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[Town victory] Vanilla Mafia!


  1. nidoqueen
Wes stared at him in disbelief. “Are you—your head is on the line and the first thing you’re choosing to do is to pick fights? Maybe I should vote for you after all.”

He shot a glance at Porygon. “I’ll admit that I’m not sure about you, but I’m certainly not suspicious enough to vote for you. If you have anything to say or thoughts to share, I’ll hear you out.”

Mike blinked up at the protagonist. "Wh- What part about that," he pulsed his hands in the air, "read as 'picking a fight'?

"Though I get it," Mike admitted, "pointing fingers is definitely akin to picking a fight. But outside of voting me out, which I'm almost certain I can't do, I think that chasing a coincidence is the right call. Especially given what little else there is, and especially given that my vote may very well be the only one."


  1. nidoqueen
Reme snorted, but was quick to cover it up by clearing her throat. "Mike I should break your foot again for that joke. I should break my own for laughing at it..."

Mike turned his 'frame' into two finger guns, fired a few salvos at Reme, and made a show of holstering them.

He then remembered that a very similar scenario could theoretically happen tonight.

He then felt so embarrassed that he regretted ever being born.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
[[Looking back over chat as quickly but also as effectively as I can... it looks like Abra isn't the Serial Killer but potentionally one of the Lovers? I might have missed something explaining that, which is why I'm still skimming things over, but it also looks like Homestar was starting to get votes and idk how that started rollin'. I wasn't personally sus of Homestar or Mike, regardless of their voting based on RP reasons, so I don't exactly feel inclined to vote them either.

That being said, I can see that Blu has started to get votes on 'em and I'd at least like to try and figure that one out before considering voting them as well... which might take me a minute.

For the time being, I think I'm just gonna Unvote: Abrapunk. As a safety precaution, since I'm gonna be even busier tomorrow with work. Which I should prolly say in the discord. Which is also why I'm skimming as I also have to wake up hella early and go to bed hella early too.

Unfortunately, that means I'm not seeing everything, and by the time I'm off work tomorrow there's gonna be another 15 pages added so I hope nothing super massive goes down.]]


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
Mike snorted, holding out two hands. He framed the little machine with his forefingers and thumbs.

"Buddy, pal, my friend," Mike replied, "my little Commodore 64, you already exist within a frame."
pory-scrib.png . . .
You got me there! I probably would have chosen a more cute body for myself, if it was up to me.


But I'm STILL MAD at you!!!!!

I think that chasing a coincidence is the right call. Especially given what little else there is, and especially given that my vote may very well be the only one."
I'm so mad!!! This is so unfair!!!!!

I really think that you're setting me up!!!! I would NEVER hurt my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Jean hopelessly watched the accusations fly back and forth, increasingly confused. In the end she just leaned miserably against Hazel, covering her ears.
Ebony nuzzled her head against Jean's arm, hoping to reassure her. It would be okay. They'd definitely find a bad guy, she was sure of it.

She wasn't sure how, though. Maybe she could start by finding out who was... not a bad guy?

Okay! She could do that.

"Hazel, Salem, Wes, and Hana all seem like friends! I like them!" Ebony barked.

"Jean... might be a friend?" The voice coming from around Jean--Diyem had called it a guardian spirit?--was saying useful things and making a lot of sense... But she couldn't tell for sure. That scared her a little. She really wanted Jean to be a friend!

"Mike, Kent, Porygon, and Pixie..."--Ebony shuffled a paw on the cave floor--"I feel a bit nervous about them..."

"And... I don't think not voting is safe! Maybe if this was a game where all of us had powers... But it's not!"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
[[Oh wow literally on the next page I get my answer. Regular Cop being able to specifically sus out Serial Killer would be kinda sus, and claiming Bulletproof right after a gambit is also sus I guess? It looks like y'all already went over why him fakeclaiming bulletproof at this point would just dig his hole deeper, which is why I wouldn't have suspected him at all either.

I also... can't really think of any reason that'd be an honest slip up from a townie other than because of RP shtuff. Which is what happened. Ironic to me, since this would be the second time I saw someone's RP stuff be misinterpreted or expressed in a way that gets them voted out very quickly. Doubly ironic since Bulletproof was also involved in that. It's like I'm getting massive Deja Vu.


Looks like we don't know who to vote for, and I used up substantial amount of time skimming and reskimming. There might have been even more I missed but it really just looks like we don't have a solid person to vote for today. I don't have many thoughts on anything else since nothing really stuck out... mmmm... yeah no, nothing stuck out. God I have the faintest suspicion that I am missing something that I skimmed already and I both want to look back again and don't, uhggggggg...

The one thing I do wanna put out is that I'd push for not voting until we have someone we know we should vote out, at least more than just a feeling that we should, since this is just the first day and all we know for certain is that there is a Serial Killer, assuming I didn't look over more things, in which case, someone toss me. I know that a SK and Mafia being around means we'd be losing two townies when the night comes, but if we mislynch then we're down three, and if there really are a lovers and one of them is Kent or Abra, then that's another person down the drain. I feel like the safest option is just to no vote, and I've been in games were just suggesting that brings sus so if I'm sus now, so be it.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Ebony nuzzled her head against Jean's arm, hoping to reassure her. It would be okay. They'd definitely find a bad guy, she was sure of it.

She wasn't sure how, though. Maybe she could start by finding out who was... not a bad guy?

Okay! She could do that.

"Hazel, Salem, Wes, and Hana all seem like friends! I like them!" Ebony barked.

"Jean... might be a friend?" The voice coming from around Jean--Diyem had called it a guardian spirit?--was saying useful things and making a lot of sense... But she couldn't tell for sure. That scared her a little. She really wanted Jean to be a friend!

"Mike, Kent, Porygon, and Pixie..."--Ebony shuffled a paw on the cave floor--"I feel a bit nervous about them..."

"And... I don't think not voting is safe! Maybe if this was a game where all of us had powers... But it's not!"
Finally, someone with some sense. Wes nodded gratefully to the Houndoom—he had to admit, she reminded him a lot of Neo, and it was somehow comforting in a small way…

“I agree that I have a good feeling about Hazel, Salem and Hana. But I’m not sure about Mike. Or Porygon—” he avoided looking at their screen as he said so— “and I’m not sure about Pixie and Astrid, either. And that…yellow game system thing, too.”

[[Basically seconding what Chibi said, as well as Inkedust’s earlier observation. BARTHOLOMEW, Pixie, and Astrid have been very neutral and low-key…which isn’t a bad thing! But it’s hard to know how to read them and it makes me a wee bit sus. Also Kent and Porygon but I’ve said my feelings on them already.]]


  1. nidoqueen
Hazel squinted at Mike. "I do not understand the reasoning behind this path of pursuit..."

"It's not solid reasoning," Mike conceded, "but it's better than no reasoning, so I'm gonna lock it in. Lemme break it down again..."

[[Day 0 coincidentally saw two (of the three?) Porygons becoming best friends. This is all just RP, and means nothing. All of Day 0 means nothing, because nobody has roles.

Today, we have learned very little. I made a bad gambit, some roles were claimed. Two innocents were killed, Ferry and PNS-NT.

By total coincidence, Blu's Porygon was besties with the one who died.

What I think happened is this: Blu was assigned as either Mafia or SK, and decided to play some Nth-Dimensional chess with our heartstrings: Having already established an adorable relationship with PNS-NT, they opted to kill them/get them killed. In doing so, they generate emotional leverage against themselves being suspect.

Is this the same as true evidence? Absolutely not.

Do we really have any true evidence that would allow us to point the finger at anyone in particular? Not really, except for at me for making a piss-poor gambit.

Given this, and given that any votes at this early stage is a shot in the dark, but given that we really should try to vote someone bad out, I have decided that aiming a vote at Porygon is better than aiming a vote completely at random. I personally feel that they are making a galaxy-brain play. If I am wrong, I'm wrong, and that sucks. But it's either that, I pick a name out of a hat, or I jump on a bandwagon (should one form).]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
After what seemed like an eternity, Steven capped his pen, neatly folded his letter, and tucked both back into the confines of his jacket. He rose from his perch on a nearby boulder and winced. Sitting in the same spot for so long had caught up with him; his back was not happy. Regardless, he garnered more than a few stares as he approached the group.

"Ah, my apologies," he began with a sheepish smile. "I've been awfully distracted today, you know, with all this." He gestured with one hand at the surrounding cavern. "I guess I just can't help myself sometimes."

"Although," his expression swiftly turned serious, "I'd like to think I've taken in a fair share of today's activity. And because of that, I'm inclined to agree with several of our members: perhaps it is unwise to share too much with each other this early in the game. Information is our best weapon, and it can just as easily be turned against us in the blink of an eye."

Those who weren't staring at him earlier were certainly staring now. Steven set his jaw and continued. "I do realize this paints me in a rather suspicious light, and if it puts a target on my back, then so be it. That being said, allow me to at least put forth my intentions."

A sudden resolve swept across Steven's countenance, and he squared his shoulders to the group. "I will do everything in my power to keep as many of you alive as possible through the end of this... game." For a brief second, his glare flicked over toward where Diyem lounged.

He paused, adjusted the lapels of his jacket, and took a steadying breath. One hand lingered over the outside of his jacket pocket where the letter sat. "I believe I know a few things about the roles some of us may have. As for alignment, though, I can't quite say. To protect as many people as possible, I cannot say exactly how I've come to conclude these things. For all I know, I could be mistaken about a grave number of them. The only thing I do know is that by not divulging anything tonight, our enemy cannot glean anything from me either."

Another sheepish smile spread across Steven's face, and he ran a nervous hand through his unruly hair. "Ah, perhaps I've just talked myself in circles. It's all written down here in my notes, though if you do try to take the letter from me, it cannot be read by anyone else. The same magic protects anything written on the paper, no matter who the author was, at least as far as I can tell."

"Please know for now that while I have my suspicions, I have no plans to act on anything without further evidence. Before the day is over, though, I intend on casting a vote. For now, I'll simply say this..."

Steven turned to regard the small, devil-like creature that had calmed considerably since their initial meeting. "Kent, I believe your innocence."

"Now," Steven faked a cough and turned on his heel. "If you'll excuse me, I do believe I saw some quartz just over there."


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
What I think happened is this: Blu was assigned as either Mafia or SK, and decided to play some Nth-Dimensional chess with our heartstrings: Having already established an adorable relationship with PNS-NT, they opted to kill them/get them killed. In doing so, they generate emotional leverage against themselves being suspect.
could the same not be said of people whom were friends with the blue guy or am I missing something
Did... did anyone make friends with him?
He didn't die without any friends, right??? Right????

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
08_Grumpy.png "If I may be perfectly honest, if that is the extent of your reasoning, then I see no point in following it. Should I truly be forced to choose, your collection of dubious decisions is more suspect to me than someone merely having a friend. However, I do not wish to be so afraid of losing two people, that we pretend we have information that we don't, and lose three as a result of that denial. I still do not think that you, despite being my most suspect should I be forced to choose, are much more likely than a random selection to be bad."


  1. nidoqueen
After what seemed like an eternity, Steven capped his pen, neatly folded his letter, and tucked both back into the confines of his jacket. He rose from his perch on a nearby boulder and winced. Sitting in the same spot for so long had caught up with him; his back was not happy. Regardless, he garnered more than a few stares as he approached the group.

"Ah, my apologies," he began with a sheepish smile. "I've been awfully distracted today, you know, with all this." He gestured with one hand at the surrounding cavern. "I guess I just can't help myself sometimes."

"Although," his expression swiftly turned serious, "I'd like to think I've taken in a fair share of today's activity. And because of that, I'm inclined to agree with several of our members: perhaps it is unwise to share too much with each other this early in the game. Information is our best weapon, and it can just as easily be turned against us in the blink of an eye."

Those who weren't staring at him earlier were certainly staring now. Steven set his jaw and continued. "I do realize this paints me in a rather suspicious light, and if it puts a target on my back, then so be it. That being said, allow me to at least put forth my intentions."

A sudden resolve swept across Steven's countenance, and he squared his shoulders to the group. "I will do everything in my power to keep as many of you alive as possible through the end of this... game." For a brief second, his glare flicked over toward where Diyem lounged.

He paused, adjusted the lapels of his jacket, and took a steadying breath. One hand lingered over the outside of his jacket pocket where the letter sat. "I believe I know a few things about the roles some of us may have. As for alignment, though, I can't quite say. To protect as many people as possible, I cannot say exactly how I've come to conclude these things. For all I know, I could be mistaken about a grave number of them. The only thing I do know is that by not divulging anything tonight, our enemy cannot glean anything from me either."

Another sheepish smile spread across Steven's face, and he ran a nervous hand through his unruly hair. "Ah, perhaps I've just talked myself in circles. It's all written down here in my notes, though if you do try to take the letter from me, it cannot be read by anyone else. The same magic protects anything written on the paper, no matter who the author was, at least as far as I can tell."

"Please know for now that while I have my suspicions, I have no plans to act on anything without further evidence. Before the day is over, though, I intend on casting a vote. For now, I'll simply say this..."

Steven turned to regard the small, devil-like creature that had calmed considerably since their initial meeting. "Kent, I believe your innocence."

"Now," Steven faked a cough and turned on his heel. "If you'll excuse me, I do believe I saw some quartz just over there."

Steven Stone?

At this time of year?
At this time of day?
In this part of the nightmare?
Localized entirely within this game?

Mike's jaw dropped. The idea that a region champion was within the grasp of this nightmare boggled his mind. Not only that, but he wasn't speaking Japanese: that was fluent English. He had seen the man, just seen him, one other time. He competed in the upper division of a tournament he attended and spoke entirely through his Metagross.

It jarred his brain back towards the idea that his Chandelure was indeed running this game. And yet, the pain was too real. The passage of time, the way the others moved and thought and lived here.

But it was undeniably Steven Stone. Or, at the very least, a Steven Stone.


  1. nidoqueen
could the same not be said of people whom were friends with the blue guy or am I missing something
Did... did anyone make friends with him?
He didn't die without any friends, right??? Right????

"I don't think he made any here," Mike made a tight frown. "You should know I don't think ill of you. I'm a PC gamer myself, so mad respect. But if I have to vote --- and I do feel like I should --- then I'm chasing a faint idea as opposed to nothing at all."

View attachment 1366 "If I may be perfectly honest, if that is the extent of your reasoning, then I see no point in following it. Should I truly be forced to choose, your collection of dubious decisions is more suspect to me than someone merely having a friend. However, I do not wish to be so afraid of losing two people, that we pretend we have information that we don't, and lose three as a result of that denial. I still do not think that you, despite being my most suspect should I be forced to choose, are much more likely than a random selection to be bad."

"Hey," Mike threw his hands up, "I freely admit that it's very thin logic. But, again, what else are we doing here? I'd rather risk losing a third on the thin chance that I saw the Megamind play than sit and twiddle my thumbs."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Hana flashed Steven an amicable grin as well. He was smart. She could appreciate that thoroughly. "I agree with Ebony and Steve, and Wes. I trust them, at least. I don't think that porygon seems suspicious, yet. But I do wonder if we shouldn't think too hard, you know? Aren't a lot of us some kind of first timer, even those uh... voices? Maybe we can't expect so much?" She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Don't quote me on that though I suppose."

[[Just a thought, this is a vanilla mafia so I wonder if we should or shouldn't be expecting anything galaxy brained. If we're looking for the speck in the teapot we might miss the roach. If that makes sense. Basically if we're expecting really uh... hm.... smart strategies we can miss obvious tells? Don't know, this is pure speculation.

I also think I'll wait for morning and feeback from the ones I spotlighted earlier before making a new vote.]]


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
"I don't think he made any here,"
He... he didn't have any friends, and he died alone and scared...



[The friend is, simply put, inconsolable. They just can't imagine anything worse than dying without anybody to call a friend.]

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
I'd rather risk losing a third on the thin chance that I saw the Megamind play than sit and twiddle my thumbs.
"Betting someone's life on the off chance you spotted something brilliant in the way someone was behaving outside the context of the game?"

Hazel sighed and narrowed here eyes at the human. "Strange. Is anyone else getting the funniest feeling of deja vu right now? Almost like... we've been through another version of this plan once already today?"

[[Really wish we had a vigilante to test this one-shot bulletproof claim the hard way...]]

"D-Don't worry... He's in that void now, right? And he has your porygon friend there, too! They can keep each other company. I'm sure the two of them can become friends." And we all know the two of them won't be alone for much longer, one way or another. Not if this game is allowed to continue.


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
"D-Don't worry... He's in that void now, right? And he has your porygon friend there, too! They can keep each other company. I'm sure the two of them can become friends."
pory-sad3.png(SOB) (SOB) (BWUHHH)
I... I HOPE YOU'RE RIGHT... I don't want anyone to ever be alone and scared and, (sob) and have no friends forever!!!!
It's the WORST THING EVER!!!!!!!!! It's BAD!!!!!!!!! IT'S REALLY BAD!!!!!!!!!!


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Clovis stood up and stretched his arms high above his head. “Okay. I’ve thought long and hard about this. Listen up.”

He pointed to Kent. “I know who the lovers are, and Kent is not one of them."

He let the words hold, before holding his hands up again. "And before you threaten to send me to the guillotine for withholding that information until now, allow me to explain my reasoning, if I may." He crossed his arms. God, what he wouldn't give for a cigarette right now.

"I considered that vital information, yes, but nothing that needed to be shared yet. Even as Kent falsely claimed lover while we were debating whether to lynch him or Mike, my goal was for the mafia to hopefully off him while we took down Mike, eliminating both the imminent threats in the process, without me having to paint a target on my back so early on by revealing this information, and hopefully using it later."

He paused to think long and hard about his words. "However, though an idiot, I don’t think of Mike as a threat anymore.”

He eyed the rabid ‘mon. “But Kent definitely is.”

He decided to continue. “I realized that there was a small chance that the scum wouldn't take that bait of him crying lover, but us townies would be too scared to lynch him out of fear of the claim being true. And if the scum did rush to off him, a doctor—if we even have one among us—might possibly protect him, and allow him to keep doing whatever he’s trying to stay alive to do.”

He shrugged his shoulders. "That being said, I have no reason to hold that info anymore. Kent is lying to save his ass.”



Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
That being said, I have no reason to hold that info anymore. Kent is lying to save his ass.”

Kent just stared at the human for a long time. "Do you realize how stupid you sound right now? We just had this other guy," He motioned to Steven, "say that, among other things, he believes that I am innocent, which I am, and then you come in, and you're saying otherwise. That's pretty suspicious, if you ask me."
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