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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Gonna make a quick, off-the-cuff readlist so I can get my bearings straight and who to look out for:
  • Town: Chibi, Free, Bench, Yellow, Tetra, Seren, Shini, Sind.
  • Null: Pano, Starlight, Espy, Blossom, Bruh, Pers, Wind.
  • Sus: Bluwii, Torchic.
I'm feeling pretty good about my town-reads rn, so I'm going to take a gander at my null pile to see if anyone else sticks out as anti-town. Curious to see what Wind has to say about Blwuii.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[I honestly am torn on if Q is scum or not. Their play is a lot like last scum play, but not just in memeing (although I do think 'What I'm never allowed to meme again bc when I did I was scum' is ... odd?

But the reason I'm a little sus has more to do with weird vibes.... i can't pin it down. I don't want to say unhelpful, because thats not a fully accurate word.

Something. For now I remain uncvinced of their innocence? I'll try to nail something concrete]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[ like i'm trying not to harp on this too much because i know it's not pleasant but i am not sure how to make it clear that a) it is extremely annoying for me, someone who likes to joke around and have a good time, to have to suddenly treat making jokes like it's somehow game relevant just because some people collectively decided it is, and b) that this is not a read. i can count on one hand the number of people in this game who have offered any kind of opinion on me that isn't just "uhhh she joked in the last game and was mafia." the suggestion that that's alignment-indicative in any way is ridiculous and it's really grating on me having to read like five different people leveling this at me all the time like it means anything and then just kind of nodding about it like they've highlighted something wise. please just interact with me like a normal player and stop bringing up this weird useless point. that's all i'll say about it for the rest of the game, but if anyone continues pressing that line of argument against me i'm just straight up scumreading you at this point. that's not playing the game, it's low-hanging fruit. -q ]]


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
[[Been rereading the thread and I have to say, I'm not entirely certain that Jackie's hesitancy to vote out Shini is necessarily an indictment on him. Something I notice about scum a lot is that they're very hesitant towards going all out for a mislynch, there's always some caveat to it like "oh I'm not so sure about this". Mislynching makes players look bad by default, so trying to play up at least some degree of uncertainty is how scum try to make themselves look better when the target inevitably flips innocent. I think that's what's happening here.]]
[[I got a little too enthusiastic once and got bandwagoned and killed in the last fifteen minutes.]]

“And you probably deserved it.”

[[Yup. Oh, @IFBench do not reveal. If you’re one shot bulletproof or pure bulletproof or something else it’s best if the mafia doesn’t know. That way if you are only OSBP the mafia will still be wary to strike you again.]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[I got a little too enthusiastic once and got bandwagoned and killed in the last fifteen minutes.]]
[[ i didn't even get any cred for making that call, smh. still got sussed after that. not getting any cred for voting jackie last night either. someday my soul reads will be appreciated. -q ]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[ i didn't even get any cred for making that call, smh. still got sussed after that. not getting any cred for voting jackie last night either. someday my soul reads will be appreciated. -q ]]
[[Or are you soulreading bc u were secretly on their side :galaxeon:]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[ please explain to me how this is odd -q ]]
[[I'll try to type up a better explanation later when I can compose thoughts in a reasonable way but fwiw, I know ur miffed, but I still feel like everything is gameplay but the reason I have a very mild sus of you isn't because you're making jokes tbh. Making jokes isn't really what I scum read people for precisely, the reasons why I sometimes have susses of people come down to ~vibes~ that are often much harder for me to put into words. Its cues and things I am not always great a verbalizing.

But thisisn't about jokes specifically, rest assured.

Also this isn't a 'I am ready to vote for you this instant' sus its more like a 'hmmm I am not certain I trust this person' ]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[that, at the very least, indicate my suspicion of uA besides the other stuff. As for why I voted Blu and not uA, I was suspicious of Yellow and uA, but Blu seemed like a more reliable vote at the time.
[[I already had made note of both of those posts, tbf. I know you were originally stuck on the switch, which I already called out for being odd, but your first post of the day indicated being sus of the bandwagoning which you said NOTHING about in regards to feeling some type of way about Jackie. “Called it, maybe” juxtaposed with “I don’t sus them enough to hard call them mafia rn” just looks WEIRD. Once again cannot stress the fact that I know you’re new but I’m not making the mistake of letting things slide because of that.

Also what's mikeposting?]]
In one of Namo’s other games there was a player, Homestar! (Bless his soul) got super in to the RP and made a bogus claim IN RP that sent the game into a tailspin—also made a lot of other crazy claims and observations during the game. His character’s name was Mike, and posting galaxy brained plays that ACTUALLY aren’t galaxy brained came to be known as “Mikeposting” in that game.

like i'm trying not to harp on this too much because i know it's not pleasant but i am not sure how to make it clear that a) it is extremely annoying for me, someone who likes to joke around and have a good time, to have to suddenly treat making jokes like it's somehow game relevant just because some people collectively decided it is, and b) that this is not a read. i can count on one hand the number of people in this game who have offered any kind of opinion on me that isn't just "uhhh she joked in the last game and was mafia." the suggestion that that's alignment-indicative in any way is ridiculous and it's really grating on me having to read like five different people leveling this at me all the time like it means anything and then just kind of nodding about it like they've highlighted something wise. please just interact with me like a normal player and stop bringing up this weird useless point. that's all i'll say about it for the rest of the game, but if anyone continues pressing that line of argument against me i'm just straight up scumreading you at this point. that's not playing the game, it's low-hanging fruit. -q ]]
I’m really sorry Q, I didn’t mean to strike a nerve or make you upset or anything. I was more or less just trying to draw parallels to previous games but truth be told I think the only gAme I played with you was Humble Vale so my frame of reference is very skewed, and I should note that. I’ll try to watch myself from here on out, and I do apologize again if I upset you.]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Ajia (Delcatty) [Chibi Pika] (Likely town)
Arctozolt (Arctozolt) [Bench] (Likely town)

Cosmo (Linoone) [Flyg0n] (Maybe town)
Courtney (Ninetales) [Starlight Aurate] (Maybe town)

Dave (Mightyena) [Dragonfree] (Likely town)
Fray (Froslass) [ShinjiGojira] (Sus)
Kekoa (Skitty) [Persephone] (Neutral, kind of sus)
Kimiko (Snivy) [Seren] (Maybe town)
Mademoiselle (Yveltal) [Inkedust] (Maybe town)

Nanu (Alolan Meowth) [Blossomleaf] (Neutral)
Odette Cinq-Mars (Jellicent) [Sinderella] (Likely town)
Princess (Skiddo) [bruh moment] (Likely town)

Puck (Quagsure) [HelloYellow17] (Neutral)
sans (Slakoth) [Bluwiikoon] (Sus)
Shimmer (Kirlia) [Windskull] (Neutral)
Sidney (Cacturne) [Panoramic_Vacuum] (Neutral, kind of sus)
Tricky (Fennekin) [SparklingEspeon] (Neutral)
[[Very curious about your reasonings behind these some of these reads. Some make perfect sense (like less active players being on the null pile) but I think a few others require a bit of justification. Just some food for thought.

In one of Namo’s other games there was a player, Homestar! (Bless his soul) got super in to the RP and made a bogus claim IN RP that sent the game into a tailspin—also made a lot of other crazy claims and observations during the game. His character’s name was Mike, and posting galaxy brained plays that ACTUALLY aren’t galaxy brained came to be known as “Mikeposting” in that game.
He was the biggest Galaxy Brain of them all and may or may not have unintentionally won the game for Town with said posting o7.]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
I’m really sorry Q, I didn’t mean to strike a nerve or make you upset or anything. I was more or less just trying to draw parallels to previous games but truth be told I think the only gAme I played with you was Humble Vale so my frame of reference is very skewed, and I should note that. I’ll try to watch myself from here on out, and I do apologize again if I upset you.
[[ it's ok! i'm not, like, mad or upset, and it wasn't a You thing, it's just like. 😐 y'know. no hard feelings or anything, i just wanna focus on the game and i feel like my Joke Quotient is not the game, hah. -q ]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[xcuse me q u get 3 jokes per phase, thats the rules. smh. If u joke 4 times u get stringed ya know]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[Jackieposts of note: (this is me going through their entire post history in the thread and quoting/linking anything gameplay-relevant with some minimal commentary)

Initial notes; thinks Shini is more eager to be helpful compared to last game, townreads Chibi/Inke/me, expects five or six antitown players.

- not sus of torchic/winona for the cress namedrop because the TP description sounds arsonist-ish and if there's an arsonist maybe there's a firefighter and obviously that'd be a cress role, right? torchic's smart enough to make that assumption and novice enough to just blurt it out. but yeah they could be the cress i guess
- incidentally the dodran phantasms beta namo just got done running had a darkrai/cress thing going on!
- let princess eat grass
- bluwii/sans' role sounds fucking wild what the hell
- the mix-up about his possible vote for free/dave sounds legit to me tbh but that doesn't mean the power is protown
- fucking no daytalk comes up in the discussion. lemme just scrap my provisional notes about who seemed eager to back up who.
- chibi/ajia insists on not letting the scumteam know whose powers are good or not. of course people can just lie, but. that's protown ime
- bruh/princess is shitposting a lot. last time kyeugh did that she was scum. buuuuut it's day one-first no-daytalk role overdrive and this is a hydra account so does it even matter
- okay phew lemme see if i can roleplay in the 24m left ugh what a day
(Casts vague, reserved suspicion on bruh moment for shitposting, positive about Chibi, not suspicious of Torchic)

[[Have mono, am tired at 11pm, thinking over the available information until my brain hurts. Bed soon. Someone please take notes for me to wake up to?? Anyway, can we get Dread confirmed as a mechanic? Unclear if Shini is claiming to have Dread. And am I following this right - we think Chibi/Ajia might have got the power meant for Bench/A'zolt from Bluwii/sans?]]
(mono confusion)

[[Second-guessing my reads a lot on first read. Gonna try and get more sleep and see how posts feel on second read and with a more wakeful brain. Gonna say with my shitty mono-addled 7am brain that I don't think we have much reason to assume the diamond is a swapped bluwii thing at all, although the discussion that resulted was interesting. Aren't there like 80 powers in play this game? I can think of a bunch of reasons for the diamond. Meanwhile I'm not even a little surprised about the Dread result, but it's nice to be sure it works. It's a little intimidating, I know, but it's not that much of a danger if managed correctly, and could even be an asset, assuming Free is town. Which is my working assumption rn based on how up front she was, with moderate confidence. I don't want to let terrifying flavour and mandatory Bad Number Increase prevent helpful use of a tool that can support the town wincon, and while Pano/Sidney's alarm about eventual high dread counts seems like standard Pano caution, it'll be a while before Free is forced to disable people, and those people could be scum! I haven't run the numbers yet, but she's better at Numbers than I am anyway. Okay, I think that's my 7am mono brain dry now. Gonna try to sleep shortly. Wish me luck x]]
(Moderate confidence in me)

In response to Yellow's claim there's a swapper:
[[Hi, instead of sleeping I played L'Arceus. Oops.

Anyway, I'm interested in this potential lead. How sure are we that a scum swapper might exist? Town bus drivers aren't unheard of on TR but they're usually negative utility for town. They can, of course, be used to protect high profile players, but early game bus driver casts are... often unhelpful. I would hesitate to assume that a bus driver is scum, but it's traditionally a scum role (especially on TR) and I consider it far more likely than town bus. In any case, whatever the means by which Yellow/Puck are aware of a swapper, I think the odds are moderately in favour of that person being scum. Maybe two in three?]]
(Suggests Yellow's postulated swapper is likely scum based on meta)

Re Seren talking about patron name thing:
[[Not that it's a strong indicator of alignment or anything but this sort of speculation is typical for Seren's play, as I recall it.]]

In response to me talking about it not being worth speculating on:
[[Absolutely true. Also there are, again, 60 (now 57) powers in play. We could be totally right by sheer chance and it still would only be a fraction of the whole picture. Don't get hung up on a promising jigsaw piece when you haven't built the edges yet, might be a good analogy.]]

[[For what it's worth, the string thing sounds like a TP resembling either a cult leader or an oddly flavoured arsonist. Presumably a psychic type each way. And the diamond could be anything, but Namo's a conservation of detail guy. So I'm liking Necrozma or Dialga. But it doesn't help us understand the mechanic! I haven't the faintest idea what's happening to Chibi/Ajia and that's more important than the species on the power card causing it.]]

[[Still here, still reading. I don't really follow the logic that if me and Cheebs were swapped it makes me look bad? Can someone explain? Anyway I feel like shit today and I can't keep track of 20 people so I've been making icons for literally all our characters for a table of players. Done tonight, probs.]]
(more confusion)

Says they're pretty sure Chibi is town, in response to whether scum swapped scum and a townie; poses that either it was a townie swapping them or mafia just chose to swap two townies. Asks why Yellow assumes Jackie looks suspicious if they were swapped with Chibi, whether she just has such a strong townread on Chibi that they can't imagine it was the other way around. (Honestly kind of a good point? Is this Yellow TMI?) Prods at why nobody's voted sans yet, and carefully justifies sans vote based on Porygon in the previous mafia and wanting to avoid arguing against sacrificing slightly-sus players they can still imagine as town. (Defending Shini now was not very consistent with this principle, was it.) Says they could be persuaded to get on a different wagon but it looks like there's support for this one so let's see how it goes.

(All in all, Jackie seems eager to get a wagon going on Bluwii.)

[[Several points confusing the hell outta me now and I'm too tired and anxious and shit to sort through it. Did Chibi and I get swapped or not? I thought someone said Puck's diamond was aimed at me but turned up on Chibi and that's why we think it's a swap? But didn't Yellow say the diamond is nothing to do with Puck? What is going on??]]
(more confusion)

[[also i was going to watch who hopped on the Bluwii wagon once I started in, by providing bait, but now that i'm not sure i'll manage posting tomorrow and yellow has pointed out Dead Air Means Dead Town like i was gonna: i don't want to lynch bluwii, i don't trust him but i don't like the wagon authentically. i am feeling much better about yellow after her clarifying post and also catching the Dead Air, so i'll join her wagon, bc i like her reasoning.]]

vote: tetra
(Joining Tetra wagon on the basis of liking Yellow's reasoning, claiming actually they never wanted to lynch Bluwii at all and don't like the wagon (but still doesn't suspect Yellow for it))

[[It's 2am and I've read all this and it's giving me a migraine but. What is this nonsense about being a self targeting deflector who targeted Shini? Isn't that just a contradiction? Anyway, Shini is wrong, I didn't target them and I'm not a deflector. That line of enquiry is a waste of time.

I wanna clarify my previous post about switching vote: I was hoping to bait a real DADT and then realised I might hardly be around before EOD and Yellow already drew attention to it so nobody will fucking fall for it. That's not the same thing as "this is DADT". And I'm not joining Yellow bc Tetra is quiet, I'm joining bc Tetra is inconsistent with previous town play and I think playsktre chsnges are indicatice of an unfamiliar alignment! Csn we try to improve communication a littlw? Starting to fret that sone of this misinterpretation is deliberate time-wasting.]]
(Defense against Shini's suspicion, again defends Bluwii vote/retraction against bruh moment's suspicion of it.)

[[Caught up. Feel like shit. Hi.


1. There was no swap at all?? Good grief. I don't think Yellow was trying to lead us on a wild goose chase, I'm sure she's Diancie or some shit, but that certainly is frustrating.

2. Yes, something happened in the night, but both me and Chibi were targeted with powers, right? I've been under the impression all day two that I was hit with something meant for Chibi, and I've been making assumptions about what that means about Chibi's alignment, and now all that thinking is irrelevant because we weren't swapped after all. Goddamnit.

3. Shini's deflector idea is driving me nuts. I'm going to get out of bed specifically so I can use my laptop to try and argue through what I think they're saying and why I don't like it. It is 9:40am and I don't wanna be awake but I'm annoyed about what I consider flimsy reasoning and I wanna unpick it.

Also I wanna roleplay, damnit.]]
(Admits to being targeted in the night and having made assumptions about Chibi's alignment based on power they were targeted with (supposedly, Yellow's). Which is kind of funny; the only way I can see being targeted with a power being alignment-indicative is if you think it's a power scum would use, right? Since if town is using it they by definition don't know the alignment of their target so anyone might be targeted by it? But then...)

[[Also, if there was no swap, I think I know what Yellow is, and if I'm right, I'm pretty fucking sure she's town. Which reminds me, I gotta make a readlist. Shame I can only have ten icons per post...]]
(Insistence that Yellow's power seems town, despite the above, and despite that if Yellow is telling the truth about her power, it doesn't sound all that inevitably town to me at all? I'm not sure what this means. Maybe what Jackie was getting at about making assumptions about Chibi's alignment was just based on the idea they would be swapped, not on Chibi supposedly being the original target of this power?)

(Either way, suppose that Yellow is town. It seems pretty weird to me that Jackie, as mafia, would insist that Yellow's power of blocking and then duplicating a power is something that makes them pretty fucking sure she's town, because like... if I had a power that's not particularly towny, and someone who was hit by it started insisting they're sure I'm town because of it, I'd feel pretty weird about it? Trying to pocket a townie is one thing, but trying to pocket a townie on the basis that their power seems super town when it isn't...?)

(Meanwhile, supposing Yellow is scum, what's going on here is just Jackie backing up Yellow to give her towncred.)

[[Nice fucking post, Sind. Now I'm worried I've been townreading Yellow too hard, jesus fucking christ. And that's happened before. I'll think about these ideas some more later after I take apart this deflector thing. As I said last night in an illness-addled daze, though, I have a lot of irl shit on today, so... Fuck, I guess I'll do what I can. As y'all know, I'm constitutionally incapable of not going pretty hard on Mafia.

Also, I keep wanting to reply to a ton of things but there literally isn't enough time in my day and I keep wanting to go back to sleep BUT if Shini is telling the truth, doesn't that suggest the doc (and I'm assuming there must be one) should just keep targeting Shini to make them function as a second doc...? I am. So sick of being confused all the time. But that sounds pretty wild.]]
(Hastily walks back townread on Yellow despite it supposedly being mechanical? Sort of feels like they're reluctant to defend Yellow too hard despite supposedly having mechanical evidence making them pretty fucking sure she's town?)

Still suspicious of Tetra and Bluwii, irritated by confusion/no swap (if Jackie and Yellow are mafia partners, then Jackie knew all along there was no swap, but is doing a good job acting out the confusion anyway).

[[Fuck, are you right? I've been assuming the scumteam would have some means of performing multiple kills at least some nights, but if they can only kill one person per night, doesn't that imply we must have an SK, Arsonist, or other means in the setup of eliminating players? It'd be super fucking weird if this 20-person game had a death rate of ~one per phase. We do have one vigilante claim, from Shini, but that hardly covers it.]]

[[And yeah, something happened to me but I've been waiting until the discussion is actually clarified bc I was busy wasting my time and energy wondering what it meant that what I got hit with might have been meant for Chibi and whether it said anything about their alignment.]]
(Again making it sound like what they got hit with being meant for Chibi might have indicated Chibi's alignment.)

Picks apart Shini's reasoning (but calls him Torchic as the post goes on? Maybe that mistake suggests they're not partners? Or maybe they're galaxy braining and trying to make it sound like they can't even keep straight who they are (or maybe Torchic and Shini are both their partners)), says there are probably multiple swappers.

In response to Bluwii postulating multiple cults:
[[What the fuck? I have to go literally now and Bluwii posts that? Okay. Someone please. Please respond to that.]]
(Not taking any stance on multiple cults.)

[[Espy posted once, I think, to comment on how she's not been posting. This is... consistent with Espy's usual play, sadly. She signs up, doesn't have the time and energy to keep up, gets sussed for absenteeism, and flips town.

The one game she actually posted in much was Vanilla Mafia. She was scum. That's what having buddies does for you, I guess.

For this reason, while I technically have a null read because she hasn't posted, I consider her void of posts to be consistent with her town games and inconsistent with scumplay. Sadly.]]
(Opines that Espy's nonexistence is consistent with her townplay, and that her scumplay involved showing up at all. Espy did, eventually, show up, but long after this post, at which point presumably Jackie had no idea she would, whether town or scum. So I don't think this was an effort to mislead.)

[[Right, back to the irl stuff in a sec, but:

- we've seen Bench pull this kind of thing a couple times. Last time it paid off, I seem to recall. I don't love it, but I'm willing to let it play out.

- really good feelings about Inke. Top three townreads, I think.

- I... am willing to believe this is a cults game. Can someone check if alignment swaps were mentioned in Namo's OP? Still find Bluwii's play weird.

Back to the irl stuff.]]
(Tentatively okay with Bench's gambit, townreads Inke, considering multiple cults and still suspects Bluwii.)

[[Short break. Gonna use it for mafia.

So, I notice alignment changes are not off the table. Multifaction cult game? Sounds likely.

Meanwhile, odd/even night stuff is not in this game. So no ONSK, but that still leaves room for an SK that got unlucky and targeted Free. Just musing about why only one scum kill per night. That... surprised me. After getting used to scum having two shots in Humble Vale and the heal clash thing in a couple previous games, I'm just like. Where do the deaths come from then.]]
(I was momentarily confused by the "SK who targeted me" thing but that's because Shini said he healed me, so if a serial killer targeted me, I wouldn't have died.)

[[Oh, hang on. Delayed activation roles aren't in the list of nopes. That was a big feature of Second Anni. Could be the deaths will escalate?]]

[[Still busy, but I'm reading this thread whenever I hot the bathroom. Still liking Chibi. Was waffling on Yellow's vibes, but... I'm now more sure than I was what her power is and I struggle to imagine that a scum would cast it on me. So... provisional hard town. Need to read the summaries again. Last time I made a working theory that the four towniest people I liked were all safe, half of them were scum. Gotta check for coordination. And drop a readlist. With about an hour tops of actual availability before EOD. Fuck.]]
(I gueeess where Jackie was supposedly coming from on the mechanical Yellow read is that scum wouldn't choose to block and then double the action of someone whose power they have zero idea about? But they wouldn't have had any idea about anyone's power on N1 anyway, other than me, and there'd be little reason to use it on me, right?)

Speculates Bluwii is cult leader, reiterates Tetra is weird compared to previous play, but agrees with Chibi that eliminating someone whose power we haven't heard about is bad, calls Shini's Dread lie "deeply fucking alarming" but asks others how suspicious it is.

(Seemingly does not want to commit to suspecting Shini unless others agree, keeping suspicion of Tetra going but letting it go when Chibi advises against.)

Readlist; suspects bench, Bluwii, bruh moment, and Tetra. Yellow is under soft town here, despite the claim that the mechanical evidence made her hard town.

(Again, it feels like Jackie is reluctant to fully commit to having a mechanical townread on Yellow.)

[[Okay, I trust Inke, and I hadn't thought of getting info on Seren as well. Sounds good. Sorry, Bluwii.]]

vote: sand (bluwii)
(Jumps immediately on Inke's reasoning about counterparts making Bluwii a good vote. Definitely feels like not a move a mafia partner with Bluwii would ever make.)

After I question where that reasoning came from:
[[Actually can @Inkedust elaborate on her thoughts about the bluwii/Seren dichotomy? I've had a lot of trouble keeping up with reading everything and would appreciate it.]]

In response to me not liking that vote:
[[Would you prefer I keep my vote on Tetra with no response from her less than an hour before EOD when I only voted to pressure in the first place?]]
(Claiming to have only voted to pressure Tetra, after repeatedly talking about it being because of her uncharacteristic play. Not sure this means anything about Tetra.)

[[Feel really glum about deciding to trust Inke's choice bc I liked her townplay and she's usually really sharp and now her reasoning is bunk it turns out. I don't have TIME to read stuff thoroughly today. I am having supper NOW having been out all day dealing with complicated heavy stuff. I haven't even caught up on discord. I do not want to abstain and I don't have strong independent reasoning to vote for a specific person right now, this is literally the best I can do. Ugh. So, Free, who are you voting for and why?]]
(Asks for my vote/reasoning.)

[[I feel like voting Shini when they're not available to defend themself and the explanation might legit just be lack of paying attention is a... bit of a dick move?

On the other hand, I'm paranoid about doing what I did in Banquet again. I defended Shini as just a clumsy newbie and they flipped scum and it was terribly embarrassing.]]
(Defending Shini, while noting they might be repeating their mistake from Banquet.)

[[JOAT is usually town and it doesn't feel right to me for a scum JOAT to have the power set described by Shini. But it's entirely possible, IF he's lied about his powers and what he's done with them. But then why even claim JOAT and go on that whole weird tangent about me being a deflector? Doesn't feel like a scum plan to me.]]
(Defends Shini's claim as sounding like town JOAT, not scum JOAT, and that the whole deflector thing didn't seem like a scum plan. This is one bit of Jackie's Shini defense that doesn't quite feel to me like mafia just being hesitant to be too enthusiastic to vote out someone they know is a townie - it's a harder defense than that. Doesn't mean mafia!Jackie can't just simulate town!Jackie and make a point town!Jackie would make, of course, but.)

[[Well he might have considered you highly likely to be shot in the night, and his protection might not have gone through if... you were rolestopped. Right?]]
(More Shini defense.)

[[Yeah six hours is... yeah, I'll be asleep or good-as for that whole time. But it gives americans more time to pick a sensible target so consider me on board. Does the extension trigger at normal EOD?]]

Vote: Shini for extension purposes
(Vote explicitly only for extension.)

After I ask if they're suggesting they know something re rolestopping question:
[[I am not. I'm just looking for reasons for Shini to have 2 dread while not lying to us because I'd feel really guilty if we killed him for this and he flipped innocent.]]
(This feels pretty genuine but I don't think it couldn't be faked.)

Once extension is secured:
Vote: unvote

In response to more of my prodding about Shini:
[[I mean, mentioning both things in one post sure makes it seem like he fucked up somehow, whether by lying or getting badly mixed up. Neither is a great look.]]
(Sort of hesitantly getting a little more on board with my suspicion?)

Questions Starlight assuming it might be bad to vote for Bluwii, tells Shini it always looks dodgy when people lie but hindsight is 20/20.

(Doesn't really seem to want to reevaluate Shini based on how dodgy the lying looks. Valid on a strong townread, I guess, but the smallest side-eye nonetheless.)

[[I am so tired my eyes hurt. I need to sleep, I cannot decide who to vote for. If someone makes a convincing argument for/against Cult Leader Bluwii I'll at least be able to make a decision about whether he's a sensible vote. I don't like the Tetra wagon anymore, I legit believe she was swallowed by L'Arceus. And I never liked the Shini wagon. I'll keep checking in but I'm gonna go get ready for bed. I already posted like a million tmes more than I intended to today, and it made me very rude to my hosts who were trying to spend time with me. 🙃 ]]
(Doesn't like Tetra or Shini wagons, waits for others' cue on whether to go for Bluwii.)

[[It's definitely not exactly like his Poryfriend play, but it's sufficiently similar that I'm concerned.]]
(Keeping up suspicion of Bluwii.)

[[I'm pretty sure Chibi and Free are town and I admire their play a lot so it's unsettling that I realyl don't feel comfortable with the Shini vote. Reminds me of Banquet feels. Makes tme think I'm just getting it wrong. Ugh.

I have to 'vote my conscience,' though, as it were, and I like Bluwii's play less than Shini's despite the 2/3 dread messup and the deflector bad logic. I'll wait until I'm about to sleep, check in, see if anyone hass a really good tkae i trust before I pass out.]]
(This is their last actual game-relevant post, aside from one just asking if I got strung during the day (yes). Still leaning Bluwii but does not end up actually making the vote.)

All in all, my main takeaways:
- I think it's basically impossible Jackie and Bluwii were scum partners (though this of course does not mean Bluwii couldn't be another anti-town faction). First Jackie led trying to start a bandwagon on him when a lot of people were suspecting him, then hastily walked it back on others' cue, then kept on sort of trying to find permission to vote Bluwii again throughout the day but still didn't actually wind up voting him. That's not bussing behaviour, it's scum hoping to manage to get a train on a townie off the ground.
- Shini defense feels, to me, like it's just a bit more determined than your standard mafia "can we really be sure about this". It doesn't make it a sure thing or anything, Jackie can act, but I was kind of expecting after Inke's post that I'd likewise conclude Jackie's Shini defense was innocuous but after my own reading I've kind of gone the other way?
- Yellow interactions also feel suspect to me. Jackie maintained that the power Yellow targeted them with made them confident she was town, yet didn't actually act from there like they were really confident she was town on a mechanical basis. That's besides me not feeling like the power Yellow has claimed should actually prompt that kind of certainty she must be town in the first place. There was an instance where Yellow expressed suspicion of Jackie because of the swap thing, but nothing really came of it and all in all I think this could easily have been deliberate distancing.

I think I'mmm just going to go ahead and be spicy and vote: HelloYellow17]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
I honestly am torn on if Q is scum or not. Their play is a lot like last scum play, but not just in memeing (although I do think 'What I'm never allowed to meme again bc when I did I was scum' is ... odd?

But the reason I'm a little sus has more to do with weird vibes.... i can't pin it down. I don't want to say unhelpful, because thats not a fully accurate word.

Something. For now I remain uncvinced of their innocence? I'll try to nail something concrete
[[ Hello yes, I’m not sure if I’m prepared to be actively sus of q/bruh moment yet, but here’s why I’ve been side eying them:

They’ve been very active this game! But so far, it feels less like they’re actually scum hunting and mostly just…throwing mild sus in every direction. Like when something happens, they lean in to say, “hmm, why is that? Kind of odd.” But I don’t see them prodding the inactives or less actives, I don’t really see them getting behind any specific voting train, they’re just…floating around in this weird neutral space while casting vaguely doubtful vibes over every theory that’s brought up. I hope I’m explaining this well.

Anyways, this hasn’t sat right with me. I’m not sure if it’s just because I’m not super used to q’s playstyle? And the fact that it’s a hybrid account could be a factor in the weird vibes perhaps? I’m not sure. But it is enough for me to side-eye a bit, and also the vote on Jackie last night didn’t scream “town” to me, it was straight up weird and out of nowhere.

Felt less like a town move to me and a lot more like scum just trying to add confusion/possibly distract from Bluwii/possibly trying to build more town cred.

(Also idk what’s going on, XF keeps italicizing everything so if these last few paragraphs are italicized, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that lol.) ]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
there’s a small chance Dave could be the one casting dread

a) it is extremely annoying for me, someone who likes to joke around and have a good time, to have to suddenly treat making jokes like it's somehow game relevant just because some people collectively decided it is
Ajia blanched. "I wasn't suspicious because of the jokes. I was suspicious for other reasons, and then the jokes just... made me scared. Because I knew it was going to be that much harder to tell if you were lying.]]

[[The jokes aren't a scumtell, they're a "lol idk" tell. I gave my reasons--the sans train seemed prepared in advance, and set up in a way that was hoping for someone else to make the first move

Voting for Jackie is a thing I guess, but it was a last-minute vote with no reason given and no effort to convince anyone to get on board? Very safe. Also, voting for Jackie was basically choosing to let no-lynch win, which is extremely weird and not like q's usual townplay at all. Usually she's the first one to clang pots over a D1 skip being bad, let alone D2.

The main thing giving me pause is that I didn't sense that Jackie was working with Bluwii, which would mean that q isn't working with Bluwii, in which case, why wouldn't a mafia!q just let the sans vote go through. This is a big flaw, and the main reason I don't feel comfortable voting q anymore.]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[For what it's worth I'm pretty convinced bruh is town? The way she jumped on Jackie and Yellow's move off sans is not something I can really see as bussing. I think she just legit thought the wagons seemed town/town and voted her conscience i.e. someone else entirely, who had pinged her before. Every non-joke reads very sincere to me. I don't know, if she is scum she is very ballsy and successfully bamboozled me.]]
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