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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
“Alright, so we have seven bastards to hunt. The weird gamer sloth is dead. Catgirl,” Kekoa swished his tail in annoyance at how close to accurate that term was for him. Meowth is even more masculine than skitty. “Catgirl shot herself Wil E. Coyote style. Five left. A beast and a stringer, assuming someone isn’t lying. I don’t think they are. Probably three mafia remaining.”

“So, who could be the stringer? I imagine they’d be incentivized to lie low for a few days. Then they just win before the town gets around to killing rando inactives. Or maybe they’d be as helpful as possible. As for me, I do have one bit of information to share from my lover:

“It might be worth it for the beast hunter to check Dave tonight. I don’t think they’re scum, but I think they might be third party. They’ve been very helpful so far so I do not want to kill him today, but it’s worth the dread for a check. Saying more about either my lover’s identity or role would be dumb at the moment given everything.”

“That’s all for now.”


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[Well, the beast hunter is unfortunately almost definitely dying tonight (beast can apparently kill them unblockably), so checking anyone instead of attempting to take a shot would probably be a bad move. If we’ve got a rolecop or whatever somewhere, I already invited them to please check me, but even if Blossom did, we almost definitely wouldn’t get to hear her results anyway. (Unless, I guess, she checks and dies and then Tetra asks her about her results…? I guess since Blossom gets to investigate four different people tonight, we could do a clever thing like asking her ghost “Was the Beast one of [x, y]?”, where x and y are two of the people she checked, and that’d narrow it down?)]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
“It might be worth it for the beast hunter to check Dave tonight. I don’t think they’re scum, but I think they might be third party. They’ve been very helpful so far so I do not want to kill him today, but it’s worth the dread for a check. Saying more about either my lover’s identity or role would be dumb at the moment given everything.”

“That’s all for now.”
[[I am curious about why this is in quotes like it’s words your lover wrote, and yet the supposed lover is saying they don’t want to say anything about “my lover’s identity”, i.e. you, whose identity we already know publicly? That doesn’t make any sense, and I’m kind of tempted to read it as a slip because it was you who wrote these words yourself, because your lover doesn’t exist. It feels pretty weird for an innocent slip? Is it just me?]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[I am curious about why this is in quotes like it’s words your lover wrote, and yet the supposed lover is saying they don’t want to say anything about “my lover’s identity”, i.e. you, whose identity we already know publicly? That doesn’t make any sense, and I’m kind of tempted to read it as a slip because it was you who wrote these words yourself, because your lover doesn’t exist. It feels pretty weird for an innocent slip? Is it just me?]]
[[ isn’t the whole thing in quotes because kekoa is saying it out loud? -q ]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[Oh, maybe? I didn’t read it that way because it was introduced as “this bit of information from my lover” but maybe that was just referring to them thinking I’m a third party I guess…?]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
[[I've been trying to think about this from a game design perspective. I got a pretty good look at Namo's philosophy on game design from Blacklight, and one thing I know is that he loves secrets and slowly unfolding mysteries, and tends to gravitate toward low-information states for players. I think that's why he'd include the stringer if he didn't want a mass claim to ruin the mysteries he'd set up. I also know that Namo has a history of greatly overestimating how much info players will glean from his clues. *Gestures to the entirety of Blacklight.* I think the stringer being this powerful is totally in-character for him. I'm just stuck on what the counterplay is meant to be. The beast has a beast hunter but the stringer has... ???? Maybe Seren is the counter after all?? But strings aren't called Void Shadows. And sans said his patron wasn't a Legendary so that would fit for sans to have been Dark Matter. Also, presumably the mafia shouldn't want the stringer to win either??]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[So many more pages..... Gonna try to catchup later, am out shopping rn]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[I've been trying to think about this from a game design perspective. I got a pretty good look at Namo's philosophy on game design from Blacklight, and one thing I know is that he loves secrets and slowly unfolding mysteries, and tends to gravitate toward low-information states for players. I think that's why he'd include the stringer if he didn't want a mass claim to ruin the mysteries he'd set up. I also know that Namo has a history of greatly overestimating how much info players will glean from his clues. *Gestures to the entirety of Blacklight.* I think the stringer being this powerful is totally in-character for him. I'm just stuck on what the counterplay is meant to be. The beast has a beast hunter but the stringer has... ???? Maybe Seren is the counter after all?? But strings aren't called Void Shadows. And sans said his patron wasn't a Legendary so that would fit for sans to have been Dark Matter. Also, presumably the mafia shouldn't want the stringer to win either??]]
[[this feels insane but not at all out of the realm of possibility :V]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
And sans said his patron wasn't a Legendary so that would fit for sans to have been Dark Matter.
[[Is Dark Matter a person's name in this case? And is Void Shadow a thing related to said person? NGL I'll be a bit salty if I need non-pokemon knowledge in order to make sense of this game set up.]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
[[Is Dark Matter a person's name in this case? And is Void Shadow a thing related to said person? NGL I'll be a bit salty if I need non-pokemon knowledge in order to make sense of this game set up.]]
[[Dark Matter is a prominent villain in PSMD and HoC. Necrozma's light can purify people who have been posessed by DM. My role is straight out of HoC.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[Dark Matter is a prominent villain in PSMD and HoC. Necrozma's light can purify people who have been posessed by DM. My role is straight out of HoC.]]
[[Oh whoa okay. And is Dark Matter a pokemon species? Either way, sounds like Seren's opposite is Bluwii and we're still kinda screwed with the whole strings things so it's neither here no there...]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[uh huh....]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[I've been trying to think about this from a game design perspective. I got a pretty good look at Namo's philosophy on game design from Blacklight, and one thing I know is that he loves secrets and slowly unfolding mysteries, and tends to gravitate toward low-information states for players. I think that's why he'd include the stringer if he didn't want a mass claim to ruin the mysteries he'd set up. I also know that Namo has a history of greatly overestimating how much info players will glean from his clues. *Gestures to the entirety of Blacklight.* I think the stringer being this powerful is totally in-character for him. I'm just stuck on what the counterplay is meant to be. The beast has a beast hunter but the stringer has... ???? Maybe Seren is the counter after all?? But strings aren't called Void Shadows. And sans said his patron wasn't a Legendary so that would fit for sans to have been Dark Matter. Also, presumably the mafia shouldn't want the stringer to win either??]]
[[ yeah, this is what’s throwing me about it. i’m not sure what the correct thing for us to have done is. “no claims” isn’t it because like… how are we ever going to win that way, and also how is that actually a deterrent if it’s not even made totally clear that’s what this is a reaction to. i kind of doubt it’s seren either because to my knowledge he can only place one mark per night and the stringer gets several a day? so that still doesn’t feel like it’s quite it. and the town power:hostile power there seems so wack compared to the whole thing with the beast. this is what’s making me think the stringer might be non-lethal. maybe they just get their W and then fuck off and we all keep playing? i don’t know. i feel like if the stringer actually presents an existential threat to town then there has to be a major piece of the equation we are completely missing. it increasingly feels like we aren’t -q ]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[ like, if town can play very well (and strictly numerically i feel like we have, with two scum down within three days if you don’t count d1 which i don’t, even if one was serendipitous) and still get fucked by a factor they weren’t alerted to… i dunno, that feels kinda mean, and if that’s the case then i guess i’m fine just taking the 1/3 shot and hoping for the best because that sincerely seems like the best we could have possibly done under that setup -q ]]


Ace Trainer
[[Also, you know what. Don't waste time. (And who knows, this can test string theory?)

My ability involves talking to the dead, but only yes/no questions and only right after they die :/ and usually only once.(except the time I wad blocked/hasted)

Its why I said the comment about bluwii and being sure of their powers, bc I asked after they died about their powers, and I tried to ask Wind a question about alignment stuff but only got 'unknown' bc I am restricted to yes/no stuff.

I missed the first time of asking Equi something (not that it mattered anyway!) because of a dumb misunderstanding on my part.

Given my restriction to yes/no stuff I don't even know what to ask people since its not like they know who killed them! I never asked Jackie anything because I was afraid/certain they'd try to lie and wasn't sure what to ask that would offer anything other than some kind of WIFOM scenario. (I could ask them if X person was scum and they could say Yes, but are they telling the truth? Did they think I'd know they lie? They assume it would be a lie? Therefore they told the turth? And so on.)

:/// there you have it. I will not be discussing the rest of my powers tho. I don't think saying what they are helps town. I think it helps scum more to divulge the extent.

And scum talking to the dead would just be silly.

Idk how to use this power effectively which is annoying too. >:/

Idk what to ask anyone.

To be clear:
Day 2: No question, Never knew what to ask Equi
Day3/Night3: Asked bluwii 2 questions instead of 1 to laura, 1 to bluwii
Day 4: Tried to ask Windskull a question if they found anything about alignment, only got 'unknown'.



[[Well, the beast hunter is unfortunately almost definitely dying tonight (beast can apparently kill them unblockably), so checking anyone instead of attempting to take a shot would probably be a bad move. If we’ve got a rolecop or whatever somewhere, I already invited them to please check me, but even if Blossom did, we almost definitely wouldn’t get to hear her results anyway. (Unless, I guess, she checks and dies and then Tetra asks her about her results…? I guess since Blossom gets to investigate four different people tonight, we could do a clever thing like asking her ghost “Was the Beast one of [x, y]?”, where x and y are two of the people she checked, and that’d narrow it down?)]]
[["I mean... I can see this as a possibility depending on how Tetras ability works exactly? For if I die and tetra then communes with me afterwards. But I'm quoting this for my own notes to read in a bit. Cause like I said I can either choose to investigate 4 ppl tonight or take a random shot from the remaining players and potentially kill the beast? But I can only do one or the other. So that's what I need to figure out what I'm doing before EoD in a few hours"] ]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[But didn't the PMs basically say they will win? It's hard to imagine them winning.... But us also winning? Idk I am now very confused.]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
[[Oh whoa okay. And is Dark Matter a pokemon species? Either way, sounds like Seren's opposite is Bluwii and we're still kinda screwed with the whole strings things so it's neither here no there...]]
[[Yeah, this train of thought was basically me talking myself through the reason why Seren probably isn't a counter to the strings. I'm also pretty convinced Seren can't be third party because the marks of light is obviously an active power, so that wouldn't really leave room for stringing or beast things.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[Yeah, this train of thought was basically me talking myself through the reason why Seren probably isn't a counter to the strings. I'm also pretty convinced Seren can't be third party because the marks of light is obviously an active power, so that wouldn't really leave room for stringing or beast things.]]
[[The thing is, strings are a day-action. Literally everything else save for Free and Blu's vote activated powers are night powers. So uh, how do you counter a day-action?? And what would pair with a day-action?]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[But didn't the PMs basically say they will win? It's hard to imagine them winning.... But us also winning? Idk I am now very confused.]]
[[ i think this isn't that uncommon for third parties. they have a win condition that they need to fulfill and if they satisfy it they win and if they don't they lose. it doesn't have to be at odds with anyone else's -q ]]
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