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PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Cabot turn 4

Action 1: Double Dip Ultra Stone Strike at Regice + Vile Seed at Lugia (-200 Def and -200 Res)
Ultra Stone damage: 20

Action 2: Ultra Stone Strike at Regice
Ultra Stone damage: 20

Action 3: Protect+3

Net stamina cost: -43
Net corruption: -20 Rad, -20 Shadow (Brilliant Autumn)
Net stat changes: +5 Protect (+3 Protect and +2 from Brilliant Autumn) and Wax status (Radiant Wax)
Net HP gained: +144 (Heal Bell)
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr Turn 4

[No Lithe Stance]

- Travel to L2
- DD Ultra Stone + Oran Berry [+375]
- DD Ultra Stone + Reflex Seed
- [Wind Up]

[Conduit Interaction]
- Koa gives 10 shadow to Starr
- Brisa gives 20 shadow to Starr
- Starr gives 30 radiance to Brisa

[Receive Brilliant Autumn from Saltriv]
[Receive Heal Bell from Icetales for +199 HP]

Partial Rest: +69 Stm
Net HP gained: +574
Net corruption: -30 Rad, +30 Shd
+2 Protects, +3 Evade
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Revenge of the Blacklight Dragon II
Act 4: The Darkness Within

1. Uuugh… For being a fake, that replica sure hurts almost as much as the real deal. Oh, well! At least he’s gone, and I am feeling suddenly… energized? Huh, bizarre. Howbeit, my comrades need me! I should break this Escape Orb to reach the right zone 2. Skedaddle, I must!

2. I do not appreciate that shadowy sky… But I wonder if channeling my darkness could protect me from that? Hm. How did my comrades call it again…? Anti-Focus? I shall attempt that!

3. Oh! It worked! I do not feel the dark shards hurting my skin anymore! Alas, it looks like a few comrades are hurt, instead. Worry not, Miss Cynthian, Sir Cabot and Miss Starr — my Heal Bell shall rejuvenate you all!

• Items

Escape Orb:
Icetales goes from R1 to L2

• Supports

~ Left Zone 2’s Rejuvenating Heal Bell:
on Cabot [heals HP by 25%], Cynthian [heals HP by 25%] and Starr [heals HP by 25%]

~ Left Zone 2’s damage reduction: -50% Dragon-type for Cabot, Cynthian and Starr (via Misty Terrain)
~ Left Zone 2’s enemies’ status threshold: -50% for Cabot, Cynthian and Starr (via Misty Terrain)

• Supports Received

Brilliant Autumn x2 (Protect x4; Radiance -40)

• Anti-Focus (after Brilliant Autumn): Shadow +20

• Stamina: 90
• Stamina Cost: 43
• Remaining Stamina: 47 (94 next turn because of Gusto)
• Corruption: 0 Radiance, 20 Shadow
Action 1: Escape Orb for R2

[Alliance: Receives two Brilliant Autumn from Saltriv]

Action 2: Anti-Focus Shadow

Action 3: Heal Bell Cabot, Cynthian and Starr

Net stamina cost: -43 (the remaining 47 is doubled next turn with Gusto)
Net corruption: -40 Rad (Brilliant Autumn x2), +20 Shadow (Anti-Focus)
Net stat changes: +4 Protect (Brilliant Autumn x2)
Net HP gained: +166 (Heal Bell)
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora

Turn 4 Battle-Style Messages​

Tricky’s Energize II granted Brisa 109 stamina!

Dave used Shining Burden on Brisa, giving +2 Protect to himself and Brisa and +1 Def/Res to Brisa!
Dave’s Vile Seed dealt -800 Def and -400 Res to Lugia!
Vix’s Radiant Wax gave Cabot a wax layer and boosted his Def/Res by +1!
Saltriv used Brilliant Autumn x2, granting +2 Protect to themself x2, Cabot, Koa, Icetales x2, Cynthian, and Starr! Their corruption was reduced!
Icetales’s Rejuvenating Heal Bell healed Cynthian, Starr, and Cabot by 25%!
Brisa's Umbral Overcharged Radiant Arrest added 600 to paralyse Lugia!
Koa, Brisa and Starr used Koa’s Conduit! Starr took on their Shadows and Brisa took on Starr’s Radiance!
Mellow’s Brilliant Summershine created a Summershine Veil for the team, reducing damage taken by 25%!
Cabot’s Vile Seed dealt -200 Def and -200 Res to Lugia!

Dave’s Ultra Stone dealt 20 damage to Regice!
Vix’s Ultra Stone dealt 20 damage to Regice!
Brisa's Umbral Overcharged Thunder Fang dealt X damage to Lugia, and added 450 to Paralysis and 150 to Flinch! It's super effective!
Brisa's Thunder Fang dealt X damage to Lugia, and added 300 to Paralysis and 100 to Flinch! It's super effective! Lugia was Paralyzed!
Starr's two Ultra Stone attacks dealt 40 damage to Regice!
Mellow’s Ultra Stone dealt 20 damage to Regice!
Cynthian’s two Ultra Stone attacks dealt 40 damage to Regice!
Cabot's two Ultra Stone attacks dealt 40 damage to Regice!


Tricky: Energize II at Brisa (+109 stamina)

Shiron [3]​

Action 1: Ally Switch with Dave to L1​
Action 2: Endure​
Action 3: Wind Up​
Net stamina costs: -37
Net corruption: No changes
Net stat changes: +1 Endure and +1 Action

Dave [3]​

Action 1: DD Escape Orb to L2 + Ultra Stone Strike at Regice​
Ultra Stone damage: 20​
Action 2: Shining Burden on Brisa​
Action 3: DD Max Elixir + Vile Seed on Lugia [-800 def and -400 Res]​
Net stamina: +165 (Max Elixir at the end should fully restore his stamina)
Net corruption: +34 Radiance, 0 Shadow
Net stat changes: +2 Protect

Vix [3]​

Action 1: Travel to L2​
Action 2: Wax Cabot​
Action 3: Throw Ultra Stone at Regice​
Ultra Stone damage: 20​
Net stamina: -18
Net corruption: +10 Radiance, 0 Shadow (Should have 20 Shadow at the end of the last turn)
Net stats changes: No changes

Icetales/Saltriv Alliance​

Saltriv [3]​

Action 1: Travel to L2​
Action 2: Brilliant Autumn on Cabot, Koa, Icetales​
Action 3: Brilliant Autumn Cynthian, Icetales, Starr [do not reduce shadow]​
Net stamina: -222
Net corruption: +40 Radiance, 0 Shadow
Net stats changes: +4 Protect (Brilliant Autumn x2)

Icetales [3]​

Action 1: Escape Orb to L2​
Action 2: Antifocus (+20 Shd)​
Action 3: Heal Bell on Cabot, Cynthian, and Starr​
Net stamina: -43
Net corruption: -40 Radiance, +20 Shadow
Net stats changes: +4 Protect (Brilliant Autumn x2)

Koa/Brisa/Starr Alliance​

Koa [2/3]​

Action 1: Oran Berry​
Action 2: Brilliant Conduit​
Free action: give 10 SHD to Starr​
[Hold action to save stamina with second wind]​
Net stamina: 48
Net corruption: +20 RAD, -30 SHD
Net stats: +2 Protect

Brisa [3]​

Receive 109 stamina from Tricky's Energise II
Receive Protect +2 from Dave's Shining Burden

Universal multipliers: (Stab, Guts, Terrain, SE)
Action 1: U. Overcharge (rainbow) -> R. Arrest vs Lugia (600 prlz, -150 spd)​
As a free action, touch the Conduit, receive 30 RAD from Starr, and give 20 SHD to Starr​
Action 2: U. Overcharge (rainbow) -> T. Fang vs Lugia (450 prlz, 150 flinch)​
Action 3: T. Fang vs Lugia (300 prlz, 100 flinch, prlz procs)​
Net stamina cost: -123 (w/ Energise: -14)
Net corruption (including outside help): +44 RAD, +36 SHD
Net stat changes: +2 Protect
Notes: Brisa should end her turn with 76 stm for Gusto, and the Conduit should prevent her T. Fang becoming Shadow-type. Lugia will be paralysed.

Starr [4]​

[No Lithe Stance]​
Action 1: Travel to L2​
Action 2: DD Ultra Stone + Oran Berry [+375]​
Action 3: DD Ultra Stone + Reflex Seed​
Action 4: [Wind Up]​
As a free action, receive 10 SHD from Koa and 20 SHD from Brisa, and give 30 RAD to Brisa.​
[Receive Brilliant Autumn from Saltriv]
[Receive Heal Bell from Icetales for +199 HP]
Net Effects:
Partial Rest: +69 Stm
Net HP gained: +574
Net corruption: -30 Rad, +30 Shd
Net stats: +2 Protects, +3 Evade

[Conduit Interaction Summary]
- Koa gives 10 shadow to Starr
- Brisa gives 20 shadow to Starr
- Starr gives 30 radiance to Brisa

Mellow [3]​

Action 1: Brilliant Summershine​
Action 2: Antifocus (+20 Shadow)​
Action 3: Double Dip​
Ultra Stone @ Regice​
Protect Orb​
Net stamina: -76
Net corruption: +20 Shad (antifocus), +56 Radiant
Net stats: Sunny weather, +2 innate Speed (Chlorophyll + sunny)
Notes: Summershine Veil on everyone

Cynthian [4]​

Action 1: Anti Focus (Shadow)​
Action 2: Ultra Stone on Regice (20dam)​
Action 3: Ultra Stone on Regice again (20dam)​
Action 4: Wind Up.​
Net Stamina: +160 (Partial rest)
Net Corruption: +20 Shd, 0 Rad (Anti Focus)
Net Stats: +2 Protect (Brilliant Autumn)
Net HP Gained: +91 (Heal Bell)

Cabot [3]​

Action 1: Double Dip Ultra Stone Strike at Regice + Vile Seed at Lugia (-200 Def and -200 Res)​
Ultra Stone damage: 20​
Action 2: Ultra Stone Strike at Regice​
Ultra Stone damage: 20​
Action 3: Protect+3​
Net stamina cost: -43
Net corruption: -20 Rad, -20 Shadow (Brilliant Autumn)
Net stat changes: +5 Protect (+3 Protect and +2 from Brilliant Autumn) and Wax status (Radiant Wax)
Net HP gained: +144 (Heal Bell)

Owen [4]​

Action 1: Max Elixir​
Action 2: Umbral Storage Overheat x2​
Action 3: Focus​
Action 4: Umbral Storage Overheat x2​
Net Stamina: +51
Net Corruption: +20 SHD
Net Stats:
Net HP Gained:


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Cynthian Turn 5

Universal: HH, Crit, STAB, Link Boost, S. Burst, Worldcore, vs Darkwhite Horde
[Receive Inspirit]
Action 1: Bullet Seed [Technician (1.5)]
Action 2: U. Hyacinth -> Sludge Bomb
Action 3: U. Hyacinth -> Leafstorm
Action 4: U. Hyacinth -> Bullet Seed [Technician (1.5)]
Net Stamina: -319
Net Corruption: +64 shadow (-20 Shd from Mellow call)
Net Stats: N/A
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PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Cabot turn 5 (+11 Attack)

Action 1: Umbral Annihilation - Void Meteor Entei
Multipliers: STAB, UE (Ire), Crit, Sheer Force, HH, Support Burst, global 50% damage increase

Action 2: Umbral Annihilation - Head Smash Ho-oh
Multipliers: STAB, UE, Crit, HH, Reckless, Supporst Burst, global 50% damage increase

Action 3: Umbral Annihilation - Head Smash Ho-oh
Multipliers: STAB, UE, Crit, HH, Reckless, Supporst Burst, global 50% damage increase

Net stamina cost: -234
Net corruption: -30 Rad, +70 Shadow (Call from Mellow [-20 Rad and Shadow] and Shiron [-10 Rad and Shadow] Annihilation Void Meteor [+60 Shadow], Umbral Annihilation [+20 Shadow], Umbral Annihilation[+20 Shadow])
Net stat changes: Lose Wax status
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr Turn 5

[Enter Lithe Stance]
[Receive Inspirit from Icetales]
[Teatime with Icetales - Max Elixir]

- Starr used Umbral Insolence! She lost 586 HP. Blaze activated!
- Starr used Power Trip on Raikou! Critical Hit!
- Starr used Flare Blitz on Raikou!
- Starr used Leech Life on Raikou!
- Starr used Brilliant Flarestrike on the Sword Horde! It's Ultra Effective!

-- Starr regained 586 HP

Universal multipliers: Blaze, Sun, STAB, HH, Link Boost 30%, Support Burst, Worldcore
-Power Trip, Raikou, 195bp, Crit
-Flare Blitz, Raikou, Reckless
-Leech Life, Raikou
-Flarestrike, Sword Horde, 150bp, Reckless, UE [Inherited from Arcstrike]
Net stamina cost: +200 from Teatime Max Elixir -355 from actions, Tireless activates
Net corruption: +68 rad
Net HP: Regain 586 HP via Insolence after the recoil damage
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Revenge of the Blacklight Dragon II
Act 5: Team Spectrum, Assemble!

1. So, the phantasms reunited… Well! It is when time is its bleakest that the light shines the most! Miss Cynthian! Sir Owen! Miss Starr! Heed my words of Inspiritment!

2. I wonder if Miss Starr appreciates Teatimes… Huh? Darkness mine? What…?
Drink thy Max Elixir. I shall convince Miss Starr to do the same.

3. A majordomo’s work is never done! It is a good thing I have brought this Heal Bell with me. Sir Koamaru! Mx Saltriv! Mx Vix! Here’s some energy for you! …Hm? My bell is resonating with that Echochamber and dispelling some Radiance and Shadow in Sir Koamaru’s aura. Huh. How curious.

• Supports

~ Left Zone 2’s Inspirit:
First move sure crit and +25% for Cynthian, Owen and Starr

~ Left Zone 2’s Teatime: Icetales and Starr [both use Max Elixir]

~ Left Zone 2’s Rejuvenating Heal Bell: on Koa [heals HP by 25%], Saltriv [heals Sleep and HP by 25%] and Vix [heals HP by 25%]

• Free Action: Echo Call -> Koa

• Stamina: 94
• Stamina Cost: -149, then 200 [Max Elixir]
• Remaining Stamina: 145
• Corruption: 40 Radiance, 20 Shadow
Action 1: Inspirit Cynthian, Starr and Owen

Action 2: Teatime with Starr [Max Elixir for both]

Action 3: Heal Bell Koa, Saltriv and Vix [Call Koa with Echo]

Net stamina cost: +51
Net corruption: +40 Radiance, 0 Shadow
Net stat changes: No Misty (this turn only)
Net HP gained: +166 (Heal Bell)
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora

Team Spectrum vs the Worldcore Turn 5

Battle Messages

Curio’s Energize III granted Owen 155 stamina!
Kate’s Strike II dealt X damage to Suicune!
Kindle’s Soothe III reduced Owen’s Shadows by 60!
Support Burst was activated! Team Spectrum’s damage will be boosted by 25% this turn!
The Worldcore is boosting all damage by 50%!

Mellow Called Out to Cabot, Brisa, and Cynthian!
Mellow’s Helping Hand boosted Cabot!
Dave’s Helping Hand boosted Brisa!
Shiron Called Out to Cabot!
Vix’s Radiant Wax gave Owen and Brisa each a wax layer and boosted their Def/Res by +1!
Vix’s Umbral Ire burned away Cabot’s, Owen’s and Brisa’s wax and boosted their next attacks!
Icetales’s Brilliant Inspirit boosted Cynthian, Starr, and Owen!
Icetales’ Teatime let Starr use a Max Elixir!
Icetales’s Rejuvenating Heal Bell healed Koa, Saltriv, and Vix by 25%!
Icetales Called Out to Koa!
Saltriv Called Out to Brisa, Starr and Cabot, boosting their Evasion by 2 each!
Saltriv Called Out to True Darkwhite and Shield!
Koa Called Out to Brisa!

Dave's double Crunches dealt X damage to Lugia and applied -500 to Defence! It’s Super Effective!
Shiron’s Silver Spike deal X damage to Suicune!
Cabot’s Forcible Annihilation Meteor, supported by Mellow and Vix, dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Entei! It’s Ultra Effective!
Cabot’s double Reckless Annihilation Head Smashes, supported by Mellow, dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Ho-oh! It’s Ultra Effective!
Koa’s double Pressurized Electric Echoing Hyper Voices dealt X damage to Suicune! It’s Super Effective!
Brisa’s Overcharged Facade, supported by Dave, dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Lugia! It’s Super Effective!
Starr's Fiery Insolent Power Trip, supported by Icetales, dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to Sword! Starr took [X] damage in recoil!
Starr's Insolent Flare Blitz, supported by Icetales, dealt [X] damage to Sword!
Starr's Fiery Insolent Leech Life, supported by Icetales, dealt [X] damage toSword!
Brisa & Starr's Fusion Arcflare, supported by Dave, Icetales, Vix and each other, dealt a CRITICAL [X] damage to Sword! It’s Ultra Effective! Starr took [X] damage in recoil!
Cynthian’s Technical Bullet Seed, supported by Icetales, dealt a CRITICAL X damage to the Darkwhite horde! It’s Super Effective!
Cynthian’s Hyacinth Sludge Bomb, supported by Icetales, dealt a CRITICAL X damage to the Darkwhite horde! It’s Super Effective!
Cynthian’s Hyacinth Leafstorm, supported by Icetales, dealt a CRITICAL X damage to the Darkwhite horde! It’s Super Effective!
Cynthian’s Hyacinth Technical Bullet Seed, supported by Icetales, dealt a CRITICAL X damage to the Darkwhite horde! It’s Super Effective!
Owen’s Nine Fucking Overheats, supported by Icetales and Vix, did some fucking damage!


Curio: Energize III on Owen for +155 stm [+15]
Kate: Strike II on Suicune for 766 BP, +2 Attack, and Worldcore boost [+20]
Kindle: Soothe III on Owen (-60 Shadow) [+15]
[Support burst: 110/100]

Mellow [3]​

Action 1: Focus
Action 2: Bellow Call Cabot, Brisa, Cynthian
Action 3: Helping Hand Cabot
Net stamina: -22
Net corruption: -20 Radiance, -20 Shadow (Focus)
Net stat changes: N/A/

Dave [3]​

(SE, STAB, S. Burst, Worldcore)
Action 1: Crunch Lugia [-250 Def]
Action 2: Crunch Lugia [-250 Def]
Action 3: Mimic Mellow’s Helping Hand on Brisa
Net stamina: -83
Net corruption: N/A
Net stat changes: N/A

Shiron [4]​

(Supporburst and Worldcore)
Action 1: Travel to L2
Action 2: DD Max Elixir + Silver Spike at Suicune
Action 3: Ally Switch Owen and Dave
Action 4: Call Cabot
Net stamina: +92 (+200, subtract 108)
Net corruption: N/A
Net stat changes: N/A

Vix [3]​

Action 1: Wax Owen
Action 2: Wax Brisa
Action 3: Ire Cabot + Owen + Brisa
Net stamina: -72
Net corruption: +20 RAD, +20 SHD
Net stat changes: N/A
Net HP gained: +104 (Heal Bell)

Icetales [3]​

Action 1: Inspirit Cynthian, Starr, Owen
Action 2: Teatime with Starr [Both use Max Elixirs]
Action 3: Heal Bell Koa, Saltriv, Vix [+Call Koa]
Net stamina: +51 (+200 from Max Elixir and -149 from actions)
Net corruption: +40 RAD
Net stat changes: N/A
Net HP gained: N/A

Saltriv [3]​

Action 1: Bellow Pure Call Brisa, Starr and Cabot for +2 evasion!
Action 2: Travel to F
Action 3: Bellow Pure Call True DW & Shield
Net stamina: +75 (partial rest)
Net corruption: N/A
Net stat changes: N/A
Net HP gained: +166 (Heal Bell)

Cabot [3]​

(+11 Attack)

Action 1: Umbral Annihilation - Void Meteor Entei
Multipliers: STAB, UE (Ire), Crit, Sheer Force, HH, Support Burst, global 50% damage increase

Action 2: Umbral Annihilation - Head Smash Ho-oh
Multipliers: STAB, UE, Crit, HH, Reckless, Supporst Burst, global 50% damage increase

Action 3: Umbral Annihilation - Head Smash Ho-oh
Multipliers: STAB, UE, Crit, HH, Reckless, Supporst Burst, global 50% damage increase

Net stamina cost: -234
Net corruption: -50 Rad, +50 Shadow (Call from Mellow [-20 Rad and Shadow], Saltriv [-20 Rad and Shadow] and Shiron [-10 Rad and Shadow] Annihilation Void Meteor [+60 Shadow], Umbral Annihilation [+20 Shadow], Umbral Annihilation[+20 Shadow])
Net stat changes: Lose Wax status

Koa [3]​

(Echochamber, STAB, S. Burst, Worldcore)
[Receive Heal Bell and Call from Icetales]
Action 1: Radiant Battlecry, Self, Charge/Electrify (Call Brisa)
Action 2: Hyper Voice, Suicune, Pressurize/Electric/Charge/
Action 3: Hyper Voice, Suicune, Pressurize/Electric
Net stamina: -68 (second wind activates)
Net corruption: -10 SHD
Net stat changes: N/A
Net HP gained: +120 because of Heal Bell (25% of 480) for a total of: 208

Brisa [3]​

(HH, Crit, STAB, Guts, S. Burst, Worldcore)
[Receive HH, Ire, Pure Calls from Koa/Mellow/Saltriv]
Action 1: Charge
Action 2: V. Arcstrike vs Sword horde [UE, Charge, Arcflare]
Action 3: U. Overcharge -> Facade vs Lugia [SE]
Net stamina: -138 (go to jail)
Net corruption: -60 RAD, +24 SHD
Net Stats: -wax, +2 Evade

Starr [5]​

(HH, STAB, Blaze, Sun, Link Boost, S. Burst, Worldcore)
[Lithe Stance]
[Receive Inspirit, Teatime, Call]
Action 1: Umbral Insolence
Action 2: Power Trip Raikou [40 stat stages, crit]
Action 3: Flare Blitz on Raikou
Action 4: Leech Life on Raikou
Action 5: Flarestrike on Sword horde [Arcflare, UE]
Net stamina: -358
Net corruption: +48 RAD, +14 SHD
Net stat changes: +1 Evade
[Costs 243 before Flarestrike, then jail]

Cynthian [4]​

(HH, Crit, STAB, Link Boost, S. Burst, Worldcore, vs Darkwhite Horde)
[Receive Inspirit, Pure Call from Mellow]
Action 1: Bullet Seed [Technician (1.5)]
Action 2: U. Hyacinth -> Sludge Bomb
Action 3: U. Hyacinth -> Leafstorm
Action 4: U. Hyacinth -> Bullet Seed [Technician (1.5)]
Net Stamina: -319
Net Stats: N/A
Notes: Second Wind activates, doubling her 1 stamina to an impressive 2 stamina

Owen [3/4]​

(STAB, Blaze, Sun, Crit, HH, S. Burst, Worldcore)
[Receive Energize and Soothe for +155 stm, -60 shd]
[Receive Ire]
Action 1: Umbral Storage Overheat x2
Action 2: Umbral Storage Overheat x2
Action 3: Overheat [Launch Nuke at DW Horde or whatever still lives]
Net stamina: -25 (+155 from Energize and then -180)
Net corruption: 0 Radiance, -20 Shadow (-60 Shadow [Soothe] +20 Shadow [Umbral Storage] +20 Shadow [Umbral Storage]
Net stat changes:
[Owen is cleanup crew. Finish off Ho-oh, Suicune, and/or Raikou, then unload on DW. Remember to check Type Effectiveness in each case because of Ire.]
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Turn 6!

Regigigas is highly active, now, but the other Regis exploded! The entire Worldcore is now free to explore!

Darkwhite's corruption went down by nearly half... could there be a way to lower it further? Each Call can only work once per turn per user, but if everyone calls at once...?

Several foes are still up, but Diyem claims he can handle it. He looks very weak, though, despite that confidence.


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Cabot turn 6 (+11 Attack)

Action 1: Travel to F
Action 2: Call true DW
Action 3: Annihilation Void Meteor at Sword Horde
Multipliers: STAB, Super Effective, Crit, Sheer Force

Net stamina cost: -103
Net corruption: 0 Rad, +20 Shadow (Annihilation Void Meteor [+30 Shadow], Brilliant Autumn [-10 Shadow])
Net stat changes: +2 Protect (Brilliant Autumn)
Net HP gained: +144 (Heal Bell)

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr Turn 6

[Maintain Lithe Stance]
[Get Ally Swapped to L1]
[Receive Heal Bell from Icetales]
[Receive Brilliant Autumn from Saltriv]

- Starr used an Escape Orb to Zone F
- Starr used Power Trip on the Sword Horde!
- Starr used Power Trip on the Sword Horde!
- Starr called out to True Darkwhite!

Universal multipliers: STAB, +11
1. Escape Orb
2. Power Trip, Sword [200bp]
3. Power Trip, Sword [200bp]
4. Call True DW
Net stamina cost: -183
Net corruption: 0
+2 Protect, +199 HP [Heal Bell]
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Saving Private Darkwhite
Act 6: Attack of Regigigas!

1. Our common patron commanded us to go save Darkwhite. Let us skedaddle to the final zone!

2. Mx Saltriv! Thy forces are abandoning thee! A fast Teatime should give thee enough energy to keep doing thy task and help Miss Darkwhite and Shield. As of me? I shall take it without anything. Got enough berries and seeds for today.

3. Sir Cabot! Sir Koamaru! Miss Starr! Almost there! Keep going! …Hm? The bell is resonating again. Ha! Perhaps… Miss Darkwhite! Heed my Call! Dost not surrender!

• Move: L2 -> F [one action]

• Supports Received: Pure Call from Mellow [-20 Radiance; -20 Shadow]

• Supports

~ Final’s Teatime:
Icetales and Saltriv [no item for Icetales; Max Elixir for Saltriv]

~ Finals’s Rejuvenating Heal Bell: on Cabot [heals HP by 25%], Koa [heals HP by 25%] and Starr [heals HP by 25%]

• Free Action: Echo Call -> Darkwhite

~ Final’s Damage Reduction: -50% Dragon-type for Cabot, Mellow, Koa, Saltriv and Starr (via Misty Terrain)

~ Final’s Status Threshold: -50% for Cabot, Mellow, Koa, Saltriv and Starr (via Misty Terrain)

• Stamina: 145
• Stamina Cost: -68
• Remaining Stamina: 77 (doubled next turn thanks to Gusto)
• Corruption: 30 Radiance, 10 Shadow
[Receive Pure Call from Mellow]

Action 1: Move to F

Action 2: Teatime Saltriv [no item]

Action 3: Heal Bell Cabot, Koa and Starr [+ Call Darkwhite]

Net stamina: +9
Net corruption: -10 RAD; -10 SHD [Mellow’s Pure Call]
Net stat changes: Misty Terrain

Notes: Reducing corruption is to turn Icetales into pure Radiant and as such take less damage from pure Blacklight attacks; 68 Stamina is used for the moves, leaving 77 Stamina that is doubled next turn with Gusto.
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa Turn 6

[Receive Nip’s Energize III, skip forced rest and achieve 200stm]
[Receive Brilliant Autumn from Saltriv]
[Receive Pure Call from Mellow]

Action 1: Travel from L1 to L2​
Action 2: Travel from L2 to F​
Action 3: S. Whiplash vs True DW (+9, SE, hits Res, “holding back”)​
Free Action: Call on True DW (via Whiplash)​
Net stamina: -35
Net corruption: +0 RAD, -20 SHD [Call, Whiplash & B. Autumn]
Net stats: +2 Protect [B. Autumn]
Net HP: -25 [Burn]
Notes: Whiplash is not intended to harm DW, only to attempt further corruption reduction and to achieve callback flavour to Boss 7’s Whiplash debut, hence ‘holding back’.
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora

Team Spectrum vs the Worldcore Turn 5

Full team-wide action breakdown:

Nip’s Energize III cancelled Brisa’s forced rest and set her stamina to 200!

Shiron [3]
Action 1: Travel to L2​
Action 2: Travel to F​
Action 3: Call True Darkwhite​
Net stamina: +75 [partial rest]
Net corruption: 0
Net stat changes: none

Owen [3]
[No Lithe Stance]
Action 1: Travel to F​
Action 2: Protect+5​
Action 3: Call True Darkwhite​
Net stamina: -123

Cynthian [3]
[Receive Shining Burden from Dave]
[Receive Pure Calls from Saltriv, Mellow]
Action 1: Travel to F​
Action 2: Call Shield​
Action 3: Call True Darkwhite​
Net stamina: +80 [partial rest]
Net corruption: -20 Shadow, -20 Radiance [Pure Calls]
Net stat changes: +2 Protect, +1 Def/Rest [Shining Burden]
Net Hp gained: 36
Notes: Grassy Terrain will affect Dave and Saltriv and heal them for 36hp.

Vix [3]
Action 1: Ally Switch to switch Starr and Mellow​
Action 2: Travel to F​
Action 3: Call True Darkwhite​
Net stamina: -81

Starr [4]
[Maintain Lithe Stance]
[Get Ally Swapped to L1]
[Receive Heal Bell from Icetales]
[Receive Brilliant Autumn from Saltriv]
Universal multipliers: STAB, +11
Action 1. Escape Orb​
Action 2. Power Trip, Sword [200bp]​
Action 3. Power Trip, Sword [200bp]​
Action 4. Call True DW​
Net stamina: -183
Net corruption: 0
+2 Protect, +199 HP [Heal Bell]

Cabot [3]
[Receiving Heal bell]
Action 1: Travel to F​
Action 2: Call true DW​
Action 3: Annihilation Void Meteor at Sword Horde​
Multipliers: +11, STAB, Super Effective, Crit, Sheer Force
Net stamina: -103
Net corruption: 0 Rad, +20 Shadow (Annihilation Void Meteor [+30 Shadow], Brilliant Autumn [-10 Shadow])
Net stat changes: +2 Protect (Brilliant Autumn)
Net HP: +144 (Heal Bell)

Koa [3]
[Receiving Heal bell]
Action 1: Travel to F​
Action 2: U. Outcry Sword Horde + Pure Call True DW​
Action 3: U. Outcry Sword Horde​
Net stamina: -80
Net corruption: +28 SHD
Net HP: +120 (Heal Bell)

Brisa [3]
[Receive Nip’s Energize III, skip forced rest and achieve 200stm]
[Receive Brilliant Autumn from Saltriv]
[Receive Pure Call from Mellow]
Action 1: Travel from L1 to L2​
Action 2: Travel from L2 to F​
Action 3: S. Whiplash vs True DW (+9, SE, hits Res, “holding back”)​
Free Action: Call on True DW (via Whiplash)​
Net stamina: -35
Net corruption: +0 Rad, -20 Shd [+14 Rad from Whiplash, -10 BL from Autumn, -10 BL from Pure Call]
Net stats: +2 Protect [B. Autumn]
Net HP: -25 [Burn]
Notes: Whiplash is not intended to harm DW, only to attempt further corruption reduction and to achieve callback flavour to Boss 7’s Whiplash debut, hence ‘holding back’.

Icetales [3]
[Receive Pure Call from Mellow]
Action 1. Move to F​
Action 2. Teatime Saltriv [no item]​
Action 3. Heal Bell Cabot, Koa and Starr [+Call Darkwhite]​
Net stamina: +9
Net corruption: -10 RAD; -10 SHD [Mellow’s Pure Call]
Net stats: Misty Terrain
Notes: Reducing corruption is to turn Icetales into pure Radiant and as such take less damage from pure Blacklight attacks; 68 Stamina is used for the moves, leaving 77 Stamina that is doubled next turn with Gusto.
(Check Official Actions for a more detailed rundown)

Mellow [2/3]
[Get Ally Swapped with Starr to L2]
Action 1: Travel to F​
Action 2: Bellow Pure Call to True DW, Icetales, Dave​
Action 3: Bellow Pure Call to Saltriv, Brisa, Cynthian​
Net stamina: +75 [Partial Rest]

Dave [3]
[Receive Pure Call from Mellow]
Action 1: Travel to F​
Action 2: Shining Burden on Cynthian​
Action 3: Call True Darkwhite​
Net stamina: -35
Net corruption: +7 Radiance, -10 Shadow [+17 Radiance from Shining Burden, -10 each from Pure Call]
Net stat changes: +2 Protect [Shining Burden]

Saltriv [3]
[Receive Pure Call from Mellow]
[Teatime Max Elixir]
Action 1: Bellow Pure Call True Darkwhite, Mellow, Cynthian​
Action 2: Brilliant Autumn True DW, Koa, Cabot​
Action 3: Brilliant Autumn Brisa, Starr, Vix​
Net stamina: -56
Net corruption: +30 RAD, -10 SHD [Mellow Call]
Net stats: +2 Protect
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora

Team Spectrum vs the Worldcore Turn 5

Battle-Style Messages:

Nip’s Energize III cancelled Brisa’s forced rest and set her stamina to 200!
Cynthian’s Grassy Terrain healed Dave and Saltriv for 36 HP!
Icetales’ Teatime let Saltriv use a Max Elixir!
Icetales’s Rejuvenating Heal Bell healed Koa, Starr, and Cabot by 25%!
Dave used Shining Burden on Cynthian, giving +2 Protect to himself and Cynthian and +1 Def/Res to Cynthian!
Saltriv’s double Brilliant Autumns granted +2 Protect to themself, Koa, Cabot, Brisa, Starr, Vix, and the true Darkwhite! Their corruption was reduced!

Starr's double Power Trips dealt [X] damage to Sword! Starr took [X] damage in recoil!
Cabot’s Forcible Annihilation Meteor dealt X damage to the Sword horde! It’s Super Effective!
Koa’s double Echoing Umbral Outcries dealt X damage to the Sword horde and -1600 to Resistance! It’s Super Effective!
[Brisa’s Shining Whiplash dealt 0 damage to the true Darkwhite!]

Mellow called out to Icetales, Dave, Saltriv, Brisa and Cynthian!
Saltriv called out to Mellow and Cynthian!
Cynthian called out to Shield!

Shiron called out to the true Darkwhite!
Owen called out to the true Darkwhite!
Cynthian called out to the true Darkwhite!
Vix called out to the true Darkwhite!
Starr called out to the true Darkwhite!
Cabot called out to the true Darkwhite!
Dave called out to the true Darkwhite!
Icetales called out to the true Darkwhite!
Koa called out to the true Darkwhite! His pure words reached her!
Mellow called out to the true Darkwhite! Her pure words reached her!
Saltriv called out to the true Darkwhite! Their pure words reached her!
Brisa showed her heart with Shining Whiplash and called out to the true Darkwhite!


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa Turn 7

1. Whiplash True Darkwhite for -50 corruption
2. Arcstrike -> Arcflare vs BLD (150bp, stab, guts, SE, HH)
3. Blacklight-type Z burst vs BLD (140bp, stab, guts, UE, HH)
Net result: Z Burst sets her to 50% HP and Stm and removes all corruption for easy cleanup.
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