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Official Actions

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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Bonuses: max out defense, then HP, then remnants into resistance
Le Shoppe: Sell restore seed. Purchase Maple's Renewal Seed, Pop's Grand Reviver, Shield's Aegis Orb, Diyem's Abyssal Seed, and Soda's Illusory Seed.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Okay I lied one more

Chip's Laser
- Blacklight Boost: +1 Speed, +1 Def, +1 Res, +1 Eva, +1 Acc


Don’t underestimate seeds.
between a hope and a prayer
  1. moka-mark
  2. solrock
  3. breloom


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Bunch of stuff for Owen as discussed on the discord, etc. etc. Did writing. Lots of that lately.

Everything before has been logged!


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
🛒 Final Shopping Time 🛒

🛍️ Items

• Sell:

- Escape Orb (+3)
- Sitrus Berry (+7)

• Buy:
- Blast Seed (-2)
- Divine Berry (-20)
- Abyssal Seed (-20)
- Hyperactive Seed (-20)
- Wormhole Orb (-10)
- Terrain Orb (-6)
- Warding Orb (-15)
- Grand Reviver Seed (voucher)

❄️ Points:

- 1 point in HP (997 -> 1.000)
- 1 point in Stamina (519 -> 520)
- 13 points in Defense (452 -> 478)

✨ Perks:

- Hex Adept -> Double Dip (-10)
- Revitalize -> Expanded Aura (add Role Play and Radiant Cheer) (-20)
Last edited:


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa's True Last Boss Logging

Challenge Completion:
Waves 2 and 3 accounted for by means of writing, editing, and drawing for many hours.
Also completing my first Rank S using this six-chapter review of TQftL.

Item Loadout:
Buying Venom/Chilli/Chilly/Flashbang Seeds
Selling Sitrus Berry
Buying Renewal Seed, Mellow Berry, Max Elixir
Buying Grand Reviver
Buying Aegis/Wormhole Orbs
Selling Abyssal Seed
Buying Medley/Precision Seeds

Build Loadout:
Volt Switch -> Zap Cannon
Protect -> Endure

Blacklight Boost Reconfig
Arcflash: swap +1 Accuracy for +1 Defense
Innates: swap +1 Evasion for +1 Accuracy


the cat is mightier than the pen
  1. dratini
  2. dratini-pen
  3. dratini-pen2


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Bahamut's turn 1: eat da abyssal seed, eat da illusory seed, and use da warding orb.
R17 Boss ~ The Final Blacklight Showdown


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs Eternal Blacklight
Turn 1 Actions

  • Ashwood [Nullify +4 | +15] @ Starr (+2000 threshold barrier, +400 HP damage barrier)
  • Miles [Shield +4/+4 | +5] @ Brisa (303 HP, 319/425, +4/+4)
  • Skara [Spectrum -> Boon V +4 | +20] @ Koa
  • Ashwood [Nullify +4 | +15] @ Vix (+2000 threshold barrier, +400 HP damage barrier)
  • Seyka [Blink +4 | +5] @ Mellow
  • Lauchzelot [Shield V +4/+3 | +5] @ Koa (356 HP, 376/361, +4/+3)
  • Cuicatl [Surge +4 | +5] @ Owen

[Burst: 70/100]

Teamwide Effects:

Tailwind, DDust (already in unit calcs)

Saltriv [3] [N]

[Receiving Teatime]
Action 1: DD Hyperactive + Aegis Orb
Action 2: Call Starr [+2 Acc], Koa [+1 Spd/Acc], Vix [+2 Eva]
Action 3: Void Acceptance @ Brisa, Koa, Mellow
[Teatime Abyssal Seed]
Δ Stats: +6 Defense, +6 Resistance
Δ Stamina: -78
Δ Blacklight: +0/40
Δ HP: +200
Δ Misc: +2 Hyperactive, +2 Protect, +Aegis, +3 Crit Immune

Mellow [3] [N]

[Receiving Blink, Acceptance]
Action 1: Shining Teatime @ Brisa, Starr, Koa
Action 2: Shining Teatime @ Saltriv, Brisa, Icetales
Action 3: Shining Teatime @ Koa, Brisa, Starr
Action 4: DD Abyssal + Hyperactive
Action 5: Tailwind @ North zone
Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +6 Defense, +6 Resistance
Δ Stamina: -150
Δ Blacklight: +42 Rad
Δ HP: +200
Δ Misc: Tailwind @ North, +3 Crit Immune

Koa [3] [N —> NE]

[Receiving Boon V (Skara), Acceptance, S. Teatime, Teatime, Rally Call, Shield V (Lauchs)]
Action 1: Shining Echochamber
[Call Brisa]
Action 2: Electric Terrain
[Teatime Volatile Seed]
[Teatime Abyssal Seed]
[Teatime Warding Orb]
Action 3: Volt Switch to NE [+9, Stab, Terrain]
Δ Stats: +6 Attack, +6 Magic, +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +6 Evasion, +6 Speed, +1 Accuracy
Δ Stamina: -124
Δ Blacklight: +0/+0
Δ HP: +200
Δ Misc: +800 fixed damage, +1 Wax, +2 Acceptance

Vix [3] [N —> NW]

[Receiving Determination, Nullify (Ashwood)]
Action 1: Hyperactive Seed
Action 2: Brilliant Justice @ Koa, Icetales, Starr
[Justice Drain Brisa -60 Rad]
Action 3: walk to NW
Δ Stats: +2 Protect, +6 Speed, +2 Evasion, +400 HP, +2000 Ward
Δ Stamina: -64
Δ Blacklight: +36 Rad
Δ HP: +200, (+400 Null)
Δ Misc: +2 Hyperactive

Dave [3] [NW]

Action 1: Psych Up Vix’s Speed
Action 2: Brilliant Determination @ Vix
Action 3: Double Dip Abyssal Seed + Aegis Orb
Δ Stats: +4 Protect, +6 Speed, +6 Def, +6 Res
Δ Stamina: -135
Δ Blacklight: +56/+0
Δ HP: +200
Δ Misc: Determination, +3 Crit Immune, +2 Protect, Aegis, remember Hex Counter

Icetales [3]

[Receiving Teatime]
Action 1: DD Hyperactive + Terrain Orb
Action 2: Teatime [Abyssal | Koa: Abyssal]
[activate Snow Warning]
Action 3: Void Wraith @ Eterna Power [+300 Freeze]
[Teatime Warding Orb]
Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +6 Defense, +6 Resistance
Δ Stamina: -78
Δ Blacklight: +40 Shd
Δ HP: +300
Δ Misc: +1 Hyperactive, +3 Crit Immune, +Misty Terrain, +Diamond Dust, +1 Wax, Threshold: 400

Brisa [3] [N]

[Receiving S. Teatime 3, Catharsis, Shield V (Miles), Acceptance, Justice Drain, Koa Call]
Action 1: Brilliant Paragon
Action 2: Brilliant Paragon
Action 3: Medley Seed
[Unleash Tenacity]
[Teatime Aegis Orb]
[Teatime Warding Orb]
[Teatime Precision Orb]
Δ Stats: +6 Atk, +6 Spd, +6 Acc, +2 Def, +2 Res
Δ Stamina: -192
Δ Blacklight: +0/+0
Δ HP: 150%
Δ Misc: +3 Rainbow, +3 Shieldbreaker, +200 Threshold, +3 Protect, +Aegis, +Paragon, +Unleash, +4 Charge, +1 Acceptance

Starr [4] [N]

[Receiving Nullify (Ashwood), Paragon x2, Call, Teatime]
Action 1: Void Catharsis
Action 2: Aegis Orb
Action 3: Abyssal Seed
Action 4: [Wind Up]
[Teatime Illusory Seed]
[Teatime Weather Orb]
Δ Stats: +4 Atk, +4 Spd, +6 Def/Res, +6 Eva, +2 Acc, +400 HP, +2000 Ward
Δ Stamina: -90
Δ Blacklight: +36 Shd
Δ HP: 100% (+400 Null)
Δ Misc: Illusory, Abyssal, Aegis, +2 Action, +1 Protect, +Sunny, +1 Wax

Owen [3] [SW]

[Receiving Surge (Cuicatl)]
Action 1: Sunny Day
Action 2: Hyperactive Seed
Action 3: Abyssal Seed
Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +6 Evasion, +6 Accuracy
Δ Stamina: -60
Δ Blacklight: +0/+0
Δ HP: 100%
Δ Misc: +3 Hyperactive, +3 Crit Immune, +Sunny, +1000 fixed damage

Bahamut [3] [SE]

Action 1: Abyssal Seed
Action 2: Hyperactive Seed
Action 3: Warding Orb
Δ Stats: +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +6 Speed
Δ Stamina: 0
Δ Blacklight: +0/+0
Δ HP: 100% then +200
Δ Misc: +3 Hyperactive, +3 Crit Immune, x2 thresholds
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Team Spectrum vs Eternal Blacklight
Turn 1 Battle Logs

Skara’s Spectral Boon V buffed Koa!
Ashwood’s Nullify protected Starr!
Ashwood’s Nullify protected Vix!
Miles’ Shield protected Brisa!
Seyka’s Blink sped up Mellow!
Launchs’ Shield protected Koa!
Cuicatl’s Surge buffed Owen!

Saltriv's Void Acceptance prepared Brisa, Koa and Mellow to wield the Blacklight!
Saltriv's pure words rallied Starr, Koa and Vix!
Mellow held out a massive tea party with Brisa, Starr, Koa, Saltriv and Icetales, and let them set up!
Icetales took tea with Koa!
Mellow's Tailwind boosted the whole team's Speed!
Icetales’ Diamond Dust soothed the team!
Vix's Brilliant Justice protected and drained Koa, Icetales and Starr!
Vix’s Justice drained some of Brisa’s Radiance!
Dave's Brilliant Determination protected Vix!
Dave copied Vix’s Speed!
Brisa's Brilliant Paragon pushed herself and Starr to their limits!
Starr's Void Catharsis soothed and healed herself and Brisa!


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Team Spectrum vs Final Eternal Blacklight
~ Turn 2 Logs ~

Supports being used:
  • (+20) Skara [Spectrum –> Boon V] @ Astrid
  • (+20) Skara [Spectrum –> Soothe] @ Dave
  • (+5) Cuicatl [Surge] @ Astrid
[Burst: 115/100]


Teamwide Effects:

Astrid [3] [Setup] 🔒🔒​

[Receiving Surge(Cuicatl)]
[Lithe Stance]
Action 1: Recurve –> Metanoia
Action 2: Recurve –> Inspiration
Action 3: Blessed Elixir
Action 4: [Wind Up]
Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +6 Defense
Δ Stamina: +150 (=650)
Δ Blacklight: +28 Shd, +84 Rad
Δ Misc: +1000 fixed damage, +3 Sure Crit, +1 action, +Blessed

Dave [4] [NW —> N] 🔒🔒​

[Receiving Soothe (-60 Rad), Mellow Pure Call (+2 Acc), Sunbeams, Rejuvenate Heal Bell]
[Unleash, Hexternalize Poison]
Action 1: Rock Smash @ Light Power [+600 poison/-750 Def]
Action 2: Rock Smash @ Light Power
[+600 poison/-750 Def]
Action 3: Shadow Charge N -> Rock Smash @ Eterna Power
[+600 poison/-750 Def]
Action 4: Rock Smash @ Eterna Power
[+600 poison/-750 Def]
Δ Stats: +2 Acc
Δ Stamina: -75
Δ Blacklight: -50/+14
Δ HP: -25% Shadow Charge recoil, +25% (Heal Bell), +200 HP (Dust)
Δ Misc: remember Hex Counter

Mellow [3] [N —> SE] 🔒🔒​

[Receiving Autumn]
Action 1: Helping Hand @ Starr
Action 2: Shining Teatime @ Brisa, Saltriv, Astrid
Action 3: Rally Call @ Eien [+2 Eva], Dave [+2 Acc], Saltriv [+2 Eva]
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -72
Δ Blacklight: +28/+0
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: Gets Ally Switched after her turn

Saltriv [3] [N] 🔒🔒​

[Receiving Beacon, S. Teatime, Pure Call (+2 Eva)]
[Teatime Warding Orb]
Action 1: Rally Call @ Astrid [+2 Acc], Starr [+2 Acc], Brisa [+1/1 Def/Res, HH]
Action 2: Sunbeams @ Starr, Brisa, Dave
Action 3: Autumn @ Eien, Brisa, Mellow
Δ Stats: +2 Eva
Δ Stamina: -72
Δ Blacklight: +40/-20
Δ Misc: +Sunny, x2 thresholds, -2 Hyperactive

Icetales [3] [N] 🔒🔒​

Action 1: Heal Bell @ Eien, Starr, Dave
Action 2: Role Play @ Bahamut
Action 3: Aurora Veil
Δ Stats: —
Δ Stamina: -66
Δ Blacklight: —
Δ HP: +950
Δ Misc: +Prism Armor, +Veil @ North, +Dust @ North, +Misty @ North, -1 Hyperactive

Brisa [4] [N -> NW] 🔒🔒​

[Receiving S. Teatime (Blessed Elixir), Saltriv Rally, Autumn, Sunbeams]
[+11, Stab, Guts, Terrain, HH, Charge, SBurst, Poison, +450 Para]
Action 1: Walk to NW
Action 2: Arcstrike [SE]
Action 3: Overcharge Facade [Crit]
Action 4: Electric Facade
Δ Stats: +1 Def/+1 Res
Δ Stamina: +171
Δ Blacklight: +0/+20
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: -Acceptance, -3 Charge, -3 Rainbow, +2 Protect, +Blessed

Koa [3] [NE] 🔒🔒​

[Receiving Shield V (Lauchs)]
Action 1: Aegis Orb
Action 2: Brilliant Conduit
Action 3: Pressurized Void Thundercall @ Shadow [-1050 Spd]
[+Call @ Diyem +3 Evade]
Δ Stats:
Δ Stamina: -108
Δ Blacklight: +28/+0
Δ HP: -50%
Δ Misc: -2 Acceptance, +2 Protect, +Aegis
Δ Conduit: +25% HP, +1 Protect

Conduit [NE] 🔒🔒​

  • Astrid gives Starr 30 Rad
  • Koa gives Starr 28 Shd
  • Astrid gives Starr 2 Shd

Starr [6] [N —> NE] 🔒🔒​

[Receiving Call, HH, Sunbeams, Heal Bell +645]
[Blaze, Sun, STAB, LB 1.4, HH]
[Lithe Stance]
Action 1: Umbral Insolence [-1233 HP]
Action 2: Flare Blitz @ Eterna [+8, Reckless]
Action 3: U-turn @ Eterna [+8, Travel to NE]
Action 4: Power Trip @ Shadow [+10, 46 stages]
Action 5: Flarestrike @ Shadow [+10, 120bp, Reckless, UE]
[Conduit +30 Rad, +30 Shd]
Action 6: Eterna Z-Burst @ Shadow[+12, 190 bp, SE]
Δ Stats: +2 Acc, +2 Valor
Δ Stamina: 50%
Δ Blacklight: 0/0
Δ HP: Set to 50%, then Insolence to 150%, then -25% Resolution
Δ Misc: Starr can take up to 25 rad and 30 shd with conduit

Astrid [2] [N] 🔒🔒​

[Receiving Rally Pure Call, Conduit, S. Teatime, Boon V (Skara)]
[Teatime Illusory Seed]
{Recurve Inspiration @ Starr}
Action 1: [Leap Ahead | NE]
Action 2: Volatile Seed
Action 3: Inspired Null Sweeper Stored Power @ Shadow, Eterna
[255 BP, Magic | +10, UE, Blaze, Sun, STAB, HH, Crit, Burst, +1600 fixed damage]​
Action 4: [Wind Up]
Δ Stats: +6 Evasion, +6 Accuracy, +6 Resistance, +6 Attack, +6 Magic
Δ Stamina: -72 (=578)
Δ Blacklight: +10 Shd, -20 Rad
Δ HP: set to 1
Δ Misc: +Unleash, +Endure, +1 action, +3 Illusion

Owen [3] [SW] 🔒🔒​

[Unleash + Usurp something]
Action 1: Brilliant Aether (Protect+2 to Sword)
Action 2: Terrain Orb (Grass)
Action 3: Rally Call Sword
Δ Stats: Aether
Δ Stamina: -69
Δ Blacklight: +70 Rad/ +30 Shd
Δ HP: +50 (Usurp), + 175 (Terrain regen) -> 1 HP + Aether (1784)
Δ Misc: Protect+2, Grassy Terrain. He’s in the same zone as sword and can protect her.

Bahamut [3] [SE —> N] 🔒🔒​

Action 1: Ally Switch @ Mellow
Action 2: Brilliant Beacon @ Saltriv
Action 3: Aegis Orb
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -132
Δ Blacklight: 40 Rad / 10 Shadow
Δ HP: +200
Δ Misc: Follow Me+1, Protect+4, Aegis


Diyem: +3 Eva

Eien: +2 Eva, +2 Protect, +25% HP, +200 HP

Ionys: -

Xernatus: +200 HP

Sword: +2 Protect, +2 Defense, +2 Resistance, +120 HP

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Team Spectrum vs Eternal Blacklight
Turn 2 Messages

Mellow’s Shining Teatime allowed Brisa, Saltriv and Astrid to use items!
Mellow’s Call rallied and soothed Eien, Dave and Saltriv!
Saltriv’s Pure Words, Sunbeams, and Autumn soothed and protected Astrid, Starr, Brisa, Dave, Mellow and Eien!
Icetales’s Heal Bell restored HP to Eien, Starr, and Dave!
Icetales’s Aurora Veil protected the party!
Owen’s Brilliant Aether and Rally Call protected and toughened Sword!
Bahamut’s Brilliant Beacon soothed Saltriv’s Radiance!
Koa’s Brilliant Conduit let Astrid and Starr share corruption!

Dave’s double Rock Smash dealt X damage to the Light Power and X damage to the Eterna Power, poisoning both and lowering their Defense!
Koa’s Pressurized Void Thundercall inflicted -1050 Speed to the Shadow Power and strengthened Diyem’s evasion!
Supported by Saltriv, Brisa’s Void Arcstrike dealt an Ultra Effective X damage to the Light Power!
Brisa’s Overcharged Facade dealt a CRITICAL X damage to the Light Power!
Brisa’s Electric Facade dealt X damage to the Light Power!
Supported by Mellow, Starr’s Flare Blitz and U-Turn dealt X damage to the Eterna Power!
Starr’s Power Trip, Flarestrike and Eterna Z-Burst dealt X damage to the Shadow Power!
Inspired by Starr, Astrid's Null Sweeper Stored Power dealt X damage to the Shadow Power and X damage to the Eterna Power!


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Team Spectrum vs Final Eternal Blacklight
~ Turn 3 Logs ~

Supports being used:
  • [20] Dill (Aegis 475 HP, 558/512, +4/+4, half damage on first turn) @ Astrid

[Burst: 35/100]

Dave [4] [N]​

Action 1: DD Illusory + Blessed Elixir
Action 2: Focus [Exit Unleash]
Action 3: PU Eien’s Accuracy
Action 4: [Wind Up]
Δ Stats: +6 Evasion, +6 Accuracy
Δ Stamina: +277
Δ Blacklight: -20 Shd, -20 Rad
Δ HP: —
Δ Misc: +Blessed, +3 Illusion, +1 action, remember Hex Counter

[Mellow-Owen-Bahamut Alliance]

Mellow [3] [SE –> SW –> N]​

[Receiving Ally Switch]
Action 1: Shadow Toss @ Life to S
[Get Ally Switched to SW]
Action 2: Shadow Toss @ Divine to S
[Get Teleported to N]
Action 3: Shining Teatime @ Saltriv, Icetales, Brisa
Δ Stats: —
Δ Stamina: -80
Δ Blacklight: +20 Shd, +20 Rad
Δ HP: —
Δ Misc:

Bahamut [3] [N]​

Action 1: Ally Switch Mellow & Sword
Action 2: Blessed Elixir
Action 3: Brilliant Beacon @ Astrid
Δ Stats: —
Δ Stamina: +126
Δ Blacklight: +40 Rad
Δ HP: —
Δ Misc: +Blessed, +2 Protect

Owen [3] [SW –> N –> S]​

[Receiving Veil, Pure Call, Inspirit]
[Usurp something]
Action 1: Assist > Teleport Mellow to N
Action 2: Teleport Astrid to S
Action 3: Mimic @ Astrid [Stored Power]
Δ Stats: +2 Magic
Δ Stamina: -114
Δ Blacklight: +10/+10
Δ HP: —
Δ Misc: +1 Sure Crit

[Icetales-Brisa-Koa Alliance]

Icetales [3] [N –> S]​

[Receiving S.Teatime]
[Teatime Wormhole Orb to S]
Action 1: Heal Bell @ Astrid, Koa, Brisa
Action 2: Brilliant Inspirit @ Starr, Brisa, Owen
Action 3: Aurora Veil @ S
Δ Stats: —
Δ Stamina: -126
Δ Blacklight: +40 Rad
Δ HP: +DDust
Δ Misc: +Wormhole(N<->S)
Alliance: Takes his turn after Brisa/Koa warp to S, but before they attack

Koa [3] [NE –> S]​

[Receiving Veil, Heal Bell, Autumn]
Action 1: Wormhole Orb to S
Action 2: Hyper Voice @ Life, Divine
[+Call Starr]
Action 3: Blessed Elixir
Δ Stats: —
Δ Stamina: +297
Δ Blacklight: —
Δ HP: +25% HP, +DDust
Δ Misc: +Blessed, +Wormhole(NE<->S), +2 Protect
Notes: Hyper Voice pops the Detects

Brisa [3] [NW –> N –> S]​

[Receiving Titan, Veil, Heal Bell, Inspirit, Autumn, S.Teatime]
Action 1: Travel to N
[Teatime Wormhole Orb to S]
[+9, Stab, SE, Guts, Terrain, HH, Charge, Spreader]
Action 2: Fusion Arcstrike [150 bp, Crit]
Action 3: Titanic Bolt Strike [130 bp]
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -72
Δ Blacklight: +10/+50
Δ HP: +25% HP, +DDust, +(69*2 Nice x2)
Δ Misc: +Wormhole(N<->S), +2 Protect, -Charge

Starr [4] [NE –> S]​

[Receiving Veil, Pure Call x2, Autumn, Inspirit]
[+12, Blaze, Sun, STAB, SE, HH, Reckless, Crit]
Action 1: Wormhole Orb to S
Action 2: Umbral Insolence [-1720 HP]
Action 3: Sweeper Brilliant Flarestrike @ Life, Divine [150 BP]
Action 4: [Wind Up]
Δ Stats: +2 Acc
Δ Stamina: -164
Δ Blacklight: -60/60, +30/30, +28 Shd, +56 Rad
Δ HP: 150%
Δ Misc: +2 Protect, +Wormhole(NE<->S)

Astrid [5] [N –> S]

[Receiving Veil, Heal Bell, Pure Call, Aegis(Dill), Beacon]
[Get teleported to S]
Action 1: Inspiration @ Starr
Action 2: Inspired Sweeper Null Stored Power @ Life, Divine
[255 BP, Magic | +12, SE, Blaze, Sun, STAB, HH, Crit]​
Action 3: Aegis Orb
Action 4: Recurve –> Inspiration
Action 5: [Wind Up]
Δ Stats: max
Δ Stamina: -274
Δ Blacklight: +24 Shd, +6 Rad
Δ Misc: +Aegis, +2 Protect, +1 action, +1 Recurve:Inspiration

Saltriv [3] [N –> S]​

[Receiving Veil, S.Teatime]
[Teatime Wormhole Orb to S]
Action 1: Call Owen [+2 Mag], Starr [+2 Acc], Astrid [–]
Action 2: Autumn @ Starr, Koa, Brisa
Action 3: Focus [Exit Unleash]
Δ Stats: should have +6 Speed from last turn
Δ Stamina: -72
Δ Blacklight: +20 Rad, -20 Shd
Δ HP: +DDust
Δ Misc: +Wormhole(N<->S)


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs Final Eternal Blacklight
~ Turn 3 Messages ~

Mellow used Shadow Toss and hurled the Life Power Southward!
Mellow used Shadow Toss and hurled the Divine Power Southward!
Mellow’s Shining Teatime helped the team relocate!
Bahamut swapped Mellow with Sword!
Bahamut’s Brilliant Beacon purged Astrid’s Radiance!
Owen was Mellow and Astrid’s chauffeur!
Icetales’s Rejuvenating Heal Bell restored himself, Astrid, Koa, and Brisa by 25% hp each!
Icetales’ Brilliant Inspirit gave Starr, Brisa, and Owen a helping hand and a sure crit!
Icetales’ Aurora Veil protected the party from 25% of damage this turn!
Saltriv’s Pure Words and Brilliant Autumn soothed and protected Owen, Starr, Astrid, Koa, and Brisa!
Koa’s Hyper Voice broke the Life and Divine Powers’ barriers!

Brisa’s Spreader Fusion Arcflare dealt a CRITICAL X damage to the Life Power, and X to the Divine Power!
Brisa’s Spreader Titanic Bolt Strike dealt X damage to the Life Power, and X to the Divine Power!
Starr’s Sweeper Fusion Arcflare dealt a CRITICAL X damage to the Life Power, and X to the Divine Power!
Inspired by Starr, Astrid’s Inspired Sweeper Null Stored Power dealt a CRITICAL X damage to the Life Power, and X to the Divine Power!
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