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[Town victory] Vanilla Mafia!


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Living the high life with this rp stuff. ^^

(dunno if these needs saying again but dont conflate Hana's insults with anything ooc)]]

Hana held back a snort. Yeah, he definitely seemed like the type to run his mouth all day. She glanced at the spectral clock that the black Charizard had summoned. "Not long now... One way or another, we'll know," she mused.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[So after hearing everyone’s explanations, I’ll be changing my vote. I confess I’m still struggling to follow the train of logic here (Homestar’s whole stunt has really thrown me for a loop I guess, and I struggle to follow everyone’s logic on a good day tbh), but I do think Free made lots of clear points.

I don’t think there’s any reason for mafia lovers to exist, especially in a vanilla game. I do think we should still consider the possibility of 6 mafia and not write that off—this is a very big game so having more mafia to speed things along would make sense to me.

I’ll post a read list later today. I’m not sure how much I’ll be posting today because if I’m being honest, this is starting to stress me out just as much, if not more, than the last game. Starting to wonder if I’m cut out for mafia at all 😅 I just never seem capable of making good calls.

Anyways, if Abra does flip mafia, then Steven is looking veeeeery sus.]]

Wes ran a hand through his hair. So many accusations, so many lies, so many theories…he couldn’t keep track of it all. This was above his pay grade.

He sighed and stepped over to Clovis before tossing the lighter to him. “Here, just keep the damn thing. I need a break. And…sorry for all this.” He stepped further back into the cave where he could mull things over to himself, but not before shooting a wary glance towards Kent who had isolated himself in a…cube sort of shelter. With another sigh, he headed to the back.

Unvote: Clovis
Vote: Kent


  1. nidoqueen
"I really don't know what I did to constitute such an attitude from you, child. But at the very least, I can say I didn't show up in cosplay."

Hana laughed. "Says the one literally fulfilling a stereotype, in your dime a dozen rich boy suit. What, did you spend all your money and forget to buy imagination?"

"Sunk it all into my figure skating medals, but let me know when you think of something better to make fun of me for."

Mike was, for the first time in memory, happy to be the chubby, no-name, minor-leagues fashion disaster that he was.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Wes ran a hand through his hair. So many accusations, so many lies, so many theories…he couldn’t keep track of it all. This was above his pay grade.

He sighed and stepped over to Clovis before tossing the lighter to him. “Here, just keep the damn thing. I need a break. And…sorry for all this.” He stepped further back into the cave where he could mull things over to himself, but not before shooting a wary glance towards Kent who had isolated himself in a…cube sort of shelter. With another sigh, he headed to the back.

Clovis sunk down, using the rock he was sitting on as a back rest. Out of instinct, he pulled out the pack of cigarettes, and pulled one of the sticks out with his teeth. He knew damn well he couldn't light it, because asking for a lighter with all the bad blood running about seemed like a horrible idea. It provided some relief to have it in his teeth, nonetheless.

"Je me demande comment tu t'en sortirais ici, Odette," he muttered to himself, letting his head fall back against the rock. He cringed at how uncomfortable it was, but it was the best he had for now.

He groaned to himself when he heard footsteps approaching him. He was only half-serious when he sent out the offer for more insults. Really, he just wanted to sit quietly with himself. His head hurt, and his frustration was slowly getting the better of him. He cracked his eyes open, and furrowed his brows at the sight of Wes. Lovely, the Flygon girl's cohort was here to--

He held his hands up out of reflex as the lighter was thrown his way, and he caught it with a flinch. It actually took him a moment to realize it was a lighter. He bit his tongue to keep from crying out in pure joy. Though, there wasn't much need, as Wes's distant apology followed. He was quiet as he watched the edgy lad shove himself into another corner of the cave. Nonetheless, he cracked a grin.

"Accepted." He flipped the lighter on and lit the stick.


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
Before going into the main Players of the Day: some extraneous reads:

Not a full list, but here are some guys I've so far. These are all guys I find more likely to be innocent than the other way around.

Firstly, having been scumbuddies with Windskull twice, I think that their playstyle leans more innocent. When scum, they go more flying-under-the-radar, while this time around they seem more opinionated to me.

I also think that Wes and uA are more likely innocent. uA because I like their logic. Wes's logic, I find kinda faulty, but not in a scummy way. They seem too aggressive and too faulty in a way; if they were scum, I think they would have been given guidance from their team and thus would be somewhat more reigned in.

(quick interlude, I realize I've been operating on a mafia/town dichotomy. umm, by more innocent rn at least I only mean not-screaum, idk about SK)

(fascinating misspelling of scum. head-hurty please give me leeway)

I think one of the most interesting things to analyze about the AbraPunk/Homestar debacle is that, assuming Homestar is telling the truth about the bulletproof gambit, the mafia probably would have assumed that he was legitimately the town rolecop and had a legitimate serial killer check on AbraPunk, unless AbraPunk was mafia. In either case, the mafia, in that situation, would have a vested interest in going for the Homestar train over the AbraPunk train, once there were doubts about Homestar to speak of, while up to that point probably acting in favor of eliminating AbraPunk (either because they assume she's legitimately the serial killer and want her gone, or because if AbraPunk gets lynched and turns out to be scum, which seems very likely when there's an apparent redcheck on her, you really don't want to have been defending her the whole time for nebulous reasons). (If Abra is the serial killer, they want them both gone, but if there's a legitimate claimed rolecop who just caught genuine scum, they will probably be targeted by doctors if they survive the day and require a juggernaut kill, whereas the mafia would merrily be able to nightkill presumed serial killer AbraPunk after eliminating Homestar.)

I was going to write more about this, but brain is not liking me whoops. Anyway, I like this logic.

The key players in this drama (Mike, Sind, Kent/Kurt):

Mike is a la sigh. Though actually...I'm kind of more inclined to believe less sus. Before, I wasn't very sure whether innocent or guilty. It was just that lying about Abra being SK would have been a baffling play for a Mafia to make, so I assumed he was telling the truth. With his confession...ahhhh. I think we've covered it wasn't a very good play, but now we're in the realm of, okay now why would the Mafia do this. That would be two baffling plays neither of which would have helped Mafia long-term. For now, inclined to beleave him.

For Kurt--Kent--Kert??--THAT LIL SNOT--just saying if they're innocent, I wouldn't blame them for lightly claiming Lovers if they're about to be mislynched. That play could have made the Mafia waste a shot or even Juggernaut on them, which I approve. So I don't find their softclaim very scummy even if false.

50/50 on my vote between Kent/Abra and Mike/Homestar, only because if we lynch Kent/Abra based on Mike/Homestar's claim, and the claim turns out to be false, then we just turn for Mike/Homestar, but in that case we're down an innocent. On the other hand, if the claim turns out to be true, we down the SK. I need some more defense from Kent/Abra because I haven't seen enough.]]
"I considered that vital information, yes, but nothing that needed to be shared yet. Even as Kent falsely claimed lover while we were debating whether to lynch him or Mike, my goal was for the mafia to hopefully off him while we took down Mike, eliminating both the imminent threats in the process, without me having to paint a target on my back so early on by revealing this information, and hopefully using it later."

Right now I'm leaning for a Clovis/Sinderella vote, because knowing that Kent wasn't a Lover makes how they leaned toward Mike making no sense. The argument for Mike being Mafia was he was a Mafia Role Cop who scoped Abra being a townie role (like Cop or Lover). Obviously, she could narrow Lover down. She could also believe that Abra was the SK but then...

What evidence would she have against Mike?

She says that she considered both a threat, I cannot see how Mike and Kent could both be Mafia. Abra could be a Serial Killer, but then if you believe that you do believe Mike is telling the truth, thus there's no evidence to be being a scum, thus why is he sus more than anyone else, especially enough to want to risk a potential Town Power Role? If you don't think Mike's guilty, why vote him over Abra? If you think Abra's innocent, why were you hoping the Mafia would do a nightkill? The only person Town would like to be nightkilled is the SK, which Abra would be no more likely to be than anyone else. This is like trying to choose the way to be most likely to get rid of an innocent.

Also, she initially claimed vanilla, but she also didn't know that vanillas are informed. Wait, something just occurred me. Honestly don't know if it's wise to bring this up, but screw it I feel like the Mafia would figure this out anyway during the night. A way Sinderella wouldn't know vanillas are informed and who are the Lovers are, are if she's one of the Lovers.

That... makes me more hesitant to vote. But I don't like their story so *nervous giggling*.

Some other points of discussion:

People have pointed out me being less active, which (besides head hurty) I think is due to 1) Batholomew being Bartholomew--it's perfectly possible for a character such as nem to still contribute, but I may be getting the balance wrong--and 2) I actually was kind of trying to be less active, so that the newbies could have a chance to be more active, at least in the first half of the days.

Anyway, I think this criticism is very fair, and I don't consider anyone sussing me sus themself for it. During the night phase, I'll think some on how I want to do my playstyle.

[[F-Four? This setup typically maxes at 2 kills per night, only hitting 3 when Lovers go down. Unless I've misunderstood something badly, we should never have 4 because the Juggernaut needs to use up the Mafia's factional kill to activate their power. The doctor should be almost certainly be protecting you (<- Doctor read this) and Lovers are an absolute waste of a Juggernaut so we should two tops tonight unless scum gets real lucky guessing your partner... which is becoming increasingly likely with the claims today...

Just saying, another possible way that we could have more deaths is if we're doing healer clash again. That is something to worry about. I kinda don't think there's actively going to be a scum healer if only because that was a thing in the last game (where Namo was Mafia with me), but that is still something to worry about.

Since we have some newbies around, we may want to offer advice in this case? I didn't actually do this last time obvi, but I said that a possible good strat was doing it semi-random. The Healer chooses players that might be hit, weights them for how likely, and then choose randomly among that weighted list. I think that's the best way we don't screw ourselves over trying to psych each other out.

For example, say we know a Lover, a Cop, and 3 guys we think are pretty good. Vanilla get one weight, roles 2. If my math is okay (not my strong point tbh) There's only a ~8% chance we overdose one of our roles. However, a 4/7 a power role the Mafia targets is protected. I think. Actually I'm questioning my calculations--uhhh blame my migraine and feel free to critique strategy.


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
Forgot to add the disclaimer that I didn't read the thread SUPER well due to migraine. So, keep that in mind.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Right now I'm leaning for a Clovis/Sinderella vote, because knowing that Kent wasn't a Lover makes how they leaned toward Mike making no sense.
[[Wasn't that post you quoted about the 50/50 before AbraPunk's lover softclaim, though?]]


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[A round up:
For the time being, I think I'm just gonna Unvote: Abrapunk.
He let the words hold, before holding his hands up again. "And before you threaten to send me to the guillotine for withholding that information until now, allow me to explain my reasoning, if I may." He crossed his arms. God, what he wouldn't give for a cigarette right now.

"I considered that vital information, yes, but nothing that needed to be shared yet. Even as Kent falsely claimed lover while we were debating whether to lynch him or Mike, my goal was for the mafia to hopefully off him while we took down Mike, eliminating both the imminent threats in the process, without me having to paint a target on my back so early on by revealing this information, and hopefully using it later."

He paused to think long and hard about his words. "However, though an idiot, I don’t think of Mike as a threat anymore.”

He eyed the rabid ‘mon. “But Kent definitely is.”

He decided to continue. “I realized that there was a small chance that the scum wouldn't take that bait of him crying lover, but us townies would be too scared to lynch him out of fear of the claim being true. And if the scum did rush to off him, a doctor—if we even have one among us—might possibly protect him, and allow him to keep doing whatever he’s trying to stay alive to do.”

He shrugged his shoulders. "That being said, I have no reason to hold that info anymore. Kent is lying to save his ass.”

"The more I think about it, the more that actually makes a lot of sense!"

Vote: Kent (Abrapunk)
"Yeah, I think the natural thing to do here is to get rid of you, pretty boy."

(Unvote: Homestar)
Vote: Clovis
my vote is going to Kent/Abrapunk.]]
Vote: AbraPunk
Pretty suspicious

Vote: Kent]]
Unvote: Clovis
Vote: Kent
Right now I'm leaning for a Clovis/Sinderella
Kent: 7?

Clovis: 3~ (me, abra, equi maybe)

forgive me if my math counts were off)]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Altair snorted at the ongoing chaos. "Alright, I think I've put together my thoughts on each of ya." He pointed towards several members of the gathered crowd—the green-haired girl; the purrloin with human features; the houndoom; the chimera; the human with vulpix features; the dark, metallic man; and Wes. "I've got a good feeling about you lot. Same with the fat man and the dandy—they're either innocent or fucking imbeciles." He walked past the cold vulpix and ninetales; the other dandy; the sylveon; and Reme to gesture to the two devices. "These two better start using their words to say something instead of the load of nothing we got from 'em so far," he growled. "And then there's you." Altair turned towards the bizarre creature. "You better fucking explain yourself if you want any chances to see another day."

  • Hana: Despite not agreeing on theories, it's obvious that she has Town's best interest at heart. She absolutely screams newbie trying to aggro.
  • Salem: Been nothing but pro-town all day and has been making a ton of great observations, especially in the wake of the Mike vs. Kent debacle.
  • Ebony: Play and general observations aligns with Chibi's play from prior games, even if it's put through Dog-O-Vision
  • Hazel: Pretty bold play with a ton of great posts
  • Jean: Good observations throughout
  • Anti-Bravoman: Made a few good observations/posts which gives me a towny feeling about him.
  • Wes: Weakest good feeling but current play gives me the impression he wants what's best for Town (aannnd I wrote this before he changed his vote, stronger feeling now).
  • Astrid
  • Steven
  • Sparkleglimmer
  • Reme
  • Pixie: Would've put under "no read" but Dragonfree brought up a good point about her voting behaviour.
  • Porygon(?)
  • Kent: Clovis' claim combined with the fact that Abra has not made a substantial argument defending herself does not give me great confidence in his innocence. Also I feel that Abra's readlist comes off as a bit odd! For example, why are you so sure that Steven is town when he hasn't offered much input aside from believing your innocence before Clovis claimed?
  • Mike
  • Clovis
Similar reasons, namely their claims/gambits make so sense for scum to make—especially at this point in the game. Inclined to believe Town at this stage in the game.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
as not made a substantial argument defending
[[ also this is what I've been trying to do for a while. It's just that I've said what I need to, and repeating myself would make me go in circle and look "sus" ]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Ebony thought, and she thought, and then...

ebony-happ.png"Oh! I get it now!"

She felt a little bit dumb that Hazel and Jean had figured it out first, but, um... she'd been distracted! Yeah, that was it.

"I'm definitely not voting for the fancy human! No way!!"


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"And then there's you." Altair turned towards the bizarre creature. "You better fucking explain yourself if you want any chances to see another day."

From the shadowy cube came a quiet reply that could barely be heard over the music: "I've already said everything. Now piss off, please."


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[ also this is what I've been trying to do for a while. It's just that I've said what I need to, and repeating myself would make me go in circle and look "sus" ]]

[[No, you have not. You haven't said anything beyond what only amounts to "yr wrong lmao", and I'm sorry but that does not amount to a good defence in the face of the accusations against you.
[[ lol are you going to believe what someone says with no evidence ]]

There are other reasons to believe Sind's claim here; such as how this whole thing is a bad play for scum, how she was skeptical that every vanilla player was informed (a fact that was corroborated by the GM), which she'd probably know from the outset if she was scum as mafia share what they know/what they can do, and your reaction to the whole thing. If you're going to try and demand I produce evidence for why I'm inclined to believe Sind, then please, do the same and provide evidence why Sind is lying and you're actually innocent.]]


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
"Oh! I get it now!"

She felt a little bit dumb that Hazel and Jean had figured it out first, but, um... she'd been distracted! Yeah, that was it.

"I'm definitely not voting for the fancy human! No way!!"

--wuh oh so apparently I'm not alone
--wuh oh lolol

unvote: Clovis/Sinderella


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
No, you have not. You haven't said anything beyond what only amounts to "yr wrong lmao", and I'm sorry but that does not amount to a good defence in the face of the accusations against you.

[[ ok but how am I supposed to share more without literally sending the role PM I got (illegal).

Like, do you know that Lovers is basically just Vanilla but your entire game experience depends on whether or not someone else dies?? How are you supposed to prove literally anything about that without outright saying what you are, WHICH I AM NOW, because apparently everyone just is out to get me lol ]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
but that does not amount to a good defence in the face of the accusa
[[ ALSO I could not have claimed to be straight up Vanilla because then I would have likely been asked what hint I got, to which I would be unable to answer. As I understand it, only pure Vanilla roles get some kind of hint; any other role does not. ]]
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