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[CYOA] You Are a Rock

Post 2-10


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

Rocky Tackle!

- (1) I need to be careful not to let N get hurt!
- (∞) Just don't kill them.

Marshtomp catches up to you quickly. You make quick work of finding your footing, glancing back to see that N is going up to the police and asking something.

"Go in there, it's safe!" the police say, pointing at the restaurant. The title looks familiar. Did Millie mention it in passing? Maybe that was where she worked. Was, because, well...

No time to think about that. Maybe finding the cause of the Dungeon would restore things.

Once Marshtomp gets close enough, you take aim with a good Rocky Tackle, slamming directly into Marshtomp with a sudden burst of speed. It was more like a headbutt, except the force came not from your legs but your chest. What an odd feeling.

Marshtomp reels from the attack and slams into two lamp posts consecutively like a pinball. That was a good hit... but Marshtomp was still getting up. Persistent thing...

Rocky Tackle deals 5 damage to Marshtomp! Energize means the attack is free!

However, Marshtomp retaliates, and you're still a bit slowed down from that last Mud Shot. He strikes with a weaker attack--is he out of stamina from your Enervation?

Marshtomp strikes you with Water Gun! You take 1 damage!

"Agh!" You stagger. "Hey, Weavile - do you know any ranged attacks?"

Weavile's hand shoots a set of icy shards at Marshtomp, but you're too slow and he staggers out of the way. But now that you think about it, do you have any ranged attacks to synergize with it? The sudden lack of ranged options to actually hurt something is getting in the way...

N looks back at you just as you shiver from the cold water. Even for an Ice body, something about the water is chilling. The elemental energy, no doubt.

"We need to be careful come this way!" N calls.

Shelter in the restaurant. Druddigon--you see him in the corner of your eyes. He's found his way back and will arrive soon. Marshtomp, barely standing, could also be trouble. N still has that Blast Seed for some insurance, though that would probably scare a few of the humans.

But just before you go to follow N, one of the police's communication devices buzzes harshly. "Need backup in district, uhhhh---HELP!"

"District where?"

"Sir, I can't tell where anything is anymore! But--but one of the apartments is... um, doing something?!"

"Can you be even slightly more specific?!" He barked an order to one of his Pokemon, who quickly felled another incoming feral in a seemingly endless wave. "Why are these Pokemon so aggressive? This is nothing like a new Dungeon--"

"It's... exploding! Slowly! But there's no explosion!"

At this point, the police officer shoves his communicator onto his belt again and focuses on the immediate task. It seems they were in no position to provide backup anyway. It was looking dire.

You can't help but feel like something is amiss. You have never been in a Dungeon before that you remember, yet you do feel that if all Dungeons were this dangerous, the caution around them would have been much higher.

But what was... going on to bother you otherwise? Instinct?

Still, it seems clear that you should take shelter with N for now and fight from the shelter. Hopefully, the ferals would eventually thin out, once Druddigon and Marshtomp were taken care of.

But why does it feel as though something else is calling you? Or... is that a trick, a trap?


What is your general plan of action?

1. Defend N and the restaurant with the police.
2. . . .

Druddigon is going to enter the fray soon!

Fallen Knight Druddigon
HP: 9

Fallen Knight Marshtomp
HP: 1
Slightly enervated

Current Status
HP: 6/5+5
Energy: 8/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1

Mobility slightly down!

- (!) I need to be careful not to let N get hurt!
- (∞) Something's wrong.


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
Rocky Tackle deals 5 damage to Marshtomp! Energize means the attack is free!

Oh... damn. Well. Definitely should have just committed there, holding back was a mistake. Potentially quite a big one, since this now means Druddigon might be getting a free hit on us... I'm sorry guys :sadwott:

Weavile's hand shoots a set of icy shards at Marshtomp, but you're too slow and he staggers out of the way. But now that you think about it, do you have any ranged attacks to synergize with it? The sudden lack of ranged options to actually hurt something is getting in the way...

Yeeaaahh, we're definitely feeling the pinch of not having a ranged attack. Let's hope Weavile has a physical Ice type move handy... maybe Ice Punch?

"Why are these Pokemon so aggressive? This is nothing like a new Dungeon--"

If the darkness is what causes Pokemon to become so aggressive, and if older dungeons generally have more aggressive Pokemon, then it seems that the police officer is implying dark matter in dungeons tends to increase over time. Feels pretty self-explanatory, but nonetheless something good to know.

You can't help but feel like something is amiss. You have never been in a Dungeon before that you remember, yet you do feel that if all Dungeons were this dangerous, the caution around them would have been much higher.

Mmmm, even the difference from when we first wandered near it is pretty crazy. The Prism Knights would say that obviously it's because of our presence that the dark matter is increasing... but I wonder if that isn't the case? The presence of so much dark energy made me think at first that it might be, but if we can also be negatively effected by it, then that implies it's not our own energy that we're seeing.

Speaking of!

Come here, partner

Loving the mysterious creepy letters - especially in the last post, decoding them gave me quite a chill :quag:

And what's quite interesting here is how Weavile's Iron Consideration changed! We don't know if he understood the messages exactly, but he can sense that other presence it seems. He's suspicious of it... and honestly, I agree. I wonder if we aren't starting to fall under the effects of the dark matter ourselves, or if this voice is somehow from the dungeon? It's especially weird that it's calling us "partner", when we're a legendary Pokemon... a force of nature that isn't usually partnered with anyone or anything...

It's also very strange that our 2nd choice is just the three dots. I'm reeaally tempted to explore what that means, but it's implied that if we do so, we won't be defending N and the police this round. With Marshtomp being unkillable by N and the humans, it's up to us to decisively knock him out, and potentially Druddigon too! (If he doesn't maim us first that is)


For my actions:
Decision: Defend N and the restaurant with the police.
Attack: Rocky Tackle (target is Marshtomp)
Consider: "I don't want to kill Marshtomp, just knock him out."
Telepathy (target is Weavile): "So you can sense it too, huh? The strange presence calling out to us?"
Last edited:


House of Two Midnights
All right... finally off mobile, so I can actually talk about things a bit more. Lots of interesting stuff in the past few updates!

First and most importantly, though, I think we should stick around to knock out Marshtomp, but then should try to retreat (and do our best to convince the police to do likewise). To me right now the most important thing to do is see whether we can learn anything about the dark power at work here, which I think will mostly require leaving the dungeon. (I'm SUPER curious to see whether getting corrupted and/or getting KO'd will shake off Marshtomp's creepy emotionless thing--and if so, whether he might become an ally or at least be able to give us some info on what's going on with that--but we need to get him out of the dungeon to find out any of that!) Also, shit be WACK in here right now, yo. So I'd like to incapacitate Marshtomp so we can take him with us (hopefully? idk that N can carry anyone else, and Marshtomp's probably pretty heavy) and then flee, ideally with the police/Lenora so they don't all fuckin die. We may need to take down Druddigon to do that, but if we can get away without fighting him, I'd prefer to do so.

Other than that... I'm curious whether the "partner" thing could indicate that we're talking to a corrupted Xerneas here? With the region-wide dungeon in Kalos, I could see Xerneas (and potentially this world's Yveltal) getting drawn in and corrupted. Loads of other possibilities, though. Our ability to interact with the corruption in ways that no one else can suggests that we do have some element of "darkness" ourselves--perhaps we're actually a Dark Matter ourselves only taking the form of an Yveltal, maybe we were previously working with a Dark Matter, maybe we were corrupted but getting rock'd at least temporarily cured that, etc. No guarantee that we're "actually" an yveltal and haven't just been taking that form for some reason.

The dark squirmy things we've been seeing running around are reminiscent of the eterna parasites from Namo's Blacklight campaign... I continue to be really suspicious that there's an eternatus mixed up in all this somehow! But they could simply be Dark Matter shades. I wish we had time to study them more closely again, but I think now is probably not the time, alas.

(I also didn't miss the note in the post before last. Where the fuck is Millie? :( )

Decision: Defend N and the restaurant with the police.

Action: Rocky Tackle @ Marshtomp

Consider: Are there any signs of Millie around here?

Speak (N): "This isn't right! We need to get out of here. Do you think you can convince the police to flee the dungeon? Maybe convince Lenora, if she has the authority here?"
Post 2-11


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

Defend N and the restaurant with the police.

Rocky tackle Marshtomp!

- (1) Are there any signs of Millie around here?
- (1) I don't want to kill Marshtomp, just knock him out.
- (∞) Something's wrong.

You know that no matter what you do, you have to take Marshtomp out and subdue him. Even though you feel Weavile is distracted by something, and perhaps you could have killed Marshtomp right then... you don't want to. You want to respect your host's wishes for the time being.

You wonder if Weavile would appreciate that.

But as you jettison headlong into Marshtomp's gut, you deliberately hold back, keen on his dwindling life energy. He coughs and crumples against you, but that's all. Several black blobs seep out of him and into the ground. You, realizing what this is, grasp them and toss them away, throwing icy shards at the ones that try to come back.

Rocky Tackle finishes Marshtomp off! He's KOed!

Staring at Marshtomp, you feel that same tug again. You could Claim him... though he does not seem to be all that much stronger than Weavile. Learning another body would be... troublesome right now, and Weavile also probably would not appreciate it.

But with Marshtomp down, you turn back toward N, still taking shelter with the police.

"This isn't right!" you call. "We need to get out of here. Do you think you can convince the police to flee the dungeon? Maybe convince Lenora, if she has the authority here?"

"Convince them to leave do you think it's that dangerous the entire town might be engulfed," N explains.

"Your fast-talkin' friend is right!" calls one of the officers. "Whole town's under this veil... We evacuated east as much as we could, but we're cornered!"

So they've been trying to evacuate. There was no telling how many other pockets of the Dungeon were also filled with innocents clustered and trapped.

Druddigon is drawing near. He's stronger than Marshtomp and Weavile; latent knowledge from Weavile informs you of this.

But you'd decided to defend the police for now. Perhaps after Druddigon is down, you can think more about your options...

Speaking of thinking, however, you send a thought to Weavile. "So you can sense it too, huh? The strange presence calling out to us?"

Weavile's claws clench a little. You sense... unease from him. And uncertainty. He, too, doesn't recognize it, but he does hear it. Someone was calling for Yveltal, calling it a partner. And it certainly felt very directed toward you.

Hasn't been very chatty just yet, though. Perhaps it's thinking...

"If we can get an opening," the police officer said, "we'll try to evacuate everyone! There's a route we can make if the Dungeon doesn't shift before then!"

You nod. In other words, get rid of Druddigon, and then help clear out the fodder that barely registers in your life sense.

You then turn your attention back. Millie... Not a single sign of her nearby. Not in the heat of battle. But instead, you ask, "Has anyone seen a Millie here? She has a Lillipup!"

"Y-yes!" someone cries from inside the restaurant. "She works here! But, um... she left somewhere. She was calling us to give a message, but that was when the Dungeon had appeared. She was saying really weird things... Something about, bring Lenora's stone to the central plaza? It didn't sound like her... I mean, it did, but, you know how when someone talks differently, or like, an AI voice of them, or. . . "

It must have been a chatty coworker. But that was... valuable and disturbing information.

Druddigon stops his approach, stomping on the ground once as his eyes locked onto you. For a moment, it feels as thought it's just you and him. The one who had been giving you the most trouble is now facing you down...

But this time, are you strong enough to defeat him?

You'd made this decision. It's time to face the results.

Druddigon has entered the fray!

Fallen Knight Druddigon
HP: 9

Current Status
HP: 6/5+5
Energy: 7/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1

- (!) Are there any signs of Millie around here?
- (!) I don't want to kill Marshtomp, just knock him out.
- (∞) Druddigon's claws are the most dangerous.


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
You then turn your attention back. Millie... Not a single sign of her nearby. Not in the heat of battle. But instead, you ask, "Has anyone seen a Millie here? She has a Lillipup!"

"Y-yes!" someone cries from inside the restaurant. "She works here! But, um... she left somewhere. She was calling us to give a message, but that was when the Dungeon had appeared. She was saying really weird things... Something about, bring Lenora's stone to the central plaza? It didn't sound like her... I mean, it did, but, you know how when someone talks differently, or like, an AI voice of them, or. . . "

It must have been a chatty coworker. But that was... valuable and disturbing information.

WELL. We might have potentially just found our mysterious entity... :wowzard:

The strange voice definitely hints at being posessed, and it kind of reminds me of how the Prism Knights acted when we first met them, although perhaps that was just their professional persona showing at the time hehe.

Interestingly, Millie never actually learned that we were Ylvetal before we were seperated, so that tells us that the force possessing her must have some pre-existing knowledge or relationship with us. Also very interesting that it wants Lenora's stone - if the entity can already possess and control people, that doesn't sound like it's sealed in the stone, like we were? Is it then trying to free some 3rd party, or is it just so powerful that it's still able to control and manipulate people from inside those confines?

Starting to sound like Druddigon might be the least of our worries soon :eyes:

Druddigon stops his approach, stomping on the ground once as his eyes locked onto you. For a moment, it feels as thought it's just you and him. The one who had been giving you the most trouble is now facing you down...

Hell yeah. Feeling that Jotaro / Dio showdown energy in this scene :quag:

Druddigon's been causing us so much trouble, I've been looking forward to this. Let's beat his ass and hope we don't get mauled

Okay, actions! Unfortunately, we don't have any ranged moves other than Enervate... that complicates our opening move here.

Enervate is a pretty safe play here. As pointed out by Weavile, it keeps us out of range of Druddigon's most dangerous attacks, and it would reduce his effectiveness in the subsequent turns as well. It also would help reduce the energy cost from something like a synergized Catapult / Ice Shard (or maybe Ice Punch) combo, which would be 3 energy otherwise (just under half our remaining supply).

Downside to using Enervate is that it doesn't actually damage Druddigon, so we won't be making any direct progress, and we'll be potentially leaving ourselves open to a ranged attack if Druddigon has any (which I bet he absolutely does).

I feel like the main other alternative here would be to open straight up with the Synergize + Catapult / Night Slash, or Ice Punch if Weavile has it. In other words, we go for as much damage as possible - that should definitely let us know how much we can do to Druddigon, and get us on the path there.

Downside is that it'll drain a lot of energy and risks putting us in range of those claws...

Since there's no other posts yet as I'm writing this, I'll put in for Enervate (with the intention of going for that Synergize combo on the next turn), but that's a very tentative Enervate. I have fucked up in our fights twice now, so I am completely down with changing that if there's any other suggestions.

Attack: Enervate (target is Druddigon)

Telepathy (target is Weavile):
"Even with those claws of his, we'll have to get close to do real damage. If you know a melee Ice technique, give me a signal!"

Consider: "Does Druddigon have a weak spot?"


House of Two Midnights
Oh, so Millie's been possessed by whatever's controlling the Prism Knights? That's cool. That's fine. Sounds like we're in for a good time here.

Not sure I'm convinced that the mysterious entity trying to talk to us is the same one possessing Millie. The entity is definitely on the dark side, whereas Millie was described as more robotic, which matches what the Prism Knights have been like imo. But they could be the same person/thing!

I think the bit with the stone was essentially saying that whatever has Millie wants us to go to the central plaza (or that someone else should bring us there). So I guess we have a decision about what to do next, after this Druddigon fight. My appetite for walking into an obvious trap definitely depends on what kind of state we're in after that, lol. :P

Starting to sound like Druddigon might be the least of our worries soon :eyes:
this, tho :unquag:

Not sure what you mean wrt fucking up in past fights; I think things have gone pretty well so far!

I can't imagine Namo's going to let us keep running on the formula "open with Enervate and then attack," but it's been working well up 'til now, so I don't see any reason to change gears here. If Weavlie also knows ice punch, that'll be clutch, but ice shard wouldn't be bad if that's what we have to work with, either.

Enervate @ Druddigon

Let's focus on dodging for now!

Speak @ Police: "I'll try to take down this druddigon! Please make sure the marshtomp gets taken to safety."
Post 2-12


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

Enervate Druddigon!

- (1) Does Druddigon have a weak spot?
- (1) Let's focus on dodging for now!
- (∞) Druddigon's claws are the most dangerous.

With most of what Marshtomp had done to you no longer lingering, you focus on Druddigon again. You shoot more enervating energy at Druddigon--and while it seems to work, Druddigon seems to be a lot more resistant to it than others. Perhaps stronger foes are not debilitated as easily, or as readily...

But it slows him enough that, as you focus on dodging, you can keep your distance from his claws long enough that he resorts to a Dragon Breath instead. The attack speeds past you and crackles against the wall ten feet behind. Indigo flames scorch the wall, and some of it itches your shoulder, but you'd dodged the worst of it. A direct hit even from his ranged strikes would hurt, let alone something in melee. Druddigon was going to be tough...

You Enervate Druddigon! Success!

Druddigon counters with Dragon Breath, but you narrowly dodge!

"I'll try to take down this druddigon!" you shout. "Please make sure the marshtomp gets taken to safety."

The police nod at you, perhaps already realizing they are way out of their league against Druddigon. A few pick up Marshtomp before another suggests capturing him. They hesitate, knowing the taboo about capturing a talking Pokemon, but quickly realize that such things don't matter right now. They grab an empty ball and tap it onto Marshtomp, who is stirring again.

They flee even while the ball wiggles in their hands.

"Even with those claws of his, we'll have to get close to do real damage. If you know a melee Ice technique, give me a signal!" You can focus entirely on Druddigon now. But when you look down at your hand for a signal, you're briefly distracted.

A thought flashes in your mind. A risky and extensive move, but certainly one that would strike at Druddigon several times--Triple Axel. But doing so means Druddigon, if he's hardy enough, may counterattack you... Would you risk such a combination?

"Watch out!" N calls.

Druddigon had closed the gap while you were distracted. You gasp and hold up your arms.


Smoke separates you and Druddigon. You hop back on reflex. N had thrown his Blast Seed at Druddigon, damaging him slightly. More importantly, it had startled him out of landing a blow. Why was he so fast? Was he always this fast? Past the smoke, you can see the individual dark spots on his body where those things had made their home under his scales.

You wonder if those would be weak spots... If any part of Druddigon had them, perhaps it'd be there.

Something catches your eye in the far distance to the... south. You think it's south. There's something standing on the rooftop, small and approximately human-sized. But what caught your eye was the great and looming shadow that dwarfed it, shapeless. You have the strong sensation that I can see you, too.

Fallen Knight Druddigon
HP: 8

Current Status
HP: 6/5+5
Energy: 7/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1

- (!) Does Druddigon have a weak spot?
- (!) Let's focus on dodging for now!
- (∞) What the hell is that thing?


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
Not sure I'm convinced that the mysterious entity trying to talk to us is the same one possessing Millie. The entity is definitely on the dark side, whereas Millie was described as more robotic, which matches what the Prism Knights have been like imo. But they could be the same person/thing!

Oooh I see! So if I'm understanding right, your thinking is that the dark voice might belong to something like Giratina, while the force possessing Millie and the Prism Knights might be from a different (potentially unrelated) being?

That's a cool theory I hadn't considered, and would explain something a bit odd actually - earlier, we weren't able to see the dark aura around the Prism Knights when they were acting robotic, but now we can, and they're acting much more aggressive too. I was thinking it was the just the dungeon's influence... but perhaps, could it be that the dark being is influencing the dungeons and the Prism Knights now, while the other entity was in control earlier?

I think the bit with the stone was essentially saying that whatever has Millie wants us to go to the central plaza (or that someone else should bring us there). So I guess we have a decision about what to do next, after this Druddigon fight. My appetite for walking into an obvious trap definitely depends on what kind of state we're in after that, lol. :P

...Oh my god, duh! WE'RE the stone! :mewlulz: I've gotten so used to picturing us as a Weavile in my mind, I've forgotten We Are a Rock haha, or at least were when Millie last saw us.

That makes total sense now, so the force posessing her just wants a showdown. Does sound a lot like a trap... we'll have to see in what shape we're in after fighting Druddigon. We are slowly running out of HP and energy, and this force will probably be a lot more powerful than even Druddigon after all.

Not sure what you mean wrt fucking up in past fights; I think things have gone pretty well so far!

In our last fight against Marshtomp especially, I got careless and we wound up taking an extra hit that was completely unnecessary. I feel bad about it since it was an unforced error that a little bit of thinking ahead could have avoided, although you have a good point in that it hasn't really derailed anything luckily.
I can't imagine Namo's going to let us keep running on the formula "open with Enervate and then attack," but it's been working well up 'til now, so I don't see any reason to change gears here.

Oh yeah, I can see us getting hit with a surprise curveball, and probably sooner rather than later too. But with Synergize now, we have some cool potential options for workarounds. I'm especially curious in seeing if we can use Aura Shroud to cloak an attack sometime :eyes:


and while it seems to work, Druddigon seems to be a lot more resistant to it than others. Perhaps stronger foes are not debilitated as easily, or as readily...

Ah, that makes sense. Especially since he probably has a higher defense rating to reduce damage from attacks, it tracks that he'd also be less effected by Enervate.

A thought flashes in your mind. A risky and extensive move, but certainly one that would strike at Druddigon several times--Triple Axel.

Oh damn, Triple Axel! I forgot that's a move that Weavile can learn, it's been way too long since I played competitive hehe. That's way better than Ice Punch!

Druddigon had closed the gap while you were distracted. You gasp and hold up your arms.
Why was he so fast? Was he always this fast?

If he managed to close that distance in just the time that we realized we had Triple Axel, that's insane - Druddigon don't seem like Pokemon that could move that fast. But since he's a PMD Explorer, and we know that Weavile had a bag with some items on him, it wouldn't be too surprising if Druddigon also has some items too. In this case, it might be a quick seed, in which case we can outwait the effect? Though the longer we wait, the greater the risk he actually connects with an attack...


Smoke separates you and Druddigon. You hop back on reflex. N had thrown his Blast Seed at Druddigon, damaging him slightly. More importantly, it had startled him out of landing a blow.

N coming in clutch as usual :quag:

Past the smoke, you can see the individual dark spots on his body where those things had made their home under his scales.

You wonder if those would be weak spots... If any part of Druddigon had them, perhaps it'd be there.

Perfect! Once we move in, if we go for these spots, we can hopefully dislodge some of the darkness. I don't know if it'll unposses Druddigon, but maybe at least temporarily weaken its hold?

Something catches your eye in the far distance to the... south. You think it's south. There's something standing on the rooftop, small and approximately human-sized. But what caught your eye was the great and looming shadow that dwarfed it, shapeless. You have the strong sensation that I can see you, too.

Welp, that sounds like Millie and what appears to be the other source of the darkness. Fascinatingly, in the dialogue... is that us who's responding? It certainly sounds like it, since the dark entity was the last one who spoke?

I know there being multiple fragments of the original Ylvetal was ruled out, but I have to wonder if this might be the other Ylvetal, the one that was said to have disappeared, who's behind all this. When you think about it, our powers are awfully similar - we both manipulate darkness as our primary element, we both use telepathy to communicate, we both possess other beings, we can each sense each other's spirit through the host... And this one being so malicious could explain why the Prism Knights hate Ylvetal as a species so much.


As for actions! I'm deciding between going for another Enervate, to run out the clock and see if it's just a quick seed that's making Druddigon so fast, or if we should go straight for the Triple Axel. I'm kind of leaning towards the Triple Axel... even though Druddigon is significantly bulkier than Marhstomp or Weavile are, we'd also be using a super-effective move, and on top of that, we could potentially be getting multiple hits in here. Even 2 seem like they might be enough to knock out Druddigon, as we almost oneshot Marshtomp with just Rocky Tackle alone.

Special Action: Synergize (Triple Axel with Catapult! Target is Druddigon!)

Consider: "I need to aim for the dark spots on Druddigon... and don't forget to stick the landing!"

Speak (target is N): "Can you project an illusionary decoy to distract Druddigon? I only need a moment!"
Last edited:


House of Two Midnights
Oooh I see! So if I'm understanding right, your thinking is that the dark voice might belong to something like Giratina, while the force possessing Millie and the Prism Knights might be from a different (potentially unrelated) being?

That's a cool theory I hadn't considered, and would explain something a bit odd actually - earlier, we weren't able to see the dark aura around the Prism Knights when they were acting robotic, but now we can, and they're acting much more aggressive too. I was thinking it was the just the dungeon's influence... but perhaps, could it be that the dark being is influencing the dungeons and the Prism Knights now, while the other entity was in control earlier?
Basically, yeah! The Prism Knights seem to be working against us, while this dark entity is calling us "partner"... I don't know that its intentions are good, but it seems like it's taking a different approach. It's definitely possible that I'm wrong and they're the same person/thing, though! I'm curious whether or not the humanoid figure is Millie; I think if it is, it's probably all one entity controlling the knights/sending us spooky messages.

I know there being multiple fragments of the original Ylvetal was ruled out, but I have to wonder if this might be the other Ylvetal, the one that was said to have disappeared, who's behind all this. When you think about it, our powers are awfully similar - we both manipulate darkness as our primary element, we both use telepathy to communicate, we both possess other beings, we can each sense each other's spirit through the host... And this one being so malicious could explain why the Prism Knights hate Ylvetal as a species so much.
Oh yeah, it's a distinct possibility. :copyka: We might have come to this world because it was thrown out of balance by its own Yveltal being corrupted, for example. It's definitely not giving a friendly vibe, one way or another.

I'm still kinda rooting for corrupted Xerneas, tho. :P

But since he's a PMD Explorer, and we know that Weavile had a bag with some items on him, it wouldn't be too surprising if Druddigon also has some items too. In this case, it might be a quick seed, in which case we can outwait the effect? Though the longer we wait, the greater the risk he actually connects with an attack...
Could definitely be a temporary thing, but without being sure, I don't think I want to wait around to see if it wears off. Down for a flashy but risky triple axle this round!

Really like the idea of using N's illusions to create an opening for attacking Druddigon! Fingers crossed it works.

Synergize (Triple Axle + Catapult @ Druddigon)

I don't want to kill Druddigon, either!

Special Action (Telepathy) @ Creepy Humanoid Figure: Hello? Who are you?
Post 2-13


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

Synergize: Triple Axel with Catapult!

- (1) I need to aim for the dark spots on Druddigon... and don't forget to stick the landing!
- (1) I don't want to kill Druddigon, either!
- (∞) What the hell is that thing?

Your Enervation pattern has been working well so far. Druddigon is fast, but not unmanageably. Once he's staggered again, you make a rush for him and dodge one of his Dragon Claw attacks, seeing it coming from far away. Then, you tap into one of your tricks, mentally speaking with Weavile to coordinate an icy strike.

"Can you project an illusionary decoy to distract Druddigon? I only need a moment!" you cry out. Druddigon is still trying to swipe at you, but it seems that he's squinting. Perhaps dazzling lights or tricks of the eye are messing with his aim.

You abruptly pivot against your momentum, your rocky core rag-dolling your body directly into him. You flail your limbs anyway, coating them in ice, for three strong kicks. It's clumsy, but you also see many of the dark spots. It's hard to miss several of them, but you make sure several of your blows are pronounced.

He's rough. Those scales weren't just armor. You kick away, sticking the landing just in time to dodge another swipe of his claws. Your luck ends there. Druddigon opens his mouth and spews a massive wave of dragonfire at you, acrid and searing. It hurts less than his claws would have, but it bleeds into your system. Your body isn't responding the way it should and your head is spinning from the burning. Have you been Paralyzed?

You struggle to fight it off, but it looks like Druddigon is also struggling with the last of the enervation. Hitting his weak points also seemed to have slowed his reactions, or maybe the frost is messing with his body's reflexes. If you can get a good opening, maybe you can get the next hit in unscathed, paralysis accounted for. But... a head-on attack was risky.

You start staggering left; Druddigon goes to the right, speeding toward some invisible foe. You realize in an instant that N is already helping you again. You faintly sense that he's running out of the energy to do so--these elaborate illusions, combined with his human disguise, must be taking up more energy than he's used to.

A powerful Synergy! Triple Axel Catapult strikes Druddigon for a barrage at his weak points! 6 damage, halving his defensive capabilities!

Druddigon counters with a lucky Dragon Breath! That's 2 damage! Paralyzed! Your actions are hampered while you fight it off!

You have a moment to breathe. You eye the shadowy figure again. Hello? Who are you?

It occurs to you that this shadowy figure is too far away to send thoughts to. Yet... you have the impression it can hear you anyway, or perhaps its connection carries much more than yours.

And... you feel as though it was displeased with your statement. Amazing, really--you'd not even truly started a conversation and it's already offended. Quite a negative-minded "partner," if it was to be believed.

The shadowy figure sinks, walking into one of the buildings. You take note of that landmark for later.

The shouts and cries are quieter. It seems like the police had swiftly evacuated where they could. At least that concern was out of the way...

Fallen Knight Druddigon
HP: 2
Slightly Enervated

Current Status
HP: 4/5+5
Energy: 6/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1
Paralyzed (hampered actions)

- (!) I need to aim for the dark spots on Druddigon... and don't forget to stick the landing!
- (!) I don't want to kill Druddigon, either!
- (∞) Just one more hit.


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
You abruptly pivot against your momentum, your rocky core rag-dolling your body directly into him. You flail your limbs anyway, coating them in ice, for three strong kicks. It's clumsy, but you also see many of the dark spots. It's hard to miss several of them, but you make sure several of your blows are pronounced.

The mental image I have from this is absolutely hilarious lol. Yet our Triple Axel was quite effective, despite its... hapzardousness :quag:

It hurts less than his claws would have, but it bleeds into your system. Your body isn't responding the way it should and your head is spinning from the burning. Have you been Paralyzed?

Ooof, that's going to be a problem. If Dragonbreath can already do 2 HP, then something like Dragon Claw could potentially knock us out. We'll need to try something other than just a straight attack here...

And... you feel as though it was displeased with your statement. Amazing, really--you'd not even truly started a conversation and it's already offended. Quite a negative-minded "partner," if it was to be believed.

:mewlulz: Well, Druddigon and co. certainly didn't care at all when we didn't recognize them. Your prediction looks spot on Negrek - if this is the same force controlling the Prism Knights, then it definitely decided to change its mind about how it's trying to deal with us. Before it was just trying to outright kill us, but now it seems to be trying to befriend, or at least win our trust. I guess if we can manage to take down several of the Knights back to back, it decided that brute force wasn't cutting it.


For our actions... since we're Paralyzed, chasing down Druddigon is probably going to be out of the question. N'd also running out of steam here, so we need some way to incapacitate Druddigon.

I looked back through the messages, and it occurred to me that we still have a stun seed and one blast seed left, I believe? At least, I can't find any mention of either of these being consumed - just the one blast seed we threw to N earlier.

Therefore, I'm going to vote we use up our stun seed here and paralyze Druddigon, then finish him off with a Catapult. Ig we're going to be challenging this dark, shadowy being next, I have a feeling a stun seed won't be super useful against it... :unquag:

Attack: Catapult (target is Druddigon

"I'll use a Stun Seed against Druddigon!"

Talk: (target is Druddigon) "That was for the paralysis from Dragonbreath earlier. And this... is for all the trouble you've caused!"


House of Two Midnights
Quite a negative-minded "partner," if it was to be believed.
hi Dark Matter :copyka:

Oof. I had high hopes that we'd be able to KO Druddigon with that triple axle, but thankfully the crackback wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. Hopefully we can take him down this turn without any further surprises. I think we can probably get away without using a Stun Seed here, but caution is probably best in the situation we're in.

Worth noting that we might have to move fast after we knock Druddigon out. Marshtomp was apparently already waking up when the police caught him, and I think that was only a couple posts after we KO'd him? So if we knock Druddigon down, he might not stay down for long. Will have to see how this round goes; I think we'll have an interesting choice to make next post...

Catapult @ Druddigon

Are there any easy escape routes around here?

Speak @ N: "Thanks for your help! Just a little bit more..."
Post 2-14


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

Synergize: Triple Axel with Catapult!

- (1) I'll use a Stun Seed against Druddigon!
- (1) Are there any easy escape routes around here?
- (∞) Just one more hit.

"Thanks for your help! Just a little bit more..." You shout this over to N just as Druddigon comes rushing your way. You already know your plan. Moves are hard, but you have a Seed to help against him. Your movements are hampered, yet you muster the strength to toss a Stun Seed from Weavile's supplies.

It pops in Druddigon's face--the powder inside immediately seeps past the ridges of his scales and into his mouth and nostrils. He sizes up just as he'd closed the gap for a Dragon Claw, unable to connect.

"That was for the paralysis from Dragonbreath earlier. And this... is for all the trouble you've caused!"

You crouch and go for a finishing headbutt into Druddigon's gut, finishing him off decidedly. He crumples right in front of you, and you take a few moments to jab at the dark splotches on his scales, which seems to clear them swiftly. What a mess...

Catapult takes Druddigon out handily! He lays there, unconscious...

N seems to have left for the restaurant to help evacuate the area for the time being. That leaves you alone with Druddigon, eyeing any possible escape routes. You see several at this point--the wraiths, which were of little trouble to you, are chasing down the police crowd rather than you or N.

That same tug pulls you toward Druddigon like before. You can sense that Druddigon is stronger than Weavile. But logically, that was obvious from the start. You sense apprehension and nervousness; Weavile seems to know what you're feeling and is trying to coax you away. But if you left Weavile, he'd likely have no say in it. Then you'd have Druddigon to deal with instead... for better or worse.

But... what now?


What is your immediate first action?

1. Figure out how to restrain Druddigon safely.
2. Defy Weavile's wishes while he's distracted: kill Druddigon.
3. Abandon Weavile's body and Claim Druddigon. (Requires Reaper's Harvest ~ Claim)
4. Regroup with N immediately to flee in case more trouble arrives.
5. Drop everything and seek out "Millie."

Current Status
HP: 4/5+5
Energy: 4/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1
Paralyzed (hampered actions) (fading)

- (!) I'll use a Stun Seed against Druddigon!
- (!) Are there any easy escape routes around here?
- (∞) Maybe we should leave.


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
Nice, Druddigon's down for the count! Per the discussion thread, our next course of action is to ask N to evacuate Druddigon with Arcanine, while we set out to meet up with that dark force. Looks like our decision options label it... "Millie"? With quotes, hmm? :eyes:

Claiming Druddigon here is something we could do, but would be very risky - aside from the fact I've gotten somewhat attached to Weavile, we'd have to go through another rebellious and establishing trust phase with our new host, and from what I've gotten from him so far, he's even more obstinate than Weavile is. Definitely don't want that cropping up in the middle of a fight, which we might be doing another one of pretty soon here. I'm suspicious toward that dark entity... >.>


Decision: Regroup with N immediately to flee in case more trouble arrives.

Consider: I need to seek out and meet that dark being that's calling out to me!

Telepathy (target is Weavile): "Not one for intrusive thoughts, Weavile? Hah. Relax - just because I feel the urge to Claim doesn't mean I'll act on it."
Last edited:


House of Two Midnights
All right, fingers crossed this isn't a huge mistake!

Decision: Regroup with N immediately to flee in case more trouble arrives.

Consider: I want to make sure Druddigon gets to safety.

Speak @ N: "I'm going to investigate the strange darkness I've been seeing. Do you want to come, or do you want to meet up again later?"
Post 2-15


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

Regroup with N immediately to flee in case more trouble arrives.

- (1) I need to seek out and meet that dark being that's calling out to me!
- (1) I want to make sure Druddigon gets to safety.
- (∞) Maybe we should leave.

"Not one for intrusive thoughts, Weavile? Hah. Relax - just because I feel the urge to Claim doesn't mean I'll act on it."

As tempting as it is, you knew that getting Druddiugon now would probably bite you later... maybe. He was certainly a lot stronger...

No, no. Weavile is your ally, for now. You decide to honor this. Instead, you turn your attention to N and regroup with him, shakily hauling Druddigon with you until N helps with the weight.

"That was a good battle," N says, eyeing Druddigon with uncertainty. You look Druddigon over and don't see any stray darkness, though there could be more deeper within for all you know.

"Is there anywhere safe we can take him?" you ask N.

"I know where the police went we could take him there but you seem preoccupied with something else."

Perceptive. You nod. "I'm going to investigate the strange darkness I've been seeing. Do you want to come, or do you want to meet up again later?"

N seems to understand. "I will take Druddigon and get him to safety but be careful with what you're going to face what did you see?"

"A strange darkness," you explain. "Someone who seems to know me. Maybe I'll get answers. But... I'll be careful."

You're weaker and weathered. You can't handle a full-on battle like the last one. If you have to fight something again, you'd need to be more cautious about it... or take evasive action. But maybe this dark force will be friendly?

N nods and hefts Druddigon over his shoulder. He still appears to be out cold... You're confident N will catch up with the police before he wakes up, as long as he doesn't take any detours. You don't know N very well yet he strikes you as the sort to hyperfocus on a task once assigned.

You also notice that the smaller wraiths haven't been bothering you as much anymore. Their attention must be elsewhere... or their numbers had been exhausted. Still, in this twisted Dungeon, it's hard to tell if they simply took up residence in another labyrinthine pocket. You still see no sign of the Dungeon letting up.

With everything taken care of, you march to where you remembered seeing the dark entity. The dark-aura human that you are pretty sure is Millie. Hopefully, she's okay...

You have a feeling that how you open could strongly influence the nature of this encounter. Though, that could be because you would anger them easily... but on the opposite end, you could also leave your guard down. As you walk, feeling no time to rest, you map out your options and decide on an approach... You also Consider ways to augment your approach.


What will the opening tone with this dark presence be?

1. Deceitful friendliness: Act like you remember them.
2. Blunt honesty: Tell them how little you know, but what you kind of feel.
3. Assertive hostility: If they have Millie, force them to release her.
4. Passive conversation: You just want answers and knowledge.
5. Fearful loyalty: Placate them with your feeble presence.

Current Status
HP: 4/5+5
Energy: 4/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1

- (!) I need to seek out and meet that dark being that's calling out to me!
- (!) I want to make sure Druddigon gets to safety.
- (∞) Maybe we should leave.


House of Two Midnights
All right, the initial dungeon encounters with Druddigon and Marshtomp went well enough. Let's find out if our good fortune holds up. :copyka:

> Blunt honesty: Tell them how little you know, but what you kind of feel.

> Telepathy @ Weavile:
"I know you want to leave, but I need to know more. I have to understand what's happening. I promise we'll leave if things start to turn bad!"


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
Heck yeah, let's find out what Millie... or um, "Millie" :eyes: is up to here!

Decision: Blunt honesty: Tell them how little you know, but what you kind of feel.

Consider: Is this being a friend, or a foe? How do we know each other?
Post 2-16


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

Blunt honesty: Tell them how little you know, but what you kind of feel.

- (1) Is this being a friend, or a foe? How do we know each other?
- (1)
- (∞) Maybe we should leave.

You can still sense Weavile's uncertainty. He wants to leave, but ultimately, you are in control. You can only feel some of his impulses. For something like this... No. You must press on.

"I know you want to leave, but I need to know more. I have to understand what's happening. I promise we'll leave if things start to turn bad!"

That was reasonable enough. Weavile still doesn't feel satisfied, but he relents enough that you don't feel the tug to flee.

You're two streets away from it. This part of the Dungeon, you note, is a lot more stable. Is that a bad thing? It's probably a good thing, but you can't help but feel as thought this is a metaphor for the eye of a storm.

One street away. You see the door, which is open and swinging gently with the wind.

Friend or foe. You can't tell. You hope for the best and prepare for the worst. You have no idea if you're being followed or not, but you're alone for now. Just you and your body.

You step through the door.

Inside, the walls had been coated in some kind of black substance, like the aftermath of a fire. You don't smell smoke, though. The furniture had been pushed aside forcefully by something, almost like a shockwave. And you realize very suddenly that this is the main lobby of Millie's apartment complex.

"You're here."

A chill runs up and down your spine. You face the source and see Millie. Her eyes glowed a crimson gold and a deep, black aura radiated away from her. The walls were even darker where she stood. By Millie's feet, some strange, dark canine, twisted and frazzled like a mote of smoke. Its beady eyes stare at you with... recognition.

Gods, that's Lilly.

"I don't know who you are. Not entirely," you say, intending to be completely honest. "I'm not... as alarmed as I should be. So somewhere in my head, I was expecting this. But I don't remember anything specific about you. And I'm pretty sure hijacking an innocent human's body is not going to earn you many good-guy points."

"A shame, but that is not my goal," Millie says. Her voice was distorted, deep and as if spoken behind a metal sheet, then amplified by a drum. "She is a useful vessel to speak to you. And she answered my call with her despair."

Her despair... Then she'd truly been kidnapped. In some ways, this shadowy creature had rescued her... for a price.

"Will Millie be okay? And Lilly." You gesture at the... shadowy thing.

Millie tilts her head like a puppet on strings. "You care for this one?"

"Yes. Is she alive?"

Silence follows. You don't sense that it's trying to avoid the question. You feel its eyes boring into you, searching for something.

"She is," it replies. "Some darkness may linger... but that is natural for all life, even in this world."

"Then we aren't from this world," you confirm. "What's going on? Who are you?"

More silence. It doesn't look like basic questions are going to be easy to navigate here, but at least it isn't hostile...

"You may call me Dark Matter. That is the name mortals had given to me long ago. Mortals like to categorize things and give them titles. Dark Matter is mine, the title they give to an entity born from excess darkness in the hearts of all life. Pokemon are beings of energy and emotion.

"I am a byproduct of that existence. And Yveltal.... was one of my most
devout donors."

Current Status
HP: 4/5+5
Energy: 4/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1

- (!) Is this being a friend, or a foe? How do we know each other?
- (∞) Run.


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
And there's the big reveal! As I mentioned in the discussion post, I only just now realized the Super parallels in the story, so Dark Matter being the actual villain here was a twist for me, hah. I have my suspicion that we were once a host for Dark Matter, and it's looking to once again posess us... that would explain a lot of things, like how we became a rock, why the Prism Knights think we're evil, and perhaps even why we can't remember anything. Let's see if we can confirm that...

Speak (target is Dark Matter): "Death is often a source of misery and malice. It often stems from misery and malice. It is natural that you and I complement each other... but we've shared more than just a penchant for darkness, haven't we? Perhaps, even... a body?

Consider: Just a little longer, Weavile.
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