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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Ajia was baffled. "Wh--??? We have actual proof that Sidney is a swapper though! Do you think he's a swapper and can do strings?"

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
Ajia was baffled. "Wh--??? We have actual proof that Sidney is a swapper though! Do you think he's a swapper and can do strings?"
[[ no, i think we should vote out a stringee rather than the stringer, as dragonfree has been suggesting. the odds of hitting the stringer correctly seem way too low to me to stake the outcome of the game on it. -q ]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[Compiling Perse posts, will hopefully be able to get partially through Flygon or Q or Shini before EoD press F to doubt ugh
“Paniola, sort of.” The alternative is Tapu Village. You wouldn’t really call that home, though. Just a resting place. “And what’s a miller, anyway?”

[[If someone investigates it will read that he wants to kill you, but he actually doesn’t.]]

That sounds suspicious. Saying up front ‘hey I know I look like I’m stabbing you, but, trust me, I’m not.’

“Yeah, I don’t like that at all. Weird thing to say unprompted.”

[[It’s a valid strategy if they aren’t lying.]]

Sussing Dave from the getgo.

[[I think Dave is bad. The other voices would be suspicious of him. He got out ahead so it would be less bad if he were targeted. He might be innocent, but there are no better leads now.]]
>Thinks Dave is bad, is sus
>Buuuut might be innocent and no better leads.

Honestly I feel like this tracks with other play I've seen from Perse but Idk.

Heh. At least Dave hates his new body. Even if he hates yours worse. Which, fair. Yours is worse. You can like him for that.

[[The Strings deal seems too easily double-checked by others to be fake. I don’t see why Mafia would need strings, though. They have their own win con.]]

You have no idea what half of that means. As for killing anyone, well, you aren’t a killer. Yet. You might be if it gets you out of this stupid cute body.

[[Plus there should be enough info roles to give us a good idea of where we stand tonight.]]

Yeah, sure, why not?

“I don’t want to kill anyone today. See if the psycho cat is lying or not before we start killing each other on his word.”
Posing questions on Strings. Thinks there is enough info roles to I guess coast through the night?? But why would info roles claim LOL

“We just wait to see if anyone else reports strings on them. Duh.”
Galaxy braining right here

[[It could also be one of the lake trio for the red chain or Calyrex for reigns? A Calyrex player who can fuse with another would make some sense, but why would they attack a miller?]]

“Seriously, what’s a Calyrex?”

[[Pony Necrozma]]
Hypothesizing game lore I guess

[[I’ve only half been paying attention but did someone claim to be behind the diamond? I thought I saw that along with the hint that it would be very bad if it were given to the mafia. Some sort of lasting immunity / bulletproof role? In any case it might be good to not confirm anything if it is good. But if Ajia drops dead out of the blue, which I doubt she will if someone was dumb enough to claim they did the shiny thing, we have a suspect. In the meantime with this many players and an apparently slow kill rate today’s pick isn’t super urgent. Everything will probably fall into place like the end of a mystery novel on day three or something. That seems to be his role madness goes. Or maybe the early game and speed of revelations does matter if the mafia can get a higher rate of kills later on… once again I have many questions and few answers. I’ll try to be more active on future days. Probably won’t be around at all until end of day due to a prescheduled trip.]]
Seems p convinced we can coast by on lobby size, thinks the pick isn't urgent for this particular day (I am fucking cackling at the bolded part). Seems like she's trying to catch up, generally.

[[I just got back from a day with nine hours spent on the road and I am not reviewing all the pages while my cat is angry at me. Voting No Elimination, if only to keep info roles alive for the inevitable day three Perry Mason session.]]
Votes no elim.

[[Every power role game I’ve played on this site has had all the info roles come together in due time. I don’t think it’s fruitless to wait in a game with an apparently slow elimination rate.]]
Still pretty set on waiting it out.

[[Okay well, someone went from most suspicious on my list to almost certainly town. That was a dangerous move risking a daykill, but it seems to have worked out. Did it rebound, though, or was their someone redirecting?]
Thoughts on Bench's gambit thing. Needs to be clarified.

[[I read half the thread. I’d have read the rest but honestly it seems like nothing was happening. Lot of hay, low needles. Good for mafia, I think. Also realized overnight that there’s a small chance Dave could be the one casting dread, allowing him to know about it day 1. Or something. Idk. Anyway I’d still check him if you were cop.

I guess my suspicions fall on Starlight for saying a lot of words with little content, but it’s a very soft suspicion.]]
This post just reads out of the loop, idk. Maybe she missed the part where Dave said they gave out Dread but still sus on the claim I guess???? Sus on Starlight.

[[Look I never claimed to be good at this game. Dread = fear = darkrai seems a little bit mafia aligned for a Pokémon, but whatever. Not enough to target someone who has otherwise been quite helpful.]]
Thoughts on Dave ability now.

[[I agree with most of Yellow’s points but think exclusively targeting sans is letting a lot of other people slip under the radar. Even the people who posted yesterday often didn’t have anything substantive to say.]]
Thoughts on going after sans.

[[Or a third party could’ve done Laura in. Admittedly it seems likely with the lack of kills so far, but it is possible and I would expect a serial killer in a role madness game this size.]]
Thoughts on TP.

[[Yup. Oh, @IFBench do not reveal. If you’re one shot bulletproof or pure bulletproof or something else it’s best if the mafia doesn’t know. That way if you are only OSBP the mafia will still be wary to strike you again.]]
Tells Bench to not reveal their role. I mean, if they were sussing Bench this whole time for being a BP I don't know if I understand this logic. Unless something flew over my head in the recent posts.

[[All I know about cult leaders comes from the wiki,]]

“Lucky bastard.”

[[Thanks. It seems like killing the cult leader early is really important? Like, “if not done by night two they win” important. I guess what I’m saying is,

I…worked on this story for a year….and….he just…he tweeted it out.]]
Thoughts on offing cult leader.

[[Vote: Sans]]
Votes Sans

[[Back from work. Shini claimed oracle, right? Look whoever oracle is the seven hostiles claim only holds water to me if the cult leader’s death doesn’t kill their followers. Otherwise this just feels super unfair to town.]]
Still generally seems out of loop, or that was a typo lol.

“Okay, so the bad guys get stronger, but they’re pretty weak now. Why not wait to skip a night when they’re already stronger instead of wasting an early weak turn?”

[[I would also want to give another night for info roles to help put everything toget
Against skipping night phase

[[Hmm. Yeah, I’ll be unpopular and side with Blossom. I’ve never played a game with a werewolf hunter type role and it makes some sense of the werewolf is true bulletproof except for, well, silver bullets. Plus Bench’s read could just be weird power role interactions. Or Bench could be lying but I don’t think so. Risks inviting a counterclaim from a town tracker, which I suspect we have, if he was wrong. We’ll know well enough tomorrow if more bodies start dropping.

Did anyone get strings on them last night?]]
More thoughts on Bench that strike me as weird if they were sussing Bench for BP claim. Then again now that I'm thinking about it, if they're lover they might want to keep any sus on the DL to avoid claiming?????? Or trying to make it make sense before they shoot sus???? Idfk man, this is a lot. Siding with Blossom's role claim.

[[Claiming doctor is... perhaps unwise, yeah. Especially if you admit you are not protected yourself. Are you looking for advice in better using your power? That's how I understand it. But having Cresselia to balance Darkrai makes a lot of sense. Cresselia as a doctor also makes sense. Unless this is some ploy to get town doctor to counterclaim then it seems like a genuinely naive mistake.

As for Chibi's readlist, I don't have a very good role for putting things together and I was busy on Day 2. With how quickly things have been moving I'll admit I've fallen behind. I'll try to be more helpful going forward.]]
Speculation on Torchic's claim. Kinda claims their role is unhelpful for scumhunting.

[[Eh, scum isn't shooting me anyway so I might as well come out and say that I'm bulletproof. Could allow for some fun bussing mechanics if nothing else.]]
Claims BP.

[[I've been side-eying Bench for a while for their soft bulletproof claim. I can't negate the possibility of two different town flavors of bulletproof, especially with different ults / side powers, and it's possible they aren't actually dedicated bulletproof, just have a one off that makes them invulnerable. Still curious why they were so psyched out about allegedly taking a hit on a night where someone (admittedly scum) died. Did a third party make an attempted kill that night? Jackie is confirmed scum and now we know how that hit looped back around. If there is a third party making kills, why hasn't it happened any other night?]]
Now sussing Bench, gives reasoning and acknowledges different role flavors, but.

[[There are still a lot of info roles we don't know. Cop chief among them. (I assume we have a cop). Asking them to reveal themselves is a terrible idea. Especially now that our ability to vet fakeclaims and conflicts between them is limited by the lack of an oracle. I wonder if that was the point of the kill, to make future fakeclaiming easier rather than current ones. Because, as noted, there weren't that many claims at start of day. Only notable ones would be asking about the existence of "a beast / hunter" which would be hard to word, miller, and trying to figure out whatever it is that the strings do.

I am inclined to stay back and wait a little while longer for everything to snap together. One info role (tracker) coming out is enough for now.]]
[[Secrecy of the cop is important enough, yes. I'm always mafia so I can tell you I'd go for cop first. Then tracker. Then swapper, because those have historically (and in this game) been a pain for mafia.]]
Still kinda convinced we can sit back and let info roles vibe check the game.

[[If I was mafia I’d want to go for bench if there weren’t town roles who could interfere. Too much risk of having a kill be observed and losing a member. We have a doctor and swapper, tho, and I’d expect at least one on them to mess with that kill. So maybe I wouldn’t go for it. Other targets I’d look at are active / low sus town players like Chibi or Inke. And, of course, our resident doctor and swapper. Just to make future kills easier.]]
Hypothesis on what scum might do in the night.

[[Well, that's one hell of a twist. I know that Pano very well may have been swapped, but that's still worth some suspicion if the beast is as bad as blossom is making it out to be. Also not entirely sure I buy this claim because it could be a bid to get actual cop to counterclaim from a scum player who figured they were going down anyway. I'll have to go back and reread Starlight's posts with this in mind.]]
[[That many swaps and somehow Chibi is still alive. Smh. More seriously tho if info roles could look into Chibi / Free that would be cool. I'd have figured scum would've killed them earlier if they were clean. As for defending myself from the lots of scum reads I'm getting, I don't know how to. I've already come out as bulletproof so if you want to kill me, I mean, sure? My value is already undermined a lot bit by my role being known and you'd get some info. I'd still be a bit more concerned with hunting the beast today, and Blossom's already cleared me of that. And I am inclined to believe that we have a serial killer since five mafia / one cult leader / one serial killer fills out windskull's scum list. Having a serial killer hunter feels like a fun way to balance an otherwise powerful SK role.]]
More speculation on what's in the game, comments on the scum reads being flung at them, thinks info roles should look at Chibi and Free.

[[Bulletproof can be a mafia role, yes. its also dangerous to claim as mafia with a known tracker because if I interact with anyone it’s a shredded defense. I’m also in a pair of lovers / masons. I’m afraid that my partner hasn’t been terribly helpful in keeping me up to speed, though. My one shot draws all actions taken against my lover, including kill shots, onto me.

I still think mass role claim was stupid. We have all these roles, yes, but didn’t learn anything to pin the blame on any one person. This far into role madness and we’re still going on vibes alone. We also can’t use those roles if we skip a night to avoid them being killed and, if kills do escalate throughout the game, we could lose them all shortly if we don’t skip. I struggle to see the mass claim as a win. I didn’t like it at the time and I don’t like it now.]]
Claims lover, and that their BP absorbs the actions that might have been taken by the other lover. Interesting. Against mass role claim.

[[All strings have shown up in the day phase, tho? I think what the notification probably meant is that if all the kills tonight are on people who aren’t stringed than that faction wins. I don’t know why I haven’t been strung. Recent claim + not revealing patron?

I do die if my lover dies and vis versa. I thought playing things cool would lead to suspicion going elsewhere and me surviving without having to fully claim. I was overcorrecting for the inaugural game I guess. It was a bad play made to avoid making my lover have to claim and putting another good target out there. At this point our doctor and swapper can only protect a fraction of the targets available. Still think everyone involved in the mass claiming idea is sus for it.]]
Speculation on strings, still against mass claiming (and thinks those perpetuating it are sus--I actually don't really know who was for it aside from Q??? I need to look I might be dumb). Defends her stance on sitting back and letting info roles role.

“Alright, so we have seven bastards to hunt. The weird gamer sloth is dead. Catgirl,” Kekoa swished his tail in annoyance at how close to accurate that term was for him. Meowth is even more masculine than skitty. “Catgirl shot herself Wil E. Coyote style. Five left. A beast and a stringer, assuming someone isn’t lying. I don’t think they are. Probably three mafia remaining.”

“So, who could be the stringer? I imagine they’d be incentivized to lie low for a few days. Then they just win before the town gets around to killing rando inactives. Or maybe they’d be as helpful as possible. As for me, I do have one bit of information to share from my lover:

“It might be worth it for the beast hunter to check Dave tonight. I don’t think they’re scum, but I think they might be third party. They’ve been very helpful so far so I do not want to kill him today, but it’s worth the dread for a check. Saying more about either my lover’s identity or role would be dumb at the moment given everything.”

“That’s all for now.”
Advises that Dave be checked due to what their lover might have said.

“Yeah, the one time I talk and people still think it’s my guardian. I want to say that I’ve got nothing against you, Dave, but there’s just something circumstantial that came up. That’s all.”
Says something came up in regards to above.

“I think it’s a terrible idea to just assume this guy isn’t bad news. Seven scum — it tracks that the stringer is one of them. Maybe that grayscale asshole just thought our cop / vig would have better results, or that mafia would’ve killed a third party by now?”
Thoughts on strings being bad, I think???? Don't remember.

[[Voting Tetra until someone fields a better candidate or there’s another massive plot twist. Haven’t been stringed yet. Don’t know what to think of that.]]
Votes Tetra, at least until a different candidate comes up.

[[Exactly. It was always a bad play, but with the stringer’s apparent ability it’s become a really bad idea. And we don’t have any other hints to go off of before a third party potentially wins…

I wonder if this was a balance to the moment in previous games where the town puts everything together out of nowhere. Limiting our ability to claim to help put the pieces together. Would’ve been nice to know that sooner…]
More thoughts, possibly on Strings being a deterrent from mass claiming?

[[It would also be easy to fake being strung to lend credence to your role claim tbh. Works both ways. Can’t automatically trust the people who have been strung.]]
Makes a good point that people can fake being stringed.

[[Okay I’d thought that I was voting for the only person to press for mass claim but now I am not sure that was what I did and I am ready to admit that I have no idea what I’m doing.]]

[[Okay as much as I’ve been vouching for Blossomleaf, voting the cop is bad vibes and I’m not even sure we have a third third party. Feels excessive. Plus the remaining doubt over the tracker report yesterday…

Voting: Blossomleaf]]
Voting Blossom because Blossom is now voting the cop and because they're still doubtful of the report Blossom gave.

SO after all of that, I still don't know what to really think. I feel some type of way about the "I don't think Bench is lying, don't claim in case you're actually OSBP so mafia doesn't know" to "I've been side eyeing Bench on his claim, as I'm also a BP--could be flavored differently but side-eyeing" which has now evolved to "I'm in a lover pair and I'm BP for myself and my lover." Then again I could parse that as trying to keep on the DL because now they're claiming lovers, and if they're not lying about it, maybe they didn't want to take any chances of having to claim that to start??? Mayve??? IDK?? I don't think having two BP's in a fucking role madness game is that insane especially if they're flavored differently but, I'm what the kids call fucking stupid aaaaaaaand don't really know what else to say on that, tbh. Something about the wording and the way it evolved feels weird but it's also like, is that a chance we want to take??? Lol, I hate it here. I'm sooooosososo braindead.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[I thought it was agreed that it was the result of a scum bus driver since TP Bus Driver doesn't feel right.]]
[[ i am not a cop, but i have my own reasons for strongly believing that pano is TP that i can disclose later when i claim my role. the fact that starlight received that result is part of what makes me confident that she's telling the truth. -q ]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
"But.... if he's not the stringer, then he can't be third party, can he?? He was confirmed to not be the beast, right? And that cop inspection could very easily be from another bus driver!"

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
"But.... if he's not the stringer, then he can't be third party, can he?? He was confirmed to not be the beast, right? And that cop inspection could very easily be from another bus driver!"
[[ well, she can... and i have reason to believe she is that i feel is more substantial than the reasoning that she isn't. she may or may not deny it but i know what i know, hey. like i said before, i think there are non-hostile third parties in the game, and i think pano is one of them. you can trust me and take my word for it, or you can ignore it and do what you want and i'm not gonna try to stop you any further, because from my perspective going for a stringee is going to suck no matter what and i'm just doing harm reduction. from my pov, it's the decision that makes sense, and i would encourage anyone who doesn't think i'm lying through my teeth about this to trust me on it and do the same. -q ]]


Ace Trainer
[["in waiting room hell so turns out I can reply. But okay look. I'm not doing this to be a jerk so much as at this point I went with the safe play by assuming u should vote out a stringee if u don't want to stringer to win.

But if everyone's going to jump at my throat then fine unvote starlight

But I'm telling you pano / Sidney is clear for not being the beast.

And I might not be able to hop online so I'll remain abstain in this case. And I can't reply or do much else. Since I'm being called in and have to go."]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[I am tired and its been too much of a Day irl.

Day closes in a few hours. Idk what to do

Vote: Espy

*shrugs* soory]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[If someone has.... something better or more efficient reasonably but thats. What I got.]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[If someone has.... something better or more efficient reasonably but thats. What I got.]]
[[ i would advise you to at least vote for a stringee (one of dave/abra/shini/pano/starlight/bench/torchic). i really don't think espy is the stringer considering their inactivity and they aren't a stringee either so this wagon would probably lose the game. right now the leading wagon is shini, i'm on pano. -q ]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Can we please stop throwing votes at a wall here? We need to settle on something not have a bunch of single votes. I still don't think voting for a stringed person is a good idea in the long run, since if they get a few more strings off tomorrow, we're back to where we started today - perhaps maybe even in a worse position due to reduced numbers. The odds aren't good, but I think getting rid of them now is Town's only real chance here.]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[Can we please stop throwing votes at a wall here? We need to settle on something not have a bunch of single votes. I still don't think voting for a stringed person is a good idea in the long run, since if they get a few more strings off tomorrow, we're back to where we started today - perhaps maybe even in a worse position due to reduced numbers. The odds aren't good, but I think getting rid of them now is Town's only real chance here.]]
[[ i don’t fully follow. if we make it until tomorrow then we have the whole day to continue searching for the stringer, with an extra night of actions and information to assist. so it isn’t really true that right now is our only shot. it isn’t even our best shot. and none of us have any real clue who the stringer is. if we try to vote there and are wrong, we probably lose. we know exactly who the stringees are. -q ]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
i think there are non-hostile third parties in the game, and i think pano is one of them
[[I... fully admit I was fixated on hostiles and didn't consider the possibility of non-hostile. I... suppose that's possible. I don't know if I think it's more probable than just Starlight being misled by a bus diver, so I won't be voting pano, but I at least get what you're going for now.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Ugh ugh ugh ugh

The thing about voting for any of the supposed string folks (we can assume Free at least is unlikely to be lying) is that all of them varyingly have somewhat helpful powers.

Maybe I can try to really quick review who got stringed in what order? Thats all I can think of? ]]
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