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[Town victory] Vanilla Mafia!


  1. nidoqueen
"Actually, yeah. I want to know this, too. Steven honestly felt like a more mafia target, since they're the ones that would be in bigger trouble." He paused before adding under his breath, "if the rolecops are even normal. I guess they could have thought he was the regular cop. Maybe they even wasted their juggernaut shot on him. I legitimately cannot fathom why the Mafia would target Altair. He had very some mild suspicion on him already, from stronger, more town players. And not much else."

He glanced towards Ebony. "Unless you think overdoses are in play and the mafia put a doctor on him? You're the one that brought up mafia doctors."

[[Ugh I need sleep but now I'm all worked up from trying to defend my choices rip]]
"And as the King of Overcomplicated Bullshit," Mike continued as if he'd never stopped (though he certainly had, to soak as much in as possible), "I name you my prince."

(is that what we're doing, Altair?)


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
[[I guess this is my just deserts for not doing more to stop the cop Lynch in fall 2020 mafia lol]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
ebony-wince.png "This is all making my head hurt. I'm just gonna vote for Bart. He's probably the mafia doctor, so he's really dangerous."

Vote: Bartholomew


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
[[Having trouble sleeping so I hopped back on the computer for a moment to grab this. This is the voting history I typed up while trying to figure out who to inspect. Before typing it up, I had considered inspecting yellow (reasoning: they were the first person to bring up their vanilla info. I considered the possibility of a mafia member fishing for confused power roles that wouldn't know all vanilla players had info. Upon review of voting patterns - particularly that she immediately jumped on Bluwii after finding out about Persephone being a lover, I decided that Yellow was almost definitely town). There are a couple of other misc notes in there, mostly about people's reads on bluwii. I can't promise it's 100% accurate and feel free to fact check me if there's something wrong. But hopefully this is helpful.

-Phant votes for Abra
-I vote for Abra
-Equital votes Abra, saying if we're wrong we just lynch the other one next:
-Tetra votes Homestar:
-Persephone votes Abra
-Persephone unvotes

*Abra says they have no info, and that killing them would give the mafia a free kill, implying lovers for the first time:
-Phant unvotes:
-Phant deducts lover and votes for Homestar
-Sind votes for Homestar
-Yellow votes Homestar
-Abra votes Homestar
-Sind votes Homestar

At this point, Homestar claims bullet proof:

(at this point I started tracking page numbers. Some may be a little off)
-phant abstains:
-Equita unvotes:

-HY Unvotes:
-I Unvote

-Homestar votes bluwii

-Fusion unvotes, is hesitant to vote on blu without more info
*Sind claims to know who the lovers are and says kent isn't one

-Hazel votes abra
-HY votes Sind

-Free votes abra
-Abra votes sind
-Tetra doubles down on sind
-Homestar votes abra
-Inke votes abra, citing that they did not claim lover
Chibi says they will not vote sind
-I vote abra

ua notes not scumreading tetra, but starting to get sus of tunneling.
Tetra brings up the possibility of two lover pairs
-Free posts reads and votes abra

Chibi decides free is friendly

-HY votes kent
-Equital posts reads and votes sind
-Inke posts reads has put bluwii low
-Equital votes sind

-Equita votes Abra
*Tetra claims lover with abra
-Equita votes sind
-free unvotes

-hy votes sind, casts mild sus on mike for not changing his vote
-homestar abstains
-homestar votes abra
-i unvote

-phant abstains

-chibi votes pory
-yellow unvotes
ua expresses caution over pory
-phant votes abra

equita posts updated reads. neutral on pory
-phant unvotes
-equita votes pixie

-phant votes pixie
-phant unvotes

-free votes pixie
espy asks for scumread list
-hy votes pixie
-abra votes pixie
-ua votes pixie
-homestar votes tetra

-espy votes pixie
*Sind says pixie is a lover

-HY votes bluwii
-tetra unvotes
-free unvotes
-ua votes bluwii
-tetra votes bluwii
-abra votes bluwii
-free votes bluwii

-equita votes bluwii
-sind votes bluwii
-inke votes bluwii

-equita votes sind

-espy votes bluwii

-I vote espy

-homestar votes pano


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Which answers the question of why I was shot instead of one of the Lovers, for example. I believe that the Mafia Role-Cop read Altair last night and tried to shoot him (because obviously, you want to get rid of the SK ASAP). Wind has essentially outed herself as Mafia here. This entire song and dance with claiming Cop is to try and clear any and all suspicion off Anti, and (possibly) by extension, Reme.
[[Actually, you know what? Something bothers me here. If I was mafia, and I knew your bulletproof popped, why should I speak up at all? I could just kill you again on n3 and no one would have been the wiser. The only reason I can think of is that it would mean delaying shooting one of the lover pairs? Lower the risk of a mafia member getting nightkilled I guess? Like, that's legit the only reasons I can think of. And I still can't figure out why the Mafia would target you at night to begin with, because I really genuinely fined the rolecop theory hard to believe Not impossible, but hard.

The only thing I can think of is this post here, which admittedly, if you really are the serial killer and not mafia, would imply you were surprised by the fact that yellow had information, something that any vanilla player (or the mafia) would know.

But again, there were better targets. Assuming one town doctor, there'd be a 3/4 chance of getting a double kill. Beyond that, most reads were putting you at soft town at best. Believe what you want, but if I were the Mafia, I would have targeted Steven, one of the lovers, or one of the townleaders like uA or Shiny or Chibi.

ALso just. I know this is a newbie game, but do you really honestly think I would pull a gambit where, if I'm mafia, I would reveal all or almost all scumbuddies? Like. People were already suspicious of Fuse and Bart (who, by the way, I think is neutral at best but I also know no one's gonna believe that now because I'm late to post my thoughts and reads like I have been this whole game like some sort of clown in hopes of not attracting too much mafia ire), and casting suspicion on me for what mostly seems like interpreting bart's positive read as scum trying to make other scum look good..

I feel like my thoughts are incomplete but god I'm actually starting to get tired and not be able to think straight so I'm gonna cut the post here and hope I didn't say something really stupid that makes me look like an even bigger clown.]]


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
[[Oh wait my vote for espy was also brought up right. To be frank. I had 5 minutes left in my lunch break, which I had spent the entirety of just trying to keep up with the thread, and I had to make a last minute decision. I felt like Espy was kind of bandwagoning while Bluwii wasn't doing much to defend themselves, and the most defense I saw for them was maybe fuse not liking a last minute lynch of an inactive, and Equitial jumping off the bandwagon. Which. Yeah, a little sus, but I find it hard to believe that there were NO mafia members on the bluwii train, because it wasn't going to change in time by the look of things, and they would look better if they'd stayed on it.]]


  1. nidoqueen
[[To explain: Even with Bart on our collective scum-radar, to not commit to either Altair or Wind right now is, IMO, fishy as all hell. Also IMO, you haven't really been contributing anything substantial of your own. Besides the mafia doctor idea, which I just wanna pretend isn't real because fbdhgdvsbsnss]]


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
[[ A final note: Tomorrow is a moving day for me. Do not expect activity. But I have told Sind my general thoughts and they can speak for me if needed. ]]

This post is when I finally realized I had been reading the thread wrong.

[[Please remember I never claimed I was a lover, I only said I knew who the lovers were.]]

I specifically interpreted the above post as Sinderella definitively claiming she was not a Lover, she just knew of them. Therefore, it was my belief that only three out of four claimed Lovers were known; I thought Pixie's Lover partner was not being said.

So yes, my actions do not make sense if you actually interpret what was going on correctly. My thing is I had last minutes doubts about lynching Pory, so decided to go for the character I found the most confusing based on conflicting claims regardless of anyone else's voting.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Actually, you know what? Something bothers me here. If I was mafia, and I knew your bulletproof popped, why should I speak up at all? I could just kill you again on n3 and no one would have been the wiser. The only reason I can think of is that it would mean delaying shooting one of the lover pairs? Lower the risk of a mafia member getting nightkilled I guess? Like, that's legit the only reasons I can think of. And I still can't figure out why the Mafia would target you at night to begin with, because I really genuinely fined the rolecop theory hard to believe Not impossible, but hard.

The only thing I can think of is this post here, which admittedly, if you really are the serial killer and not mafia, would imply you were surprised by the fact that yellow had information, something that any vanilla player (or the mafia) would know.

But again, there were better targets. Assuming one town doctor, there'd be a 3/4 chance of getting a double kill. Beyond that, most reads were putting you at soft town at best. Believe what you want, but if I were the Mafia, I would have targeted Steven, one of the lovers, or one of the townleaders like uA or Shiny or Chibi.

ALso just. I know this is a newbie game, but do you really honestly think I would pull a gambit where, if I'm mafia, I would reveal all or almost all scumbuddies? Like. People were already suspicious of Fuse and Bart (who, by the way, I think is neutral at best but I also know no one's gonna believe that now because I'm late to post my thoughts and reads like I have been this whole game like some sort of clown in hopes of not attracting too much mafia ire), and casting suspicion on me for what mostly seems like interpreting bart's positive read as scum trying to make other scum look good..

I feel like my thoughts are incomplete but god I'm actually starting to get tired and not be able to think straight so I'm gonna cut the post here and hope I didn't say something really stupid that makes me look like an even bigger clown.]]

The main problem here is that your reasons for inspecting me N1 are flimsy at best when you have players like Bart making obfuscating posts and tossing votes around like candy. My voting behaviour did nothing to indicate scum:
  • I voted for Kent after Clovis' claim as it made no sense for Clovis to make that claim as Mafia.
  • I unvoted immediately after Hana's claim as she gave me hard Town vibes.
  • I was generally confused during the whole Pixie debacle and didn't have the energy to keep up with the thread at the time.
  • I voted for Porygon(?) at the end because they were offering nothing of substance throughout the entire day, so I felt them to be my safest option.
Also apparently trying to pay attention to the game makes me "informed" somehow? Okay.

I feel that the reason you're trying to gun hard on me today is that when I inevitably flip Third-party, you gain major town cred and hey presto! No more sus on you.


  1. nidoqueen
Mike sat up in his small igloo, far too puzzled to fall asleep. A question had hit him full in the face:

Which was worse: the self-claimed Serial Killer, or the supposed "Mafia" scum?

The answer seemed obvious. The Serial Killer. By a hundred miles.

But, Mike reminded himself, they had come "bearing gifts."

"I think there is more thinking to do," he spoke.

You're absolutely right, he thought. Consider the following:

[[The SK, who is also OSPB(???), outs themselves as SK after Wind comes out and IDs them as Mafia.

SK's whole fuckin' claim to being SK instead of Mafia lies on whatever interpretation to the rules we believe:

Rules as Written, which mark SK as undetectable.

Or that the "Mike's Special Rule" is the actual rule.

The DM tells us to refer to the Wiki. While this game has been fucking insanity so far, I am going to actually turn around and lay some heavy suspicion on Altair.


And here's another "Mike Galaxy Brain Special"

Altair is OSPB Mafia
Altair got 360 No-Scoped by Wind
The real SK took a swing at them last night, whoever that is

Does this have an SK-sized gap in it? Sure.

Does this follow Rules As Written, ignoring my own obfuscation of them? Also yes.

I don't think that Altair could have made this gambit UNLESS I enfuckened the rules Day 1.




And also probably goodbye Wind]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Kent had fallen asleep on that chair of his.

He woke suddenly.

"...Now what's going on?"

[[ Altair is supposedly the Serial Killer, and Anti-Bravoman is supposedly mafia. Better look through the records if you don't want to be left behind. ]]

"Oh, haha, very funny," He said in a deadpan tone. "Poke fun at my fear of a--"

A leather journal appeared out of nowhere and flew directly into Kent's face.

"Ow! What--?" He grabbed the journal.

[[ Now, read up. ]]

"Fine." He sighed and opened the journal.


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
"Wait, but... Steven wasn't cop then! There's no way we'd have two, right?!"

One hand lingered over the outside of his jacket pocket where the letter sat. "I believe I know a few things about the roles some of us may have. As for alignment, though, I can't quite say. To protect as many people as possible, I cannot say exactly how I've come to conclude these things.

^^^ Pano practically said that she was a Role Cop up above

"This is all making my head hurt. I'm just gonna vote for Bart. He's probably the mafia doctor, so he's really dangerous."

lol I originally wanted to make lots of jokes with Batholomew if I roleclaimed, but apparently I have been misplaying this game, so

How the turns have tabled. Alright folks, I'm a Doctor. My claims are I targeted uA n0 (out of a pool of experienced players), and Hana/Fly0n on n1 (my pool then was Lovers and Steven having extra weight, Chibi being there too). I'm a Doctor but--however hilarious it would be for Scum Doc again--alas, I am a normal one. We'll have to take that being funny enough by itself -_-

Obvi, I went out and suggested that strat for dealing with Heal Clashing because I knew there was Heal Clash. (Also, my joke for wanting Batholomew to trade for Serial Killer is that obvi being SK would make it easier for her to kill people. Also, I was going to have a bit where ne did claim Scum Doctor, but then have nem realize ne was reading Mewtwo's role PM on accident and amend that to normal Doctor.)

Right now, it looks as though my best chance for people to stop sussing me is to dissuade the idea that I'm a scum Doctor. For that, I have a meta argument in that Namo, our host, was on the scumteam last time around, a scumteam whose quirk *was* an overdosing Doctor. I would argue that he wouldn't use the same trick twice. If people start disbelieving in a scum Doctor, my next step is to try to explain my reasoning for my moves yesterday, but idk I accept that mistakes have been made on my part.

Tbh, I'm surprised that Chibi is guessing incorrectly (they also didn't pick up on Steven roleclaiming, which I thought was incredibly obvious). But, whatever happens, I'm going to continue backing them. They wouldn't have started a train on Bluwii as scum. I just don't think that.

My word no longer counts for much, but I'm going to continue backing Windskull. Rn (still wanna go through the thread again) I stand by my reasoning that they don't feel like scum!Wind, whom I'm familiar with. Therefore, it breaks my heart, but I also have to break my tradition of trying to get the Cop lynched. I believe them, case closed. If you're quibbling between voting me and them, go me I think?? Doctor/Cop--you decide.

Moreover, I am agreeing with their reasoning throughout the current Inke SK or Mafia debate. On n0, my assumption is that Mafia killed Kyeugh, and the SK Bench. The Mafia killed Q because good player, *but* a Bench kill is pretty spontaneous. Bench isn't experienced and obvi no role hints on n0. That suggests that our SK also isn't much experienced themself, or else maybe they would be more strategetic. Of who would be most helped my going after a Cop, that would be Mafia. The Mafia has more than one member who could be scouted; whereas the SK is only one person and can better count on being looked over (though obvi Wind get hypothetical SK!Inke anyway). However, that would be an unreasoned move for anyone to target Inke, as they didn't do much to indicate they would be worth killing. That does fit one of my first profiles of unseasoned, mildly confused SK though. They're basically just striking randomly--rn, of my guesses I'd think the SK is a quiet, inactive character. Espy fits, but my pet theory is Goat.

My basic reasoning, though, is I would rather both the Cop and I as a Doctor stay alive. Cop for obvi reasons, Doctor because I can throw my Healing powers in so hopefully Cop no die. I mean, the SK is still killing people. We have Inke's promise that they'll try to hit scum, but they're SK. Obviously they'll do what they can to not be removed from the game. There's the theory that I'm a Scum Doctor who also ha the potential to kill, but my hypothetical scumrole is less guaranteeing of kill than an SK. Though, I continue to insist that "not Dr. Scum I promise, for real this time".


  1. nidoqueen
[[Universe Brain 3 AM thought:

Altair could have claimed BP as a set-up for some sort of future crap. Or they are OSBP Mafia. OSBP Serial Killer seems so absolutely ridiculous.

More realistically, and as far as we know, Mafia and/or SK got Doc-Blocked. Altair (under the Mafia as a whole) claimed it as BP to avert suspicion. My money is they're just a Mafia Goon.

There's zero reason for the SK and the Mafia to give the lovers such a wide berth; if you ask me, a lover was targeted by SK and doc-blocked.

Altair got caught with their pants down by the cop; Claimed SK using my own fucking bullshit reasoning for being "detectable."

If I am right, they're Mafia.

If you believe Altair, they're SK.

Any way you slice it, they're scum, and they need to be done now.]]


  1. nidoqueen
"BART YOU SUNNAVADISC," Mike bellowed, grinning broadly and swinging his arms open wide. "C'MERE! YOU AND ME, PARTNERS TO THE END!"



A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[hi I am working and will not be able to make a real post until this evening but: oh my dear god how is day two already this much of a tangle with several more dramatic roleclaims ten hours in]]
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