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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Logging sixteen reviews written for the Friends and Partners one-shot contest.


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
I'd like to upgrade Ashwood's support skill to Ward 3 and add 2 bonus support points to Resistance if possible.


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Logging three sets of writing challenges based on time written. Please auto-buy whatever Shield and Heal upgrades I can afford at my given level.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Logging +1944 words from Context Switch (redux) Part 1 for BLECs.

Also would like to buy the following loadout for the boss battle:

- 2 Vile Seeds
- 2 Tired Seeds
- 1 Silver Spike
- 1 Restore Seed
- 1 Sitrus Berry
- 2 Max Elixir
- 1 Reviver Seed
- 1 Invisify Orb
- 1 Protect Orb
- 1 Escape Orb
- 2 Cautious Seeds


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Logging 7154 words written

Shopping list:

Sell: Protect Orb, Sharpeye Seed

Buy: Reflex Seed, Terrain Orb, Luminous Orb, Elixir


Sell: Overheat (Vix), I honestly can't remember the moves Scrafty had so uh, just sell the three he has please and thanks

Buy: Protect (Vix), Taunt (Scrafty), Roar (Scrafty), Torment (Scrafty),
Ability: Shadow Tag (Vix)

(For the sake of my tired brain, I'm just listing all the perks Vix/Scrafty is gonna have. Effectively selling everything and buying this list back. Sorry if it's inconvenient)

Calm Spirit
Feeling Fine

Leap Ahead

Expanded Aura
Hex Technician


I have no idea how many attribute points I'm going to have, but dump them all in Stamina.

And, also, if after all of this I can afford a Leg Day, without using my voucher:

Take from Atk and place into HP


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Okay, time for me to log a few things before I forget!

• 6 hours of drawing.

• 2 hours of writing.

• Points:
- Stamina -> +1
- HP -> +7
- Defense -> +4
- Resistance -> +3

• Perks:
- Blast Control -> Quick Healer
- Gusto -> Lithe Stance

I’ll work on the items loadout tomorrow.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Last minute corrections:

Swapping Devastator for Spotlight. (Should be no charge, I had both at the beginning of the round.)

Swapping Super Critical for Determined. (I have already paid to change the Super Critical slot already this round.

Sticking +1 Accuracy onto my Blacklight Boost and naming it... uhh... (Celeste's) Analytical Eye

I was going over Volatile Stats, and I think my ability being listed as Super Lucky is in error. Before Joule, I asked for an ability swap to Pressure, waffled back to Super Luck, then waffled again back to Pressure after realizing it could proc multiple times in one turn. I can see why that was confusing. Although if I was paying for a swap to Pressure and it didn't happen... I'd still have to pay now anyways? So buying an ability swap to Pressure.

As for the item confusion:
2x Max Elixir
Heal Seed
Oran Berry

Reviver Seed (Ignore, Already owned)

Escape Orb
Terrain Orb
Protect Orb (Ignore, Already Owned)

Sharpeye Seed
Quick Seed (Ignore, Already Owned)
This is basically what I want my inventory to look like for the fight. This means I'm selling:
Sitrus Berry
Blast Seed
Elixer x2
Luminous Orb
Healthy Orb

And I don't need to buy the three items marked above: The Reviver Seed, Protect Orb, and Quick Seed

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Dave's Shopping List
(Per Dragonfree's request)

Max Elixir
Vile Seed x2
Stun Seed
Reviver Seed
Escape Orb

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Reviewed Chapters 6-10 of Eternal Shadows

This puts me at 70 BLECs. I'd like to immediately claim the voucher prize and spend it on a Leg Day, taking from Res and putting into Stamina.
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
🛒 Shopping Time 🛒

• Selling…

- 1 Venom Seed (+7)

• Buying…

- Totter Seeds (-14)
- 1 Max Elixir (-7)
- 1 Terrain Orb (-6)
- 1 Escape Orb (-3)
- 1 Cautious Seed (-7)
- 1 Reflex Seed (-7)

• Final List
  • Projectiles (5)
    • 2 Totter Seeds
    • 2 Vile Seeds
    • 1 Venom Seed
  • Healing (4)
    • 1 Restore Seed
    • 1 Sitrus Berry
    • 2 Max Elixirs
• 1 Reviver Seed
  • Orbs (3)
    • 1 Protect Orb
    • 1 Terrain Orb
    • 1 Escape Orb
  • Statup (2)
    • 1 Cautious Seed
    • 1 Reflex Seed

I should be left with 21 points after all of this.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Everything before has been logged. Currently finalizing everything for the fight!
R12 Boss - Tree of Life


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs the Tree of Life
Turn 1 Full Log


Cuicatl: Boon V on Koa [+3 Mag, +1 Spe]
Skara: Ward III on Astrid
Dil: Shield V on Cynthian
Mithos: Ward III on Starr

Support Burst: 65/100

Saltriv [3]
Action 1: Void Acceptance @ Brisa, Koa, Shiron
Action 2: Rallying Cry @ Brisa (Spd), Starr (Eva), Cynthian (Def)
Action 3: Rallying Cry @ Icetales (Eva), Koa (Spe), Vix (Eva)
Net stamina: -103
Net corruption: +40 Shd, +0 Rad
Stat changes: +72 HP [D. Dust]

Shiron [3]
Action 1: Brilliant Tidal @ Icetales, Cynthian, Astrid
Action 2: Brilliant Tidal @ Icetales, Nip, Vix
Action 3: Wind Up
Net stamina: -113
Net corruption: +40 Rad (20 Rad per Tidal due to Void Acceptance), +0 Shd
Stat changes: +6 Speed, +1 Action, +72 HP [D. Dust]

Cabot [3]
[Void Stance]
(+11 Attack, Crit, Reckless, STAB)
Action 1: Brilliant Invigorate
Action 2: Double Dip two Cautious Seeds
Action 3: Annihilation Head Smash against the wall blocking 3A
Net stamina: -156
Net corruption: +20 Rad (40 from Brilliant Invigorate and -20 from a Call from Koa), +40 Shadow (40 from Void Stance, 20 from Umbral Annihilation and -20 from a Call from Koa)
Net stat changes: +6 Attack, +6 Evasion, +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +3 Speed (Call from Koa), Wax Status (Brilliant Justice from Vix), +72 HP [D. Dust]

Koa [3]
Action 1: Echochamber
Action 2: Conduit
Action 3: Pressurized Thundercall on Diyem for -1050 Speed (+call on Cabot for +3 speed)
Net stamina: -192
Net corruption: +13 RAD, +8 SHD
Stat changes: +3 Mag, +3 Spe, +2 Protect, +72 HP [D. Dust]

Conduit [Koa-Brisa-Starr]
Starr gives Brisa 28 Shd
Brisa gives Starr 16 Rad
Koa gives Starr 9 Rad

Brisa [3]
[Receive V. Acceptance and Call from Saltriv, V. Catharsis from Starr, Wax]
Action 1: U. Overcharge > T. Wave on Diyem [+600 Paralysis, procs]
Action 2: Brilliant Paragon on Starr
Action 3: Brilliant Paragon on Starr
Net stamina: -262
Net corruption: +20 RAD, +22 SHD [Acceptance, Call, Catharsis]
Net HP: +191 [Paragon x2, Q. Healer, Catharsis, Burn, Diamond Dust]
Net stat changes: +1 Protect, +4 Atk, +6 Spd, +4 Charge, +Paragon,
Notes: +1 Action & Second Wind triggers next turn

Starr [3]
[Receive Call, Wax, Paragon x2]
Action 1: Void Catharsis @ Brisa
Action 2: DD Weather Orb + Reflex Seed
Action 3: [Wind Up]
Net stamina: -57 Stm, +145 HP [-50% Paragon, +75% Catharsis]
Net corruption: +20 Shd, +0 Rad
Net stat changes: +4 Atk, +4 Spd, +5 Eva, +1 Def, +1 Res, +1 Protect
Notes: +1 action, +175 HP barrier, +1312 status barrier

Dave [3]
[Void Stance]
Action 1: PU Brisa’s 6 Speed
Action 2: PU Cabot’s 6 Attack
Action 3: Brilliant Determination on Koa
Net stamina: -192
Net corruption: +68 Rad, +40 Shd
Net stat changes: +6 Spe, +6 Atk, +2 Protect, +72 HP [D. Dust]
Notes: Rainbow Room

Celeste [3]
Action 1: Pact
Action 2: PU Speed Brisa
Action 3: [skip]
Net stamina: -85
Net corruption: +40 Shd
Stat changes: -6 Def, -6 Res, +6 Eva, +6 Spe, +72 HP [D. Dust]

Mellow [2]
[Firm Stance]
Action 1: Shining Teatime on Icetales, Cynthian, Astrid
Action 2: Tailwind
Net stamina: -150
Net corruption: +28 Rad
Stat changes: +72 HP [D. Dust]

Cynthian [3]
[Shield V, Teatime Reflex Seed, Tidal, Call]
Action 1: Void Nightshade
Action 2: Ultra Stone @ Xerneas
Action 3: Wind Up
Net stamina: -60
Net corruption: +36 Shd, +0 Rad
Net stat changes: +6 Mag, +6 Spe, +6 Eva, +2 Def, -89 HP
Notes: Cynthian gets +40hp from Grassy Terrain and +72 from Diamond Dust weather.

Icetales [4]
[Lithe Stance]
[Receive Tidal x2, Teatime Reflex Seed, Call]
Action 1: Mist [Get Rainbow status]
Action 2: Void Wraith @ Xerneas
Action 3: Revontulet
Action 4: Aurora Veil [Spread DD+Revontulet to all]
Net stamina: -306
Net corruption: +20 Shd, +0 Rad
Stat changes: +5 Eva, +6 Spe, +108 HP [Q. Healer, D. Dust]

Kate [3]
(+2 Attack, Ultra Effective)
Action 1: Psych Up Speed Dave [Get Rainbow status]
Action 2: Radiant Hoarfrost Diyem [-1200 Speed]
Action 3: Psych Up Evasion Cabot
Net stamina: -113
Net corruption: +14 Radiant, 0 Shadow
Stat changes: +6 Speed, +6 Evasion, +72 HP [D. Dust]

Nip [3]
[Receiving Brilliant Tidal]
Action 1: PU Evasion Cabot
Action 2: PU Attack Cabot
Action 3: Wind Up
Net stamina: -72
Net corruption: +0 Rad, +0 Shd
Stat changes: +6 Atk, +6 Eva, +3 Spe, +1 action, +72 HP [D. Dust]

Astrid [4]
[Lithe Stance]
[Void Stance]
[Receiving Tidal, Teatime Cautious Seed]
Action 1: PU Evasion Cabot
Action 2: Recurve —> Metanoia
Action 3: Recurve —> Inspiration
Action 4: Wind Up
Net stamina: -190 (182 remaining)
Net corruption: +24 Rad, +68 Shd
Stat changes: +3 Spe, +3 Def, +3 Res, +6 Eva, +2 innate Eva, +1 action, +175 HP barrier, +1312 status barrier, +72 HP [D. Dust]

Vix [3]
[Receiving Tidal, Call]
Action 1: Radiant Wax herself
Action 2: Radiant Wax Starr
Action 3: Brilliant Justice
(Waxing: Self, Cynthian, Cabot, Brisa)
(Drain: -60 Rad from Astrid)
Net stamina: -128
Net corruption: +64 Rad, +0 Shd
Stat changes: +1 Def, +1 Res, +3 Spe, +2 Eva, +72 HP [D. Dust]
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Battle Messages, Turn 1:
Cuicatl's Boon V boosted Koa's Magic and Speed!
Skara's Ward III protected Astrid!
Dil's Shield V protected Cynthian!
Mithos' Ward III protected Starr!

Saltriv’s Void Acceptance soothed Brisa, Koa and Shiron, reducing their corruption gains!
Saltriv’s double Rallying Cry pumped up Brisa, Starr, Cynthian, Icetales, Koa and Vix!
Shiron’s double Brilliant Tidal energized Icetales (x2), Cynthian, Astrid, Nip and Vix, boosting their Speed by +3!
Cabot’s Annihilation Head Smash dealt [X] damage to the wall blocking 3A!
Koa’s Compressor Thundercall inflicted -700 Spd to Diyem and energized Cabot, boosting his Speed by +3!
Brisa’s Overcharged Thunder Wave inflicted 600 paralysis to Diyem! Diyem was paralyzed!
Brisa and Starr work hard thanks to Brisa’s double Brilliant Paragon! They each gained +4 Atk, +4 Spd and +1 Protect!
Starr’s Void Catharsis healed Starr and Brisa, reduced their corruption, and granted them +1 action!
Dave’s Brilliant Determination applied +2 Protect to himself and Koa!
Mellow’s Shining Teatime allowed Icetales, Cynthian and Astrid to use items!
Mellow’s Tailwind boosted the team’s Speed by +2!
Cynthian’s Ultra Stone dealt 10 damage to Xerneas!
Icetales’s Mist protected the team from debuffs!
Icetales’s Void Wraith, supported by Dave’s Brilliant Determination, inflicted 675 Confusion to Xerneas!
Icetales’s Shining Revontulet boosted Radiance around him!
Icetales’s Aurora Veil protected the team from damage, and spread both Diamond Dust and Shining Revontulet! The team's HP was overhealed!
Kate’s Radiant Hoarfrost, supported by Dave’s Brilliant Determination, dealt [X] damage and inflicted -1200 Spd to Diyem!
Vix’s Radiant Wax boosted Starr’s Defense and Resistance by +1!

Vix’s Brilliant Justice boosted her own, Cynthian’s, Cabot’s and Brisa’s Defense and Resistance by +1, and reduced Astrid’s Radiant corruption by 60!
Last edited:


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora

Boss 12 Turn 2 Actions


Flame: Shield IV on Brisa (282 HP and +1 Protect upon breaking) [+5]
Ashwood: Ward III on Cabot (1312 threshold and 175 HP barrier) [+15]

Support Burst: 85/100

Saltriv [3]
Action 1: Umbral Urging @ Vix
Action 2: Rallying Cry @ Starr (+1 Eva +1 Acc), Koa (+2 Eva), Astrid (+2 Acc)
Action 3: Autumn @ Icetales, Koa, Mellow
Net stamina: -135
Net corruption: +20 shd +40 rad
Stat changes: +2 Protect, -108 HP [Urging, DDust]

Koa [3]
(+8, Minus, STAB, Terrain)
Action 1: Electric Terrain
Action 2: Rising Voltage @ Wall [Boon +300]
Action 3: Pressurized Thundercall @ Diyem for -525 Speed (+Call @ Brisa for +3 Eva)
[B Autumn, Pure Rally Call]
Net stamina: -137
Net corruption: +16 shd -9 rad
Stat changes: +2 Eva, +72 hp [DDust]

Conduit [Koa-Dave-Icetales]
[Receive overheal & +1 Protect from Thundercall]
Dave gives 30 Rad to Koa
Icetales gives 1 Rad to Koa

Dave [3]
[gives 30 Rad to Koa through Conduit]
Action 1: Mimic Tailwind off Mellow
Action 2: Shining Burden @ Brisa [spread Determination]
Action 3: Focus [Exit Void Stance]
Net stamina: -82
Net corruption: -16 rad -20 shd (+34 Burden - 20 Focus - 30 Conduit, -20 Focus)
Stat changes: +2 Protect

Icetales [4]
[Maintain Lithe Stance]
[Receives Teatime’d Elixir]
[Receives Brilliant Autumn, Revitalizing Moonlight]
Action 1: Heal Bell [Shiron, Cynthian, Starr]
Action 2: Inspirit @ Cabot, Starr, Astrid
Action 3: Terrain Orb [Misty]
Action 4: Mist [spreads Diamond Dust, Misty Terrain, and Revontulet to 2A]
Net stamina: -18
Net corruption: +19 RAD
Stat changes: +379 HP [271 from HB; 108 from DD]; +2 Protect [Brilliant Autumn]

Brisa [4]
[Receive Burden and thus Determination effect, Shield IV (282 HP and +1 Protect upon breaking)]
Action 1: Whiplash Diyem, Call Diyem [+7, Guts, UE]
Action 2: T. Wave Diyem for 300
Action 3: Ditto, hit 600
Action 4: Ditto, hit 900, paralysis procs
[Void Stance]
[Teatime Cautious Seed, Revitalizing Moonlight, Koa Call for +3 eva, Vix Call, Ire]
Net stamina: -5 [-105, +100]
Net corruption: -2 RAD, +10 SHD
Stat changes: +608 hp, +4 def, +4 res, +3 eva, +2 protect
Notes: She gets an Ire after her turn, saved for her next strike, she has Void Stance and began the turn below 50% hp, her Shield IV is 282 HP and +1 Protect upon breaking

Mellow [3]
[Exit Firm Stance, Receive Autumn]
Action 1: Summershine [Spreads AV to 2A]
Action 2: Shining Teatime @ Brisa, Astrid, Icetales
Action 3: DD Quick Seed + Max Elixir
Net stamina: +33
Net corruption: +64 Radiance
Stat changes: Chlorophyll, Sun, +3 Speed, +2 Protect

[Nip-Shiron-Cabot Alliance]

Nip [4]

Action 1: Moonlight @ Brisa, Icetales, Starr [Sun from Starr, Revitalize]
Action 2: Assist -> Teleport [Shiron to 3A]
[Get teleported back to 2A]
Action 3: Teleport [Cabot to 3A]
Action 4: Walk to 2A
Net stamina: -146
Net corruption: 0
Stat changes: 0
Notes: Ends turn in 2A, valid target for Mimic in that room

Shiron [4]
[Get Teleported to 3A]
Action 1: Mimic —> Teleport [Nip to 2A]
Action 2: Teleport [Astrid to 3A]
Action 3: Void Surge @ Astrid
Action 4: [Wind Up]
Net stamina: -
Net corruption: +20 shd [Acceptance from prior turn]
Stat changes:
Notes: For mimic purposes, Shiron gets teleported by Nip, then teleports Nip back

Cabot [3]
(+11 Attack, STAB, Ultra Effective, Crit, HH, Reckless)
Action 1: Call Diyem
[Get Teleported to 3A]
Action 2: Focus [Exit Void Stance]
Action 3: Annihilation Head Smash at Nutmeg
Net stamina: -63
Net corruption: - 20 Rad, 0 Shadow (-20 Focus, +20 from Umbral Annihilation)
Stat changes: Ward III, +1 Sure Crit
Notes: Inspirit’s crit gets saved

Celeste [3]
Action 1: Mimic —> Teleport [Starr to 3A]
Action 2: Brilliant Reflex
Action 3:
Net stamina: -74
Net corruption: +30 Rad -10 Shd
Stat changes: None

Kate [3]
Action 1: Psych Up Attack Dave [Get Rainbow status]
Action 2: Mimic —> Teleport [Nip to 3A]
Action 3: Shining Snatch at Nutmeg [-1500 Defense]
Net stamina: -110
Net corruption: +28 Rad, +0 Shad
Stat changes: +6 Atk, +230 HP

Starr [6]
(+11, STAB, Blaze, Sun, SE, HH, LB 30%)
[Receive Ire, Rally Call, Inspirit, Revitalizing Moonlight, Get Teleported to 3A]
[Lithe Stance]
Action 1: Umbral Insolence
Action 2: Power Trip @ Pita [35 stages, Crit, UE]
Action 3: Flare Blitz @ Pita [Reckless]
Action 4: Leech Life @ Pita
Action 5: Basic Attack @ Pita
Action 6: Power Trip @ Pita [35 stages]
Net stamina: haha tireless go brr
Net corruption: +14 Shd
Stat changes: +1 Eva, +1 Acc
HP: +287 from Moonlight, -720 from Insolence, Recoil down to 1, Leech Life heals X, Insolence restores 720
Notes: If Pita dies, any leftover attacks go to remaining targets, if relevant.

Astrid [5]
[Brilliant Stance]
[Lithe Stance]
(+11, HH, STAB, UE)
Recurve: Inspiration @ Starr
Action 1: Inspiration @ Cabot
Action 2: Sweeper Flail @ Pita, Nutmeg, 3B [Blaze, Sun]
Action 3: Recurve —> Inspiration
Action 4: Sweeper Flail @ Pita, Nutmeg
Action 5: Wind Up
Net stamina: -8
Net corruption: -6 Shd, -24 Rad
Stat changes: +2 Accuracy, +1 action, 1 HP remaining
Notes: enter Brilliant Stance; trigger Second Wind; burst through 3B with Shiron if it breaks!!
Receiving: -60 Rad from Vix, Teatime [Elixir] from Mellow, Void Surge from Shiron, Teleport from Shiron, Call from Saltriv [+Acc]

Cynthian [3]
[+12, Stab]
Action 1: Leafstorm + Snapdragon @ Diyem (+150 Freeze, +50 Confusion) [Terrain]
Action 2: Sludge Bomb @Diyem (+150 Poison)
Action 3: Elixir
Action 4: Wind Up
Net stamina: +59
Net corruption: Unchanged.
Stat changes: Unchanged.
Net Hp: +212 [terain, DDust]

Vix [3]
[Receive Urging]
Action 1: Ire (Starr, Cynthian, Brisa)
Action 2: Bellow Call (Astrid, Celeste, Brisa)
Action 3: Focus
Net stamina: -33
Net corruption: -20 rad, +14 shd
Sphere corruption: 180 (I think it’s already at max after this turn, 60 from Astrid last turn, 60 this turn, plus another 60 from the call)
Stat changes: +6 Mag, -44 HP
Notes: Passively drain 60 Rad from Astrid
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