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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Idk about you all though, I still say we vote inke, the only confirmed TP, and maybe Ask Starlight to check chibi?
[[Ask starlight to check chibi/sind/Fuse, that is

Anyways sorry for multiposting, thats the last for now I swear]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
And... you were somehow told you were "cured" of being miller?]]
[[Okay I actually had this question too--I don't quite follow how they were cured of their role. Clearly it had nothing to do with Sans recruiting them because it happened after the fact. Is there like, a detail they might have conveniently left out lol? Maybe their "Miller" role functioned like overall dread and was something that could be cured??????

I received the answer unknown.

My guess? Blossom probably fired in the dark and hit nothing :V
Also, that is a fucking RIP.

But yeah, am totally okay with being up for a good copping tonight. And given that answer, I feel even more leaned toward possibly voting for Inke today, as I'm kinda feeling it's the safest bet at this moment.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Theoretically, we stand to lose nothing by voting Inke, and only stand to gain potentially offing a hostile TP.

I really want Chibi investigated (while I am more than comfortable being investigated, i am also extremely town and more nervous about Chibi.) They have been coasting on towncred vibes this whole game and I'm a little worried why scum wouldn't kill one of the most experienced and active scum hunters. :/
And once again, dead talk reaally doesn't make sense for scum or TP. I'm town. And my power is helpful to town now that we can correlate with the cop.

But I also don't trust Kora at all. But i can't picture inactive Espy/Fuse also being the stringer? And they're confirmed to not be a beast. :// that part is weird. Unless they're scum.

Sind is a precaution but we might be better double-checking Chibi cause then we can confirm they are good, and not have to run in circles worrying if they're stealth scum, ya know? Then we can also feel better getting their help on stuff!]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[I'm still on break, but I thought I might try to clear up a few things here. I'm tired and stressed but it's worth an explanation.

I'm just going to come out and say it: voting for me is a lose-con. Either to the stringer or to the beast. Yes, yes, me being TP is alarming and all, but, Sind we are not "hunting TPs", we're hunting anti-town. I have done my best efforts to try and help town win. All my posts have been pro-towm in one way or another and it feels fucking awful to be made your scapegoat because I got unlucky in the role-madness lottery.

At this point, with the way things are going, I believe that Chibi is the beast. Think about it, they're the only remaining unknown here and when I was forced to claim, they immediately began to tunnel. If you're still unsure, fine, but deal with me later, when Town's not at a loss' doorstep. I am telling the truth here, but so was Shini and look where that got him.

I don't care at this point, you're probably not going to hear me out anyway, so do what you will. Those are just my two cents.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[I'm still on break, but I thought I might try to clear up a few things here. I'm tired and stressed but it's worth an explanation.

I'm just going to come out and say it: voting for me is a lose-con. Either to the stringer or to the beast. Yes, yes, me being TP is alarming and all, but, Sind we are not "hunting TPs", we're hunting anti-town. I have done my best efforts to try and help town win. All my posts have been pro-towm in one way or another and it feels fucking awful to be made your scapegoat because I got unlucky in the role-madness lottery.

At this point, with the way things are going, I believe that Chibi is the beast. Think about it, they're the only remaining unknown here and when I was forced to claim, they immediately began to tunnel. If you're still unsure, fine, but deal with me later, when Town's not at a loss' doorstep. I am telling the truth here, but so was Shini and look where that got him.

I don't care at this point, you're probably not going to hear me out anyway, so do what you will. Those are just my two cents.]]
[[I don't understand.

We know the game cannot end early by voting someone out. Why would voting for you be a lose-con?]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Stringer gets majority and wins, or, Beast kills everyone at night. Which do you prefer?]]
[[But we don't know how they operate. That's an assumption. I don't know how or why you feel certain you know this?

I'm not saying it's not true but we don't know it is either. Heck, AFAWK, only one other person is stringed right now, and all the others are dead.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[ok so we don't know. I mean you could just as well be a beast/stringer trying to live another night to win :V.
Idk i find it very hard to believe that a role would be allowed to kill multiple players, multiple nights in a row tbh.

Then again Namo basically said things would be unbalanced.... Even so.

Anyways I have an idea. We vote Inke, who is 100% TP. Maybe Stringer or beast. Maybe Chibi is the beast. And they want the stringer dead. Maybe innocent (doubtful).


@ Starlight: If you are okay with it, I vote you check Chibi tonight. The Bus Driver is hoopppefully gone, so no swapping, and the blocker (Abra) is gone too. Sind is one option, but I think scrubbing the area of a stealth scum is the best bet. Chibi is a great scumhunter, generally, and being able to 100% trust their judgement would be good.
We know for sure Kora isn't a beast. Maybe they're Stringer (that seems unlikely, what with espy originally being ultra inactive), so there's a good chance they might be scum. But with their inactivity and lack of presence for the game, its very null. You could check them too though, but I feel like doing something about them is easier to decide on than not clearing chibi.

If you die, I can ask you after you die if whoever you agree to check is scum.

And if you live another day after checking chibi, (I'll probably die) they're 100% cleared and can help you scumhunt and the remaining town can trust them fully, no fear.

Then, ask Bench to track someone - say, Kora. If Bench dies, I can ask them about what they did in the night maybe. Like "Did Kora go anywhere in the night" or whatnot. Or even Seren, but we feel fairly assured of their innocence.

And if by some miracle we both live, then we repeat the process. I feel like this plan is the best shot.

And if voting off a supposedly innocent TP somehow ends the game, its borked anyways!]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
ok so we don't know. I mean you could just as well be a beast/stringer trying to live another night to win :V.
Idk i find it very hard to believe that a role would be allowed to kill multiple players, multiple nights in a row tbh.

Then again Namo basically said things would be unbalanced.... Even so.
[[Blossom straight up confirmed that the beast's number of kills was proportional to the number of nights, the caveat being that it doesn't activate until D4. Anyway I'm dying anyways, so enjoy your loss. Fuck me for being the one surviving non-hostile TP, I guess.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Blossom straight up confirmed that the beast's number of kills was proportional to the number of nights, the caveat being that it doesn't activate until D4. Anyway I'm dying anyways, so enjoy your loss. Fuck me for being the one surviving non-hostile TP, I guess.]]
[[Was this confirmed? I recall it heavily speculated but I don't recall it mechanically confirmed.]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Heck, AFAWK, only one other person is stringed right now, and all the others are dead.]]
Only 3 of the 7 people stringed yesterDay died in the night, and we votekilled one of them.

1) Dragonfree / Dave
2) Abra / Aster
3) Shinigojira / Fray ---> Votekilled
4) Starlight / Courtney
5) Pano / Sidney
6) Bench / Arc
7) Torchic / Winona
Add Seren today.

This is provided none of the people left have lied about being stringed, of course, so I suppose you're right in a sense lololololol.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[Was this confirmed? I recall it heavily speculated but I don't recall it mechanically confirmed.]]
[[I think you're confusing that with the Strings thing, because there was speculation that the number of players the stringer could string went in line with what day number it was. I don't actually remember for sure if Blossom confirmed the Beast kills or not, though.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Only 3 of the 7 people stringed yesterDay died in the night, and we votekilled one of them.

Add Seren today.

This is provided none of the people left have lied about being stringed, of course, so I suppose you're right in a sense lololololol.
[[Ooof, right right...

I mean on one hand its not impossible that stringer wins by have a majority but.... The strings also haven't tightened, and stringing seems to be about taking control... But I am still not convinced that Survivor is necessarily innocent.

Could be helpful to ask bench or free about tightening strings? Maybe stringer can only kill a certain number? Who knows.

I still think the plan above offers the highest success rate, but I welcome a better one, if someone has it.

I really want to trust chibi if they're innocent. Knowing we can would be a big help.

its the best thing I can think of right now.

[[I think you're confusing that with the Strings thing, because there was speculation that the number of players the stringer could string went in line with what day number it was. I don't actually remember for sure if Blossom confirmed the Beast kills or not, though.]]
And yeah, exactly. I don't think anything was explicitly confirmed. We don't really know anything.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[It won't matter at all, but I'm done playing for the time being. I'm not having fun anymore. I won't be checking this thread anymore either so I may as well post my vote now. As the only last remaining question mark in this game, Chibi is mechanically confirmed to be either the Stringer or Beast, so they're my safest vote and probably yours as well but whatever, you're not going to listen to a "confirmed TP" are you? This was exactly why I didn't claim until now.

GG, I guess.

Vote: Ajia (Chibi Pika)]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[It doesn't matter if you claimed, Starlight saw it anyway though?

Or suggest another plan to figure this out. I mean this is a game of social deception, you can hardly expect to be believed at face value?

oh whatever.

Anyways I hope someone else has a suggestion for a plan. I'm racking my brain trying to think of the best way to play the cards, so to speak.]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[HAHAHA that's amazing! So wait, are you no longer a miller? Would you have showed up as Town no matter what kind of inspection I did on you?

Sorry about that guys, told you I'm not great at this game ^_^;]]
[[I would, but you didn't know that! It was honestly pretty wise of you to use the one-shot on me because until tonight I legitimately was a third-party that'd been hardtowned by everyone, and since I was a claimed miller I was immune to being busted by regular inspections. It was pure coincidence that as it happened, on the night you inspected me, I was reverted back to legitimate town without the miller effect.]]

[[Hey y'all, would just like to inform everyone that apparently I just got, uh, stringed. Doesn't say anything about it being dangerous yet, so I guess that confirms that the stringer killed a bunch of people last night, not the beast. Unless we're assuming that this stringer and the beast are the same person?

If I recall, Blossom only said the beast is active on N4. Perhaps that means that's the first night they could actively kill players, while they've been stringing people all along before that? ]]
[[I think the strongest evidence for the Beast and the stringer not being the same is that if the Beast was the stringer, presumably they would've used their apparent several nightkills to kill people who hadn't been strung, right? Unless there was like, some kind of stipulation where the combined Beast/stringer could only kill people they'd already strung, but then that seems very odd and it's counterproductive to their wincon to kill anyone at all.

I'm guessing it not being dangerous just means that at the moment the stringees aren't at parity with the non-stringees?]]

"If we assume the previous total of seven hostiles is true, then we have... Sans, Sidney, and a beast... that would be three TPs in addition to, what, originally four mafia, three without Laura? (Mademoiselle doesn't count if she's not considered hostile to us, right?) And you have four suspects. So wouldn't it make sense that, logically, three of those are mafia and one of them is the last hostile TP? It's really just a matter of narrowing down who is what so we know who to target first. So I guess I'll try going over those."
[[It seems at this point fairly reasonable to assume Sidney was not hostile and probably didn't count?]]

"Then it gets muddy. We have Odette... who's been helpful in making compilation lists, but those lists lacked the same... opinions that accompanied them in a previous game. So it doesn't rule her out as either mafia or TP, because the whole point as a mafia is to make yourself appear town, so this is an easy way to do it without really giving anything away yourself. Then there's her willingness to be checked by the cop... I mean, is there a way she could be mafia yet appear town without a bus driver? Is there a sort of reverse-miller effect we aren't considering? Odette's been coming through enough information to be a decent TP, I guess."
[[Godfather is indeed a thing, and I would not be surprised if this game had one, given it had a miller.]]

"If sans actually recruited people, why were you told about Winona/Torchic but not Arctozolt/Bench? I marked Arctozolt/Bench after he was voted by sans, so presumably he never got the void shadow that night, but you were already recruited by that point, so why wouldn't you have known about Arctozolt/Bench too? You still knew about Nanu/Blossom and Mademoiselle/Inke after they were converted. Where does Winona/Torchic fit into this? When did sans recruit her? Also why would swapping factions remove being a miller? That's like, an add-on to an ability. What exactly did Cresselia do? Removed sans' cult recruitment? Why would that change the abilities that you had/have?"

[[This again may be my inexperience with how this silly game actually works... but it feels weird for someone else's ability to completely remove someone else's ability. Taking away sans' cult marks? Weird, given that's my power, but normal - that's an activated effect nullifying another activated effect. Taking away both Dave's miller modifier as well as the dread-creating effect? Did it just cleanse everything negative on you? But then, the way you word this it sounds less like it wasn't actually the effect that removed the void shadow, but rather... just being re-factioned? I am confuse. ]]
[[I'm also confused by this. You asked if Sind got her dread because you targeted her last night. Yet you also claimed that when you got targeted you also gave dread to the person targeting you? Why didn't I get any? What is even going on here? ]]
"No, no, it's not just you. I targeted the Mightyena last night as well and didn't receive any dread either. Either something is up--who would've guessed--or maybe that one--"she pointed at DarkWhite playing in the air--"has been messing up not only our lives, but her game, too."
[[I have been racking my brain over how many hostiles are left. It's too many. Kekoa, Kora, and Mademoiselle are definitely hostile. Odette and Cosmo, though... I refuse to believe that both of them are. One or the other maybe, but definitely not both. Then I was puzzling over why Dave got affected by the Void Shadows asymmetrically to the other three cultees, and I realized that Namo is playing out the plot of PSMD with the Dark Matter role. Dave was the second-in-command to Dark Matter (major PSMD spoilers in that link) and I can easily see that counting as hostile. Then he got purified.]]
[[Heyo Free, can you provide some insight?

The implication is you were recruited D1? Or N1?

And what does 'keeping them alive' entail? Not nightkilled, or not voted off?

Does this mean Bluwii was Dark Matter? And they're able to create Void Shadows?

And... you were somehow told you were "cured" of being miller?]]
[[Right, apologies for the confusion.

The timeline of events is: I was targeted by sans's Shadow Hold on N1 (presumably, his one-shot). I was told that sans was Dark Matter, and my alignment had changed, but nothing else about my card had. (So presumably, I would still have shown up as Mafia to cops.) I was told sans is turning people into Void Shadows, but the other Void Shadows don't know who they are. I would win with Dark Matter if/when we (Dark Matter and the Void Shadows) constituted a majority of the living players. (So in theory, I should have been trying to make sure town didn't just win the game before the Void Shadows could become a majority. In practice, I'm incapable of deliberately arguing for something I don't believe on some level and would not have known where to even begin trying to deliberately mislead town, so like I said, it was more of an awkward "cross fingers and hope" thing. Pretty much all opinions I expressed while third party were genuine, other than that as town I would have been more willing to vote for sans D2.)

I was not told the identities of the Void Shadows on N1. I was told that I had to protect Dark Matter and myself, and if Dark Matter were to fall, I would be told who the remaining Void Shadows were and try to preserve them until majority. I did assume that sans's votes were presumably actually recruitment, so during D2/D3 I assumed Bench and then Blossom were Void Shadows. I had no idea whether sans was telling the truth about also having recruited other people or not. I didn't know if sans was even telling the truth about the Void Shadows dying if he was voted out (though I did ask Namo if that was something I'd get to know, and he didn't explicitly confirm but hinted he wasn't).

Once sans was eliminated at the end of D3, I was told the current Void Shadows were me, Torchic, Blossom and Inke. This was the first time I learned that Seren had actually cured Bench. I also had been hoping Bluwii had managed to recruit more people than that. (Message I sent to Namo: "Oh, curing them after the fact is a thing, fun. Playing with a pretty stacked deck here, huh. 🙃 Bluwii why I just wanted to play as a goddamn town miller")

(My reads of Torchic/Blossom/Inke were all genuine, incidentally; I was not told anything about what their actual alignment was, but legitimately believed they were probably town, which was a relief and made it a lot easier and more comfortable to have to defend them)

Last night, I was then told that I was visited by Cresselia, and that this had changed my card. I'm not sure if that's some kind of specific Darkrai/Cresselia interaction (if so, I was not told anything beforehand about any such interaction existing), or if Torchic just didn't reveal the full details of what Cresselia's heal action does. Specifically, I was told that
- any anti-town passives have been disabled, and in particular that this would mean I would now be correctly read by alignment checks (maybe that also means I no longer passively give out dread?)
- and also, since being a Void Shadow is anti-town, and Cresselia's cure is "absolute", I have become town, and the Void Shadow plague has been dispelled

Since my action is not a passive, it makes sense that it still gives out dread regardless. It's still possible something else caused it; if other people target me tonight we can see if they get dread, but we can probably be cautiously optimistic that it's gone? I'd be curious to vote someone and see if they still get it, for science, but that'd require me to vote for someone who's going to live, which, uh, I'm not sure if we can afford that?]]

I never cleared Chibi and really have no idea what Ajia's role is. With Ajia's hard Town play and Free's solid trust in her, I'm at least much less inclined to vote Ajia out.
[[Where are you getting my solid trust in her? I'm kind of cautious of Chibi, especially at this stage of the process of elimination; they haven't been mafia before but I'm sure they'd be good at acting convincingly town. We have no real evidence on them, other than that I do believe they have the passive ability they say they do, but that one's not really necessarily town.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Once sans was eliminated at the end of D3, I was told the current Void Shadows were me, Torchic, Blossom and Inke. This was the first time I learned that Seren had actually cured Bench. I also had been hoping Bluwii had managed to recruit more people than that. (Message I sent to Namo: "Oh, curing them after the fact is a thing, fun. Playing with a pretty stacked deck here, huh. 🙃 Bluwii why I just wanted to play as a goddamn town miller")
[[Thank you for all that, that helps a lot! Last question I think:

Does this mean Inke is still a Void Shadow? Would they even know?]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[Well, I was told the Void Shadow "plague had been dispelled", but I'm not sure it matters either way. I was explicitly told that the other Void Shadows would not know that they were Void Shadows, so Inke never knew anything and still wouldn't know anything.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Oh boy. Maybe clearing the leader dispells it though?

Ugh i guess It wouldn't matter, Inke wouldn't know anyways... That's a wrap on that, since we can never know... and Cresslia is dead too.

Do you have any thoughts on the plan in regards for today?]]
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