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[TOWN WIN] Darkwhite's Role Overdrive Mafia

Day 0
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Player list:

    Ajia (Delcatty) [Chibi Pika]
    Arctozolt (Arctozolt) [Bench]
    Bartholomew (Rotom) [Equitial]

    Cosmo (Linoone) [Flyg0n]
    Courtney (Ninetales) [Starlight Aurate]
    Dave (Mightyena) [Dragonfree]
    Fray (Froslass) [ShinjiGojira]
    Kekoa (Skitty) [Persephone]
    Kimiko (Snivy) [Seren]
    Laura (Alolan Meowth) [unrepentantAuthor]
    Mademoiselle (Yveltal) [Inkedust]
    Nanu (Alolan Meowth) [Blossomleaf]

    Odette Cinq-Mars (Jellicent) [Sinderella]
    Princess (Skiddo) [bruh moment]
    Aster (Kadabra) [AbraPunk] (Was HelloYellow)
    sans (Slakoth) [Bluwiikoon]
    Shimmer (Kirlia) [Windskull]
    Sidney (Cacturne) [Panoramic_Vacuum]
    Kora (Zoroark) [Fusion] (was SparklingEspeon)
    Winona (Swellow) [Just a Torchic]


    For some reason, everyone woke up in a great field of prismatic lights with a fuzzy-feeling ground that had little definition other than how it felt. There were a little over twenty of them in the room, perhaps more or perhaps less depending on how many of them counted as people.

    To the north--there was no sense of direction, so the choice was arbitrary--there was a great light. No matter how much one walked, the light was still just as far away. To the south, it seemed to be an endless field of nothing but more of that rainbow, gentle swirl.

    Everyone seemed to be unharmed and safe. All except for... a single, curious looking statue of stone--a Charmander with an angry, yet frightened expression. Frozen in time, about to launch an attack, yet never able to.

    It was too real-looking. That was actually a Charmander, petrified by some twisted magic.

    Who was responsible for this?

    If only someone looked up...


    We are currently in the "Day Zero" pre-game phase! No players have assigned roles or alignments yet, but feel free to roleplay your character exploring the environment, meeting other people, etc.

    This phase is entirely optional and has zero mechanical relevance to the actual game, so if you'd rather sit out, you can simply wait for the start of the first phase to be announced.

    The start time of the first proper phase will depend on how long it takes me to complete setup, but I am currently aiming for 6 PM Sunday, my time. Countdown here.

    If there is a better time to end phases, let me know. But once it's set, I won't be changing it. I know everyone has strange time zones, so I'm going to try to find an agreeable time where as many people will be present as possible. Another possible end time is Noon my time, which is 6 hours earlier than the above countdown. Or, more specifically, 18 hours later to offset it and give people time to rp and acclimate/ask their questions.

    Day 0 will immediately transition to Day 1. The game will begin on a day phase, when everyone knows their powers, but no night actions have taken place. However, during day 0, you are more free to ask questions about the game, before powers are assigned... But once powers are assigned, what Darkwhite and I can answer will become significantly more limited.
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    Day 1
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    The prismatic lights started to fade, and once it was certain that everyone had their cards in hand, Darkwhite lowered her arms. There was a popping noise, and the light washed away--into a tall, tall hill overlooking a great open field. Far away, there were Pokemon milling about in a natural-looking town, yet as if they were an illusion, none of them noticed or even acknowledged the arrivals on the top of the hill. It was like Darkwhite's captives were already ghosts.

    "All riiiiiight," Darkwhite said. "You won't be able to see what everyone else has... and you're FORBIDDEN from reading it out EXACTLY, either! Oh, but it's totally okay for you to lie and stuff. That's part of the game, after all!" She giggled again, and then dove underground. With one final message, she seemed to be gone for the time being.

    "The the sun sets, that's when the real fun begins..."

    And that sun felt like it was moving very quickly...

    Slowly, everyone's cards became readable to them and them alone.


    [[ After some talk, it seems that the ideal cutoff date will be at 12 noon HST for phase changes. I will provide a countdown for these times. Due to the timing, this day will be 6 hours shorter, since it's 6 hours after the usual phase change time. Afterward and going forward, all phases will last at least 48 hours unless a Super Majority (75% or greater) of players agree to end the day phase early, during the midday phase (24 hours into a phase).

    Night will fall in 42 hours. ]]
    Day 2
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    It was the dawn of a new day. It appeared that most of the players had survived the ordeal that was the night. But it seemed that, today, they were in the middle of some kind of... fair. There were stalls set up with games and challenges to toss rings or shoot balloons. Plush toys were at the back of some of the stalls as some of the overpriced prizes. Everything seemed to be functioning as expected... except for the fact that invisible phantoms were apparently the ones manning the stalls.

    "Soooo? Did everyone have fun?" Darkwhite asked. "See, that wasn't so bad! Oh! Uhu, huhuhu... it looks like I spoke too soon~"

    Indeed, everyone was back, except for one person--a petrified device with a card next to it, torn to shreds and unrecognizable. The card only had a white light emanating from it before it finally, too, faded.

    Bartholomew (Rotom) [Equitial] was eliminated. They were innocent.

    48 hours until Night 2 begins.


    There was also another curiosity at play, and it was right on one of the players. Ajia had a diamond-shaped symbol of light on her chest. It didn’t seem to do anything else, though.
    Day 2 ~ Twilight
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock

    Day 2:
    Current players: 19

    No Elimination (0)

    Cosmo (0)

    sans (3)

    Courtney (Ninetales) [Starlight Aurate]
    Winona (Swellow) [Just a Torchic]
    Mademoiselle (Yveltal) [Inkedust]

    Nanu (1)
    sans (Slakoth) [Bluwiikoon]

    Fray (8)
    Ajia (Delcatty) [Chibi Pika]
    Dave (Mightyena) [Dragonfree]
    Sidney (Cacturne) [Panoramic_Vacuum]
    Shimmer (Kirlia) [Windskull]
    Puck (Quagsure) [HelloYellow17]
    Kimiko (Snivy) [Seren]
    Laura (Alolan Meowth) [unrepentantAuthor]
    Arctozolt (Arctozolt) [Bench]

    Abstain (7)
    Cosmo (Linoone) [Flyg0n]
    Fray (Froslass) [ShinjiGojira]
    Kekoa (Skitty) [Persephone]
    Nanu (Alolan Meowth) [Blossomleaf]
    Odette Cinq-Mars (Jellicent) [Sinderella]
    Princess (Skiddo) [bruh moment]
    Tricky (Fennekin) [SparklingEspeon]

    Fray has a majority, but the first vote was within the final hour. We are now in a Twilight Session. The night will begin in 6 hours.


    Darkwhite raised her hand and pointed at the far end of the horizon.

    The sun... stopped. Right as it was about to dip beneath the horizon, but it was just barely there, painting the sky an ominous and deep orange. Here, time stopped. There was no sense of flow whatsoever...

    The phantoms had gone still. The fair shut down. The buildings evaporated, and the ground, too, became nothing but a featureless, orange-brown void of swirling colors.

    "Well... here we are. Twilight." Darkwhite frowned. "I'm getting kinda tired. You better come to a real decision this time."
    Day 3
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Laura shuddered, sighed, and tried to still her heart. This was okay. Dying early before she could get invested in anyone... or anyone could get invested in her. That wasn't the worst thing that could happen here. She'd tried, but she hadn't been able to hold herself together enough to connect with anyone, let alone see herself through to the end. Her voice had tried, too, but they'd clearly not done enough. It was too bad, but...

    "Just get this over with," she muttered.

    How was it going to feel? Her heart pulsed faster as she anticipated pain, or oblivion. Ah, but... there was the punishment ahead, wasn't there? Because fearing death wasn't enough, huh.

    Maybe it would be quick.

    Laura closed her eyes, and let it happen.


    Darkwhite followed up on her promise.

    Sand, sand, sand, sand, more sand, it was everywhere. Not even a cactus could grow here it was so hot and dry and sandy.

    Somehow, Darkwhite was forming a sand castle out of the completely dry sand. The heat didn't bother her, either. There was a large soda machine that served water and other drinks--including soda, of course--jutting out from one of the sand dunes. Unfortunately, it was quite a climb away to get there.

    Eighteen people appeared on the sands. The Rotom DS had been disposed of. Now, there was a new statue present, along with the shreds of a card that pulsed with a sinister dark light...

    Laura has been eliminated. She was Mafia.

    On Arctozolt’s (IFBench) chest is a diamond of light.
    Notably, Ajia’s mark had disappeared.

    Night 3 will begin in 48 hours.
    Day 4
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    The desert sands gave way to a much more humid, tropical environment. In the background was a lovely, two-story hotel, with invisible phantoms managing stands for passing out snacks or checking in other invisibly guests. Everyone had appeared on the beachside, however, with cold water lapping up the sandy shores...

    Most of them had a means to enjoy the new sand. All except for one person--Shimmer. He was a statue, completely still, was the next person to be eliminated overnight...

    Windskull (Shimmer) has been eliminated. She was Town.

    Notably, Bench's mark had disappeared.

    Night 4 will begin in 48 hours.
    Day 5
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Nanu stared in the silent night before hearing a sound. He's not alone. Was it...? Well. Perhaps he would never know. As the Island Kahuma closed his eyes to reach his untimely demise, he hoped that the others would be able to make it through without him.


    When Darkwhite came for Princess, the little goat only had one question. "Was I a good goat?"

    "No," Darkwhite replied, giggling. "You just caused problems for everyone!"

    "Yay!" Princess exclaimed. She took a big bite out of her card, and then she was stone.


    Nature was strange. Life, death, love, violence... all of it in a neverending cycle. Everything had its purpose. Perhaps Winona had failed her purpose in this messed up game. Perhaps she had run out of the luck of the winds.

    Bartholomew, Fray, Laura, sans... I'm sorry.


    "Uhuhu... Huhu... Yes! Yes, it's happened! It looks like things are really changing around this time!" She flicked her tail and went in loops in the air. Finally, she welcomed everyone as they returned.

    This time, they were in a great and old-looking courtroom. Nobody was in the witness stands, but Darkwhite stood at the judge's seat, looming over all of them with tented fingers and a smug grin. "We have a jury this time, too! You might even recognize some of them, uhuhu..."

    Of course, there were the statues of those who had already been defeated. But even more shocking...

    There were five new statues today.

    Notably, the statue of Sidney has a diamond mark of light, as does Dave on his chest.


    Sidney has been eliminated. He was neither Town nor Mafia.
    Nanu has been eliminated. He was Town.
    Aster has been eliminated. He was Town.
    Princess has been eliminated. She was Town.
    Winona has been eliminated. She was Town.

    Night 5 will begin in 48 hours.

    Day 7
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    It was so quiet...

    The sky was a sinister red color. A dark fog was descending upon the featureless wasteland.

    Purple dust buffeted those who remained. Despite the fact that the area was completely open, it felt cramped. Standing in a great circle in the field, with the survivors in the middle, were all the statues that had been left behind by the fallen. All staring at them in the middle, awaiting what would come next.

    Twenty, and one Charmander, had entered Darkwhite's game. Now, only three remained, and yet the game was not over.

    There was a strange, red mark of Necrozma on Kekoa (Persephone's) chest. It seems different from the marks of light from before.


    Seren has been eliminated. He was Town.
    Sinderella has been eliminated. She was Mafia.
    Starlight has been eliminated. She was Town.
    Chibi was eliminated. They were neither Town nor Mafia.

    Remaining players:

    Cosmo (Linoone) [Flyg0n]
    Dave (Mightyena) [Dragonfree]
    Kekoa (Skitty) [Persephone]

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  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Mafia logs:

    Darkwhite hands you a single card with a picture that only you can see. Innately, you are suddenly aware of what you are capable of. Nobody else can see this card, nor understand what the card does. This knowledge is for you and you alone, though you are free to tell others about it, at your own risk. Directly copying the card's contents, however, is forbidden.

    The card is of...

    Starlight Aurate:


    At night, select a player. You will get a result at the end of the night on the alignment of the target you landed on.

    Ability: Sentinel. You will always know the number of people who interacted with you every night, even if they are normally undetectable, but not who or what was done.

    Move: Core Enforcer. One-shot, select a target with your standard ability. The result will be absolutely true and cannot be suppressed in any way whatsoever. Additionally, the message returned will not be "You see: Town/Mafia" and will instead read "Player is Alignment" without fail. Also sees through roles that would falsely resolve as the wrong alignment.

    You are Town. You win if all roles that are hostile to town are eliminated.

    Your role is similar to a Cop.

    Bruh moment:


    At night, select a single sentence that was from the previous day that pertains to someone claiming their power, alignment, or other unambiguous gameplay aspect of themselves. You will be able to tell if what was said was the "Truth" or a "Lie." Do note that if someone lies by omission, but what is presented is true, it will result in "Truth." For example, if someone says "I am a town doctor," but do not mention other powers they may have, this will result in "Truth." If someone says something that is subjective or ambiguous, such as, "Because of my power, Mafia won't want to kill me," the result will instead be "Unknown."

    Ability: Seer of truth. As a truth teller yourself, you cannot lie while playing. You are free to not answer or ignore questions directed to you, and you can answer with 'I don't want to answer' or something to that effect. However, if you say something that would result in a 'Lie' from your nighttime power, then you will receive "No Result" for that night, regardless of the true result.

    Move: Blue Flare. One-shot, which can be used separately from your night action. Before your first post of the day, but after the night results are known, you may select a player. That player will be privately informed that they must always speak the truth for the rest of the day starting from when they received this condition, and you will be informed when they receive that message. When you are informed of when they receive the message is when the power will come into effect. They will know that if they tell an objective lie that pertains to the game, a GM announcement will be made 2 hours prior to Day End announcing whether or not they lied about the game during the day.

    You are Town. You win if all roles that are hostile to town are eliminated.



    You are one-shot Bulletproof. Every night, you may choose X players to search, or one target to kill. The number of players you search is equal to the number night you are on. In other words, if it is night 2, then you can search 2 players. This search can be redirected and suppressed, but not protected against. You will know if the search was successful, and the names of those you searched in case you were redirected. The beast will know that you found it, but not who you are. Your kill action cannot be redirected, and pierces the beast's tough hide completely, but so can the beast to you. If your kill action did not strike the beast, it will fail. When the beast is defeated, your killing power expands to any player, but does not pierce normal protections.

    Ability: Purity. You are keeping a great calamity at bay. It is actively searching for you and is a threat to Town and Mafia alike. You will know if it finds you, but not who it is. The beast will become active starting on the fourth day if you do not find it in time.

    Move: Recycle. One-shot, select a target during the day. If the target used up their Move, they gain its use back. They will not know who did this. You can continue to use this power until it successfully restores a Move's use.

    You are Town. You win if all roles that are hostile to town are eliminated.

    Some aspects of your nighttime power take elements from Cop (but for a specific role, rather than mafia) and Vigilante.



    Select a player. You can make that player's actions undetectable to tracking roles, and turn up as "Mafia," "Innocent," or "Other" to analysis roles as your choice. Once per night, a single member of the Mafia may choose to target a player to kill instead of performing their other night actions. You may speak to other mafia members freely in a private group chat, but only at night.

    Ability: Shadow Fighter. You are invisible to all normal tracking powers.

    Move: Shadow Sneak. One-shot. At night, select a player to Mark instead of performing your normal night actions. You will know who became Marked. In the middle of the day phase, that player will be abruptly eliminated without indicating who was responsible. This cannot be protected against by normal means, but can be redirected during the nighttime selection phase. This elimination takes place during midday.

    You are Mafia. You win when the mafia's unanimous presence is logically guaranteed at the end of the day. The full mafia team is SparklingEspeon, unrepentantAuthor, Sinderella, and Persephone.

    Aspects of your role are similar to a Ninja and a Daytime Vigilante.

    Chibi Pika:


    If you are immortal: You may choose to either search two players or attempt to kill one player. If that player is not Celebi, the kill fails. Searching will inform you if either player is Celebi. You will know who you ended up searching. If you successfully target Celebi, your attack pierces bulletproof. You will know when Celebi is eliminated.

    If you are mortal: You may choose to kill up to two players at night. You may also choose to kill one player during the day. However, everyone will witness the day-kill, and if it is done when less than 8 hours remain, the day will be extended by 8 hours. Declare this kill via a private DM.

    Ability: Shadows within. So long as Celebi is active, your powers are sealed, but you are also completely immortal to night and day kills. Celebi can pierce your immortality. You become mortal when Celebi is killed, or when the third night passes. You will always be immune to your own attacks.

    Move: Shadow Storm. One-shot. You can choose to perform your night action twice in one night, or your day action twice in the same post.

    You are neither Town nor Mafia. You win if you are the last player standing.

    Aspects of your power are similar to a Serial Killer.



    Target a player. That player will have a mark (any simple shape or symbol) on their chest, forehead, or equivalent location of your choice. This will be visible to all players, disables invisibility modifiers, and cures the Void Shadow status. This mark disappears at the end of the next day.

    Ability: Radiance. When eliminated at night, all players who interacted with you will be given a bright Mark of Necrozma, which cures the individuals of the Void Shadow status and disables Invisibility modifiers. This mark otherwise has no effect, but is visible to all other players, and fades after one day.

    Move: Light that Burns the Sky. One-shot, which can only be activated upon death. Immediately after your Radiance is activated, you have until the first half of the next day to select a player who has the Mark of Necrozma. That player will be given an additional vote, confirmed to be from you, during the day phase.

    You are Town. You win if all roles that are hostile to town are eliminated.



    During the night, you are immortal. During the day, your final vote will give a player 1 Dread if they survive. At night, you must select a player. Your target will gain 2 Dread. In any instance of players gaining Dread, they will know their Dread count at the end of the day or night, but not who you are or where it came from. Players with 4 or more Dread will be unable to use their Pokemon Card action until their Dread is cured. Players with 6 Dread are eliminated.

    Ability: King of Nightmares. You are Town, but informational roles will read you as Mafia. Any players that interact with you at night gain 1 Dread. If you are eliminated, all Dread goes away.

    Move: Dark Void. One-shot, change immortality's effective time from night to day permanently. This action can be performed at any point during the game, day or night, via this conversation thread.

    You are Town. You win if all roles that are hostile to town are eliminated.

    Aspects of your passive ability are similar to a Miller.

    Just a Torchic:


    At night, select a target. That target will be cured of all their Dread. That target cannot be killed for the night by normal means.

    Ability: Lunar Wings. You are immune to Dread. Players that interact with you are cured of 3 Dread. If you Heal the Dread source, you will permanently disable their King of Nightmares passive ability against Town and other anti-town passive abilities. They will be informed of this, but not who you are.

    Move: Protect. One-shot, select a player to guard. This is a sure-shot technique that cannot be redirected, but can be pierced by Strong attacks. When doing this, along with protecting the target from being killed by normal means for the night, you will also be protected.

    You are Town. You win if all roles that are hostile to town are eliminated.

    Some aspects of your role are similar to that of a Doctor.



    Select a player. At the end of the night, you will be able to see their card information in full. Once per night, a single member of the Mafia may choose to target a player to kill instead of performing their other night actions. You may speak to other mafia members freely in a private group chat, but only at night.

    Ability: Pressure. Anybody who attempts to gain information from or about you through normal means will instead receive "No Result."

    Move: Miracle Eye. One-shot. When used, your power cannot be suppressed or redirected, and in addition to learning the user's card information, you will also learn their entire history of what gameplay actions they performed and are aware of in their private messages.

    You are Mafia. You win when the mafia's unanimous presence is logically guaranteed at the end of the day. The full mafia team is SparklingEspeon, unrepentantAuthor, Sinderella, and Persephone.

    Aspects of your power are similar to a Role Cop.



    At any point during the day, you may choose to select a player and guess up to 5 of their card abilities. If you successfully guess 3 of them, that player becomes a Puppet, and they are informed of this, but not who you are. Being a Puppet does not affect their gameplay unless you use Psyshock. All players aligned to you will be released from their Puppet status if you are killed. The attributes that must be guessed:
    -General active ability (A sentence or two that accurately describes their capabilities during the day or night)
    -General passive ability (A sentence or two that accurately describes their passive ability)
    -General one-shot ability (A sentence or two that accurately describes their one-shot ability)
    -Card species (example, yours is Calyrex)
    -Whether or not the one-shot ability has been used yet (Yes or no)
    Every time you make a guess, you will be informed which ones are wrong. If make a total of 3 incorrect guesses for any attribute, you can no longer make guesses for the rest of the day and any pending guesses will yield No Result. When night falls, you must rest, and cannot make guesses. If a unit has multiple things for a category, you must describe at least half of them including the primary aspect with accuracy.

    When a player becomes a Puppet, they will see the following message:

    "You feel mental strings attach to you like a puppet's. The strings are loose, for now, and you are in control. Yet you feel that if too many others get these strings, its force will become overwhelming, and someone else will seize control and victory."

    Each night, you must predict if a player will try to kill you. If this player attempts to kill you during that night, you become immortal for that night, and that player becomes a Puppet.

    Ability: Noble Mastermind. You appear as innocent to any normal analysis powers, and you are never seen as interacting with anybody.

    Move: Psyshock. One-shot. At night, select a player that is a Puppet. Gain full knowledge of their card, gameplay knowledge, and current statuses. Then, on the same night, dictate their night actions. You cannot expend a player's Move. The player will not know you did this, and fails if the player performed a Strong action.

    You win when the majority of the living players are Puppets at the start of the night.



    Select a player. At night, you will learn who, if anyone, that player targeted, but you will not know what they did.

    Ability: Soul Dew. Among the players is Latias. You will not know who this player is until you investigate them. Whether you discover Latias or not, if Latas dies, you will become unblockable and Immortal for one night, but also known to the mafia on the next day.

    Move: Soar. One-shot. You may choose to forego tracking someone for the night in exchange for searching three people to confirm if they are Latias.

    You are Town. You win if all roles that are hostile to town are eliminated.

    Your nighttime power is similar to that of a Tracker.



    Select a player. At night, you will learn who, if anyone, targeted that player, but you will not know what they did.

    Ability: Soul Dew. Among the players is Latios. You do not know the player until you investigate them. Whether you discover Latios or not, if Latios dies, you will become unblockable and Immortal for one night, but also known to the mafia on the next day.

    Soar: One-shot. You may choose to forego watching someone for the night in exchange for searching three people to confirm if they are Latios.

    You are Town. You win if all roles that are hostile to town are eliminated.

    Aspects of your power are similar to a Watcher.



    At night, you may select a player. That player's actions will be suppressed for this night; the next night, they will be able to perform two actions. The player will be informed about this occurring, but not who caused it.

    Ability: Timekeeper. Any attempts to suppress or pause your actions or the actions of your targets' hasted turn will not work.

    Move: Roar of Time. One-shot. Use this through a private message during the day to skip the next night phase.

    You are Town. You win if all roles that are hostile to town are eliminated.



    Your final vote against someone during the day qualifies as a daytime interaction. Once per night, a single member of the Mafia may choose to target a player to kill instead of performing their other night actions. You may speak to other mafia members freely in a private group chat, but only at night.

    Ability: Energy Drain. You are immortal during the day if a "Mewtwo" card is active. You are immortal during the night if a "Marshadow" card is active. You gain the normal actions of any player that interacts with you and any player you interact with. Not all abilities can be copied. You can only use one copied ability per night and one copied ability per day, when applicable.

    Move: Darkest Day. One-shot, to be used instead of your normal action or factional kill at night. Skip the next day phase entirely and bring about a second night phase. This power can only be used starting on Night 2.

    You are Mafia. You win when the mafia's unanimous presence is logically guaranteed at the end of the day. The full mafia team is SparklingEspeon, unrepentantAuthor, Sinderella, and Persephone.

    Your role is similar to an Absorber.


    Dark Matter!

    At night, target a player. The target will, without their knowledge, acquire the Void Shadow status. Your final vote during the day will also grant that player the Void Shadow status, if they survive to nightfall.

    Ability: Voice of Darkness: Your alignment is neither Town nor Mafia. If you and your Hold are both killed, all Void Shadow statuses are cured. The first normal attempt to kill you at night will instead be nullified and give the killer the Void Shadow status. You will be informed of this, but not who tried to kill you.

    Shadow Hold: One-shot. Forego your night action. Instead, select a player. Grant that player a special, incurable Void Shadow status. The player will be informed of your identity and their win condition will be changed to yours. This attack fails against Necrozma, but is otherwise unblockable. If you are killed but this player remains, the Void Shadow status remains on all active players that had been infected, the Hold player will be informed on who they are, but no new Void Shadows can be formed. The win condition becomes to remove non Void-Shadow players until a majority of Void Shadow players remain.

    Win condition: You win if you and living Void Shadows make up the majority of living players.

    Your power has similarities to Cult Leader, but you do not nullify the powers of any Void Shadows.



    Once per night, you may send a thought to Darkwhite via a private message in this conversation thread. You can only ask questions that pertain to the game's setup BEFORE powers being distributed; therefore, answers about the current setup ("How many scum are left?" or "Is Player scum?") will not work. Darkwhite will be obligated to tell you a truthful, non-cryptic, and unambiguous answer when possible. Additionally, Darkwhite's answers are only obligated to be one or two words long, though she may choose to answer longer.

    Ability: Sacrificial: When your One-Shot is expended, you are eliminated from the game without fail.

    Healing Wish: One shot. Immediately following a successful kill, you may revive that killed player. This can also restore their Move Card if they used it. This MUST be done on the user's FIRST post after the day begins and the player is killed, and must be done within 24 hours of the kill being announced. If instead this is done for a vote-kill, it MUST be done immediately following the vote and kill results, as a private message in this conversation thread before 24 hours into night, which will result in that character returning to life on the following day. To activate it during the day, you must state, "I wish for [character] to return!" Generally, players will not know who killed them.

    You are Town. You win if all roles that are hostile to town are eliminated.

    Aspects of your power are similar to that of a variant Reviver.



    At any time, you may ask a player that was killed on the previous phase a single yes-no question. The dead player can answer with yes, no, unknown, or choose not to answer. You cannot use this power more than once per day-night cycle. If you use it on Night 2, you can use it on day 3. But if you use it on Day 3, you cannot use it on Night 3. This power must be used on the first 24 hours of any given phase.

    Ability: Life and Death. If Persephone (Yveltal) dies, so do you. Yveltal is Mafia. You are Town. Yveltal is also aware of you and your circumstances. If any non-Yveltal non-Town players interact with you, their powers are suppressed on the next night, even if you are killed.

    Move: Geomancy. One-shot. At night, you may target a player and give them a Strong modifier to their night action. This means that the power cannot be suppressed or redirected by normal means. This can be used independently of your normal power.

    You win if you and Yveltal are the last units standing.

    Your role has similar aspects to Tragic Lovers, Strengthener, and Oracle.



    You and Flyg0n (Xerneas) share a single one-shot bulletproof attribute. Once per night, a single member of the Mafia may choose to target a player to kill instead of performing their other night actions. Additionally, you may choose to kill in addition to this factional kill, even if you are also performing the factional kill. If successful, you cannot repeat this non-factional kill two nights in a row. You may speak to other mafia members freely in a private group chat, but only at night. You may NOT speak to Flyg0n privately at any time, unless you are the only Mafia member remaining, in which you may then communicate at night.

    Ability: Life and Death: If Xerneas dies, so do you. You are Mafia, but that is not your true alignment. Xerneas is Town, and is also aware of your circumstances. To win, only you and Xerneas can remain. It is in your best interest to not reveal your Town ally to the rest of the Mafia, nor your true alignment.

    Move: Oblivion Wing. One-shot. Select two players to kill. If two players are killed as a result of this power, you and Xerneas become immortal for that night. This is separate from your factional kill, but must be done instead of your independent, non-factional kill.

    You win if you and Xerneas are the last units standing. The full mafia team is SparklingEspeon, unrepentantAuthor, Sinderella, and Persephone.

    Your role has similar aspects to Tragic Lovers.



    At night, you may select from the following list of four one-shot abilities to perform at night. All of these powers have a risk of being suppressed or redirected by the actions of other players.
    Life Dew: Select a player and protect them from kills for the night.
    Imprison: Select a player and suppress their standard power for the night.
    Psychic: Select a player to kill at night.
    Baton Pass: Select a player and redirect any actions performed on you to them instead.
    Struggle: Can only be used when all four other moves have been used at least once. Visit a player. They will know you visited, but nothing else.

    Ability: Synchronize. If someone uses a power against you that matches one of your powers, that power's use will be restored.

    Move: Metronome. One-use. Use another move that had already been used. This version of the move cannot be suppressed or redirected.

    You are Town. You win if all roles that are hostile to town are eliminated.

    Your powers take aspects of the Jack of all Trades. Your sub-powers are similar to a Doctor, Roleblocker, Vigilante, self-targeting Deflector, and Visitor.



    Select two players at night. Anyone who targets one player will instead be redirected to target the other, and vice versa.

    Ability: Impressionable Prince. When an endgame state is reached, and you are still alive, your alignment will shift to the winning faction.

    Move: Heart Swap. One-shot. You can select two targets at night. This cannot be suppressed or blocked, but it can be redirected. You will know the true targets of who you selected. You then gain knowledge of whether or not their Win Condition is different to each other. They will be made aware of each other in the same way. This can be performed alongside and separately from your normal night power, on the same night.

    You start off aligned with neither Town nor Mafia. You win if you survive to endgame.

    Aspects of your power are similar to Bus Driver.

    Day 1:

    Inkedust: Guess Dave (3 correct guesses. Dave becomes a Puppet!)
    General Active: Can increase a player's "Dread" through either voting for someone, targeting them at night or being targeted. At 4, the target cannot use their action and are eliminated at 6.
    General Passive: Miller. Appears Guilty on Investigation results.
    Card Species: Darkrai.

    Inkedust: Guess Bluwiikoon (1 correct guess, 2 incorrect guesses.)
    General Active: If they cast a vote for someone but that player is not eliminated at EoD, that player will receive an additional passive ability. However, that player will not know what that ability is.
    Card Species: Based on flavouring, I'm going with Victini.
    Used their one-shot: No.

    Inkedust: Guess Just a Torchic (2 correct, 1 Not Enough Information)
    General Active: Capable of curing the "Dread" status of a player who has been afflicted by it--most likely by selecting a player at night.
    Card Species: Cresselia.
    Used their one-shot: No.

    Inkedust: Guess Just a Torchic (same results)
    General Active: Capable of curing the "Dread" status of a player who has been afflicted by it--most likely by selecting a player at night, or working just like the Darkrai card just with the status decreasing rather than increasing. So, down by 1 when voting for someone and down by 2 when targeting someone with a night action. If the two are counterparts, then taking a night action to decrease Dread is mandatory.
    Card Species: Cresselia.
    Used their one-shot: No.

    Bluwiikoon final vote -> Bench (Void Shadowed)

    Vote result: No elimination.

    Night 1:

    Blossomleaf: Inspect bruh moment. Result: Not the beast.

    Chibi Pika: Inspect unrepentantAuthor and Equitial. Result: Neither are Celebi.

    Seren: Apply “diamond” symbol to Chibi Pika.

    Dragonfree: Apply Dread to ShiniGojira (2 total)

    HelloYellow: Block unrepentantAuthor!

    unrepentantAuthor: Inspect Panoramic_vacuum. Result: No Result—suppressed by Dialga! (2 actions on night 2)

    Inkedust: Predict Panoramic_Vacuum will try to kill. (Incorrect)

    Bench: Soar! Inspect Seren, Sinderella, and Equitial. Success! Equitial is Latias! Sinderella gains Tracker.

    Bluwiikoon: Shadow Hold on Dragonfree! (Dragonfree becomes Void Shadow Minion, alignment shifts to Dark Matter’s. Gain 1 Dread)

    Windskull: “How many Anti-town cards are in the game, combined? (Mafia members plus hostile third party roles)”

    Answer: Darkwhite grumbles, apparently not happy with having to follow her own rules. She flips through the deck of blank cards, reading through them, counting up slowly while muttering to herself. She giggles at a few of them, of course.

    "Seven." Then, after a pause: "Hostile means... the only time they win is when you also lose."

    ShiniGojira: “Life Dew” on Dragonfree. (Gain 1 dread; protect Free)

    Equitial: Watch ShiniGojira. You see: Dragonfree.

    SparklingEspeon: Cloak Sinderella, make read as innocent.

    Bruh moment: Truth-check Dragonfree’s statement, “So apparently I'm what's called a 'miller', which means anyone who investigates me is going to be told I'm with the mafia even though I'm fucking not.” Result: Truth.

    Starlight Aurate: Inspect Bluwiikoon. Result: Third Party.

    Flyg0n: No Action Submitted.

    Sinderella: Kill Equitial (Equitial killed; Sinderella gains Watcher power.)

    Just a Torchic: Night action intentionally not used.

    Persephone: No Action Submitted

    Panoramic_Vacuum: Night Action intentionally not used.

    End of night statuses:

    Equitial eliminated

    Void Shadows: Bench, Dave (Hold)

    Day 2 status:

    Inkedust guesses:
    Dragonfree (Two incorrect, two correct)
    General Active: Capable of curing the "Dread" status condition of those afflicted by either voting for a player or targeting them at night, as well as protecting them from gaining any more Dread that night if targeted at night. Dread will decrease by 1 if the former and 2 if the latter. If the target had 4 or more Dread and was targeted by this ability, then the target will be able to use their abilities again.
    Card Species: Cresselia.
    One-shot: Resets every player's Dread to 0.
    Used their one-shot: No.

    HelloYellow: (Two correct, one incorrect, out of guesses)
    General Passive: Role cannot be blocked by any interfering roles (does not include swaps/deflections).
    Card Species: Diancie.
    Used their one-shot: No.

    Sans final vote: Blossomleaf

    Curernt Void Shadows: Bench, Dragonfree, Blossomleaf

    Day 2 logs: Nothing of note. Nobody was voted to be eliminated.

    Night 2 logs:

    Panoramic_Vacuum – Swap Inkedust and unrepentantAuthor

    Starlight Aurate: - Check Panoramic_Vacuum (Third Party)

    Bruh moment: - “I currently have 3 dread and I'm town.” From ShijiGojira. Result: Truth.

    Blossomleaf: Investigate Persephone and Sparkling Espeon (neither are the beast)

    Sparkling Espeon: Cloak Sinderella, make read as innocent.

    Chibi Pika: Search Sinderella and Inkedust (Neither are Celebi) (Sinderella does not acquire a power – third party) (Inkedust swapped to Jackie, Chibi Pika is told)

    Seren: Mark Bench (Diamond of light)

    Dragonfree: Dread SparklingEspeon

    Just a Torchic: Protect! Chibi Pika and Just a Torchic are both protected.

    unrepentantAuthor: - Investgiate Bluwiikoon and bruh moment

    Inkedust: Who will kill her? Windskull. (Incorrect)

    Bench: Track HelloYellow (Interacting with Flyg0n!)

    HelloYellow: Suppress Flyg0n

    Sinderella: Kill Inkedust (Swapped to unrepentantAuthor!)

    Bluwiikoon: Void Shadow on Just a Torchic (ignores Protect)

    Windskull: Question: is there a non-hostile role that prevents marks from being placed on a player by voting for that player?
    Answer: Darkwhite giggles madly, perhaps still working off the chaos that had happened the night before. She finally actually replies: "Nope!"

    Flyg0n: - (Suppressed by Helloyellow, hasted Night 3)

    Persephone: - Kill Bench (Immortal for Night 2, no kill!)

    ShiniGojira: No action recorded

    End of night status:

    Curernt Void Shadows: Dragonfree, Blossomleaf, Just a Torchic

    Bench eliminated

    Day 3 status:

    Inkedust guesses:

    AbraPunk/HelloYellow (All three correct, Puppet)
    General Passive: Role cannot be blocked by any interfering roles (does not include swaps/deflections).
    Card Species: Dialga.
    Used their one-shot: No.

    Shini (Three correct, Puppet)
    General Active: Jack of All Trades. Once a night, the player can use one of four abilities: Deflector (self-targeted), Doctor, Roleblocker, and Vigilante. These abilities can only be used once.
    General Passive: Regains a use of an expended active ability if they have been targeted by said ability (e.g. If they were to heal someone, the player would be able to use that heal again if they were targeted by a Doctor).
    Card Species: Mew.
    One-Shot: Can make one of their active abilities Strong.

    Windskull (Two correct, one incorrect)
    General Active: Oracle. Once per night, the player may ask the DM one question about the game's setup, which the DM must answer truthfully. The oracle may not know about things that occur during the game, meaning that "how many hostiles are there?" is a valid question while "is [player] a [role]" is invalid.
    Card Species: Uxie.
    Used their one-shot: No.

    Windskull (Two correct, one incorrect)
    General Active: Oracle. Once per night, the player may ask the DM one question about the game's setup, which the DM must answer truthfully. The oracle may not know about things that occur during the game, meaning that "how many hostiles are there?" is a valid question while "is [player] a [role]" is invalid.
    Card Species: Channeling my PMD knowledge and going for Kyurem.
    Used their one-shot: No.

    Seren (Two correct, one incorrect – out of guesses)
    General Active: Once per night, this player can choose another player to mark. This mark protects the target from a status caused by a card that is the counterpart to this one. I am guessing that this role is a kind of Firefighter and that this card's counterpart is an Arsonist. This mark cures the priming. Only one player can be marked at a time and this mark will vanish off the target once a new one is chosen. The affected player is given a visual indicator that the action went through via a shape of the user's choice.
    Card Species: Necrozma.
    Used their one-shot: No.

    Puppets: 3/19

    Flyg0n questions to Bluwii:
    1. Hello Bluwii! It seems I get to ask questions of the deadfolk, and I get one truthful answer. Did you send out invites or recruit anyone to the Super Sans Club other than Inke, Blossom, & Bench/folks you publicly stated? (Yes)

    2. I get two questions bc someone gave me a boost! Do your invites grant any kind of power/ability or alter alignment going forward in any way? (No)

    Elimination: Bluwiikoon, third party.

    Night 3:

    SparklingEspeon: Cloak Persephone (Town)

    Windskull: is there a town JOAT with healer, vig, deflector, and role blocker?

    Answer: Darkwhite nodes sagely, looking more bored from this question, probably because the answer is less exciting. "Yeah, yeah."

    Shini: No action recorded.

    Bruh moment: Pano, "It sucks, and I know I've made mistakes, but I'm not one of the seven hostile players."

    Answer: This utilizes some context clues. "Hostile players" is following the definition presented by Windskull, where they have a win condition that is incompatible with town. With that context, assuming it is true from Windskull to begin with (to the public's best knowledge...)
    You see... Truth.

    Panoramic_Vacuum: Swap Blossom and Bench

    AbraPunk: Block Seren

    Just a Torchic: Protect AbraPunk

    Blossomleaf: Inspect Starlight_Aurate, Panoramic_Vacuum, and Bench (None are the beast – Bench reflected back to Blossomleaf)

    Inke: Guess Blossomleaf will try to kill. Incorrect.

    Bench: Track Blossom. See: interaction with Bench (Redirected to self – see an interaction with yourself from you tracking yourself)

    Persephone: Faction kill on Dragonfree, personal kill on Windskull (Succeeds on Wind, cannot use personal kill on Night 4; kill on Free fails, gain 1 Dread.)

    Seren: Mark Inkedust (Same shape – suppressed by AbraPunk)

    Starlight: Inspect Blossomleaf (See: Town)

    Chibi Pika: Kill Blossomleaf (Kill fails – it struck Bench instead!) Chibi becomes mortal and power is fully unleashed.

    Sinderella: Target Shini with Tracker power (See: Nobody; gain JOAT powers)

    Dragonfree: Dread Starlight

    End of night status:

    Windskull eliminated

    Curernt Void Shadows: Dragonfree, Blossomleaf, Just a Torchic, Inkedust

    Day 4 status:

    Tetra asks Windskull: Is there a role that can kill multiple times per day?

    Answer: Unknown

    Inkedust guesses:

    Just a Torchic: (Three correct, one incorrect, Puppet)
    General Active: Doctor. Once per night, the player may choose someone to protect. Assuming no interference, that player will be protected from being eliminated that night.
    General Passive: Cures the Dread of any player who targets them.
    Patron: Cresselia.
    Used one-shot: Yes.

    Starlight Aurate (Three correct, Puppet)
    General Active: Cop. Once per night, the player may choose another player to investigate. Assuming no interference, that player will receive knowledge of the target's alignment (Town, Mafia, Third-party).
    General Passive: Sees the number of players who interacted with them during the night.
    Used one-shot: No.

    Bench (Three correct, one incorrect, Puppet)
    General Active: Tracker. Once per night, the player may choose a target to follow. Assuming no interference, the player will see all the players the target interacted with.
    One-shot: The player turns invisible becoming immune to all night actions.
    Patron: Latios.
    Used one-shot: Yes.

    Panoramic_Vacuum (Three correct, Puppet)
    General Active: Bus Driver. Once per night, the player may choose two targets to swap. Any actions that would've targeted Player A would instead affect Player B and vice versa.
    Patron: Manaphy.
    Used one-shot: No.

    Blossomleaf (Two correct, one incorrect, out of guesses)
    General Active: During the night, the player is tasked with trying to find a hostile third-party player whose killing power will activate D4. The player has the option of either investigating a set amount of players to find this Third-party (the number being directly proportional to the night phase so 1 for N1, 2 for N2, 3 for N3, etc.) OR shooting a player at night to eliminate them. This shot cannot be blocked or redirected and only affects the aforementioned Third-party and will fail if used on anyone else.
    General Passive: One-Shot Bulletproof. On a night where the player would otherwise be eliminated, they will survive instead. This protection is broken once the player is targeted with a killing ability.
    Used One-shot: No.

    All Puppets are given a warning message at >25% of active players Stringed.

    Puppet count: 7/16

    Eliminated: Fray (Town)

    Night 4:

    Blossomleaf: SHOOT Inkedust (Failure…)

    Dragonfree: Dread Sinderella (+2)

    Just a Torchic: Protect Free (CURE King of Nightmares, anti-Town passives including Void Shadow. Miller cured!)

    Inke: Psyshock Starlight Aurate (gain full card knowledge) and then hijack. (Fails! Starlight used her one-shot.) Guess: Persephone (Guess incorrect)

    Fusion: Cloak Sinderella (Innocent)

    Bench: Track Sinderella (cloaked – see nothing!)

    Seren: Mark Pano and Dragonfree (Diamond)

    Starlight Aurate: Core enforcer on Dragonfree (Town lmao)

    Abra Punk: Block Panoramic_Vacuum

    Chibi Pika: Kill Panoramic Vacuum, Blossomleaf, bruh moment, AbraPunk

    Sinderella: Kill Just a Torchic (gain Dread power and Cure power)

    Panoramic_Vacuum: Sealed! But Heart Swap still works… Inkedust and Starlight become aware of their different win conditions, and Pano learns as well!

    Flyg0n: Deliberate no action.

    Persephone: Deliberate no action.

    Bruh moment: "My one shot draws all actions taken against my lover, including kill shots, onto me." – Persephone. Lie.

    Night end status:

    Void Shadows dispelled

    Eliminations: Panoramic_Vacuum, Blossomleaf, AbraPunk/HelloYellow, bruh moment, Just a Torchic

    Day 5 status:

    Inkedust guesses:

    Seren: Three correct, Puppet
    General Active:
    Once per night, this player can choose another player to mark to protect and/or cure them from the "Void Shadow" status condition. Only one player can be marked at a time and this mark will vanish off the target once a new one is chosen. The affected player is given a visual indicator that the action went through via a shape of the user's choice.
    Card Species: Necrozma.
    Used their one-shot: No.

    Flyg0n: (One correct, one incorrect, one needs more info)
    General Active: Once during the first part of the day, the player may ask a player who was eliminated during the previous night phase a question about any knowledge they might have. The recipient of this question can only answer with "yes", "no", or "unknown".
    Card Species: Ho-Oh.
    Used their one-shot: No.

    Flyg0n: (Two incorrect, one correct – out of guesses.)
    General Active: Once during the first 12 hours of the day, the player may ask a player who was eliminated during the previous night phase a question about any knowledge they might have. The recipient of this question can only answer with "yes", "no", or "unknown". Furthermore, a player cannot be asked a question if 12 hours have passed since their elimination.
    Card Species: Yveltal.
    Used their one-shot: No.

    Vote out: Inkedust (Strings are released)

    Flyg0n, to Blossomleaf: Can you confirm, is the beast in the group of Inke, Chibi or Sind and if you could not confirm, please answer 'unknown'?

    Answer: Unknown.

    Puppet count: 4/10

    Elimination: Inkedust (Puppet strings released)

    Night 5:

    Bench: Track Chibi (See: Interaction with Fusion.)

    Fusion: One-Shot mark for death on Dragonfree (it goes through)

    Seren: Mark Chibi (Same shape)

    Persephone: Personal on Fusion, mafia on Bench (Both work, cannot use kill on Night 6)

    Starlight: Inspect Flyg0n (Town), zero people interacted

    Chibi Pika: Kill Kora, only Kora.

    Sinderella: Darkest Day, skip to next nighttime

    Flyg0n: No action

    Dragonfree: Dread Fusion

    Night 5 results:

    Eliminated: Fusion/SparklingEspeon, Bench

    Day 6: SKIPPED (Darkest Day)

    Night 6:

    Seren: Mark Sinderella (Same shape) Death action: Instantly mark Persephone.

    Persephone: One-Shot against Seren and Sinderella, mafia on Chibi (All succeed; Immortality gained for the night)

    Starlight: Inspect Sinderella (Mafia), one person interacted, dead.

    Chibi Pika: Kill Starlight and Flyg0n (First succeeds, second procs Bulletproof (before Immortality)

    Sinderella: Vigilante shot on Starlight

    Flyg0n: No action

    Dragonfree: Dread Persephone (3 total)

    Night 6 results:

    Seren, Sinderella, Starlight, and Chibi eliminated.

    Day 7:

    Dragonfree: One-Shot, switch to Day Immortality

    Final vote: Persephone (4 dread)

    Midday: Mark of Death lands on Free, does not kill due to daytime immortality.

    Lynch: Dragonfree (No death due to immortality.)

    Persephone loses the ability to select actions; Flyg0n has nothing to do at night; Free is immortal at daytime; Free wins by default after Dread overtakes Persephone and kills, defeating both Lovers.

    Town Dark Matter Town Victory!
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