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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
"Y'know, I was considering going after you earlier," Courtney says as she narrows her ruby eyes at the small, innocent-looking Skiddo. "Partly because of your overall unhelpfulness, and--I admit--I was annoyed at you targeting me. In spite of my 'self-proclaimed mess of a readslist'--which, oddly enough, looks a lot like the reads list everyone else is putting out now! Looks like we're all falling on the same page, aren't we?"

Courtney prances over to Princess. "Sorry, sweetie, but I've got no qualms with taking out children."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Hey! Quit copying my messages! I know you guys get real scared and enthusiastic, but this is the third time I've had to send my signpost to warn you guys off about it!" Darkwhite grunted, pointing at Courtney's guardian.

"By the way, I have to say something related to Game Balance lately after seeing a risk of abuse. Don't worry, it doesn't affect anything TOO badly... and I'm going to be kind of vague about it. But in the name of fairness, from here on, the timing for those 'string' things you've been seeing? It might be a little different. The person with this power agreed as well, how kind of them! Uhuhu... But it'll at least make it so they can't pull a fast one and win at the last minute. You shouldn't expect more of those strings super late into a day anymore, you could say."
Last edited:


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[Got a message about the strings tightening, too. Pano never said the patron name, right? Just roleclaimed?

Clearly multiple people can be strung per day, so no way can they do it indiscriminately, which’d just mean they autowin if the survive until tonight - there’s got to be something that makes it possible. Now I’m wondering if guessing the name of your role is what lets the stringer get you. Did anyone get strung who didn’t claim a role with a common name (bus driver, tracker, miller)?

Now I’m wondering if kyeugh is the stringer and that’s why she suggested mass roleclaim…?]]
[[No idea who is doing this but the escalation of the strings is exactly the same as Blossom's beast hunting powers. One player got stringed. Then two a day. Now three in a day. It's exactly the same.

The only pause we had was on Day 2, so now's the time to claim. To our Roleblocker: who did you block on N1? Because that's our beast.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[also sorry forgot to answer the bit about patron claiming, no I never said my patron and no one had guessed it at any point either]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[No idea who is doing this but the escalation of the strings is exactly the same as Blossom's beast hunting powers. One player got stringed. Then two a day. Now three in a day. It's exactly the same.

The only pause we had was on Day 2, so now's the time to claim. To our Roleblocker: who did you block on N1? Because that's our beast.]]
[[Welll, this doesn’t really sound like the beast “becoming active” today, does it - it’s just continuing to string more people, in the same way as before. I’m also highly skeptical that being blocked once would mean the number of things you can do is reduced for all subsequent nights - one would really think that if the stringer just couldn’t act on D2 because of a roleblocker but is supposed to have an escalating number of people they can target, they’d still get to string three people on day 3 and four people on day 4, right?]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[Bulletproof can be a mafia role, yes. its also dangerous to claim as mafia with a known tracker because if I interact with anyone it’s a shredded defense. I’m also in a pair of lovers / masons. I’m afraid that my partner hasn’t been terribly helpful in keeping me up to speed, though. My one shot draws all actions taken against my lover, including kill shots, onto me.
[[uhh so this isn’t standard lovers where if one of you dies the other does too?]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[Welll, this doesn’t really sound like the beast “becoming active” today, does it - it’s just continuing to string more people, in the same way as before. I’m also highly skeptical that being blocked once would mean the number of things you can do is reduced for all subsequent nights - one would really think that if the stringer just couldn’t act on D2 because of a roleblocker but is supposed to have an escalating number of people they can target, they’d still get to string three people on day 3 and four people on day 4, right?]]
[[I'm just baffled by these escalating powers all happening and being unrelated to each other somehow. I've never seen anything like this? I have no earthly clue how it's supposed to work.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[hey Seren, quick question for you... Your power said it prevents marks and cures marks? Or at least some kind of good/protective thing when it comes to marks. And it's not related to dread... Do you think your diamond mark could prevent the person who leaves marks from marking folks? Or is it not that kind of power?]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[hey Seren, quick question for you... Your power said it prevents marks and cures marks? Or at least some kind of good/protective thing when it comes to marks. And it's not related to dread... Do you think your diamond mark could prevent the person who leaves marks from marking folks? Or is it not that kind of power?]]
[[Seren’s diamond supposedly cures a specific status with a specific name. It was Bluwii who claimed to have the power to prevent “marks”. I’m not sure the word “mark” has been mentioned in anyone’s actual role.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[Seren’s diamond supposedly cures a specific status with a specific name. It was Bluwii who claimed to have the power to prevent “marks”. I’m not sure the word “mark” has been mentioned in anyone’s actual role.]]
[[Okay, that's one ability out of three then. Can the diamond do anything else?]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
"Hey! Quit copying my messages! I know you guys get real scared and enthusiastic, but this is the third time I've had to send my signpost to warn you guys off about it!" Darkwhite grunted, pointing at Courtney's guardian.
"HA!" Courtney let loose a burst of fire with her laugh at the guardian stone. "Scared, are you? You 'guardians' aren't all high and mighty after all, are you? But seriously, don't do that again. You already blew my cover and I'm getting killed tonight. I don't want to get thrown out during the day, too."

"I really, really hope this was a joke..."
"Oh, why would I be making jokes during a time so serious?" Courtney said as she flopped on her back and laid a paw over her eyes. "We're all going to die soon, and you really think I would take something so lightly?"

"Also going to remind everyone of this so it's less likely to be missed. If we skip the night, no one gets to use abilities... but does that mean we get to vote out two people before the next night phase? Last night made no sense, but tonight might. Beast is supposedly active, if they're still around, and now we have role-claims that, frankly, make very tempting targets for mafia. A night-skip power, a doctor, a cop... so much for people thinking a mass-claim was a poor idea."
" 'Last night made no sense?' And everyone here likes to poke me for being slow! Or, rather," she looked distastefully at her guardian stone, "that one has a real tendency to mess with things. But anyway, I think we learned a number of things from the previous night phase. Do you have anything to contribute?"

[[Also, I know my roleclaim has bad consequences. But I felt like many people were targeting efforts on me, I was worried I wouldn't divulge my reads, and it would be a totally wasted day for Town.]]

[[Bulletproof can be a mafia role, yes. its also dangerous to claim as mafia with a known tracker because if I interact with anyone it’s a shredded defense. I’m also in a pair of lovers / masons. I’m afraid that my partner hasn’t been terribly helpful in keeping me up to speed, though. My one shot draws all actions taken against my lover, including kill shots, onto me.

I still think mass role claim was stupid. We have all these roles, yes, but didn’t learn anything to pin the blame on any one person. This far into role madness and we’re still going on vibes alone. We also can’t use those roles if we skip a night to avoid them being killed and, if kills do escalate throughout the game, we could lose them all shortly if we don’t skip. I struggle to see the mass claim as a win. I didn’t like it at the time and I don’t like it now.]]
"I do find it funny that everyone who has mentioned their roles today--my guardian, that grumpy Cacturne, and that..." She glanced at the Arctozolt with eyebrows raised. "... Thing--all got strings today. But YOU claim your abilities, and haven't said a word about strings."


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
"Mr. Guardian. I don't feel so good." Fray grasped her head, her ghostly body fading a bit as her world spun.

[[Crap. Crap. Don't worry, Fray. Just don't panic, no one panic! Stop panicking!]] The hologram shouted at themselves.

[[Okay, crap. Strings tightening and crap, I didn't think my theory would've been the most likely, craaaap.

Okay, okay. So let's see here, nightfall might give way to the stringer's win if more comes. Does this mean the stringer has to string a certain percentage of players? Like what I suggested earlier as it seems like it has no limit to stringing people as long as they roleclaim? (Then what does this mean for Yellow/Abra? They didn't roleclaim, right? But they still got stringed)

If it's because of roleclaiming, then people, please stop roleclaiming.

Goddammit, if Torchic and Pers are telling the truth then the amount of stringed players would be 8 right now, half of the players alive.]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
(Then what does this mean for Yellow/Abra? They didn't roleclaim, right? But they still got stringed)
[[I mean like on D2 and D3. I know they got stringed in the early parts of D3 but did they roleclaim in early D3?]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
"About my guardian's utterly asinine play." Courtney sighed and shook her head. "Yes, it's true. I've been spying on one of you each night, peering into the depths of your souls and seeing where your loyalties lie. At least, I THOUGHT I was doing so, until I"m pretty sure a swap happened.

"I know. Me, right? A Team Magma admin, turned into an innocent cop?" Courtney dramatically swished her tails. "Although, in a way, I was innocent. I'm not nearly as bad as people make me out to be. The very people who raised me--they thought I was a monster." Courtney's ruby eyes blazed and her nine tails stuck up in the air as she quivered. "I'm not a monster. Anything bad that I do--they made me this way!

"But enough about that." The fire in her eyes died down and her tails fell back into their natural posture. "Going through my reads list now." She walked along the Pokemon standing in the sand before her, pointing with a paw as she spoke of each one.

Princess. "Hate you."
Odette. "Hate you."
Cosmo. "Hate you."
Kimiko. "Hate you."
Kekoa. "Hate you."
Fray. "Not too sure about you, but, if I have to saaaaaay... Hate you, too."

She turned to the others. "You guys aren't on my scumlist, but I'll give my opinion anyway!" She pointed to each in succession: Ajia, Arctozolt, Mademoiselle, "Hate you, hate you, hate you..." Nanu, Aster, Sidney, "Hate you, hate you, really freakin' hate you." Dave. "I like you!" Tricky, Winona: "Hate you, and want you dead."

She pranced back to the beach and turned around, beaming at the other players. "Anyway! Those are my reads--OW!" She put a paw to her forehead. "Stupid strings! They hurt! Ugh..." She curled up, looking troubled for a moment before turning her attention to the small Skiddo. "I want that one dead by the end of the day! Anyone else with me?"


  1. sableye
[[ half passed 4 am and can’t sleep woo

[[hey Seren, quick question for you... Your power said it prevents marks and cures marks? Or at least some kind of good/protective thing when it comes to marks. And it's not related to dread... Do you think your diamond mark could prevent the person who leaves marks from marking folks? Or is it not that kind of power?]]
[[Okay, that's one ability out of three then. Can the diamond do anything else?]]

This is no time to panic, she told herself.. Just focus. Talk it out. Freaking out won't solve anything. We haven't lost yet!"Okay so... might as well just come out with it. According to my card, my marks of light can cure something called the “Void Shadow status”. No ones said anything so far to suggest anything relating to this so I’ve hesitated to mention it. But... right now I’m at a loss and I fear I’ve actually been meant to be targeting the strings all along? Because like. sans could have been lying completely about me countering him at all. Mechanical evidence that my patron existed here doesn't necessarily mean I countered his, only that he couldn't mark my targets. "

"As I've stated a few times prior, I planned to test this string theory tonight by targeting two people with strings and seeing what happens (because Aster motivated me last night, hence the lack of a mark on anyone today). But now, uh... if I'm understanding correctly, it looks like we lose tonight?? Or do we still have time? Darkwhite's clarification post doesn't really answer whether or not there's still more people to recruit."

"I... I just don't know anymore. All I can hope for is we don’t insta-lose when the night phase starts and pray my ability works to start countering this."

She shifted her weight from foot to foot, weighing whether or not to continue. Eventually, she added, "With all of that said, my marks do have a secondary effect that I’ve been alluding to all game and I have no idea how to utilize it. My role card says they “cancel invisibility modifiers”. Which makes sense from a lore standpoint since they’re marks of light I guess but... I don't see how this helps us at this point."

"I'll also mention that, should I die overnight, my passive ability grants anyone who interacts with me one of my light marks, too. I mention this not because I fear I'm a target, but... rather to suggest a course of action. I have no idea whether or not I can cure the strings, so it would be a gamble, but... honestly, it might be better if as many stringed people as possible target me, and let the mafia take me out overnight? That way, if I can actually cure the strings, I'll affect as many people as possible."

"It's... a gamble, really. I don't know if this is the right course of action, because like... I'm definitely town, and I know that losing me would put town one step closer to losing but... if it works, we'd only lose one. If it doesn't, we could lose... what, five? How many have strings now? I dunno. If anyone has any better ideas that don't involve me dying, believe me, I'm listening."

'Last night made no sense?' And everyone here likes to poke me for being slow! Or, rather," she looked distastefully at her guardian stone, "that one has a real tendency to mess with things. But anyway, I think we learned a number of things from the previous night phase. Do you have anything to contribute?"
"...I'll refrain from being insulting and just explain it in simple terms for you; when I said "last night made no sense", I meant in terms of using the night skipping ability. The general consensus was that using it last night would have made no sense. There was no benefit to it. But I suggested that using it tonight might be a better idea. Get it now?"

"Frankly, between my long catch-up posts and being transparent about what my ability does, I feel I've contributed quite a lot... at least, I've attempted to. Can you say the same?" she added with disdain.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Hey if stringer wins night phase lets skip it, no?]]


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
[[All strings have shown up in the day phase, tho? I think what the notification probably meant is that if all the kills tonight are on people who aren’t stringed than that faction wins. I don’t know why I haven’t been strung. Recent claim + not revealing patron?

I do die if my lover dies and vis versa. I thought playing things cool would lead to suspicion going elsewhere and me surviving without having to fully claim. I was overcorrecting for the inaugural game I guess. It was a bad play made to avoid making my lover have to claim and putting another good target out there. At this point our doctor and swapper can only protect a fraction of the targets available. Still think everyone involved in the mass claiming idea is sus for it.]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
I have no idea whether or not I can cure the strings, so it would be a gamble, but... honestly, it might be better if as many stringed people as possible target me, and let the mafia take me out overnight?
"Um, hello? Have you forgotten me? Why would the mafia want to target you when I exist?"

"Frankly, between my long catch-up posts and being transparent about what my ability does, I feel I've contributed quite a lot... at least, I've attempted to. Can you say the same?" she added with disdain.
"You know what, you're right. Claiming the most powerful ability in game, divulging everything I know, and getting stringed in the process--I never attempted to contribute at all. Shame on me."

[[Seren I hope you know I'm not actually snippy about this; I'm having a lot of fun! I know my gameplay has been frustrating for others lol. But I hope nobody feels upset or hurt by my RP!]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Also, you know what. Don't waste time. (And who knows, this can test string theory?)

My ability involves talking to the dead, but only yes/no questions and only right after they die :/ and usually only once.(except the time I wad blocked/hasted)

Its why I said the comment about bluwii and being sure of their powers, bc I asked after they died about their powers, and I tried to ask Wind a question about alignment stuff but only got 'unknown' bc I am restricted to yes/no stuff.

I missed the first time of asking Equi something (not that it mattered anyway!) because of a dumb misunderstanding on my part.

Given my restriction to yes/no stuff I don't even know what to ask people since its not like they know who killed them! I never asked Jackie anything because I was afraid/certain they'd try to lie and wasn't sure what to ask that would offer anything other than some kind of WIFOM scenario. (I could ask them if X person was scum and they could say Yes, but are they telling the truth? Did they think I'd know they lie? They assume it would be a lie? Therefore they told the turth? And so on.)

:/// there you have it. I will not be discussing the rest of my powers tho. I don't think saying what they are helps town. I think it helps scum more to divulge the extent.

And scum talking to the dead would just be silly.

Idk how to use this power effectively which is annoying too. >:/

Idk what to ask anyone.

To be clear:
Day 2: No question, Never knew what to ask Equi
Day3/Night3: Asked bluwii 2 questions instead of 1 to laura, 1 to bluwii
Day 4: Tried to ask Windskull a question if they found anything about alignment, only got 'unknown'.




Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[I wonder if the stringer can string specificially people who reveal their full role or something?]]
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