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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[I think comparing the strings to an Arsonist makes more sense, given what I'm reading.

It says we're in control for now but once there's enough players that get stringed, the stringer can seize control and win. (Kinda like getting primed and ready to burn)]]


  1. sableye
If we're going by this logic, Seren would be the one that's sus since they're the one that tried to devise a plan to abuse my regen ability. (Uh, not that I think you're sus, Seren. I'm just using you as an example.)]]
"Also, for the record, I was not trying to devise a plan to make use of your ability, I was pointing out how I felt it could be easily abused.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[Either that, or there's 3 TP instead and a Four scum Mafia.]]


  1. sableye
[[I think comparing the strings to an Arsonist makes more sense, given what I'm reading.

It says we're in control for now but once there's enough players that get stringed, the stringer can seize control and win. (Kinda like getting primed and ready to burn)]]
"But... an arsonist kills, he doesn't recruit. Do you think this is implying that the strings are going to kill everyone who has one when they're activated, instead of just forming another cult? Why would my marks have anything to do with them, when sans has basically confirmed that I counter his?"


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"The slakoth's a liar," Mademoiselle interjected. "He may have made up the part about his ability being the counterpart to yours."


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[I also Do Not buy the whole "I'm a Cult Leader but players don't know they're a part of my cult!" Alignment changes are huge and something the affected player should be able to know about, otherwise I'm wallpapering Namo's house with frowny-faces. Knowledge of this change would also explain some of the weird plays I've seen—like Pano being hyper-defensive of Bluwii or Blossom's absolute refusal to get rid of a hostile TP.]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
But... an arsonist kills, he doesn't recruit. Do you think this is implying that the strings are going to kill everyone who has one when they're activated, instead of just forming another cult? Why would my marks have anything to do with them, when sans has basically confirmed that I counter his?"
[[Maybe the strings are Sans' things? I don't know, maybe having the other stringed players talk about this will make it clearer, lest I make a fool out of myself again.]]
[[I also Do Not buy the whole "I'm a Cult Leader but players don't know they're a part of my cult!" Alignment changes are huge and something the affected player should be able to know about, otherwise I'm wallpapering Namo's house with frowny-faces. Knowledge of this change would also explain some of the weird plays I've seen—like Pano being hyper-defensive of Bluwii or Blossom's absolute refusal to get rid of a hostile TP.]]
[[So, do you think voting for him will kill his followers? Or will someone else step up to take the mantle once he's gone?]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
"Okay, I can believe this in a game this size. Five mafia, one cult leader, one arsonist. Cult leader can recruit others, arsonist doesn't need anyone else. That tracks. Which means we're down to six threats so far.
[[Is 25% mafia typical? Asking out of curiosity; I really don't know the ratio.]]
[[ @Blossomleaf going to reiterate... are you implying that your faction alignment has changed already? ]]
[[Seconding this because it's huge. It looks like she's claiming a change in alignment AND that she has some sort of inforole at night that she can check players with. But she doesn't specify how she checks them (clear of statuses? or marks? or does it have to do with alignment?) and she doesn't say how many per night (she claims to have checked THREE players in TWO nights).
"i would suggest that folks consider healing people with the strings on them, if it can be healed. also, doing everything you can to figure out who's giving people the silly string," said sans. "see, if the super sans gamer club can't win the game, i certainly don't want the weird creepy strings club to win instead. that's in everyone's best interests, i'd think."
[[So you do not have anything to do with strings, but that is either a mafia/game maker/other cult thing?]]
[[Do we actually have two cults here? Really? Really??? ]]
[[I'd buy it, honestly. I'm positive we have at least two third-party players. Whether they're in the same "third party" or different ones, I don't know.]]
[[Hmm. The fact that folks are so open about getting Stringed makes me think that those aren't alignment changing (also the bit of flavour Shini shared):

Unlike Bluwii's cult who have been very tight-lipped about getting an "invite". The Strings are concerning, but getting rid of Bluwii is the bigger priority for the time being.
[[Agreed. I don't think strings are related to Bluwii anymore, based on what he previously said. Since Bluwii has pretty much admitted to being a cultist, I think getting rid of him is a plan to go for now.]]
[[I also Do Not buy the whole "I'm a Cult Leader but players don't know they're a part of my cult!" Alignment changes are huge and something the affected player should be able to know about, otherwise I'm wallpapering Namo's house with frowny-faces. Knowledge of this change would also explain some of the weird plays I've seen—like Pano being hyper-defensive of Bluwii or Blossom's absolute refusal to get rid of a hostile TP.]]
[[If the "no hidden abilities" thing applies here, I don't believe Namo would change a player's alignment without telling that person. I'm certain the player knows.

I think that Bluwii, Pano, and Blossomleaf are together in some sort of third party. Maybe it started out as Bluwii and Pano; Blossomleaf was then recruited by Bluwii voting for her. If so, that'd make total of 4 scum and 3 third-party (well, 3 scum now). Or 4 scum and 4 third-party, if there's another member who started in the cult and Blossomleaf was a recruit. If Bluwii voting for someone recruits them, then Seren's marking freeing them would make sense (assuming Bench is clear and has not changed alignment).]]


  1. sableye
"The slakoth's a liar," Mademoiselle interjected. "He may have made up the part about his ability being the counterpart to yours."

Kimiko closed her eyes and took a very long, deep breath. "Right... right. Yes, of course. Can't let myself freak out just yet. There's absolutely no reason to believe anything he says at this point. Thank you."

[[I also Do Not buy the whole "I'm a Cult Leader but players don't know they're a part of my cult!" Alignment changes are huge and something the affected player should be able to know about, otherwise I'm wallpapering Namo's house with frowny-faces. Knowledge of this change would also explain some of the weird plays I've seen—like Pano being hyper-defensive of Bluwii or Blossom's absolute refusal to get rid of a hostile TP.]]

"It also makes sense that, should they have been converted already, that they no longer want to own up to that fact, either, since their win condition has changed, so chances are just asking them about it isn't going to get us an honest answer either...

I'm still iffy on Sidney, though. Unless sans is honest about being able to recruit people overnight, which... given my passive ability, I... would not actually be terribly surprised about... otherwise, I haven't see any opportunity for Sidney to have been recruited. Or unless they were in on it from the start, but... given the wiki, I don't think that's likely."

[[Is 25% mafia typical? Asking out of curiosity; I really don't know the ratio.]]

"Assuming the kirlia is really an oracle and is telling us the truth, we know we have 7 hostiles- er, well, make that six with Laura gone. So... yeah, I'd say this is about an average number."

If Bluwii voting for someone recruits them, then Seren's marking freeing them would make sense (assuming Bench is clear and has not changed alignment).]]

"See, I marked Bench last night... sans voted for Arctozolt the day before. So either Arctozolt was converted yesterday as soon as he was voted, or it doesn't take effect until the night starts, which means... well, I'm unsure exactly, but I thiiiiink my mark would override sans' takeover?

If it's the former, then Blossom AND Bench have already been converted (and I don't think my mark can cure people who are already converted which means marking Bench was a waste of my action...). If its the latter, then it's possible I saved Bench, which opens the possibility that I can also save Blossom by marking her when the next night phase starts.

Frankly I'm hoping to get input from... a few others before I pick a marking target tonight. My last two have been based on my own personal intuition, but I think... I think tonight, I'd appreciate some guidance."

[[ Alright, I'm wiped... going to bed now. Probably will not bother trying to keep up with thread during the day tomorrow, as I'm actually going to be off work at eod this time since it falls on a Wednesday... I'll do my catch-up then. Good night y'all. ]]


  1. sableye
If Bluwii voting for someone recruits them, then Seren's marking freeing them would make sense (assuming Bench is clear and has not changed alignment).]]
"Oh, one last thing... I'm kind of dubious now whether or not I actually am doing anything for sans' targets. The only thing really keeping me from waffling is that the strings don't appear to have a status name, and my ability PM specifically references the name of the ability I can cure, so I'm hesitant to suddenly say I must be the cure for the strings. So if not the strings, and not sans... just what is my power for?"

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
"Oh, one last thing... I'm kind of dubious now whether or not I actually am doing anything for sans' targets. The only thing really keeping me from waffling is that the strings don't appear to have a status name, and my ability PM specifically references the name of the ability I can cure, so I'm hesitant to suddenly say I must be the cure for the strings. So if not the strings, and not sans... just what is my power for?"
[[That would assume that Bluwii is the one causing the strings though, wouldn't it? And Bluwii himself heavily implies that he's not doing the strings. So it could be a possibility that you're still affecting his power (I have no way of knowing if you are, and it's possible that your power is for something else. Just pointing out htat it looks like Bluwii and strings are not connected).]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[Kinda forgot to do this earlier so here's my vote on Sans.

Vote: Bluwiikoon]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Dave stared at the Slakoth.

“What the fucking what.”

[[I am working, but just a couple of things.

- The usual way cults work (which is how they’re described on the wiki) is not that a cultist becomes leader if the leader dies, but rather that once the cult leader dies either all the cultists die or the cultists live but can no longer recruit, and their only way to win is just to survive until they form a majority. The version where a cultist becomes leader and continues to recruit exists but the wiki describes it as near-impossible to balance. Namo could have gone for that but especially if there are multiple, I kind of doubt it?
- That said, I wouldn’t be so sure these are entirely standard cults? At least with the stringing, there’s no alignment change - it says whatever it is is not in control yet but will take control if it gets enough people. Hence why I immediately told everyone that it happened. That at least suggests there exists at least one win condition where someone can ‘recruit’ people and try to work towards making them a majority without those players themselves actually working towards that win condition? Presumably those players still count as townies for the purposes of the town win condition?
- This makes me not entirely sure sans is lying about having recruited people who don’t know they’ve been recruited? The stringer’s marks are told something, which does give me pause, but ‘recruitment’ without the target actually changing alignment legit seems to be a thing?
- Given this, sans’s “If you kill me during the day my recruits all die, but if you kill me during the night they live” sure is a piece of WIFOM aaagh]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[also @Blossomleaf please clarify what you were talking about both with regards to somehow inspecting three people in two nights and believing you’ll die if sans does? Were you actually told this (or anything at all about being recruited besides sans’s public vote) or are you just speculating?]]


Ace Trainer
[["For context (and to answer bruh moments question) I want to clarify that I'm not clearing anyone as being town or mafia. Because all my investigations were meant to do were to glean for information from inactive players in hopes of finding something.. . Useful. However the ability to investigate does not tell me anything regarding alignment. So it's why I said I hit nothing the two nights I investigated because it feels like I wasted time targeting ppl for no reason.

Additionally starlight is asking why I don't want 3rd party eliminated and that's furthest from the truth because I do want it gone. But paranoia has me concerned for self-preservation at this point (like why sans / bluwii targeted me with something unknown) . Which is more detrimental than useful to town so I'll let it go. Because that train of though is going nowhere tbh.

And (while I can't quote for shit on mobile) I know that there are some other things seren asked me? But at this point... I don't have enough Intel to work with so I think I'm better off keeping my mouth shut.

But from my understanding: both yellow (now Abra) and Shini are both claiming to be "stringed" correct? Alongside Dave? So we have 3 players who are stringed atm.


Ace Trainer
[[also @Blossomleaf please clarify what you were talking about both with regards to somehow inspecting three people in two nights and believing you’ll die if sans does? Were you actually told this (or anything at all about being recruited besides sans’s public vote) or are you just speculating?]]
[[Speculation with misinformation and assumptions. Because I didnt know how the cult theory /role works. So that's my bad for not knowing] ]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[["For context (and to answer bruh moments question) I want to clarify that I'm not clearing anyone as being town or mafia. Because all my investigations were meant to do were to glean for information from inactive players in hopes of finding something.. . Useful. However the ability to investigate does not tell me anything regarding alignment. So it's why I said I hit nothing the two nights I investigated because it feels like I wasted time targeting ppl for no reason.

Additionally starlight is asking why I don't want 3rd party eliminated and that's furthest from the truth because I do want it gone. But paranoia has me concerned for self-preservation at this point (like why sans / bluwii targeted me with something unknown) . Which is more detrimental than useful to town so I'll let it go. Because that train of though is going nowhere tbh.

And (while I can't quote for shit on mobile) I know that there are some other things seren asked me? But at this point... I don't have enough Intel to work with so I think I'm better off keeping my mouth shut.

But from my understanding: both yellow (now Abra) and Shini are both claiming to be "stringed" correct? Alongside Dave? So we have 3 players who are stringed atm.
[[Nah I'm gonna need way more explanation now that you've called yourself an 'investigator' and tried to say certain people were "cleared".

What exactly can you investigate, and did you originally mean by clear]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Also good morning everyone! I am at work but I hope to reply to all this madness.

bluwii's reveal is as crazy as expected, but is he lying or telling the truth about getting people killed if we vote him off?]]


Ace Trainer
[[Nah I'm gonna need way more explanation now that you've called yourself an 'investigator' and tried to say certain people were "cleared".

What exactly can you investigate, and did you originally mean by clear]]
"Well the context is in what the Chatot said actually. Cause even if she's bashing her head against the wall, there's only one thing left that we can be trying to find if it's not mafia and town, right?" Nanu answered for the Guardian Device instead.

Especially when he already could get a gist that the Chatot wasn't feeling great between yellows departure and the outburst yesterday. As Nanu figured Chatot was most likely going to remain quiet today. So he'd be on his own again to figure things out.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Okay let's try to cover some things. @Seren Regarding why I don't believe patron legendaries trigger a string:

Yellow claimed her legend as Dialga already, a full day before she got stringed! Obviously saying a legendary doesn't trigger a string, as Shini also mentioned they were Mew. Way before they got stringed.

Now maybe one's legendary has to be said before they can be stringed, or its all one big coincidence but the facts clearly show that saying your legend doesn't directly trigger a string.

Next, @Blossomleaf that doesn't really clarify because first you basically talked as if you can investigate like 1-2 people a night somehow.

You can't make claims of being to investigate people, clear threee entire people and not explain yourself. We need information if you're town]]
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