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[CYOA] You Are a Rock


Abscission Ascendant
Speak @ Dark Matter: "Why did we come here, if we're from another world? Were you the one who turned me into a rock?"

Consider: We'll leave soon! I just have to know...
Post 2-17


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium

- (1) Just a little longer, Weavile.
- (1) We'll leave soon! I just have to know...
- (∞) Maybe we should leave.

There it is. The answer, or at least, the first glimmer of the answer. Despite being so dark, it was a light to your forgotten past. Perhaps... you could work with some of this. Still, it doesn't comfort you. this person possessing Millie... this Dark Matter. You do recall some of it as feelings, as vibes. But you don't feel good about it. Is that due to its nature, or because perhaps you were not a willing follower? You simply can't tell.

"Death is often a source of misery and malice. It often stems from misery and malice. It is natural that you and I complement each other... but we've shared more than just a penchant for darkness, haven't we? Perhaps, even... a body?"

You focus on answers first. Even as Weavile urges you, silently, to get away, you need answers first. Besides, what can it do? Human you to death? They aren't exactly strong, even with that ominous aura...

"Your attempts at deduction are... pitiful," Dark Matter replies. "You know nothing. I could lie to you and you would be just as lost. There is no point in explaining the past. But there is one thing I will tell you that will benefit both of us.

"You, who I am speaking to, are not Yveltal. Of that, I am now certain."

You flinch. What? Now that was absurd on the face of it! Your powers! Your soul reaping! In fact, you're sure that you could dream of flying. Yveltal flew, right?

"Skeptical? I don't care. You behave nothing like Yveltal. You're unfamiliar with your powers. Acting with them as if you're a hatchling. I considered that perhaps you reincarnated somehow... but that is not Yveltal's path. Not in this way."

You shake it off. This was absurd. You had to be Yveltal. What else could you be?

You try to change the subject. "Why did we come here, if we're from another world? Were you the one who turned me into a rock?"

"A rock... When I send someone into my domain, the Voidlands, their body is petrified. But if my powers are allowed to last longer, if a Dungeon is truly tainted by my power, then instead their darkened souls return to their stone bodies, and they become Void Shadows. Sometimes, something between."

Your eyes dart to Lilly.

"Humans... do not react the same way. Their bodies are not as attuned to energy and aura the way Pokemon are. But they can be controlled. They are useful... at least temporarily. And if you are going to be the ferry of Yveltal's power for now, I will cooperate, under one condition.

"Go to Kalos and put an end to the Prism Knights' leader, Xerneas, The Eternal One. If you do this, the world Millie lives in will be freed of everything. Myself, you, and the Dungeons. We will return to our world proper and order will be restored. And Millie will also be relieved of my presence. This world is irrelevant to me. The destruction of Xerneas and the mockery she has become is all I am concerned with. I'm sure even she would agree..."

You wince. Not much of a winning option here... Can you fight back? All of this is so strange. You don't know where to start.

"You did well to dodge my Void Shadows until now. But, to make sure you don't cause too much trouble..."

It raised a finger and pointed at you. The movement was so casual that you thought it was going to be some kind of accusation, but instead, there is a pressure in the air. You gasp but your reaction time is too slow. A bolt of black lightning strikes you--but rather than pain, rather than any form of damage... you feel... cold. Not of ice or temperature, but... a deeper, hollow coldness, like your very soul had to take an extra gasp of breath. Had that always been there... or...?

You have gained 1% Shadow Corruption!

The final hazard of this journey, Shadow Corruption taints your essence and allows dark, violent, despair-seeped thoughts to plague your mind. This small hook is also a juncture for Dark Matter to manipulate you... but, to your fortune, you are highly resistant to this effect. Buildup will take a long time, certainly much harder than taking damage. However, for the duration of the journey, it seems there is no way to reduce it, even after resting. Beware!

Current Status
HP: 4/5+5
Energy: 4/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1
Shadow: 1%

- (!) Just a little longer, Weavile.
- (!) We'll leave soon! I just have to know...
- (∞) Run.
- (1%) Stay.


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
I posted most of my thoughts on this chapter in the Discussion thread, but yeah! I'm going to ask Dark Matter why he wants us to finish Xerneas instead of doing it himself, since it seems like he should be able to do that himself?

And then, Negrek raises the possibility of attacking him. I looked back into Lifesense, and this is the exact description:

"If you strike an enemy and they aren't defeated, you can learn about their remaining HP. You can also sense the life of others nearby if you Consider things about them..."

If I'm understanding it right, it looks like if we make it a consideration, we can sense how strong his life force is?

If so, I'm going to give that a shot and see if we stand any chance against him :eyes:

Speak (Target is Dark Matter): "You're clearly more powerful than I am. Why do you want me to take down Xerneas? Why haven't you done it yourself?"

Consider: How strong is Dark Matter? Do we stand any chance against him in a fight?


Abscission Ascendant
If I'm understanding it right, it looks like if we make it a consideration, we can sense how strong his life force is?
Ooh, nice catch! I'm really curious if DM's pretty weak here, with only Millie as a host. Hopefully that turns up something interesting!

Meanwhile, I guess it's time for parting words and then the skedaddle, heh.

Speak @ Dark Matter: "What's wrong with Xerneas? I'll have a much better chance if I know what to expect."

Consider: Let's find a safe path out of here; no good running off and getting into even more trouble.
Post 2-18


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium

- (1) How strong is Dark Matter? Do we stand any chance against him in a fight?
- (1) Let's find a safe path out of here; no good running off and getting into even more trouble.
- (∞) Run.
- (1%) Stay.

This was getting bad. Fast. The longer you stayed, the longer the corruption would seep into you. You can already feel it clinging to your soul like tar... Or was that all in your head?

But you still have question to ask. Taking the risk of a few more, you start... "You're clearly more powerful than I am. Why do you want me to take down Xerneas? Why haven't you done it yourself?"

"I have been," it replies plainly. "That is why this world is not already overrun with Life."

"Overrun with life," you echo.

You sense Dark Matter's powers, so nearby. You can tell that Millie is there, and Lilly, while present, is... negligibly strong. You could easily deal with her. But Dark Matter... He's hiding 'behind' Millie, in a sense. Controlling her, possessing her, but not truly her. With enough stress on the body, he would probably be ejected. The problem was...

Fragment of Dark Matter:
HP: 3
Incredibly high defenses. You'd need an extremely strong hit to pierce them... if that.

...You alone may not be enough. It could require Weavile to cooperate, and right now, he seemed too afraid to do much.

You have one more question. "What's wrong with Xerneas? I'll have a much better chance if I know what to expect."

It stares at you. "...I am Dark Matter, so I want to remind you that I don't do jokes."

"I really don't know."

"You are possessing one of its disciples. Why are you not taking its information?"

"Oh, can I do that?" You titter, rubbing the back of your head. "Sorry, that part of my brain must still be petrified. I only know what he wants me to know. We're cooperating."

"Cooperating. With a vessel." It raised a finger again. "You're defiling the powers you stole."

"Wait! Wait, hold on," you say quickly. Somehow, Dark Matter doesn't smite you with more darkness. "Just tell me. I'll learn how to get that kind of information soon, but for now, some help?"

"...Disgusting wretches," it growls. "Fine. Xerneas... has become a puppet of her own abundant power. She has brought the world into ruin... by giving it everlasting life. The Weavile you possess could have been alive for centuries, millennia. It is a world of immortality. A world of stagnation. A world without..." It points at you. "Death. And so too came its side effects. Numbness to existence. Stagnation of the lives present. A completely dried river of aura. A world... frozen in light. We should be glad no new life forms, or they would be shoulder to shoulder... and not by choice."

"A world without death... without me?"

"Not you. The power you stole."

"I'm very skeptical of that. I feel like I'm Yveltal. How can I not be? What happened to me, or 'to Yveltal' before I became a stone?"

"Simple. You were defeated. And a deathless world bathed society in light. Endless light... as stagnation strengthened me more and more until I could no longer be contained. That is how I woke up."

"How do I know you aren't just making this up? That doesn't sound much like Xerneas to me..." You frown. Something about this... didn't make sense. Dark Matter surely was missing something. Yet... why did it speak so confidently? Was it lying?

"I can see your doubt. I've had enough talking. If you are going to hesitate when time is short, I'll simply make you fight."

It raised its finger, and this time would not be dissuaded. You had to decide quickly what to do, and there was no longer time for nuance.


Do you fight, or flee?

1. Fight, and free Millie!
2. Flee, and avoid corruption!

Current Status
HP: 4/5+5
Energy: 4/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1
Shadow: 1%

- (!) How strong is Dark Matter? Do we stand any chance against him in a fight?
- (!) Let's find a safe path out of here; no good running off and getting into even more trouble.
- (∞) I'll explain later. Flee! Does that human really matter at all?!
- (1%) Stay.


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
Fragment of Dark Matter:
HP: 3
Incredibly high defenses. You'd need an extremely strong hit to pierce them... if that.

Ah. Yeah, doesn't look like freeing Millie is in the cards here - don't think we have enough energy to launch enough attacks to get passed the defenses, and he could probably fuck us up with little effort since we barely have more HP than he does. Though granted, he doesn't seem interested in killing us at least...

It stares at you. "...I am Dark Matter, so I want to remind you that I don't do jokes."
...Is that a challenge, Dark Matter? :copyka:

"Not you. The power you stole."

"I'm very skeptical of that. I feel like I'm Yveltal. How can I not be? What happened to me, or 'to Yveltal' before I became a stone?"

"Simple. You were defeated. And a deathless world bathed society in light. Endless light... as stagnation strengthened me more and more until I could no longer be contained. That is how I woke up."

Hmm... The Prism Knights and Ylveltal both agree that we were defeated, but Dark Matter asserts that we aren't Ylveltal, but just stole its power. We did hear how the original Ylveltal of this world disappeared... I'd almost want to speculate that we Claimed Ylveltal somehow, but Dark Matter says "the powers you stole", which implies that it really is an ability tied to Ylveltal. I'll definitely need to comb through some of the older chapters and refresh on what we originally heard back then.

I dunno if this is intentional, but with all this talk about endless light, prisms, stealing power and posession, there are some definite Necrozma vibes leaking through here :eyes:

I'll explain later. Flee! Does that human really matter at all?!

Poor Weavile, slowly going insane over here :mewlulz: but I'll definitely be following up on that promise to explain later.

- (1%) Stay.

Interesting that for all Dark Matter is trying to do to get us to go out and fight Xerneas, the corruption is trying to get us to stay here and potentially fight HIM instead. It was mentioned that it would drive us towards darkness and violence, but even so, I'm surprised it's not pushing us away right now too since he clearly wants us gone.


Decision time! I feel like backing off and going to Xerneas is our best play here. I don't know that we can meaningfully damage Dark Matter right now, especially if Weavile really wants us to flee, and the corruption mechanic is pretty scary if there's no way for us to undo it afterwards.

Decision: Flee, and avoid corruption!

Consider: I need to flee this dungeon and find N and the other Knights.

Talk (target is Dark Matter: "That won't be necessary, Dark Matter. I'll... Cobble a plan together. I always do." (feel free to rephrase this if it's clunky or hard to fit in)
Last edited:


Abscission Ascendant
...Is that a challenge, Dark Matter? :copyka:
I think that's our cue to unleash all our best zingers on DM! :quag: we're totally gonna die

I'd almost want to speculate that we Claimed Ylveltal somehow, but Dark Matter says "the powers you stole", which implies that it really is an ability tied to Ylveltal.
Yes... We for sure seem to have Yveltal's actual powers somehow. How those could have been "stolen" is an interesting question. Maybe we're secretly just a very confused smeargle. :P

tbh I'd be tempted to fight this fragment if it wasn't clear that we'd need Weavile's help to damage it at all. I think, like you say, Dark Matter wants us alive (but under its control), so we'd probably make it out okay, and freeing Millie would probably be a big win at this point. But Weavile's making extremely clear that he's not going to help us out here, so it's probably best to flee.

> Flee, and avoid corruption!

> Speak @ Dark Matter:
"I have to leave now, but I'll be back for you, Millie and Lily! Don't despair!"

> Consider: I'll do my best to dodge those black bolts, if Dark Matter tries to take a parting shot.
Post 2-19


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium

Flee, and avoid corruption!

- (1) I'll do my best to dodge those black bolts, if Dark Matter tries to take a parting shot.
- (1) I need to flee this dungeon and find N and the other Knights.
- (∞) I'll explain later. Flee! Does that human really matter at all?!
- (1%) Stay.

"That won't be necessary, Dark Matter. I'll... Cobble a plan together. I always do."

"You speak as if you have a choice."

A black bolt of lightning strikes the ground, but this time you were prepared. You leap out of the way and weave out of view. Several more bolts strikes the ground as if to predict where you go, so you zigzag unpredictably. Quietly, you consider that perhaps fighting Dark Matter would have been easier with Druddigon's body, but avoiding him much harder.

"I have to leave now, but I'll be back for you, Millie and Lily! Don't despair!" you call as you gain more and more ground. It seems that aside from those blasts, Dark Matter isn't able to catch up. Not yet, at least...

Now, if only you could find where N went. Probably, outside the Dungeon, evacuating to safety. But--

Something hollow plinks off of your head.


And suddenly, you're weightless. Falling, just a mote of energy. A dream. You aren't sure what's happening at first, but you're still in fight or flight, so you try to run anyway. You feel as if you wobbled... but the binds around your body in this black void are getting tighter.

You suddenly realize what happened. You'd been captured. You don't know who'd done it, so you slam into the ethereal void again, willing yourself out. But... on that second try, you realize that you'd already been so exhausted and weak from before the battle. But now, you were just feeling unlucky, trying to break out from the ball as its bindings grow ever stronger. You have seconds left to try to break out--

You go for a third try, a third wiggle, but you can't get a hang of your movements as this 'energy' state. You hear something with the ears you no longer have: a terrible ringing noise as the ball's casing completely closes...

And then... the binding releases. That pressure is gone. Startled, you try to turn, dim, blurry lights peeking through a spherical rooftop. And you also see... an outline of a human in front of you.

"Hey! You're the one Lenora told us about, right? I'm sorry, we had to get you quickly! Stay put, and we'll get you to safety!"

You don't know who this person is. Your lifesense suggests that this isn't a person at all--you sense no life from it, no spirit. Yet... you feel as though what you're seeing is from something real. That this thing is speaking the truth, or what it believes is the truth. Is this... a projection?

The ball's bindings had gone neutral again. You feel as though you could escape if you wanted... but you aren't sure how valid that 'projection of will' truly is...

What do you do?

Trust the thrower?

1. Trust (Remain inside Poke Ball)
2. Don't trust (Escape from Poke Ball)

Current Status
HP: 4/5+5
Energy: 4/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1
Shadow: 1%

- (!) I'll do my best to dodge those black bolts, if Dark Matter tries to take a parting shot.
- (!) I need to flee this dungeon and find N and the other Knights.
- (∞) This is illegal.
- (1%) ...

When captured by a Pokeball, I roll a d20 three times, and added your % HP remaining as a % of 20. In this case, +8, since you have 4 out of 10 HP left. To escape, you need to hit 20 once out of those three times. I rolled a 1, 4, and 7. Even after +8, none get you to 20, so you were captured. I doubt we'll see this much at all going forward, but that's how it works if it becomes relevant in the future.


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
tbh I'd be tempted to fight this fragment if it wasn't clear that we'd need Weavile's help to damage it at all. I think, like you say, Dark Matter wants us alive (but under its control), so we'd probably make it out okay, and freeing Millie would probably be a big win at this point. But Weavile's making extremely clear that he's not going to help us out here, so it's probably best to flee.

Given how namo mentions that Druddigon is more willing to fight, I wonder if that was a branching path here? While Weavile is too weak and cowardly to fight back here, if we claimed Druddigon, we could have turned this into a boss fight and maybe freed here? :eyes:

Yes... We for sure seem to have Yveltal's actual powers somehow. How those could have been "stolen" is an interesting question. Maybe we're secretly just a very confused smeargle. :P

They do say that good artists copy, great artists steal!

I think that's our cue to unleash all our best zingers on DM! :quag: we're totally gonna die

If we start with the rock puns again, I'm pretty sure Namo will personally see to it that Cobble gets a fate worse than death :mewlulz:


Well, didn't see that one coming :wowzard:

A projection in human form - that immediately makes me think of N tagging along behind us, but we know he was getting tired, so an elaborate illusion might be behind him at this point. The dialog also doesn't sound like someone that recognizes us, and I feel like we'd recognize N too, since he has such a distinctive human form?

I'm not sure that Dark Matter is capable of such a projection, but even if he is, it makes no sense why he would bother with a pretense like this when he could just directly control us.

They mention knowing Lenora, so I'm trying to remember the characters we had in play when we were hanging around her... my sleep-deprived mind is unfortunately drawing a blank though. We know the Prism Knights are all defeated (except for Weavile, who, well... yeah), and it's not Lenora herself. Obviously can't be Millie, since she's with Dark Matter.

Though there is the chance we might be seeing a new character introduce themselves here, kind of like how N did shortly before Act 1 ended? :eyes:

But now, you were just feeling unlucky, trying to break out from the ball as its bindings grow ever stronger.

I rolled a 1, 4, and 7. Even after +8, none get you to 20, so you were captured.

That is some impressively bad luck :mewlulz:



I'm personally feeling the Pokeball - mainly because we saw the humans doing this earlier to rescue people, and as mentioned above, I don't see Dark Matter being behind this when he could just SHIA KAZING our ass. If we pop out right now, we risk Dark Matter catching up, and I'm intruiged to see what's going on with these projections.

Decision: Trust the throwers.

Consider: Weavile... what was that about Xerneas back there?

Telepathy (target is human / projection outside of the Pokeball): "Who are you?"


Abscission Ascendant
Given how namo mentions that Druddigon is more willing to fight, I wonder if that was a branching path here? While Weavile is too weak and cowardly to fight back here, if we claimed Druddigon, we could have turned this into a boss fight and maybe freed here? :eyes:
I wouldn't be surprised! Then again, Druddigon might have been less willing to work with us than Weavile, and without his help we still probably couldn't have beaten that fragment right there. I could definitely see a trade-off there in terms of more raw power, maybe able to take a fight like this earlier on, but in turn taking more corruption because we'd be less able to dodge DM's bolts.

If we start with the rock puns again, I'm pretty sure Namo will personally see to it that Cobble gets a fate worse than death :mewlulz:
Then the path forward is clear... :copyka:

This is illegal.
mte, Weavile :sadbees:

A projection in human form - that immediately makes me think of N tagging along behind us, but we know he was getting tired, so an elaborate illusion might be behind him at this point.
My guess is that this is just how pokéballs work in this world? How pokémon are able to hear commands and so on while still inside the ball. So, some human caught us... presumably a police officer or rescue worker? Since they mentioned Lenora.

In any case, yeah, I think we should trust them for now. Don't particularly want to deal with anything that might be moving around in the dungeon at this point, and if they're taking us to Lenora, that's convenient; it'd be good to connect with her again.

> Trust

> Consider:
Can I still feel the darkness within me? Do I feel any connection to "Dark Matter?"

> Telepathy @ Weavile: When I first met you and the other Prism Knights, your behavior seemed strange, almost robotic, and you acted emotionless. Do you know what I'm talking about? Does it have to do with what that entity said about Xerneas?
Post 2-20


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium

Trust the thrower

- (1) Weavile... what was that about Xerneas back there?
- (1) Can I still feel the darkness within me? Do I feel any connection to "Dark Matter?"
- (∞) This is illegal
- (1%) ...

"Who are you?"

It was the simplest and most basic question you could ask. You couldn't tell... But unfortunately, this person wasn't giving you a response. The projection faded. It was like they couldn't hear you. Was it... some kind of automation by the Pokeball? What else could it be?

You hear something. It's muffled and distant, like trying to listen through a thick wall, but there. You hear a discussion between two female humans.

"You shouldn't have done that," the first one says, sounding half asleep.

"I know, I know!" says the other, much more frazzled. "But I didn't know what else to do!"

You feel movement. You rolled and gained a lot of height... Your ball was picked up.

"But... I don't think he's trying to escape. Did he accept this?"

"Perhaps he's tired," says the sleepy one. "Maybe he was hurt. If that's the case, we need to go."

Then, a male voice calls from further away. You just barely make out what he says... "Lady Caitlin! This way!"

"Ah, there's Darach. Let's go..."

You're carried with them. Caitlin... She sounded bored in the middle of a Dungeon. How strong is she to be bored in a place like this?

The male's voice is much closer and clearer. "I have cleared the way to an escape route, Lady Caitlin."

"Oh, thank you so much!" said the frazzled one.

"I am only doing my duty," Darach said. You see a vague shape of something bowing politely. "This way, please."

They continue to walk. At this point, you're confident you're in good hands... You like their vibe. You can use this time to recover... You still sense Dark Matter's corruption within you, like a cold itch that won't go away. But, thankfully, nothing is pulling on those strings. Perhaps Dark Matter needs to see you, or be near you, to work his influence... at least for now.

You're safe.

And with that in mind... Weavile, you think, this time a little more pointed. It's time you explained a few things. First of all... When I first met you and the other Prism Knights, your behavior seemed strange, almost robotic, and you acted emotionless. Do you know what I'm talking about? Does it have to do with what that entity said about Xerneas?

You feel silly, thinking to yourself and expecting an answer. Yet, this time, an answer comes--in the form of a "recollection." Weavile says nothing, but you now know some of the details, as if Weavile had given you access to those memories.

Xerneas was the ultimate ruler of the land Weavile comes from after the fall of any higher gods, and the grand defeat of Yveltal, who had fallen under Dark Matter's control during a great cataclysm. However, Xerneas had been terribly wounded in the fight, not just her body, but her very essence. A piece of darkness had plagued her, corroding her senses and putting her want for life into overdrive. She made all life immortal and undying, and prevented any new life from entering the world, effectively freezing the population into eternity.

Weavile was several lifetimes old, but he'd lost track of the specific number. However, Xerneas' corruption spread into those who worked closest to her. Shadows would have overtaken them, turning them into monsters, if their negativity became too strong. As a defense, somehow, all emotions had to be suppressed, save for the basic few necessary to persist. In that sense, the Prism Knights would pledge not only their lives, but their "selves" in the name of defending a physical eternity. It was an honorable sacrifice, and the price to pay for defeating Death itself.

You feel, suddenly, a surge of loyalty for Xerneas... but you are confident, a moment later, that it was how Weavile felt. When you filter that out, you instead feel a hollow sadness... And you wonder where those feelings are from, if not Weavile.

Something about the story feels... incorrect. Not that Weavile is lying to you... but that somehow, Weavile is mistaken about something in an otherwise true recollection.

There's fighting outside. A scuffle. It's swiftly dealt with, and Darach adjusts his gloves and bows, letting the two ladies walk through first.

These three... They give off a much stronger power than Lenora. They were at a whole other level...

Current Status
HP: 4/5+5
Energy: 4/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1
Shadow: 1%

- (!) Weavile... what was that about Xerneas back there?
- (!) Can I still feel the darkness within me? Do I feel any connection to "Dark Matter?"
- (∞) ...
- (1%) ...
Last edited:


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
Then, a male voice calls from further away. You just barely make out what he says... "Lady Catilin! This way!"

"Ah, there's Darach. Let's go..."
Oh shit, we do have new characters! And frontier brains at that :eyes: I suppose that had we surrendered to the Pokemon League after the fight with Lenora, we would've wound up with them instead, and N might've been the last ally we met?

Catilin... She sounded bored in the middle of a Dungeon. How strong is she to be bored in a place like this?

We might not be able to touch Dark Matter's fragment, but I almost wonder if the Frontier Brains might stand a chance? Heh, though it definitely seems like we're on our way out now.

and the grand defeat of Yveltal, who had fallen under Dark Matter's control during a great cataclysm.

Looks like we were indeed possessed by Dark Matter - that explains our power overlap and connection. Curiously, I thought one of Dark Matter's primary goals would be to reclaim us as a host due to our power, but he doesn't seem to be all that driven towards it...

However, Xerneas had been terribly wounded in the fight, not just her body, but her very essence. A piece of darkness had plagued her, corroding her senses and putting her want for life into overdrive. She made all life immortal and undying, and prevented any new life from entering the world, effectively freezing the population into eternity.

If I remember correctly, Dark Matter stated that he awoke because of the stagnation caused by Xerneas, and that she had become a "mockery of her former self"? Yet in this memory, we see a Dark Matter possessed Yveltal wounding Xerneas and causing that corruption that led to the stagnation. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it doesn't sound like he was the one that caused it... and if he was, and he's trying to stop Xerneas, you'd think he'd be able to exploit this corruption somehow.

Something that definitely springs out to me, maybe next time we get in a fight - can we utilize this corruption ability too, especially since Weavile already has an affinity for darkness? Might we be able to (somewhat) inject our will like Dark Matter can, or would it just lead to them becoming violent and unhinged?

However, Xerneas' corruption spread into those who worked closest to her. Shadows would have overtaken them, turning them into monsters, if their negativity became too strong. As a defense, somehow, all emotions had to be suppressed, save for the basic few necessary to persist.

That explains their behavior... and that trick of suppressing emotions might be needed for us too if our corruption increases too much.

In that sense, the Prism Knights would pledge not only their lives, but their "selves" in the name of defending a physical eternity. It was an honorable sacrifice, and the price to pay for defeating Death itself.

Weird that it has such a positive connotation when Xerneas is affected by the same corruption as they were fighting against in Yveltal...

Something about the story feels... incorrect. Not that Weavile is lying to you... but that somehow, Weavile is mistaken about something in an otherwise true recollection.

Yeah, something's definitely off, though I'm not confident yet in exactly what. Is it the mistake maybe that Dark Matter wasn't actually possessing us, and it was another Yveltal they were fighting? Hmm...

There's fighting outside. A scuffle. It's swiftly dealt with, and Darach adjusts his gloves and bows, letting the two ladies walk through first.

These three... They give off a much stronger power than Lenora. They were at a whole other level...

It's amazing that they're able to deal with all of these suped up Pokemon that even Lenora and N struggled with. I mean, they are Frontier Brains, but still... they'd be the only ones on our level outside of the Prism Knights and Dark Matter. It's going to be fun seeing them in direct action against a harder opponent :eyes:


Actions! What do we do for actions... Not a whole lot for us to do right now other than wait for safety. I think I'm going to revist the topic of the other Knights divisions, and see if we can learn anything new about them. If we're traveling to Kalos to take down Xerneas, we'll soon be running in to the Crystal Knights especially, and there was the Amber Knight Arcanine too who could potentially be joining us.

Consider: I need to try to learn more about the other divisions of the knights!

Telepathy (target is Weavile): "Do the Amber and Crystal Knights also work under Xerneas, or do they have their own leaders? Are they affected by Xerneas' corruption?"


Abscission Ascendant
Yup, I think this is just a quiet moment for us to commune with Weavile a bit. Much appreciated!

I suppose that had we surrendered to the Pokemon League after the fight with Lenora, we would've wound up with them instead, and N might've been the last ally we met?
I'd guess so, too! Nice to get a chance to see this part of the storyline after all.

Curiously, I thought one of Dark Matter's primary goals would be to reclaim us as a host due to our power, but he doesn't seem to be all that driven towards it...
Indeed. There's something he's not telling us for sure.

Something that definitely springs out to me, maybe next time we get in a fight - can we utilize this corruption ability too, especially since Weavile already has an affinity for darkness? Might we be able to (somewhat) inject our will like Dark Matter can, or would it just lead to them becoming violent and unhinged?
Definitely an intriguing line of thought. :eyes: I don't know that we have enough corruption now to really have much of an impact on other people, and I don't know that the darkness here is the same as what Weavile's used to wielding, but it's definitely something to experiment with. If we're feeling a bit evil, I suppose. :P

Yeah, something's definitely off, though I'm not confident yet in exactly what. Is it the mistake maybe that Dark Matter wasn't actually possessing us, and it was another Yveltal they were fighting? Hmm...
Yeah, I'll definitely have to reread to get a better sense of what's up. But there's multiple fishy things going on here, not just in Weavile's story but in the fact that Dark Matter claims we aren't Yveltal at all.

You feel, suddenly, a surge of loyalty for Xerneas... but you are confident, a moment later, that it was how Weavile felt. When you filter that out, you instead feel a hollow sadness... And you wonder where those feelings are from, if not Weavile.
Weavile. :c

> Telepathy @ Weavile: Why did you come to this world? Was it because Dark Matter of Yveltal came here first, and you wanted to destroy them? Or was Xerneas want something else?
Post 2-21


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium

- (1) I need to try to learn more about the other divisions of the knights!
- (∞) ...
- (1%) ...

With these people handling things on the outside, you feel that it's safe enough to do some conversing with Weavile. During the discussion, you hear muffled noises above as they talk with police and give a report on what happened.

In your immaterial state, you mentally exhale and send more thoughts Weavile's way. Do the Amber and Crystal Knights also work under Xerneas, or do they have their own leaders? Are they affected by Xerneas' corruption?

The memories come to you. You realize... the other Knights are other divisions of the same society. All immortal, all very strong, but not as close to Xerneas--and, therefore, they got to keep their "selves." Some have grown weary of their long lives, while others seem happy to live as they do in their new reality. There are apparently other Knights and researchers who want to find where Death had put the lives of those lost, so that their eternity is not one without those who'd already passed on.

There are rumors of Xerneas' strange behavior among the other Knights, but they are far removed from it. They don't know anything, not to the extent that the Prisms do.

I see... You sigh. Something about it feels very wrong. I can't place why...

Still, you send more thoughts along. Why did you come to this world? Was it because Dark Matter of Yveltal came here first, and you wanted to destroy them? Or did Xerneas want something else?

Weavile shows you a memory. This time, it's of a mission statement, on paper, of tracking down the source of distortions into another world. That Yveltal or Dark Matter or both were involved in it, and to track down and destroy that source. That was all the Prism Knights knew -- that they had to find and destroy Yveltal for good, and then Dark Matter would be powerless.

But that's wrong, you think in a whisper. Dark Matter would just find a new host, wouldn't he?

You feel as though you know enough about the Knights, now. Authorities of the old world, loosely associated with Xerneas except the Prism Knights who worked directly under her. They were all on assignment to keep this world stable... while the Prism Knights went for the source.

But then, your thoughts are interrupted. The ball feels as if it's expanding around you, the space suddenly opening up from your cozy abode into the outside world. White light fills your vision and weight returns to your body.

You see N in his human form. He offers you a nod. It was safe.

Lenora is sitting in a chair nearby, reapplying some bandages herself while a couple of her Pokemon dote over her, holding supplies when she tells them to.

And you see three others. They speak quietly to each other and you match voices to names. Darach is the slim male wearing a black, long-sleeved coat of some kind with regal purple pants. His most notable feature is his strange hair, a lighter brown in the center and a darker brown along the edges, combed back in a wave-like pattern.

The one named Caitlin is a woman in a truly impractical pink veil and white... sleeping gown? How did she run in that? Even more staggering is her hair. What is it with humans and hair? It flows out and seems to lift all on its own like a great dome around her. Medium-sized Pokemon could probably seek shelter from the rain under that thing.

The last one, you don't know the name of. She was the more nervous female human. Her hair and dress are dark purple. She has a book in one hand and large glasses on her head. Of the three, she strikes you as... odd in a different way. Something about her presence reminds you of specters. Ah, it's because the essence of Ghosts are with her. A powerful presence indeed...

"Hey," said the Ghost lady. "Um, I'm sorry for capturing you. Here! The, um, the ball..." She offers it to you--a simple red and white capsule. For some reason, you feel insulted that it had caught you, as if that particular color was offensive.

"We're in a shelter outside the Dungeon it's safe," N confirms.

"It wasn't the way I was hoping for this to happen," Lenora said, "but... Cobble, these are the ones I called over. Elite Four Shauntal and Caitlin, the Ghost and Psychic specialists. Along with them is Darach, who is with Caitlin."

"A pleasure to meet you, Cobble," Darach said with a very formal bow.

Shauntal smiled nervously.

Caitlin appeared to be asleep while standing.

Current Status
HP: 4/5+5
Energy: 4/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1
Shadow: 1%

- (!) I need to try to learn more about the other divisions of the knights!
- (∞) ...
- (1%) ...
Last edited:


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
Weavile shows you a memory This time, it's of a mission statement, on paper, of tracking down the source of distortions into another world. That Yveltal or Dark Matter or both were involved in it, and to track down and destroy that source.

So the Knights were already aware of Dark Matter's existance before this encounter :eyes: so they weren't conflating our mere existance with Dark Matter, although they seem to have conflated how our powers overlap. It doesn't seem like we're the cause of the distortions, since we're not manifesting any, while they do seem to be manifesting wherever Dark Matter appears.

The one named Caitlin is a woman in a truly impractical pink veil and white... sleeping gown? How did she run in that?

The one mystery in this story even Namo can't answer.

Even more staggering is her hair. What is it with humans and hair? It flows out and seems to lift all on its own like a great dome around her. Medium-sized Pokemon could probably seek shelter from the rain under that thing.


The last one, you don't know the name of. She was the more nervous female human. Her hair and dress are dark purple. She has a book in one hand and large glasses on her head.

Oh, duh! Shauntel!

She offers it to you--a simple red and white capsule. For some reason, you feel insulted that it had caught you, as if that particular color was offensive.

I'd feel offended, but I can't even blame her when we're getting such powerhouse rolls like 4 and literal 1 :unquag:

Caitlin appeared to be asleep while standing.

Relatable AF. These last couple of lines do a fantastic job in setting the three apart :quag:

So with our new E4 allies here, especially since we were alone earlier, we'll probably need to explain to them what Dark Matter told us to make any sense, hah. I'm curious what happened to the Knights, since I don't see them here - have they already left, or are they perhaps still recovering?

Should they come with us, I'm curious if Darach will do all of the fighting for Caitlin, or if she can stand on her own despite her.... aloof personality. Could be funny to see someone underestimate her, if that's the case!

Consider: How might we get to Kalos?

Speak (target is everyone): "Say, N... what happened to the Knights we rescued?"
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Abscission Ascendant
Sorry I've been late recently; will try to get back on track with my responses!

Very intrigued to find N here with the E4. With him skulking around in a tree last chapter, I kind of assumed he was off doing his own thing and not necessarily an ally of the League.

It doesn't seem like we're the cause of the distortions, since we're not manifesting any, while they do seem to be manifesting wherever Dark Matter appears.
Yeah, the distortions don't seem to be following us, at the very least. I wonder whether DM is causing the distortions, or only showing up where they are for one reason or another--perhaps they're a way for him to travel around doing his corruption thing, and he's actually going where the dungeons are for one reason or another. Of course, the Knights seem convinced that the dungeons are DM's doing, but idk whether we ought to trust their info there!

I'm also curious whether we really were the first ones to come to this world, or whether there was something else here before that began causing distortions and drew the Prism Knights' attention, and Dark Matter/we ended up following for some reason or another. basically I trust zero things about this whole Prism Knight operation, lol

I'd feel offended, but I can't even blame her when we're getting such powerhouse rolls like 4 and literal 1 :unquag:
We really did manage to botch those rolls, lol.

I'm intrigued by the mention of us being offended by the color--red, or the combination of red and white, specifically? Do we hate Magearna for some reason??? Or Latias? If it's just red, that could even indicate that we're feeling some negative reaction towards Yveltal.

Should they come with us, I'm curious if Darach will do all of the fighting for Caitlin, or if she can stand on her own despite her.... aloof personality.
I am 100% ready to watch Caitlin annihilate someone who didn't realize she's an E4 trainer because she looks so sleepy all the time, lol.

Consider: What is it about the color of that capsule that offends me? Does it remind me of something?

Speak @ Elite Four: "Hello! It's good to meet all of you. Lenora must have told you about my problem. Do you think you can... sense anything about who I am? Or how I came to be like this?"
Post 2-22


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium

- (1) How might we get to Kalos?
- (1) What is it about the color of that capsule that offends me? Does it remind me of something?
- (∞) ...
- (1%) ...

What better than a greeting for the time being. While you have all their attention you get straight to the facts.

"Hello! It's good to meet all of you. Lenora must have told you about my problem. Do you think you can... sense anything about who I am? Or how I came to be like this?"

"Right, right!" Shauntal nods enthusiastically. "I'd be happy to help! Well, I'm more of a writer, you see, but my Pokemon! Oh, they would know! I'm sure of it."

Quickly, she summons one--a Chandelure, brimming with spectral energy. Chandelure's hollow eyes stare at you with interest. Next, she summons Gengar the same way, an eternal smile etched into his face.

"Do you see anything?" Shauntal asks.

Gengar's stare in particular is intense despite the grin. Then, suddenly, Gengar nods and disappears.

"Oh. Weird. He's frightened," Shauntal said. "Well, he gets shy around Dark Pokemon sometimes, so I guess that's natural..."

Chandelure's hollow gaze remained. An echoing, wailing groan came from its glassy body.

"Oh? Ohh, really?" Shauntal asks.

Chaneldure's spooky wail confirms whatever Shauntal heard.

"I see, I see... Well, you see--"

"Don't jump to conclusions," Caitlin said, and while her voice was dreamy, her words themselves were firm. "We will need time to discuss this... if you saw what I can see."

"Oh... um, okay," Shauntal says, nodding and withdrawing Chandelure. "Gengar! Gengar, where'd you go?!" she calls, stepping out of the tent.

And once again, you're left to yourself, at least for now as everyone settles. Your Poke Ball wobbles emptily in your hands.

You stare at the Poke Ball for a while longer, lost in thought, trying to recall why you feel so offended by this. You aren't sure what's special about it until Weavile's memories flash in front of you. There are a variety of Poke Balls in this world, specialized for certain Pokemon, or in general stronger and more expensive. There are even coveted balls that are extremely hard to make and distribute, said to capture things without fail.

And you... were captured by the least expensive, most mundane ball out there. A standard Poke Ball, no more expensive than a candy at the check-out aisle.

Now you understand why you are offended.

You simmer in that in silence while recovering and the others tend to Lenora and their Pokemon's wounds. There isn't a lot to say for the time being. You are still recovering. And, despite how dangerous everything was... you somehow survived? And still with Weavile, too...

Distantly, police are asking questions, and Darach took the liberty of answering what they needed while you recovered. Caitlin and Shauntal are still discussing their findings, though it sounds like they won't be done until tomorrow morning.

"Say, N... what happened to the Knights we rescued?" you ask when the thought occurs to you.

"They were evacuated further in to the rest of their Knights they seem worried for Weavile but I said he was killed in action which I do not think is a lie."

"Um... Sorry, can you say that again?" Shauntal titters.

"It's okay" Caitlin whispered in a dreamlike voice. "I understood him perfectly... They are fine."

"I think our primary concern... is your well-being, Cobble," Darach said, returning from outside the tent.

"Oh. I'm fine," you say. "A little beat up, but it's nothing some rest won't fix."


"In general," Darach said, "things have calmed down, though unfortunately I don't think the Dungeon is going to fade. A lot of people have suddenly become displaced. Hmm, a trouble for tomorrow, I suppose... They have shelter today."

"...But... I think we need to explain a bit, since you came here all this way. But first... If I, hypothetically, had to make my way to Kalos... How would I do that?"

"Kalos? Quite far from here," Darach says. "But that won't be a difficult matter. Considering the circumstances and what Lenora had explained to us already, we could get you a flight there tomorrow after some travel."

Oh. Well. That was easy. All things considered, that was the clear option to go... still, with all the help they were giving... Would it be wise to tell them more?

You aren't sure. And as the silence settles in, you realize you would have to say something quickly.


What do you tell the others?

1. Before I go, there's a lot we need to talk about. (Tell them everything.)
2. I can't explain everything, but... (Tell them the essentials.)
3. I'm... very tired, actually. I'd like to rest and go there as soon as possible. (Tell them nothing.)

Current Status
HP: 4/5+5
Energy: 4/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1
Shadow: 1%

- (!) How might we get to Kalos?
- (!) What is it about the color of that capsule that offends me? Does it remind me of something?
- (∞) I won't fight Xerneas.
- (1%) ...
Last edited:


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
Yeah, the distortions don't seem to be following us, at the very least. I wonder whether DM is causing the distortions, or only showing up where they are for one reason or another--perhaps they're a way for him to travel around doing his corruption thing, and he's actually going where the dungeons are for one reason or another. Of course, the Knights seem convinced that the dungeons are DM's doing, but idk whether we ought to trust their info there!

I'm also curious whether we really were the first ones to come to this world, or whether there was something else here before that began causing distortions and drew the Prism Knights' attention, and Dark Matter/we ended up following for some reason or another.

Hmm... it would make sense considering how Dark Matter woke up. He specifically mentioned that his awakening was a result of the stagnation caused by Xerneas, which certainly implies he's more of a symptom than a cause. If he appears in places where stagnation occurs, because things can't die anymore, then it could very well be that he appeared here because of the Prism Knights. He did explicitly say he doesn't care anything for this world, which doesn't sound like he chose it or went out of his way to be here. Then again, Imma be honest, I don't trust Dark Matter very much right now. A lot of what he says contradicts what we've been told and observed from most other characters, like how he says we aren't Ylveltal, even though we saw our soul appear in that form when we talked with Weavile.

basically I trust zero things about this whole Prism Knight operation, lol

That's 10,000% fair, they're a very untrustworthy bunch. Remember Druddigon crushing that rock you gave him early on in the story, after promising to take us to Millie? :unquag:

"Oh. Weird. He's frightened," Shauntal said. "Well, he gets shy around Dark Pokemon sometimes, so I guess that's natural..."

Heh, poor Gengar. Between being a Dark type Ylvetal, infected with a Dark energy corruption, possessing a Dark type Weavile, we've pretty much gone full goth here :mewlulz:

But on a serious note, I wonder which of these energies Gengar is reacting too? I assume it's perceptive enough to see through us not being a regular Weavile. It could be reacting to our own dark energy as a Ylvetal, which would refute what Dark Matter said to us... but I suspect it's at least partially related to Dark Matter's corruption inside of us, although at 1%, it's still very minimal at this point.

"Don't jump to conclusions," Caitlin said, and while her voice was dreamy, her words themselves were firm. "We will need time to discuss this... if you saw what I can see."

There's some of that hidden assertiveness showing up already! Kinda scary that she doesn't seem to need Pokemon to spot what's up with us - either she has some psychic powers directly, or she's just exceptionally perceptive. Or probably both, heh.

And you... were captured by the least expensive, most mundane ball out there. A standard Poke Ball, no more expensive than a candy at the check-out aisle.

Now you understand why you are offended.

Yeah, not the most impressive look if we actually are Ylvetal :mewlulz: but very befitting our original rocky persona. Nothing special on the outside, all the magic is on the inside.

they seem worried for Weavile but I said he was killed in action which I do not think is a lie."

...I mean, on one hand, it's helpful in that they'll no longer be looking for Weavile. On the other hand, it's going to be giga awkward if we ever run into them again, idk how we'd even start explaining this. Do we just lean into what N said and pretend that Weavile actually died and we're just piloting his reanimated zombie corpse? I wonder if that might be legit easier for them to accept at this point, then that we're actually sharing (well... "sharing") the same body.

"Kalos? Quite far from here," Darach says. "But that won't be a difficult matter. Considering the circumstances and what Lenora had explained to us already, we could get you a flight there tomorrow after some travel."

Oh okay, that helps things - I thought that because Kalos was engulfed in a mystery dungeon, we might have to overcome some kind of barrier or enter in a specific way. But at least it looks like we can still enter normally enough.

- (∞) I won't fight Xerneas.

...Thaaaaaat might be a problem :unquag: Because he has such a deep seated goal of serving her, he might be able to overpower all three of us. If he won't fight, we maybe need to convince him it's necessary, like how he changed his opinion upon seeing the other Prism Knights infected.

(Heyo Namo - do let me know if you'd rather I not bring up the typos. I definitely don't mean to nitpick and they don't detract from my enjoyment of the story or anything, just pointing them out since I recall you mentioned you might be converting this into a fic later)

"Right, right!" Shauntal nods enthusiastically. "I'd be happy to help! Well, I'm more of a writer, you see, but my Pokemon! Of, they would know! I'm sure of it."

I suspect that's supposed to be "of course"?

Weavile shows you a memory This time, it's of a mission statement, on paper, of tracking down the source of distortions into another world.

(this is actually from the previous chapter before this one - forgot to mention it then)

Missing a period after "memory".

Looks like we're just about to make the transition to Kalos! I'm quite excited to see how it's been affected by being engulfed within a mystery dungeon, and see if there's any Kalos characters we might run into? :eyes:

Not to mention that we've got a confrontation with Xerneas upcoming, and of course we still need to figure out who we actually are. For a while, it felt like we were Ylvetal, but then Dark Matter muddied up the waters again, and now I'm not so sure. Though, I do think we are in fact Ylvetal, and there's something about us he just doesn't recognize... or he's intentionally deceiving us/trolling.


And for our action! I think at a minimum, we can trust Lenora and N here. Since the E4 have already helped us out, and we haven't seen any reason to the countrary yet, I feel like we can probably trust them as well - and if we can't, then we're kind of screwed already, since they're more powerful than N and Lenora.

Therefore, I'm leaning towards full disclosure, in case that causes one of them to recognize something about us that could be helpful, and to prevent misunderstandings... but I might be too naive here. Especially the way that Caitlin cut off Shauntal's explanation of what's up with us could indicate that she has some cards she's playing close to her chest, and we might want to keep some as well.

I will very tentatively go for action #1, but I trust Negrek's judgement on this decision much more than my own honestly. If you think we should be a bit more secretive, I'm 100% on board with that, as we can always reveal more later if needed.

(Edited to just the essentials. It's a safer play!)

Decision: 2 - tell them just the essentials!

Consider: What goals are these E4 members after? Are they just here to help, or is there something else they want?

Speak (target is everyone): "Have any of you ever battled against a legendary Pokemon before?"

(I know that's super out of left field, but I'm wondering if the E4 especially might be strong enough to directly assist us... and, unlikely as it is, just checking if they might have ever encountered a Ylvetal or Xerneas in the past)
Last edited:


Abscission Ascendant
And you... were captured by the least expensive, most mundane ball out there. A standard Poke Ball, no more expensive than a candy at the check-out aisle.

Now you understand why you are offended.
lol. Well. If we aren't Yveltal, we're someone who used to think pretty highly of our power, apparently!

Then again, Imma be honest, I don't trust Dark Matter very much right now.
TRUTH, lol. I don't know that he's actually lying in terms of saying untrue things, but I strongly suspect that he's doing the whole lie-by-omission routine.

But on a serious note, I wonder which of these energies Gengar is reacting too?
It's a good question for sure. We're like four layers of spooky at the moment. :P

Do we just lean into what N said and pretend that Weavile actually died and we're just piloting his reanimated zombie corpse? I wonder if that might be legit easier for them to accept at this point, then that we're actually sharing (well... "sharing") the same body.
It'd probably be easier for them to accept... but Weavile might not be into that sort of lie. :unquag:

...Thaaaaaat might be a problem :unquag: Because he has such a deep seated goal of serving her, he might be able to overpower all three of us. If he won't fight, we maybe need to convince him it's necessary, like how he changed his opinion upon seeing the other Prism Knights infected.
Indeed. We may need to try and convince him that us fighting Xerneas is for Xerneas' own good... which I'm sure would be an uphill battle. We might ultimately need to look for a new host at some point, one who isn't a Prism Knight. Perhaps we'll find someone who'd let us claim them, err, willingly?

I really want to go back through the thread and pull out what we've heard so far about Dark Matter/Xerneas and the general state of the world so we can get an idea of what the different perspectives are and what contradictions exist. Intrigued by the idea of DM ending up here by accident.

Hmm, I'm kind of inclined to keep it to the essentials. It's tricky because I don't know what that option is actually going to leave out, so maybe it'll involve us being more misleading than I expect, but I don't know that we want to get into the nitty-gritty with everybody here. Especially given that some of our information is surely bad, and I don't know if accidentally telling them something untrue won't come back to bite us later.

> Decision: Just the essentials.

> Consider: How does Weavile feel about going to Kalos? Would he prefer that we bring the other Knights with us?

> Speak @ Everyone: "I've heard all of Kalos is swallowed by a Mystery Dungeon. What sort of situation should we expect when we get there?"
Post 2-23


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium

Tell them just the essentials.

- (1) What goals are these E4 members after? Are they just here to help, or is there something else they want?
- (1) How does Weavile feel about going to Kalos? Would he prefer that we bring the other Knights with us?
- (∞) I'm not fighting Xerneas.
- (1%) ...

"Right..." You sigh nervously. This was going to be a lot. In all honesty, you don't want to tell them everything. Not only was it unreliable in some respects, but perhaps sharing too much out in the open could... paint you in a less favorable light.

Just the essentials. Just what you know for sure. That was best. You don't know what the Elite Four truly want--sure, it could be the protection of Unova, or the world. But what would that mean for you?

It is best to stick to the truth for now. You also feel as if Weavile is... conflicted about going to Kalos at all. But bringing the Knights could help. It would be better. Perhaps they could stop you if things go too far--find another solution. Would allying with the Knights help that...?

"In all honesty," you begin, "I don't know the whole story yet myself. I do have... amnesia of how I became a rock, and how I came to possess these kinds of powers. But I do know, for sure, that I have Yveltal's powers, or... something like it. I know that Dark Matter is after me, but I don't know what for specifically. And that I, the Knights, and Dark Matter are all related to Dungeons forming... and maybe, if we all leave, the Dungeons will also go away."

"Hmmm..." Caitlin's reply is first, though it's hard to tell if she's half-asleep or not from the explanation.

You add, "Have any of you ever battled against a legendary Pokemon before?"

"Oh. Yes, we have," Shauntal said. "Twice, actually!" She glances at N, who adjusts his hat. You wonder if that hat is real. "Aaaand we lost twice. But! We have some experience."

"Hm. Right... and I've heard all of Kalos is swallowed by a Mystery Dungeon. What sort of situation should we expect when we get there?"

Darach's expression is slightly grave, but there's a certain confidence in his eyes as well. "While it has become entirely distorted, the people within have adjusted to that kind of life relatively well. Many have been displaced, and it's certainly more dangerous, but people are nothing if not resilient to adversity."

"Well... make that what you will," you say, "but I'll be diving right in... and confront Xerneas myself. The outcome... I don't know what's right yet. Maybe I'll find out when I'm there."

"Oh, wow. We really got to the core of the A-plot, didn't we?" Shauntal says. She seems... excited. Worryingly so. You're concerned for that human.

"And what does this have to do with Kalos?" Darach asks. "Is Xerneas the origin of this?"

"I'm not sure... the information came from Dark Matter. But Xerneas--not this world's, but my world's--is corrupted and came over here to eliminate me. Perhaps... coming over to this world is what is causing the distortions. The Dungeons. I think they were common in my world, related to Dark Matter."

"I see... Yveltal..." Caitlin nods slowly. "You are very open. And cautious of the information you can trust. I think it is safe to tell you... about what we have discovered about you."

Shauntal nods. "It might give some answers? To be honest, I'm not totally sure what to make of it myself..."

"I'm quite curious what it could all mean," Darach said, "but it is not my palce nor expertice to expound." With that, he bows, as if to let Shauntal and Caitilin go over the details.

"Gengar and Chandelure are confident that you are Yveltal," Shauntal says. "The way they described your power... it can only be Yveltal, even if they never met such a Pokemon before."

"But what I sense," Caitlin says, "would paint a much more... thorough picture, along with their confirmations. Yes... Who we are speaking to now. I do not think it is Yveltal of your world, even if you... contain Yveltal."

At first, you're puzzled. But then, a strange cold seeps into you, even with your part-Ice body, at the ramifications of this.

"I sense within you... the psychic and cosmic waves of countless, countless minds, all bundled into a singly driven entity. Thoughts and considerations from many angles, only a select few surfacing at once... I believe you... are many. You are Yveltal, but also many more..." Caitlin nods. "I wonder what that means..."

"I'm... many?" you whisper. You look at your claws. You think back... to how you'd Claimed Weavile. How he had become a thought in your head, persistent and influencing. Even as you speak of fighting Xerneas, your heart is not in it.

These... thoughts in your head. Sometimes, you feel words tumble from your mouth that you didn't think to say, and yet did. And you followed along with it.

These thoughts... so diverse and conflicting...

The realization strikes you like lightning. You are Yveltal... and all the souls he'd claimed.

"Cobble?" Lenora asks. "Are you okay? You look... like you realized something."

Current Status
HP: 4/5+5
Energy: 4/9
Offense: 3+2
Defense: 2+1
Shadow: 1%

- (!) What goals are these E4 members after? Are they just here to help, or is there something else they want?
- (!) How does Weavile feel about going to Kalos? Would he prefer that we bring the other Knights with us?
- (∞) The Lost City...
- (1%) ...
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