutely Pen said:
probably not pen said:
The stars grow bright. From the sky, distant yet distinct, comes the sound of . . . someone rustling through a satchel. "Ahem. Saw you lot flopping about like magikarp in a desert. So I, uh, plucked a couple of the boss's feathers for you. He won't notice, right? It's not like he checks out the back of his neck in a mirror every morning. Just don't use them up too quickly, will you? Even Yveltal might get a clue if I pluck him bald."
wherein everyone learns that abdicating control of the ethereal points trust fund to kintsugi was a mistake
Last edited:


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs Maple
Turn 3 Actions

Supports & Ethereals

Miles: Shield V on Starr [5]
Cino: Shield IV on Brisa [10]

[Burst: 20/100]

x2 +dmg boost on Brisa
x1 dmg protection on Team.

[Head Zone]​

[Tailwind up]

Icetales [4]
[Receiving Call, Tailwind]
Action 1: Deep Focus
Action 2: Teatime [No Item] @ Brisa [Blessed Elixir][Pass Nebula HH]
Action 3: Mist
Action 4: Aurora Veil
[Exit Unleash]
Net stamina: -28 (-110, then Second Wind at 82, for 164)
Net corruption: -60 Rad, -60 Shd
Net stat changes: +2 Evade, +118 HP (Dust)
Mist, AV, in Head zone
Notes: Nebula persists

Mellow [3]
[Tailwind, Veil, Mist, Nebula, Dust]
Action 1: Call Brisa [+2 Eva], Cynthian [+1 Def/Res], Icetales [+2 Eva]
Action 2: Tailwind
Action 3: Shadow Toss @ Brisa to Right Arm
Net stamina: -84
Net corruption: +14 Shd
Net stat changes: +78 HP

[Brisa is at the Right Arm now]

Cynthian [4]
[Receive Call, Tailwind, Veil, Mist, Nebula, Dust]
Action 1: Max Elixir
Action 2: Focus
Action 3: Focus [Exit Unleashed]
Action 4: [Wind Up]
Net stamina: +200+25%
Net corruption: -60/-60 [call from Mellow]
Net stat changes: +78 HP
Notes: Bunker remains at +1

[Zone keeps: Tailwind, Mist, Misty Terrain, Aurora Veil, Nebula]

[Right Arm]​

Vix [3]
[Setup Turn, Start at Right Arm]
Action 1: Wax @ Self
Action 2: Wax @ Self
Action 3: No Retreat
Net stamina: 85
Net corruption: +64/30
Net stat changes: +2 Def/Res, +2 Wax, +1 All [No Retreat]

Vix [3]
[Actual turn, Receive Morning Sun]
Action 1: Ally Switch @ Dave, Starr
Action 2: Justice Wax @ Starr, Brisa, Koa
Action 3: Deep Focus
[Justice Drain @ Saltriv for -45 Shd, -15 Rad]
Net stamina: -60
Net corruption: [result] 54 Shadow / 88 Radiance
Sphere corruption: 140 (Cap: 180)
Net stat changes: +1 Wax
Notes: Don’t Die

Nip [3]
[Setup Turn, Start in Right Arm]
Action 1: PU Starr Speed
Action 2: PU Starr Evasion
Action 3: Wind Up
Net stamina: -60
Net corruption: +0/+0
Net stat changes: +6eva/spd

Saltriv [3]
[Receiving Koa Call, Justice drain, Interweave with Starr]
Action 1: Void Acceptance @ Koa, Starr, Brisa
[Starr’s Turn]
Action 2: Revitalizing Morning Sun @ Koa, Starr, Vix
Action 3: Brilliant Autumn @ Koa, Starr, Brisa
Net stamina: [revit] +51, -248 [stamina jail]
Net corruption: +5 Shd, +35 Rad [-45 Shd, -15 Rad, -20/20, +30/30 +40/40]
Net stat changes: Cure Debuffs from Autumn

Starr [3]
[Get Ally Swapped to Right Arm, Exit Lithe]
[Receive Morning Sun, Autumn, Acceptance, Shield V]
Action 1: Protect Orb
Action 2: Void Catharsis @ Brisa
Action 3: [Wind Up]
Net stamina: -72, +75 [Morning Sun]
Net corruption: +8 Shd
Net stat changes: Full Overheal HP, +3 Protects
Notes: 2 Acceptance charges remain

Koa [3]
[Receiving Acceptance, Morning Sun, Autumn]
[+9, HH, Minus, STAB, UE]
Action 1: Pressurized Outcry @ Head [-1200 Res]
Action 2: Pressurized Outcry @ Head [-1200 Res]
Action 3: Pressurized Outcry @ Head [-1200 Res]
[Free Call @ Saltriv]
Net stamina: -108, then +55 [revit]
Net corruption: +42 Shd, -20/20, +17 Shd
Net stat changes: +2 Protects, 100% HP

Brisa gives Koa 17 Shd

Nip [4]
[Actual turn, Interweave with Brisa]
Action 1: Teleport with Brisa to Chest
Action 2: Teleport Self to Tail
[Brisa’s Turn]
Action 3: Shadow Spike @ Maple’s Wings [+200 Psn]
Action 4: Brilliant Paranoia
Net stamina: -175
Net corruption: +40/+10
Net stat changes: +2 Protect, +1Def/Res, Paranoia
Notes: If Maple’s wings are down, attack the tail instead

Brisa [3]
[Receive Cino’s Shield IV]
[Receive Tailwind, Call, Nebula HH, Teatime, Get Tossed to Right Arm]
[Receive Catharsis, Autumn, Acceptance]
[Get Teleported to Chest]
[Teatime Blessed Elixir]
[+10, Ethereal, UE, Stab, Guts, Terrain, HH, Poison]
Action 1: Overcharge Spreader Arcstrike vs Wings/Head/Soul [120bp, Charge, Crit]
Action 2: Overcharge Spreader Arcstrike vs Wings/Head/Soul [120bp, Charge, Crit]
Action 3: Spreader Arcstrike vs Wings/Head/Soul [120bp]
Net stamina: +60, then Second Wind for 68
Net corruption: -10 Rad, +68 Shd
Net stat changes: +2 Eva, 150% hp, -Charges, +2 Protects, +Shield IV, +1 action next turn

Dave [4]
[Get Swapped to Chest, Remain Unleashed]
Action 1: Crunch @ Maple’s head (+600 poison, -750 Def)
Action 2: Crunch @ Maple’s head (+600 poison, -750 Def)
Action 3: Crunch @ Maple’s head (+600 poison, -750 Def)
Action 4: Crunch @ Maple’s head (+600 poison, -750 Def)
Net stamina: -79
Net corruption: +30 Shd, +30 Rad
Net stat changes: Acceptance charge persists
Notes: Namo remember he has Hex Counter (-900 each of Attack and Magic)

[Chest Zone]​

[Tree gang]​

Owen [2]
Maintain Unleash
Action 1: Call Xernatus
Action 2: Focus
[Wind Up]
Net: +25% stamina (partial rest) (+63),
-10 Radiance (Unleash corruption, Deep Focus)
End in BL

Bahamut [2]
Leave Firm Stance
Action 1: Ally Switch w/ Owen. Self to BR, Owen to BL.
Action 2: Move to MR with Xernatus
Action 3 Second Cautious Seed
Action 4 (Free, phantom) : Umbral Gambit
Net:-11 stamina, +20 Shadow, +3 Defense and Res, +2 Gambit Guard, -1 Phantom


Astrid entered reserves.
Celeste entered reserves.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs Maple
Turn 3 Messages

Miles: Shield V protected Starr!
Cino's Shield IV protected Brisa!
The Ethereals boosted Brisa's damage and protected the team!
Icetales' Teatime let Brisa restore her stamina!
Icetales' Misty Nebulous Diamond Veil boosted and protected the team!
Mellow's pure words rallied Brisa, Cynthian and Icetales
Mellow's Tailwind hastened the team!
Mellow's Shadow Toss yeeted Brisa to the Right Arm!
Vix chauffeured Dave and Starr!
Vix waxed Starr, Brisa, and Koa!
Vix drained Saltriv's corruption!
Saltriv's Void Acceptance soothed Koa, Starr, and Brisa!
Saltriv's Revitalizing Morning Sun restored Koa, Starr, and Vix!
Saltriv's Brilliant Autumn protected and soothed Koa, Starr, and Brisa!
Starr's Void Catharsis healed, soothed and prepared Brisa and herself!
Koa called out to Saltriv! His pure words reached them!
Koa's Conduit let him shoulder Brisa's Shadows!
Nip chauffeured Brisa!
Dave has Hex Counter!

Koa's triple Pressurized Outcries dealt X, X and X damage to Maple's head, and inflicted -3600 Resistance!
Nip's Shadow Spike dealt X damage and +200 Poison to Maple's Wings!
Dave's Quadruple Crunches dealt X damage, 2400 Poison, and -3000 Defense to Maple’s head!
Brisa received a lot of support from the team! Brisa is surging with power... Brisa's Cat o' Nine Tails Arcstrike dealt a semi-CRITICAL X, X, and X damage to Maple's Head, Wings, and Soul! Her Tenacity inflicted 450 Paralysis to each! It's Ultra Effective!

Owen commanded Xernatus!
Bahamut chauffeured Owen!
Bahamut's Umbral Gambit and phantom protected the team!


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Turn 4: Live Free or Turn Hard
Action 1: Morning Sun on self & fake!Pita. +50% HP to all, unless Pita puts up some sun somehow. plsputupsomesun​
Action 2: Ally Switch w/ Owen. Self to BL, Owen to MR. the two may have to take up square dancing together when this is all over.
Action 3: Focus​
Net:-58 stamina, -40 Shadow
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