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Official Actions

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Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Miracle Matters
Turn 3 Battle Messages

Ben leaps out of the underworld with Lucius in tow!
Lucius used After You on Aria!
Lucius began preparing Void Chains… at the beginning of next turn, Lucius will launch a devastating debuffing attack!
Lucius cast a Miracle — Saving Throw! He gained Endure status for the turn!

Danithan used Defog on Icetales, dispelling Misty Terrain and Mist!
Danithan used Tailwind on the Center zone!
Danithan used Void Metamorphosis! He transformed, gained +4 Attack and Magic, and Endure status for the turn!
Danithan used Helping Hand on Sage!

Nero, Chyla, and Alice are moving in formation…! Nero is guarding Lucius and has changed to Dragon type!
Chyla used a Miracle — DNA Debugging to halve his corruption and gain +3 Attack!
Chyla uses Brilliant Dual Strike on Icetales and Brisa!
Chyla used After You on Ben!
Nero walked to the Center zone and used Roar on Icetales, moving him to the South!
Chyla used Radiant Infection, chaining into Void Whip! It struck Starr five times!
Alice used Umbral Unveil twice, both times chaining into Shining Temptress! One went to Starr and another went to Dave, depleting their Shields!
Chyla used another Miracle — DNA Expansion to spread out his Tail Slap, striking Dave twice, then Nip, then Koa, then Saltriv!

Aria used Psych Up on Starr, gaining all of her Attack back!
Aria used Extremespeed, striking three times:
Aria’s Triple Umbral Rend Uppercut XXX damage to Starr! It’s Ultra Effective!

Mergo used Wide Guard +5!
Mergo used Void Heir on Aria and Ben!
Mergo’s Shadow Stored Power (36 stages) dealt XXX damage to Dave!
Mergo used Brilliant Decree on Brisa!
Mergo used a Miracle — Royal Composure to use Brilliant Decree again, spreading it out to Koa, Nip, and Owen!

Ben used Radiant Power Swap, shifting his offenses! It chained into Burn Up and dealt XXX damage to Dave!
Ben used Radiant Power Swap again, shifting his offenses back and chaining into Shining Accelerate! It struck Mellow for XXX damage!
Ben’s double Extremespeed dealt XXX damage to Mellow!
Ben antifocused and increased his Shade!
Ben’s Triple Inferno Sonicboom dealt XXX damage to Mellow!

Sage’s Blacklit Leaf Storm dealt XXX damage to Dave!
Sage used Brilliant Voice!
Sage’s Prism Bomb dealt XXX damage to someone!
Sage used a Miracle — Last Whisper and guaranteed death!
Sage’s Staccato Z-Burst dealt a CRITICAL XXX damage to someone, and echoed back for another XXX damage!

Owen called Ben!
Owen Stored two more Overheats!

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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen

Team Spectrum vs Miracle Matters

Turn 4 Actions

Vix [3]
Action 1: Ally Swap Icetales & Dave
Action 2: Hex @ Danithan [Dodged]
Action 3: Call Koa, Saltriv, and Brisa
[Justice Drain @ -60 Rad from Astrid]
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -48
Δ Blacklight: [+120 to sphere]
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: +3 Acceptance

Saltriv [3]
[Receiving Owen heal]

Action 1: Grass Pledge to Dave
Action 2: Acceptance @ Brisa, Owen, Vix
Action 3: Acceptance @ Brisa, Astrid, Koa
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -182 +59 = -123
Δ Blacklight: 0/+80
Δ HP: +25% overheal
Δ Misc: Gets revived without the Unleash

Icetales [4]
[Ally Switched to Center by Vix]
[Dispel Nebula]

Action 1: Teatime @ Owen [Max Elixir]
Action 2: Revontulet + Nebula > Quasar
Action 3: Inspirit @ Brisa, Koa, Astrid, Owen
Action 4: Blacklight Z-Burst @ Alice [+12, STAB, UE, Room, HH, Crit, 170bp]
Δ Stats: +2 Valor
Δ Stamina: Set to 250
Δ Blacklight: +60 Rad / +20 Shd, then set at +30 / +30
Δ HP: Set to 720
Δ Misc: Brisa, Astrid, Koa and Owen get Quasar (minus Koa), Misty Terrain and Diamond Dust (no HP changes)

[Nip-Dave-Owen Alliance]
Owen and Nip’s turns take place after Dave’s Shadow Charge but before the rest of his turn.

Owen [3]
[Receiving Teatime Max Elixir, Acceptance, Inspirit]

Action 1: Focus > Heal @ Dave, Saltriv, Nip
Action 2: Storage Overheat x2
Action 3: Storage Overheat x2
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -144
Δ Blacklight: -10 Rad, +10 Shd
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: +1 Crit

Nip [3]
[Receiving Owen Heal + Sun]

Action 1: Water Pledge to Dave
Action 2: Triple Axel @ Aria Protects
Action 3: Revitalizing Moonlight @ Dave, Astrid, Brisa
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -92 [+78]
Δ Blacklight: -
Δ HP: 0 (already overhealed)
Δ Misc: Nip and all his targets have sun from previous interactions with Saltriv and Owen

Dave [4]
[Receiving Moonlight, Ally Switch with Icetales]

Action 1: Shadow Charge @ Aria Protect [Move to Center]
[Receive Nip’s Moonlight and Owen’s heal]
Action 2: Fire Pledge @ MM Owen [Dodged]
[Triple Pledge field effect deals 3399 to all MMs]
Action 3: Crunch @ MM Owen [+600 poison, -750 Def]
Action 4: Crunch @ MM Owen [+600 poison, -750 Def]
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -78 +54 = -24
Δ Blacklight: +30/+47
Δ HP: +25% overheal
Δ Misc:

[Brisa-Koa-Bahamut Alliance]
Koa Outcry
Baha Persuasion
Koa Outcry
Call Brisa
Koa Hyper Voice
Brisa Basic Strike x2
Brisa Facade
Baha Persuasion x2
Brisa Facade x2
Koa Z-Burst

Koa [4]
[Receiving Vix Call, Acceptance, Persuasion, Inspirit]
[+12, TypeEff, STAB, Minus, HH]

Action 1: Umbral Outcry @ Wide Guard [Crit :( ]
Persuasion: Umbral Outcry @ Wide Guard
[Pure Call Brisa]
Action 2: Blacklight Hyper Voice @ Wide Guard [Room]
Action 3: Blacklight Z-Burst @ Chyla [238 bp]
Δ Stats: +2 Valor
Δ Stamina: Z-Busted
Δ Blacklight: Z-Busted
Δ HP: Z-Busted
Δ Misc: The Z-Burst will likely hit Lucius instead due to Friend Guard

Brisa > 20 Rad > Koa
Brisa > 7 Shd > Koa
Brisa > 6 Shd > Bahamut

Brisa [6]
[Receiving x2 Persuasion, x2 Acceptance, Inspirit, Pure Call, Tree Call, Moonlight]
[+12, TypeEff, Stab, Guts, HH, Crit]

Action 1: Spreader Basic Strike @ Wide Guard
Action 2: Whiplash Spreader Basic Strike @ Wide Guard
Action 3: Overcharged Spreader Radiant Facade @ Aria, Owen, Alice
Persuasion: Overcharged Spreader BL Facade @ Aria, Owen, Alice
Persuasion: Overcharged Spreader BL Facade @ Alice, Mergo, Chyla
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -100, then *2
Δ Blacklight: +4/+29
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: +1 Voidbound Crit, Quasar

Bahamut [3]
[Unleash, +40 Stm]

Action 1: Persuasion @ Koa
Action 2: Persuasion @ Brisa
Action 3: Persuasion @ Brisa
Δ Stats: -
Δ Stamina: -50
Δ Blacklight: +20/+56
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: -

Astrid [4]
[Receiving Acceptance, Moonlight, Inspirit, Justice]
[All Crit, LB 20%]

Action 1: Shining Inspiration @ Koa [+12, STAB, UE, Minus, HH, Room]
Action 2: Shining Inspiration @ Brisa [+12, STAB, UE, Guts, HH]
Action 4: Voidbound > Null Spreader Flail [Brisa Mults]
Action 3: Sweeper Stored Power [Koa Mults, 53 stages]
Extra: Eterna Blacklight Meltdown [Brisa Mults]
Δ Stats: +6 Mag
Δ Stamina: +72 from Moonlight, then jail
Δ Blacklight: 0/0
Δ HP: lol
Δ Misc: - Inspirit Crit, -2 Voidbound Crits
Δ Priority: Alice > Chyla > Owen > Aria > Mergo > Nero > Lucius > Danithan. Since Nero is guarding Lucius, this means he might take double from a Sweeper hit that targets both.
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen

Team Spectrum vs Miracle Matters

Turn 4 Battle Messages

Vix’s Ally Switch swapped Icetales & Dave!
Vix called out to Koa, Saltriv and Brisa!
Vix’s Brilliant Justice drained radiance from Astrid!
Saltriv’s Void Acceptance reduced the corruption around Brisa, Owen, Vix, Astrid and Koa!
Icetales’s Teatime restored Owen’s stamina!
Icetales’s Shining Revontulet and Umbral Nebula became Blacklight Quasar!
Icetales’s Brilliant Inspirit leant a helping hand to Brisa, Koa, Astrid, and Owen!
Owen’s Tree healed Dave, Saltriv, and Nip!
Nip’s Moonlight healed and revitalized Dave, Astrid and Brisa!
Bahamut’s Triple Shadow Persuasion granted Brisa and Koa extra actions!

Vix’s Hex was aimed at Danithan (Dodged!)
Icetales’s Blacklight Z-Burst dealt XX to Alice!
Nip’s Triple Axel depleted Aria’s Protects!
Dave’s Shadow Charge struck Aria’s Protect!

Saltriv, Dave, and Nip’s Triple Pledge dealt 3399 to all Miracle Matters!

Dave’s Double Crunches dealt X damage, +1200 poison, and -1500 Defense to Owen!
Koa and Brisa’s Outcry Storm struck the Wide Guard five times!
Koa’s Blacklight Z-Burst dealt X damage to Chyla, but Lucius blocked the hit!
Brisa’s Triple Overcharged Facade Blitz struck the Miracle Matters!
Astrid was inspired by Brisa and Koa! Astrid’s Sweeping Power Flail struck the Miracle Matters!
Astrid's Eternal Spirit is burning! Astrid's Blacklight Meltdown struck the Miracle Matters!
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Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Miracle Matters
Turn 4 Battle Logs

Middle Zone (all):
  • Tailwind (+2 Spe)
  • Umbral Vortex (+2 Eva)


  • Besides the actions that already specify to, nobody targets Koa
  • Universal hitlist (if an action specifies to hit a specific target, it ignores this list; otherwise, it uses this list):
    • Owen
    • Dave
    • Icetales
    • Vix
    • Bahamut
    • Brisa
    • Conduit
    • Nip
    • Astrid
    • Saltriv

—Action: Void Demon
(+6, STAB, Blaze, Sun)
+8 Overheats (+6, STAB, Blaze, Sun)

—Action: Void Whip (+1 strike) @ Dave, Koa, Owen, Owen, Conduit
Notes: all Protects gone

Danithan [LAST WORD]
—Action: Brilliant Oathkeeper @ Bahamut

—Miracle: Happy Wife Happy Life!
—Action: Tailwind @ Center
Notes: every assisted ally receives +1 Sure Crit

Sage [5] [LAST TURN]
—Miracle: Eternal Range
—Action 1: Void Prism –> Leaf Storm @ Dave, Owen, Bahamut
(130 BP | +9, STAB, Crit | type=Grass)
+8 Overheats (1040 BP | +9, Crit | type=null)
—Action 2: Void Prism –> Leaf Storm @ Icetales, Brisa, Nip
(130 BP | +9, STAB, ⅓ Crit | type=Grass)
—Action 3: Antifocus (+1 Shd / +1 Rad)
—Action 4: Void Prism –> Brilliant Voice
—Miracle: Enter the Voidlands
—Action 5: Explosion @ Astrid, Vix, Conduit
(250 BP | +9, STAB, Crit, uses Magic | type=BL)
—Extra: Blacklight Meltdown (triple target only)
(200+100 BP | +9, STAB, Crit | type=BL)
Δ Corruption: 10/10 before Explosion, irrelevant later
Δ Stats: funeral plans currently underway
—Sage’s Explosion uses Magic stat b/c Miracle
—Sage’s Prisms can target unique targets per strike b/c Miracle
—For the ⅓ crit, the strike with the crit goes to Icetales to pop a Crit Guard
—Each Prism targets three unique targets (one strike each) in order to maximize interaction count; Explosion does the same as a triple target move, then hits all interacted-with targets as well
—Blacklight Meltdown occurs at the end of the turn, after everyone else has gone; targets go by hitlist

Kora [3] [Entry]
—Action 1: Shining Spirit (self only)
—Action 2: Shining Spirit (self only)
—Action 3: Void Evolution
Δ Corruption: +4 Shd, +4 Rad
Δ Stats: +6 Attack, +6 Magic, +2 Speed

Gene [3] [Entry]
—Action 1: Shining Coronation
—Action 2: Shining Coronation
—Action 3: Void Wakizashi (charge 1)
Δ Corruption: +6 Shd, +4 Rad
Δ Stats: +6 Attack, +6 Speed
Notes: gain +100 spike damage effect for enemies who interact with Gene

Gene [5]
[receive Call from a special someone]
—Action 1: Void Wakizashi (charge 2)
—Action 2: Void Wakizashi –> Brilliant Sunrise @ Saltriv
(200 BP | +6, UE, STAB, HH, Crit, x2 from Wakizashi, x2 from For the New Nakamura!)
—Miracle: Defiant Decree
—Action 3: Shadow Vigil –> Throat Chop @ Koa
(+6, STAB, HH, Crit, Sure Shot)
—Action 4: Role Play @ Bahamut
—Action 5: Umbral Veil @ Center
Δ Corruption: +2 Shd, +4 Rad
Δ Stats: +1 Accuracy, +Prism Armor, +5 Protect
—Miracle locks status in place for the remainder of turn, persisting even through death
—Wakizashi strike has the Drain effect, Sure Shot, Sure Crit, and Shield Breaker

Kora [4]
—Action 1: Thief
(go by hitlist and target first enemy with buffs to steal; steal Evasion, otherwise Speed)
(60 BP | +6, STAB, Crit | type=Dark)
—Action 2: Brilliant Replica @ Aria
—Action 3: Extremespeed x3
—Action 4: Shadow Force (hide…)
—Miracle: Super Dense
—Miracle: Berserker Spirit

Δ Corruption: +4 Rad
Δ Stats: +2 Detect, +6 Evasion (one-turn innate), Replica!Aria (adopts stat buffs), +25% HP
—Kora takes 25% reduced damage for the turn and gains +2 Def/Res
—Kora overheals Mergo and self by 25%
—Kora has adopted Aria’s base stats

Mergo [5]
—Miracle: Defensive Positions!
—Free: Gain +2 Valor; +1 @ Aria, Ben, Nero)
—Action 1: Focus
—Action 2: Focus
—Action 3: Shadow Guardian @ Ben
—Action 4: Protect +5 (+3 Shd)
—Action 5: Shadow Stored Power*
(250 BP | +8, STAB | type=Shadow)
+8 Overheats (1040 BP | +8 | type=null)
Δ Corruption: +3 Shd, -4 Rad
Δ Stats: +2 Valor, +5 Protect
—Mergo’s Miracle gives every ally he interacts with +1 N.I. Protect
— * do not strike Owen or Bahamut; if otherwise unsure, go by hitlist

Nero [5]
[[Super Guardian @ Aria]]
[receive Mergo Valor, Mergo Miracle]
—Action 1: Umbral Overdrive
—Action 2: Scary Face @ Vix
—Action 3: Scary Face @ Vix
—Miracle: Tee Hee!
—Action 4: Shadow Blight @ Koa
(70 BP | +7, STAB, Crit, uses Defense | type=Shadow)
—Action 5: Blacklight Z-Burst
(140 BP | +9, STAB | type=BL)
Δ Corruption: +6 Shd
Δ Stats: +3 Valor, +1 N.I. Protect
Notes: Miracle allows Nero’s next move to use defensive stats to strike

Aria [5]
[receive Mergo Valor, Mergo Miracle, After You]
—Action 1: Brilliant Hollow @ Ben
—Action 2: Void Nihil @ Ben
—Action 3: Antifocus (+2 Rad)
—Action 4: Endure (+3 Shd)
—Action 5: Blacklight Z-Burst
(210 BP | +9, STAB, Adaptability, Crit | type=BL)
Δ Corruption: set to 0
Δ Stats: +4 Valor, +25% HP, +Endure, +1 N.I. Protect

Ben [5]
[receive Mergo Valor, Mergo Miracle, Aria succ 🤤]
—Action 1: Deep Focus
—Action 2: Radiant PS –> Burn Up
(130 BP | +9, STAB, Adaptability, Crit | type=Fire)
+8 Overheats (1040 BP | +7, STAB, Adaptability, Crit | type=null)
—Action 3: Mimic –> Stored Power
(220 BP | +9, STAB, Adaptability | type=Psychic)
—Action 4: Radiant PS –> Extremespeed x3
(240 BP | +9, STAB, Adaptability | type=Radiant)
—Action 5: Void Inferno –> Z-Burst
(190 BP | +11, STAB, Adaptability, Crit, x1.25 | type=BL)
Δ Corruption: set to 0
Δ Stats: +3 N.I. Protect, +3 Valor
—Unleashed: by using five unique moves before his final attacking action, Ben increases the power of his final attacking action by x1.25, or +5% of the original five times
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Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Miracle Matters
Turn 4 Battle Messages

Several Last Words are activating!

Owen used Void Demon! His Overheat barrage went off!

Chyla used Void Whip, striking Dave, Koa, the Conduit, and Owen twice! Their Protects were destroyed!

Danithan’s Brilliant Oathkeeper dealt XXX damage to XXXXX!

Alice used a Miracle: Happy Wife Happy Life!
Alice used Tailwind and gave everyone still standing +1 Sure Crit!

Sage is in Last Turn!
Sage used a Miracle: Eternal Range!
Sage used a Miracle: Enter the Voidlands!
Sage used Void Prism twice and launched six Leaf Storms (four crits)!
[overheats go here]
Sage used Void Prism and chained into Brilliant Voice!
Sage antifocused!
Sage used Blacklight Explosion on Astrid, Vix, and the Conduit! It struck everyone else he’s attacked this turn for CRITICAL damage!

…Sage is still up somehow! He’s gonna blow any minute!

Kora entered the battle and Unleashed!
Kora used Shining Spirit twice, gaining +2 Speed total!
Kora used Void Evolution!
Kora’s Thief dealt CRITICAL XXX damage to XXXXX and stole XXXXX!
Kora used Brilliant Replica and transformed into Aria! This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!
Kora’s Extremespeed struck three times, dealing XXX damage total to XXXXX!
Kora used a Miracle: Berserker Spirit! He and Mergo overhealed 25%!
Kora used a Miracle: Super Dense! He gained +2 defenses and will take 25% less damage this turn only!
Kora hid in the shadows! He’ll strike next turn…

Gene entered the battle and Unleashed!
Gene used Shining Coronation twice, gaining +6 Speed and Attack!
Gene used Void Wakizashi, which charged for a while… then chained into Brilliant Sunrise and struck Saltriv CRITICALLY for XXX damage! It’s Ultra Effective! She healed for XXX HP!
Gene used a Miracle: Defiant Decree! Her next status inflicted will be incurable for a turn!
Gene’s CRITICAL Throat Chop, augmented by Shadow Vigil, dealt XXX damage to Koa and left him speechless!
Gene used Role Play and copied Bahamut’s Prism Armor!
Gene used Umbral Unveil!

Mergo used a Miracle: Defensive Positions! Ben, Nero, and Aria gained a non-interferable Protect!
Mergo’s Unleashed…! He gained +2 Valor and crowned Aria, Ben, and Nero with +1 Valor apiece!
Mergo focused twice!
Mergo used Shadow Guardian on Ben!
Mergo used Protect +5!
Mergo’s CRITICAL Shadow Stored Power dealt XXX damage to XXXXX! It’s Super Effective!
[overheats go here]

Nero used Umbral Overdrive and became all types at once!
Nero used Scary Face on Vix twice, lowering her Speed by 2!
Nero used a Miracle: Tee Hee! His next attack will draw from his defenses to strike…
Nero used a CRITICAL Shadow Blight on Koa! It’s Super Effective and drained XXX stamina!
Nero’s Blacklight Z-Burst dealt XXX damage!

Aria Unleashed!
Aria drained Ben’s corruption!
Aria antifocused!
Aria used Endure!
Aria’s CRITICAL Blacklight Z-Burst dealt XXX damage to XXXXX!

Ben focused deeply!
Ben chained Radiant Power Swap into a CRITICAL Burn Up, dealing XXX damage to XXX!
[overheats go here]
Ben chained Mimic into Stored Power, dealing XXX damage to XXXXX!
Ben’s Extremespeed struck XXXXX three times, dealing XXX damage total!
Ben’s Void Inferno chained into a CRITICAL Blacklight Z-Burst and dealt XXX damage to XXXXX!

Sage’s CRITICAL Blacklight Meltdown went off!
It echoed back for more damage!

Nero is guarding Mergo.
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen

Team Spectrum vs Miracle Matters

Turn 5 Actions


[20] Blink - Shiron @ Owen
[20] Blink - Cynthian @ Starr
[Burst: 100/100]


Koa [3]
Action 1: :(
Action 2: :(
Action 3: :(
Δ Stamina: -
Δ Blacklight: -
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: [wheeze]

Vix [3]
[Receiving Tree Protects]

Action 1: Radiant Wax @ Owen
Action 2: Umbral Ire @ Owen, Starr, Brisa
Action 3: Brilliant Justice @ Aria [Blocked!]
Δ Stamina: -45
Δ Blacklight: +17/+34
Δ HP: n/a
Δ Misc: +2 Protect

Nip [3]
[Receiving Tree Protects]

Action 1: Triple Axel @ Ben [-3 Protect]
Action 2: Triple Axel @ Gene [-3 Protect]
Action 3: Moonlight @ Bahamut, Icetales, Owen
Δ Stamina: -105 +78 = -27
Δ Blacklight: -
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: +2 Protect, +Sun

Icetales [4]
[Receiving Tree Protects, Moonlight, Persuasion]
[+12, STAB, SE, Burst]

Action 1: Inspirit @ Starr, Brisa, Owen
Action 2: Chaos Scythe @ Ben
Action 3: Chaos Scythe @ Ben
Action 4: Chaos Scythe @ Ben
Persuasion: Chaos Scythe @ Ben
Δ Stamina: -250 +108 = -142
Δ Blacklight: +70 Rad, +30 Shd
Δ HP: +720, +96 [Ddust]
Δ Misc: +2 Protect

Brisa Overcharge
Owen Turn
Brisa Turn

Owen [5]
[Receiving Blink, Wax, Ire, Inspirit, Moonlight, Void Phantasm]
[Unleash, Usurp MM Owen’s Overheat]
[+12, STAB, Blaze, Sun, HH, Burst]

Action 1: Umbral Storage Protect x5
Action 2: Umbral Storage Overheat x2
Action 3: Brilliant Aether [+2 Protect @ Icetales, Vix, Nip]
Action 4: Eterna Bestow @ Brisa, Starr, Astrid
[Blink let him keep going!]
Action 5: Void Demon @ Nero [Blocked!]
[Overheat Barrage x11 @ Nero] [Ire SE, Crit]
Δ Stamina: -370 [Tireless]
Δ Blacklight: +30 Rad, +50 Shd
Δ HP: +627 to the tree
Δ Misc: +1 Crit for a total of 2 Bestowed [Namo bls handle all Bestowed stuff]

Brisa [4]
[Receiving Ire, Inspirit, Bestow]
[Eternal Spirit, Unleash]
[+12, Stab, Guts, HH, All-Crit, Burst]

Action 1: Spreader Overcharged Bolt Strike @ Aria, Nero, Mergo [Ire + Titan UE, Charge, Terrain] [400 para]
Action 2: Spreader Whiplash Arcflare @ Kora, Nero, Mergo [SE, Charge, Terrain] [400 para]
[Electric Overheat Barrage x11 @ Kora] [TypeEff, Charge, Terrain]
Action 3: Spreader Whiplash Shadow Bolt Strike @ Ben, Gene, Nero [SE] [400 para]
Action 4: Spreader Whiplash Blacklight Z-Burst @ Ben, Gene, Nero [179bp, UE, Magic, +296 dmg] [300 para]
Δ Stamina: z-bust
Δ Blacklight: z-bust, then +20 Rad
Δ HP: z-bust, then +32
Δ Misc: 4 crits- Voidbound, Overcharge, Ire, Inspirit [2 saved from Owen]
Δ When Kora falls during Overheat Barrage, redirect to Ben, then Gene

Starr [6]
[Receiving Blink, Bestow, Ire, Inspirit, Brilliant Beacon]
[Unleash, Lithe]
[+12, STAB, Sun, Blaze, HH, Burst, LB 30%]

Action 1: Umbral Insolence [-601 HP]
Action 2: Sweeper Renegade @ MM [295 dmg]
[Overheat Barrage x11 @ Nero or Mergo] [Ire SE, Crit]
Action 3: Sweeper Blue Flare @ MM [TypeEff+1, Crit]
Action 4: Sweeper Power Trip @ MM [84 stages, TypeEff, Crit]
[Blink let her keep going!]
Action 5: Sweeper Power Trip @ MM [84 stages, TypeEff, Crit]
[Resolution let her keep going!]
Action 6: Sweeper Fusion Arcflare @ MM [Reckless, SE]
Δ Stamina: -1410 :)
Δ Blacklight: +54 Rad, +58 Shd
Δ HP: Recoil down to 1, +901 [Insolence], -200 [Resolution]
Δ Misc: +Sun, Crits are from Bestow, Ire, Inspirit

Bahamut [3]
[Receiving Moonlight]

Action 1: Void Phantasm @ Owen
Action 2: Brilliant Beacon @ Starr
Action 3: Shadow Persuasion @ Icetales
Δ Stamina: -135
Δ Blacklight: +40 Rad, +50 Shd
Δ HP: +587, +96 [Ddust]
Δ Misc: +2 Protect, Follow Me, give phantom to Icetales

Astrid [3]
[Receiving Bestow]

Action 1: Recurve > Inspiration
Action 2: Recurve > Inspiration
Action 3: [Wind Up]
Δ Stamina: -60
Δ Blacklight: +86 Rad, +58 Shd
Δ HP: -
Δ Misc: Astrid holds the Overheats over Aria’s head and smiles. :)
- If someone else is somehow still standing, change the Wind Up to a Null Sweeper Flail

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen

Team Spectrum vs Miracle Matters

Turn 5 Battle Messages

Koa cried out! ..but no one could hear him.
Vix’s Umbral Ire empowered Owen, Starr, and Brisa!
Nip’s Moonlight healed Bahamut, Icetales, and Owen!
Icetales' Brilliant Inspirit empowered Brisa, Starr, and Owen!
Owen’s Brilliant Aether protected Icetales, Vix, and Nip!
Owen's Eternal Spirit is burning! His heart beats as one with his friends'!
Owen’s Shining Bestow granted strength, protection, and blazing power to Brisa, Starr, and Astrid!
Bahamut’s Void Phantasm soothed Owen’s shadows!
Bahamut’s Brilliant Beacon soothed Starr’s Radiance!
Bahamut’s Shadow Persuasion let Icetales strike once more!

Vix's Brilliant Justice was aimed at Aria! [Blocked!]
Nip’s double Triple Axel tore through Ben and Gene’s Protect shields!
Icetales' Eternal Spirit still burns! He calls upon the power of Chaos!
Icetales' quadruple Chaos Scythe dealt X damage to Ben!
Owen's Void Demon and Elevenfold Overheat Barrage dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Nero!
Brisa’s Overcharged Bolt Strike dealt a CRITICAL X damage to X!
Brisa’s Whiplash Arcflare dealt a CRITICAL X damage to X!
Brisa’s Elevenfold Overheat Barrage dealt a CRITICAL X damage to X!
Brisa’s Whiplash Shadow Bolt Strike dealt a CRITICAL X damage to X!
Brisa’s Whiplash Blacklight Z-Burst dealt a CRITICAL X damage to X!
Starr’s Shining Renegade dealt 295 damage to X!
Starr’s Elevenfold Overheat Barrage dealt a CRITICAL X damage to X!
Starr’s Blue Flare dealt a CRITICAL X damage to X!
Starr’s Insolent Power Trip dealt a CRITICAL X damage to X!
Starr’s Insolent Power Trip dealt a CRITICAL X damage to X!
Starr’s Fusion Arcflare dealt X damage to X!


gib bludoge pls
Miracle Matters
Turn 5 Actions

Middle Zone (all):
- none

Gene [Last Word]
Miracle — Final Slash!
Action: Void Wakizashi —> Brilliant Sunrise @ Bahamut (Shield Breaker)
+100 fixed (Roseblades)

Mergo [Last Word]
(+10, Sure Crit)
Action: Shadow Z-burst @ Bahamut (STAB, SE, Prism Armor, 50% dodge)
+8 Bestowed Overheats
Target list: Bahamut —> Koa —> Brisa

Aria [6]
(+12, STAB, Adaptability, Shield Breaker for ESpeeds/Z-Burst)
[receive Ben Miracle —> +3 Valor, +4 Magic, +8 Overheats, +1 Sure Crit]
Miracle — Tempo Up!
Miracle — Blacklight Blitz!
Miracle — Crushing Blows!
Action 1: 1x Blacklight Extremespeed @ Brisa
+8 Bestowed Overheats (Sure Crit)
Target list: Brisa —> Vix —> Icetales
Post-Overheats: 2x Blacklight Extremespeed @ Icetales (Sure Crit), Anyone
Action 2: 3x Blacklight Extremespeed @ Anyone
Action 3: 3x Blacklight Extremespeed @ Anyone
Action 4: 3x Blacklight Extremespeed @ Anyone
Action 5: 3x Blacklight Extremespeed @ Anyone
Action 6: 3x Blacklight Extremespeed @ Anyone
Priority list: Icetales>Owen>Astrid>Starr>Nip
Eterna: Blacklight Z-Burst @ Starr (300BP, UE)
Notes: Target Starr with enough ESpeeds to take out all Protects, then don’t strike her again until Z-Burst. Blacklight Z-Burst must target her.


gib bludoge pls
Miracle Matters
Turn 5 Battle Messages

Last Word!
Gene's Final Slash destroys Bahamut's shield, before her Roseblades dig into him for 100 damage!

Last Word!
Mergo acts spooky before launching a Z-Burst at Bahamut for a CRITICAL X damage!
His Bestowed Overheats follow! They blast X for a CRITICAL X damage!
The remainder tore at Brisa's Protects!

Last Stand!
Aria summons every last bit of strength she has, using all of her Miracles!
Tempo Up! She can use moves effortlessly!
Blacklight Blitz! All of her moves are infused with Blacklight energy!
Crushing Blows! Her Staggers come into effect immediately!

Aria's first Extremespeed tears away Brisa's remaining Protect!
Her Bestowed Overheats follow! They blast Brisa for a CRITICAL X damage!
The remainder tear into Vix and Icetales!

Aria begins her onslaught! A flurry of blows tear away all of Team Spectrum's remaining Shields!
Aria's Blacklight Extremespeed Barrage strikes all of Team Spectrum!
She disappears into the Speedforc— wait no, there she is.

Aria's Z-Burst Finale deals X damage to Starr!


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Team Spectrum vs Miracle Matters
Turn 6 Actions + Messages

Astrid [5]
[Lithe Stance]
(+12, UE, STAB, Crit)
—Action 1: Antifocus (+10/+10)
—Action 2: Antifocus (+10/+10)
—Action 3: Antifocus (+10/+10)
—Action 4: Antifocus (+20 Shd)
—Action 5: Voidbound –> Blacklight Z-Burst (224 BP)
Δ Corruption: -56 Rad, +28 Shd
Δ Stamina: set to 241
Δ Stats: +2 Valor
Notes: Blaze of Glory active

Astrid is in Blaze of Glory!

Two Recurved Shining Inspirations went off! But there was no one to be Inspired by…

Astrid antifocused a bunch!
Astrid used Voidbound! It chained into a CRITICAL Blacklight Z-Burst and dealt XXX damage to Aria! It’s Ultra Effective!
The Overheats (x11) went off in a flurry and dealt XXX damage for good measure!

The Miracle Matters have been defeated! Team Spectrum wins!


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Logging my final set of stuff. Two sets of writing challenges and beta reading chapter 119 of HoC.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
An hour of art


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
• Logging 11 hours of staring at my screen
• Astrid:
• +8 Resistance​
• +7 HP​
• Curio: maximize Stamina

• Sell Elixir x1
• Buy Pop’s Grand Reviver Seed
• Buy Zinc’s Blessed Elixir
• Buy Joule’s Wormhole Orb
• Buy Shield’s Aegis Orb
• Buy Sword’s Hyperactive Seed
• Buy Soda’s Illusory Seed
• Buy Potluck’s Volatile Seed
Last edited:


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Logging about three hours of writing.


Professional Procrastinator
Logging 10 hours of writing done over the past three months. I would also like to maximize HP and split defense and resistance evenly.
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