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R11 Boss - Worldcore


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs the Worldcore: Turn 1

Skara used Ward III on Starr, granting a 1313 threshold barrier and a 175 HP damage barrier.
Skara used Ward III on Cynthian, granting a 1313 threshold barrier and a 175 HP damage barrier.
Mithos used Ward III on Cabot, granting a 1313 threshold barrier and a 175 HP damage barrier.
Ashwood used Ward II on Mellow, granting a 625 threshold barrier and a 125 HP damage barrier.
Support Burst is at 75/100!

Battle-Style Messages:
Dave used Psych Up on Starr's Speed and Attack, copying her +6 boost to each!
Dave used Scary Face on the Blacklight Dragon, applying -800 to Speed!
Icetales' Teatime let Brisa use a Quick Seed!
Icetales' Aurora Veil spread Misty Terrain to Brisa, Starr, Owen, Koa and Dave! Team Spectrum in Zone L1 will have incoming damage reduced by 25%, incoming threshold values halved, and incoming damage from Dragon-type moves halved!
Koa used Shadow Browbeat on the Blacklight Dragon, applying -500 to Speed!
Koa Called Out to Regidrago!
Brisa used Radiant Arrest on the Blacklight Dragon, applying 400 to Paralysis and -100 to Speed!
Brisa's Thunder Fang dealt [X] damage to the Blacklight Dragon, and added 200 to Paralysis and 200 to Flinch! The Blacklight Dragon was Paralysed!
Cynthian's Leaf Storm dealt [X] damage to Joule! Sweet Marigold added 300 to Freeze and 100 to Confuse! Joule was Frozen!
Owen's Bestow boosted Brisa's Speed by +3 and her Evasion by +2!
Owen used Psych Up on Starr's Speed, copying her +6 boost!
Shiron's Brilliant Tidal boosted Cabot's, Mellow's, and Vix's Speed by +3!
Shiron's Ultra Stone dealt [X] damage to Regieleki!
Mellow's Tailwind boosted her own, Shiron's, Cynthian's, Saltriv's, Cabot's and Vix's Speed by +2!
Mellow's Teatime let Cabot, Saltriv and Cynthian each use a Stat-Up Seed!
Cynthian's Leafstorm dealt [X] damage to Joule, and applied 300 to Freeze and 100 to Confuse!
Saltriv's Umbral Urging boosted Cabot's Attack by +6 and lowered his Radiance by 10!
Saltriv Called Out to Cynthian, Mellow and Shiron! They each gained +2 Speed!



Leap ahead to R1.

Left 1:


- [Enter Lithe Stance]
- Starr used Radiant Adrenaline twice!
- Double Dip--Starr used a Cautious Seed and a Weather Orb! The sunlight grew harsh.
- [Wind Up]
Stamina cost: 43
Final corruption: 51 Radiance, 0 Shadow
Stat boosts:
+6 Attack
+6 Speed
+3 Defense
+3 Resistance

Psych Up Starr Speed
Psych Up Starr Attack
Scary Face on BL Dragon (-800)
Stamina cost: 120
Final corruption: 0 Radiance, 0 Shadow

Misty Terrain Orb
Aurora Veil
Teatime at Brisa [Quick Seed]
Stamina cost: 78
Final corruption: 0 Radiance, 0 Shadow

E. Terrain
Browbeat vs BLD (Pressurised, -500 speed) (+call Regidrago)
Stamina cost: 120
Final corruption: 42 Radiance, 21 Shadow

[Teatime Quick Seed]
R. Arrest vs Blacklight Dragon (-100 speed, 400 paralysis)
Cautious Seed
T. Fang vs Blacklight Dragon (Charge/STAB/Guts/Terrain/NVE, 200 paralysis, 200 flinch)
Stamina cost: 43
Final corruption: 21 Radiance, 0 Shadow
Stat boosts:
+6 Speed
+3 Defense
+3 Resistance
+2 Evasion

DD Quick Seed + Weather Orb
Bestow on Brisa
PU Starr Speed
Stamina cost: 90
Final corruption: 30 Radiance, 0 Shadow

Right 1:


Brilliant Tidal at Cabot, Mellow, and Vix
DD Cautious Seed + Ultra Stone throw at Regieleki
Wind Up
Stamina cost: 57
Final corruption: 40 Radiance, 0 Shadow

[Saltriv+Mellow+Cynthian alliance]


Shining Teatime at Cynthian, Cabot and Saltriv
Cautious Seed
Stamina cost: 120
Final corruption: 22 Radiance, 0 Shadow

Action 1: Void Nightshade (+Reflex Seed via Shining Teatime)
Action 2: Leafstorm (STAB, terrain) [Marigold: Confuse 100 (50x2), Freeze 300 (100+50x2)]
Action 3: Wind Up.
Stamina cost: 93.
Corruption: 48 Shadow [68-20(Saltriv Call)]
Stat Boosts: +6 Mag (Nightshade)
+5 speed (Nightshade + Saltriv Rallying Cry)
+6 Evasion (Nightshade + Reflex Seed)
Terrain: Grassy Terrain (Nightshade)

[Teatime Cautious Seed]
Umbral Urging Cabot
Call Cynthian, Mellow, and Shiron (+2 Speed)
Stamina cost: 35
Final corruption: 0 Radiance, 30 Shadow

Action 1: Radiant Barricade
Action 2: Radiant Barricade
Action 3: Double Dip Protect Orb and Cautious Seed
Bonus action (Shining Teatime): Cautious Seed
Stamina cost: 40
Corruption at the end of turn: 20 Radiance, 0 Shadow
Stat boosts at the end of turn: +6 Attack (Umbral Urging)
+6 Evasion
+5 Speed (Brilliant Tidal)
+6 Defense
+6 Resistance
+1 Protect

Radiant Wax
Calm Mind
Stamina cost: 64
Final corruption: 30 Radiance, 0 Shadow

1. Blacklight Dragon should be paralysed
2. Joule should be frozen
3. Brisa should keep her burn
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa Turn 1

Seems a peculiar thing t'do amidst a real fight, but I guess Icetales is takin' Teatime with me. Thanks, partner – I needed that Quick Seed! While I'm at it, I'll down a Cautious Seed, too!

Now to take on the fuckin' Blacklight Dragon again. Good thing I've got Starr beside me, like last time... It'll be tougher while not in the Reverse World, but I got more hexin' proficiency now! I'll use my Radiant Arrest, an' seal the deal with Thunder Fang! Keep still, you bastard. The Blacklight Dragon was Paralysed!

Ain't like I weren't quick on my paws already, but I sore appreciate Owen's Shinin' Bestow fer a little extra duckin' an' weavin'.

R. Arrest (-100 speed, 400 paralysis)
T. Fang: (Charge/STAB/Guts/Terrain/NVE, 200 paralysis, 200 flinch)
Stamina cost: 43
Final corruption: 21 Radiance, 0 Shadow
Stat boosts:
+6 Speed
+3 Defense
+3 Resistance
+2 Evasion
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Turn 2!

Inner chambers are being unlocked. It seems that the team will need to figure out how to spread themselves out to survive and avoid flanking damage!

The dimensions have also twisted... While corruption is normal again, it seems that everything will hit for critical damage! Beware!


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Cabot turn 2

Action 1: Shining Rockfall at Joule
Multipliers: STAB, Super Effective, Crit, Helping Hand, Support Burst

Action 2: Shining Rockfall at Joule
Multipliers: STAB, Super Effective, Crit, Helping Hand, Support Burst

Action 3: Iron Tail at Joule
Multipliers: STAB, Crit, Sheer Force, Helping Hand, Support Burst

Stamina costs: 83
Corruption at the end of turn: 60 Radiance, 0 Shadow


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Cynthian Turn 2

Action 1: Sludge Bomb @ Joule
Multipliers: Stab, Crit, HH, LB (20%), Support Burst.
Threshold: 300 [2(50+100]

Action 2: Leafstorm @ Joule
Multipliers: Stab, Crit, HH, LB (20%), Grassy Terrain, Support Burst.

Action 3: Bullet Seed @ Joule Multipliers: Stab, Crit, HH, LB (20%), Grassy Terrain, Technitian (50%), Support Burst.

Action 4: Call Darkwhite.

Stamina Costs: 117
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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Dave used Double Dip!
- Dave's Ultra Stone did 1 damage to Regidrago!
- Dave's Vile Seed applied -800 to the Blacklight Dragon's Defense and Resistance!
Dave's Void Desperation did a CRITICAL [X] damage to the Blacklight Dragon and applied 600 to flinch! [EM] Dave took 142 damage in recoil!
Dave used Shining Burden on Brisa, giving +2 Protect to himself and Brisa and +1 Def/Res to Brisa!

1. Double Dip Ultra Stone @ Regidrago, Vile Seed @ Blacklight Dragon [-800 Def, -800 Res]
2. Void Desperation @ Blacklight Dragon [600 flinch, 25% max HP recoil damage (142), -300 Evasion to Dave]
3. Shining Burden @ Brisa [+2 Protect to Dave and Brisa, +1 Def/+1 Res to Brisa]
Stamina cost: 51
Final corruption: 34 Radiance, 68 Shadow
Stat stages:
-3 Evasion
Notes: Blacklight Dragon should flinch.
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr Turn 2

[Maintain Lithe Stance]
[Receive Call from Saltriv for +2 Def]
[Receive Shield IV from Lauchs]

Starr used Umbral Insolence! She lost 34 HP. Blaze activated!

- Starr used Flare Blitz on the Darkwhite Horde!
- Starr used Leech Life on the Darkwhite Horde!
- Starr used Power Trip on the Darkwhite Horde!
- Starr used Brilliant Flarestrike on the Sword Horde!

-- Starr regained 34 HP.

-- Link Boost 30%
-- All have Support Burst, HH [via Inspirit], and Crit [via field effect]

-- Flare Blitz: Blaze, Sun, STAB, Reckless
-- Leech Life: Blaze, Sun, STAB
-- Power Trip: 170 BP, Blaze, Sun, STAB
-- Flarestrike: 150 BP, Blaze, Sun, STAB, Reckless, UE [Inherited from Arcstrike]

Stamina cost: 226 before Flarestrike [Tireless activates]
Final corruption: 99 Radiance, 14 Shadow [Saltriv Call]
Stat boosts:
+6 Attack
+6 Speed
+5 Defense
+3 Resistance


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa Turn 2:

Starr and I are about to use a powerful combination attack... I'll Charge my aura ready fer it. That technique... How come my Void Arcstrike becomes so powerful when I use it around Starr's Brilliant Flarestrike? Whatever the reason, that Fusion Arcflare is gonna hit like a goddamn hurricane!

Now that the horde of phantasms are on the back foot, I gotta try reachin' out to Sword with a Shinin' Whiplash! Listen t'me, Sword, please...

Charge grants +1 charge and +1 Res.
Arcstrike has Fusion, UE, STAB, Terrain, Guts, Charge, Crit, HH, and Support Burst.
Whiplash has SE, STAB, Guts, Crit, HH, and Support Burst.
Brisa was hurt by her burn...
Stamina cost: 140
Final corruption: 8 Radiance, 16 Shadow
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Revenge of the Blacklight Dragon II
Act 2: Vanishing Tricks

1. I can sense a bizarre atmosphere in the air. It is getting to my skin, and I can feel my body becoming more sluggish and my reactions slowing down. Hm... Perhaps is it just this unbearable heat. Anyway... Brisa! Miss Starr! Sir Dave! Allow me to empower you with some Inspiritment! May the stars lead our--

2. Bejirah! W-what happened?! Where am...? Oh. My other comrades are here, and... Sir Joule?! Ah! N-no, he is another replica. Another... Oh! Heavens! You three seem a tad drained. I shall help! With this Heal Bell, you all will feel better in no time, Miss Cynthian, Miss Vix, and Sir Shiron!

3. Hmm... Joule used to inflict our own status on us. Hmm... Better use some Mist to spread my Misty Terrain to my comrades, just to be safe.

• Supports

~ Left Zone 1’s Brilliant Inspirit (Helping Hand) Damage Boost:
+25% for Brisa, Dave, and Starr

• Alliance with Vix and Shiron
~ Vix:
Swaps Icetales and Mellow -> Icetales ends in Right Zone 1
~ Icetales: Rejuvenate Heal Bell on Cynthian [heals HP by 25%], Shiron [heals Sleepy and Frozen, and HP by 25%] and Vix [heals Sleepy and Frozen, and HP by 25%]

~ Right Zone 1’s damage reduction: -50% Dragon-type (via Misty Terrain)
~ Right Zone 1’s enemies’ status threshold: -50% (via Misty Terrain)
~ Right Zone 1’s enemies’ debuff threshold: -50% (via Mist)

Stamina: 282
• Stamina Cost: 170
• Remaining Stamina: 112
• Corruption: 40 Radiance, 0 Shadow
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Team Spectrum vs the Worldcore: Turn 2

Seyka used Haste II on Vix
Celeste used Hex V Paralysis on Joule
Lauchs used Shield IV on Starr

Icetales’s Brilliant Inspirit boosted Brisa, Starr, and Dave!
Icetales’s Rejuvenating Heal Bell healed Cynthian, Vix, and Shiron by 25%, and removed Vix and Shiron’s status conditions!
Icetales' Mist spread Misty Terrain to his zone! Team Spectrum will have incoming threshold values halved, and incoming damage from Dragon-type moves halved!
Vix’s Radiant Wax gave Brisa a wax layer and boosted her Def/Res by +1!
Vix’s Umbral Ire burned away Brisa’s wax and boosted her next attack!
Dave's Ultra Stone dealt 1 damage to Regidrago!
Dave's Vile Seed applied -800 to the Blacklight Dragon's Defense and Resistance!
Dave used Shining Burden on Brisa, giving +2 Protect to himself and Brisa and +1 Def/Res to Brisa!
Saltriv's Umbral Urging boosted Brisa's Attack by +6!
Saltriv called out to Brisa, Starr, and Koa! They each gained +2 Defense!
Mellow's Tailwind boosted her zone’s Speed by +2!
Mellow’s double Helping Hand boosted Cynthian and Cabot!
Cynthian called out to Darkwhite!

Dave's Void Desperation, boosted by Icetales, dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to the Blacklight Dragon and applied 600 to flinch! Dave took 142 damage in recoil!
Koa’s double Umbral Outcry dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to Darkwhite and applied -1800 to Resistance! Koa called out to Brisa!
Brisa’s Shining Whiplash, supported by Icetales, dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to Sword! Brisa called out to Sword!
Brisa & Starr's Fusion Arcflare, supported by Icetales and Vix, dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to Sword! Starr took [X] damage in recoil!
Starr's Flare Blitz, supported by Icetales, dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to Darkwhite! Starr took [X] damage in recoil!
Starr's Leech Life, supported by Icetales, dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to Darkwhite!
Starr's Power Trip, supported by Icetales, dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to Darkwhite!
Cynthian’s Sludge Bomb, supported by Mellow, dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to Joule and applied 300 to poison!
Cynthian’s Leaf Storm, supported by Mellow, dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to Joule!
Cynthian’s Bullet Seed, supported by Mellow, dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to Joule!
Cabot’s double Shining Rockfall, supported by Mellow, dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to Joule!
Cabot’s Iron Tail, supported by Mellow, dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to Joule!

>>For detailed breakdowns of individual units, see the individual action posts<<

Left 1

Icetales [3]

[L1] Inspirit Brisa/Starr/Koa​
[Get Swapped over to R1]​
[R1] Heal Bell Shiron/Vix/Cynthian​
[R1] Mist to spread Misty Terrain​
Dave [3]
DD Lump at Regi, Vile Seed at BL Dragon​
Desperation the BL Dragon​
Burden on Brisa​
Koa [3]
Sitrus Berry​
Outcry the DW horde (+ call Brisa & pass terrain)​
Outcry the DW horde​
Saltriv [3]
Travel to L1​
Urge Brisa​
Call Starr, Brisa, Koa (+2 Def)​
Brisa [3]
Arcflare on Sword [Ire]​
Whiplash on Sword​
Starr [5]
Flare Blitz on DW​
Leech Life on DW​
Power Trip on DW [34 stages]​
Flarestrike on Sword [Inherits UE]​
Owen [3]
Protect +3​
Umbral Storage Overheat​
DD Cautious Seed + Max Elixir​

Right 1

[Vix-Shiron-Icetales Alliance]

Vix: Ally Switch to swap Icetales and Mellow [45 stm]
Icetales: Heal Bell Shiron, Vix and Cynthian
Shiron: Mimic Ally Switch and swaps himself with Mellow [5 stm]
Vix uses Ally Switch again on herself and Shiron [5 stm]

[Result: Vix in L1, Icetales in R1, Shiron back in R1, Mellow back in R1]

Vix [4](Haste)
Ally Switch Icetales and Mellow [45 stm]​
Ally Switch herself and Shiron [5 stm]​
Wax Brisa [10 stm]​
Ire Brisa for UE Arcflare [20 stm][175 stamina total]​
Shiron [3](Status)
Mimic Ally Switch himself and Mellow​
Travel to R2​
Protect +5​
Mellow [3]
Tailwind R1​
Helping Hand on Cabot​
Helping Hand on Cynthian​
Cynthian [4]
Sludge Bomb Joule​
Leaf Storm Joule​
Bullet Seed Joule​
Call DW​
Cabot [3]
Shining Rockfall at Joule​
Shining Rockfall at Joule​
Iron Tail at Joule​
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr Turn 3

[Exit Lithe Stance]
[Receive Call from Saltriv for +2 Evade]
[Receive Call from Koa]
[Receive Heal Pulse from Saltriv for 399 HP and 41 Stm]

- Starr traveled to L2
- Double Dip! Starr used a Protect Orb and hurled the Ultra Stone at Regice!
- [Wind Up]

Partial Rest: +69 Stm
Corruption: -40 Radiance, -40 Shadow
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PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Cabot turn 3

Action 1: Void Meteor at Joule
Multipliers: STAB, Super Effective, Sheer Force

Action 2: Double Dip Escape Orb to L2 and Ultra Stone strike at Regice
Ultra Stone damage: 20

Action 3: Double Dip Sitrus Berry and Invisify Orb

Stamina costs: 63
Corruption at the end of turn: 60 Radiance, 40 Shadow


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa Turn 3:

I gotta pace myself right now. I reckon I can make that fuckin' Blacklight Dragon flinch with a Thunder Fang.
We need to get further in. I'll go with the team while Icetales covers us, and get first blood against Lugia with another Thunder Fang!

T. Fang on BL Dragon [+300 Flinch/+100 Prlz, Flinch procs] (NVE, Stab, Guts)
Travel to L2
T. Fang on Lugia [+150 Prlz/+50 Flinch, bc multiscale] (SE, Stab, Guts)
Brisa was hurt for 25 damage by her Burn...
Stamina cost: 36
Final corruption: no change


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Dave used Shining Burden on Brisa, giving +2 Protect to himself and Brisa and +1 Def/Res to Brisa!
Dave's Void Desperation dealt [X] damage to the Blacklight Dragon and applied 600 to flinch! Dave took 142 damage in recoil!
Dave used Psych Up on Brisa's Evasion, copying her +2 boost!

1. Shining Burden @ Brisa [+2 Protect to Dave and Brisa, +1 Def/+1 Res to Brisa]
2. Void Desperation @ Blacklight Dragon [600 flinch, 25% max HP recoil damage (142), -300 Evasion to Dave]
3. Psych Up @ Brisa's Evasion [set to +2]
Stamina cost: (20 + 40 + 20) * 3 * 12 / (12 + 9) = 137
Final corruption: 34 Radiance, 68 Shadow
Stat stages:
Evasion set to +2
Notes: Blacklight Dragon should flinch.
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs the Worldcore: Turn 3

Battle-Style Messages:

Bahamut's Heal IV healed Dave for a base 254 HP! [20]
Cino's Shield IV created a 150 HP barrier around Koa! [10]
Flame's Shield IV created a 269 HP barrier around Cynthian! [5]
Miles' Shield V created a 155 HP barrier around Shiron! [5]
Team Spectrum's Support Burst is at 40/100!

Koa’s Umbral Outcry, Echoing in the chamber, dealt X damage to Darkwhite and applied -900 to Resistance!
Saltriv Called Out to Owen, Starr, and Koa! They each gained +2 Evasion!
Saltriv's Revitalising Heal Pulses healed Starr for 399 HP and 41 stamina, and Brisa for 202 HP and 40 stamina!
Dave used Shining Burden on Brisa, giving +2 Protect to himself and Brisa and +1 Def/Res to Brisa!
Dave's Void Desperation dealt X damage to the Blacklight Dragon and applied 600 to flinch! Dave took 142 damage in recoil!
Dave used Psych Up on Brisa's Evasion, copying her +2 boost!
Brisa's Thunder Fang dealt X damage to the Blacklight Dragon, and added 100 to Paralysis and 300 to Flinch! It's not very effective... The Blacklight Dragon Flinched!
Brisa's Thunder Fang dealt X damage to Lugia, and added 300 to Paralysis and 100 to Flinch! It's super effective!
Starr's Ultra Stone dealt 20 damage to Regice!
Vix’s Radiant Wax gave Owen a wax layer and boosted her Def/Res by +1!
Vix’s Umbral Ire burned away Owen’s wax and boosted her next attack!
Owen's Void Demon dealt 666 damage to Sword!
Six of Owen's stored Overheats, supported by Vix, dealt X damage to Sword!
Icetales’s Rejuvenating Heal Bell healed Cynthian, Mellow, and Cabot by 25%!
Icetales' Teatime let Cynthian use a Cautious Seed!
Mellow's Tailwind boosted her zone’s Speed by +2!
Mellow's Ultra Stone dealt 20 damage to Regice!
Ivy threw hands with Regice for an impressive 20 damage!
Cabot’s Void Meteor dealt X damage to Joule! It's super effective!
Cabot's Ultra Stone dealt 20 damage to Regice!

Koa: -45 stm, +28 SHD
Saltriv: -74 stm
Shiron: -53 stm
Vix: -33 stm,+10 RAD, +10 SHD
Mellow: -32 stm

Bahamut's Heal IV healed Dave for a base 254 HP! [20]
Cino's Shield IV created a 150 HP barrier around Koa! [10]
Flame's Shield IV created a 269 HP barrier around Cynthian! [5]
Miles' Shield V created a 155 HP barrier around Shiron! [5]
Team Spectrum's Support Burst is at 40/100!


Use Restore seed​
Outcry on DW (+Call Starr)​
Travel to L2​
Call Owen, Koa, Starr (+2 Evade)​
Heal Pulse Starr​
Heal Pulse Brisa​
Shining Burden on Brisa​
Void Desperation on BL Dragon [+600]​
Psych Up Brisa Evasion (+2)​
T. Fang on BL Dragon [+100 P/+300 F, Flinch procs]​
Travel to L2​
T. Fang on Lugia [+150 P/+50 F]​
Travel to L2​
DD Protect Orb + Lump​
[Wind Up]​
[Partial Rest]​
Wax Owen​
Ire Owen​
[Enter Lithe Stance]​
DD Luminous Orb and Escape Orb to zone M2​
Umbral Storage Overheat x2​
Umbral Storage Overheat x2​
Void Demon on Sword​


Icetales [2]
Heal Bell on self + Mellow, Cabot, Cynthian​
Teatime with Cynthian [Cautious Seed]​
Mellow [2]
DD Escape Orb to L2 + Lump​
Tailwind in L2​
Small Elixir​
Escape Orb to L2​
Yeet Ivy at Regice​
Wind Up.​
Void Meteor Joule​
DD Escape Orb to L2 + Lump Regice​
DD sitrus and invisify​
Ally Switch self with Owen​
[Guardian Stance Diyem]​
DD Protect Orb +​
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Revenge of the Blacklight Dragon II
Act 3: Alone I Stand

1. Grrr! For the unbridled turmoil of Chaos! This paralysis will be my plague! I should summon a Heal Bell to soothe this obnoxious malaise, and I must make sure that it affects Miss Mellow, Sir Cabot and Miss Cynthian as well. They need it.

2. Yes, I know that Teatime while fighting for our lives might seem a weird idea, Miss Cynthian. Though, I reckon we can use a few seconds to relax, yes? Also, tea is good to cover the flavor of thy Elixir and my Cautious Seed.

• Supports

~ Right Zone 1’s Rejuvenating Heal Bell:
Icetales [heals status and HP by 25%]; Mellow [heals status and HP by 25%]; Cynthian [heals HP by 25%]; Cabot [heals HP by 25%].

~ Right Zone 1’s Teatime: Icetales [eats Cautious Seed]; Cynthian [drinks Elixir]

• Icetales’s Stats and Multipliers

~ Defense:
+3 (via Cautious Seed)
~ Resistance: +3 (via Cautious Seed)

~ Right Zone 1’s damage reduction: -50% Dragon-type (LOL Fairy-type)
~ Right Zone 1’s enemies’ status threshold: -50% (via Misty Terrain)

Stamina: 679
• Stamina Cost: 40
• Remaining Stamina: 639 (soon to be HP)
• Corruption: 40 Radiance, 0 Shadow


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa Turn 4

Receive 109 stamina from Tricky's Energise II
Receive Protect +2 from Dave's Shining Burden
Brisa (Stab, Guts, Terrain, SE)
U. Overcharge (rainbow) -> R. Arrest vs Lugia (600 prlz, -150 spd)​
As a free action, touch the Conduit, receive 30 RAD from Starr, and give 20 SHD to Starr​
U. Overcharge (rainbow) -> T. Fang vs Lugia (450 prlz, 150 flinch)​
T. Fang vs Lugia (300 prlz, 100 flinch)​
Net stamina cost: -123 (w/ Energise: -14)
Net corruption (including outside help): +44 RAD, +36 SHD
Net stat changes: +2 Protect
Notes: Brisa should end her turn with 76 stm for Gusto, and the Conduit should prevent her T. Fang becoming Shadow-type.
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