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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[Oh, sorry, Dave was actually insulting me for doing so much of the posting lately. Not you!]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[Oh, sorry, Dave was actually insulting me for doing so much of the posting lately. Not you!]]
"...I still trust him and think he's innocent, but he's not as good in my books anymore."


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[ i am extremely squinting at the posts about dadv. absymal vibes. -q ]]
[[Genuine question: Why are the vibes so abysmal in those posts (not that I agree with them, since I think it's too soon to declare "dead air" rn and Mafia have been known to take advantage of dead air for bussing purposes--see Shini, last game)?]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
[[Ok wow I don’t know why this keeps getting mangled so let me explain once and for all:

I targeted Jackie last night. Then Chibi has a marking this morning, and that makes me think that my action got swapped to Chibi. Seren claims the mark is his doing, not mine, so we are waiting on what he has to say. It is possible that I am mistaken and the mark is not from my action. However I was very sure of it originally. We will know more once Seren elaborates.

I did not do any swapping myself. I am not accusing anyone specifically of being scum. Only hypothesizing scenarios.

I really hope that clears things up lol.
[[Okay, so do we even KNOW that swapping happened at all?!? Right now, both Yellow and Seren claim to have made the mark. Yellow targeted uA. Seren targeted Chibi. So:
- uA has some sort of mark from Yellow (if no swap)
- Chibi has Seren's mark AND Yellow's mark

I was getting ready to reply to this but then I saw your latest message and…hmm. It’s got me thinking about some things. But seriously, if you have info to share, please share it. We can’t afford a mislynch with so many unknown factors.

And in that regard, I am going to change my vote because someone (Free?) brought up the fact that nobody is defending Bluwii. For those of you unfamiliar with Mafia, that’s a BIG red flag because that means scum are perfectly happy to let the mislynch happen. I still want to hear from Bluwii before the day is over, but for now I am changing my vote to someone much more suspicious.

Unvote: Bluwii

VOTE: Tetra]]
[[Hold up, I do not like this AT ALL. You're unvoting bluwii because no one is defending Bluwii. So you're voting for Tetra because... no one is defending Tetra either?! Bluwii at least claimed an action and is refusing to talk about it. Tetra has been contributing at least a little and to vote her PURELY based off inactivity--while claiming to defend Bluwii due to his inactivity--does not feel safe for me in the slightest.]]

[[I am confident in my vote in Bluwii, for reasons previously stated. I also encourage Bench to speak up! I know he has a plan and is concerned about giving information too soon, but I think it's causing more confusion for the town.]]

[[I'm not about to change my vote, but this playstyle makes me a bit suspicious of Yellow. I'm not so sure there's a swapper anymore. I'll wait for Seren to have time to contribute to investigate this further.]]

[[the glandular fever is kicking my ass and i have irl shit all day tomorrow
i am going to be quiet and probably very confused for the rest of the day phase
thank you for your understanding
- 1am jackie cat, with love]]
[[<3 Take care!]]

[[also i was going to watch who hopped on the Bluwii wagon once I started in, by providing bait, but now that i'm not sure i'll manage posting tomorrow and yellow has pointed out Dead Air Means Dead Town like i was gonna: i don't want to lynch bluwii, i don't trust him but i don't like the wagon authentically. i am feeling much better about yellow after her clarifying post and also catching the Dead Air, so i'll join her wagon, bc i like her reasoning.]]

vote: tetra
[[You're leaving the Bluwii bandwagon to hop on another bandwagon for a character who has also been inactive?

[[I'm suspicious of uA and Yellow. They started and joined a bandwagon on Bluwii, who rightfully has people on his back. Yellow is claiming to have tried to target uA but it was switched to Chibi--which maybe didn't even happen, I don't know. And now they're changing the bandwagon to a totally different player who isn't currently active... because the first bandwagon was on someone inactive. I do not like this at ALL.]]

[[Okay, okay. So my Legendary has an ability that let's me reuse an action if someone with a matching action targets me. One of said action is a Self-Targeting Deflector and another is a Roleblocker. The reason why I'm sus of Jackie is that I think Jackie might be a Self-Targeting Deflector.]]
[[So you think uA has an ability that permits reusing an action if one with a matching action targets them? Do you think uA targeted you? I'm a bit confused about this ability, but it supports that uA did something last night that and keeping quiet about it.]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
"Okay, so to start off, I really don't think this qualifies as 'dead air dead town' for sans. That said, everything else Laura's Guardian said is making me a lot more confident about her. It would be really easy, in their situation, to just sit back and not say much and it wouldn't even be suspicious. Going out of the way to get discussion going, in a way that's really similar to past games... it gives me a good feeling."

[[ dragonfree had straight up claimed to be a red check just a few pages before and it basically worked out for her. i don't think it's a big stretch that blu might have been encouraged enough by those results to do the same thing himself—lampshading his behavior in the hopes that it would make it less suspicious. like, you have to consider the alternative—if he hadn't done this, he would be required to justify weird votes for the rest of the game. not the best place to be in, as town certainly but especially for mafia. to me this move entirely makes sense from mafia!blu. it doesn't not make sense from town!blu, but it is a bit stranger imo. -q ]]
"To be honest, I kind of think making weird votes would look less suspicious than what he claimed, yeah."

[[Okay, okay. So my Legendary has an ability that let's me reuse an action if someone with a matching action targets me. One of said action is a Self-Targeting Deflector and another is a Roleblocker. The reason why I'm sus of Jackie is that I think Jackie might be a Self-Targeting Deflector.]]
"Alright, I just want to get this straight. You can use either of those two specific actions if someone with that role targets you. You weren't necessarily targeted by either of those last night, you just know they're in the game, since, well... they're mentioned on your card. That's why you think Laura could be one. Because you know the role exists, and it would explain Puck's mark landing on me, without the need for a swapper."

Ajia paused, mulling it over. "It's possible, yeah... but I don't think it's really probable? Also, my guardian finds it really unlikely that Laura's guardian would Deflect onto me."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[Yeah, I'm confused about the Tetra bandwagon too. They don't seem any more suspicious than most other people? They're a complete null read for me.]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[No. I'm not saying that she targeted me. I'm saying that my patron let's me reuse an action if they target me.

Because of that, I think there's a Self-Targeting Deflector in this game and the fact that Jackie was swapped Chibi, I have reasons to suspect that Jackie deflected to Chibi.

Then I thought to myself. Why would Jackie deflect to Chibi if Chibi's known to be a good scum hunter?]]
"That's not a fucking fact, though, is it? The Snivy's sure been disputing that. I guess this opens the possibility that both her and the Quagsire are right? They both put diamonds on her, because Kimiko targeted her directly, and Quagsire targeted Laura who's redirecting everything to Ajia?"

Dave dragged a paw over his face, thinking. "Well, if deflector Laura were in the mafia, then it's not like she expected to be potentially targeted with a killing power, right? So why would she target a particularly useful townie? That doesn't hold up. Meanwhile townie deflector Laura really would be risking Ajia by doing it. Neither option makes a whole lot of sense."

[[Yeah, I've got to admit town Jackie deflecting onto Chibi sounds pretty odd? On the meta level? Town doctor Jackie just heals Chibi the whole game. Unless like, they thought they'd get healed and wanted to get the heals onto Chibi? Either way, none of this is at all valid unless Jackie really is the deflector, which isn't exactly a surety.]]

[[ i am extremely squinting at the posts about dadv. absymal vibes. -q ]]
[[Yeah, I also raised a bit of an eyebrow at how weirdly quickly they got on the Bluwii train and then off it again. I'm not quite sure if it reads as partners with Bluwii so much as just like... hopping onto what seems like it's going to be an easy bandwagon and then getting spooked by resistance? But even then it kind of feels clumsier than I'd expect from them as mafia? Aaagh need more rereading to be sure what I think but brain keeps just wanting to watch the new posts and getting distracted.]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[No Daytalk (thanks, Obama) can throw a wrench in things--that's something to keep in mind if actions seem less "coordinated" than what is typical of Mafia affair.]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[So you think uA has an ability that permits reusing an action if one with a matching action targets them? Do you think uA targeted you? I'm a bit confused about this ability, but it supports that uA did something last night that and keeping quiet about it.]]
[[With how my ability's been worded. I currently have 4 powers, all of which are one-use. My ability let's me reuse one of these actions if someone targets me with a matching power.

The way the card's been worded leads me to believe that there are currently 4 known powers in the gamr, two of which I've already said. The other two are a healing power and a kill power.

I suspect Jackie might be a Self-Targeting Deflector because of how the card's been worded and how there's a swap between Jackie and Chibi.

I mean Jackie could definitely also not be a Self-Targeting Deflector or there might be 2 swappers in this game.]]


Ace Trainer
"Hmm. Whelp. To be honest I'm of the personal opinion that Sans might be a red herring that mafia is hoping town will focus all their attention for D2." Nanu surmised honestly. "However...given that we are currently in D2 I have to ask, do we normally vote someone out at this point? Or is a Day 2 lynch not ideal?" The Island kahuna asked, figuring now would be a good time to get more information about this 'mafia game' and how it works.
[["Okay wait. wait. I found time to reply tonight and I'm going to reiterate and quote this from earlier.

"Because as much as I'm also skeptical of Sans / Bluwii until we hear more about what's going on, I really dislike the fact that we're going to vote Sans / Bluwii without hearing a defense? And also jumping ship to vote Tetra because she hasn't said much either, doesn't sit well with me either. Because these sounds like names that are being thrown at a dart board. Because we have nothing else to go on. And are judging based on lack of responses and inactivity :/"

"And maybe I'm being too overly cautious or paranoid? Because I dislike this bandwagon train of lynching @Bluwiikoon until we let them speak...however I really think we need to focus more on this whole debacle with Jackie (unrepentantauthor) - yellow - seren. Where it's basically turning into "everyone word against each other".

"And that doesn't even include the fiasco with bluwii not speaking up about the voting ability. that was supposed to go on bench but apparently didn't happen? which means I feel like we got two issues atm. depending on how everyone is going to reply to what's going on right now.

Or even what seren and yellow will say about chibi and whoever placed the mark on chibi / ajia. But dammmmmmnnnn. is this tough. and I hope this rough response makes a lot of sense. cause that's my thought on the matter atm. and I'm still going to reserve my judgment as to who to vote until closer to EoD tomorrow. because there's too many uncertain factors going on. and I'm going to have to reread all these posts to get a better idea of what's going on." :/]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
"I'm worried about us getting stuck in circles since there's a lot going on, but not all of it is helpful. Here's what I think, in short:

- I want to know what sans's 'blessing' actually does. I think we need to know, in order to remove suspicion from him.
- I don't think Laura [Jackie] is a Deflector, for much the same reasons as Dave.
- We need to wait for Kimiko [Seren] to explain why they think they put the mark on me. Speculation is meaningless until they clarify, which they said they will.
- I think Arctozolt should keep quiet about whatever the thing is because last time they got pressured into claiming early, it was super bad.
- I don't think Puck's Guardian [Yellow] would back out so instantly if she were mafia."

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[Genuine question: Why are the vibes so abysmal in those posts (not that I agree with them, since I think it's too soon to declare "dead air" rn and Mafia have been known to take advantage of dead air for bussing purposes--see Shini, last game)?]]
[[ it's just... literally not dadv, in any way. that's something you say if it's about to hit eod and everyone has been sitting on the same wagon for the entire day and discussion has died off, not if three people sit on an unpushed vote for two hours while everyone is playing legends arceus. idk. as free says maybe it isn't a partnered move but i don't know how to interpret it, it's just extremely weird and pinging me like crazy. -q ]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
Dave dragged a paw over his face, thinking. "Well, if deflector Laura were in the mafia, then it's not like she expected to be potentially targeted with a killing power, right? So why would she target a particularly useful townie? That doesn't hold up. Meanwhile townie deflector Laura really would be risking Ajia by doing it. Neither option makes a whole lot of sense."

[[Yeah, I've got to admit town Jackie deflecting onto Chibi sounds pretty odd? On the meta level? Town doctor Jackie just heals Chibi the whole game. Unless like, they thought they'd get healed and wanted to get the heals onto Chibi? Either way, none of this is at all valid unless Jackie really is the deflector, which isn't exactly a surety.]]
[[These are all fair points. Again, do we KNOW that a swap happened? Yellow could have targeted uA with something and uA is keeping quiet (and being kicked by glandular fever, so I'm very sympathetic to that).]]
[[Yeah, I also raised a bit of an eyebrow at how weirdly quickly they got on the Bluwii train and then off it again. I'm not quite sure if it reads as partners with Bluwii so much as just like... hopping onto what seems like it's going to be an easy bandwagon and then getting spooked by resistance? But even then it kind of feels clumsier than I'd expect from them as mafia? Aaagh need more rereading to be sure what I think but brain keeps just wanting to watch the new posts and getting distracted.]]
[[This is another reason why I think there's a third party here; I don't think uA and Yellow are partners with Bluwii, but used him as an easy, early target and then hopped to another inactive together.]]
[[With how my ability's been worded. I currently have 4 powers, all of which are one-use. My ability let's me reuse one of these actions if someone targets me with a matching power.

The way the card's been worded leads me to believe that there are currently 4 known powers in the gamr, two of which I've already said. The other two are a healing power and a kill power.

I suspect Jackie might be a Self-Targeting Deflector because of how the card's been worded and how there's a swap between Jackie and Chibi.

I mean Jackie could definitely also not be a Self-Targeting Deflector or there might be 2 swappers in this game.]]
[[Okay, that makes more sense. Following Free's logic, I think uA is probably not a Self-Targeting Deflector--or at least, didn't use that ability last night.]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Clasping her hands behind her back, she turned to look at Odette. "Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but the way you went after the swellow yesterday just for bringing up cressellia rubbed me the wrong way."

[[ @Sinderella I may have missed it, but could you expand on your reasoning or else point me back to your reasoning regarding this? I admittedly may be overscrutinizing a minor detail but it would help put my mind at ease.]]
[[Hi hi, still have not had the chance to scrounge the thread, so I have absolutely no idea what’s going on but I logged in to a ping for me and figured I’d answer it because I was gonna touch on it when i went back to comb, and I’ve also just felt really really anxious about not contributing today so I at least want to get something in for now. Once again, I am really sorry y’all.]]

“No, you have right to feel some way about it,” Odette said dejectedly. “Because admittedly I was paranoid myself. I heard Cresselia and my mind automatically jumped to the idea that if there’s the Dread-giver and the curer, one could be scum and one could be town, and I wanted some information on that. The Swellow saying ‘Cresselia’ made me think she knew something and I jumped on it because I was trigger-happy from the lack of info we’d gotten throughout the day.”

[[I don’t know how much water that theory could hold, especially considering I’ve been absent all day and don’t know what updates I missed, but yeah, in essence, I jumped at the opportunity for some information and overthought it a little too much, really not thinking about how it made sense from a harmless lore standpoint and viewing it from more a “well if there’s a possibility one exists and is maybe town then the other might exist and is maybe scum.” Free’s play was tracking town-y to me so I freaked out when I saw Cresselia and thought “OH, A SCUM COUNTERPART MAYBE??? GIMME DEETS.”]]

She held up her hands. “My obnoxiously hyperactive voice basically said it all. In hindsight it wasn’t the smartest move, but like I said, I was feeling very trigger-happy.”


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
[[It's 2am and I've read all this and it's giving me a migraine but. What is this nonsense about being a self targeting deflector who targeted Shini? Isn't that just a contradiction? Anyway, Shini is wrong, I didn't target them and I'm not a deflector. That line of enquiry is a waste of time.

I wanna clarify my previous post about switching vote: I was hoping to bait a real DADT and then realised I might hardly be around before EOD and Yellow already drew attention to it so nobody will fucking fall for it. That's not the same thing as "this is DADT". And I'm not joining Yellow bc Tetra is quiet, I'm joining bc Tetra is inconsistent with previous town play and I think playsktre chsnges are indicatice of an unfamiliar alignment! Csn we try to improve communication a littlw? Starting to fret that sone of this misinterpretation is deliberate time-wasting.]]

Laura massaged her temples and tried purring to herself to soothe her fraying nerves. This wasn't going well and sge didn't trust her instincts and her stone was babbling away, more terse than before. Maybe they'd vote out a killer by sheer luck and she could relax a little. Ha. Fat chance.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[ it's just... literally not dadv, in any way. that's something you say if it's about to hit eod and everyone has been sitting on the same wagon for the entire day and discussion has died off, not if three people sit on an unpushed vote for two hours while everyone is playing legends arceus. idk. as free says maybe it isn't a partnered move but i don't know how to interpret it, it's just extremely weird and pinging me like crazy. -q ]]
[[I see. Yeah, I feel the same way. Bluwii still tops my sus list, but I do want to hear from him (understandable that we're not rn because timezones be zoning). I'm also going to make no comments on Yellow until we hear more from Seren, since I feel that he's gonna help clear a ton of things up.

Anyway, Shini feels legit? Like, I'm confused as fuck, but it feels too elaborate to make up and I get the impression that the deflector thing is just some genuine confusion rather than any kind of flailing.]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
And I'm not joining Yellow bc Tetra is quiet, I'm joining bc Tetra is inconsistent with previous town play and I think playsktre chsnges are indicatice of an unfamiliar alignment!
[[Ah, I see! Thank you for the clarification.]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
[[These are all fair points. Again, do we KNOW that a swap happened? Yellow could have targeted uA with something and uA is keeping quiet (and being kicked by glandular fever, so I'm very sympathetic to that).]]
[[It's because of the diamond mark, which was publicly revealed to have landed on me. If Yellow was in fact responsible for the diamond, and not seren, then a swap/redirect must have happened.]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[Okay, some actual rereading. First, Bluwii's posts. There just isn't much of them or all that much substance, and in particular exactly one today:]]

sans pensively regarded the remains of Bartholomew for a moment, eyes closed and head bowed. While it was a relief that only one loss had occurred during the night, the sight of the mangled device wasn't very comforting, either.

Sighing, he turned to the rest of the group. "hey gang. i have some ideas about the diamond-shaped-thing here," he gestured to Ajia. "-but, that depends on whether we wanna be speculating about patron legendaries. not sure whether it's a positive or negative effect."

"oh yeah. needless to say, nothing to do with me."
[[I am curious to hear from @Bluwiikoon what he had to say about the diamond? Otherwise, Bluwii's just... an inactive, who has claimed a power that's pretty suspect-sounding. I would not want to go for voting him until he has gotten a chance to speak up and explain exactly what he claims his voting power actually does (which I definitely agree he needs to do at this point; we need some answers here).]]

"And that doesn't even include the fiasco with bluwii not speaking up about the voting ability. that was supposed to go on bench but apparently didn't happen? which means I feel like we got two issues atm. depending on how everyone is going to reply to what's going on right now.
[[As Bluwii explained the voting ability, the target wouldn't know anything about it, so this does check out with Bluwii's claim - but that's because the claim is unfalsifiable.]]
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