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Official Actions

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House of Two Midnights
Using a 2x AoE damage boost.

200 points from Pen:

The stars grow bright. From the sky, distant yet distinct, comes the sound of . . . someone rustling through a satchel. "Ahem. Saw you lot flopping about like magikarp in a desert. So I, uh, plucked a couple of the boss's feathers for you. He won't notice, right? It's not like he checks out the back of his neck in a mirror every morning. Just don't use them up too quickly, will you? Even Yveltal might get a clue if I pluck him bald."

200 points from Starlight Aurate:

This boost carries with it the sharp, clean tang of an ocean breeze.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs Maple
Turn 4 Actions

Supports & Ethereals

Tricky: Energize II on Brisa [20]
Curio: Energize III on Saltriv [15]
Kindle: Soothe III on Saltriv [15]
Seyka: Haste III on Astrid [5]
Skara: Shield IV on Brisa [20]
Lauchs: Shield IV on Dave [5]

[Burst: 100/100]

[Head Zone]​

[Tailwind up]

[Mellow-Icetales-Vix Alliance]

Icetales [4] 🔒🔒
[Receive Pure Call]
Action 1: Teatime [Max Elixir] @ Mellow [Max Elixir]
[Receive Shining Teatime to use Escape Orb]
Action 2: Teatime [No Item] @ Astrid [Regular Elixir]
Action 3: Wraith @ Cynthian
Action 4: Inspirit @ Astrid, Brisa and Cynthian
Net stamina: -19 (+200 from Max Elixir, then -219)
Net corruption: +50 Rad, +50 Shd
Net stat changes: +2 Evade, +118 HP (Dust)
Notes: Ends turn at Chest area || Must Deep Focus next turn!

Mellow [3] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Teatime]
Action 1: Shining Teatime @ Cynthian [Escape Orb] and Icetales [Escape Orb]
[Get Ally Swapped to Chest]
Action 2: Tailwind
Action 3: Call @ Astrid [+2 Def], Icetales [+2 Evade] and Brisa [+2 Def]
Net stamina: +89 (+200 from Max Elixir, then -111)
Net corruption: +14 Rad
Net stat changes: +78 HP (Dust), Misty, Nebula
Notes: Ends turn at Chest area

Vix [3] 🔒🔒
Action 1: Ally Switch @ Self & Dave
[Justice Drain @ Brisa for 60 Shadow]
Action 2: Ally Switch @ Self & Mellow
Action 3: Deep Focus [exit Unleashed]
Net stamina: -20
Net corruption: -40 Rad, -40 Shd
Sphere corruption: 180 (Cap: 180)
Net stat changes: N/A
Notes: End turn at Maple’s Head

Cynthian [5] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Shining Teatime, Wraith, Inspirit]
[+12, Stab, Terrain, Technician, HH, Poison]
[Teatime Escape Orb and move to Chest Zone]
Action 1: Brilliant Edelweiss (Aster Centauri)
Action 2: Bullet Seed (Crit)
Action 3: Bullet Seed
Action 4: Bullet Seed
Action 5: Hyacinth Bullet Seed (Crit, 10% drain)
All attacks @ Maple Soul
Net stamina: -400
Net corruption: +86Rad, +58shd
Net stat changes: +1 Def, +1 Res, Nebula, Misty, Bunker
Notes: +123hp, +1BB, Aster Centauri in Chest Zone, Bunker gets popped by Astrid for suicide.

[Right Arm]​

Saltriv [3] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Soothe III (-60 Shd), Energize III]
Action 1: Leap Ahead
Action 2: Rally Call @ Astrid [+2 Acc], Starr [+1 Def/Res], Brisa [+2 Def]
Action 3: Acceptance @ Astrid, Starr, Brisa
Net stamina: [After Energize III and -60, set to 111]
Net corruption: +30 Rad, +10 Shd,
Net stat changes: N/A

[Chest Zone]​

Dave [3] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Shield]
Action 1: Shining Burden @ Brisa
Action 2: Double Dip Divine Berry and Vile Seed @ Maple’s Soul
Action 3: Psych Up Brisa’s Attack
[Goes before the Head Zone, Wait to get Ally Swapped with Vix]
Net stamina: -63
Net corruption: +17 Rad (Shining Burden)
Net stat changes: +2 Protect, -1 Acceptance charge
Notes: Hex Counter is still a thing
[End turn at Right Arm]

Brisa [4] 🔒🔒
[Receives Shield IV, Acceptance, Saltriv Call, Mellow Call, Justice (-60 Shd), Energize II, Burden, Inspirit, Determination]
[+10, Ethereal 1.5, Burst, Stab, Guts, Terrain, HH, Poison]
Action 1: Overcharged Arcflare @ Maple’s Soul [150bp, UE, Crit, Charge]
Action 2: Arcflare @ Maple’s Soul [150bp, UE, Crit]
Action 3: Bolt Strike @ Maple’s Soul [SE]
Action 4: Focus out of Unleashed
Net Paralysis: +1500
Net stamina: +22 (includes energize, second wind and blessed elixir)
Net corruption: nil Rad, -80 Shd
Net stat changes: +Shield IV, +5 Def, +1 Res, +2 Protect, -30 hp, Nebula, Misty
Notes: Estimated 1313 dmg

Starr [6] 🔒🔒
[Lithe Stance, Receive Saltriv Call, Sun, Acceptance]
[+10, Blaze, Sun, STAB, LB 30%, HH, Burst, Ethereal]
Action 1: Umbral Insolence
Action 2: U Turn to Chest [+8]
Action 3: Brilliant Flarestrike @ Soul [150bp, Reckless, UE]
Action 4: Sweeper Leech Life @ Head/Soul
Action 5: Sweeper Power Trip @ Head/Soul [39 Stages]
[Resolution let her keep going]
Action 6: Sweeper Flarestrike @ Head/Soul [150bp, Reckless, UE]
Net stamina: Tireless Resolution
Net corruption: +24 Shd, + 66 Rad [-20/20, +30/30, +14 Shd, +56 Rad]
Net stat changes: +1 Def/Res, -50% HP [Recoil, Resolution]
Notes: She had 2 Acceptance, got 3 more, ends with 2. [Get Voidbound crit for later]

Astrid [6] 🔒🔒
[receive Inspirit crit, Teatime (Max Elixir), Rally Call x2, Acceptance]
[+10, UE, STAB, HH, ethereal+50%, support burst, LB x1.2]
Action 1: Inspiration @ Starr
Action 2: Null Sweeper Flail @ Head, Soul, Cynthian [crit, sun, Blaze]
Action 3: Inspiration @ Brisa
Action 4: Null Sweeper Freeze Shock @ Head, Soul [Guts, terrain]
Action 5: Voidbound Null Sweeper Stored Power @ Head, Soul [170 BP; crit, sun, Blaze]
Action 6: [Wind Up]
Net stamina: death
Net corruption: death
Net stat changes: +2 Accuracy, +2 Defense
Notes: Astrid is poisoning herself on Cynthian’s Baneful Bunker so that she will guaranteed die and not radiant explode lol, cancel Ward for this reason

[Nebula and DD heals for Icetales’ targets]
[Chest Zone will have Aster Centauri and Tailwind]

Nip [3] 🔒🔒
Action 1: Focus
Action 2: Wind Up
Action 3:
Net stamina: +223 (Full Rest due to only focusing and Wind Up)
Net corruption: -20 Rad, -10 Shd
Net stat changes: X
Ok I'm about to step away for a few minutes so Nip's turn. If he's going to keep the tail distracted AND doesn't need to teleport anyone, I'm thinking he does another Brilliant paranoia, downs his max elixir, and then either focuses or does a windup, whichever is more useful for prepping for next turn.

[Tree gang]​

Bahamut [3] 🔒🔒
No stances here :^)
Action 1: Morning Sun on self & fake!Pita. +50% HP to all, unless a phantom puts up some sun. plsputupsomesun
Action 2: Ally Switch w/ Owen. Self to BL, Owen to MR.
Action 3: Focus
Net:-58 stamina, -40 Shadow

Owen [3] 🔒🔒
Maintain Unleash
Action 1: Deep Focus
Action 2: Brilliant Aether (Protect +2 on Xernatus and phantoms)
Action 3: Store Overheats
[Wind Up]
Net: Tireless Stamina
+30 Radiance, +10 Shadow
+Tree gang, +2 Protects, +2 Overheats
End in MR
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs Maple
Turn 4 Messages

Ethereal entities boosted the entire team's damage by 50%!

Tricky's Energize II revitalized Brisa!
Curio's Energize III revitalized Saltriv!
Kindle's Soothe III calmed Saltriv!
Seyka's Haste III quickened Astrid!
Skara's Shield IV protected Brisa!
Lauchs's Shield IV protected Dave!

Icetales' Teatimes let Mellow and Astrid recover stamina!
Icetales' Void Wraith supported Cynthian's Brilliant Edelweiss! Their Aster Centauri will shield the team from 25% of damage! Cynthian’s attacks will be more effective!
Icetales' Brilliant Inspirit boosted Astrid, Brisa and Cynthian!
Mellow's Shining Teatime allowed Cynthian and Icetales
Mellow’s Tailwind quickened the team!
Mellow’s pure words rallied Astrid, Icetales and Brisa!
Vix chauffeured Dave and Mellow!
Vix’s Justice drained Brisa’s Shadows!
Saltriv’s Connection Call rallied the Gals!
Saltriv’s Void Acceptance reduced the Gals’ corruption!
Dave’s Shining Burden raised Brisa’s Defe/Res by +1, and gave them both 2 Protects!
Dave’s Vile Seed inflicted -800 Def/Res to Maple’s Soul!

Cynthian’s empowered Gatling Seed dealt a partial CRITICAL X damage to Maple’s Soul!
Brisa received a lot of support from the team! Brisa is surging with power...
Brisa’s Overcharged Void Arcstrike dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Maple’s Soul!
Brisa’s Void Arcstrike dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Maple’s Soul!
Brisa’s Titanic Bolt Strike reacted to Astrid and dealt X damage to Maple’s Soul!
Brisa’s Tenacity inflicted +1500 Paralysis to Maple’s Soul!
Starr received a lot of support from the team! Starr is surging with power...
Starr’s Insolent U-Turn dealt X damage to Maple’s Soul!
Starr’s Brilliant Flarestrike dealt X damage to Maple’s Soul!
Starr’s Sweeper Leech Life dealt X damage to Maple’s head and soul!
Starr’s Sweeper Power Trip dealt X damage to Maple’s head and soul!
Starr’s Resolute Sweeper Flarestrike dealt X damage to Maple’s head and soul!
Astrid received a lot of support from the team! Astrid is surging with power...
Astrid was Inspired by Brisa and Starr!
Astrid’s Null Sweeper Flail dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Maple’s head and soul!
Astrid’s Null Sweeper Freeze Shock dealt X damage to Maple’s head and soul!
Astrid’s Voidbound Null Sweeper Stored Power dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Maple’s head and soul!

Bahamut’s Morning Sun healed himself and Pita’s Phantom!
Bahamut chauffeured Owen!
Owen’s Brilliant Aether placed 2 Protect shields on each of Xernatus and the Phantoms!


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Turn 5: This time, it's not turn 4!
Action 1: Ally Switch with Xernatus. Self to MR, Xern to BL.​
Action 2: Brilliant Beacon on Owen. -60 rad for Owen.​
Action 3: Move to TR.​
Turn end: Enter Firm Stance.​
Net stamina: -74
Net corruption: +40 rad
Net stat changes: +2 protect, Follow Me, Firm Stance
Notes: i guess we’re trying to find eien lol :P


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs Maple
Turn 5 Actions

Supports & Ethereals

Seyka: Haste III on Starr
[Burst: 5/100]

[Chest Zone -Tailwind up]​

Dave [4] [Right Arm]🔒🔒
Action 1: Crunch @ Eterna Parasite (+600 poison, -750 Def)
Action 2: Crunch @ Eterna Parasite (+600 poison, -750 Def)
Action 3: Crunch @ Eterna Parasite (+600 poison, -750 Def)
Action 4: Crunch @ Eterna Parasite (+600 poison, -750 Def)
Net stamina: -76
Net corruption: +50 Rad, +50 Shd (+30/+30 Unleash, +20/+20 BL Spike)
Net stat changes: none
Notes: If necessary he could Mimic Ally Switch, but it would be nice to be safe with the threshold, and flavorwise I would prefer he focus on the parasite or else Maple and not on the souls, which he doesn’t give much of two shits about. If he does so, then if he swaps himself it’s 88 stamina, if he swaps with two in succession (20-stamina Ally Switch) it’s 119, and if he swaps two other allies (45-stamina Ally Switch) it’s 172.

Vix [Head -> Chest] 🔒🔒
[Receive Koa Call]
Action 1: Ally Switch with Mellow
[Justice Drain @ Icetales for 20 Rad, 40 Shadow]
Action 2: Ire @ Brisa, Starr, Koa
Action 3: Throw Bomb @ Parasite
Net stamina: -48
Net corruption: +10 Rad, +44 Shd
Sphere corruption: 0 (Cap: 180)
Net stat changes: N/A
Notes: Ew, icky bugs

Icetales [4] [Chest - > Head] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Justice drain]
Action 1: Teatime [Max Elixir] @ Starr [Max Elixir]
Action 2: Revontulet -> Quasar
Action 3: Inspirit @ Starr, Brisa, Koa, Astrid
Action 4: Deep Focus [Exit unleashed]
[Get Ally Swapped after his turn is done]
Net stamina: +47 (+200, then -153)
Net corruption: +0 Rad, -80 Shd
Net stat changes: None
Notes: Quasar and DD get passed to Inspirit targets

[Alliance: Nip, Brisa]

Nip [4] [Tail -> Sky] 🔒 🔒
[Weave with Brisa]
Action 1: Teleport to Arm
Action 2: Teleport Saltriv to Chest
Action 3: Shadow Spike @ Soul [SE]
[200 Psn, Pickpocket +1 Atk, debuff 150 Atk]
Action 4: Teleport Brisa to Sky
Net stamina: -131
Net corruption: +10 Shd
Net stat changes: +1 Atk

Brisa [3] [Chest -> Sky] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Ire, Inspirit]
[+10, Guts, Stab, Terrain, HH], vs Head/Wings/Soul
Action 1: Spreader Arcstrike [UE, Crit, Charge]
Action 2: Spreader Bolt Strike [SE]
[Get Teleported to Sky]
Action 3: Interact with the souls (Whiplash flavour)
Net stamina: -124, SW at 34 = 68, +belexir = 98
Net corruption: +20 Rad, +50 Shd (spare acceptance used)
Net stat changes: +45 hp

[Mellow-Saltriv Alliance]

Mellow [3][Chest] 🔒🔒
[Get Ally Switched to Head by Vix]
Action 1: Mimic Ally Switch with Icetales (or anyone done with their turn)
Action 2: Call @ Starr [+2 Def], Saltriv [+2 Spe]
Action 3: Tailwind
Net stamina: -114
Net corruption: -20 Rad, -14 Shd
Net stat changes: +2 Spe

Saltriv [3] [Right Arm -> Chest -> Sky] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Call]
[Get Teleported to Chest, Receive Mellow Call]
Action 1: Call Starr [+2 Res], Mellow [+2 Spe]
Action 2: Mimic Teleport to the Sky
Action 3: Bellow Call Souls
Net stamina: -45
Net corruption: -20/-20
Net stat changes: +2 Spe
Notes: needs to interact with starr to pass sun, needs to receive a call

[Alliance: Astrid, Starr, Koa]

Koa [3] [Chest] 🔒🔒
[Receiving: Inspirit, Ire]
[+9, Plus, Terrain, STAB, HH]
Action 1: Radiant Battlecry
Action 2: (Fus Ro Dah) Electric Hyper Voice @Soul/Head/Wings [Crit, SE, Charge]
Action 3: (Fus Ro Dah) Electric Hyper Voice @Soul/Head/Wings
[Free call @ Vix]
Net stamina: -83 if non-pressurized/-51pressurized
Net corruption: +14RAD,
Net stat changes: +1 Res from charge

Conduit 🔒🔒
Starr gives 5 Rad to Astrid
Koa gives 9 Rad to Astrid
Koa gives 14 Shd to Astrid
Koa gives 16 Shd to Starr

Starr [6] [Chest] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Haste III, Pure Call x2, Teatime, Ire, Inspirit]
[Lithe Stance]
[+10, Blaze, Sun, STAB, LB 40%]
[Teatime Max Elixir]
Action 1: Umbral Insolence
Action 2: Sweeper Flare Blitz @ Soul/Head/Parasite [Reckless, Ire SE, Void Crit]
Action 3: Sweeper Leech Life @ Soul/Head/Parasite [Inspirit Crit]
Action 4: Sweeper Basic Attack @ Soul/Head/Parasite
Action 5: Sweeper Power Trip @ Soul/Head/Parasite [43 Stages]
[Resolution lets her keep going]
Action 6: Sweeper Flarestrike @ Soul/Head/Wings [Reckless, UE inherit]
Net stamina: -190, then Tireless Resolution
Net corruption: -40/40 +50/50, +28/14, -5+16 [End at: 99/72]
Net stat changes: +2 Def, +2 Res, -50% max HP
Notes: :3

Astrid [5] [Chest] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Inspirit crit]
[+10, UE, STAB, HH, sun, Blaze, LB x1.1, crit]
Action 1: Inspiration @ Starr
Action 2: Recurve —> Inspiration
Action 3: Recurve —> Inspiration
Action 4: Voidbound Sweeper Freeze Shock @ Parasite, Soul, Head
Action 5: Sweeper Z-Burst @ Parasite, Soul, Head [238 BP, physical]
Net stamina: 50%
Net corruption: 0/0
Net stat changes: Inspiration+2 Recurve
Notes: Wings is backup target

[Tree gang]​

Bahamut [3] 🔒🔒
[Receiving nothing lol]
Action 1: Ally Switch with Xernatus. Self to MR, Xern to BL.
Action 2: Brilliant Beacon on Owen. -60 rad for Owen.
Action 3: Move to TR.
Turn end: Enter Firm Stance.
Net stamina: -74
Net corruption: +40 rad
Net stat changes: +2 protect, Follow Me, Firm Stance
Notes: i guess we’re trying to find eien lol :P

Owen [3]🔒🔒
[Receiving nothing]
Action 1: Deep Focus to move to TR via Aether; remove Unleash
Action 2: Shadow Store Overheat
Action 3: Shadow Store Overheat
Net stamina: Tireless -1
Net corruption: -40 Radiance
Net stat changes: +4 Overheat, remove Unleash
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs Maple
Turn 5 Messages

Seyka's Haste III quickened Starr!

Vix chauffeured Mellow!
Vix drained Icetales' corruption!
Vix made Brisa, Starr, and Koa Irate! Their attacks are more effective!
Vix's Justice Bomb dealt X damage to the Eterna Parasite! It's Ultra Effective!
Icetales' Teatime let Starr restore her stamina!
Icetales' Cosmoskinetic Inspirit boosted Starr, Brisa, Koa, and Astrid! They were protected by his Quasar!
Nip chauffeured Brisa!
Brisa reached out to the trapped souls, and showed them her heart!
Mellow chauffeured Icetales!
Mellow's pure words rallied Starr and Saltriv!
Mellow's Trailwind quickened the team!
Saltriv's Connection Call aided Starr and Mellow!
Saltriv connected to the trapped souls!
Koa called out to Vix! His pure words reached her!
Koa's Conduit let himself, Astrid and Starr shoulder each other's corruption!
Astrid was Inspired by Starr!

Dave's quadruple Crunches dealt X, X, X and X damage to the Eterna Parasite! He inflicted 2400 Poison and -3000 Defense!
Nip's Shadow Spike dealt X damage to the Soul, and inflicted 200 Poison and -150 Attack!
Brisa's Spreader Arcstrike reacted to Starr's Flarestrike and became Fusion Arcflare! It dealt X, X and X damage to Maple's head, wings and soul!
Brisa's Spreader Bolt Strike dealt X, X and X damage to Maple's head, wings and soul! It's Ultra Effective!
Koa's double Electric Hyper Voice dealt a CRITICAL X and X damage to Maple's Soul, Head, and Wings!
Starr's Sweeper Flare Blitz dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Maple's Soul, the head, and the Eterna Parasite!
Starr's Sweeper Leech Life dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Maple's Soul, the head, and the Eterna Parasite!
Starr's Sweeper Basic Attack dealt X damage to Maple's Soul, the head, and the Eterna Parasite!
Starr's Sweeper Power Trip dealt X damage to Maple's Soul, the head, and the Eterna Parasite!
Starr's Resolute Sweeper Flarestrike reacted to Brisa's Arcstrike and became Fusion Arcflare! It dealt X, X and X damage to Maple's head, wings and soul! It's Ultra Effective!
Astrid's Voidbound Sweeper Freeze Shock dealt X damage to the Parasite, the Soul, and the head!
Astrid's Sweeper Z-Burst dealt X damage to the Parasite, the Soul, and the head!

Bahamut chauffeured Xernatus!
Bahamut's Brilliant Beacon took Owen's Radiance and made himself a target!
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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Turn 6: Pick up Eien sticks...
[Receiving a poke ball from Nate, Firm Stance active]
Action 1: Deep Focus​
Action 2: “Call” Eternatus​
Net stamina: -0
Net corruption: -40 rad, -40 shadow
Net stat changes: None
Notes: Intention is for Bahamut to make contact the same way he did with Joule and Owen. Since Eien is at least somewhat used to shadows through her connection with Diyem, Bahamut may try to drain any radiance next turn. Plan for Owen (and Nate?) to keep Mewtwo's attention or go for whatever's in TC.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs Maple
Turn 6 Actions

[Tailwind up]​

Everyone in Void gets +78 HP from Diamond Dust

Nip [3] 🔒🔒
Action 1: Triple Axel at Starr [pickpocket Accuracy] [+1, STAB, NVE]
Action 2: Brilliant Paranoia
Action 3: Moonlight @ Mellow, Koa, Brisa
Net stamina: -91 (-135 +44)
Net corruption: +40 Rad
Net stat changes:+1 accuracy
Notes: Hit shields and proc Evasion I hope

Dave [4] 🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒
[Receiving Call x2]
[+12, STAB, HH, NVE]
Action 1: Crunch @ Eternal Starr [+600 poison, -750 Def, Crit]
Action 2: Crunch @ Eternal Starr [+600 poison, -750 Def]
Action 3: Crunch @ Eternal Starr [+600 poison, -750 Def]
Action 4:
Net stamina: -99
Net corruption: +24 Rad, -10 Shd
Net stat changes: +2 Eva, +2 Def, +2 Protect
Notes: With this turn he will just barely be fine without corruption management (ending up at 97 Rad/80 Shd), but if we need something more defensive, one Crunch can be swapped out for a Shining Burden. This’d make the turn 99 stamina and +64 Rad (unless he receives Acceptance, in which case it’d be +47 Rad), which means he explodes, so in this case he must get corruption management. — (Taken care of 👍)

Mellow [3] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Moonlight]
Action 1: Brilliant Summershine
Action 2: Bellow Pure Rally Call @ Astrid [+2 Res], Icetales [+1 Eva, Def], and Dave [+2 Def]
Action 3: Bellow Pure Rally Call @ Saltriv [+2 Def], Koa [+2 Def], and Brisa [+2 Eva]
Net stamina: -46 (+50 from Moonlight, then -96)
Net corruption: +56 Rad
Net stat changes: +2 Innate Speed (Chlorophyll), +497 HP

Vix [3] 🔒🔒
[Receive Morning Sun, Heal Bell, Autumn]
Action 1: Void Remembrance
Action 2: Justice Wax @ Cynthian, Brisa, Koa
Action 3: Umbral Ire @ Cynthian, Brisa, Koa
Net stamina: -124
Net corruption: +48/+82
Net stat changes: +566 HP (heal to max), +2 Protect, +3 Attack, +3 Magic, +3 Defense, +3 Resistance, +3 Speed, +3 Accuracy, +3 Evasion, -3 Wax
Notes: Drain 54 Radiance and 6 Shade from Saltriv via Justice, keep Inspirit for next turn

Icetales [4] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Call]
[Wait for Summershine and Morning Sun/Moonlight]
Action 1: Heal Bell @ Saltriv, Brisa, Vix and ???
Action 2: Brilliant Inspirit @ Brisa, Koa, Dave and Vix
Action 3: Deep Focus
Action 4: Mist
Net stamina: -96 (+31 from Revitalize HB, then -175, then 48 which is doubled to 96)
Net corruption: +10 Rad, +30 Shadow
Net stat changes: +1 Def, +1 Eva
Notes: Quasar, Misty Terrain, Mist and Diamond Dust to the entire Sky. Keep the Unleash to better resist Starr’s moves.

Cynthian [4] 🔒🔒
[Forced Rest]
Action 1: Focus
Action 2: Focus
Action 3: Focus
Action 4: Focus
Net stamina: +183
Net corruption: -80 Rad, -80 Shd
Net changes: +1 B.B.
Notes: leave Unleashed, keep Ire for next turn

Brisa [3] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Wax, Ire, Inspirit, Heal Bell, Call x2]
[+10, STAB, Guts, Critical, HH]
Action 1: Call Hydreigon
Action 2: Bolt Strike Starr [UE, Charge, Terrain]
Action 3: Whiplash Starr [SE, Gay]
Net stamina: +66, inclusive of SW/Belixir
Net corruption: +10 Rad, -10 Shd
Net stat changes: +4 Eva, clear valor debuff

[Alliance: Koa, Astrid, Saltriv]
Gist: Saltriv heals Astrid’s stamina mid combo, and Saltriv and Koa dump their corruption onto Astrid via the Conduit

Koa [3] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Inspirit, Ire, Call x2, Moonlight, Autumn]
[+9, Plus/Minus, Terrain, STAB, HH]
Action 1: Brilliant Conduit
Action 2: Radiant Battlecry
Action 3: (Fus Ro Dah) Pressurized Electric Hyper Voice @ Parasite [Critical, SE, Charge]
[Free call @ Maple]
Net stamina: -57
Net corruption: -8 Rad, -60 Shd
Net stat changes: +75% hp, +2 Protect

Conduit 🔒🔒
Koa gives Astrid 18 Rad
Saltriv gives Astrid 12 Rad
Koa gives Astrid 30 Shd

Saltriv [3] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Justice drain, Moonlight]
Action 1: Morning Sun @ Koa, Vix, and Astrid
Action 2: Bellow Pure Call @ Koa [+2 Eva], Brisa [+2 Eva], and Dave [+2 Eva]
Action 3: Brilliant Autumn @ Koa, Vix
Net stamina: -24 (+102 from Moonlight and Morning Sun, then -126)
HP: Full, then
Net corruption: +4 Rad, +24 Shd
Net stat changes: +2 Defense

Astrid [4] 🔒🔒
[Receiving Call, Moonlight]
[STAB, Terrain, HH, LB x1.2, Critical]
Recurve: Inspiration @ Koa
Recurve: Inspiration @ Brisa
Action 1: Null Sweeper Freeze Shock @ Parasite, EternaStarr (before receiving Morning Sun) [+9, SE, Plus]
Action 2: Null Sweeper Stored Power @ Parasite, EternaStarr (after receiving Morning Sun) [270 BP; +10, UE, Guts]
Action 3: Voidbound Explosion @ Parasite, Maple (ally), EternaStarr [+10, UE, Guts]
Net stamina: 👁👄👁
Net corruption: 👁👄👁
Net stat changes: Res+2
Notes: Maple is not harmed because of Blast Control

[Tree gang]​

Bahamut [2]🔒🔒
[Received a poke ball from Nate, Firm Stance active]
Action 1: Deep Focus
Action 2: “Call” Eternatus
Net stamina: -0
Net corruption: -40 rad, -40 shadow
Net stat changes: None
Notes: Intention is for Bahamut to make contact the same way he did with Joule and Owen. Since Eien is at least somewhat used to shadows through her connection with Diyem, Bahamut may try to drain any radiance next turn.

Owen [3]🔒🔒
[Receiving XXX]
Action 1: Deep Focus; Protect+1 on self, Eien, and Bahamut
Action 2: Deep Focus
Action 2: Shadow Store Protect+5
Net stamina: Tireless
Net corruption: End with 30 Rad / 50 Shadow
Net stat changes: (Stored!) +5 Protect
Notes: The Protect+5 is not actually active, but is stored in the same way Owen’s Overheats are. Owen cannot store another Protect in this way at any given time.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Team Spectrum vs Maple
Turn 6 Messages

Icetales’ Misty Diamond Quasar healed and protected the entire team!
Nip’s Revitalizing Moonlight healed Mellow, Koa, and Brisa!
Dave’s Shining Burden...
Mellow’s Summershine Veil protected the entire team!
Mellow’s pure words rallied a lot of fighters!
Vix’s Justice drained Saltriv’s corruption!
Vix’s Ire boosted Cynthian, Brisa, and Koa!
Icetales’ Revitalizing Heal Bell healed Saltriv, Brisa, Vix and Maple!
Icetales’ Brilliant Inspirit boosted Brisa, Koa, Dave, and Vix!
Brisa opened her heart to Hydreigon…!
Koa’s Brilliant Conduit let Astrid shoulder his and Saltriv’s corruption!
Koa called out to Maple! His pure words reached her!
Saltriv’s Morning Sun healed Koa, Vix, and Astrid!
Saltriv’s Connection Call rallied Koa, Brisa, and Dave!
Saltriv’s Brilliant Autumn soothed and protected Koa and Vix!

Nip’s Triple Axel dealt x damage to Starr, and pickpocketed some Accuracy!
Dave’s triple Crunches dealt a partially-CRITICAL x damage, 1800 Poison and -2250 Defense to Eternal Starr!
Brisa’s Titanic Bolt Strike dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Starr! It’s Ultra Effective!
Brisa’s Shining Whiplash dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Starr! It’s Super Effective!
Brisa opened her heart to Starr!
Brisa’s Tenacity inflicted 400 Paralysis to Starr!
Koa’s Hyper Battlecry dealt a CRITICAL X damage to the Eterna Parasite [Critical, SE, Charge]
Astrid was Inspired by Koa and Brisa!
Astrid’s Null Sweeper Freeze Shock dealt a CRITICAL X damage to the Parasite and to Eternal Starr!
Astrid’s Null Sweeper Stored Power dealt a CRITICAL X damage to the Parasite and to Eternal Starr!
Astrid’s Voidbound Explosion dealt a CRITICAL X damage to the Parasite and to Eternal Starr! Maple was targeted… but Astrid’s Blast Control shielded her from the attack!

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Logging 3 hours of writing and 700 words (from seperate days, of course)


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Logging 12 hours of writing.

Also distributing his bonus points:

- +31 Stamina
- +5 Attack

Upgrading Strike V to Ultima

Replacing Fortified with Quick Healer

As for Cabot's Unleashed:

- Blacklight Synergy
Once per turn, the user can store a single one-shot boost effect such as Sure Crit, Super Effective+, Sure Shot, Acceptance+1, and so on, up to three different boosts. This must be a boost that had been aimed at the user or an ally in their zone or an adjascent zone. These boosts then can apply to the first strike the user performs each turn thereafter.
- Change typing to Rock/Dragon
- Dragon Rush
- +1 Attack
- +1 Evasion
- +1 Defense
- +2 Resistance


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
• ~7 hours of writing/outlining/a few attempts at drawing BLC characters on paper while less than sober (you don’t want to see)​
• Points:​
• +17 into Resistance​
• +1 into Stamina​
• Support:​
• +4 into status​
• Acquiring Strike I, Strike II, Boon I, Boon II, Haste I, Haste II, Haste III, and Blink
• [For Curio]:​
• Retroactively logging five new chapters of I, Isobel and three oneshots on behalf of NebulaDreams. Probably enough.​
• Max points into stamina​
• Get Vivify
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