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[TOWN WINS] Third Anniversary Fanfic Mafia - Game Thread


House of Two Midnights
Day Two has now ended.

Please hold for final vote. It will take me a few minutes to be sure of it.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[ :) This sucks, hope town wins this one]]


House of Two Midnights
For a while, the discussion remains surprisingly calm. There's no more punching today, no more talk of electric torture. Instead there are messages, and lots of them. Messages and messengers--what do they mean? Who's been sending these, and with what intent?

It's not until the day begins to wane and the thread of nightfall looms that the group begins to grow desperate. They can't afford to let another day pass without striking back at the traitors in their midst. They have to pick someone, someone to cast out. But who?

There is one character who hasn't exactly made himself many friends among the group. Who's frightened people, even. When confronted, he claims he's been doing nothing more than reaching out to people, trying to get a sense of what's going on. They're honestly going to pick him over someone more important? An actual killer?

But time grows short and no better target seems to emerge. Dorien starts forward, a grim look on his face. Going for Archie again, or lashing out, perhaps, at one of the people who condemned him? It doesn't matter. The ground beneath him turns liquid, begins to drag him down. Despite his struggles, the vote has been cast: there can be no escape. Within seconds Dorien's been dragged down to whatever lies beneath the deceptively flat surface of the ground.

Just before the dark comes down again in its crashing way, a pulse of green ripples out across the featureless not-earth where Dorien disappeared.


Dorien laughed heartily. So hard, he held his hands over his gut to calm himself.

"Jokes. All of you. My voice is far more loud than I am, but I told you." A shake of his head as he came down from his fit and crossed his arms over his chest. "One less townie means one more closer to the other team winning." He scoffed. "Your loss."

He stepped toward his new prison, looking more smug than anything. Well, at least this meant he got to leave sooner, hopefully. Back home, to his lovely lady. Yeah, this was fine.

"Well, at least for now, I can watch you make some more mistakes and laugh about it without getting yelled at for it." He gave an overly exaggerated salute. "Best of fucking luck!"

He was gone after that.

Dorien Bonhomme (Sinderella) has been eliminated. He was Town.

Final vote:

Sinderella - 5 (Chibi Pika, Dragonfree, Panoramic_Vacuum, Virgil134, NeoLurosa)
Virgil134 - 2 (Inkedust, Sinderella)
AbraPunk - 1 (Starlight Aurate)
IFBench - 1 (Flyg0n)
Starlight Aurate - 1 (DawningWinds)

Not Voting: windskull, AbraPunk, IFBench

Night Two begins now and will continue until midnight UTC May 5th/8 PM EST May 4th.

Sinderella wrote Dorien's death flavor! Thanks for your help with this post.
Day Three Start


House of Two Midnights
Day Three

The nightmares had worsened. She woke up early that night, plagued by her visions, knowing her time had come.

As she awaited her doom, she paced restlessly. She didn't want to go. Not now. Not ever.

But by the time her attacker arrived, she was ready, already standing outside of her shelter and waiting for them.

"So you've come at last," she said, digging her claws into the ground. The pink energy of a psycho cut began to gather around her horn. "I know the outcome of this battle. Fighting is a foregone conclusion. But just so you know, I won't go down without a fight."

With no other warning, Muse lunged at her attacker.


The next morning, there can hardly be any question whether another player vanished overnight. The ring of blobby shelters the group has produced is nearly split in two by a new canyon, a huge rent in the ground that, though it's slowly filling in, remains deep and jagged, quite unlike anything the group has seen in their time here so far. It's a wonder the noise didn't wake anyone up--perhaps that's part of the magic of this place. In any case, someone must have met a violent end last night.

And who's missing this time? The absol. The quiet one, who always held herself aloof. Someone must have taken note of the absol's legendary powers, observed her prescient words. Like so many others of her kind, Muse found people growing suspicious of what she might know... and now no one else will ever hear her prophecies.

Muse (windskull) has been eliminated. She was Town.

Discussion is now open for Day Three and will continue until midnight UTC May 7th/8 PM EST May 6th.

windskull wrote the death flavor for this post! Many thanks for your help.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Okaaaaaay. That death was expected. Flavour also implies that this was a strongman kill, which puts me in an interesting dilemma here.

Anyway. First thing we're doing is looking that that Sind bandwagon yesterday because I'm like, 99% sure that there was a Mafia member on it.]]


Ace Trainer
  1. hawlucha
[[Okaaaaaay. That death was expected. Flavour also implies that this was a strongman kill, which puts me in an interesting dilemma here.
[[The flavour was written by windskull, who wouldn't have known what type of kill? I assume its just flavour.]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
The ring of blobby shelters the group has produced is nearly split in two by a new canyon, a huge rent in the ground that, though it's slowly filling in, remains deep and jagged, quite unlike anything the group has seen in their time here so far. It's a wonder the noise didn't wake anyone up--perhaps that's part of the magic of this place. In any case, someone must have met a violent end last night.
This part was written by Negrek. Not Wind.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
The flavour was written by windskull, who wouldn't have known what type of kill? I assume its just flavour.]]
[[ the first half (muse) was written by windskull, the rest was negrek ]]

[[ anyways, I have theories on who's mafia, but I need to look through some posts first ]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
[[ sniped lol ]]


Ace Trainer
  1. hawlucha
This part was written by Negrek. Not Wind.
[[Gotcha, so I guess it might imply strongman after all.]]

[[I did a little looking at Sind's wagon and I've kinda reversed some of my stances based on it. Off the top of my head;
NeoLurosa's vote feels unlikely to come from actual scum. Sind was basically dead regardless by the point of their vote and they could've taken the cred from sorta defending the townie if they were scum. It's completely unnecessary for scum to tie themselves to the wagon to like that.

I'm not remembering how Chibi's vote was, but they had the most motivation to want Sind dead if they were scum. Chibi was wildly soft town as of yesterday, but Sind was actively calling people out on this on more than one occasion, siting that she didn't see any reason to. There were also a few other things from Chibi I don't like unrelated to the wagon. The thing that stood out to me the most of these was the icing on the cake, so to speak, of their townread on Starlight- they sited the fact that they usually have opposite reads as me. Which is a method for reading me, so matching reads should have had them reconsidering on me, not on Star to maintain the status quo.

I want to delve into Grand Opening before going to deep into Virgil because I vaguely recall them being kinda similar to this based on my read of that game and I think they were town there. Might be misremebering.

Didn't get around to Pano or Free unfortunately. Will later. Currently looking at Chibi as the scummiest of the Sind wagon though.]]


Ace Trainer
  1. hawlucha
[[With the strongman shot presumably wasted, I am in a mind to claim. What I will say, however, is that it won't provide much light on what happened overnight for a couple reasons I won't specify just yet. Just know that I am very :copyka: about it.]]
[[I currently do not see a point in you claiming at the moment unless you believe it will provide useful information.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Steven scowled at the ragged crack in the nothingness. There was nothing inside except more nothingness. Not that he was expecting to see actual rock and earth down there. Still, it was unsettling, and slightly terrifying. Steven stepped a bit closer to the edge and peered down. Okay, more than slightly terrifying. The crack had swallowed the Absol whole. And whoever had made that crack...

He shook his head. It was never any easier, no matter how many times he'd witnessed this.

"I guess it was to be expected," he said quietly. He'd learned well enough that in these games, it wasn't possible to save everyone. "She was one of our most trusted members."

The air was subdued, save for the Luxray, who bristled with energy. Steven spared him a glance before moving his way over to the Floatzel's side. He twisted one ring around his finger, then another.

"So," he began, "were you as wrong with your guess about the other mailman's identity as I was?"


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Fair enough. I will be taking a look back on the train but my reads on everyone on the train, except NeoLurosa is wavering a bit. I've already made my stance clear with Virgil, but I'm particularly not impressed with Chibi. Pano I'm feeling a bit ehhhhhhhhh on, but not ringing as many bells as Chibi or Virgil. I will need to give a closer look at Free, but her reasoning for her vote seems more towny than the others.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[With the strongman shot presumably wasted, I am in a mind to claim. What I will say, however, is that it won't provide much light on what happened overnight for a couple reasons I won't specify just yet. Just know that I am very :copyka: about it.]]
[[If it's not going to help immediately, not sure why you'd want to claim right now? Seems like unnecessary risk? Even with the strongman shot, if we're assuming 3-4 scum team, that's still a lot of powers on the table. Still slightly concerned there's only been one kill a night. <Flashbacks to Namo's role madness intensify>]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
"You guys can think what you want about me getting rid of Dorien. I know it was my fault and I ain't about to apologize for it."

"I got a buncha mail last night, an' it was all addressed to me. So I know it didn't get swapped around. One was from Archie, obviously. The other one... they told me a thing that they did yesterday which kinda narrows down who they are. At least a little bit."

[[Jet won't elaborate on Dorien, but I will:
"Alright fiiiiiine, if you really wanna know, someone said a thing that made me think they were a mail guy. So I said that thing I said to see if I could find out for real. But after all the stuff everyone said today, I'm pretty sure that person's NOT a mail guy now. But I'm still not sayin' who!"
[[The person I originally suspected of being a mailman was in fact Dorien. I hinted at this to see how she'd react and the bizarre overreaction didn't remotely feel like how a glorified Vanilla role would react. I guess everyone who rolled mailman was dead convinced that mailman was the best role ever or something.

[[There's another reason why her reaction convinced me that she had to be mafia, but there's no way to say it without claiming. So let's see who pressures me to do that today, shall we.]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[Endlessly frustrated because I have been rereading everything and I don't feel like I am getting any suss-y vibes from anyone, which is pretty rare for me.

The only thing I have is Bench but I still don't feel ready to vote for them.

And I just don't even see any threads to pull on. Very frusterated

@IFBench Can you elaborate on why you chose to sort of out of blue mention an aspect of your power?]]
[[I had to contribute something, and my power was the only thing I had.]]
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