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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[I mean, technically Latios/Latias are siblings, so it’d be kind of awkward to make them lovers (but, to be fair, flavor could be different while still essentially being the lovers role).

What makes me curious about Persephone’s lovers claim is that apparently the one-shot ability involves causing everything including kill shots directed at the other lover to target her instead… but what’s the point of that, when the kill shot will kill them both either way? I gueeess it could be so that they can more easily be protected by a doctor, but that’s pretty specific and situational.]]
[[It would make sense if she was actually Bulletproof, basically a body guard for the both of them. So Lovers aren't so fragile, I guess? Seems like a huge disadvantage in a role madness game to be *that* vulnerable.]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[Abra is just expressing surprise at the notion there’s a pair of lovers in play and they aren’t Latias/Latios.]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[It would make sense if she was actually Bulletproof, basically a body guard for the both of them. So Lovers aren't so fragile, I guess? Seems like a huge disadvantage in a role madness game to be *that* vulnerable.]]
[[Ahh, right, forgot about the bulletproof aspect. I guess that does make sense, then. Ignore that particular contemplation.]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[Stringed players -

D1: Dave/Free
D2: Nothing
D3: Yellow/Abra and Me
D4: Pano, Starlight and Bench.]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[ ok. here's where i'm at. this post is mostly for my benefit tbh but it doesn't hurt to post. i believe, for the time being, that starlight is cop. i guess. one of their pieces of information is consistent with one of my pieces of information, and it makes sorting this stuff easier. i can reevaluate later if need be. anyway that leaves me here:

not scum
  • Dragonfree
  • ShiniGojira
  • Starlight Aurate (i have to assume this for the rest of this list to make sense)
  • Pano
  • Blossomleaf
believable towny claims
  • Bench
  • Tetra
  • Abra
  • Persephone
the cool zone
  • Chibi
  • Seren
  • Inke
  • Sind
  • Espy
  • Torchic
going on this list:
[[Stringed players -

D1: Dave/Free
D2: Nothing
D3: Yellow/Abra and Me
D4: Pano, Starlight and Bench.]]
... actually doesn't narrow it down at all. well, ok. i feel like, personally, we can rule out espy. i sort of want to rule out torchic too. it seems like a lot for seren to have the marking power and also be the beast? so we end up at inke/chibi/sind. i feel ok about that pool actually, none of those would especially shock me i guess? let me know if one of them claimed at some point and i missed it. -q ]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
... actually doesn't narrow it down at all. well, ok. i feel like, personally, we can rule out espy. i sort of want to rule out torchic too. it seems like a lot for seren to have the marking power and also be the beast? so we end up at inke/chibi/sind. i feel ok about that pool actually, none of those would especially shock me i guess? let me know if one of them claimed at some point and i missed it. -q ]]
[[The only thing I have for any of inke/chibi/sind is a soft claim from Sind stating they are "useful as a whole to town if targeted by other town roles" and a soft claim from Chibi stating "they are not an info role". I have literally nothing on Inke other than they were the target of what I can only assume is a Mafia killshot on N2. This means they aren't scum, but means nothing about if they are TP.]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[ incidentally i've already ISO'd all of them more than once each, so i'm not sure anything's going to leap out at me about them if i do it again, but it might be useful to go back and see how they reacted to Beast Discussion specifically, i guess. idk. i'm going to be kind of surprised if we actually find something conclusively condemning the stringer by EOD. i feel like the best we can do is narrow down the pool as much as possible and pray for the best.

another thing i'm wondering is the exact mechanism we think the stringer is going to win by. do they just automatically win if they've strung a majority of town at the end of a day and are still alive? or do we think they're gonna torch everyone that's been strung during the night? if the latter, it could still work if we manage to narrow it down to three potential subjects that we can all agree on. we vote out one, block another, and blossom shoots the third.

[[The only thing I have for any of inke/chibi/sind is a soft claim from Sind stating they are "useful as a whole to town if targeted by other town roles" and a soft claim from Chibi stating "they are not an info role". I have literally nothing on Inke other than they were the target of what I can only assume is a Mafia killshot on N2. This means they aren't scum, but means nothing about if they are TP.]]
ahh, good to know. that's a nifty fact about inke that i'd forgotten. although i feel like the stringer is TP so i'm not sure it absolves them in this case. man, one of these days i should start taking notes. -q ]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[ incidentally i've already ISO'd all of them more than once each, so i'm not sure anything's going to leap out at me about them if i do it again, but it might be useful to go back and see how they reacted to Beast Discussion specifically, i guess. idk. i'm going to be kind of surprised if we actually find something conclusively condemning the stringer by EOD. i feel like the best we can do is narrow down the pool as much as possible and pray for the best.

another thing i'm wondering is the exact mechanism we think the stringer is going to win by. do they just automatically win if they've strung a majority of town at the end of a day and are still alive? or do we think they're gonna torch everyone that's been strung during the night? if the latter, it could still work if we manage to narrow it down to three potential subjects that we can all agree on. we vote out one, block another, and blossom shoots the third.

ahh, good to know. that's a nifty fact about inke that i'd forgotten. although i feel like the stringer is TP so i'm not sure it absolves them in this case. man, one of these days i should start taking notes. -q ]]
[[Oh wait the only other thing I do recall about Inke was them being on board with some of Starlight's points (and I interpreted this to be about skipping the night phase, or at least being indifferent about it). I did point that out and Inke clarified, I'll find the post.

Here it is, or at least my initial questioning and then the subsequent replies from Inke, I think we have 4-5 messages in a row about the subject.]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[ bet, thanks. seems like they meant they were in agreement with "starlight's points about bluwii/blossom"... looking back, i'm not totally sure what those points are. i guess that bluwii inducted blossom and that blossom was playing with an anti-town win condition? ]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
another thing i'm wondering is the exact mechanism we think the stringer is going to win by. do they just automatically win if they've strung a majority of town at the end of a day and are still alive? or do we think they're gonna torch everyone that's been strung during the night? if the latter, it could still work if we manage to narrow it down to three potential subjects that we can all agree on. we vote out one, block another, and blossom shoots the third.
[[ thinking about this more, i feel like it has to be the latter? considering the former would be a win condition that ends the game instantly when achieved, which by the rules post doesn't exist in this game -q ]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[If I read Namo's post correctly, and see that Perse and Tetra have also claimed and haven't been stringed, it seems nobody else is at risk of being stringed for the rest of the day, right? If so, I will say some more about my role if it means clearing myself of being the stringer, because I'm not a TP in any sense whatsoever. Y'all let me know.
so we end up at inke/chibi/sind. i feel ok about that pool actually, none of those would especially shock me i guess? let me know if one of them claimed at some point and i missed it. -q ]]
You've conveniently left yourself out of that pool, too. Are you clear of being the stringer because Blossom investigated you and you came back clear, or can Blossom ONLY clear people of being the Beast?? Clarifications?? @Blossomleaf ]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[ thinking about this more, i feel like it has to be the latter? considering the former would be a win condition that ends the game instantly when achieved, which by the rules post doesn't exist in this game -q ]]
[[The only way it can be the latter is if the stringer IS scum and not TP. The stringer has not hit enough players to take everyone out, and there's no way the stringer can win by "majority" when they're a lone TP. They *have* to be scum at this point because the notice I got says they will WIN if more players are strung. All of those who were strung are considered Town. We need to scum hunt and FAST. Find those who claimed but were not strung they are scum too.

Tetra, Persephone, scum. Have to be. *HAVE TO BE* At this point I'm so baffled as to why Seren isn't strung either?? Can that diamond power be scum?? It seems like it's meant to cure Dread (Void Shadow??) Dread in the hands of a Miller is a powerful scum blocking tool, seems like Mafia would want to cure that. Chibi also was given the Diamond from Seren, Chibi scum, too? That's what, 4 suspects right off the bat?? Am I going nuts???]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
You've conveniently left yourself out of that pool, too.
[[ well yeah. i'm not going to include myself as potential scum/TP on my own read list. blossom only clears people of being the beast, though. ]]

The only way it can be the latter is if the stringer IS scum and not TP. The stringer has not hit enough players to take everyone out, and there's no way the stringer can win by "majority" when they're a lone TP. They *have* to be scum at this point because the notice I got says they will WIN if more players are strung. All of those who were strung are considered Town. We need to scum hunt and FAST. Find those who claimed but were not strung they are scum too.
[[ this is a good point. in this case, i think that means we don't necessarily have to kill the stringer today to avoid losing? we just have to hit scum at all, right? since that would impact the ratios. although obviously hitting the stringer is preferable ]]

Tetra, Persephone, scum. Have to be. *HAVE TO BE*
walk me through this?

At this point I'm so baffled as to why Seren isn't strung either??
stringer might be asleep/hasn't logged on maybe. -q ]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[The Dread status effect is called Dread, not Void Shadow, like anyone who’s received Dread should be able to confirm. We also explicitly have another claim that specifically cures Dread. Really don’t think they’re the same thing.]]


Ace Trainer
[If I read Namo's post correctly, and see that Perse and Tetra have also claimed and haven't been stringed, it seems nobody else is at risk of being stringed for the rest of the day, right? If so, I will say some more about my role if it means clearing myself of being the stringer, because I'm not a TP in any sense whatsoever. Y'all let me know.

You've conveniently left yourself out of that pool, too. Are you clear of being the stringer because Blossom investigated you and you came back clear, or can Blossom ONLY clear people of being the Beast?? Clarifications?? @Blossomleaf ]]
"princess and her guardians already answered this. But yes Chatot and I can only clear people as to whether they are the beast or not. Since we're tracking only one specific 3rd party and it's why we're not sure if whoever is stringing ppl is in fact the beast or another 3rd party entirely." Nanu clarified for sind and Odette.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
uA is hastened
- uA swaps X and Pano
- uA swaps Y and Z
[[Just want to point out that we don't technically know that laura was bus driver, so if anyone else at all was really the bus driver, then they wouldn't have had two swaps N2, just one.]]

[[Also: I’m pretty sure what Namo’s message implies with how the stringer could win “at nightfall” is that they could win when the night starts, not during the night. I expect the modification to the rules is basically that the stringer can’t just wait to string people until two minutes before EoD and immediately get a surprise win.

I think we really need to try to eliminate the stringer today.]]
[[My best guess is that they win if they control a certain percentage of the playerbase, so technically we could reduce that percentage by voting out someone who was stringed. Problem is--the only person on that list I'd even consider voting is Fray, and even that vote has some issues.]]

[[I believe that, since Latios and Latias are legendaries that work together closely, our abilties work together. It was mentioned earlier that the two most prioritized roles for mafia to eliminate are cop and tracker. I believe that Namo made those two roles have closely related legendaries. Those being Latios and Latias, or me and Equitial.]]
[[I don't think this means Courtney can't be a cop--Latios's power could have been a watcher.]]

Why would Chibi worry about this role in particular if they weren't somehow alerted to the possibility of invisible players (maybe from their own role PM?)
[[Sorry for not explaining there--it's a meme that every time I make a mafia note document, I always speculate about a ninja, and there's never a ninja. It's based on the grand opening game where I galaxy brained myself down a hole thinking someone was a ninja because I was a watcher. That said--when I brought it up here, I legitimately did think it was possible Namo might include one, because this is role overdrive, so if ever there was a time for it to actually show up. I can confirm right now that I have no reason to believe my actions would be invisible.]]

[[ thinking about this more, i feel like it has to be the latter? considering the former would be a win condition that ends the game instantly when achieved, which by the rules post doesn't exist in this game -q ]]
[[Instant win conditions can be in the game--the rules just says that no one ends the game early by being eliminated.]]

[If I read Namo's post correctly, and see that Perse and Tetra have also claimed and haven't been stringed, it seems nobody else is at risk of being stringed for the rest of the day, right? If so, I will say some more about my role if it means clearing myself of being the stringer, because I'm not a TP in any sense whatsoever. Y'all let me know.
[[Okay, hang on, we don't know how many people can get stringed a day, the number of days don't line up, we can't just say that it's a given no one else will get stringed.]]

It seems like it's meant to cure Dread (Void Shadow??) Dread in the hands of a Miller is a powerful scum blocking tool, seems like Mafia would want to cure that.
[[Torchic already confirmed that Cresselia cures dread.]]
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