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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
[[It's because of the diamond mark, which was publicly revealed to have landed on me. If Yellow was in fact responsible for the diamond, and not seren, then a swap/redirect must have happened.]]
[[And so if Seren is responsible, then should we ditch the swap theory? Guess we'll have to wait for his input to find out more about this. As of now, they're both claiming it. Could both be town, mistaken about their powers, or someone trying to cause confusion?]]
[[As Bluwii explained the voting ability, the target wouldn't know anything about it, so this does check out with Bluwii's claim - but that's because the claim is unfalsifiable.]]
[[Good point--Bluwii could've lied about his powers, and didn't give a power to Bench at all. I don't know what the point of that lie would be, but it leaves us with no way to tell otherwise.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
And I'm not joining Yellow bc Tetra is quiet, I'm joining bc Tetra is inconsistent with previous town play and I think playsktre chsnges are indicatice of an unfamiliar alignment! Csn we try to improve communication a littlw? Starting to fret that sone of this misinterpretation is deliberate time-wasting.]]
[[This! Yes! Thank you!

I very clearly pointed out my reasons for why I’m suspicious of Tetra. And yes, the dead air comment made me rethink my vote because I hadn’t seen anybody really coming to Bluwii’s defense very actively, which worried me.

Also, my main reason for voting for Blu was to get him to talk. But people have pinged him so much, that I felt it was no longer necessary to keep my vote on him, so I wanted to switch it to someone else to also get them to talk. I’m trying to do some digging because a lot of y’all are silent and not saying much at all.

Frankly, the immediate push-back on me voting Tetra only has me more suspicious. Where was all this push-back when we voted for Bluwii? Why is everyone suddenly up in arms, especially since there’s still a full day left?

I’m perfectly willing to change my vote—but I want to hear something of substance from Tetra first. And from Bluwii, too, of course, but he already has tons of pressure on him.

I hope this cleared up some things!]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Anyway, Shini feels legit? Like, I'm confused as fuck, but it feels too elaborate to make up and I get the impression that the deflector thing is just some genuine confusion rather than any kind of flailing.]]
What is this nonsense about being a self targeting deflector who targeted Shini? Isn't that just a contradiction? Anyway, Shini is wrong, I didn't target them and I'm not a deflector. That line of enquiry is a waste of time
[[Fine. Let me make this clea–]]

"Ooh! Let me try saying it, Mr. Guardian!" Fray cut in, raising her hand with a smile.

[[Alright.]] The hologram sighed. [[Go ahead, kid.]]

"Alright! Let's see here." Fray took out the card behind her bow-tie.

"It says here that I'm a Jack of All Trades with four powers! A Healing Power, a Killing Power, a Self-targeting Deflector Power and a Roleblocking Power–" [[I can already use these powers at the start but only once per power.]] "–My Legendary allows me to regain one of these powers if I had used them already and when someone with a Power that matches one of my Powers targets me! Mr. Guardian thinks that Laura could be a Self-Targeting Deflector since I have it as a Power and there was a swap between Aija and Laura!"

[[Huh, I'm surprised you've remembered all of that. Okay, so what Fray said was correct and while I still don't believe that Jackie isn't a Deflector, I'm willing to let this die down for now... but I will be keeping my eye on you.

Free may have said some good points about Jackie but I'm still a bit sus of her because a Deflector could theoretically Deflect a Cop's scan and with what Namo said on their info post. A Cop wouldn't know if their read was swapped so I'm still putting my foot down on Jackie being a Deflector and being a potential scum.]]


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
[[I have finished the main story of Legends Arceus and will probably be available more. Great game, by the way.]]

“Of course the voice in my head decides to play another game instead of my life or death one.”

[[Do you want my help?]]

“Guess it’s better than nothing.”

[[I’ve only half been paying attention but did someone claim to be behind the diamond? I thought I saw that along with the hint that it would be very bad if it were given to the mafia. Some sort of lasting immunity / bulletproof role? In any case it might be good to not confirm anything if it is good. But if Ajia drops dead out of the blue, which I doubt she will if someone was dumb enough to claim they did the shiny thing, we have a suspect. In the meantime with this many players and an apparently slow kill rate today’s pick isn’t super urgent. Everything will probably fall into place like the end of a mystery novel on day three or something. That seems to be his role madness goes. Or maybe the early game and speed of revelations does matter if the mafia can get a higher rate of kills later on… once again I have many questions and few answers. I’ll try to be more active on future days. Probably won’t be around at all until end of day due to a prescheduled trip.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[apologies for being so absent. We're spending a weekend away and I spent the better part of the day in a car. Did manage to read everything up to this point. I'm not sure I can formulate much (bc I'm also on mobile the whole weekend too but I'll try)]]

Sidney had sat down cross-legged some time during the discussion, and remained like that for a good, long while. His head was bowed, hiding his face beneath the brim of his hat. Was he listening or simply sleeping? Who could tell.

Suddenly, he jolted upright, reaching for the guardian stone and swearing loudly.

pissed_front.png"Oi! What the fuck, calm down! You almost gave me a heart attack sneaking up on me like that."

He paused, still glaring daggers at the stone pinched in his hand.

"Yeah of course I was payin' attention! Just 'cause you're not here all the time doesn't mean I'm not. I can't make heads or tails of whatever the hell is going on, but I get the feeling people are getting antsy."

He paused again, longer this time, listening to his guardian.

thinking_front.png"Nah, nothing else about a suspicious swapper. We've moved on to some confusing thing about self deflectors and reusing powers, and two people are claiming the same action so one of 'em has to be wrong. Also that Slakoth never said anything else, and the, uh, Arcotzolt, said they have a plan."

neutral smile_front.png"Yeah, I know. It's pretty wack. But hey, more power to 'em. I say we trust the Arcotzolt guy for now. Either he's done enough to set up his plan, or it's gonna fail spectacularly sine he announced it and is bein' all secretive. Heck, I'm down to watch either one. But hey, if the Slakoth was telling the truth, maybe that mystery power will save both their bacons! It's just a bummer they're not willing to tell us any more, otherwise we might be able to help them out."

He shrugged. "No sweat off my back though."

"Wait a sec, though. Thanks to that Froslass, I just had a crazy thought... Lemme, just..."

Sidney s face scrunched up in a look of intense concentration, and he began to count needles on his hands like fingers. "Just... Gimme a sec."

[[Idea incoming, let me run it over in my head to make sure it's not too absurd]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
So many people to keep track of. Ajia could feel her head spinning. Everyone wanted her to have the answer. They needed her to have the answer. She couldn't rest, not now.

"Kekoa [persephone] starting out being suspicious of Dave... seems to match how his Guardian has played in the past--very cautious about believing stories that seem too convenient. Not sure if it means anything for alignment."

"Shimmer [wind] recently said some things I strongly agree with. I like how she was cautious about voting for sans. But at the same time, my Guardian has apparently been wrong about her a lot, so they're telling me to stay cautious, aha."

"I was feeling pretty uncertain about Fray [Shini], to be honest. A lot of posting trying to look helpful, while mostly just causing confusion. And I wish they hadn't revealed their power--all it did was cause even more confusion." Ajia sighed. "That said, I'm going to assume their power is real. I don't know if it's the sort of power that a mafia could have; I feel like anything can happen in this game. The things they've said could easily be someone playing innocent for the first time and trying to help solve mysteries."

"Winona [Torchic] has said a lot of things, but has mostly been kind of mixed up a lot. That would seem innocent to me, but... I can't rely on that in a game where the enemy can't explain things to each other."


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
mad_front.png"Urgh, no that doesn't make any sense!" Sidney retracted all of the spines he'd been counting and threw his hands up in disgust. "We're waiting on the Snivy and the Slakoth to explain things and why do I get the feeling they're not gonna actually explain anything when they do talk!"

pissed_front.png "What?!" He snapped at the offending guardian stone. "No, all it does is leave me with more questions! Like did that Meowth who the Quagsire originally targeted notice anything that came from someone else in the night? It's obvious the Quagsire can bestow something, but then they don't even know what the thing they give looks like? How's that possible?"

"And the Froslass's crazy multi power. Why do they think the same Meowth targeted them with a self-targeting power? That doesn't even make sense. How do you self-target someone else? I'm guessing the Froslass was targeted by one of their own powers and was informed they got a reuse. But why couldn't it have been a heal, or even an attempt at a kill? And what makes her think it was the Meowth in the first place? If it was a deflection, shouldn't the Froslass have gotten the Quagsire s power instead?"

Suddenly, Sidney looked drained.

bruh_front.png"Fuck. This is making my head hurt. I guess, at the very least I can try to be useful and test out the Strings theory of saying our patron's name. I don't really see the connection between my power and my patron, so I doubt saying it will give away anything about what it is I can do. I think when someone has those Strings attack them, they're notified of it in some way. So if I say my patron, and then get told about the Strings, that's what does it I guess. Should I do it?"


  • bruh_front.png
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Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[My suspicions come partially from a skewed sample size and partially from the content. Bluwii has made a lot more posts than Tetra, but what little Tetra has posted hasn't struck me as suspicious. Rather, it's more akin to someone trying to catch up because of IRL stuff.]]
[[Fair enough! I certainly don’t blame you, what with this being your first game and all! (I think it’s your first game, right?) I want to clarify that I was speaking generally and not to any one person, since there were a handful of you that freaked out about me voting Tetra, lol.]]
Fuck. This is making my head hurt. I guess, at the very least I can try to be useful and test out the Strings theory of saying our patron's name. I don't really see the connection between my power and my patron, so I doubt saying it will give away anything about what it is I can do. I think when someone has those Strings attack them, they're notified of it in some way. So if I say my patron, and then get told about the Strings, that's what does it I guess. Should I do it?"
“Quag.” Puck shook his head. Between the information he’d revealed, the Froslass, and whatever the Snivy will say, he felt it would be too risky to reveal one’s patron. What if too many of them got strings attached to their heads?


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Why do they think the same Meowth targeted them with a self-targeting power?
[[Here's the info for the Power. And let me clarify.

Im NOT saying that Jackie targeted me. I'm saying that Jackie COULD be a Self-Targeting Deflector because I have that as one of my Powers. And the idea of having two swappers is a terrifying thought because my Legendary says that it someone targets me with a MATCHING power, I'd regain that ability.

I'm NOT saying I've regained the Deflector Power because I was targeted. I'm saying that Jackie COULD be a Deflector based on the swap between her and Chibi.

And the reason why I'm sus of her is that I find it very weird on why there was a swap between her and Chibi if she WAS a Deflector. Namo on their sign-up post said that the Cop if they've been swapped, wouldn't be notified that their target would be swapped.

And I'm suggesting that Jackie could've Deflected onto Chibi because of any potential reads on her since Free wasn't gonna be scanned by anyone for N1.]]

bruh moment

mewtini + kyeugh
Bruh City, USA
she/her (both)
[[Fair enough! I certainly don’t blame you, what with this being your first game and all! (I think it’s your first game, right?) I want to clarify that I was speaking generally and not to any one person, since there were a handful of you that freaked out about me voting Tetra, lol.]]
[[ maybe i missed some posts but i think people (or myself at the very least) were much more put off by the way you moved off bluwii than the particular person you moved to.

i don't have strong feelings about a tetra vote, although imo it's pretty likely she's just going to come back and explain that she's busy with other stuff and if that's a good enough reason for you then i think your vote is a bit weird, and if it isn't then i don't think i understand what reaction you're trying to draw out of her exactly. -q ]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[Here's the info for the Power. And let me clarify.

Im NOT saying that Jackie targeted me. I'm saying that Jackie COULD be a Self-Targeting Deflector because I have that as one of my Powers. And the idea of having two swappers is a terrifying thought because my Legendary says that it someone targets me with a MATCHING power, I'd regain that ability.

I'm NOT saying I've regained the Deflector Power because I was targeted. I'm saying that Jackie COULD be a Deflector based on the swap between her and Chibi.

And the reason why I'm sus of her is that I find it very weird on why there was a swap between her and Chibi if she WAS a Deflector. Namo on their sign-up post said that the Cop if they've been swapped, wouldn't be notified that their target would be swapped.

And I'm suggesting that Jackie could've Deflected onto Chibi because of any potential reads on her since Free wasn't gonna be scanned by anyone for N1.]]
[[Gotcha, thank you for clarifying! I definitely misread that on my catch up. I think this only makes sense if the diamond is actually Yellow's. If it's Seren's power, which we're waiting on the explanation, then there's no danger of a deflection or swap. Though that does beg the question what happened to the thing Yellow targeted Jackie with? Maybe Yellow was blocked? I'm a little baffled why Yellow doesn't know what her power manifests as, tbh]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Though that does beg the question what happened to the thing Yellow targeted Jackie with? Maybe Yellow was blocked? I'm a little baffled why Yellow doesn't know what her power manifests as, tbh]]
[[Didn't Yellow say that she knew that a swap happened because she targeted Jackie and it was swapped to Chibi? She also said that the diamond wasn't her doing or did I read something wrong?]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[Didn't Yellow say that she knew that a swap happened because she targeted Jackie and it was swapped to Chibi? She also said that the diamond wasn't her doing or did I read something wrong?]]
[[I thought Yellow assumed the swap to Chibi happened because she recognized the diamond symbol, but then Seren is claiming it's their power instead?]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[Also Seren could've just picked Chibi to send that Diamond mark if it was Seren's mark and not Yellow's. Yellow's power could be something else entirely, seeing as she was terrified when she realised her thing's been swapped.

Honestly, I think all of this could be solved if we just wait for them to come back.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
maybe i missed some posts but i think people (or myself at the very least) were much more put off by the way you moved off bluwii than the particular person you moved to.
[[I’m not sure why? I’ve explained my reasons clearly. At this point, I’m voting to put some pressure on people who haven’t been talking. Bluwii has tons of pressure on him rn, so I figured we would probably be hearing from him at some point, and decided to pressure a few other people as well. I was content to stay with the Bluwii vote…until the dead-air comment was made, and I realized that, yeah, it’s been weirdly quiet and I would rather get some answers sooner than later so that we aren’t scrambling at the last minute and risking a mislynch.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still extremely suspicious of Blu and very willing to vote him still. But Tetra has been uncharacteristically toned down, even in her actual posts, which is highly unusual from her normal play.
I'm a little baffled why Yellow doesn't know what her power manifests as, tbh]]
I was never told if my power would or wouldn’t physically manifest as anything, which is why I’m not 100% sure if it’s mine or not. I do know that my power will leave a “status condition” of sorts on a player, so I assumed that’s what the mark was. However, I may have spoken too soon, depending on what Seren and Jackie have to say.

@unrepentantAuthor , did you notice anything unusual in the night?
Didn't Yellow say that she knew that a swap happened because she targeted Jackie and it was swapped to Chibi? She also said that the diamond wasn't her doing or did I read something wrong?]]
I assumed a swap happened because I assumed the marking on Chibi was from me. Again, this isn’t confirmed just yet, so I could be wrong! A lot of this will depend on what Seren has to say.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[I thought Yellow assumed the swap to Chibi happened because she recognized the diamond symbol, but then Seren is claiming it's their power instead?]]
[[Ye. This. Quag.]]



Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Mademoiselle let out one long, exasperated sigh. "We are wasting time. The quagsire is not responsible for those markings, why are you so convinced towards the contrary?"

[[...Guys, if Yellow's role doesn't mention anything about placing marks on the target then that means that the mark is not Yellow's. It was explicitly stated in sign ups that the role would have no hidden attributes:
-"Hidden" attributes to what you are capable of (i.e. you will know the full effects of what you are capable of; there is nothing you don't know about your own power. However, you may not know about other powers that may interfere with yours, etc.)
This entire conversation has been running in circles and I don't know why you guys thought the diamonds had to be Yellow's after she clarified that they weren't mentioned in her PM. I wanted to hear from Seren since he seems to have more info about what happened last night.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[...Guys, if Yellow's role doesn't mention anything about placing marks on the target then that means that the mark is not Yellow's. It was explicitly stated in sign ups that the role would have no hidden attributes:
[[I…forgot about that.

Well now I feel dumb for wasting everyone’s time, eheh. Still, I’d like to at least get confirmation from Jackie if they noticed anything last night—but preferably not to say what it was specifically. I’d just like some peace of mind I guess!

So sorry for jumping the gun on this, if it turns out I was wrong. Still, I’d be shook if we didn’t have a swapper in the game somewhere.]]


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
This entire conversation has been running in circles and I don't know why you guys thought the diamonds had to be Yellow's after she clarified that they weren't mentioned in her PM. I wanted to hear from Seren since he seems to have more info about what happened last night.]]
[[So this means we're not even sure if there's been a swap between Chibi and Jackie unless Yellow's power does something to Jackie this night (Well, at least we know there's still a Self-targeting Deflector out there).]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[I…forgot about that.

View attachment 2246
Well now I feel dumb for wasting everyone’s time, eheh. Still, I’d like to at least get confirmation from Jackie if they noticed anything last night—but preferably not to say what it was specifically. I’d just like some peace of mind I guess!

So sorry for jumping the gun on this, if it turns out I was wrong. Still, I’d be shook if we didn’t have a swapper in the game somewhere.]]
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